Midjourney Architectural Design Workflow

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Hey everyone, I just wanted to hop on and  share a little bit of a new workflow I'm   trying to develop using Midjourney  and specifically Version 4 (--v 4) So these are some pavilion designs that we've   been working on in Midjourney  that will become a real thing We're looking to 3D print a  pavilion with my local municipality,   so we're working on utilizing  these advanced technologies The pavilion is supposed to represent  the idea of "Advanced Technologies"   in collaboration with sustainability efforts  and so we're looking to 3D print mud or adobe And so some of these forms are you know, supposed  to facilitate the ease of 3D printing with arches Though we understand that they're  actually presenting some some difficulties   in that so it's a bit of  a research project as well But these are   just some of the iterations that we have been  flipping through being inspired by some of   the different textures, arches, panelization that  we've seen and we've taken those images and we've   started to develop some 3D models that are loosely  based on the images that are being produced And so this is something that we're looking  to 3D print here shortly at a small scale just   to start to understand how these parts  and pieces are going to come together I also wanted to share this is sort of a bit  of a theoretical approach on this new workflow   that we're imagining the "Traditional" workflow  we see as conceptualizing engineering the form   documenting the form and constructing  but we are trying to push this new   "Emergent" type of workflow, which is more  of a generate and then componentizing the   model for 3D printing or other different  forms of digital fabrication typologies So once we've taken these images of our sort of  reinterpreted form, we have put them back into   Midjourney using Version 4 and it's  creating some pretty impressive drawings And we know it's not quite there yet, but  here's another example of some iterations,   generations that once we put our model back  into Version 4 and instructed it to provide   construction drawings for us it produced some  pretty interesting drawings as you can see here so I wanted to show that process of Version  4 at least in this last kind of step of   workflow and so what I'm going to do is  I'm going to upload an image to work from And I've got my folder here where previously  we used an image that was colorized but I've   gone ahead and desaturated it and I want to see  what it's going to produce using this image so Click the plus sign, I selected my image,   and then you have to click enter for  it to actually process and upload After that you select the image, open the  original, and take the uh the HTML site   and copy it and we will use that to plug back into   Midjourney to prompt Version 4 to  create our architectural drawings So I'm going to start by typing "/imagine" pasting  in our image reference, and then just for ease to   show you guys I want to just copy and paste what  I did before because it was producing some pretty   good drawings off that so I'm going to paste  that in there conclude with "--V 4" and hit enter And while that loads, I'll  show you our 3D print model so What we do to prepare it for 3D print - These are  all individual components, and so we're going to   start by 3D printing just one so I'll move this  back into place, I'm just going to select it and   if I have it selected there is a plug-in for  SketchUp, if you go to file "Export STL" I   believe that's what the plugin is called - I'll  find a link to it and provide in the description If I select "Export STL" it asks if it if I  want to export only the current selection and   in this case I do want to, my units are  feet, yes, file format "ASCII" that's ok I want to export it, I'll save it into my folder  here, I'm just going to resave over this version   "SynthArch 001" and when I go to open it At least on Windows 10 you have a 3D  Builder where you can actually view this This model is is not to scale and  it's not prepared to print quite yet,   but I just wanted to show you quickly  what the process would be like The reason this program is also good we like  opening it up and here it's a quick way to   make sure that the model is sealed shut, if  there were any gaps in it due to the geometry So it always prompts you at the bottom right  hand corner here to repair the the model and   so it does that quickly, and then if you  file "Save" it, it'll save the model with   the repaired geometry and will  be prepared and ready to print So this is just one module  that we're looking to 3D print,   and uh we're looking at a couple  different methods of achieving the arch One technique is to actually flip the  structure upside down and print so that   gravity is - We're using gravity to our advantage So anyway that's a quick little background on  that, and so I wanted to kind of reveal where   we're at here with these drawings,  so this is the image I put in,   and with Version 4 unfortunately they  can only do square images right now But these are the architectural drawings  that it is producing when we prompt it   to produce you know construction  drawings, architectural drawings,   and I think they're like, amazing,  they're fabulous, they look amazing They don't have a lot of,  maybe applicable details yet This one in the top left hand corner, it does  look like it's starting to add some details   and some dimensions, some notations, but we're  really curious with this back and forward process Of taking these images, reflecting it in our  model, taking snapshots of the model - Here while   I'm speaking I'll just upscale or do a couple  versions on 1 and 3 here and let's just upscale   number 1 But, the flow going from basically what  you saw here are inspiration images   doing a "Double Vaulted 3D Printed  Adobe Mud Architectural Pavilion" Building our 3D model, taking images  of the 3D model, and putting them back   into Midjourney to be you know either  re-inspired or to work on some details That's a new workflow, the "Emergent" workflow  that we're looking to make progress on so Anyway, that's just a quick little  update on where we're at with that,   here's sort of the high resolution  image that it produced based off that Very cool, just wanted to share  it with you guys, and I will share   more progress after we get a couple of  these 3D print modules printed and assembled To see how it affects our process, and  how we want to maybe go for a redesign Definitely an interesting workflow  - Hopefully we can start to see it   a little more in real world practice, or academia I think it's going to start there first, but  that's why we're pursuing a project that's   not client funded and it's simply  funded with the the village and Thanks for watching, if you've got any  questions about this process or if you   guys are exploring this process  as well I'd be very curious to,   to see what type of progress you guys  are making and how you're using it to Either inform your design process, or  have it reflect the design process,   or be inspired by images that  are produced, or reproduced so Keep in touch, put your comments below,  and let's keep making progress together Thanks, bye.
Channel: Architecture for Thought
Views: 57,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Architecture, artificial intelligence, design, yt:cc=on, midjourney, 3D Printing, Concept Design, 3D Modeling, digital fabrication, construction drawings
Id: O3vpjbplLNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2022
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