70-410 Lab Preparation - Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 R2

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hello everyone in this video I'm going over the lab preparation for Microsoft 70 - 410 installing and configuring Windows Server 2012 r2 for this video demonstration I'm using hyper-v manager and what we need to do first we need to create one internal virtual switch so other virtual machines can communicate together first we need to open virtual switch manager and we want to create one internal switch so make sure internal switch is selected create virtual switch and go ahead call it internal can then click apply and ok so what we did we did create one internal virtual switch next we need to create three virtual machines first one will go ahead and call it server a second one server B and a third one server C and at the end we will install Server 2012 r2 operating system on all of the virtual machines server a will be domain controller and server B and C will be joined to the domain controller for all the virtual machines we will use Class A IP address the 1010 that's 0.1 all right let's go ahead create three virtual machines first we need to right click new virtual machine click Next let's go ahead call it server a and then click Next on this window we can choose the generation for this virtual machine and as we can see here first generation is backward compatible with the previous version of hyper-v and second generation we have some new features such as secure boots cozy boot and pixie boots and it is not supported by the previous version of hyper-v and also we need to keep in mind once we create the virtual machine we cannot change its generation I'm going to use the second generation next and we're going to go ahead use 1536 for the amount of RAM which basically 1536 1536 gives us approximately 1.5 gigabytes of RAM next and I'm going to go ahead connect it to the internal switch we created previously next and using default location default name and next I'm going to go ahead use the ISO image to do the operating system installation and this is Server 2012 open next and finish I'm going to do the same for server B and server C so right click new virtual machine next call it server call it sever be next second-generation next amount of RAM 1536 megabyte next connected to the internal switch next default location default size next using the ISO image and finish same for server C you all right so what we did we did create three virtual machines as we can see here server a server B and server C we did also create internal virtual switch and we did attach these virtual machines also we did attach server 2012 ISO image now we need to start the virtual machines and install the operating system can simply right-click and start and then to connect simply right-click on it or just double-click and since this is brand new and installation yes we want to press any key to boot from the installation disk again in this case I'm using the ISO image so the system is booting from the ISO image and yes press any key to boot from the installation disk since I started all three at the same time we need to pay attention here at the title bar server a for server B and for server C as we can see here so for server a definitely want to call it server a as we go through the installation for server B we want to call us ever B and sever see you want to call it server C all right let's go ahead go through the installation next install on B next install and on C next install ok so we want to install Windows Server 2012 r2 data center with the GUI graphical user interface so make sure that is selected next I accept next this is brand new installation so we need to click on custom installation and then here if you want to create multiple partitions we can just simply click new or if we don't want to create any partition we can just simply click Next and if you don't see a drive here probably our hard drive is connected to a third-party device let's say rate controller therefore we need to install additional device driver for it so we need to click on load driver and then install the additional device driver then computer would be able to talk to the hard drive recognize the hard drive and we should be able to see the hard drive here in my case I'm using the virtualization so I can see the VHD here already attached and since I don't want to create any partition I can just simply click Next going to my server B again making your data center with we selected mixed except next this is new installations which custom and next and then going to server C server see I want to install server core data center and then as you go through the lab activities we will install the graphical on server core so let's go ahead install server core next accept and use the License Agreement next this is brand new installation so custom and we don't want to partition this so VHD so we can just simply click next and as we can see it is going through the process of installation and during the installation system were restored then we don't need to press any key to boot from the installation disk again we just want to let the operating system continue the installation I roll fast forward in a solution and I roll back all right as we can see then a solution of Server 2012 r2 on virtual machines and finish and here it's asking us to type the password for built-in administrator accounts I'm going to go ahead and use password 0-1 as we can see here password 0 1 but again in the real world case scenario we definitely want to use a strong password let's say complex password where we have uppercase lowercase and Numbers minimum of 8 characters symbols okay so sever C it was over server core and this is several core installation and let's go ahead login to server a all had also login to server be all right as we can see the operating system is fully up and running and of course for server operating system every time when we log in server manager reload by default which we can simply click manage and then server manager properties by selecting do not start server manager automatically at logon ok and close on server be seen we can click manage server manager properties and do not start server manager automatically at logon ok let's go it closed several manager window let's say if we need to open server manager we can just simply click on this icon here the computer and briefcase icon on taskbar and then it opens the server manager also we can click start menu and then server manager and it opens server manager window alright right now we need to perform the posts in a solution task which basically going over after the operating system installation configuration such as computer name assigning IP addresses and so on we can do that by going to several manager and then this is server a so clicking local server first we want to change the computer name click change one more time this is server a ok and every time you change a come to name you have to restart ok we start