Microsoft Scammer Threatens Lawsuit

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[Music] in this video a Microsoft tech scammer calls me to try to gain access to my computer I love it when they call because they're much more gullible than if I were to call them and I have a blast pissing him off let's have some fun hello now am i sticking with mister man oh sorry hi so my name is Mike Williams and I'm calling you from your existing support team for your computers how are you doing today sir I'm good oh ho that's good I thought I will hope that you must remember when you had a virus attack on your computer last time we had fixed that problem for you and given you the services right seems familiar haha it's been a few months where my name is Mike Williams and the technician the technical code is mm 0-7 2xv RIT which I have provided you last time right I don't I don't remember for sure it does sound familiar he is ok so let me let me do here one thing let me verify your email address which you have registered with us and that is I have here it's that your email it's one of my emails yeah okay so that is the same email id which you have registered with us since we have provided you the services last time so well this is uh you know the follow-up call to confirm how is your computer working now is it working good are you McAfee is that we're saying so so let me tell you McAfee the we have provided you as well and enter the disease of Microsoft Windows services helpdesk and we are the third party collaborate with Apple as well okay and I have already given you all the information in your computer I have saved that as well I will show you later on ok I will give you each a novel information once I do our gonna you know clean up all the junk presses and do the regular cleaning in your computer after that ok ok ok so let me tell you why I'm calling you here the fourth reason is that that we need to clean up junk cookies from your computer to your device gonna work properly and run first and second thing is that the emails which I have confirmed to you that is your email and that you have inserted oh let me tell you why I always again tell me are you is still using the same email id which I have confirmed with you I haven't been using it wait we have been using a different email okay different below what value in them I use that one too sometimes okay okay but but you use it right then barely like once in a day or twice in a day right okay so so oh like can you tell me have you recently reacted your email from any public computer or any library Starbuck something like that yeah I believer have you you used to do that right I have I've done from Starbucks okay so let me tell you let me tell you why I'm asking you all this as you already know that we keep track of our services we have given so it's been a couple of weeks you can say the three or four days our server engineers are capturing there are some suspicious activities are happening your email ID someone is using you yeah so someone is using your email ID yeah someone is using your email ID and have sent more than 1500 spam mail to the different location in United States and Canada in order to scan people which I believe that you are not even aware about that am i right so not at all as very suspicious that's what I'm saying why would you do that right why would you try to scan people right so let me tell you how we are able to trace that kind of activity on your network part let me remind you as your IP address please write be sorry you say something yeah please remind me yeah so let me tell you how we are able to trace that your IP address I believe that you know about IP address IP stands for Internet Protocol address that is the physical address of your network path Internet network path that IP address is also registered with earth so on that IP we have noticed some illegal activities that someone from a remote area from outside the United States or Canada is continuously trying to get active of your network and trying to establishing a connection let me tell you what Yahoo join because it he nodded could it be Uncle John because I I think he's in tears right now oh no so let me tell you if you told me that someone like your email that someone also using like your relative you you're saying that sometimes he emails me okay so if okay who is that person who use this email a part of you can okay he doesn't use my email Uncle John sometimes emails me from Paris okay and patterns are getting lots manya and this stuff like that okay I'm not talking here about you know Istanbul sending you the email over your email I'm telling you here that someone is illegally trying to you know establish in your connection let me tell you what exactly the post on the third party trying to access your network part and try to become a primary user of your to work and computer as well so he do have the axis of your computer and he will be able to see exactly whatever you have in your computer whether it's a personal information of your personal stuff or if you do the banking or online shopping it will be spying you over that do you think oh I'll do now yes where you might have heard the news on CNN that was twenty days back more than 10 million accounts were compromised due to major hacking attack well Uncle John to stop doing that next time he does that because he doesn't have permission to do that just because I mean why would he why would he do that okay so let me tell you let me tell you are first of all are you in front of your computer