Midjourney v5.1 | Nijijourney | Comparison of all Midjourney v5 styles with 52 subjects

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foreign and I like to experiment with aiot as you may have noticed I am testing out a different voice for my voiceover let me know what you think about it for this video I have gone and experimented with almost all of the currently available mid-journey and niji journey style options I selected a variety of 52 different subjects to Showcase various things and run them with seven styles the Styles being the 5.0 style that you get when you just are dash dash V5 to your prompt [Music] this is the original look of mid-journey version 5 being mostly photographic and needing longer prompts sometimes to make your images look prettier the current default style is 5.1 at the time of making this video that you get when you either don't specify any version with your prompt or you add dash dash version 5.1 to your prompt this may change sometime in the future probably what I know of it is that mid-journey adds its own distinct style to your images when you use it and it is easier to make prettier pictures with it then we will look at the raw style of version 5.1 that you get when you add dash dash version 5.1 and also Dash Dash style raw to your prompt similar to version 5.0 it also seems to prefer more photographic and unopinionated style but it does not have the same look as 5.0 does but this is not all we will also compare the niji journey version 5 styles and there is more of them actually so there will be the default niji Journey version 5 that you get by adding dash dash knee G5 to your prompt style prefers more anime or cartoon look and feel then there is the cute style when you specify Dash Dash niji and also Dash Dash style cute as the name indicates this makes your images look very cute in an anime or cartoon style there is also the expressive style when you specify Dash Dash niji and Dash Dash style expressive this is also in the anime or cartoon style but it kind of plays around with the colors and shadows and last but not least there is the scenic style that you get when specifying Dash Dash niji and Dash Dash style scenic it also does the anime or cartoon style but it is supposed to kind of zoom out a little bit and showcase more of the background so all together get ready to see 364 sets of images that will certainly give me and you an idea of what each of the Style by default looks like [Music] mostly I selected single words that sometimes are compound words and one case of a two-word phrase [Music] and I group them together by topics of three that kind of fit together thematically but this has been a really long introduction and we have a lot to cover so let's begin with some nature scenery for the 5.0 Style starting off with Landscapes we see some photographic imagery and also some painted or drawn illustrations that all look quite realistic mountains actually are all Graphics I am debating if the lower right image is black and white photography or not but seascapes are all in photographic Style [Music] we get two snapshots of a stormy sea and two pictures of karma Waters Shot with long exposure moving on to 5.1 and it is a lot different than we just saw [Music] there is no photographic style here all seems painted in one style or another Landscapes have kind of a surrealism feel to them mountains feel more like concept art or just very fantastic paintings and Seascape still look painted but more realistic and it's curious that there seems to be the same looking Watermark type of text on all of the lower left images that must be coming from the seed of 5.1 because I used the same for each of these the raw style again looks more photographic mixed with some graphics thank you the ratio seems to be the same as 5.0 but they look different [Music] I would suggest that 5.0 and 5.1 raw style are basically stylistically the same just the seeds are different but let's see how the theory holds up during this video now a look at the default niji Style Landscapes do have some Landscapes but there's a lot of signs of civilization on them [Music] there's people in all of the images and electric wiring overall the color scheme looks very similar across this style it's kind of light blue and not a lot of contrast mountains look very sharp there's less civilization to be seen here [Music] and seascapes have way more items in them and it would look like at least with the 916 aspect ratio there seems to be a lot of black borders around the images [Music] I didn't do any corrections to the images this time with dash dash no but it would seem that over 50 of these images have black borders [Music] the cute style looks to have less of the borders Landscapes have some characters and some signs of civilization but they look like landscapes mountains look like graphic designs which may not be a bad thing seascapes also have some characters and some constructs but it does follow what was prompted overall there is more variety of color than the default niji style head but still not a lot of contrast slightly more though but expressive does look like it has way more contrast the colors look kind of out of place there especially the orange it does Follow The Prompt more Landscapes are actually landscapes mountains are mountains without any extra electric wires or stuff seascapes are also of just beaches and islands and sea no Piers or other concrete constructions and I don't see any black borders here at all the black borders do appear again with the scenic Style and so does the civilization Scenic Style again looks quite blue there is slightly more contrast and deeper Shadows I mean there has been massive clouds on basically all of the niji images [Music] now that we have looped through the Styles once let's look at some other subject matter again with 5.0 Style we continue the nature themes with Forest tree and flowers forests are looking very dark trees have a mix of things starting from Lego trees to