Gateway Session 1 - The Love Gateway

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Mary's taught on the Rev before the same teaching and this she's Mary I'm just gonna let you explain how you do this what we're going to start with is we're going to start with today the the love gateway and before we go to the love gateway though I'm going to go over a few things for those who don't know anything about the gateways and I think it's good to lay a foundation for these gateways because when I first heard about the gateways and I was being taught I had not a clue what a gateway was and so this teaching will help that and we'll have a little introduction time with some scripture references and teaching on the love gateway and at the end of the teaching we'll go to the love gateway and meet with Yeshua and go from there being led by the Holy Spirit of course and I'll usually take the same pathway into the gateways although it might vary at times and as we're led by the Holy Spirit to do that so if I don't know what something symbolizes that you are seeing at your gateway now look it up and I message that person with what that means or someone on the panel might know what it means and you can type it in the chat area there's a bar on the site on the chat area to type that in and I also have three Facebook sites one is well they're actually three ministry Facebook sites when it's called stepping beyond the veil the other one is stepping beyond the veil to Yeshua and I have a third one which is never-ending word besides personal Facebook's so it would be nice if you friended me on those on those sites so that we could stay in communication with one another and if I have to I message you I can find you just like that on Facebook well one person is on the panel is engaging at a gateway be sure to mute yourself because we don't want any distractions or background noise and that kind of thing because when I was on Mike Parsons I was on this panel and I happened to take my water and it made the ice make noise in my water as I was sipping and he muted me so we just want to be courteous to one another and just mute ourselves and and the other thing is we'll be meeting every other week which will be the second Wednesday and the fourth Wednesday of the month and this month I believe that the Dage is the 26th the 26th so in the following weeks we will begin with the spirit gateways and we'll do one gateway per session depending on the Holy Spirit if he wants to take you into the soul gateways we'll go there we'll go wherever he wants to go but for now we're going to take one gateway at a time there are eight gateways in the spirit gateways and it will take about four months to do all of them so cleansing our gateways is a commitment not only to Yahweh and to Yeshua but it is a commitment to yourself so just hang in there and before we go to your your gateway there will be a little teaching on each gate before we engage at a gate then we will step in and go to the specific gate for that week because people were taking me through gateways I had no idea what those gateways were for what to do with them I mean I was totally just lost so I an Dan's book - he doesn't define all the gateways so I've done the work and I even asked him to edit and I've got conference and Paolo was there I asked a minute I have got conference why did it he define each gateway and he says well I left that up to you and so I took it on I I defined every single gateway and by doing research etc so there are no restrictions on the Holy Spirit as we asked him to flow among us through and through us and whatever he would like to do among us he has Liberty and remember that we're all learning don't because don't concern yourself about making mistakes or saying the wrong thing it's all good and I must say that this teaching on the gateways began for me again with the in Clayton and who he wrote the manual gateways of the threefold nature of man and he also did an audio teaching on gateways these tools they've helped me to establish a piece of my own revelation springboarding from his teaching and I've been able to cleanse my own gateways as a result and come into my own revelation what the date raised me to me and as pollen has said I've taught these on the red and she couldn't believe it was for over a year that I taught these because we did one gateway a month and it was fun and I learned through it and so as I'm passing this on to you I'm hopeful that you will learn by doing and passing this on to others let's begin with the eye want to show you the chart the diagram of the Gateway there and he I guess he saw an in heaven I I'm not real sure but this is the gateway if anyone of you haven't seen it do you see it are you seeing that yeah okay so let me explain a little bit to you the the first gateway that we'll look at like I said earlier is the love gateway that's in the very center and its first love and it's the center of it is the glory of God and it reminded me of the scripture in Colossians 227 which says Christ in you the hope of glory so this glory is supposed to follow us through these gateways is to not follow but flow through us through these gateways in our spirit soul and body we'll talk a little bit about the spiritual embody and I'll give you a scripture for it later on when the glory isn't flowing out like a rivers it's it simply means that our gateways need to be cleansed now look at the diagram and in this diagram you'll see the purple round circle that's the spirit gateways and you'll see little arrows coming out of it even in the soul gateways you'll see these little arrows flowing flowing out and even in the body gateways the same so the reason is is so that the the gateways that we have in our spirit soul and body that are connected to the kingdom of God connected to God in us that they can flow out of us like rivers of glory that will affect all the people that we come in contact with don't even affect your own atmosphere so that you can flow with with with ease because we need that so when the glory isn't full flowing you know and you feel as though you you know you're you're kind of stuck so if you're not getting revelation say you're stuck and you're not getting revelation from the Word of God the Word of God is dry and it is strenuous to read it what you're gonna do is then you are going to go to your revelation gateway and you're gonna start cleansing that gateway okay so let's let's get rid of that diagram stop sharing okay and hold on let me look at our notes so we are made up of spirit soul and body now first Thessalonians 5:23 it's a it's a classic scripture most of us has heard it read or spoken about in sermons but this is what it says now made the very God of peace sanctify you completely and may your whole spirit soul and body be