now let's go to B this is server beans we can see here on the title bar let's go and click local server on several manager local server and then computer name go ahead click on the computer name click change one more time and then here computer name go ahead call it server B and we cannot have spaces in computer name altogether server be ok okay and then closed and restored now since there were a running let's go ahead login to server a let's go ahead login to server being all right going by our a on opening server manager let's go to sever B open server manager alright after several manager loads completely then we need to click on local server and then Ethernet ipv4 let's go ahead click on that one so we can assign static IP address basically static IP address when we are assigning IP address manually so we need to right-click on easier net properties IP version 4 properties use the following IP address we can go to server B local server and assigning IP address right click Ethernet properties IP version 4 highlighted and then click properties use the following IP address and for several B I'm using 10 1002 for the DNS I'm using 10 10 0.1 because other server a will be a DNS server as well all right going back to Sarah a local server to scroll to the right so let's go ahead turn off internet explorer and hand security configuration this is basically where anytime when we want to browse on the Internet using Internet Explorer and if the connection it's not secure connection if you are using hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP rather than using HTTP we will receive warning it's basically saying that your connection to the web server it's not secure so we want to turn off that warning okay and then when you refresh we should be we'll see it's turned off so let's go set the time change the time zone based on your location you need to set the time okay all right we can go ahead and close several manager and then we can open control panel system and security power options and then change plan settings and make sure it's never Save Changes okay all right let's go to sever be local server is selected we did already assign IP v4 let's go to scroll to the right turn off Internet Explorer and hand security configuration and if you refresh we should be able see it off let's go ahead set the time zone okay and then call it server manager opening control panel system and security cover options under balance click Change plan settings change it to never Save Changes and close all right so again what we did here we installed Server 2012 r2 on server a server B and server C separate see it was the core installation a and B it's a GUI graphical user interface installation so if you go to server a and then if you open PowerShell and if you type hostname we can see the computer name to double-check it should be server a as we can see server a and then IP config to see the IP addresses 10 1001 let's go to server B and confirm hostname as we can see server B IP config 10 1002 it's for therapy next we want to install Active Directory domain controller on server a also we want to install DNS rolls as well so we need to open server manager and then add roles and features next role based selected already next our server is selected next on their server roles page we need to select Active Directory domain services and then click on add features and also make sure to select DNS server and then add features so again Active Directory domain services and DNS server is selected click Next click next one more time click next next and install so we are installing Active Directory domain services and DNS services role on server a as we can see here after the installation of Active Directory domain services we have to promote the server to be domain controller which we should be able to see it here under the notification section when the installation of Active Directory domain services finished then we have to go to server B and joins ever be to the domain controller alright as we can see it says configuration required installation succeeded on server 8 we can go ahead click close and here as you can see the yellow exclamation mark next to the flag let's go ahead click and then it says promote this server to a domain controller we need to click on this link and this window will pop up we need to select add a new forest that's going called Edison and then go ahead click Next and here as we can see the domain functional level or forest functional level basically this is just for compatibility if we have let's say older server let's say Server 2008 or Server 2003 we need to change this domain functional level or forest functional level so it can be compatible with older server since we are using Server 2012 r2 we can leave it as is and then password for recovery purposes in case if the Active Directory services it's not functioning properly we want to put to the restore mode we need to provide this password I'm using password 0 1 and let's go ahead click Next and then here for DNS and installation delegation let's go click Next on additional option page click Next on this window basically it's asking us where do we want to store the NCDs you tool or this wall of data which we can leave default location and click Next but again real work a scenario you might need to change your location and store it in a different directory but let's go ahead click Next Next and then let's go ahead click install you as you can see it is restarting right now and while we install Active Directory domain services on server a what we can do we can go to server C and and convert server C from server core to GUI we will use PowerShell to do this so first we need to type our show exam and then enter so right now we are in the powershell as we can see the PS and the CMD layer to convert Windows Server 2012 r2 server coordinate solution to the full GUI option is as follows after typing this PowerShell command go ahead press Enter all right well we in query on server see we can go to server a and login using the domain admin as you can see rocford domain services installation completed and we can double check by opening server manager and then clicking on tools and as we can see Active Directory domain controller is installed and also DNS installed we need to keep in mind since we just installed DNS role we might need to change the DNS address back to the computer IP address because it will change it to the 127 address so let's go ahead right-click Ethernet properties ipv4 properties and as you can see it's change it to the loopback address let's go change it back to 10 1001 and then okay close and close close network and sharing center window and then close several manager window alright since the installation of Active Directory domain services finished let's go ahead go to server B and join the server b2 domain controller first we need to open server manager and then click on local server and then where it says workgroup click on workgroup click change here we need to change it