Mid-Fight Masses WITH LYRICS - Friday Night Funkin' THE MUSICAL (Lyrical Cover)

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[Music] man there's nothing like a slice of pizza at funky cheeses yeah the gourmet dishes and fancy wine at home are nice and all but sometimes you just want to eat some good bad food and wash it down the soda want a sip of mine might be a little left you drank that whole thing already you know how thirsty i get around you no seriously wasn't that like a gallon [Music] i oops too much soda again and ruined the moment i knew i should have gotten the kawaii sprite hey mister where's the bathroom in this joint you're in line for it daddy dearest please don't tell my wife i to leave here we've been waiting forever there's nothing spookier than single surf restrooms i am this close to shooting the lock look i know you guys have been waiting i just drank a gallon of dr fuss and pepper so did we hold on i've got an idea what if we have a sing-off to decide who gets to go further and now the act you've all been waiting for funky in the pizza ohio kids it's your old pal monkey cheese are you ready to sing not until i've had my pizza and don't forget to put a slice of me in your drink [Music] my man stop goofing around we got a half hour ah guess the sing-off will have to wait until they finish that set nope come on the girlfriend there's gotta be someone in this town with an open stall clothes for repairs clothes for upgrades employees only demons only no bathrooms no restaurant yeah no can do sorry i just don't like you [Music] that was the last restaurant in town where else can i go what about there come on the boyfriend what are you waiting for right behind you come on it's gonna be a big night i do not see cause for such celebration this is the night i saved my thousand soul and complete the church's choir i'd really love for you to be there for it especially since you tried them down for me no promises you know the choir won't sound right without your face you could say without me you'd be in big trouble don't you get salty with me mister that was very unholy of you ah but unholy man cannot go to church just try to make it okay oh it looks like our last little lamb has arrived see you soon greetings sorry for the inconvenience are you interested in joining our little parish nope just need the restroom come now there's no way the will of god will need you all the way here just for that it was a big flashing sign actually that's god's sign look lady you seem nice but i'm not really the sunday school type or that any skull type you poor misguided soul you've gone here just in time allow me to lead a little psalm to help you realize just what i'm offering you precious little one it's your lucky break all your worries are in the past i get you're on none but for heaven's sake drop it need your bathroom fast you've been through so much [Music] there'll be time for your little bathroom trip once you join us and convert have a splash of holy water gun not pass if i have another sit think my bladder's gone and do what's right [Music] i won't bend your will but remember cuts watching you i would make comebacks but my platter's filled where's the bathroom i can't go in the views i don't think you understand what you're rejecting here little em everyone who finds this church needs to be saved you're in great danger if you don't join i'm in greater danger if you don't point the way towards the bathroom the way is god's way this is going nowhere fast come on the boyfriend we'll find another stall if i move more than a couple of steps i won't need it anymore this is still our best bet even if it's a bad one well at least you're not leaving that's a start perhaps this next song will show you the full extent of god's love and if you waste this one talking about bathrooms i'll show you god's wrath you should know by now outside this chapel is a world they're standing taboo just me i'm aware there's a few bad apples but there's lots of good too but the water spread and you won't escape and if you leave here i'm converted got the wrapping skills that i need to make it in my piece don't be alerted think of how you will go fly when a giant [Music] i [Music] save your [Music] protection battling stupid free spirited kid oh hey finally decided to show up huh sorry you have to see me like this let me guess lost soldiers desecrate the chapel and exhausted you again how did you know i had feeling listen we can't let this one get away his very words are drenched in sin and he's a soprano i haven't seen a grown man who knows like that since 1903. with him on the choir we're bound to save way more souls you know what i've told you sarf when stakes are high i'm your guy let me handle situation okay i'm counting on you spot me toilets in here he has a girlfriend nope hey you've been pushing many buttons while i was away haven't you dude i literally just want to go to the bathroom you should have run away or join church while you could but you decide to struggle instead so here we are who even are you i mean your head's kind of ice creamy so i'd assume you're probably with that pushy ice cream lady my name is ruth it will be last name you hear if you do not change your tune very quickly can this maybe wait until after i go i will be honest i am tired and would rather not perform right now but is my sworn duty to i'd say break a leg but i might break yours finally a burn miss those things [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you cannot run if i wish to i will take you into custody of church if you will need none of this fight i will break you face it if you you won't have a church to live in how are you gonna save anyone when there's no way the sins are forgiving their point we need to join good thing i control my vocals with my change i shadow lungs instead you can be one or two no good locals hold on that's why we're gone i need my lungs to inspire plus it seems you'd crush this if i could never sing in her flying eye [Music] wait don't tell me it's true i got that note from your [Music] oh you're turning pink as salmon where'd that strong and brave man go to baby you should re-examine what strength me what would girlfriend say if i told her your full confession do you think you're gonna sway me to your side with blackmail questions i don't think you understand the lengths i got makes her happy sounds real sappy no is nothing like that it's just lifelong tie i protect perceived but after me if we keep going that we never die is that really often i'm sure she'd love to find that god and souls are just a job to you and was the number one spot in your mind i can't distract her from her life's work so don't you squeal i know you have dark secrets of your own social quickly and my lips are sealed sounds like a deal to me let me add one