presented blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ the soul is the very life of man our soul communicates to the body from the spirit man your soul is a mediator that carries information from your spirit man to your body so your body can function in the physical world the spirit is the very power of the life source in us that is a reflection of God inside of us the spirit soul and body of man each has a gateway access or what I call sub gateway and the spirit gateways are prayer fear of God intuition revelation worship hope faith and reverence and we'll go over each one of these gateways as I have said so the gateways are doors portals entrances in our spirit that are connected to the kingdom realm there are places of authority power and Dominion and we either have authority power and Dominion and these in these places or we don't when we don't have authority through these spirit gateways it means they need to be cleansed so the Lord said to the Church of Philadelphia in Revelations 3:8 I know your works and he says see that's key I have set before you in the open door open door is key and no one can shut it for you have a little strength and little strength is key and kept my word and have not denied my name so what does a little Strait mean and how does it relate to the open door so a little strength means having little power and authority that these people they are limited by God by not stepping into the supernatural dimensions of the open door that God has provided for them yet they were faithful to keep his word on the earth no matter what they would not deny his name even when times were hard and the prerequisite was they had to see that the door was wide open for him for them the Lord had the door so wide open they couldn't miss it that they didn't even have to knock or turn the knob on the door they didn't even have a letter to deal with with the door but the door was so just so wide open to that and all they had to do was step in through the threshold he was given them an immature Wow an invitation from God to step into this open door to function from his kingdom or alongside the word and in his name their little strength was blinding them from seeing the door was open they had the letter of the law but not the spirit that gives life from 2nd Corinthians 3:6 they had the framework of the Word of God as a foundation that established them in truths they had that they didn't take the truth to another level though by receiving and entering into the open door it was an invitation to know him in a face-to-face encounter they knew his words and they would not deny his name the only thing they were lacking was functioning from the kingdom realm and why did the Lord he have to tell them the door was open why didn't they intuitively know that the door was open they would have become an effectual people for the Lord as a result of entering through the open door they would come into the knowledge of every good thing because every good and perfect things comes from above how do you get to the good interpret thing you just go there simply you go there so Paul said this when a door was open to him in 1st Corinthians 16:9 for a great and effective door has opened to me and there are many adversaries and the series are those in the spirit realm who said who are set against us they for some reason he had a legal right to oppose the doctrine and and purpose of Christ in us so this is why it is necessary to friends our gateways the gateways of our spiritual and body are sexual doors just see them as effectual doors in your life they're meant to flow out of us like rivers of living waters of glory and influence those around us they need to be cleansed so that presence of God can float in without any hindrances and and the presence of God can also flow out of our gateways cleansing the spirit gateways just to give the spirit man influence over the soul and the soul has influence over the body something I really want to bring up is autosomes our autosomes in Zechariah chapter 3 Satan stood before the court of accusation opposing Joshua the high priest it's obvious all of Israel had DNA traitors while Jeff Shaw has stood there in filthy garments and represented the nation DNA triggers our black spots on our autosomes these autosomes are chromosomes that come from our parents so adversaries have been instigating triggers along family lines for generations and whatever I ancestors did the good the bad the ugly whatever they said profane evil wicked cursing blessing good bad or indifferent every breath each book every step they took their mood looks good or bad or ugly are all recorded in our DNA and I've wondered many times how does the enemy gain access to our spirit gateways and it is through these black spots in our DNA that the doors of the enemy that the doors for the enemy to use to push our buttons and our triggers so when they are pushed we wonder what is wrong with us that we don't understand what is happening we are blindsided at a great and effective door there are many adversaries because they are waiting to manipulate the triggers in our DNA and every trigger we don't and even triggers we don't know about so if your desired are a great effective door to be open to you in areas of hope and you're struggling with hopelessness this is a sure clue that the Gateway of Hope it is being blacked by some adversaries or it is being act in by some adversaries when this happens it's time to cleanse the hope gateway so and this is a really good way to expose the enemy for these gateways and do whatever is necessary at your gateways whether it's to cleanse it repent or can do whatever is necessary this takes the guesswork out of knowing where to go when we have these gateways in each gateway you will begin to function in the full potential of each one once they're cleanse a lot of us say well we're seeking the Lord and we're praying and we're worshiping or studying the word and we're reading the word we're doing everything we've been taught to do but there's just that one thing missing and the answer is to begin again at the first love gateway and find love again and in Revelations 1:5 it says to him who loved us and washed us from our sins in his blood and he has made us kings and priests to his God and Father so the first gateway we engage in is the love first love gateway this is where it begins engaging with Yeshua first so restoring that deeper love for him from this gateway let's see I'm going to skip over some things this is very important that some people they have very difficult times meeting and greeting Yeshua at the first love gateway did you know that Yeshua is the part of the Godhead that is related to our siblings and friendships if we had difficult times with their siblings or friendships some may not relate