actual trees flowers look pretty but none of these images with the 5.0 style look really amazing to me the photographic style seems to come out only with trees forests look kind of like digital concept art and flowers just classically painted 5.1 style looks all like painted or digital art I like the style a lot more the forests are still quite dark and Misty with either streams or paths very cool trees not a fan of the flowers though [Music] I do sense an overarching feel that 5.1 really prefers orange sometimes and the lower left image of each grid has again the watermark in Forest images and tree images it is missing actually from the flowers the raw style looks more photographic overall not just the trees and actually the lower right tree looks more drawn than photographic the forest images actually play around with some more light and shadows default niji style continues with the borders but there is less blue in here and more green way less civilization signs too for some reason niji seems to add characters to hold the flowers the Keet style is looking cute there is again characters in the flower images a lot of detail going on in all of the images many images are kind of on a blank background too and colors are again quite toned down but there is a variety in them still expressive Style again has characters in the flower images colors are overall looking quite unnatural I am not sure if I like these combinations again looking very blue with lots of clouds I feel like with Scenic it may sometimes be difficult to tell what was prompted because so far the images tend to look really similar for example I don't think you can tell from most of the flowers image that the prompt requested for flowers the lower left image of flowers is also kind of curious with the pause button there it feels quite obvious that niji style training data seems to have had some screenshots out of anime movies or TV shows in there next let's look at images where there is less sunlight sunsets and sunrises look quite similar to each other actually [Music] all of them look photographic in style and there's some quite nice ones there the night images are a mix of photographic and some kind of digital art style the moons look really exaggerated quite often with the 5.0 Style I have noticed that before as well I absolutely love these 5.1 style images a lot of orange and yellow tones again combined with blue or teal and some brown as well 5.1 really adds some detail to images The Watermark is again there in the sunset and sunrise images on the lower left of each grid but it's not there in the night images so something seems to be thematically different for flowers and night the raw style has some nice images nothing really fantastic though photographic style is again ruling here and the lower left image of sunset looks really similar to the 5.0 style one there is no exaggerated moons with this raw style however but it is kind of hard to tell based on just one image grid lots of black borders for niji default Style and pink and blue color tones along with electrical wires and clouds also it does look like Reflections on water are a recurring theme for this style the end result seem to be kind of following the prompt but it definitely adds something extra so much that the prompted thing is no longer the main focus of the images the cute style seems to be having a hard time with these prompt words a few images slightly are affected by the prompt but barely and again the prompted word does not seem to be the main focus of any of these images really odd colors again in the expressive Style it does somewhat recognize the style better than the default and cute style did and there is again lots of electrical wires and clouds Scenic is again very blue it somewhat recognizes what was asked and it seems to be happening on all of the images but as it looks to be the case with niji Styles the main focus is not the prompt but some of the extra stuff that the style has added and the prompt word is just an afterthought that is slightly noticeable continuing on with some nature themes but in a different manner we look at Clouds sky and mist [Music] some black borders here on all of the images photographic Style with quite nice images one sky image looks like Photo realistic Minecraft and misters always gives the images a really mystical or mysterious feel in my opinion 5.1 attempts to give some beautification for these prompts and I like it and hey no watermarks on the lower left images the clouds are a lot more impressive and looming some surrealism has been added to the sky images and Mist just always produces really nice results in my opinion a lot of orange and teal tones again appearing the raw style is again somewhat similar to the 5.0 style but the images look better in my opinion a lot of photographic style but not in all of the images it seems the default niji style has featured clouds a lot before so the Cloud's image doesn't really look that much different the sky looks basically the same there's a lot of clouds there too the Mist image is actually looking different a lot less blue and the color scheme looks quite similar to the expressive Style I had to double check a few times that it actually was the correct image but yes it was so for some reason mist is a character with a face mask the cute style seems to again vary between some tapestry-like graphics and actual images soft blue tones are prevalent here again [Music] and although there's characters in The missed images we do see some actual Mist here that we didn't see with the default niji Style expressive style looks thematically similar to the default Style so it means clouds with odd colors and characters without any mist Scenic style seems to consider these prompt words really similar to each other again lots of blue clouds and some random stuff I mean if I didn't follow it really closely it would be really hard to tell which of these was prompted with Cloud sky or mist [Music] continuing with nature