Microsoft Windows Server 2012 :: 70-410 :: 01 Installing and Configuration

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hey guys welcome back to Sparano from the bj tech news so I decided that I wanted to take another Microsoft exam and I started studying for the 7410 I actually started a while back and it's I can often off kind of thing so I decided is everything that I study or start studying all the videos so I start watching I'm gonna create my own videos because it's it's like taking notes it's like video notes which is awesome and I want to provide this information to you guys and probably your guy you guys are probably on the same situation that I'm in you want to take this test as well so you need like a study buddy so let you know let's get together or you know leave questions comments right below the video and let's help each other out let's let's pass this exam so the first thing as always is you the installation and the configuring of Server 2012 which I'm going to show you guys how to do that as well as migration steps because most likely when you are within an infrastructure that you already have service such as Windows Server 2003 uh Server 2000 to you you're not able to migrate not actually well yeah you can't migrate you can only migrate certain tools you can't put the CD within Server 2003 machine and double-click on it and then it will automatically upgrade itself to 2012 you can't do that the only way that you could do that is by leapfrog meaning is you got to take your Server 2003 upgrade it to Server 2008 I believe r2 and then then you could put the 2012 CD in and upgrade it that way now most likely you have servers you know a couple of roles that you want your 2003 machine to be migrated over to your new Server 2012 and I'm going to show you guys how to do that as well because that's what I learned so let's get started so I'm running everything on a virtual machine but they are core requirements for Server 2012 and from I understand nning four CPUs for CPU you need at least a 1.4 gigahertz 64-bit processor now Server 2012 only works for 64-bit for my understanding now the core requirement the real requirement if you know is about 3.1 gigahertz 64-bit processor I'm just gonna make that sure that you guys understand that Server 2012 or only run on 64-bit so make sure that you have that now uh the minimum requirement for memory is two gigs but recommended is about eight gigs plus hard drive space is between one hundred and sixty you could get away with 60 gigs I'm actually running my virtual machine on a 15 gigs because I'm not going to be doing too much so let's get started so actually running everything in a virtual machine I'm I'm using VMware Workstation 9.0 having upgraded to ten as you get I have my ISO mounted and we're going to do is going to power our virtual machine and we're going to boot into our little windows server environment like right now it's loading the files which is awesome and once it loads up we're good to go okay so as you can see this is this is kind of normal you were going to get a dialog box of requesting the language to be install the time and current format and your keyboard now most likely if you're in a different country your installation CD from Server 2012 is going to have your language pack you know I did download the United States because from the United States so we're gonna hit next on this and you got a nice little button essays Install Now and then you also do a repair your computer which is later on I'm not going to worry about that we're going to do it install now okay so once all the files are loaded you're gonna get this nice little prompt and now Server 2012 comes in two flavors and the two flavors is you get a GUI and you get core by two for Microsoft is pushing out core core is a small little footprint that allows you to manage and do everything on a command prompt so that means you got to know a little bit of history with PowerShell don't get me wrong you don't need to be a black belt on power show but at least be like a white or yellow bill of a PowerShell so that's four core people for this 7410 you really don't need to know too much of core which you you do need but not too much if you guys want to practice on a server 2012 you can actually practice on the GUI side now for this video and for what I've saw from my learning and reading from books a lot of people have used the server 2012 data center so that's what I'm going to pick I'm gonna pick the GUI side I'm gonna hit next and gotta make sure it's up to you read this if you want accept a license and Terms hit next now you have two options if most likely if you have a Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 r2 machine you put the CD in and you boot it from the CD most likely you want to do upgrade you pick this uh for us because it's a plain Jane machine it hasn't uh hasn't been touched no operating system has been installed on it we're going to do a custom install so we're going to click on that it is going to a scan your hardware and see if there's a physical hard right there as as you can see I do have a hard drive and I actually gave you 25 case which is cool we're going to hit next on this and right now it's basically going to start copying the windows files which that normally takes a it's pretty quick and it's right now is getting ready to to get the installation process going that takes a while so that's when you can just go you know get a coffee so once the installation is completed you're going to get this most likely on the server 2012 it's going to automatically prompt you for a password and reenter the password for your very first account which is the administrator and we're going to do that right now and we're going to give it the nice little strong password again this is only for testing this is to help us out for our exam and once you put the past where we're going to hit finish it's going to finalize your settings and it's going to boot into this so this is pretty odd right so you could do a control delete again I'm using a virtual machine so I'm going to send the command of Control Alt Delete and we're going to log in and boot into our new machine supplying all the user settings applying preparing the windows in the desktop so