to Yeshua if we were betrayed by a sibling or friend early in life we may carry that into our a relationship or into a non relationship with Yeshua so in our growing we'll share with our siblings and our friends where we wouldn't share with person or parents or adults in the family so this all helps develop healthy relationships with others because we had it with their siblings and our friends I know in my own life I shared more with my friends that I did with with the adults in my family and if you have unhealthy relationship with siblings and friends it'll interfere with that relationship with Joshua we are filled with an extraordinary love at the first love gateway and every one of your members spirit soul and body are filled with his love there and every time you go through the first love gateway and meet your schewe your DNA responds to him it begins to transform slowly it might not seem noticeable at first but the more times you build a pathway in the first love gateway you'll begin to sense the exhilaration of the transformation that is taking place so this is interest was interesting to me and I'm almost done every time we have a new thought or thought of great consequence our brain develops new neural pathways so when we stop doing something or thinking on a thought the neural pathway is disconnected so we can frame our brain to do a specific task even to the point of not thinking it before we do it if we're if we've done it enough times it's like this if you get up in the middle of the night and it's dark you know the exact pathway to your rest room don't you you don't even have to see it you know it because your brain has been doing it new neural pathways all the and so now it's a set pathway in your brain it's the same thing when we take the same pathway in the spirit and we pounded it out and in the kingdom we can take it without even thinking it I know that there's been many times when I've just sat there haven't thought in my head about anything and suddenly I was taking that pathway that I had pounded out to step into the kingdom so when you keep taking the same pathway say through the first love gate you develop the pathway in your brain so what is happening your brain pathways are resonating with the spiritual pathways you've been initiated and the gateways are the perfect blend of equipping us to step in to see to cleanse our DNA and especially when accusations arise during that time when we're at a gateway we may might just even go to the court of accusation and take care of things they're soaked little cleanse our character cleanse places of power and authority and Dominion and moving forward in the Lord carrying his strong presence and his attributes so as we venture out to learn about each gateway and cleanse our gateways our destiny school scroll we begin to unroll and become more known to us so before we enter into the love gateway does anybody have any questions I know I kind of went through that pretty fast I so you know what I'll do I'll post these notes because I skipped some stuff I'll post these notes stepping beyond the veil to Yeshua so then you could go to that Facebook site and then you could find those notes and you could look at all right okay so there's no questions all right so let's some just close our eyes and take a deep breath and just relax for a moment and see yourself stepping into the kingdom realm taking that step forward stepping past the veil through the blood of Yeshua stepping into the first love gateway and at this gateway there is glory and there is Yeshua's there and he's meeting you he's greeting you with open arms walking towards you with open arms with this great big smile and you're just so happy and joyful and rejoicing and he is the same rejoicing over you and you're celebrating him and he is celebrating you and you're embracing one another you're just loving on one another you're kissing one another and you might have a few words with him telling him that you love him that you're so happy to be there to meet face to face with him and by this time he's taken your hand and he's waving his other hand and he's opening a portal and he's taking you to your first love gateway and you're standing with Yeshua now I need you to look at your gateway your first love gateway and some of you I see Yeshua's arm around your shoulders drawing you close to him but at the same time you're looking at your gateway this first love and you're seeing maybe a gate maybe a door maybe it's open maybe it's not maybe you're seeing vines along the gate you're seeing angels or even little dark spots thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord so who would like to go first and tell me what they're seeing or I'll just pick one of you Tim how about you um I'm like the map that's here in the book I just like I I was taken whoa I was taken in like in this 3d like I'm in there I don't know how to explain it in the spirit realm and I'm just I'm just seeing Jesus just you right next to me and we're just just talking about the day and the stuff that went on in my day and I'm just seeing glory come out of that Wow lots of anointing he's still talking to him I'm just it's amazing that I just feel a really intense corporate anointing here like I feel like people get pulled into the same thing almost and like I get texting in the spirit I don't know how to just a new thing okay all right so this 3d this three dimensions that you're in what I'd like you to do is I'd like you to take us first of all is it outside your gate or is it inside your gate um I would say it's right at the gate okay it's at the gate like I'm I met the first love gate and he's standing right outside my first love gate okay so what I'd like you to do is I'd like you just just take a step forward in this 3d dimensional thing and what are you sensing feeling just love like Justin like the intensity when I stepped in like there is an intensity of just building love then like it's like breaking down my just the pressure of the day and so I'm kind of reactivating to the spirit but it's like fake it's getting like vicar's I just so when you talked about just this thick love and the intensity of it what I saw were streaks of whirling light going into your belly into your very the very essence of your being and I heard this the seat of the government of rest and that seat of government of rest it's a mountain and the inside of you okay and that mountain on the inside of you there's a throne a scepter and a crown to rule and rest and this love dimension that you're in right now there's many more dimensions layered in in this but this one dimension that you're in it will take you through in rest it's a very it's a key for you mm-hmm I see a key like a royal key in your hand that's what I want to call it and I see it's gold and he