Insane AI IMAGE EDITING tools in Alpaca Chroma!

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alpaca chroma's AI art system just received a massive upgrade they've introduced generation masks as well as layers which means you have even more control over the images that you create this means if you use a generation mask you can select a portion of the image and instead of regenerating everything you'll only change the section that you have selected and with layers that means that you can actually turn certain layers on or off and work non-destructively and take more control over your input image now alpaca are sponsoring this video there's a link in the description if you want to check it out but other let's jump in and take a look so I'm now in alpaca chroma if you're not sure how to use alpaca chroma I do have a video that perfect to get you started I'll link to it in the description below first we're going to touch on generation masks to show you how these work so first of all I'm going to draw an image here on the left it's pretty basic and then I'm going to come down here and give it a prompt a Roman Marvel Statue of a man unreal Renda 3D cinematic because we're just trying to get straight to it we go to creative so we get something that looks pretty decent and click generate and now we have this really cool picture of a statue so what I want to do is actually hit this button here cuz I'm going to move this image across so we have our statue there now let's say I wanted to put a spear in his hand I could take my draw tool go to Brown adjust my brush size and I can basically draw a spear in through his hand here now typically we've got this image and we've got that spear now if I add in here comma holding a spear and hit generate you might not be able to tell but the images are actually different they're a little bit different and regenerated and he does is holding a spear but I really prefer my original image to the new one so what I'm actually going to do is instead of going forward I'm going to click on this generation mask tool or I can hit L on my keyboard and something to take note is I can change the brush size I'm going to keep it pretty big and the change amount I can have this change amount set to 100 and that means it will change uh you know quite dramatically or you can see we have over here regions with a higher change amount will change more so I can actually change go up and down the level that this is actually going to change so then I draw over the spear with the generation mask and I can then hit generate and you can see we now have our spear which is really cool and if you look closely other than the spear they are the exact same image so it hasn't altered the image only the spear but as a quick side note but also want to demonstrate the difference in change amount with your generation mask I'm going to draw a clock up on the wall just something pretty basic and I'm going to get my generation mask set that nice and low sort of under 30% and I'm just going to color over the top of that clock notice the purple's a bit harder to see cuz it's more transparent I add a clock on the wall or something like that into the prompt and I hit generate and you notice the clock is pretty much the same although slightly different but when I Crank that change amount all the way up to 100 and then I repaint over the clock and then when I'm done I come down hit generate the exact same prompt and you can see the clock looks much nicer and more detailed still pretty simple cuz I did a pretty simple drawing but by enhancing the change amount you give alpaca more creativity within that space so it can produce better images or more detailed images from simpler drawings but I'm going to undo that and sort of pick up what we left off it's also very important that you actually bring your image across if you want to continue to work in iterations and continue to improve parts of that image and I'll show you what I mean I'm going to get my draw tool grab red and I'm going to draw a red headband here grab my mask and cover this area and then I'm going to add on here wearing a red headband I generate you see it's out of the red headband but we gone and it's actually just copied this spear across so one thing that's really important to not is when you're using generative masks is to actually work in iterations so if I undo and now I'm going to do is actually just quickly cover this again and hit generate and now we got our spear back in there again I hit this button and we can start to working iterations so now this means I can start to edit the image in other ways if I want this background color to change I can get my brush out change the color to say a purple and I can quickly try try my best to sort of draw around the statue I can then get my generation mask and cover that same area it doesn't matter if I overlap a little bit because I do not want to miss any of this area and now I can add a purple sky in the background hit generate and you can see it's now got our same guy here purple sky in the background and then of course I can continue to move this across and reiterate so if I want to I can draw some building structures in the background grab my generation mask it again again I add to my prompt and you see how we can now start to take some Direction with our a alpaca and I can come across here again and continue to iterate from there so that's pretty cool and I'm going to get to a few use cases in a little bit but there's something I want to point out too and that is layers we can now actually use layers in chroma to move things around so let's say I've moved this across and for some reason I actually prefer the sky without the Roman background or even better I want to remove a section if I come up the top right here I have a layers panel first of all I can hit the visibility eye here and turn that off completely and I have my image with the drawing on it I can move this down come down to my original and I can just sort of cycle through from there one thing I can also do is take this here and you see i' got some options if I click on these three vertical dots I could bring it to the front I can send it Forward one