MidJourney Logo Design for Websites using AI Art

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AI art can produce our logos business logos website logos old types of logos even icons in this video I'm going to show you exactly how you can do so yourself we'll be using mid-journey with the AI art similar to the web designs I've done in previous videos but in this video we'll be creating AI logos we'll do different variations of logos and we'll also pull in inspiration from other brands to create brand new logo designs let's begin this here is midjourney.com you can sign up here and you get a free trial to start testing it out without having to pay anything of course if you want to make this whole process easier you can jump into my Discord which the link is below and I've got a channel here called mid-journey this channel lets you immediately prompt the AI creating really stunning artwork as well as logos which is what we'll be looking at today and this is also very easy to start using mid Journey also has a back end where you can have a look at the Community Feed and other logos people have done and there's a lot of amazing ones some of them might might look like logos While others might look a little bit more like a general AI art but it can give you some inspiration as to how to design some of the prompts around these logos like this one here is a negative space logo for brand using colorful rooster blast straight lines minimalist Vector white background and this is a pretty cool logo I'm actually going to use some similar prompts to these like this Vector gradient graphic logo of a kangaroo to design one for a bit of a sports brand I want to create a website today for fitness and I want to see how easy it is to create a brand new logo I'm using editor X here and I've got this template for a Fitness website and all of these elements are clickable and editable quite easily but I want to change the logo traditionally for a graphics designer to make a logo it can take between four to eight hours and I'm not a graphics designer so it could take me a week maybe longer and the end result might not even look any good so let's see how mid Journey can help with this process I'll start simply on Discord I'm going to pass in the prompt here forward slash imagine and for the prompt I'm gonna request a fitness logo this has absolutely no context so hopefully we just come up with some generic Solutions and then we formalize a more structured prompt to try and get examples of exactly how we want that logo to look so let's start off with this simple example the results are quite masculine first of all and here if you had a look at the earlier design we're going for more a female version we're going with blues and more of a minimalist look so this is where we can start accessing The Prompt and putting those in so this time I'm going to pass in another imagine what I've done is passed in Fitness logo blue minimalist simple female audience and exercise and we've got these ones here which actually aren't too bad they look very yoga based but I definitely already think that their deaf like an improvement essentially on what we had before so I can continue to work on this prompt let's see if I can Branch this out to something even more specific this time I've put in Fitness logo with a female stretching in yoga pose minimalist simples blues and whites with a white background and exercise so here rather than these darker backgrounds on blue backgrounds we do have a more white version we have the figure definitely in a yoga pose I'm not sure how close that is to a yoga pose but I suppose we are doing things like sit-ups here in terms of the design and I think I like this one here at the very top right of stretching it's very similar to what we had in the actual design here of someone doing sit-ups now this is where if you do have an image like this of someone doing a setup you could even use that as part of the prompt so I'm going to try and use that as well this time I've put in 5 Fitness logo with a female sit-up exercise I've added in the words of thunder and lightning simply because I liked the little thunder strike that we had here on vault Studios and if there is a name like that you can start adding in elements like that so in terms of the responses this time we do get someone sitting not doing sit ups so perhaps I need to work a little bit on the prompt there I do get a little bit of what looks like a lightning happening there but maybe I needed to be more specific with a thunderbolt rather than the word thunder and lightning so let me update those as well so I've refined it just a little bit rather than sit up exercise I've said a female performing sit-ups and then I've also changed thunder and lightning now to Thunderbolts or Thunderbolt anyway because if I set Thunderbolts it would have multiple whereas Thunderbolt is just singular interesting they've even got a little bit of a logo that says Fitness or it's trying to say Fitness all of these designs I definitely like the one on the top right and bottom the most like this one here and this one here looks really epic and I can already see how it's combining a little a little bit of that masculine design aesthetic that we saw in the earlier design it's less a minimalist but I think that this logo could be simplified more but I really like this one to be honest I think this is the one I'm going to use in this case what I'm going to do is Select U2 which will create an upscaled version of it I can also select a V2 which creates a different types of variations and that's also something useful to do and I have something called a remix enabled if you actually go to the settings of mid-journey you can enable remix just over here and when you do it allows you to create variations and change the prompt a little bit so I'm going to select a version two here and this is what remix looks like you've got the option here to change the prompt and maybe I can change it from performing sit ups minimalist a simple Blues Etc and decrease the S value to 500 and what this will essentially do is create something that isn't too I suppose high quality not high quality but more like the S value is how Style is it is how in depth each one of the lines is or how for example minimalist it is so a more minimalist version of a logo would have less styling where there's one that you might want to upscale to maybe a high render would have a higher version of stylization so that's the dash s there but all of these already look really good you can see how these now look like simplified versions of the original which is just over here