Midjourney: Blend Command Tutorial

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hi and welcome back to the channel today we're going to do a tutorial on the blend command within mid-journey and I'm going to show you the how to use it what the pros and cons are of it and possible alternatives to using it now the blend command is supposed to be an easier way of combining images than was previously used within the slash imagine command and we'll get into that in a little bit but let's play around with the uh with the command here a little bit so what we're going to do is we're going to go slash blend and then as you can see here it comes up with two images two slots for you to drop images into so for our first example I'm going to drop a copy of a girl in a business suit and I'm going to drop a copy of a boardroom that I made here in mid-journey as well then once you have the images in there you just press enter and it works away on combining those two images now as you can see here it combined the two images quite well it actually redrew the boardroom from a different perspective so we could see it here now I'll show you what the images look like originally this was the image of the young lady that I put into the image or into the first slot and for the boardroom I used this image here so as you can see what it did was it took that boardroom and redrew it to give a better perspective match the lighting on the young lady here gave her Derm pose Etc so when it comes to combining two images this is a very nice way of doing it now I know that one of the uses for this is people want to create avatars but we'll get to that in just a moment let's say you want to put this young lady in a different background let's say you want to put her standing in front of like a Jason Pollock Type image so again we would go slash blend we would load in picture of the young lady and we would load in our Jason Pollock painting and then we press enter and it goes about its business of combining the two images just like we did before with the boardroom now as you can see what it basically did was it took our young lady here and put her in the foreground with the Jason Pollock painting in the background it did change her coloring just a bit and I'll pull up her picture here just so you can see what it is and as you can see it modified her coloring to match that of the Pollock painting just a little bit change the lighting not typically wild about the lighting changes that it made but this is what it came back with and if you're looking for a quick and easy way of combining two images this is definitely a quick and easy way of doing it let's do one more uh type of combination here that might be of some use to some people I find it actually very interesting so we're going to go slash blend one more time we're going to take our young lady and then we're going to take a cubism type portrait and put that in there and we'll let's see what kind of combination this comes up with press enter and it goes off and starts doing its thing all right so we have our photos returned here and as you can see what they did was they then took the young lady and put her into a Cubist style painting now I really like this effect I think this is very cool and is an interesting use of the blend command quick and easy Cubist portrait that works really nicely however the problem is it doesn't work with all types of paintings for example if we take the same blend command and again we put our young lady in the first slot and then we do something like put in more Renaissance photo in the second slot and we hit enter you'll see that the combination that it comes back with is not what you would expect at least I would expect it to be a renaissance type photo or painting of the young lady in the picture just like it did with the Cubist here okay so as you can see it returned a combination of the two I mean here's the original Renaissance Type image that I used and of course we have the picture of our young lady here which I'll bring up here in a second and this is the image of the young lady that we put in there to begin with I wouldn't say that was the most flattering combination of images that I've seen but it is a combination just not exactly as I would have envisioned it but that's the fundament journey you never know what you're gonna get now let's do one more combination here let's say you want to do more of a fantasy Type image so we're gonna again we're gonna bring up our blend we're going to drop in the picture for a young lady and this time we're going to drop in a picture of an elf now this is the secondary second image that we're gonna pop in here so let's go ahead and grab that drop it in there hit enter Inlet mid Journey do its thing now as you can see here it did a decent type of combination but when you look at the original side by side with this you can see that it really didn't get that Elvish feel that I was looking for at least you know if some people are happy with this and that's great then blend is an easing optimal way to just drop in two images click go and grab your results and run alright so now let's take a look at how to combine more than two images so let's go slash blend and you'll notice that it only comes up with two image slots here you can add up to five images in this and the way that you do that is by moving the cursor on this bottom line see where it says image one image two down here at the bottom now the cursor is after the first image and then you want to make sure it's after the second image you have to make sure that the cursor is after the box where it says please attach file and then once you have that you can click on image 3 up here and then that will allow you to put in a third image and you can do the same thing with the fourth and the fifth image so let's try our combination again we'll put in the girl we'll put in our elf and then just to give it some Ambiance we'll go ahead and we'll throw in a Tavern fantasies type Tavern in the background so let's press enter and see what we get all right so we've got our images back and as you can see we have our young lady here who is wearing an Elvish