Midjourney v6 Will Blow Your Mind (New Version Review)

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very recently M Journey has announced a new version six and it claims to be even more realistic than it was ever before and today I've prepared some of the prompts to see if it's actually good for myself and I want to take you alongside with me so let's take a look so the first prompt that I have is to try to see how the humans would look like with the new version so to do that I'll go to Discord and I'll write imagine and I have a prompt right here which is a young adult sitting on the beach beach clo with Palms on the background to specify that I want to use the new version I'll just have to say version six in my prompt and let's see what it looks like so this is the result that we got so we have four options and if I zoom in a little bit then I can see that both of them or four of them actually look pretty amazing and uh I think I can go with the version number three and try to upscale it so let's do that so we'll say upscale version three and from here we'll upscale it even more where we now with the new version we seem to have two buttons which is upscale and subtle and upscale in Creative so let's try the creative mode and usually for upscaling to the large image size it takes longer than just to upscale from the one of the four options that we have all right looks like we got something so let's see the full upscaled version and this is what it looks like we can even upscale it a bit more and see how many details we have which is pretty amazing and I like how would made it the background blurred so it has this Polaroid or just lens effect and just the very warm colors of the sunset on the beach which makes it pretty iconic and just nice in terms of the visual so yeah so far so good let's go to our next promp and for our second promp what I have is also a human but we'll try something else this time so this time it's a realistic photo of brunette 20-year-old blue eyes smiling closeup Crystal Clear sharp image so we'll see what what it give us this time we not forget to specify version six we can also change the settings of the mid Journey itself to by default to use the new version or not we can always just specify the version in our prompt like this so let's hit it and set it all right so here is our four options honestly all all of them look pretty sharp and I don't know which one should I choose even to upscale but um yeah let's try the first one then so we'll upscale the first one as for me the detailz of this image looks like unreal at this point I think it's very hard to understand what is AI and what is the real human but yeah for me it's hard to imagine what the next version s would look like if this is the version six all right and with that said let's move to our next category which is the creative objects and for that I also have something pretty random so the first one that I have have is a chair that looks like an elephant and I know it's kind of weird but this is what I want is something that is kind of not an existing or maybe very rare to exist in our real world so let's see what the design will look like okay so here is our options first one doesn't look like something that you can actually use to sit second one looks like the elephant chair but more of the decoration one same because of the head you cannot use it for sitting third option looks like it could work because the thing itself looks like it could be moved and it's like soft material and the option four looks like something that you just sit on top kind of like the chair for kids but let's um upscale version three and see what it looks like in a bigger size what we can also do is just to say give us some more options so yeah let's take a look into the new options and right away I can see that they are pretty different where my personal favorite is again version three so I guess we can upscale it let's take a look so yeah now that looks like something that you can actually use for sitting which doesn't have the back place anyway seems somewhere comfy and pretty cool so yeah let's move on to our next prompt and for next prompt I have a Clos design and in particular is a t-shirt so it's a t-shirt for a biker club that says writers on it and with previous versions if you did specify some text that you want to have in your image that sometimes the letters or something like this would not look pretty nice they would look pretty random like it could be literally Chinese symbols or just something very blurry Sometimes some of the letters will be there so we'll see if the T-shirt will actually see writers so I think it's nice thing to try and let's do it and it looks like he gave us some designs which are actually pretty cool and it says writers but it looks like uh not a t-shirt but the print for a t-shirt that we can later use and I guess we can also try the same prompt and specify like the t-shirt on a person that has this logo but maybe that is actually even better because if you are about to produce your own t-shirt it is easier for you just to choose the version that you like upscale it and then give it to a print company so they will actually print it but yeah I think that a lot of them are pretty nice the second option has double in the word writers everything else looks pretty solid so yeah let's go with the option one and take a closer look and I like how it has writers on the chest where it's like you can see with the smaller letters here and also there's like a big logo writers the guy on the motorbike I like how the font and the background and just all the coloring is also like following the same pattern pattern so yeah I think it's a pretty nice design actually so again so far so good let's go with our next category and for our next category we have something that is popular like McDonald's so we'll do something like imagine McDonald's restaurant but on