Mike O'Hearn Full Interview | Natty Or Not, Falling Off Stage, & Joe Weider Advice

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[Applause] I was gonna ask you about your dogs yeah beautiful dogs man thanks for us well I've seen you a few times in Gold's Gym you bring a dog with you right or you used to one dog comes with me the one that you just saw Stryker comes with me everywhere and that's pretty cool cuz nationwide though actually uh Canada as well you take you take on Plager everywhere everywhere she does I was a service dog right what if she does yeah we do hospitals we will mr aniss hospital that's for those should go by and see the kids and all that can stuff so when i do guest appearances or anything like that we make a stop at the hospitals that's pretty cool yeah so it's interesting to see a dog in the gym like that no yeah I know it's a little mascot now though his people know what I mean yeah it's fun now so um I was gonna ask you when you go to those gym hold some right do you ever get approached by people like does that get does that interfere with your workout ever so you don't know what time I train at huh I think that five in the morning I serve or 4:00 a.m. nobody's there nobody there I don't turn the music on we leave the music off till about 6:30 when I'm done I'm sold school with this man I I love my workout I love my time that's my meditation so go early but yeah when I go back later yeah it's one of those things so what's up to go to sleep 8 o'clock 8 p.m. a p.m. up it through all up at 3:00 train done by 6:30 7:00 boom and then work from 7 o'clock in the morning till 8:00 at night so every day you go you go to bed yeah mm-hmm even when you're travel oh no that's a give and take man cuz I'm not on stage when I guess close until about 8:00 p.m. so that's a give and take go talk about home being I started that young my whole life yeah I started a paper out when I was 9 10 years old which I can't even fathom having my kid do that but yeah I said a paper route because of uh 10 brothers and sisters we just loaded up we had to help out so you you do a lot of uh you do a lot of guest posing right yeah that was a viral video of you like maybe Oh snare you went there man Wow I was going to film it we're done I was concerned I was those are footage of pretty crazy falling off the stage yeah yeah that's great are you ready to see the full video what happened after I fell yeah I don't know what you got up though I'm gonna give you the video I'll let you guys you know yeah but it's uh something happens but what happened you didn't it was like you were blinded by a little odd yeah I was it was a much shorter stage it was in a I guess a hotel and instead of like a convention center so the stage was much shorter and so I thought listen man I'm 51 so man maybe the eyes don't work as well but those bright lights and I thought I saw the edge of the stage guess what I did took a fall the actual judo helped me slap the ground you guys know what I mean by that if you know judo slap the ground and then whatever happened after that I'll let you guys yeah talk about that did you get hurt uh no you were good so I smacked the ground I jumped right up walked around jumped up on a chair and started posing did my guest routine and and the main thing was I was just mad at myself did the whole full full routine played it off so well that most people thought it was part of the Act got up on stage and I wasn't gonna stop on that one because that was my first one I got to be on stage with my son so it was my girl brought my boy tightened out on stage we posed together at the end and that was it did I get banged up yeah I got banged up but nothing broke well thank God yeah so many guest appearances you do on a stage a year it's round 25 it's about every other weekend as Crown Plus lectures and seminars on top of that I got to stay in shape oh you're that's a tough one though yeah because it's not old school mentality it's like you know then you should take a portion off get the carbohydrates back in the system mostly for me for my beliefs on longevity and nutrition and how it works but I got stay lean all year now all right one of the top five guys in the health and fitness world bodybuilding world pros that's traveling more than everybody else so so how do you what did you what is the the secret here I mean and also what kind of diet is because there's so many diets going on right now there's a vegan diet then as a keto diet and it's a carnival the grass and grow diet I eat err diets I don't know me so what are you doing out of you what do you do well in order to know that the number one thing that works for me and the people I worked with around the world is that carbohydrates needs to say and stay in the system you know how but he just keeps going away from him going away from they're bad they're bad they're bad this is one thing that I think is the greatest thing in the world and the more healthy people I meet the more I believe it and then also by transforming people that I work with around the world it's it's the carbohydrates it's key taking on the con okay what kind of car boy it's too much to go into on one section but it's basically just rice any kind of carbohydrate or like low glycemic by far something that would be better but it's it's it's amazing that the world is getting away from it and and they think that you should try to be lean all the time when it's actually as you get older and your metabolism slows right and so how do you keep it active well you can exercise right that's gonna help to do it but if you're always exercising to burn off the calories then you know technically getting your metabolism to work intelligent should work off of the nutrition that you're eating