themes but we move on to the Animal Kingdom really nice images of animals with the 5.0 Style mostly photographic style but there is some other stuff here as well like the bird statues or the dog with sunglasses or the sparkly ornate reindeer 5.1 style adds a lot of all kinds of detail to these images [Music] there's leaves and butterflies and flowers thrown in the mix here which may be a bit overwhelming at times and lots of yellow and orange coming through here [Music] the war style brings it back to less detail some images are similar to the 5.0 style but only a few the animal has some cool Animal Icons there as well that I didn't specifically ask but they're very cute and niji default Style again doesn't do what I specifically would have wanted to see the main focus is a character and there sometimes looks like there can be a minor detail that looks like what was prompted or they could be some human animal hybrids based on those horns or stuff on their heads which would not be that strange for anime style actually is doing what was requested the colors are pastel and toned down quite a lot but there's distinctly The Prompt word in the focus in most of the images an expressive 2 is doing actual Birds wildlife and animals [Music] with really strange colors again but at least most of them are animals like one would expect from prompts like these Scenic is kind of how way there we get a mix of some animals people wearing animal skins some human animal hybrids and actually some anthropomorphic animals the 5.0 style has a really literal interpretation of these words water becomes a glass of water fire is just fire and Earth is shown as planet Earth 5.1 puts really a spin on these [Music] it adds some characters in the mix that are either underwater or hopefully made of fire and not on fire Earth has some planet Earth in them but there's some other stuff there too making the images look really awesome in my opinion and no watermarks in the images this time as well raw style looks again similar in style to the 5.0 style but with some small differences I really like the lower white fire image default niji style is doing some characters that represent each of the elements the lighting on the images could look a bit better sometimes in my opinion the faces tend to be darker on a really light background [Music] the cute style seems to be giving these images blank backgrounds foreign and similarly to default style has a lot of characters I like these expressive Style 2 has mainly characters that represent an element like the default Style [Music] the colors are slightly better than normally with expressive Style but I probably just don't really like this style the scenic style looks better in my opinion although it is mostly still again blue with minimal references to what was prompted the fire actually has a different color for once now we will look at macro still life and interior [Music] the 5.0 style looks pretty much what one would expect from subjects like these but 5.1 really does something special to the macro images I love the Fantastical look of these still life looks like it always does [Music] but I am actually impressed that mid journey is doing the clock numbers actually correctly Interiors look nice too but maybe not that special the light coming through the windows in them is kind of awesome though your style again looks similar to 5.0 Style nothing really stands out here except the white interior at the top right the stairs are kind of strange if you look at them closely default niji has completely missed the point of macro in my opinion and still life is kind of headed in that direction but not quite Interiors are actually Interiors and I am again bothered by the black borders and the grid of images appearing in the interior prompt the cute style is also far off from macro [Music] still life looks quite nice although there's not supposed to be any animals in still life [Music] an interior seemed to be doing some isometric look there too [Music] expressive is lost with macro too still life is too a bit hit or miss an Interiors are okay the color scheme is not for my taste though Scenic has finally moved away from the mostly blue macro is not what it's supposed to be [Music] still life is kind of okay minus the on cat that is not still life an Interiors look nice except the grids in my opinion I asked for a different aspect ratio not three landscape ratio images now moving on to food that in the case of 5.0 does kind of a nice graphic wallpaper someone photographing their food in two cases of some kinds of recipe or menu apps kitchens look like out of video games to me not very real looking [Music] but the Farms look like quite real things in photographic Style 5.1 style has added a lot of detail to the images it is a pile of food the kitchen has a lot of stuff all over the place but nice and farms are kind of raised on top of trees and there's lots of birds floating in the air those chickens in the top right are not even flying raw style does similar things again to the 5.0 style but kitchens look a bit more real and some of the Farms look like from a cartoon or a video game niji default style food looks like anime food should look like the kitchens too have a lot of stuff in them they do look homey and Farms I guess look like what Farms could look in Japan not sure though because I've never visited Japan but somehow it feels like that cute adds some cute spin on everything quite a lot of some graphic stuff both mid-journey and niji journey seem to prefer open cabinets in kitchens and some really cute chickens in the farm images expressive images look slightly better than they have before the colors are quite strong but they are not totally screaming at you Scenic is okay too less blue except the outdoors images foreign busy kitchens again and these Farms could be located anywhere and not just Japan now let's look at some Urban environments out of cityscape architecture and street we get photography from the 5.0 