has a tassel on the end of it like filling fire on my back now for some reason it shifted rest is sorry go ahead um the rest gate is what I've been really pursuing to last six to eight months really heavily like the banqueting table stuff I've been just devouring it every day and so yeah it's it's definitely a place that I'm and and like you just said it just being established or established thing just letting him be on I was just gonna say establishing the government of rest and youth through the love that's your key whoa so I guess the that is confirmation for you yes yes very much so right so what I'd like you to do is I'd like you to stay in dimension and then experience for a while staying that dimension for a while but experience the other dimensions just take a step forward or step sideways till you write it to your left and start experiencing those dimensions and what Yeshua is showing you okay all right nope so you do that and I mute yourself for me okay so are you ready or do you wanna wait a little while oh okay okay perfect how about you Tanya yeah oh you want me to describe what I see yes okay it's a it's like a shining white stone gate on the sides you know in the arch and then there's gold in the middle like gold bars you know like a typical gate and it's open but I'm not through it and Jesus is with me on the before we go through it but I can see past it just a lot of light you know like a golden light and some I could see like shadow or figures but they're not really clear on the other side all right yep shining stone you said is at the top of the gate it's the sides of it and then it forms up into an arch like pillars on each side and then an arch okay so what I see first of all let me ask you a question before I go out and what I'm thinking is there anything written on the arch I can't make it out okay so what is happening here since you have two pillars on each side of this white stone that is on each side right that is an arc it's arcing because when there's two things like that we are like in the Ark of the Covenant when there were the two angels together and their wings we're touching each other that caused an arc in the Holy of Holies and they're arcing what it did is it opened a portal to heaven so your first love gate is your portal to go even into greater levels of the dimension of the kingdom of God through that love right okay and the gold bars they called as solo that's very significant and a look at what gold gold is oh here gold I added something on gold gold is associated with that which is holy to God so there at that gauge you're going to find sanctification more learn more of the revelation of sanctification revelry Redemption righteousness everything that he purchased for you there's going to be a greater dimension of Revelation for you as you ascend through that portal in that arcane and then the pillars also represent a great foundation a wonderful foundation in your love for your Yeshua and the the gold also describes the nature of his word and his law yes from Psalm 19 9 and 10 and gold represents God because it speaks of his deity gold signifies a position so there's a position at your gate and it also signifies and speaks about spiritual wealth and greater anointings and and God's love and and that that gates with the gold bears it's saying that you recognize Jesus is deity and his kingship and there is also grace in it to yield to God's glory and presence so there's so much in the gold bars so now what I'd like you to do is I'd like you to go up to the gate I think you said it was open so pass over the threshold of that gate and step into their golden light and start walking around in that area and start to focus on some of those figures that are there because you're getting closer to them so are you seeing anything Tanya I see I guess an angel with a really long hair really dark colored hair real masculine face white robe with the gold sash on his chest sword on his back I don't see wings or anything but and a sword on his back so I say and I mean it's obvious that this is one of your warring angels and ask him to take his sword out and show you how to use it how or how he would use it and if you want to take it and ask him if he could show you how to use it and I saved this sword in the hand of this angel and I see him cutting strings I see strings dangling and and and literally what Yeshua is saying there are no more strings attached to anything so I don't know if people have tried to do something for you with the string attached something attached to it I don't know but all I saw was these dangling like string things and I saw the angel sliced them well that's awesome so are you seeing him wield his sword what does that look like the makes like an arc of one as it's moving around like he's making I'm sorry I felt that making like what I don't know up and down then back up you know like an infinity sort of sign good good good that's what I was looking for exactly yes yes so I see this angel at I'm standing in front of you with this sword being wielded like nobody's business and almost like its rotor the rotary on the airplane you know that goes real fast his sword is that's what I see is that what you're seeing yep okay so what is what he's doing is he's every dark that's coming against you to hurt you time you every dot the dark that you don't even know about that the enemy is throwing at you this angel is there to deflect those darts well yeah so I am wondering Tonya do you want to know when a kid takes a sparkler yeah oh good yeah go ahead no no you know like when a kid sparkler yeah like it when a kid takes a sparkler outside at night and you can still see the light from it after they're doing that it's like that infinity symbol he's doing so fast it's just like the light from it is just staying right there wow wow wow wow wow and what when you said that I got opening a portal to that sword could be used for so many things for you well so asked and you said like you'll see the light still in the dark mm-hmm even though you don't know what's going on even though you feel like you're in a place of shadows and dark whatever that angel can come in wield a sword and bring light in their place of darkness okay okay even if you're in the world wherever darkness is around you that angel is there too will deaths or to bring to light your way through I was going to say something else oh this is gonna say do you want to know what that sword feels like could you want to hold it in your hand because I really feel like the angel would let you do that it looks like it's gonna be too heavy I know that well your yeah your parents oh you carry air anything you want it you can hold anything you alright yeah he gave it to me good good good so what's going on I'm just looking at it it's got