and then the second dairy would be okay now let me add exercise in and that will get me cut in in shape yeah you follow that where society doesn't do that Society does the opposite Society says I'm gonna take in a deficit and I'm gonna force it off by doing an hour of cardio by doing no carbohydrates by working out twice a day and then that's how they get in shape how long can you maintain that a year five years ten years forty years I don't think so so that's that's the biggest thing that I see and that's here's my problem I have to fight against everything everybody else is saying and I'm sitting there and they're going hey what's the secret we want the secrets just being consistent but by also keeping the car behind it's in there because what happens and you you could answer this what happens to a bodybuilder or a fitness person a girl after a show after two weeks of introducing carbohydrates back in their system you you fill up why their metabolisms working that burned off everything why would they fill out more is there change in how their body functions they're teaching their body not to utilize carbohydrates the way it used to so then we got is the box right here this box right here yeah yeah you good no come here come here yeah it's right here perfect perfect I'm gonna give you an example on what I believe pop the top come here so yeah yeah pop the top so if you're a mid 40 40 year old woman and you had a baby ten months ago should you look like this had a double bite but the point here is thank you thank you for showing off the point here is this thank you mom if she had a kid ten months ago mid 40 old woman and how many women say I can't lose that baby weight right in there - I'm sorry coming here they're 20 wait hold on so what we did with moanin was that we kept her calories high and again I believe that a high calorie intake is what longevity is mm-hmm there's a difference between eating healthy medium right eating healthy is the broccoli and chicken and your vegetables and your grain drink and you take your Dean your k2 vitamins but eating right is taking enough calories to make sure that your body continues to burn from the calories and utilize those relative to the exercise do you follow me trying to have so she trains two days a week she had a baby ten months ago and she looks like that and she won the universe that's not bad right but she eats bagels and bread all day long I thought bagels and bread are bad for him was I that has gluten and that's that's the worst thing in the world that's what the world is going to like you said different diets and stuff I'm like we're all V here going well we're eating carbohydrates and we're in shape so because you you you work out I miss a train a lot right so you offset it she won't change twice a week so I was too sore to actual that it's the concept that it's you want to do exercise to burn off the calories when you want your metabolism to burn off the calories you gotta speed up the metabolism exactly through eating so eating proper meals drop the day now you got it how many people do that nobody nobody reversed diets out of their shows nobody does Weight Watchers and say okay now that I've got my weight off let me come back slowly nobody does that they just go alright cool now i'm gonna spring carbohydrates back in well i'm gonna go a keto diet but then they do a keeled diet and they lose 100 cup but they look the exact same mm-hmm you're just now 200 pounds and got loose skin because you lost the muscle and the fat so it's a there's a great process there's a great process of doing a bodybuilding diet mhm but then on the other end you got to come out of it and introduce the carbohydrates back into the system correctly and teach your body try to keep the carbohydrates in throughout the year and I know everybody's going well that's not it I want the fast trick then I can't help you you want the fast trick I can't help ya because that's not longevity what do you think what sugar a recently talked to George Farah you know a famous guru in the industry Jory's a great guy and he went through cancer and one of the things he he thinks that causes cancer is sugar it's like one of the and obviously it's one of the biggest things that a lot of the older guys are saying right I know and people in generally thinks sugar obviously brings fair and how much other things but what do you think about sugar obviously you know do you like sugar do you should bring a diet how do you feel about it well is he speaking of sugar as in carbohydrates the breakdown of carbohydrates sugar I don't I don't do a lot of sugar and stuff like that I don't do a lot of sweets and that's the one I guess concept that I'm the guy that diets does proper nutrition throughout the year so I don't do the rebounds and stuff like that but yeah the the research now is everybody's is anti a sugar that it causes cancer and everything but I think everything causes cancer doesn't it yeah it's a it's a crazy thing it's a crazy thing I do know this ha nutrition good nutrition can solve so many problems they can make somebody a freak if they do it correctly like I took and you guys can follow this but I took the average guy bad genetics doesn't have great structure works a full-time job trained scientists trains 3 times a week and in seven years which is a long time which nobody wants to do they want to do it in a year we doubled his bone density he's in better shape now at 47 than he wasn't 40 and everything about him is a complete difference in him I showed you the picture you wouldn't even believe it so it's one of those things that it's it it's a process and it take your time this isn't an overnight trick also people think that sugars may be addictive as well because we consume