Text in Midjourney (Full Guide + Use Cases + Money Making Opportunities)

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mid Journey version 6 can now render typography directly in its images and that has opened up a whole world of new possibilities in this video I'm going to break down some of the most exciting use cases for AI text renderings we'll also look at a few different ways that you can leverage this technology to make some recurring passive income so let's dive in and explore how we can use mid Journey ver six typographic renderings together let's run through quickly how we use text inside of M Journey it doesn't always render exactly what you ask it for but what you can do is keep rerunning the same prompts and you often get one that will work now there are a couple of tips and tricks to give you a higher chance of achieving the exact text you want firstly you should always put the text that you want in quotations and I believe it helps to specify that this is text so you might say something like a photo of the text hello world in quotation marks written with a marker on a sticky note and that would give an image a little bit like this so what you have to do is put it in quotations make sure you're specifying that this is text and then also giving it a stylistic interpretation to render out the other thing you can do is make sure to include D- Style Space raw which is more likely to give you an accurate rendering or you can also lower the styliz values so I recommend putting in Das Dash styze space 50 for something that's going to give you a closer resemblance to your concept but remember you can always refresh the prompts that you're using over and over again one of the things that I am most excited about with mid Journey version 6 is the ability to create our own fonts if you just take a look at how other users have been exploring font design in the community tab inside of mid journey.com you can see some of the possibilities that are now possible everything from singular Illustrated letters all the way up to entire alphabets where this one has constituted with a set of very interesting creatures here's to you halut manugun and what you can do if you want to start elaborating on these is you can take these prompts hop straight into mid Journey yourself and put them in you can then add a little bit of flavor so for example I might want them to be colorful quirky and Fantastical and I can add this into my prompt but as you can see the type of type to create is absolutely endless and you can really start to build up entire font faces just looking at some of these examples I I really admire this beautiful watercolor alphabet print I will save that for later remember you can heart any of the community works that you like and they will be saved into your own folder so I've been experimenting a little bit with some grungy hand painted type forms and what you can do is once you start getting something that you like say like this image what you can then do is come into mid journey and ask for variations of that and that way you will get more letters coming out so as you can see here in this Edition we are missing some of the alphabet we're definitely missing a g no we got a g h so we a b there's no B so you can keep playing around with these to get new letter forms now if you're looking to create a much more detailed set of letters that perhaps you're going to be used at a larger scale that are going to be more of a central focal point for your designs rather than a type face that you'll be writing large parts of text in the best approach is to generate each letter individually so you can see here you can get extremely beautiful renderings of individual letter forms I've been playing around with putting some words together like my own name here you can see I've got these beautiful Monster style letters now I will add all the images that I will display in this video of all the different use cases for text in mid journey into one figma file which I will link to in the description below you're also welcome to visit my mid Journey profile and take the prompts from there that I've been using but back to the example so what you can do is render out each individual letter so then what's really interesting is you get these fantastically detailed beautiful letter forms that are consistent they have a similar size a similar style a similar weight and and they work just magically together and it's really going to allow us to be more creative with text than ever before and as a designer I am truly inspired by this I think there's also a huge potential to start making some digital products related to beautiful organic Illustrated detailed fonts directly from high quality pngs so what I would do it would be render out this entire alphabet with this monster style simply then remove the backgrounds in Photoshop and then upload these and sell them on a site like creative market now I actually used to sell my own fonts which I would create by hand back in the day who know oh I remember when I had to write with this this object here I to grasp a pen and I created my own fonts and these are some of the fonts that I created by hand and I would draw these actually on the iPad and then turn them into usable workable fonts but now there's so much opportunity for us to create these with AI and fonts are a huge industry especially considering that if you're licensing a high quality font for example for a logo you can charge thousands of dollars per license you can see here that if people are using it in different situations I even charge up to $190 for someone to use my font in an app now this font has most popularly been used inside of children's books Illustrated children's books and I would often quot to people a custom price for that as well now another suggestion if you are looking to make some passive recurring income designing your own fonts is that you can also add in some select illustrations that fit in with the type of font so it allows designers to create more complex works for example on this font I added in a set of 50 illustrations like these arrows so people can work together to create Illustrated typographic works now it's more than possible to make an entire living just creating fonts and now with the opport OPP Unity to leverage the brand new capabilities of mid Journey version 6 there's no better time than ever