once you finally logged it into your server 2012 machine automatically server manager is going to load up and it's going to bring you to this new feature called the dashboard now the dashboard has all the good all the goodies that you need to you know maintain and install roles and features as well as other servers to manage and you're also able to create a server group now at the upper right corner you're also able to hit the manage and within manage you're able to add roles and features remove roles and features add a server with the adding the server a allows you to manage other machines or other servers within your infrastructure with one console you're able to create server groups and also change the server manager properties this is really up to you by default it refreshes every ten minutes you also have the option to do not start the server manager automatically I log in I like it when it loads up one common thing that I do notice is this is not really important for the test for the seven four ten but these bad boys are always red eventually if you refresh it comes to green you have the tools now the tools is the basically the same thing that we've seen in Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 this is your Administrative Tools so this is where you basically can do Windows PowerShell commands your task scheduler system information resource monitor performance monitor and cetera et cetera so what I want to show you guys is how to install the migration tools now it's two ways to doing it and I'm going to show you both ways which one way is to use the manage to add roles and features which we're going to do you get this nice little dialog box which is the wizard you could read this or by default if you want to skip this you could just check this off hit next you can actually Remote Desktop Service installation which is pretty cool we're not going to deal with this right now we're going to do a row base and feature-based installation we're going to hit next because we only have one machine and this is the local machine that we have the one that we're using we're going to pick this you can also use a virtual hard disk for the for the book that I'm actually reading in the videos that I'm actually viewing to take the test to study for the test they're going to be touch spacey they're going to touch based on virtual hard disk later on so hopefully when I do read that chapter I'm gonna do a video for you guys but we're gonna do a select the server we're going to have one we're gonna select that and hit next and the role actually the feature that we want to install is in the second option so what you could do is just skip the role and what we are looking for is the migration tool so where is it here goes so we want to install Windows Server migration tools so once you highlight it is give you a nice little description what it is it's going to include windows powershell commandlets that basically allows you to migrate server roles operating system settings file share of shares for computers that are running earlier versions for Windows Server or or 2012 to computers that are running server 2012 bla bla bla so basically you need these tools set up to your Windows Server 2012 due to the fact that if you do have a server 2003 machine with a bunch of roles and you want to migrate to the latest version you can't you need to have these tools installed onto your server 2003 machine as well as your Server 2012 so you can migrate those roles into your new machine your Server 2012 so I'm gonna show you guys how to do that now due to the fact that this is kind of the easy way to do it the test is mostly handled by a lot of PowerShell so I've actually got like a bunch of dumps of questions from exam and then do a lot of PowerShell commands so I'm going to show you guys how to install the roles and features actually for the migration one on a PowerShell so at the taskbar you got the PowerShell a shortcut here so you want to right-click on it and you want to actually run this bad boy as an administrator okay and the commandment that you're going to be running to install which is this command it is very very popular for the exam so I I kind of want you guys to like remember it I'm gonna remember myself and the command is basically install - windows feature and now if you hit the tab it automatically you know autocompletes it for you and you want to do the parameter of migration migration there you go actually it's a capital M I don't know it I don't know if the capitalization makes sense but whatever and want to do this you hit enter and it's going to start collecting the data is going to start installing the the feature within our server so I like using PowerShell because again a lot of questions within the exam is based on partial commands commandlets at least so if you get yourself familiar with it it's best you get a better understanding of it too now once the feature or the feature and role is installed you're going to get this nice little prompt right here is basically saying that it has to see it it is true I didn't need a restart and execute with secede which is excellent we actually installed the windows server migration so that's basically what we want it I get a nice little warning right here which is because I haven't enabled a Windows updates we're not going to worry about that and we're going to exit now the next thing that you want to do is you want to run a command prompt now with Windows Server 2012 there's no Start menu so if you put your mouse over at the lower right hand side you should get a this little start button so if you click on it you're able to get to the Start menu and from here if you start typing CMD it's gonna automatically bring it the search bar up and you're able to get the command prompt now we want to run this as a administrator so if you right-click on it you get options at the bottom so just click run as administrator and you get to go okay so once you got your command prompt up and running you guys want to get into the server migration tools folders so the way that you get yourself into that you need to get into the windows system32 folder so I'm gonna do a CD C Drive actually CD I think it's a backslash there you go I'm gonna clear that out I want to