so much of it you know all the drinks let's say you get a can of soda it's like 40 50 grams of sugar in one can yeah and I'm not a sort of guy so every night I wouldn't even jump into that situation I mean obviously it's pick and choose I know people that are dieting for shows and then they still pick certain foods and don't make sense to me do you eat fast food like you know now boria we don't we don't do a lot we eat healthy all year mmm and again he just goes back to the it's our belief on what keeps us healthy again everybody thinks it's the the gym or it's the sleep sleep helps but it's the nutrition and and we're pretty clean most of the year we're really clean mostly because it gets posed again almost every other weekend so I gotta be imposing trunks and then she is just kind of a freakin nature so she walks around like that eaten on 300 grams of carbs a day which I would love to do but you don't do it I don't do 300 grams I don't got that metabolism right that's a it's a unique breed so you 51 years old yeah obviously people look at you in an amazing shape right so the secret is definitely for you is dieting right and and kind of follow your metabolism when you might it kind of dictates we should be eating right yeah I think it's it's not even just that it's the skin texture it's the it's the things they don't or consumed and my 51 any good shape yes do I have healthy skin and tight skin yes am I still extremely strong well I just trained with the world's strongest man and beat him on chest so it's not that I am strong for a guy I just want to get the World's Strongest Man so it's the concept of what we believe again it goes right back to the nutrition and just consistent and then the warrior mentality that I love the tussle this is fun for me do you think bodybuilding I know is a big debate in the industry right it was bodybuilding quality of bodybuilders was much better in let's say yes 90s and 2000's early 2001 ow what did you taking that if you look at the list it was the quality better back then to now so I saw this Ronnie Coleman video talking and laughing and I've never seen Ronnie like that going these guys quit even stand on the stage of us the only way they could stand on stage with us would be filled that was a shot at all Brennan curry by the way Dorian Yates had the same thing he said that Brennan curry and there or in their era would not be able to compete against them be in italics people's names yeah I was I was like what he got me to thinking though they did get me to thinking and then then it goes back to my this is full circle you guys won't know this but this is full circle I told you about my mindset as a 14 year old and remember that remember the people I was around so that was my mindset that 900 is average so let's say you go to the local fitness center and the guy squats 315 the way I'm going to answer your question I'm just gonna take you in a little bit of the wrong way so the guys watch 315 and that's the big squad of the gym doesn't that kind of just everybody else that's the minute mindset refused to talk that's the limit right so I was thinking about that aspect and I was thinking about what Ronnie was saying and I'm sitting there going wow he is it got a point you're as good as the competition you're competing against so what's your limit Dorian was a freak ronnie was come on who was who when Ronnie stood up there holy moly and so everybody else like Chris Cormier Kevin flex all those guys that was the limit and they had to be that great and then you jump forward to now and what is the limit who's who's the top guys so I see Ronnie's point of it and it didn't occur to me until after Ronnie was saying that stuff and I really sat down and I thought about I go wow you know what thinking back to when Chris and flex and all those guys were training with us in our early 20s at Gold's we were all monsters we're all 300 pounders walking around and stuff and I'm sitting there thinking about that and thinking about today's guys they're really not that much they weren't like Ronnie said what's what's causing that what do you think it's a tough thing man it's a tough thing because I know the we talked about a person's picture a person by themselves on stage looks great until you're next to a person that's bigger it was great so am I on Ronnie's site on this I just remember what I was like lifting with these guys and how monstrous these guys were in the gym and now thinking back to that and that 20s these the schedule monsters and thinking about the future I don't think they are monsters I don't know what the what the situation is and I don't know if it is just the quality of competitors nowadays but it got me thinking makes me wonder I would love to see it but I can't I'm not the expert on saying what they were like back then today it just I felt like there were more monsters back then what do you think is preventing bodybuilding from becoming more of a mainstream sport and I know you don't think it's a sport you think it's more Art Show yeah what it was in general what do you think is preventing it from becoming personality personalities personal body builders and personalities you got to have some people that are doing something you just gotta have that that somebody that has it and it's out there in the forefront and pushing it what happens is if you guys are doing something great let me I gotta say I gotta say this right now you guys are doing something great because you're taking it into a different level and you're giving it something for these guys coming up because when I was coming up I had to have the magazine write those y'all was the pinnacle adeptly nobody's gonna know me in Europe unless I'm on the cover muscle fitness talking about my