quid pro quo just point me to the bathroom in this place i'll get out of your hair and you'll never know okay so you're gonna want to turn left did you convert our last little lamb no i am sorry it's fine it's totally fine you don't sound fine it's just peachy that you're so the stamped that the choir will never be completed that you desecrated my church when all i ever wanted to do was get you into heaven so you can have happiness and peace forever forever don't you want that doesn't everyone i'd kill to be you right now okay this is getting a little final fazey for my taste so i'm just gonna go to that bathroom so me and the girlfriend can get on with our date already yeah let's get out of here the boyfriend this place doesn't sit right with me of course how did i not realize it sooner roof told me you wanted to banish daddy dearest from your life you wanted to what yeah about that but he isn't the only demon turning you to sin isn't that right the girlfriend oh no after all [Applause] it takes one to no one you're a demon i'm the demon but why would you want to get people into heaven in truth we demons are disgusting vile creatures with no hope for redemption but you you are god's children is lost little lambs that's why i decided to dedicate my life to affirming as many of you as i can so you can meet him in his kingdom that's great but as long as the girlfriend likes me i'm happy with who i am now of course you are she's got you under her spell i mean metaphorically right i get tough cases like yours every now and again engaging in unholy and sinful acts with a demon will slowly corrupt any human and if she decides to keep your soul for herself heaven forbid you'll be forbidden from heaven entirely she'd never do that we love each other it's just like i thought nothing i tell you is going to tear you to a part god can't save you but maybe i can don't worry the boyfriend i'm calling my parents no you are not you little leech you sit on that stereo and bob your head or you won't have a head that's a bob hey nobody threatens him you poor little lamb too stupid and spelled out to understand just how much that soul of yours is i suppose i'll have to hold on to it for you until you do what now i do need you to offer it up willingly so how about a little wage beat me one last time and i'll let you and that demon leave unscathed but if you lose well you'll be heaven bound in no time at all don't have much of a choice do i i mean my life isn't really worth living without the girlfriend in it so if this is what it takes to keep her safe i might not be a demon but i'm gonna give you hell oh by the way no humans ever been able to keep up with this one for more than a couple of seconds so i've already won is that song [Music] you might be fast but i've mastered an almost unbeatable technique got another piece of giving forward this was meaningful i could link it actually so look away yeah this one holy ingredient maybe if you fear that god might disapprove my girlfriend might be devilishly you but i know she is giving me come on give me all your figure out of cancer if you want to fight circle for your freedom be myself dominating independent you can't fix it that's my son if someone like you isn't that appealing didn't let me use the bathroom call me jump he makes me feel like you're don't you know i stayed hundreds before [Music] [Music] [Music] yes you would be born again [Music] i'm afraid to say you might be losing yourself before every time i think it's all foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] there's nothing that's too hard for me to overcome my god you want to have someone [Applause] [Music] people maybe it's just not for you you still don't get it do you i spend almost my entire existence trying to save you humans and so many of you turn it down like it's nothing because i come on too strong or i get antsy or i'm not believable enough you don't know how it feels to walk up to those pearly gates and be towed no over and over and over again for years for decades or centuries to love god more than anyone else in the whole world and not be loved back i'd kill to be you but i can't be i can't ever live down who i am doing this is the closest i can get to being a good person so demons can't really get into heaven at all huh we can't we'll never experience that eternal happiness we'll never feel god's love well in that case i don't think i ever want to go there what in the world are you saying i just can't imagine feeling happy or loved without the girlfriend by my side no matter how much of both they're supposed to be up there i bet roove over there probably feels the same way about you with that whole pack that lets him protect you forever what rook made that pack so we could help me save souls right roof i maybe did not have soul-saving design does that mean you just wanted to stay with me forever duh maybe instead of spending so much time trying to redeem yourself in the eyes of a god who thinks you're beyond redemption you should spend time with the people who think you're fine just the way you are and make your own eternal happiness is worth the shot perhaps i think i will thank you boyfriend you are little man but strong man you are strong enough to tell sarvente what i have tried to for hundreds of years but you also make her cry so leave the next 15 seconds or i turn you into a krushka we'll be going now bye bye good thing i found the bathroom on the way out or i don't think i'd have been able to hold it in a second longer sorry about trying to banish your dad by the way i kind of never intended to follow through on that and i only ever thought about it because he kept trying to steal my soul i'd never even think of banishing you of course he wouldn't man that cervente sure made a lot of wild accusations didn't she i mean come on you wouldn't really try to take my solo for yourself right right now thoughts head empty hey guys it's the spooky month already well then i'd best start making my holiday plants hey if you like [Music] [Music] our only show restaurant tasty no quack the fresh like that's right go order our wings and you wouldn't believe all the joy of a pigeon with a different
Channel: RecD
Views: 2,544,601
Rating: 4.8720126 out of 5
Keywords: Recd, recd mid fight masses, recd mid fight masses lyrics, mid fight masses, mid fight masses lyrics, mid fight masses with lyrics, friday night funkin, friday night funkin with lyrics, friday night funkin lyrics, zavodila lyrics, zavodila, gospel lyrics, gospel, zavodila with lyrics, gospel with lyrics, parish with lyrics, worship with lyrics, sarvente with lyrics, sarvente, ruv, ruv with lyrics, mid fight masses voice acting, mid fight masses dub, zavodilla
Id: PieSnw99QVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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