Microtech Halo 6 Legendary...

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does that uh Microtech in your pocket there you just happy to see me how y'all doing Jared so micro tech Halo six right this knife is freaking awesome it is freaking satisfying as hell I can actually operate the thing sitting here behind the camera it's not that difficult honestly one of my favorite things about this night I really love taking this knife around and showing it to knife people right because this is definitely something that you're gonna be gonna have to show somebody what it does how it actually operates before you let somebody play with it but at the same time when you let somebody play with it they're not gonna be able to operate people operated people work out how to deploy this knife they can figure it out you tell pull the little button down push it in at the same time and then you tell them do the same thing you pull the little switch down here and you push the button in and you pull the handle back at the same time and that combination of things in itself is just almost impossible for people to braaap their head around immediately right everybody can get it eventually but it takes people so long you see that didn't lock up it takes people so long to be able to actually to figure out how to close this thing in any sort of speedy manner right I'm gonna get into what just happened there but the first thing I want to say about this this is a this is a freaking awesome knife right it's recognized at if you can it's recognized as one of the cooler knives on the market right this is just it's expensive and it's huge and it's fast and it's got a kick to it it's actually got recoil it locked up that time right big badass blade point say your one point at point one seven inch thick m390 steel it's just sickness the whole way around right but what's the cool factor what's the cool factor in this thing that just gives it that satisfying in that Oh in that all right I think I've figured it out and here's my direct comparison this is a Mossberg 508 pump action shotgun right we flip this thing around it is currently unloaded right even though I've got shells in the carrier and what I'm gonna do is actually pop one of these in my magazine right so I am clear clear check clear I'm actually gonna take this round out of it clear it clear it I'm clear right so it overall operation of this thing right first thing I do pull the trigger okay click right click it goes bang and then I repol the slide back under spring tension it's hard to do because I'm actually recaulk the hammering Here I am extracting the the spent case there's a whole lot going on with just pressure right it's pressure and it takes me some pressure to come back right and when I get to that back this is what I want this show in the magazine when actually get all the way back to the end there's a click it pops pops right there's that snap where that actual shell comes into the you know comes into the carrier to get lifted up right and then I pushed the slide all the way back forward I'm still clear nothing going into the chamber still I push it or push it all the way forward until it snaps right until I can repeat process you pull the trigger do it again right just over and over and over again right it's the same manual operation with this halo 6 right I push the button fire the trigger whatever it fires out same thing push the trigger in again pull it back under spring tension when I get to the back it clicks just like that round popping into the shell carrier it clicks I push this thing back slide it up in the you know recharge it and I'm ready to fire again it's the same manual of operation as a freaking pump action shotgun and honestly that is one of the reasons I think this thing is just so freakin cool it's just the that the the hole that is freakin awesome and it's so satisfying to do I freaking love it give me a second rightfully honestly I think the double action OTF this should be cooler right this is a micro tech combat Troodon right the hellhound blade Signature Series combat tour Donald a hellhound blade this should be cooler because it's still it flies out there's not as much kick but it flies out flies back in this is a faster night it's cooler you you you wonder what's going on in here you don't quite understand what's going on in this mechanism how does it actually work right that's the main question that comes up with these double action OTS it's not this case with this this is simple you know I mean once you really take a look at it you can understand actually what's going on and how it works and it's just got a lot more slam and a lot more kick to it but this is a freaking cooler knife and it's funner to operate them double action OTS and I honestly think it just comes down to that just that just recharging it that man you're just how it actually operates is so much fun because it is so intricate there's so much going on right you have to do so much with this knife it didn't deploy again you have to do thing I'm not gonna push that button recharge it you have to do so much with this thing to get it to actually yeah just to run it that it it brings more into your knife experience right it brings more it gives you more to do there's more to play with instead of the same thing with like a ballet song right because with with the traditional folding knife you've got open you got close you've got open you got closed I don't actually have a ballet song anywhere near me right now which is kind of embarrassing but well you know whatever but with that you can do more with it right you've got more ways to open it