Microsoft Power Automate - How to get Forms responses to Excel and Email - Full Tutorial

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my name is Anna Jensen dis learn some microsoft power water mate today we will see how we can get to form sponsors live to excel and how we can send them EU made based on a condition if you enjoyed the video don't forget to subscribe to the channel to get all new videos about powell tomato let's get started so i created a symbol forms survey with a name and email address and two ratings how was your instructor that's me by the way it could be great average not good and how was your overall impression demi can submit so we want to create a flow that each time a user clicks submit we want to update an excel sheet that we got another onedrive or SharePoint let's see how that excels she does so here are created a simple Excel she ate you can open it you can see that we got five columns we got submission time we got a name got an email address instructor a rating and overall impression rating those data here are all data from the survey from two forms so we will just retreat and automatically let's see how that is done in power automate so go to power automate then click create and we'll choose a trigger based flow so click automated flow the coldest survey I chose Excel and then we will choose a trigger and the chick trigger is when a new response is submitted in forms nice actually the first one so just pick that and then click create so first we will do for our form ID and death is just the name of our form - H a customer survey like this then click the three dots then click settings and then click this split off that's important so click done now we will I have a new step and then choose an apply to each like this and now we can select or this list of response notification that's the data from up here and what we will do is that we will get response details of added action and we'll say kit response details to your Microsoft forms a form idea that's again our ATA customer service and then we will have a unique identifier that's just a list of response notification response idea choose that one so far so good now we can start to work so we'll choose to add a row into our excel sheet here let's just close this one down for now and what I'll do is it will click Add then we'll see at a into table Excel online business here the location well the location is onedrive for business the document library that's just one drive and then we will choose the file location I put mine in X and then AJ customer survey like this then my table is called survey data and we can now specify what we wanted we can see here that's our five columns and we'll get the data to those five columns from our forms so the forms looking at take a look at it this is the designer let me click into this we can see that we got these four questions and we get the time and that is created externally when the user clicks submit from this MA so when what will do is that will go to power or to me again in a submission time we can even see power to mate let us choose so that's just the submission time that's an external timestamp then what's your name that is the column and we'll ask the user what but his or her name is so that's just what's your name what's your email address and this one is what your email address don't choose to respond to email because that is when a user is locked into office 365 that'll that's the email year so choose to the field you created unless you want that of course then how would you instructor how was your instructor that's here and how was your overall impression lactis so now we created a flow that each time a new response and forms is submitted then we'll update our excel sheet so let's see how that is done so we'll click Save against a little big test I'll perform introduction save and test so now we can actually send it now it will wait - it will wait - a response and the survey is submitted so let's try to submit a spare spots here let's say that Donald Trump he wants to submit a response and he is at white house and he's not very happy with me so he thinks my course was not good and the rating was 1 then he kicks submit and we can go back to Powell to mate over here and you can see that our flu is triggered a new response is submitted now we have applied trades we can see all flow ran successfully and then we can go to onedrive and then we can click on our accelerator and you can see that we now got updated with Donald Trump timestamp his email is rating and so say that we want to apply a condition so each time we get there an angry or actually and not good ready we want to get an email instant so we can reply to that customer so we're then again we go to power automate and we will click Edit up here and we will just add in a new action so actually with adding in then we will click power we will click new step we will clade create a copy of this one up here just with a conditioning so apply to each here and we'll just take the list of response notification we could of course name these a little bit better here sorry we could of course rename this those ones are the better so we can say like this is the email condition here and this is update Excel up here so that'll be a nice way so part eight exhale no we are down here display we will add an action and that will be get response details like this form idea again that's just an age a customer survey and the response idea that's a list of responses now we can make a condition so I choose another action and we will just choose this condition that'll be an if what will do is that will say that if how was your instructor is that it's equal to not good then we want to send a mail so over here in yes because if this is true then we go over here otherwise we won't do a thing because then then we are happy but we want to have an instant meal so at a over here and we'll just check in notification and we'll have a send me an email notification we can of course in an Outlook mean as well but this is sufficient here we will say that in the you could say customer alert and in the body that's the mail text it was a customer and then we can insert the customers name so we'll go down here check to what's your name so this customer was not satisfied with you send a mail to and then the customers made a dress so like this now we can try to perform or this workflow so room will update Excel as well but then and then we'll go run down this condition so click test again click Save and test now power ultimate is listening on our action so let's create a survey response more submit another response so this one could be perhaps Bill Clinton and he'll just have my mail he's not very happy American prisoners they aren't happy with me so he would have not good and lost click Submit and then we go to power automate we can see that we get a response over here and now your flow is running and now we will run this email conditioned as well and now your flow rein successfully so first of all we will go to our email we can see that we have a new mail and this one is a customer alert and we can see that customer Bill Clinton was not satisfied with you send a mail to and that's his mail so far so good and of course we just updated the excel sheet as well we can close it down we can open it again that's it that's how you earn update excel with the form responses that you get you do it live and how we can send an email based on conditions in power automate if you enjoy the video please give it a thumbs up that will really help me a lot and also don't forget to subscribe to the channel have a good day bye
Channel: Anders Jensen
Views: 184,427
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Keywords: power automate forms to excel, forms power automate, microsoft forms power automate, microsoft power automate forms, how to use forms in power automate, how to use forms power automate, microsoft power automate forms to excel, power automate excel forms, power automate forms mail, microsoft power automate, power automate demo, power automate how to, power automate tutorial, anders jensen, microsoft flow, power automate, power automate microsoft
Id: Q7W1BX-gvaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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