Style but 5.1 seems to go really maximalistic with these images on its own kind of what used to happen with City in combination with all kinds of additional words that I have tested out with 5.0 Style there also seems to be kind of a rundown look to quite many of the images no watermarks that I can notice on them an orange and teal is again prevalent the raw style is very photographic again with some similarities to 5.0 style but a lot of differences too these look a lot nicer in my opinion default Meiji style I guess is doing some Japanese or Asian Urban environments lots of electrical wires again but I guess I have grouped these together quite well they seem to be depicting similar environments even though the prompt on them is different cute style has some really busy cities and really busy architecture I do like them but then Street goes to cute characters standing on or on the side of a street completely different from the other two the similar images return with the expressive Style the colors being again quite pink and orange and really strange Scenic does similar images as well but very blue again with clouds it's as if Scenic really has a really similar look to each outdoor subject I get kind of a small town feel from these whereas some of the other styles have had more of a big City Vibe now on to something completely different something that challenges the 5.0 to do something different besides photographic Style line seem to be still monochromatic photography abstract has a really wide variety of stuff that really has no way of describing them except they're really colorful and geometry has slightly less colors appearing but enough to look nice in my opinion 5.1 seems to approach the lines in a totally different way they look like topographic lines and the face made of lines looks really cool too abstracts and geometry look very nice as well I guess some cubism is going on in there at times the raw style is again doing some photography for lines but some more painted or graphical styles for abstract and geometry quite different from the 5.0 style though at times the default Meiji style seems to be doing some coloring book images the abstract images and geometry images look nice as well a lot different from the mid-journey styles I feel like the cute style is displaying some stronger colors with these subjects in addition to the normally seen pastel tones it is trying to make some sense of these subjects and kind of tries to reduce the abstract nature of all of these by adding some random character or animal looking things in there the expressive style seems to kind of totally lose the prompt yes there does seem to be some elements that have been added but the style is really overpowering here it adds characters even to abstract the colors are again clashing so much in my opinion Scenic style also seems to overpower the prompt it does have some of the elements of the prompt but overall not enough to be recognized and again the blue color is very prevalent now let's see some other kinds of Concepts the 5.0 style nicely displays reflection silhouette and shadows you can really recognize from looking at these images what was prompted everything seems to be photographic with just this word by default some of the images are nice but 5.1 just does it so much better in my opinion the reflections are kind of artsy I absolutely love the silhouette images and the shadow images are good too the orange yellow and teal tones are somewhat noticeable again but not so much that it would bother me the raw style looks very similar to 5.0 again I don't even know which of the two I would even prefer if I had to select between the two I guess I wouldn't and I would just go with 5.1 Reflections are usually heavily featured with the default niji style so of course they are recognizable Silhouettes are okay I suppose and shadows are kind of not really there the cute style is cute but it doesn't really do what was requested with these Reflections are again the only ones Silhouettes are just characters with a side profile and there's only some Shadows on one of the images the rest are just some kind of black cats or other character sheets expressive style has the same issues it seems Reflections are there but not silhouette or Shadows at least not in a sense I would recognize them lots of blue again Reflections are okay but they are there even if they're not supposed to be there the images pretty much look very similar to me with this style now let's see some other concepts with 5.0 I have selected sports that create some ice hockey and three sports apps on a phone I love the music images kind of abstract as they should be mixed in with musical instruments and other symbolical representations of music and dance is obviously people dancing not only in photographic Style the lower left girl seems to have broken her heel or just has two of them overall it's nice to see some in-progress movement in the images instead of poses as usual the 5.1 style adds some additional stuff in the images even an additional leg Sports seems to be exclusively football in an explosion of paint and paper music seems to be preferring some stringed instruments that look kind of violins but not quite I guess I don't know so many musical instruments in English to express what I am seeing in these images and dance is again doing some people dancing with flowy dresses for the war style we see also ice hockey and three sports apps for sports music images are quite nice a little bit different though and there is some variety I wonder what is the connection between Big Ben and music is it that Big Ben kind of makes music at certain points in time no surprises with dance we see people dancing and there is some good variety there with Styles cultures and age although the older couple is kind of in a weird pose like holding on to Invisible hands but it is becoming a recurring theme already that niji Journey does things totally differently I guess in here we see anime characters