you got more ways to actually play with it and I believe it's kind of the same thing with this thing here it just gives more to actually do right and there is a definite cool factor with this because you know that safety actually the way that this safety works here is pretty neat you can see it is just going into the this aluminum frame there there's that little nub on actually protruding you know into the aluminum frame and so it's just locking in there preventing that button from actually being fired when I first got this thing it took me a while to get used to that safety I've gotten used to it right I can hit it with speed it doesn't hinder me with multiple grips I can do it with my index finger and a reverse grip I mean that was my middle finger I can do it with my index finger grip it's I can do it with multiple fingers in multiple grips it's not actually a problem but it took me a long time to be able to do that right I actually had to get used to that because when I first bought this thing I contacted micro tech and asked them can they switch this up can they switch it out to you know a version with no safety they told me yes that can all I got to do is send it in give him 50 bucks for parts because they actually do have to put a new button in there it's titanium button or whatever I understand that give him 50 bucks for extra parts one second yeah sorry I thought that was a dog in the background there was a kid having fun but hey so they can't actually switch this up to you know me to actually give you the non safety version if you don't like that but I kind of I kind of like being able to throw this in my pocket being able to hit it around I've got no worries about this thing going off I can keep it in a sheath and I have actually have the top exposed because with the the you know without that safety there you're gonna have to carry it downwards in the sheet you're gonna have to carry it like this in a sheet and I kind of like it like this carrying it like this and but in my belt line inner she's carrying this side up against my body you mean actual have the button up against my body there's just I'm not worried about that so the extra a lot added line of safety when you're talking about that thing flying out of there the big heavy piece of steel with a stiff spring coming out I do actually like that extra safety the back of this thing right get into this little charging handle here the you know titanium charging handle you can see a little bit of prints on there that actually that was for me trying to clean it and hitting it with a lighter and that actually just messed it up there it's got a date on it this thing reminds me of Johnny Five right look at it I thought the first person to say that I can't remember where I heard that but it really did just I like that thing look at the milling right this is an expensive knife right it is not cheap there's a lot of money here there's a lot of cost me you can imagine how much time and effort it takes to actually 3d mill this piece just this piece just a charging handle right here out of a solid block of titanium that's a lot of work and machining effort that's gone into that that right there you can see is actually the blade I think it's really cool I fire this thing out right you can see the spring so you can watch through that little hole right there you can see that spring right there you know as I actually pull this handle back you can see the spring just tensioning and chanting and tensioning when I get all the way to the back you can see the blade is almost in there and once it's actually set come on refocus for me come on do it once it actually gets all the way to the back blade pops up snaps into place and you can see the edge of that blade there's actually been tampered off a little bit there's a little bit taken off of the edge of that blade and what I believe that is for is this little latch because you can see the way that that latch works just comes up and latches right around that bar that bar is actually the back screw so this screw here penetrates you know goes all the way through the actual frame of the knife and comes out there's a little nub that actually comes out the reverse side here it's the only screw sweat for my hands it's the only screw that actually comes through that you know the backside of this knife so there's just those two little dots on the end there I kind of wait there like the way that that works is an aesthetic as well as that's just a secure latch it's kind of cool I like the way that that's done it snaps in you can kind of you can throw it down you mean if I can actually get it to work yeah whatever you can actually do that if I wasn't behind the camera you can slide it down I can play with this thing this is actually just a toy in itself you can kind of get a little bit of pull the blade back in if you want the extra added security if I'm ever paranoid that maybe the button has slipped a little bit I'll pull that back just make sure the blade is actually still sitting in the spot I've never actually had any problems with this thing not deploying or accidentally deploying excuse me I've never had a problem with this thing ever accidentally deploying my pocket however you've noticed in this video this thing is not 100% reliable right and I I realized eventually what right because what is happening is I'm not probably not gonna be able to get it across actually on here but there's a little there's a little cutout right for the actual spring for the actual travel because there's a pin that runs through the blade and that's actually what makes contact with the solute the aluminum