and this is a much nicer upscaled version and I think I'm going to save this one and see if I can import it into the website I quite like that Thunderbolt because it also looks like the letter V and here with this evolved Studios it would work perfectly as a logo now these logos right now are svg's logos so what I'm going to do is select the plus sign I'm going to select image just over here drag that to the header and click change image I'm going to upload the logo that I just created and this is just how simple that whole process is and as soon as that's uploaded I should be able to immediately just start using that in the design I'm going to resize it a little bit and I could plug it here to be placed next to this logo and the only other part of this is that right now the logo itself doesn't have a transparent background layer and this is where it would be useful to jump into something like Photoshop to apply that transfer parent layer alternatively we could just take a look at this overall design and we could change the background of it to utilize the same background of the logo so let me just in expect what that color is just one second so I'm going to open up the inspector tool here and I'm going to put in a new color value and I'm simply going to grab this hexadecimal value EB and for this XMS decimal value I'm going to plug it into the header so now the header is the same color as the logo so it looks like it all Blends in and if you wanted to you could even make this logo look much larger which I think in this case we could do and that looks a lot better so this is how quickly a logo could be done in terms of mid-journey I want to use the remix tool now to update the version 4 of this diagram just over here I'm going to select a V4 and remix allows me to change the prompt I want the prompt to have a much lower stylization I'm going to select for 200 here I also wanted to be Sim simple so I'm gonna put in simple or maybe even something like vector and Vector art and Vector logo I think these small changes here to make them vectors will essentially make a big difference into the final design of the prompt so all up the prompt is more or less the same just with these additions and let's see what we get back as you can see now these designs are much more like vectors and Silhouettes rather than something that looks more lifelike and you can probably customize these even further using the remix tool so what I've done is I've gone into Google and I've actually looked up different types of logos I like such as the Adidas logo and I've used the URL of the added S logo and I'm gonna basically plug and paste that into mid Journey then I've typed in the prompt Vector logo letter v v exercise logo women logo logo website logo blue white and a stylization of about 750. now this one is a little bit different I am incorporating the first letter of a vault here which is I think in the website Vault Studio because I want to see if I can pull some variations of that type of a logo as well as the Adidas logo itself and then I've got these designs that have come up here so it almost looks like the letter V inside of a bit of a circle and there's a couple of variations here one thing which unfortunately I don't really like about this is the fact that a lot of these have all these little I suppose designs around the corners that make it look kind of well over designed essentially and when it's over designed like this it might not look good as a logo from far away so here I've actually gone to the same prompt I've plugged in the exact same stuff but I've reduced the stylization the stylization here I've reduced it from 750 down to just 100. the results are basically a more minimalist type logo so while the Locos are completely different you can see they're a little bit more basic and a graphics designer could look at these and then recreate these in for example Adobe Illustrator or something like that I think this one here kind of looks the most interesting if you were to remove this person and just have this cool v-shape shape that's happening and this is where I essentially think I'll do a little bit of remixing let's do a version three here and let's uh do we'll remove a women's logo and just keep the rest I think that should be enough for it to work properly so I'm going to also remove stylization 700 and maybe even just increase it a little bit to 150. I've pulled in this version just over here and what I've decided to do is create a variations of it but I have removed the uh word women's logo and that has removed that woman here that was popping up at the top left because I think it sort of looked like a person up here can't really tell but it looks like a person with their head up high and now it just looks more like a logo a vector logo and then I've upscaled the one that I liked which looks very much like the letter v and I want to copy that one so I'm going to select to open the link I'm going to save and copy this image then I'm going to go back to editor X select to change the image and upload and paste this one in so let me make sure I save this one properly on my computer drag and upload it up here and here we are I can paste this in and here this the new logo which also looks really cool now this is currently layered on top of all my other items I'm going to move it below the uh actual word of old studio and that'll let me move it a little bit closer to that wording so here's the new logo it probably doesn't match the buttons as closely as it could and this is where Photoshop would be useful to be able to customize some of that but here are two simple quick ways to create logos the same sort of principles can be applied to create different types of icons and I might do that in the next video but hopefully this gives you an idea of how to create logos inside of my journey if you have any questions let me know in the comments below otherwise I'll see you in the next one thank you
Channel: Codex Community
Views: 141,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, logo, website, midjourney, ai logo, ai logos, ai art, ai art logo, Logos with AI Art, logo ai art, logos ai art, logos ai, logo ai, artificial intelligence, mid journey ai, mid journey, midjourny logo, dalle, ai logo design, logo design, logo design ai, website design, create logo ai, create a logo with ai, ai logo generator, ai logo design tutorial, ai logo generator free, ai logo making, ai logo tutorial, ai logo maker free, MidJourney Logo, MidJourney Logo Design
Id: XP8g07yHKqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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