Midjourney COMPOSITION Prompts Phrases & Tips (for Image Layouts)

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do you have any trouble getting your mid Journey images to be laid out the way that you want them to sometimes getting the right composition or layout for your images can be tough cuz mid Journey often seems like it has a mind of its own today I'm going to give you some tips and some phrases that can help you take more control over the layout of your mid-journey images and while it's never a bulletproof solution it can definitely help you get better and closer to the images that you want to produce when using mid Journey so let's get into it first some phrases that you can add into your prompt these are borrowed heavily from photography as they have a lot of terminology to help nail down a specific type of shot you don't need to be doing photographic images for these to work and sometimes you won't always get the result you want but we're going to cover some of these bits and pieces as we go so you can see my first image here which is a man outside the rain I've added no phrases to it and mid Journey's pretty much chosen its own layout composition so what we're going to do is add a phrase the first one we're going to add is Portrait so when we say a portrait a man outside in the rain it tends to frame things up almost like a professional portrait and you can expect a kind of a similar result every time you use this keyword you can also use closeup now closeup tends to get really up close uh which obviously you know matches the terminology but I have found with this particular phrase if I choose close Dash up shot it tends to be a little less tight at least in my experience anyway and just keep in keep in mind that sometimes you're going to use these terms and they're not necessar not necessarily going to work you might have to roll add some phrases to it and I'm going to cover that soon the other one is aerial view so if you're looking for something top down from the sky looking down we have an aerial view of a man in the rain so actually taking that same subject you can see how these different phrases have affected the image moving on to selfie if I add selfie a man outside in the rain obviously it looks like he's taking a selfie with his phone if I move on to top view it's a little bit like aerial view but a lot closer we have a top view of a man outside side in the rain now sometimes if you change the topic if mid Journey doesn't know how to draw a person or an object from that angle such as an alien dressed in a formal suit it tends to change things up a little bit now the it's still a top view photo because the alien is like laying down on a sheet so one of the tips I do have is to reinforce that word so we have here top view of an alien dressed in a formal suit but if I add top view again it kind of forces a little bit more of that angle so sometimes using similar terms repeating them or trying to have a a higher density of terms that sort of say the same thing can help reinforce what it is you're trying to do I've started with top view to make sure it really nails that down and then I've put the subject but top view again has helped and I'm sure if I added a few more things like overhead or aerial uh I might actually even get a better shot again so reinforcing some of these phrases can also help you move ahead and get sort of better and Tighter results in regard to what phrase you're using but moving on we have epic wide shot so this is kind of like panb wide shot where the subject is kind of like centered more sort of far away but we're getting a lot of the environment around him a full shot where we're getting the full shot of the subject the man and the rain Sim head to toe this works most of the time although sometimes you will get some results in there that are a little bit funny where it's not actually the full shot but like I said keep R rolling and again you can repeat it at the end like we did with the top view medium shot tends to be closer Head Shoulders kind of like elbows upwards is what I've been getting with this particular prompt uh but again it all takes that adjustment and extreme closeup getting right up and close it's almost the same as closeup but uh there's something about extreme closeup just offers a slightly different result and uh one thing I will say too is if you start to add in other elements so if I were to add in here extreme closeup of a man outside in the rain with wet fingers it'll probably find some way to not not only introduce fingers but it might actually change that perspective in order to fit the fingers in naturally so you got to think about these things a little bit as you're framing them up and um going from there low angle shot is a pretty cool shot this one's pretty reliable I think most of the time and it's kind of like the camera has been taken down and is pointing up at the subject so a low angle shot can help and of course you could probably try and mix these up like a low angle full body shot or something if you want to try that but uh that's a good way of getting a low angle shot of the subject uh depending on on what it is you're after and a high angle shot similar to top view taking a photo from a high angle and again you can try and apply these to things that aren't photography these are just the best ways I can sort of convey what it is working on and a landscape shot is actually really good for scenery but you can see how it's affected the man here it's put him there and it's created a lot of scenery around him and focused on that so with landscape shots you tend to get more of a scenery based look where you're getting more of the surrounding environment of the subject now rule of thirds composition shot