to domain and type the domain name and then we get the authentication window basically it did communicate to server a and now we need to authenticate by providing administer username and password if we didn't get this credential and we got error messages we might need to double check the communications if they can ping if the IP addresses are correct and so on we will see this welcome message click ok and we have to restart the virtual machine ok close and restart now so server B has been joined to the domain controller successfully and if you go to server a virtual machine and open Active Directory users and computers by clicking several manager tools Active Directory users and computers expanding the domain controller and when we click on computers we should be able to see server B sever B has been joined to this domain controller successfully alright let's go ahead close Active Directory Co server manager and going to sever B control-alt-delete we have to keep in mind since this is on a virtual machine using hyper-v manager if I press control alt delete' applies to my physical machine for virtualization hyper-v manager control-alt-delete is basically Control Alt + key so let's go ahead press ctrl alt end using the keyboard or we can also click here as well ok very sister burpee backslash administrator we need to keep in mind this administrator account is a local administrator account because server p is the name of the computer the local computer so anytime we will let me log in using server b backslash administrator we are basically logging as local administrator account if you want to log in as domain administrator account we have to click on this arrow search user and then other user and then here we have to type edit own backslash administrator basically we have to specify that we want to login using domain admin not local administrator account and you might say here already set a JSON so just type the administrator and type the password but check this out as soon as we typed administrator it will change the signing to to the server B because it's assuming that hey administrator there are local admin so you're probably Singh local admin right so that's why we have to specify edit own backflash administrator to show you I'm going to just type administrator and you see as soon as I typed administrator here says server B that's why we have to specify the domain name by typing a deform backslash administrator and then typing the password so now it says a to zone backslash administrator this is an example of domain admin account and I'm using password 0 1 for this video demonstration and as we can see several manager loads by default and you might say we disable that feature what what's going on here yes this is domain admin account it's another user account basically we are logging as domain admin so we have to do the same use on this domain admin account as well by clicking on manage several manager properties and then say do not start several manager automatically add log on OK and then close all right right now if you open up our show and if we type who are my it will show who we logged in as and we logged in as domain admins edit on backslash administrator if it says server B backslash administrator that's a local administrator account since it says haters on backslash administrator we know we logged in as domain administrator we have the privilege of the domain admin account basically alright as we can see converting from server core to GUI has been finished let's go ahead login to server C alright now we can go to local server to change computer name assign static IP address and set the timezone so let's go ahead click on computer name and then click change this is Sarah C and then okay okay close restart later let's go ahead set the IP addresses by right-click on Ethernet properties and then making sure Internet Protocol version 4 is selected and then properties use the following IP address and then okay and then close close network connections window you can scroll to the right turn off Internet Explorer and hand security configuration and then set the timezone we can go ahead called server manager and restart let's go ahead login to server C by pressing ctrl alt and now we need to join into a domain by opening server manager and then clicking on local server and then clicking on workgroup click change and then domain make sure selected type the domain name user name administrator and password password 0 1 ok as you can see computer has been joined to the domain ok you need to restart the virtual machine ok close and restart now now if you go to other server a which is domain controller and if you open several manager and open Active Directory users and computers by clicking tools Active Directory users and computers we should be able to see on their computers container we should be will see server b9 server see it's closed active drug-free closed server manager going back to server see let's go ahead log back in we can click here and we don't want to use local administrator account so we have to click this arrow to switch user and then use other user and then we have to defy the domain name backslash administrator you alright let's go ahead disable this automatic of several manager I'd log on do not start server manager automatically add log on OK and then close we want to change the power settings by clicking start control panel system and security power options and then change plan settings change it to never and then Save Changes ok all right so quick overview on hyper-v manager we created three virtual machines server a server B and server C we installed Server 2012 r2 and our server a is domain controller and also a DNS server and then server B has been joined to the domain controller also server C has been joined to the domain controller and network discovery was turned off so let's save changes ok then if you go to server C and open network and sharing Center change advanced sharing settings and make sure network discovery is turned on basically makes your computer discoverable by another computers so right now if you type ping the IP address since I talked previously I just press up arrow on my keyboard enter now as we can see for echo request and for echo reply 0 person loss and using the ping command to test the connectivity going to server B and we can ping well this was the lab preparation for Microsoft so many - 410th installing and configuring Windows Server 2012 r2 the lab preparation has been completed if you have any question please leave it in the comment section if you liked this video please hit the like button if you want to see more tech videos like this please subscribe thank you so much for watching have a good day
Channel: Peyman Tech Media
Views: 9,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PDkkInDGmlE
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Length: 31min 25sec (1885 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2017
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