training prints yeah but now you got social media so you get these kids with great personalities that never competed they got 4 million followers right I mean like tabi how much do I love tabby it's great I got a little brother man I protect that guy and that's a personality that I could see could take the sport somewhere it's like the old school like Barry damn a to me you know Barry was like I could see him do anything mat Mendenhall well what happens is those guys you know when it when you get into following right no I'm not too happy but just other guys in general they kind of break out they get out a TV role or a movie we're all like you like you've done a bunch of shows right but that doesn't necessarily help competitive bodybuilding to be washed more you know saying because there's a ladder instead of a passion and I think that's why you said earlier that if you took natural bodybuilding it goes always back to me because I freaking love this and I'll stay and try to push this and try to bring this out and going back full circle to what you were saying is or what you guys are doing is I think what you guys are doing is great because you're given a lot of these guys the to need it to be that person and to be that person to bring body building like Arnold did mm-hmm it just takes one I really do believe that and believe that if somebody comes along and does that and breaks out again we're right back to that old-school 80's where we get the muscular guys again on screen that are kicking ass right instead of the the little Matt Damon's and stuff like that Tom Cruise I love Tom Cruise that that's pinnacle of longevity but it'd be good to see something like an old-school you know Arnold Schwarzenegger on screen somebody with arms and a build and go okay that's that's a superhero when you when you see an actor let's say right or or a fitness guy can you tell if he is natural and not just about looking and doing you know I I mean most of the time I think I can there's I guess certain traits the overdevelopment of traps is one of the things that just grows on men when they're on the chemicals also skin texture and and you know how are you and you're forty is still breaking out hmm that's hot I understand that some people get back knee but I'm not that extreme obviously guy know and other things like that and then it's the extreme changes it's always put back to the extreme the one thing I would say is it's show so short-lived I know at twenty you want the title I know you want that and that means everything to you that twenty year old but if you could be patient and take ten years to put on the muscle and take ten years to just do this process you'll still get there and you'll be able to keep it so we're not late right now is right um the mecca the mecca right um you've been Chris Evans was he on who's that Chris Evans from mr. America right was he on for the first mr. America I've no idea I can't tell I don't you can't tell okay let's take Tom Cruise's because is taking steroids is it I have no idea this believe he's doing anti agent of some sort some sort right testosterone good for him I want to look like that at 56 but do you think it's a rampant or the steroid use in Hollywood because you've done various films projects do you think it's do you think it's rapid or do you think it's not I don't think it is no no I think because we're in the health and fitness world we think everything is or because we're in LA because we're doing things we think that plastic surgery is or stuff like that it's some people just look great like Tom Cruise okay so no I think we're just so stuck into this that small little world of health and fitness that ah if they're that good right if they're that good they're cheating I think part of the question is because they you see sometimes you see an actor right and then you see him in a role and you completely the body cuts completely changes for the role right he looks muscular or something like that and then after the movie is done you see the next movie and it was completely different you ever see Ryan Reynolds in Blade right you have this yeah if you have less blade three blade three three yeah there's not a person not even Brad Pitt in Fight Club look that good his muscles were rounded insertions he looked like seriously he could win a classic body boy he looked incredible and it didn't hurt that he's a stud was he on arisen what do you think no I think it was three months of training he even talked about it and he also trained with a trainer I know it was three months of just changing up imagine this if I can take somebody like Keith Evans who played pro football for 10 years it's trained since he was 12 years old and changed his body in three months you're talking about an elite athlete and I could still change him in three months doing my principles of nutrition and training I should be able to write he's trained for 30 years right you're not gonna change that much in 12 weeks and I could change him what can you take to somebody like Bryan Reynolds who's never worked out before never dated before each one meal a day and then he does a whole bodybuilding twelve-week nutrition plan he's gonna look freaking different and after he's done with it he'll never do it again because too much of a pain in the ass do you ever get to I know we spoke about it before but do you ever get tired of people questioning if your natural and and you know anyway I never get tired of it I also don't really hear it it's been 37 years that they go fake natty or or whatever it's like it's it doesn't bother ya it doesn't it no but did anybody try to ask you that to your face like come up to you no no I'm I'm a sweet guy but they're not gonna come I face it is a difference do you think um