who play sports anime characters who are musicians or listening to music and anime characters that look like they could be dancers close enough I suppose the Keet style does a similar thing but I think it is more clear what the images represent at least most of the time not always though the expressive style continues on with characters doing some particular activity and not the concept itself I do have a feeling that the expressive characters are aimed towards a more adult audience from the look of these Scenic is a lot more modest compared to expressive but I actually like some of these images some clouds and white blue skies still creep in a little but it is actually possible to decipher what each prompt was trying to picture alright moving on to more people we see a lot of them with the prompt people and just one or actually none at all with the prompt portrait fashion is also quite closely tied with people almost always we see people in fashionable clothes but 5.0 again gives a variety of styles with the majority being photographic and the King Charles portrait is an interestingly recognizable image I love what 5.1 has come up with so much Variety in the looks of these images red and orange seem to be recurring quite often oddly the people prompt actually gives just one person with a bunch of random objects or animals and stylistically we see one of my favorite art styles here which is pop surrealism in the people prompt top left and bottom left images and fashion just looks fabulous in my opinion kind of buttoned up it would seem but very elegant and from the licks of the raw style I guess I can safely say that although 5.0 and raw style sometimes look different they have a lot of similarities we see again hear a portrait of King Charles and the lynx too lots of people in the people prompt and some of the fashion images look familiar as well but they're not entirely the same the default niji style is very close in appearance no matter which prompt out of these yes there are slight differences but basically you wouldn't be able to tell what was prompted it seems to happen quite often with the niji journey version 5 styles cute style is again cute people prompt seems to generate some more people and fashion I guess is brought out with emphasis on bags and shoes expressive style still has terrible color combinations in my opinion there sometimes is more than one person in the image with the people prompt and fashion I guess is the same as portrait but most of the time from a head to toe View for Scenic the portraits and fashion makes sense to me but the people prompt is again not very clear that it is supposed to represent people all right now we move on to technology Science and Space the 5.0 style seems to create some generic stock photos of microchips or mobile phone or the hybrids of them science will show up as logos with the wrong text as mid-journey is not currently still very good at text and space is astronauts floating in space I really like the space images the 5.1 style adds a lot of additional detail to all of the images I get a surrealism and maximalism feel from quite many of these images and the orange seems to be still recurring the raw style looks to be a little more coherent it's still doing some stock photos for technology but the objects in the images make a bit more sense science is still logos with the wrong text and space has astronauts in space with some graphics mixed in the only thing that actually does something different for the default niji style is the space prompt the others basically look the same with just some Minor Details that kind of hint to what was prompted the cute style is doing its usual chaotic thing but at least you sometimes can recognize the prompt in there somewhere technology has piles of monitors and other gadgets science is looking like there's some scientific experiments going on and at least on one image we see some rockets and satellites and stars and stuff the expressive style seems to be better at following the prompt than the default I do see some technology and science going on there and space is especially on point the colors are continuously strange for me and the blue image generation style I mean Scenic style is also doing actually something that can sometimes be considered as following a prompt I don't know how I managed to group these three concepts together before I even generated the images and the results look like they're basically the same prompt so for history culture and religion we see mostly phone apps with 5.0 Style and 5.1 does its usual thing of surrealism and maximalism with orange and teal color tones a lot going on there the clocks are looking actually correct again and I really like the culture prompts top right image with the cultured anthrophomorphic animals all the other images are kind of too chaotic for me [Music] the raw style is mostly phone apps as well the niji default Style again does basically the same characters with just a few accessories that represent something that was prompted the Keat style is actually a little bit following the prompt we get some cute characters there in some of the images that are wearing clothes or uniforms that look kind of historical the culture images are doing some very colorful dresses that could be representing cultural clothing and religion images are looking quite religious as well Christianity is probably the best represented here due to their probably being more images about it compared to other religions the expressive seems to also be somewhat good at these Concepts for history we get some characters and buildings in the style of Japanese or Asian cultures the lower left image of history and lower right image of culture are basically the same image but just mirrored and slightly different and also the top right images of culture and religion look really similar to each other but the scenic style is looking kind of the same for me like it always does only the religion images are somewhat