like symbols on it it's Genet but I can't make them out it's like gleaming gold handle yeah we need to mute somebody what's this phone call okay then off I guess so hold that sword in your hand have fun with this angel okay mm-hmm is there any question you have before I go on or no that was awesome any anything to add no so you kind of say yeah you could go further and your encounter at your gateway yeah that's really awesome thank you so much for elaborating on that stuff sure sure happy to do it Deborah are you ready yeah I think yeah then I've been standing there and it's like I I can recognise Yeshua there I the face isn't clear but it's the white dazzling white robe that I'm really aware of and around the Gateway I'm seeing and actually smelling red and white roses it's just kind of immersed in that it's just surrounding the gate and that's kind of where I'm at right now it's just feeling his love and I don't get roses anymore so it's really neat to see these roses okay so let's see I know I have roses and roses and you said you saw white roses red rose and white roses one thing I know about red roses is they represented an anointing an endowment of the Holy Spirit okay also they represent a love relationship between you and Joshua especially the red because when a man brings you yellow roses he's only saying I want to be a friend but when he brings red roses he's serious and it's more of a romantic gesture so that's what your shoe is saying to you was more romance between you and him more intimacy yes with him and it's a symbol of his deep love for you and your deep love for him yes and it sends the red roses sends the strongest message of love and it's true look that is stronger than even the thorns on the rosebush or on the rose step let's see like I said the red rose says I love you so he's saying to you I love you and you're saying to him I love you yes it's beautiful so beautiful and I don't know did you kiss any of the roses do you wanna kiss the roses because the Roses when you kiss a rose it's a representation of a fun-loving woman so just close your eyes and see Yeshua picking one of the roses off the red ones particularly handing you a rose and you're kissing the rose and you're literally be kissing the Rose of Sharon and the fragrance of that Rose is just permeating inside your nostrils inside the very essence of your being your sense of smell is being heightened and not agitated but just beautifully heightened to sense his fragrance when he's around and that others will sense their fragrance - yes and white roses are associated with marriage so there's a marriage that your love gate to go into the bridal chamber with him and white roses also represent purity and is associated with pure love and it also the color symbolizes respect between each other reverence between each other it also represents innocence and purity I think I think sees me yeah I see that and he did show up with a white dazzling robe on remember you said that yes well that white dancing robe just close your eyes for a moment because this is what I saw and sensed I saw him raising his hand and then I saw him putting very gently upon your shoulders and this dazzling color of white going through his arm into his hand into your shoulder down across your body and down your body and that he's dressing you with the same dazzling robe preparing you for the bridal chamber and I'll give you a little key in the bridal chamber there that there is an overshadowing that he does when you go into the bridal chamber where he reveals all of himself to you and that the both of you become one so I'd encourage you to go to the bridal chamber while we're here and if you have any questions before I move on I could help you with those okay all right Paula I mean Paulette yeah so what did you see can you hear me I could hear you very clearly yes okay what I saw is I walked through the gate I was arm-in-arm with Yeshua and we are getting to we are getting ready to walk like you know those long arbors that you walk through like a bride and a groom this Arbor goes on and on on this lush like acres of greenery and the arbor itself has covered all in roses know with color okay Andy I we are walking arm-in-arm we're locked like a bride and a groom I have this long white lace dress on and everything is beautiful [Music] that's it does anybody know anything about the Hupa that's what came to me the Hopa does anybody know anything about it a little bit share what you know so we could help all that oh my brother got married under one I know the Jewish it's a Jewish custom it's made out of oh darn it I can't I guess I don't know as many details as I thought I know what one is but now I can't remember the symbolism of it okay okay as you're thinking I'm going to share with Paulette when you said Hoopa I got something it is a covering that's for sure so what call out what I believe that yes she was trying to tell you is saying to you is that he's taken you under his covering and that you are his bride and they usually do a glass thing where they cover the glass with linen and they crush it and that means something too so I had to look that up but let me go to so let me go to the roses the pink roses and then I'm gonna see how what he says to me about this covering here right so pink roses represent is a symbol of grace and eloquence so what Yeshua is saying to you is that grace is going on and on and on and on for you and we when we hear grace with the gold grace I know about grace but this grace is a grace that comes right out of the kingdom that is laced with his with his love as a husband to you and he's your protector and he will provide for you in every way fashion and form as a husband would and in this this arbor that goes on and on it goes into it into infinity and you could even take steps and each step that you take you'll see another kind of a revelation popping out of the side of it and that revelation is going to speak to you about your relationship with him and that that relationship he'll tell you the ins and outs of your relationship with him he'll tell you what is hindering you from going into other levels of relationship with him and he'll even strengthen and undergird you in the relationship and I see even a signpost under that Arbor that says government and that he's going to show his bride you his government more of his government so that you can function as a bride in his government and I'm your throne as his right hand does that make sense to you yeah yeah yeah I think that's a good thing and and then in other areas you'll be walking and then there will be like a signpost at 6,000 and says new revelation and I want you to do this to do to go to get that revelation might give you a scripture you see and as his bride I know this about you is that you take