How Real Architects are Using Midjourney AI

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so in regards to AI in the architectural World we've kind of hit this big stagnation of where it's progressing in terms of generative imagery AI we've kind of reached the first big peak and you'll notice that when AI first started the evolution of it was going crazy fast with had all these new things coming out every month new feature new new way to use it and more refined and now I've noticed at the end of 20123 we've kind of reached this big stagnant so I'm sure the next iterations the next evolution of this will come next year but while we're here it's a really good opportunity for you to get kind of on top of this and see what were the best ways that actual Architects have used this within the industry this year so what we're going to do I think the best way that I've been using it within my firm is using it to create kind of fake architectural renders that look like actual renders but they're actually just uh AI generated and you honestly can hardly tell a difference especially if you put the image on a design report and then shrink it down and just put it on the bottom of the page it really looks like just a real architectural render so first off we're going to jump back into mid journey and I'm going to show you the exact prompts that we've been using within the industry to create real architectural looking renders so mind you we're not taking an architectural model and turning into an actual rendering as kind of that process has not even fully evolved yet what we're doing is simply just creating kind of conceptual phase imagery so let's hop right into mid journey and we'll get started at prompting if you don't know how to use mid journey I made a previous video of a complete beginner's guide to it so we're just going to hop straight in I'm assuming you know how to use it so we go slash imagine now we need to set out our prompts in a specific way to give us this real um architectural firm looking render I think the best one to use is either version 5 or 5.1 5.2 looks okay as well you get some Sometimes some weird looking artifacts within 5.2 cuz I think version 5 is slightly more conceptual so I'm kind of interested in creating this kind of Bernard shumi kind of look because I haven't done this before when I'm working in my Architecture Firm we use prompts specific to our own firm so it searches all the internet for image prompts that are based on images that we've produced in the past so that creates our own kind of style and language but for the sake of this we're going to try something new we're going to use Bernard sumi's work and we're going to try and recreate something similar to some of his work we'll make like a waterfront kind of Park area so I'm kind of curious to see what we can come up with and we set it in Australia as well because why not so when you're writing a prompt you usually start off with a and then kind of the main focus you one of it so if we want to show a busy populated area you just go a busy and then we're wanting to make a waterfront park so we'll go a busy Waterfront Park so we got a busy Waterfront Park with a Bernard shumi style structure throughout go style structure spanning the park and into the city then we can put a comma this is a very loose prompt um usually I make it way more specific than this but I kind of want to let mid Journey come up with and see what it does and so we'll just put the location and I'll just make this brisban Australia should we'll make this one in Sydney know I think a Bernard shumy building would suit Melbourne more so we'll just go Melbourne Australia and we'll put his name in again Bernard shoot me and maybe you can also add another architect and if you want like I'll add Renzo piano's name into it as well and a few more prompts such as architecture architectural facade they will be for the surrounding of the area it will kind of generate a more architectural looking streetcape by using certain facades that have the keywords of architectual facades within it and we'll just go busy Park is another prompt now these last prompts are what's really going to make this into looking like an actual architectural render so what I did originally was search top architecture rendering firms here so we you can search through these firms and then see which Styles is you like so I don't really like this one looks right so this one looks pretty cool we want this style so it's called brick visual so we'll put that as a prompt we go brick visual rendering so my my favorite rendering firm is my architectural rendering or I'm not sure what it's actually called here M so it's just called M but if you just type in M um M Journey bot might not actually pick it up so that's why I like just type in my architectural rendering and also just my rendering so now it's going to take all the renderings from this firm and kind of insert that kind of aspect of you know how architectural renders have a very specific look because they're rendered in a rendering software people have kind of gotten used to like this kind of uncanny valley where it's not quite a super realistic image because you can tell that someone's um separately rendered the actual building into this kind of photograph but that really kind of plays into the psychology when you're looking at these images so I'll add in K2 visual as well now we want to make it a cinematic looking rendering so we'll use things such as cinematic cinematic framing rule of thirds ultra realistic 8K in my original video I went over and explained why we use things such as rule of thirds ultra realistic 8K those are all kind of as basic keywords to pull um images from the internet that look really high definition and realistic say the aspect ratio to 16x9 and then we'll try a version 5.2 for this we'll see what it comes up with so copy that and let's see what it comes up with so now looking at this it's not quite what I had in mind because I really wanted to make an actual Park that looks kind of like this so we been missing a few things and also I think it's taken that Waterfront aspect a little bit too literally but you can see it does kind of have a mou looking cityscape in the background but some of these structures are too large and we want a more contemporary looking smaller structure so we'll take our prompt maybe we'll take Waterfront out of it for now and we'll add red Bernard streamy style structure we'll go small and because it's a deconstructivist style structure We'll add in deconstructive deconstructivism as a prompt and maybe we will take Renzo Piano out of it because is I think as influencing these buildings to be too large and kind of making the wrong scale that we're after so we'll take Renzo Piano out and now let's see what this comes up with so now you can see we're getting some interesting results you're definitely getting that an architectural rendering look from this so if you're designing something like this you can put these images along the bottom of your page and would honestly this look like an actual kind of conceptual phase render try one more time we're at linear we with a long line a so I wanted to kind of span the street and go off into the distance so a busy part long linear I was spanning the park and Fading Into the distant City all right I think this is getting the scale is kind of getting a bit off and way too large so you just got to keep on doing kind of a trial and error until you get what you want we add some more cont temporary structure in the style of I remove all the spanning the park that makes it a bit more simple and easy for it to follow so we'll try this but if you just follow this kind of prompt structure um I think you will get the result you're looking for one last thing I might try is actually using this image as a reference so we take the image URL and paste it into our prompt then adding well I think this was the best one so we'll try this so adding the image to the beginning of the prompt plus what we had originally made let's see if this will work and this going to work with whatever rendering style and or firm style you're trying to go for so if you want to specific Architecture Firm just put that into your prompts and it'll come out in that style so I think this is a bit better I quite like this one on the bottom right it's bit more of what I was thinking so we can upscale number four and there we go so we've got this very firm style rendering of uh the image we're trying to get so this can be used in like design reports of the conceptualization phase it's a really handy tool if you know specifically how to use it and what you're trying to do with it
Channel: Shay Klaassen
Views: 9,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XSCzNJ_ellw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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