Mars so we'll go version six and let's see so here we have these four options where the first one looks like not Mars but maybe some state in us the second one looks more of a Mars vibe to me other options like the four option looks like the McDonald's is closed or haven't been maintained for years on Mars the third one is McDonald's but has MC Dog logo on it which is pretty funny so I think so far the second option is the best so let's upscale it and yeah that's actually pretty impressive again looks pretty cinematic and we did didn't even specify a lot of options like how it should look like we just basically gave our idea and we let AI decide how it should look like and of course if you give more details to your prompt probably the image will look better and closer to what you actually expect from it but even as you see on this example even if you don't specify almost anything you just say McDonald's on Mars it'll still look pretty cool so yeah let's try something else and we also have the DAR waiter let me say imagine dark waiter drinking beer in the bar again we will not specify how the Sho will look like what stylish should be we'll just specify the version and I think what I've noticed so far is that when you don't really specify much details by default it tries to go with something more realistic sometimes it'll go with a bit of the digital art style but very rarely would it come out with like any Mass style or something else and let's see what it generated for us again all of the option look pretty cool the first option is him with two beers second one is him being alone but you can kind of see more details on his suit the first looks more of a poster because it doesn't look like too realistic more of a digital art feel to it so actually not sure which version is the best here but let's say let's go with just version two and let's see upscaled version yeah also looks like slightly a digital art we can specify to make it look more realistic but I think this is also pretty cool and also so far I haven't seen the problem with the multiple fingers with the previous versions of AI you've seen like five six fingers here mostly looks like it's five fingers so looks like there have been some improvements on that side as well and for our next category I want to try something slightly more professional which is generating design which could be like logotypes or websites so first one that I have is a logotype so the prompt is generate a logotype for a sushi restaurant with Ninja and Fish on it let's see what it looks like so here are some of our options again I didn't specify that it should be minimalistic I didn't specify none of the details about the style itself I just said I need the logo type and this is what I want on it but again you can try to specify exact details on how you want your logo type to be and I think it'll be pretty accurate but let's see what it generated for us with just the keywords of ninja and a fish for sushi plays I really like the fact that ninja is kind of cook sushi here where he kind of kills the fish on the force option and the third option also looks nice second option didn't seem to follow the fish theme that much but it has some vaves and first one also just looks kind of cute with the fish so so let's just upscale the first version so yeah looks pretty solid but with the logo type creation itself I don't see a huge stab from version five but I think again if we were to specify slightly more details like make it a Lego style and then make it symmetric and things like this I guess it will look better and for the next prompt in this category I want to try to create a website design so I want a website design which will be a line page for snowboards store and let's add that we want version six and let's take a look what it looks like immediately I see that most of these options are actually on device so I think where the first option is something more that I would expect and the second option is also kind of inspirational but everything else is uh so this is like mobile version this is kind of weird so let's try try the same problem but this time we'll just specify just the Ling page without saying without website design and we'll see if it actually changes anything and this time it'll be just the linear page UI without the device all right let's take a look if anything changed this time yeah I like the force option in terms of the design but that doesn't look like a snowboard that's one and second doesn't look like it's safe to use to use it this way with a cross all of them look pretty nice so let's try to do version four and still we can see that some of the tags that goes on the length page is still kind of gibberish but I guess that is fine and it's expected since this is just the Showcase of design so for example you can replace the skiing guy with a snowboard but the idea of the red mixing with the snowy mountain and the guy is kind of like the backgroundless version that keys on top and there is snow all around the website for me me looks pretty cool so yeah I guess that is it as you see for most of the parts when it comes to generating realistic faces of non-existing people or when using popular things like McDonald's brand or Darth waiter character it was pretty amazing and seems like it's a huge step ahead from the previous versions and an amazing tool to use so yeah I would encourage you to try it for yourself and let me know what you think in the comments so thanks for watching and see you in the next one peace
Channel: Next Tech
Views: 3,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney, midjourney alternatives, midjourney alternative, dalle alternative, dall e alternative, midjourney v6, midjourney preview, midjourney review, ai, artificial intelligence, text to video, ai prompts
Id: NWVrjhgBo74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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