type outfit standing in a medieval Tavern this is all well and good and this might be perfect for some people if it is that's awesome go ahead and use the blend command you can knock these things out real quick but let's get into the downsides of the blend command and why you may not want to use it and what a possible option is to making it better for you as I said earlier the blend command was a simplified version of the slash imagine command where you could combine images within there they wanted have a way to do it that was quicker faster and easier for people and it is they did an awesome job at this however with that Simplicity comes some limitations one of the main limitations of this is that no matter which way you put these images together and I'll do this exact same image again where we'll drop in our images of but the girl in the third slot we'll put the elf in the first slot and we'll put the tavern in the second slot the as I was saying the order you put these images in doesn't matter and one of the things that you'll notice aside from that fact is that the results that come back are going to be pretty much identical to the previous set of results I mean it's mid-journey it'll make some changes here or there but the overall results are going to be identical from combination to combination all right so we got our images back from putting the pictures in the opposite direction or a mixed up Direction and as you can see the results here are pretty much exactly the same as results we got from the other side so mid Journey doesn't care what order you put the images in it's going to mix them how it thinks you want to see it mixed and it's going to apply waiting to the you know weight to those images by its own commands and that leads me into the second limitation of this the second limitation is you cannot add any weights to these images so for example if I wanted the Elf image more weighted than the other of course I I just show you on here put in our blend command and if I drag our elf over here and I drag our lady over here and then I put my cursor here and I try and put in colon colon five and then let's say I want a weight of going three on the other image it will come back without those prompts it will not let me add weights to them it will also not let you add other prompts so if you want to put in you know different lighting or hair colors or styles or different ways of manipulating the overall image it's not going to let you do it it's going to come back with the same type of image every single time that's one other downfalls to this now that we now know what the the positives and the negatives are of this we have to ask ourselves how would I go from this to something like this where it's more of a combination at least in my mind this is more of a combination of the two images that I originally start with with the girl and the elf so the question is how do you do this with the blend and the answer unfortunately is you cannot so let me show you how this works with the imagine command now the first step when you're using this is you need to upload the images to Discord so for example if we wanted to take our picture of a girl here we can just drag it over into Discord Let It Go and it will host the image here we hit enter it processes it and then uploads it now what you need to do is you need to go click on it and you right click on this and you go to copy image address now when you do that what I often do is I will copy that URL and I'll show you here what it looks like if I paste that URL in here this is what it looks like I typically will remove the width and the height from the end of this URL just to make it not be constricted to that those dimensions make sure I have everything there so this is the picture of the girl right so I'm going to put in girl if I can type and then what we want to do is we're going to upload the picture of The Elf we're going to do the exact same thing we're going to go over here we're going to drag in the picture of The Elf we're going to load that in there hit enter click on it once right click on it go to copy image address go back to our document over here L again we're going to remove the width and height from this and this is the the two images that we've loaded into Discord so what we're going to do now is we're going to copy this first one we're going to go back here to Mid Journey we're going to go slash imagine and we're going to paste in that first image URL the one of the the lady and then what we're going to do is we're going to put a space and then we're going to copy that other one of the elf and we're going to put that right after it now if we hit if we just hit enter here it's going to do the exact same thing as the blend command but if we want to put some extra arguments in here for example if I want a different type of armor on her I could put something along the lines of intricate Elven armor now when we press enter it will do the same thing as before now one thing you'll notice is that the URLs that mid Journey uses is different from the URLs that we pasted in there these are shortcuts they used so what we can do is we can copy this and instead of pasting that long URL every time we can paste a shortened one it's going to link to the exact same image that we uploaded the first time so either way works so let's give this a chance to generate those images and I'll show you where we're at okay we got our images back and as you can see I think this is now is a much better combination of the two images that we originally starred with which were picture of the girl and the picture of the Yelp I think this combination works a lot better and all it took was just being able to add in a single prompt now we can expand upon these prompts and I'll show you what I did to generate the final image that I created which was this one right here because I wanted something that had a little bit more Elvis years I mean I understand these years here don't look very Elvish for some reason mid Journey has a problem with Elvis years and if you stick around I'm going to show you a trick that will get you half body portrait images pretty much every time