Midjourney Logo Design I Easy AI Logo Design

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now we've looked at AI for various different uses when it comes to web design one of the areas we haven't covered is how we can use it to get logo ideas and then how we can take those logo ideas when we find something we like convert it to a vector image and then edit it to take it to exactly where we want it to be and that's exactly what I'm going to show you today so first of all we're going to be using mid-journey as our AI tool but you could easily use Firefly you could use Dali you could use any of those kinds of tools so the first thing we're going to need to do is start coming up with an idea and a prompt so for this we're going to use a fictitious coffee shop logo so we're going to start off with imagine as we always need to do when we're using this now we can go ahead and put our prompt in now we're going to keep this really simple I want a circular logo I want a coffee bean as the kind of focal point of it I want it to be a vector style artwork even though it's going to be a sort of bitmap image a PNG and we want it simple minimalist and so on so these are just the terms I'm going to use for working with this particular prompt once we hit return that's now going to go ahead and start to generate what it feels is a good starting point so these are the initial results we're getting back and as you can see well they're not exactly what I was asking for so there needs to be a little bit of refinement when it comes to the prompt that we're using so let's go ahead and tweak that now as always there's a couple of ways we could do this we could go ahead and use the variation options that we have here for any of these images that we might like as a starting point or we can go ahead and remix it or we can start with a brand new prompt if you use any of these variation options say for example we like the fourth one as a starting point or the third one we can click that will open the remix prompt app and now we can fine tune and refine exactly what we have inside this prompt so we can say we want to add some things like art deco in there because I quite like that style when it comes to logos and you can remove anything you don't think is relevant and then you can hit submit and what that will do is that will take that starting point and adjust it based upon what you've inserted in here however like I said you may want to start completely from scratch to get a totally new starting point of four Images let's try the remix prompt see what it comes back with and then we'll try a different prompt and as you can see it's now giving us four variations of that starting point none of which I actually like that much but it shows you how this would work alternatively we can come back in do another imagine prompt drop in some different options this time and let that go ahead and come up with some different variations although a newly revised prompt you can see this is what it spits out now this is closer to a logo that you would traditionally type see where's the other more sort of an icon and this is okay but it's not really where I want to go so I'm going to go ahead I'm going to try some other prompts I'm going to tweak things or refine things and we'll come back with what I've picked out of the refined versions so these are the logos that I've kind of come up with and I quite like the look of the fourth one so I've already gone ahead and upscaled that so you've now got a higher quality version of this open this up in a new browser window so you get the full version and you can see this is kind of like nice looking logo there's a couple of things we need to be aware of before we move this over to vectorize it first of all we can ignore the text we're going to strip that out and put our own text in with whatever we want but you'll also notice in some instances you may get sort of gradients being used as part of the design when it comes to vectorizing these the vectorizing process doesn't necessarily create good graders you are going to do some kind of refinement on that so bear that in mind if you want nice gradients you may have to do some remedial work so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to download this save this to my desktop and then we're going to upload it to the website that's going to turn this into a vector piece of art now if you illustrate to user you could easily use the inbuilt trace feature inside there but I don't use the Adobe suite of products I'm an affinity designer user so I need a kind of third-party tool best thing is this is totally free we're going to go over to vectorizer.ai link in the description for this and all we need to do is drag and drop the PNG file that contains our logo and that's going to go through now the three different steps to convert this into a vector-based version away from the PNG that we've just uploaded now if we take a look at the end result there are obviously a few issues we need to deal with but most of these are really simple so we've got a good starting point so all we need to do now is go ahead and download this and we now have an SVG version of that logo let's go ahead open that up now in Affinity designer and there's our logo if you take a look on the right hand side where we've got our layers you can see there's all the layers for our Vector version of our logo so we're already most of the way there now all we need to do is go ahead and refine this so we can do things like remove the background we don't want those kinds of things we can just get rid of all these gradient kind of bits and pieces going on we can select the text and get rid of that we need to save the text underneath you can see we've got in this example we've kind of got this really poor looking gradient so what we can do is we can simply go ahead and select all those pieces that make that up and then you can combine those into the main area just by simply merging those together and you'll see that now picks up the color we've missed one bit out but that's not a problem we can select that select everything and merge those again so you can easily come in and refine exactly how this all looks if you want to get rid of any of these little sort of stray dots and things that you might not want in the design you can remove them and then when you're ready to drop in some text you can simply go ahead and drop in your logo so we can just say whatever we kind of want to put in there we'll space that up and set the size that we want and then you can change that to whatever font you want so for example let's do the ever faithful pop-ins for this select it change our typography and we can change to whatever we want so we might want this to be extra bold to look extra terrible but you kind of get the idea where I'm coming from with this we very very quickly used AI to come up with some starting point ideas we've then used a free tool called vectorizer AI to convert it from its PNG format into a vector-based version and then load that into a tool like Affinity designer to be able to customize update this and do exactly what you want with it to get a fully workable end result in a vector format that can be scaled to any size you want great starting point even if you just want to use this for some ideas and then you can combine this to create your own kind of mood boards using something like freeforms part of the Apple ecosystem as you can see I've got some mock-ups I've got some different logo ideas I've got some sort of web design ideas pretty much all using Ai and this is a really good starting point you can use either for your own inspiration or you could put together into a presentation for a client just to kind of show them what you're working with what ideas you've got to gauge and get feedback from them but hopefully this has opened your eyes to how easy it is to actually take your ideas inside AI tools and then actually realize them in a fully editable vector format as always all the links to everything I've covered in the description below and I would love to get your feedback on this let's drop a couple of comments in the comments section as always my name is Paul C and this is WP tets and until next time taking [Music]
Channel: WPTuts
Views: 28,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WPTuts, Midjourney Logo Design, ai logo design, midjourney ai logo design, design logo ai midjourney, midjourney ai, vectorizer.ai, midjourney ai tutorial
Id: wPHnMWU9ywM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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