How to Upscale Midjourney Images for Print / Print on Demand (Ai Art)

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if I take this Square image I made in mid Journey version 5 and upscale it I get an image that is 10 24 by 1024 pixels and this works for pretty much every model in the mid Journey algorithm from version one to version five niji mode except for MJ test and MJ test photo if I do the same with MJ test and create an image [Music] I get an image that is 2048 by 2048 pixels which means unless we're using the test algorithm every image we create in the journey on its first upscale is 1024 by 1024 pixels if it is square otherwise the test algorithm is 2048 by 2048 pixels now the resolution does change slightly when you play with the aspect ratio But ultimately it's still going to be about the same sort of resolution this means if we want to print this artwork it's not we're going to be very high resolution and we'll most likely come out looking fuzzy or sort of pixelated and it's not going to look very good at all now we do have some other options such as light upscale redo or beta upscale redo if we're using version 4 version 5 doesn't have any extra upscalers and if we want to go all the way back to version three there is also upscale to Max but the results they get is fairly similar to what we get when using the test algorithm or the test model and in some instances even lower than that even one using the light or beta upscalers you actually lose detail in the process also so we do need to find other ways to upscale now good rule of thumb for printing is an image that is 300 DPI at the size it is printed and DPI stands for Dots per inch and each dot is essentially a pixel which means if we have an image that is 10 24 by 1024 pixels then we can only really print it at a little over three inches by three inches as we need 900 by 900 pixels to create a three inch by three inch image one good example of this is a letter sized sheet which is 8.5 inches by 11 inches which is essentially 2550 pixels by 330 pixels or 300 DPI but there's actually even more to it than that now when you pay a printer to print something often they'll put multiple prints onto larger sheets and then use a guillotine to cut that down when that gets cut down it needs some print to cut into to avoid having a white Edge so they have what is called bleed a little bit of extra image around the cut that allows it something to cut into so you get a nice clean edge with the ink going straight to the edge but the guillotine can vary which is why you need some space a little bit of bleed but then also have some space on the inside for what's called margin for the printer to cut into so what we need is a final size including bleed with some space in from the edge to cover some margin and then we can find out what size our image needs to be and how much space we need to have around any elements that we don't want getting cut off so what's The Simple Solution we can make the image much larger than it needs to be and give about five or ten percent space in from the edge but how do we get our image from a low res image from mid Journey or another AI art platform into something that's large and very detailed and bigger than we need for print here's a few ways of doing it if you're using Photoshop you can go to image image size and simply bump it up to about eight and a half thousand pixels make sure you choose something like preserve details 2.0 to make sure it does a good job of smoothing out the lines also try preserve details to see if you get a better result I think preserve details 2.0 is the best and I can upscale that way the results are okay but they're not the greatest there is also the camera raw filter which I'll pop a link to another video there it does an okay job another thing you can do is actually just smooth this out by going to filter stylize and oil paint turning the lighting down or off completely and you can actually smooth out and stylize your image with these sliders and then you can actually then you have this nice smooth image that when printed won't look too bad but it's not the ideal solution what we'd rather do is find an AI upscaler we can use which is a pretty good upscaler on the internet I can drag my cat image in there I can upscale it up to four and hit start now I'm in Photoshop and this is a close-up of the original image this is a close-up of our Photoshop resize image which is a little bit sort of smooth and this is the image larger image which is added more detail and actually a little bit of noise and actually increase the size of the image this image is now 4096 by 4096 pixels so even though it's half the resolution of our Photoshop upscale it's a lot better than the Photoshop upscale but keep in mind image larger does cost money you get a few upscales for free but not much otherwise it's nine dollars a month and uh it's it's not bad but I've actually been using topaz gigapixel lately and it's a I pay once okay 100 for topaz gigapixel and it just runs on your computer and you have it for as long as you want I can drag my original cat image in and I can choose the standard model or an automatic setting and it's up to six times and making it six thousand by six thousand pixels it's created hair and details using AI to improve the image so let's save that and take a look now going through again this is our original image our Photoshop upscale which is quite smooth our image large upscale has a few artifacts and is added in a bit of detail and this is the topaz upscale which is added a ton of detail and the image looks amazing and if you happen to be using Photoshop you can then take it a step further and upscale that even more so and it still looks pretty good and will print quite amazingly this is at 100 resolution and so topaz is probably the best quality but you do pay a pretty decent fee for it now if you need a free solution there's also where I simply head in upload my image and I have a few options for one I can enhance the quality and I can upscale at a maximum of four times and I can still zoom in and check out the original versus the upscale so I'm going to download this image but before I do pngs may not necessarily work on this platform and it does play up on occasion but if you need to convert your mid-journey PNG to jpeg so you can get an upload because sometimes pngs are too big head to PNG to you can upload here and convert a PNG to JPEG and then upload that JPEG to so let's download that image and compare it so again we have our original our smooth Photoshop upscale image larger which is a bit better again and then we have topaz gigapixel and when we use the free upscaler it's not quite as good but it's still a bit about this about as good as the Photoshop upscale it's probably better than the Photoshop upscale not quite as good as image larger or the topaz upscale so that is an option you can use if you don't have any money to actually afford a premium emitter software upscale your image once you have your upscale image you're going to want to actually pop it into a document that is