care of his people when you see his people on the street whether they know Yeshua and that you take care of his people because he cares about them and you take care of him as a bride even as Esther dead she took care of the people in her nation whether they believe God and in Yahweh or not she was there to stand in the gap for them as the bride of the king and that's the same for you as the bride of the king and I'm glad that you took the initiative to watcher the gate so that expresses boldness in the position that you're in arm and arm hand in hand with him and it's a covenant of ketubah you know that ketubah that a bridal relationship if I were you I would go on the dance floor and go into the soaking room of preparation and and those places the bridal chamber and experience Yeshua going to the guarding of your heart and experience him as your husband as your king that's what he wants to reveal to you right and I will look up Hoopa and I'm going to look up that glass thing and what that glass thing means because that glass thing could mean that when they crack that glass together or step on that glass could mean their old life has passed away and now they have a new life and they're in their marriage that would be the same for you okay you have any questions all right who did we not do Deanna is the end of their whenever she's muted I could see her waving I see you Deanna are you muted I see you waving hey Deanna back to your sweetheart and I'll come back to you be Shalom that's that's Barbara oh ok Barbara Paula Jean have any input that you wanna share no I was just gonna say Dee's at my house so I'm gonna let her sit in my chair right here until Barba knows how to turn her okay no no no Kay okay hi hi so you saw well we were hand-in-hand at first he had his arm over my shoulder and we were just like cuddling and just talk to me about how much he loves me and then when we looked up he took my hand and I just saw the open hole and the angels were coming in and out of it and there were colors of white and almost like a glaze of light pink and real light purple and so many he was taking me into the up above like into the portal and we were together until he took leave and he was walking to the left of me and a couple steps ahead of me and then we were just kind of gently talking back and forth until we came to this huge enormous gate and it was gold and it was arched at the top and it came down and then the angels two angels went before us in honor of us and opened the gate and it was all right everything was white and I felt like peace joy and love and happiness and everything that was just pure andhrite and he kept telling me how he wanted to take me higher and so as we were going higher I just saw more light into yellow and then we just kind of kept going on up and then I just didn't see us anymore I didn't see a lot of images or items so who is going up both of us are going together the lorda knife so you're both going up and and you didn't see I didn't see where we were going no okay all right so what I got is your hand in hand with Yeshua arm and ours arm shoulder and you were kind of cuddling yes and then what happened after that uh he took my hand okay oh well the the Angels there were angels going in and out of I call it a portal okay a wide open hole like it was in the skies and they were coming in and out and then he took my hand and he was leading me and it says if he stayed with me and I just felt very highly protected okay and then he started to walk a couple steps ahead of me to the left okay what about the pink and the purple it was like a glaze a glaze light pink and we're real light purple almost like that light lavender oh okay and after the gate it was all white like we just stepped into a whole new realm and it was crisp and clean and just immaculate immaculate feeling of just being in a whole new industry one you said two angels have before you yes and open the gate and Reverend supposed to you yes pure white there was pure white light and was all white and it went into yellow yeah kind of a yellow yes and then we just kept going up and up because he kept telling me how he wanted to take me higher and higher and then it we just kind of kept going and it was just like it faded away we excited away together okay all right okay Diann so you and Yeshua being handed in here meaning that you are allowing him to lead you to guide you to take you wherever it is that he wants you to go and there is something about holding his hand that he just completely totally enjoys hand-holding and he looks forward to hand-holding I have some scripture but I have to look them up for you later and I could I messaged you on that but you're kind of cuddling arm and shoulder which represents of course like you said the protection but it also represents something maybe you didn't get growing up as such child that he's fulfilling that for you then that bet that gateway in that realm which is pretty awesome and pretty sensitive of him just loving that little child little girl on the inside of you so that the woman today can respond to him in the way that is wholesome and good for you and it took you by the hand leading or protecting you said that you saw an open portal with angels coming out of it in the skies that's really very key and awesome because it reminds me of Jacob's Ladder and Jacob's Ladder you know they refer to the DNA you know the letter J and so what the angels are doing is they're coming they're sending and descending on your behalf bringing the DNA of the father of Yahweh of God to you his written DNA in the form of what your destiny what your call is the tools that you're getting things that you're going to need and they're literally kind of playing with it and as Yahweh dictates to them they each have a pen in their writing and they're throwing the papers behind so the next angel in the next angel is writing with the whole what Yahweh is telling me so these angels are ascending and descending on their behalf bringing heaven to earth and bringing you from earth to heaven so that's pretty awesome that you have angels walking with you 24/7 did you see what they looked like what they were wearing uh they just look like they have the same colors okay pink and then light lavender it was a glaze there were just sighing okay and there were peace and joy and there wasn't any trauma barely there wasn't any um I didn't see a worrying angel I just saw everything was just pure well enjoy and that's just when I thought the whole time that I was there and knew right when we got to the gate the gate was so huge enormous but I felt like a little girl sighs well let's do something then let's just close your eyes for a moment damn as I say take a deep breath and see your spirit starting to grow see yourself starting to grow