that this is one I discovered while I was creating this video and I want to share it with you guys so let's expand upon this image and what I'm going to do is I'm going to copy in my entire thing that I've created before so I'm gonna paste it in here slash imagine if I can type right and I'm going to paste in this entire thing so let me go through this real quick the first two links here are the two images um well in this case what I did was I I put an image of the girl and I put in a picture of the tavern that we looked at earlier the reason being is I want the adding the Elf image didn't really add anything to the combination it added a little bit but adding the the intricate armor kind of overrode what the uh elf girl image added to the image so I removed the elf girl image and put in something that I can use as a background which is the tavern image and then I put in there an intricate Elven armor intricate belt long straight black hair because it will tend to put in weird type of hair sometimes uh I want to make sure that it understands I'm using a fantasy type elf scenario so I put in the prompts fantasy DND which stands for Dungeons and Dragons and Dungeons and Dragons and I gave it a weight of four and then just to really emphasize that I want pointy ears I put in a Heil from DND which again is Dungeons and Dragons these prompts are all pretty much interchangeable but I wanted to put in several different variations so you guys can see just how interchangeable they are I told you I want pointy ears and I want photography style I wanted to be realistic and then I put in a couple negative prompts here blemishes and hat so basically any kind of crown it would put on her or any kind of artifacts that would put on her face I didn't want either one of those so that's why I gave it a weight of negative three now we press enter on this and we'll let it do its thing all right we got our images back and as you can see here one of the things that uh we got were the kind of the ears that I was looking for they're larger and more elf-like type ears at least in the images that show ears and it's putting her in a kind of a fantasy Tavern type background it also has changed her armor up a little bit um going more towards the druidic kind of robes or Elvis robes that we were looking at earlier and even though I put in the prompt of straight black hair as you can see it sometimes will put in different colors of hair which is fine so let's compare this to the image that we originally started with as you can see going from this to something along the lines of this one in the bottom left is exactly what well at least what I was looking for as far as creating an avatar from this particular image of you know taking her and creating her into an elephant fantasy type Tavern scenario that is my tutorial on how blend works and the pros and cons of it and how you would get around that by using the slash imagine or the longer more intricate version of the blend tool now I promised you a way of doing half body portraits and I'm going to show you that right now because I thought this was pretty darn cool when I stumbled across it well do you imagine and we're going to just type in um a beautiful woman and we're gonna press enter now if you type in a very simple command like that it's going to return you a very simple type of portrait okay so the images have been returned here and as you can see it did exactly what we asked to do it returned us a picture of a beautiful woman but these are more headshots and if you wanted something that was from like the waist up then you would have uh the way I've always done it is I would do our beautiful woman again and that would do half body shot and when we put that into the system the results from this are kind of random and I'll show you what I mean here when we get our results back okay so as you can see we typed in a beautiful woman and then put in the prompt of half body shot and again all we got was head shots back so if you want something that is from like that top of the head down to the mid waist it's very difficult to get that kind of shot however if you then put in let's go back to our imagine prompt and we'll go back to our beautiful woman if I can type and then we're going to add in the prompt intricate belt you don't have to use intricate belt but it has to be some kind of belt you could use black belt red belt leather belt whatever kind of belt you want but if in this case I'm just going to use intricate belt NOW Watch What Happens Okay so instead of intricate belt I decided to put in just the word belt and as you can see what it did was it returned me half body Images now you can go ahead and add other prompts and such like that but just adding in the word belt went from a head shot to a half body shot because I typed in the word belt it wants to show you that belt that you asked it to add and it went ahead and gave me several belts now if I want to like on this fourth image on the lower right here you can see where it cut off her head if I put in a hair color as well as the belt it will show me from the top of her head down to the bottom of her belt every single time well I won't say every single time but because it's mid-journey and mid-journey does what mid-journey does but I would say at least 90 to 95 percent of the time it will give me a half body shot so I ran across that while I was building my prompts and I wanted to share that with you guys because at least for me doing half body shots was something I found extremely difficult in any case I hope you enjoyed today's tutorial if you have any comments questions or suggestions please do feel free to leave them down the comments below because I always love hearing from you guys and if you want to see more please like subscribe all that fun stuff and I'll see you in the next video as always I wish you a fantastic day have a great one everyone bye bye
Channel: AI John
Views: 17,135
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Id: OLk_WunKTkI
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Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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