the correct size for your print this is pretty easy with print on demand for example if we head to Redbubble you'll see that if we upload our image we can simply position it using their website interface to get what we need otherwise you can contact your printer find out how much bleed and margin they need or you could just simply make sure you have plenty of space in your document let's look at a few ways to do that if you're using you can go up here to create a design again custom size and where it says pixels you can change that to something like inches let's say you want a 20 say you want a 20 by 20 inch print you go 20 by 20 inches create new design once you're there you go up the top here to file view settings and you can show margins you can show print bleed and then show rulers and guides head to uploads to upload your file click the image to pop it in if I zoom in you'll see there's a little bit of an edge outside and a line here for margin now this is a little over generous but if I take this right up to the top just outside I want to make sure there's no white Edge on the outside so I bring it right to that bleed Edge and I simply overlay it and make sure I cover everything and now I can see a little line on the inside for bleed a little line for margin and your printer might be able to resize this a little if there's not enough bleed but this is a 20 inch image which is pretty big that's about 50 centimeters by 50 centimeters so that's probably going to be more than enough and once you're happy with that go to share head down to download and then where it says PNG or file type go to PDF print and what you can do then is Tick Crop Marks and bleed and what I recommend is actually using CMYK but this is a professional feature so you can just stick with RGB and if you're using AI art then your printer should be more than capable of printing a simple image from RGB and converting it to CMYK so then I click download to download my file I now have my PDF and you'll see a little bit of water on the outside if I zoom into a corner you'll see I now have Crop Marks these are the marks the printer knows where to cut on the image so I simply zoom out we have a PDF with Crop Marks in the corner and we can send that to our printer to print our 20 inch by 20 inch print if you're using Photoshop you can go to file new keep in mind I recommend using something like Adobe Illustrator or InDesign if you're using text but for air images this will do the trick what we want to do is what we've got recent we're going to go over here to print and we can choose the size from here if it doesn't exist we drop down Choose inches for our 20 by 20 inch print and make it 20 inches by 20 inches but before I click create what I want to do is add my five percent around the outside which means the image if it has five percent on the left and five percent on the right I need to add 10 I make it 22 by 22 because it's a larger print I would go with a five percent bleed which means adding 10 so we double that number if you're going for a much smaller print like a a letter or A4 size you could probably get away with adding 10 and therefore adding 20 to the size so we've got 22 by 22 inches we have 300 pixels per inch which is the same as DPI or dots per inch and we click create then go to file Place embedded we choose our image and place it on the document one thing you can also do is go up to image image size and you can see it's actually 6600 pixels by 6600 pixels and that is the size of the document at 22 inches by 22 inches another thing we can do is you see I have a ruler here which I can turn on or off with control or command r i right click and go to inches on that ruler and now you can see I've got a 22 inch by 22 inch image I can actually drag from the side to one inch which is the area we added for bleed same again I can see over here one inch I need to keep my mouse cursor on the document and I get an idea by dragging in here so 21 inches down here and 21 inches over here this is roughly where the image will be cut if I actually if they use the bleed that I intended this is a lot of space and then again if you want to you can add it again to see what the margin of error is and you can see the cap fits nicely within the margin as well keeping in mind this is an advanced method you don't necessarily have to go this far this is just if you don't have the information you need from your printer this is a really really safe way of doing it so then you if you want to add any text I would just add it within this area here if you want to be absolutely certain it doesn't get cut off once again this is an overly safe overly cautious way of doing it once you're done you can go to file save a copy and you can just say this as a JPEG or a PNG if you want to or you can go to photoshop PDF click save and in this area here you can make sure you have the quality set to 300 pixels per inch you can change the color to something else if you want to so convert to destination like CMYK something like that honestly you could probably just keep it the same since it's AI art we're not dealing with complex design and Vector files here and we can save our PDF from there to send to the printer so you get a PDF like this and you notice this one doesn't have Crop Marks not necessarily essential I guess talk to your printer about that but generally speaking that will lay that up the way they want to when they print it so this is the correct size so you can just send that on as is to get printed keep in mind you do need to get your aspect ratios at least pretty close for this to work if you try to create a square image and pop it into a letter size document that is 8.5 by 11 inches it's not going to fit but if you're creating your image in mid Journey you want to add in dash dash AR and if it is eight and a half by 11 inches you can simply go 8 five colon by 110 which is 8.5 inches by 11 inches hit enter and it will create it at that aspect ratio for you to then export and pop into your document to make sure that it actually fits and that's pretty much all you need to take control of the printing process when trying to print air so I hope you enjoyed the video if you did please consider giving it a like otherwise if you want more mid-journey content and tutorials check out my channel put a bunch of videos on there and there's a bunch of links in the description to other resources otherwise thanks for watching and have a great day
Channel: Wade McMaster
Views: 84,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: upscale midjourney for print, how to upscale midjourney images for print on demand, upscale midjourney image for print on demand, upscale midjourney & stable diffusion art to print for free, midjourney upscale for print on demand, midjourney upscale for print, how to upscale midjourney design for print on demand poster, midjourney upscale for print tshirt, midjourney, ai art, midjourney ai, how to upscale midjourney images for print
Id: v6dnHXzIJPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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