before to launch your own font Foundry and if you want a quick tip about how to get up and start running your own usable fonts you can use a site like calligrapher which even has a free option and I'll give you a quick overview of how this works exactly what you do is you download a document from their site and then what you have to do is put the images of your font into the boxes is from their document so they'll have a box for all of the different characters and then you want to make sure that they're lined up effectively on the Baseline and once you've done that all you have to do is come back into the site upload your document with all of your font characters inserted and it will generate you a usable font which you can then build fine tune to do with letter spacing King and other variables and finally you can download it in a usable font format which can be sent sold and used used online let me know if you would like a fuel tutorial running through that entire process to show you how you can go from an idea to selling your own font from mid Journey but for now we're going to explore some of the other use cases that are possible with typography in mid Journey because it's not just creating fonts you can also start to explore creating a personalized works of art so what one thing is very popular to do is create children's names and put these in signs that they can hang up on their wall or even if you're making a personalized present for a friend or loved one for Christmas New Year Valentine's Day or their birthday so you can see here this is Illustrated card design with a name Phil and you can even offer this as a service on Etsy I think this works well as a personalized Art Product it certainly is something that would fit very well in with the identity of an ety shop so you can see people are offering these watercolor painted images of children's names and charging anything up to $150 per work and you can certainly get something similar to this out in mid journey I mean even this is not so dissimilar but I would probably start off actually creating my own set of individual letters doing that once and then hiring an assistant who will simply put these together into the names whenever an order comes in so I would start off defining the aesthetic the look The feel but all you need is the alphabet and after that you can automate the entire process so that's another great opportunity for leveraging type inside of mid Journey now to take this a step further instead of just single words or single names you can start to look at rendering entire quotations inside of mid journey and this is starting to work really well let me show you a couple that I have created so this is do you nothing like doing you forget everyone else it's time to do what you were meant to do and that's you or keep going in this floral 3d effect and you can imagine that these can be used in a few different situations they could be pretty good for iPhone wallpapers I certainly often have a motivational iPhone wallpaper what have I got oh yes this is my one at the moment have fun this is my Mantra it's my little bit of me giving me a little boost and the other one I have is you're doing great so I particularly appreciate these little affirmations to support me through my day they certainly help me keep the type of internal dialogue that I would like to have fun with certainly my Approach right now is examining how I can make everything that I do more fun how can I introduce a sense of playfulness in every situation even if it's brushing my teeth can I do it with my other hand or can I do it whilst maintaining intense eye contact with myself okay and here is a sign for coffee and you can imagine this being put up uh inside of a coffee shop quite simply it could even be a huge poster and the opportunity with typographic works is quite immense because you can put together sets and you can sell these as social media posts especially if you're creating a consistent dynamic they can also be sold straight up as wall art that you can send and sell to people either digitally or using print on demand so this is a real situation that you can use these in and also productize them to make a passive income I also sold a number of typographic quotes over the years and this is what they look like but I designed these all by hand and put together this huge set of 1500 typographic quotes and these still sell remarkably well and right now there's an opportunity to even Leverage What I've done here and expand on them upgrade them and improve them using AI now let's move on to the next Concepts that is possible to use inside of mid journey and you can create book covers now this gives us a huge array of opportunities to create uh interesting Concepts ideas and inspiration that then can be turned into fully-fledged book covers so if you're working as a freelancer you can offer your services specifically as a book cover designer you can then start to put together a number of concepts for your client as an idea and once they've decided or you've agreed together on the direction to take you can either take this and recreate it in a design software or you can actually start to separate a lot of these elements and directly use them yourself so here's me exploring a couple of different Children books options we have forest taals and space fish also for slightly different genre we got this more motivational book called you got this that'll be another good one for my iPhone wallpapers but the other option here is instead of selling your services as a book cover designer is to create and sell your own books now the old adage goes that you should never judge a book by its cover but Recent research shows that eight out of 10 people judge a book purely on the cover so what you can do is put together your own Illustrated stories combining powers of chat gbt and mid journey to create your own Illustrated children's books and now it's so much easier that we can render the text inside of mid Journey as well I've got an entire course actually on creating and Illustrated and Publishing your own children's book with AI which you can check out in the description now another interesting concept is that you can work with creating personalized artworks so I've been having a lot of fun playing around with creating some movie posters with my name and I've got this ' 80s sci-fi Style movie about me Sam on