there's a lot of negativity in the fitness world right now especially when it comes through bloggers and media stuff like that why is there so much hate because I agree with you I think it's I think it's views and that and I agree people want to watch that you know drama you know I think it's hilarious how people get sucked into it and like some names that I think they're great at what they do is Kenny ko is great at what he does yeah he's one of these guys that has a good following and they're not even in the fitness industry and they'll talk about it but they'll get people riled up and I'm like it goes back to the individual I guess I'm just maybe too old and too it's for this stuff to get riled up about it but I think it's hilarious but there's a lot of hate which doesn't make sense to me again what do you think where's audience we meeting everybody collectively why do we need negative we because people want to watch negative but why because it makes us feel better if you're doing worse than me maybe that or maybe just people like to watch drama you know when you watch a reality TV show right you like to see them fight on anything that makes you don't feel as bad about your life that's who and if this person's fake Natick great then I'm doing okay this guy's fake because there's no way he looks better than me so I'm glad that it's there they're calling this guy out or the fights or the dramas and all that stuff they learn that early and society is such a weird thing that they love the negative it's tough to stay positive the whole time unless you kind of remove yourself a little bit all right but these guys that are doing this the whole the bloggers and stuff listen it's fair game it's it's their right to talk about you if it gets to you it gets to you how do you all remove yourself from that do you just not pay attention because you active on social media obviously yeah you have a lot of followers you know a lot of people comment on your pages but how do you remove yourself from negativity like you just don't pay attention so I don't pay attention to it it doesn't mean anything to me it gives me its skin who's talking negative here's the greatest thing for me and it keeps my mind in check I'll get messages from the old-school guys that I grew up with the Buried amazed the Geary stratums the Lee Haney's and this is why I grew up and I just go he's doing a great job doing a great job the Joe Weider saying stay like this those little comments outweigh the mass those little things buried a made this I grew up to bury to me this is the Dutchman you know and all this so Gary strident where Lee Haney going dude you're kicking ass I love what you're doing I love the positivity how you stayed then outranks the guys that first of all don't have pictures on their profiles that say [ __ ] and talk smack or the the Kenny Kayo's of the world which I think Kenny does a great job but but those guys that talk the smack they're not in the industry they're not part of it they're just individuals that are trying to make a buck or they're just angry fans that just won't talk smack and I I listened I was a young kid I remember it was like to be jealous so it was young it was whatever it was but now I just a removed from it talk about some of the ventures you're working on right now I'm sort of like what are the because you stay active and a lot of business ventures right talk about some of your business ventures well one project I'm excited about is that I am launching my own wine I've teamed up with BPI my own product line so that's something that's huge working with very Levine who did Hercules with the rock and we are working on the new Hercules TV series it's a great producer nice great so we're working together and then outside of that my girl and I are heavy into commercial real estate and so we're moving on projects on there and now we're moved in to Vegas and buying up stuff there besides LA in New York so we keep busy keep losing I want to ask you something about the fitness industry yeah a lot of guys right a bodybuilders let's say they one year the one supplement company then the next year there was a different supplement company right I mean they got to be built so they have to do what they have to do but how do you build like maybe an advice to a young bodybuilder how do you build the brand integrity for yourself let me ask you this when you promote a supplement like is it bad to jump from one to another I think from the consumer standpoint when you watch somebody right and they tell you to try this the best supplement ever right next year different packaging this is the best of them you lose that integrity as a salesman right how do you mean say how do you would like Mercedes but if I drove a Ferrari and probably like a Ferrari but then those times I want to go back to her Mercedes and and look I here the only reason I know this is because I came from that side I was with wieder as a 19 20 year old kid after that I was with med tracks you know and after that and so it's one of those things where it's like Hollywood with their superheroes so they just keep put in the same superhero or actor in a different superhero and so there's a top niche of guys that I guess you would say the society appreciates or likes or is their favorites and those guys keep getting switched around from company to company because they got a good demographic so it's fun to do anything amen they gotta pay bills I agree with her do I like this protein drink and is this protein drink better well they taste different so I'm okay with these guys trying to make a living it's a it's a tough industry very soon and and mostly if if this is the only industry you're in and yeah and you didn't take some of that money and put it