that's your spirit and the kingdom realm is growing and it's growing outside your body and it's growing bigger and bigger and bigger than even the room you're in and you're growing big enough to feel comfortable in the gate because what I'm sensing is when you get around leaders or people of importance or people have-have position or you think that they're better than you that you feel little like a child and and at this gateway that's what the Lord is showing you he's showing you that you're not little that you're not a child that he's called you to be a woman of God a woman so father I see the father's hand going on the inside of your belly I see him wrapping his hand around a tree trunk which represents generational things and I see him pulling that tree trunk out and it's a little hard to pull it out so what we're going to speak to the roots of this tree and we're going to say to the roots of the street we command the roots to rot in Yeshua's name so I see those roots riding do you see those roots riding yes I do now in the hand of Yahweh is now pulling that tree out that's not even bearing fruit for you clearing out the land on the inside of you he's taking this and the fire of the holy spirit has burned that thing up so it's not going to return again and if even he had some things in your mind in your motions in the in your forehead in the emotional realm that have antagonized you frustrated you and in so many ways I even see you pounding your fist on a table and saying why did these things happen to me and right now Yeshua is putting his hand around your forehead touching your forehead and he's dripping oil in those areas of your motions and he's even pressing his forehead against your forehead and that's a sign of endearment and it's a sign of I love you and he's breathing his breath into your mouth and he is that breath is just soothing the very essence of your being you're coming into a new place and Yahweh is reaching into your heart and he's massaging your beautiful beautiful heart and all the plaster Paris that has kept you in a place with that you felt maybe you were growing or he couldn't grow because of that one missing thing all of that plaster of Paris is just breaking off and he's giving you a new heart a heart of flesh and this is soothing your soul it's almost bringing circulation to you in the spirit realm I don't understand all this but this is what I'm hearing it's bringing circulation to you in the spirit realm circulating some things awakening some things reviving and restoring some things and renewing and it's not something you need to do he's doing it and those angels that are ascending and descending on your behalf of gathered around you and you're shooing Yeshua stepping to the left and that he steps of how to be ahead of you and the reason is is because you're lagging behind because of some things are around your heart but now see yourself or not lagging behind and not him walking to the left but walking by your side and you're keeping right up with him okay and this when two angels are reverence reverence towards you and and of course towards Yeshua but towards a human being they're just in obedience to the word that Yahweh has given them and when they go forth they blessed and they bless and they bless in the face of the enemy because see they take heed to the word of the Lord and so they've taken care of your enemies and they're opening up the gate wide for you to walk in without any hindrance without any distraction without any frustration without any any anything good thank you Lord and the pure light represents the purity of the the glory of God that that is to surround you and yellow represents cheerfulness and happiness and joy and I don't think you've had a lot of that in your life so I really believe that's why the yellow was there with the white and the clean like you had said the immaculate the just the awesomeness of the purity that is found in your Galway and in Yeshua and the Holy Spirit is in that light orchestrating and the angels under his administration and then what it was what goes on here now is that the end result is you're ascending higher into higher levels of his glory of his kingdom to engage and to encounter and to experience those higher realms and the Lord wants you to know there's nothing wrong with you you're good and I see him taking his hand and overshadow you with his hand you're good so Barbara do you have anything else that you would like to share before I move on are you good yes okay okay and I also have a desire in my heart we like that leaders okay I just started to show me that and teach me okay all right so he knows that desire he put that desire in your heart it's just a matter of getting equipped I don't know how much time you spend in the word I don't know if you study the word I don't know but all I know as it begins what the foundation of the Word of God and then through that framework of his word we develop and have relationship with him and we start ascending through the scriptures okay right just I hope that helps you I do it but I could you have more time with him yeah so you know good okay good all right all right so is Barbara ready I don't know if Barbara is ready so what about this phone number two four eight eight eight one one four five eight four I don't know who the name of that is who did I call who needs who wants to go next that'll be better barb can you hear me mm-hmm this is Paula can you hear me Paula you're talking but I can hear you okay what I was hearing was that barb is in ICU with her husband her husband's an ICU and she's distracted because of doctors coming in and out just go the bathroom to talk and anyway I don't think we should we should just let her be able to watch if she's on okay so I'll try to find out who this two four eight eight eight one person okay who didn't I get yet just you got everybody today so that phone number is the last one yep okay can you whatever whoever is this is can you unmute your phone and speak to us please do you think they're having technical problems or something Haleh I don't think that they're on here because they're the other like if you mute it it'll show like a little symbol over microphone with a slash through it that one's showing a little phone with a slash through it so I don't think you're actually on here maybe it was just part of the invite or something no I just called the number and it's Audra it's everyda Betts number but she's not answering so she must be tied up with doctors and stuff okay thanks Barbara all right who's the one in the who's that one with the picture of a little kid yeah that's barb - I don't know how she got okay that's her little son that died so Paula do you wanna do one or two okay my Kate was um great it's a great big arch but it's made of stone