the Run traveling through time fighting crime I'm the man I'm always in line or me uh reminiscent of Conan the Barbarian I think I need to hit the gym a little bit more not quite as ripped as this Fair fellow what's fun about this is not only is it enjoyable to go through this process of creating your own movie posters and imagining yourself as a star but also they would make very interesting gifts and certainly are an option for creating a personalized Etsy shop for wonderful posters where you take people's names and design them their own movie scene now that's one option the other option is obviously to sell your services as a freelancer creating posters for different situations but it's beautiful to investigate exactly the the way that they've managed to corroborate the typography with the scene of the image I mean this font fits so perfectly with this this stylistic intent from the film and once again with the the ' 80s film it's really got this these wonderful uh mixture of straight lines and curves as well as the the subtle 3D effects of the highlights and the Shadows that are absolutely mesmerizing here is the idea for a for a game poster and yeah I love that the grunge details that is added in and it's understanding about the identity of typography is absolutely remarkable now another option is to start creating graffiti style works so I've been experimenting with a few different options here this is a phrase painted with a graffiti on a wall and this can work very well for stock image sites so you can actually start generating new stock images people often search on sites like Adobe or shutter stock for typographic images and now we can actually render specific words in those situations beyond that with graffiti again you can make not only personalized artworks but actually even fonts and these are a couple of very interesting use cases I mean certainly looking at rendering stock photography with words inside them is a great opportunity now another interesting approach is to start using mid journey to create captions in videos where you're creating videos with a voice over and the words are shown in sentences in the real world through mid Journey so you might be having a a voice over that then says less is more and you have this piece show up so let's experiment a little bit with that and this is a very interesting I think opportunity to be creative with film making and offering a a new way to communicate visually and create immersive visual content so you can see here I've been rendering street signs with specific text and this could be very interesting if you're bringing up stock images in your videos to have what you're saying appear on signs within the images here we have Sun Valley rendered as a neon glowing sign now a couple of other ways that we can be using typography from mid journey is we can be using it in Web Design Concepts like this or even in infographics like this and it sly starts to give us an idea of what type of fonts might work well in different situations and this is one of the most interesting applications of mid journey is that you can use it as a sparring partner in your design process to start getting ideas of what type of fonts are going to fit coherently in certain images and that is really exciting and I'm particularly impressed in its understanding of the personality of for fonts of the identity related to a font now the other key category that we can use mid Journey for is creating logos and now we can actually create typographic logos in mid Journey so if you're looking at creating a monogram with a couple of letters there is a huge opportunity to do it we can see some of the interesting Explorations that people have started to explore in the community tab wow this is very beautiful and again you can productize this or you can offer it as a service of logo design here is One logo that I was playing around with earlier and it also appears that it's not just the Latin alphabet that it is possible to render in mid Journey unfortunately I only read the Latin alphabet so I could not tell you if these squiggles make sense anybody who reads this please let me know if that is a real language or not that would be interesting to see because I suppose sometimes even with the English character set it is inventing a few few of its own glyphs as well now mageni has already started releasing a few updates to the version 6 model and the first update they released was an improvement in speed increasing the speed by 2.7 times after just one day of release they have also immediately alluded to the fact that the text rendering capabilities are going to vastly improve very quickly as they get a lot more more data to train the model on so we can look forward to getting more accurate renderings as well as not having to rely on reducing the stylized values to get the exact words out that we want I also imagine it will be possible to start rendering longer sections of text and that will open up even more possibilities for example you could be rendering poems or longer quotations or even entire slabs of texts from an illustrated book and I'm excited to see where that will go but simply I adore these possibilities of creating your own type faces like these very grungy handdrawn marker style fonts like this and I'm going to have a go at turning this into my own written font there is also now a huge possibility to be taking some of these images and putting them into AI video gen generators so we can start to animate these beautiful textual forms with some subtle animation and of course another interesting application for this is designing typographic tattoos I wonder if anybody will get this mum mum tattoo that I have designed but they opportunity to create unique caligraphic type designs using mid journey and Tattoos is very real so what do you think about typography in mid journey and do you have any other ideas for how to make the most of this new Evolution in graphic design thanks very much for watching it's been a pleasure to have you here I hope to see you again in another video and most of all make sure to have a delightful day
Channel: Samson - Delightful Design
Views: 14,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, samson vowles, midjourney v6 text, text, midjourney text, ai art text
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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