of I tried a few different phrases to get the rule of thirds to work well this one can be a little bit difficult but the rule of thirds is essentially a sort of Photography type where it'll try and put the subject down on 1/3 like so like centered onto 1/3 of the image as you can see by these grid lines and using rule of thirds composition shot of at the start is a great way to prioritize the rule thirds composition adding it to the end seems to be a little less effective but the other thing too is it's kind of hard to see with a square image so I also created this 3:2 image where you can see he's off to one side and centered on that sort of like 66% Mark if I add the lines in again you can see how he is basically sitting on that line and it's kind of followed the rule of thirds for that layout so if you're looking for something that's not quite symmetrical you can get a good result that way you can also use depth of field if you want to frame things with a background shot and kind of like blur things out not really a composition technique as much in regards to layout but still worth knowing now an asymmetrical balance similar to rule of thirds it doesn't always do the same thing though because what we're trying to do is create an image it isn't symmetrical and that's what asymmetrical means so we get something that is actually nice and original we got stuff on one side looks different to the other and you get a pretty neat effect but the opposite to that we have symmetrical balance so our man outside in the rain comma symmetrical balance see how symmetrical from left to right the trees look the same the bench looks the same left to right but also the way it's added the reflection it's symmetrical vertically as well so you can get some really interesting and really neat images using these phrases and one thing I will uh just quickly want to state is some of the stuff has been added to the end because it makes more sense anything that mentions a shot I've generally tried to say you know like a a shot of blah blah blah blah blah but you can put symmetrical balance shot of a man outside in the rain so play around with the order before or after I've done that and these are the results I've gotten so figure the ground the idea is obviously to have sort of the figure in relationship to the background on the ground or in the for ground so that way like you can see the figure within the environment so figure to ground is another really useful one if you're trying to combine a subject with a very particular sort of background but beyond just the phrases I do have a few more tips for you that will help you sort of take a little bit more control if you're not quite getting the result you want so I have here an image top view of an alien holding a camera it's not really that much of a top view but I do have a a tip I can give you first thing is when you're going to do any of this stuff go to/ settings and make sure you have remix mode turn on that button should be green so now if I go here to roll I get to remix a little bit and what I'm going to do is actually introduce something into the background that would be seen if it was actually on the correct angle so I can just say something like standing on Rocky ground submit so by mentioning the ground that would actually be mentioned in the shot it has actually increased the angle as well so actually describing the image a little bit more precisely like that can help you sort of reinforce the angle that you're trying to work with so let backtrack this time I'm going to go again to roll and I'm going to just get rid of holding a camera and have a top view of an alien and hit submit notice how we're not getting a top view at all again I don't think mid Journey understands how to draw an alien from the top quite as well so it tends to try and focus on the features it knows best so instead what we can do is if we say we want alien with gray skin I click on reroll and this time view of a man with gray skin I can go and start adding phrases to try and push my journey in the right direction so I'm not sure if this will work but I go submit and I've sort of got a better result a little bit it's a man and not an alien however that angle is more the angle I'm looking for even though I couldn't get it with an alien I got it with a man so what I'm actually going to do now is I'm going to upscale this one cuz I think this one's closest to and I'm going to go upscale three now one tip is to just zoom out by 1.5 or two if things are a little too tight it's a standard feature and you can use it quite easily so now I can choose which image I think is going to suit best to then start to turn this guy into an alien I'm going to take this image again number three upscale it and then use vary region and again because I have remix mode turned on I can change what this says here but I'm essentially going to grab my lasso tool and I'm going to draw around his face I'm going to say a top view of an alien with gray skin now I live in Australia so sometimes I spell in using the Australian spelling but I then hit go and now I have these images so what I essentially did is take something that looks similar and use very region to fix it up now the hands still look like a man's hands and we don't have our camera but that's okay again I find the one I like which is this top One upscale it click vary region use my lassu tool to select the hands top view of an alien holding a camera and I hit go and now we've end up with these images of him holding a camera so it's not perfect but of course with a bit more time and a bit more sort of playing around you could probably get it to the point where you're happy and got exactly what you want it's not always about getting the image