big stones like and usually when I miss my first love gate is always just don't arch and then it's got a like a wooden gate with two handles on it inside the arch but this time there was like a wear box or like a turret or something on top of the arch like a lookout thing I don't know what it was anyway I saw its it's covered with lots of lines and lots of flowers multi colors and is very beautiful and and I saw a lot of glory on the other side and activities of angels and I didn't wait for the door to open I just passed through it there's lots of glory lots of joy and angels everywhere and they were excited and I said to him but where where's my beloved they said come with us you know it was really romantic because you know I knew he was waiting for me and they were taking me through all these overarching dreaming things that you know like he was hiding okay and I had to pursue and I had to find him and finally I came to they led me to this crystal or diamond room where he was sitting on this bed and he beckoned me and put out his hand and told me to come sit down and hmm then we just did he took my hand and he and then we just started communicating mind to mind without speaking you know what I'm saying my thoughts were but I felt like I was like this he made me feel like I was on its level in other words he made me feel like I was his wife and I was his equal even though I'm but he also you know he also knows then I battle sometimes with insecurities and [Music] just not feeling like I'm not meeting where I should be where I really should be in the spirit did it yeah I was 1 to 2 cards for you I'm curious about the big arch and them made with these stones you know we're the stones like stones on earth there were they stones in heaven like stones in heaven lightly stones now they were like earth stuff there's the stones yeah yeah ok and earth door and I'm like this earthy person type person anyway I love stones and wood and water and that's kind of knows my taste ok alright so covered with vines and flowers speak about your gardens I know that so I would expect that almost you know to see them because I know that your gardener and that I would not be surprised if Yeshua had the Angels plan to all that for you and make the turret the top so that once you got into the gate could there possibly be steps going up so that you could do a lookout and be a watchman on the wall that's your love gateway and maybe even for others and they're at their love gateway to see what's coming what's going on and that's in what comes to me right now is the eagle how the eagle sees a would a binocular vision he sees way far far before anything happens and approaches him so you'll see it way out there and yes you'll we'll show you what to do but you'll you'll see it from a place of beauty from a place of a garden you see like the garden of your heart and I believe that you'll be a fragrance in that way to people that are around you people that you come in contact with and Paulo I really feel that as you come in contact with people even you don't know or people you know that you have the word of knowledge because you've already looked out across the way across the metal into the forest and into the sky and you saw what was coming what was happening for those particular people so when you talk to people and like you're looking at you you looking at like specific places on their body like maybe their ear you might see it because thinking why do I keep looking at their ear it's believe me it's a word of knowledge and you could just simply say to the person and I keep looking at your ear and I don't know why but I think that Yeshua has a blessing for you can I pray for your ear just something simple like that I see that happening for you just by just seeing that Torah and you saw Gloria on the other side of your love gateway of course the glory is going to be on the other side but the angels were excited to see you they were falling head-over-heels over you because they knew it was coming they knew the because they had been around you already and yeah Yahweh put them aside on assignment for you already there they're round you in your house they're round you wherever they go wherever you go rather and so when you stepped into that love gate they were excited she's finally here like hallelujah she made it she's here you know and so they're rejoicing that you're there and you asked them where is Joshua of course he is the delight of their heart as he is the delight of your heart and that he's he they said come with us he's waiting for you how wonderful is that to be ushered into face-to-face encounter by angels how wonderful that is and so you pass through the arches and I think you said he was hiding and that you had to pursue him playing hi hi go see Pat hide-and-seek bring out the kid nature in you you know and that's just absolutely fun fun fun and he he welcomed you into a diamond room and in this diamond room he said he was sitting on a bed so I feel like that diamond room was like an engaged engaging engagement with him cuz when you receive a diamond from a man and he's wants to marry you he's proposing he gives you a diamond my correct well I feel like that's what Yeshua is doing for you presenting a diamond to you in the form and the shape of a bridal chamber cool very cool and you were communicating thought to thoughts that's I believe for my own from my own opinion as I believe that's the highest form of communication between us and Yeshua yeah and you feeling like his equal you need to feel like that in the earth yeah I can feel that way in the heaven so spend more time with him sitting on that bed communicating thought to thought with him and that you'll begin to feel that and sense that and be that in the earth reflect that in the gentle earth being a reflection of him good so thank you so let's just say a little prayer before we end this meeting and just think we just thank you yes Sheila for every person and the panel here thank you for Paula for organizing this we thank you so much for your faithfulness for your goodness for the graciousness to speak to your people and to reveal to them your love for them bring them into a place now father through this through these encounters so that they can go deeper receive deeper revelation and even go into the deeper mysteries of the heart of Yeshua in Yeshua's name Amen thanks for showing me my
Channel: Mary Giangreco
Views: 1,330
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: gateways, Love Gateway, Assending, Paula Gateway Sessions, Gateway Sessions, How to do Gateways, What are Spiritual Gateways
Id: qgO_QzwzABQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 15sec (5955 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2017
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