on something else something that will turn a profit something that you make money when you sleep if they didn't do that and they're just doing check to check because most of the guys backed with my day that's all they did we'd all sang with wieder and the next day these guys would be showing up in these nice rides and stuff and I'm like I'm confused why would you do that and I pull up my cj7 and I'm like I'm fine with this right and I'll put that money away we're not 9 to 5 I don't got a retirement I'll get gladiators I'll put that money away and I kept putting it away and I see all these other guys and then to get the contract and they just spend a quick check to check it I'm like nah just make sense to me so dangerous dangerous so it's a tough industry and I understand them jumping product to product unfortunately that is the business but at the same time a I tried different branch chain amino acids I tried different protein drinks so I can understand why these guys doing last thing I want to ask you is um so you were sent to Joe Weider right yep what would you eat her like Joe he's great a lot of guys nowadays don't you know those yeah before their time man I got lucky I got to meet him as such a young age at 19 20 and get put under contract and it was one of those things where it was understand this it was like he saw me and he say what's your name and all this stuff and I told him who I am and what I just did and stuff and then I go back to Washington and I get a phone call and he goes Michael you coming to we're gonna fly you to Cabo San Lucas we're gonna do a photo shoot with you and I'm like all right cool deal cool deal and then I go to Cabo we shoot I go back to Seattle and then a cover comes out of me a muscle impotently muscle fitness and I'm like wow this is cool first of all Kirkland Washington you know and it's like holy schnikeys and it was look up to your top left right there behind you see that face mm-hmm that face alone is my cover it was just my face well and then I'm like okay that's pretty cool a month goes by and another cover comes out I was down there on the bottom right with the five girls around me and I'm like alright this is pretty cool I kind of like this style and these are teacher but down here we're gonna put you in the contract and stuff and then I would go over to his house or the office and have lunches with him and we talk bodybuilding he was the most guy guy you'll ever meet I'll talk smack and he'll joke about things he'll tell guys you look terrible you know you're fat right now why are you so fat we got to do a photo shoot and he also gave me the greatest advice in the world and it's something that I've always done in the gym if you go to anything that when I train I always training sweat clothes I always cover it up I'm not in a tank top or anything like that he says never let the public see you out of shape never let him see you that always be peak and give the respect that's why y'all wasn't shape always in shape and he was a great man and I could see why Arnold succeeded having him in the corner and it's a we lost a great a man with that guy yeah he created something incredible I mean I get someone who does little weightlifting that's a great thing and he sold it on top when he sold the company wasn't the peak yeah and then and then the whole magazine business collapsed after that well I know cuz Mona was the editor-in-chief of Muscle & Fitness service yeah so I was I was there seeing all that yeah come apart yeah but Joe Weider was one of the greatest people in the world Arnold again a great person guy guys you know it's funny the good ones are guy guys you know what I mean by that just guys you could hang out with and talk smack whether go out and drink with or whatever it is and they got no egos they know who they are they're secure with who they are and they just love that kind of that bond that old-school mentality of the gym locker room and play football wrestle whatever it is buddy buddy attitude that's what the greatest thing I think I saw with Joe or the old school guys and again Tom plays was my training partner when I first got here and then Lou Ferrigno and then Rafa Robinson is always about luring them there it's funny so anyways PLAs I tell you something I learned a lot from all of them even him I learned what to do and what not to do and something that I that's you asked earlier do I get stopped at the gym do I get pictures taken and stuff like that and I do and and I will stop every single time and take a picture with every single fan that comes in absolutely I will never say I'm gonna charge you I will never not say it I would because I see the one side of it no and I see how Arnold is it's like this is the way to be they the fans make you you start acting like that arrogance and and and you're better than everybody else and stuff like that your career is over right and you as a person or over and when you start thinking like that appreciate what you got man if we didn't learn anything the last couple weeks with Kobe Bryant come on yeah come on who's higher on the mountain right after Mars promise to no one just be a cool dude don't be don't be an ass natural are not natural whatever you a cool man thank you so much Mike yeah brother man you you
Channel: Generation Iron Fitness & Bodybuilding Network
Views: 162,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mike O'Hearn, Mike O'Hearn interview, Mike O'Hearn bodybuilder, Mike O'Hearn natty or not, Mike O'Hearn natural, Joe Weider, bodybuilding, fitness, weight training, Generation Iron
Id: HFA77ASjWyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 2sec (2222 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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