or send it right to the back I can move how far up and down it goes or I can simply click and drag it above the other one and of course I can delete layers as I see fit or even add new ones so that way if I want to I can draw over the top of the image so what I have right now is this image here I can turn that off I have this layer six above it so if I want to I can actually use my Color Picker to pick this color and shorten some of these structures if I want to as well so I can just sort of color over the top like this then I can hit my generative mask and again cover these areas I've drawn on and then make even further changes so by drawing over the top of a layer I can do that I hit generate and it's shortened the structures I'm going to click this button to move this image across and now when I go back to my layers you see I got layer six here if I move that to the top it has our sections that we've drawn I'm now I can now turn that layer off completely and if I want to let's say I have these two layers here although let's bring this layer up I have this layer here and if I turn this layer on the shorter structures let's say I want to keep this side of the image but not the opposite side so I decided I want to take this area back to where it was what I can do if I turn off every layer except for the one I have open I can now get my Eraser tool out here increase the brush size a little bit and I can erase part of this layer and where it gets really cool is that I can now go back to my layers activate the layer underneath and I have the original structure there but one thing I'll take note the reason you need to turn off these layers is if I use my Eraser it erases everything so I'll go undo and I can see there's some funny line work there so I'm going to turn off the bottom layer and just continue to erase that and now everything is back to the way it was on the right and we have so we actually have two generations combined together that's pretty handy and anytime if you decide you want to change this I'm going to go right back to a Roman marble statue of a man and this time I'm going to type in cartoony Vector style to change the style of the image and I've got a completely different style image again I can add it and so now anytime I can go back into my layers and see the different versions I've been working with and that's just a really cool feature and it's a just a handy tool so that's basically how to use generative masks and layers but let's dive a little deeper into some use cases I'm going to completely start from scratch now one thing you can use this for is basic photo editing so if I decide to go over here to add an image I can pick my image here pop it in there but before I do I just want want to quickly note that you can also bring your folder over and simply drag the image in and it'll import it that way as well the first thing I would say is that one of the basic things you can do is if we want to change the background we can either draw in a background like we did before but another little hack that you can do with this feature is once you have everything lined up grab your eraser tool and erase the background and that's a little bit rough but then we get our generation mask and paint over the background overlapping a little bit into the photo we say Beach DSLR photo sunny day generate straight away you can see how powerful this is when it adds that background in there and even like Blends the hair in nicely it does a really good job of Performing that action now I'm going to bring this image across so I hit this button and I've popped it on there now the other thing you can do is work on things like changing eye color now I've got controlled here at the moment what I'm going to do is grab my draw tool bring that brush size right down and we're going to do something a little bit crazy just to help demonstrate the power of it this might not be what you would do specifically but I'm going to bring the opacity down the brush down and just kind of draw some purple in that eye again we get our mask using these square brackets to make that brush smaller and if I really want to keep the eyes about the same shape and not just completely regenerate the eyes I bring the presets down to Pro and I just say so I say eyes with purple iris generate you can see how we've changed the color of the eyes but still manage to maintain the shape of the eyes now there is another tip that I haven't been following so far that I definitely want to share and I it's one I mentioned earlier if we come to our layers here you'll notice I've got the image and I've drawn onto that image so I'm going to bring this image across and if I decide I want to do further edits once again I want to go into my layers I want to click the plus symbol to create a blank layer above the photo so that way I'm not making edits directly into the photo I am making edits onto a new layer so now I can grab my brush tool I can even pick the color of his hair with the eye picker and I can start to draw something such as a mustache or even a goatee beard now one graphic design thing I do a lot and I do this in Photoshop is I reference the colors of a photo when I'm adding elements so again I can come back to this little spot here grab my little dropper tool and pick the highlighted area about there and I'm going to make my brush a little smaller bring that opacity up bring that right down and start to introduce some highlights into that beard as well I'm going to go back to controlled grab my mask clear it and draw over the mustache again this time I simply type in beard hit generate now you can see how that beard has been added I bring it across again I come back to my layers I'm going to turn off layer five and show you that I can go from the beard to clean anytime and as I said before I can come down here I can even duplicate this layer I'm going to turn off beard details here I've still got layer seven which is the duplicated layer turn off all of the other layers click on layer 7 get my Eraser tool and square brackets to bring that brush size down and if I want him to have just the mustache I can remove the beard go back to my layers turn on on this