now because I would need to diagnose the network issue and will provide you the resolution for this I invited I'm in front of a computer okay so whatever you are doing on your computer like if you are checking your emails you are checking Facebook doing something booked just close it right away and come back to your home screen where you see all your icon okay and I just just stop it right away because you cannot able to do anything right now it could be shared with the third pod right right alright so are you in front of your computer and can you tell me like what do you see in your computer your icons I see my icons okay so cool I believe that it's a computer right it's a desktop yes it is come on can you this any holder my computer is classified as a computer okay so what can you tell me which window operator you are using like you have upgraded your window like Windows 7 8.1 8 or Windows 10 this Windows 7 Windows 7 the old one okay no problem about that so do one thing I'm gonna okay I'll do even with the troubleshoot steps which you have to follow from your and on your computer okay okay I'm trying to make a secure connection so I will connect your device to my server and I can you know diagnose your network path loop on your keyboard and on your keyboard at the left-hand side very bottom there will be a Windows key it have a Foursquare on it do you see that yes to start okay what do you need yeah what you need to do is you have to press and hold down the windows key and at the same point of time you need to push letter R R as in romeo can you do that please okay - are ya bindles and letter r that these type of windows and windows are yeah yeah windows key and the pin and the letter R okay press that on would see at the same time when you done release are double y and t o w s and R okay nothing happened so also listen to me uh what do you need to do is so you have to press and hold down the windows key just press and hold on the windows q don't release it until I do not tell you to release okay so type and now no no you have empty at Oh burn so I said that you don't need to type anything you don't need to type anything itself okay dose uh yeah I said press windows press Windows key and at the same point of time you need to press letter R of what key at the same time okay I'm holding down our and typing out W I and T o WS nothing's our so video typing dead windows can you tell me I'm typing out windows while holding down are not also you don't need to don't need to do that what do you need to do is sir you don't need to type anything okay you don't need to type anything just listen to me what do you need to do look on your keyboard where you there you see your windows key what do you need to do is you have to press and hold down the windows key and at the same point of time you need to push letter R R as in romeo i don't have a business key I'm gonna open your browser okay do one thing can you open your browser if you have chrome or edge Internet Explorer can you open one of that Firefox okay yeah you can open that okay expression okay what is your homepage of the firefox browser like you have a home page AOL MSN Yahoo my home page is Google but it's Google okay that's good that's good alright in the Google search box type over there www dot I can't type anything in yet because I'm not connected to the Internet oh so you are not connected with the Internet would you I mean I can connect oh you you have to first connect okay without internet connection we cannot do that I'll have to hang up because it's a dial-up connection oh okay so how you gonna you know enable the internet I have to hang up the phone because it uses a dial-up connection another that you can you can plug in the internet right after I hang up a phone I can plug in the Internet okay so do you want me to call back after one minute well if you call Y Mon connected to a dial-up connection it'll make me lose my internet connection you know what a dial-up connection is don't you ah so it is not connected with oh you know wireless cable no to desktop and I have America Online the dial-up connection remember okay realize you have layout you know so like how you are using it you are using your computer over that cable and you are using your landline over that both cable right my landline is connected to my computer through a dial-up modem okay dollar modem so can you just plug out your dollar modem in any other plug well doesn't matter if I plug into another plug there's only one one phone line coming in okay okay do you give me kind of give me your any other number so I can call you back later you know after one minute so you can you know talk and I can assist you know now oh that's that's very pretty impressive okay really yeah pretty impressive you know you get now know you get I know this is a scam I'm yeah I know that as well this is going on YouTube by the way oh you do accurate otherwise in the cartoon if you see any single word this will be used in the act of law against you okay recorded life oh you you fear on YouTube you hey you see them like in subscribe ones will hit them or I'll make a turn in your car [Music]
Channel: pappamonkey
Views: 28,669
Rating: 4.9494128 out of 5
Keywords: animation, cartoon, funny, scammer, scambait, original, scammer prank, indian scammer, microsoft scammer, african scammer, prank call, crank yankers, scam baiting, phone scam, phone scammer, scamming the elderly
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2017
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