frame here and gives you your stop engagement right so it actually doesn't come flying out of the end of this knife and gunk builds up just Pocket lint and gunk and all of that debris and everything builds up right there on the end of that shelf and is what stops the blade from actually you know deploying I believe what's happening I'm not a hundred cents sure but I believe what's happening is the blade is actually coming all the way out hitting bouncing back in and then because there's just this you see it it's stiff there's there's a little bit of stoppage there I've got the button all the way pushed in that blade should come forward you can see how slow it is there's there's grit and there's grime there right and it's just from the blade that you see that that's actually just from the it being dirty there's gunk built up in this mechanism and it came with factory oil and factory grease in it that factory grease gathered up so much crap that you within like the first week of me of me having this thing it wouldn't work it defiled like 80% of the time I soaked it in some salt water cleaned it out here I mean did the same thing soap there's some so people salt water soapy water cleaned it out you mean got it working good it did run well or you know a couple weeks you know a couple days maybe who knows you ran well for a little bit of time once it got dirty again I had to do it again had to clean it out I eventually figured out that I can't oil this thing it has to be completely oilless for it to run reliably for any period of time but even then I've had this no oil in this thing for a little while probably about a month now I haven't had any oil in it and it was running good for that month the last month the last couple days which is what inspired me to do this video it started hiccuping it started doing that it's not reliable hey you know it's probably 5% of the time something like that but 5% of the time maybe 10% of the time this knife which is advertised as a tactical defensive knife for military and police is not reliable you know meat and it's so dependent on being clean it's so dependent on not having any oil or anything actually in the end of this thing there in the end of this mechanism in the end of the the actual case the actual frame of this knife here that's a major detriment on this thing that really takes away from actually being a performer and puts it into that realm of collectible and novelty knife it really does because not being able to rely on an item even though it is dirty even though you dropped it in the dirt whatever what have you you know I mean that is a major negative when it comes to tactical and hard use equipment and this thing relying relying so much on being perfectly clean and not having anything in that track whatsoever that could possibly slow it up more so than any of these OTS that I've got right any of these knives I've never had as much of a trouble as I have with this halo 6 right and for the amount of money that you're gonna pay for the reputation that this thing has that just it really does bother me you know it's it's not necessarily to say I can't say that I can't say that the overall knife is bad because it's freaking excellent I really do like this thing but at the same time it's not it doesn't deserve the spot that it has in the knife world knife dumb you know what I mean as far as I'm concerned it really isn't this is more of a novelty knife than this right I actually carry this thing EDC I shouldn't be saying that I live in California I don't carry this thing EDC that's just me saying that haha whatever but I would rather carry that than carry this and that saddens me you see it you see that I believe you heard it slam you heard it kick I felt that kick when I deployed that thing I thought that'd come out and I felt it hit so honestly what I believe is happening is it's coming out hitting the end of that frame hitting the end of that aluminum men and bouncing back getting stuck in that little bit of grit in that little bit of grime right there and so it's not actually deployed because if I tried to stab anything with this right now that's what's gonna happen it's gonna work like one of those little joke knives when you're a kid you know I mean it's not actually gonna work and so that does just seriously bother me it's a big knife I wanna give a little bit of a size comparison here before I actually in this video pulled all these knives out to do a size comparison here's another single action OTF it's a protectant illa I think it's freaking awesome California legal single action automatic protec half-breed no this is a pro tech SBR short bladed rock I freaking love that knife excellent little knife benchmade Killian and Mike tech Kombat true it on yeah overall this thing is I mean it's a freaking pocket sword it's sick and it is a lot of fun to use but at the same time it's just it requires too much maintenance it is reliable it is 100% reliable I will state that it is 100% reliable if you maintain it if you were willing to put in the effort that it takes to actually run this thing it will run but that's not really what most people want when you can get something like a push-button automatic this thing can run dirty you can pack this thing full of great crap greasy grimy whatever you want that protec blade is still gonna come flying out and lock open yeah most of the time it did it again that's it y'all have a go on
Channel: Lugermonger
Views: 16,925
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Id: 5Ng61lC4o0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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