perfect on the first try sometimes you've just got to build it from various bits and pieces and this is where where a little bit more of the skill comes in when it comes to AI understanding the tools and what you can do with them in order to have a bit more control over what is you're doing but that is not the end of it so back to another alien in a suit in this one the head is cropped and we don't see much of the suit and once again I can zoom out by 1.5 and now the cropping is a little bit better I upscale the one I want and depending on what you're after if I wanted to see more of the suit I can simply pan down and submit or if I wanted to get him more off center I can pan to the left submit and now we have this sort of taller frame which could be great if you were getting something framed very long and Tall if you wanted to have a picture of a framed alien in a suit hanging up in your house or you got more of a rule of thirds type sort of image where he's inside the house that way as well so you can actually frame an image up and by simply extending around a more tightly generated image keeping in mind if the perspective of that close image has the objects quite large and there's a lot of sort of like depth to it it can look a bit funny if you continue to sort of zoom out but otherwise that's another way to take control of it but you might not necessarily be happy with the exact framing but what I recommend now is actually going a little bit beyond mid Journey we got two tools one is free the other is Photoshop and I'm going to upscale the one I think looks the best this one next to the frame uh for some reason looks just really kind of D in a in a funny kind of way so I'm going to upscale that one and of course because I want it to look good I'm going to go upscale subtle and creative to see which one looks best so now I have my subtle upscale my creative upscale but let's just put the brakes on that for a second cuz there is actually one more thing I would like to show you you don't have a ton of control but it can be useful is this image here you can see since we've panned it's now become an aspect ratio of 3:2 so if we were looking to get something wider what we can do is come down to custom zoom and where say Zoom 2 I'm going to change that to zoom 1 and I'm going to make the the aspect ratio 2: 1 to make it wider this is a little bit extreme so a little B will be big difference but it will help illustrate the point by adding Zoom one I'm not zooming out from the image at all I'm keeping it at the same Zoom but by adding an aspect ratio 2 to 1 I can change the aspect ratio of the image this is because I have remix mode to turned on so when I hit submit now we've been able to get the exact aspect ratio that we wanted we've taken control of that and still have our alien framed in there and it's just another way to get take an image that you've made and go well this is looking good but I would like it wider or taller you can use custom Zoom to change that aspect ratio but what happens if you're looking to crop in a little bit it's only a basic skill but it's one I recommend using so if I take one of these images I think these subtle turned out best so I'm going to save this image one note do not save this image click on opening browser I mean right click and save link as to get the full resolution image so the first thing to do is to Simply crop the image now this is Adobe Photoshop I will share a free uh method for you in a minute if you don't have Photoshop but simply grabbing your crop tool and framing things up the way you want so you get a nice you can basically grab these hand move it to where you want click on the image and move the image around when you're done you can hit tick if you also have Photoshop you can actually go beyond the bounds a little bit if you want to have generative expand turned on click tick it will generate a background and it fills that space and crops the image and we end up with our cropped image looking just like this if you don't have Adobe Photoshop uh Adobe actually have another free option that you can use I'll pop a link to this in the description but this is like an adobe Express browser section use free forever you go upload your photo you can drag and drop your image in there just like this and I have my image and I can just move these handles so if I want to crop it to here if I want to cut out the shoulder and get a nice tight crop that way I can do that hit download and then I can save my image and now this is my cropped image we have the original and the cropped crop for free using Adobe Express so obviously the phrases are going to be the biggest thing to get you the result you want but you can fine- tune with those functions I've just showed you so I hope that's given you enough information to feel confident enough to get the layout and composition you want for your images and like I said it doesn't have to be photographic try it with anything use words to reinforce it try different phrases that means similar things to really sort of get that keyword density up within your prompts to get the image you're after so I hope you found that video useful if you did please consider giving it a like and if you want more mid Journey videos check out my channel otherwise I hope see you again soon have a great day
Channel: Wade McMaster - Creator Impact
Views: 6,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney composition, midjourney composition prompts, midjourney tutorial, midjourney image, midjourney photography, midjourney, midjourney ai tutorial, ai art, midjourney prompt tips, midjourney tips, ai art generator
Id: 10ADJQ4h5LY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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