and you can see we get the beard back if you get any funny little issues like this at the end grab that mask tool clear the mask just paint around there remove beard and generate without a prompt and it fixes it up and that is with no prompt whatsoever so you can use this to edit photos pretty easily and it's actually it's quite powerful so you can use both the generation mask and the layers to get a really powerful editing workflow right within your browser here in chroma and you see by adding these layers State and get more towards it like almost like an AI version of Photoshop which I think is really cool and now I can bring this over and then I can use my brush tool to even draw SE semi-transparent glasses or sunglasses I can add objects really your imagination is a limit you just go through with those same processes and you get something pretty cool what you can also do is move on to editing your own artwork so I'm going to start again with a blank canvas so I have a blank canvas again and this time I'm going to import some artwork this is when I was first started learning Photoshop and my way around actually created a 3D render uh in 3D Studio mask cuz I was learning a whole bunch of different skills and I created this now it looks very low poly and a little bit unimpressive but what I can do is use this as a starting point I can basically get my generation mask and because it's a bit rough around the edges I can just come around and I can use it to kind of smooth out those edges by hitting generate with nothing in the prompt bar and now you can see it's a bit smoother so if I actually clear that mask you can see where we've got the little Corners forming now it's sort of been smooth out so I can quite easily use that uh pretty effectively and another thing I can do is basically extend this image now I'm going to bring this across I'm going to come up to my layers and turn off everything except for this top layer here and what I'm going to do now is I'm going to show you how we can kind of extend off of this image so if got the head here we don't have a body we don't have a background so what I'm essentially going to do is I'm going to grab my Eraser tool and erase around the head I actually recommend using a smaller brush to start with so you can get a lot finer and then use a bigger brush to kind of like step it out from there now like we did in the photo we're actually not going to select a background and work from there what I'm going to do instead is come back up to layers add a new layer to drag underneath and I'm going to turn off the top layer and without using any generative mask I'm going to just type in a blank prompt to generate a scene spaceships in out of space unreal 3D render I hit generate we got this which I think is pretty cool but I want to get something a bit darker Dark Void and I'm actually pretty happy with that I'm going to move this over and I have this image here and of course I can use my select tool to kind of move things around a bit if I want to and have more sort of planetary stuff in there and then I can go back up to my layers turn on my alien and drag it up top and now have an alien sitting there above and I can still take this object move it around and now grab my color tool my selection and pick the green of the alien from here I can go into my layer system here come down one add new one although it adds it straight to the top so bring it down beneath and then I can draw an alien body and you see it appears behind his head I can draw an alien body here and then I can even just darken it up and add a few Shadows even some highlights so I've drawn a very basic alien body so now I get my generation mask draw over the top of the body here this time I type in Alien Body Hit generate and then you see it's created an alien body and then of course I can continue to make edits selecting areas of the face regenerating smoothing out bits and pieces I can blend bits and pieces in and with the layer system it's easy for me to sort of draw on particular layers and place things where I need and you can see the kind of result we're able to end up with after following these processes on a lot of various areas of the image so not only can I use this to edit my artwork the way it is I can change the Style by using it to establish a base that I want to use just alpaca chrom's Standard air generator to get an image which I think is sort of laid out the way want but with the style I'm prompting using AI so you see we've been able to achieve by using these tools to lay the stuff out and we got some pretty cool images and again you can continue to edit and launch using your generative masks or layers from there to get even further results with your images for example I drew in and added some little antenna ears to this alien just to finish it off and sort of demonstrate how you can still continue to iterate on those images so you see how powerful this is you can edit photos art or images of any type by adding or removing objects you can change backgrounds extend objects and backgrounds smooth out details and you can shoot for a final image or even create a base image to generate from and this is all super easy as you can organize and reorder certain objects with layers which is really powerful for AI art this is a level of control you will not normally get in an AI art generator so check out alpaca's chroma tool again today if you haven't already these new tools make it a lot of fun and I thank them for for sponsoring this video if you like the video please consider giving it a like otherwise thanks for watching and I hope to see you again next time have a great day
Channel: Wade McMaster - Creator Impact
Views: 4,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpaca chroma, generation mask, generative fill, layers, alpaca chroma generation mask, alpaca chroma layers, ai artalpaca ai, alpaca ai art, ai, alpaca, photoshop generative ai fill alternative, photoshop ai art plugin, free ai image generator, free ai art generator, free ai art plugin, chroma, chroma alpaca, ai canvas
Id: bFxsAyHey68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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