Power Automate Submit MicroSoft Forms Responses to Excel Online

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welcome back to channel everyone in this video I'm gonna talk about how you can submit your amis form data to excel sheet using power automate in a previous video we have talked about how you can create form using Emma's form if you haven't checked that video I will provide link in description you can check out that video as well but let's just focus on this particular video to see what I miss form dinner 2x the seed first of all we need an Excel C to be stored into our oh three 64 minimum and that could be your onedrive and that could be your shape and document library as well in my case I have saved that under my dev site in document library so there is a two way to achieve this one let's just talk about the first one if you want to create a form from scratch so in that case what you have to do is you have to create an axel workbook and you can name it I'm just just naming it to form data and in the insert section there is new form option once you click this one you'll see that the form data is created you can add a question here anything you want to add so just for testing I'm adding a question which technology you like so I'm saying sure point it will provide me option as well they'll stream right I'll just preview this one and which technology do you like is a select share point and click on submit my form has been submitted now I go in my this form data so the column has been created here automatically now you can see the data is there so the ID is there start time completion time email and my name is there and the questionnaire which we have created is one question only and the response for that one is here so this is the one way to achieve and if we have created a form already like this one and want to save this form data to excel sheet so in that case how we can do that using power automate let's just talk about I'll go in my power automate try to create an instant flow skip this tap name my flow as form to excel and connector is ms form trigger point will be when a new response is submitted pick a form ID it will be a form name so my form name is feedback form this one next step is forms get response detail again form ID will be feedback form and the response ID will be list of response notifications response ID next step is Excel online add a row into table select the location in case your Excel it's stored into your onedrive you can select this onedrive for business in my case I have this SharePoint site dev under that I have document library documents and the file name which I've created SMS form data using flow and the table is table two so one important thing is to notice when you go to your Excel workbook this the table I have created so before going ahead you have to create the table and provide a table name as well so this is done now you can see that all these column name which we have created here is these are and we have to map them with the response we received from here so in the full name we can provide your full name contact number your contact number date of attendance will be your date of attendance which training you attended was it helpful how lightly and revered tinning time whatever training time for future so so we have map so we have so we have mapped all this column now save your flow right now there is no response I'll go in my amis form and I'll type name contact number you can provide anything date of attendance select your answer for training wedding date or was it helpful yes select the rating and which straining time do you prefer is this down evening time is good for me so the ranking of evening is one and click on submit ok so your response has been submitted so we'll go in our flow and you can see six-second above who had succeeded so now we'll check in our this one you can see that we have the responses here likewise we can submit one more ok let me just go to preview test power bi no one star the evening time submit now you can see that we have another response here so that's the way actually we can submit your amaz form data to excel see it I hope you liked this video if you do like this video don't forget to subscribe learn and Tech thank you so much for watching
Channel: Lernen Tech
Views: 150,205
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Keywords: microsoft forms responses to excel, microsoft forms tutorial, microsoft forms excel, microsoft forms and flow, forms to excel, save microsoft forms data to excel, microsoft forms advanced features, ms forms to excel flow, ms forms to excel, ms forms, to excel online, ms forms export to excel, sync excel with microsoft forms, sync ms forms with excel, submit ms form data in excel, save ms forms to excel, lernen tech, power automate, power automate excel, ms fow, lernentech
Id: CZ3ViZ-XrF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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