do a CD and windows system32 and I believe it's Server migration tools it seems CD Windows and CD system32 actually sorry about that guys it's actually a system that systems and we want to get into the server migration where are you my Gration tool excellent now the command prompt that you guys want to enter is real easy I'm going to clear this off and the command prompt that you want to enter is SM I deploy space parameter is a package you want to do a package of this space architecture and because we are running a 86 bit 32-bit Server 2012 we got to make sure you do 86 space a four slash and the parameter of OS and the OS that we're doing is a WS o three a Windows Server 2003 space four slash the path now the path would be the IP address or the UFC path of the server now this is my Server 2003 r2 machine I'm going to log into this machine and I created a folder within my C Drive and I shared it out and I called it you know MIG which is migration for short and as you see I don't have anything in it and I'm going to actually give it the path of this IP address so it's going to be backslash backslash 192 168 1 2 9 1 5 3 backslash MiG because that is the folder that I want this stuff to be entered we're going to hit enter and the SI am i oh sorry about that guys I made a boo-boo it's actually SM I G okay SM IG deploy hit enter and there it goes so right now what is it doing is checking for any prerequisites it's copying the server migration to files to wherever the location that we provide it now if I go back to my server 2003 we got the folder and we have what we need awesome now to run this migration tool so you could grab all these settings within your old server your 2003 you actually need a couple of requirements for this to work one a Windows Server 2003 or r2 and the requirements is that you need at least 25 megabytes of free free space you need at least dotnet framework 2.0 and PowerShell 2.0 now you also if you be if you're going to install PowerShell 2.0 into a Windows Server are to make sure that you have the latest service pack so I actually have some pack one on my testing machine and I needed to upgrade to service pack 2 for the PowerShell 2.0 to work properly so when you guys are doing this for testing wise and and you're studying for the exam make sure that you have those requirements again I said again you need at least 25 megabytes of space dot name framework 2.0 and PowerShell 2.0 but make sure that your machine is up to par with the latest service pack which would be service pack 2 now it's time for us to run the migration tool so the way that we're going to run the migration tool is by doing a command prompt we're going to load up the command prompt and within your command prompt you want to get into your MIG file so within your command prompt you want to get into your MIG folder now the folder could be whatever I did MIG because it's for migration so I'm going to do a CD MIG actually me do a CD backslash let me clear that out see the MIG there we go then clear that up and we're going to do a dir to look at the directory excellent and within the directory we want to get into the SMT folder so I'm going to do a CD backslash SMT and do a tab so it auto complete for us hit enter and we want to do a dot four slash actually backslash SM i.g deploy and we hit enter so this will take some time it's basically prompting getting all the settings that it needs to do I think on the next video I'm going to show you guys how to get all the settings and all the added stuff again the book didn't really go into much detail on the migration part it basically showed me the commands I think within the exam it doesn't go too much detail on this part but you do need to learn the commands or what the SM the SM IG deployed does how to get those migration tools within your Server 2012 using the install windows feature a command lit within PowerShell also um how to use the deploy tool and I get all that information so that's pretty cool Plus also the core requirements I noticed in some Windows Server exams they do actually a question like what are the core requirements if a particular company had this and this is what the core requirements so that's pretty cool so once you run this command you get a nice little PowerShell again the video in the book that I've been reading didn't go too much in detail hopefully when I start reviewing the second video in the second chapter I get into more details for that hopefully you guys enjoyed this part one this is a new playlist that I'm doing for you guys uh I'm actually learning this I'm learning I'm practicing and studying my heart out for the 7410 which is the Windows Server 2012 installation and configuring exam from Microsoft so everything that I do chapter by chapter I'm gonna be doing a video for you guys this will help me out because it's like a video kind of diary kind of lesson kind of thing as well as help you guys out if you guys are going for the 7410 and if you guys have any questions or we could actually go back and forth with helping each other alpha the exam that'd be pretty cool again you can leave comments right below hopefully you guys enjoyed this first part I don't know if I'm gonna do this weekly but uh it depends on how much I want to read and watch the videos and if you have any questions again please go at the bottom and leave a comment and don't forget about hitting that like button and I'll catch you guys on the next video which is actually title as a modifying the installation so hopefully that's what the chapter is titled and I'll catch you guys on that next video peace out
Channel: BTNHD
Views: 127,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Windows Server 2012 (Operating System), Microsoft (Business Operation), Computer, Computer Configuration, Tutorial, Desktop, Basic, Installation (Award-Winning Work), CBT, CBT Nuggets, HD, 720p, MCSA, MCSE, Microsoft, Certificate, 70-410, Installation, Configuration, Migration, smigdeploy, Roles and Feature, Migration Tools, PowerShell 2.0, Technology, Software, Management, training, video training, 70-410 free training, episode 1, part 1, BTN Part 1, BTNHD
Id: D9nwfg8x944
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2013
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