different and following the prompt a little bit now let's look at some people-related concepts of friendship family and romance 5.0 is doing the photographic Style again in all of the images all the images seem to represent what they're supposed to even the romance lower images that look kind of like wedding photography the upper images are clearly wedding photography which fits well to the theme of romance 5.1 style is really Orange in these images I wonder why the friendship and family images look so sad I think friendship and family images are in the lowbrow art style based on the really big heads possibly mixed with some other Styles as well and romance looks different it's not wedding photography this time but clearly some people who love each other the images do look romantic but the expressions are again quite serious or somber and again raw style looking very similar to 5.0 they kind of look like variations of each other the niji default style does recognize friendship and family and romance seems to bring out some red or pink roses for this style the cute style recognizes the concepts a bit better these images do look like what I would think images of these Concepts should look like and I actually finally like some of these expressive style images the lower family images especially they are so Whimsical and happy and some of the romance images too even though the colors are still weird the people look very happy Scenic style is still very blue with big clouds I guess family follows the prompt the best the friendship could very well be school and romance looks more like wedding and now the last three examples if you have been watching the entire video you are awesome it really has been a long one anyway memories seem to mean photographs or apps for the 5.0 Style fantasy is my all-time favorite thing to prompt I couldn't leave it out from my comparisons nice fantasy castles there but I have seen variations of these for so many times already and the dreams prompt also gives some dream catchers and Minecraft for some reason I really love the top left image of the dreams prompt the 5.1 style brings in the concept of time in a surrealistic manner for memories which is quite understandable as there could T be any memories without the passing of time fantasy still has some castles but a lot more detail and stuff in the images and dreams are quite surrealistic with sleeping women surrounded by all kinds of objects it hasn't come out that well so far but I have a feeling that the 5.1 style really frequently tends to add flying fish in the images when the prompt is not very specific and similar images again to 5.0 with the 5.1 raw style and the Minecraft is there in the dreams but there are some quite nice images here and the default niji style kind of doesn't know what to do with these prompts I guess the fantasy is looking kind of like fantasy with the few swords and robes but everything else not so much cute style recognizes the prompt better you can actually tell here what their subs to represent okay maybe not in all of the cases but it's at least going in that direction expressive style has some nice images too fantasy is especially on point here and finally the scenic Style again does not really know what to do okay the fantasy images are blue but a few images would suggest some fantasy so that was that what I got out of this big comparison was that 5.0 and raw style are actually quite similar they do different images but the images could very well be just different seeds or variations of each other the 5.1 style does really nice images sometimes but it adds a lot of detail to the images basically it is always looking like when you would add the word maximalism to your prompt the images quite often have an orange or teal color tone to them and quite often you will see kind of surrealistic images I don't really like the default niji style that much although it has its use cases sometimes the same goes for the scenic it's just too blue for me and the images look the same most of the time I did get some nice images with Scenic as well but overall I didn't really like it I didn't really like expressive style either it also had some nice images along the way but as you may have noticed I went on and on about the weird color choices I did like the cute style a lot it probably also has its own use cases it too adds quite a lot of detail and cute animals everywhere but it didn't bother me that much the colors were usually pastel toned with occasional darker colors as well and it generated a lot of images that could be used for t-shirts or other designs quite easily so yeah that was my takeaway from all of the currently available mid-journey version 5 Styles at the time of making this video I hope you got some inspiration and a better idea of how each of these Styles behave with all kinds of different subjects without any corrective prompting and by corrective prompting I mean I didn't use any negative prompts this time also I would like to apologize for the lack of videos lately I had some additional emotion words generated before 5.1 released so I kind of got stuck on those video was also quite a big project to make in addition to having a really busy week in my everyday life but let me know what you think about these Styles about the new voice for the voiceover and whatever else you think of in the comments as always if you like this kind of content please consider subscribing to my channel and do leave a like if you actually liked what I have done here let's continue prompting foreign
Channel: Thaeyne
Views: 5,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Midjourney, aesthetic, ai, aiart, cute, exploration, expressive, imageprompting, midjourneyart, midjourneyv5, midjourneyv5.0, midjourneyv5.1, niji, nijijourney, nijijourney5, scenic
Id: fdql-QtGVmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 43sec (2923 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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