How to Capture Form Responses in an email with Flow

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hello its Matt and welcome to collaboration coach in this video we're going to figure out how to capture a response from Microsoft form and convert it into an email so I think this is a good excuse to use flow to link up the form with the email so before I start flow I like to do a little bit of planning just to make sure that I know what the steps are going to be when I actually go in and create the flow so this one is nice and simple there's really only two steps I want to be able to capture the response from the form then I want to convert it into an email so step one is going to be before so for that forum I'm going to need my questions and I'm going to need to create and publish the form and then for step two I'm going to need an email and I'm going to send that email to the responder that's the person that filled out form and I'm also going to send it to a group and I'm going to send the email on behalf of the group so the email that the responder receives will be sent from the group so before we do anything else we need to create our form so we can do this by going to the forms app from the home page where we can grab it from the app launcher and once we're in forms we can press the new form button and we need to give our form a title and then we can add some questions so here I've added a multiple-choice we can add other types of questions like ratings and dates so when we're happy that the forms complete what we need to do next is share the form and get the address of the form so we can use it in our testing so we do that by going to the share button and then from here we can copy the address of the form so we can use it for testing so I'm going to copy that open another tab I'm going to paste that in and now you can see I'm looking at my training feedback form so I'm going to leave that there for now and we'll come back to it when we test our flow so now we've got our form set up we can actually start building the flow so I'm going to come back to the office 365 home page and I'm going to go to this icon here power or to me so this is the new name for Microsoft flow power or to me land you on this page and you can see your flows and you can create new flows from here as we saw in our planning diagram we've really only got two steps of this flow it's really simple we've got the forms piece then we've got the outlet piece so what I'm going to do is search the templates to see if there are any flows already set up for me to use so I'm going to hit the templates button I'm going to go to the search field and I'm going to type in performs an outlook and here a quick glance you can see by the icon there's one that actually includes both of those could send an email to a responder so I'm going to open that one up it's going to show me that yes forms an Outlook of both used in it and then if I scroll down you'll see how that flow is connected it's using my credentials my account to do that to connect to Outlook and to connect to forms so I'm happy with that so I hit continue it takes me through to the flow designer so what you can see at the top here is the trigger this flow start in the first place and as we know we want the flow to start when a new response is submitted through a form so the first thing it asks us to do is tell it which form we want to use for that so we come to this block at the top where it says when a new response is submitted and we drop this down and we choose our training feedback form from the list okay now the second block here is a condition so it's making a decision here and this decision is is the responder so the person who filled out the form anonymous or not and the reason it does this is because you can share your forms anonymously if you do that there won't be an email just to you so you can't send the responder an email so if the responder is anonymous it's just going to stop the flow and not carry on but if the responder isn't anonymous and has looked on so we do have an email address it goes to this yes block here so within the yes block we've got send an email so you can see here we've got some variables added in the to field we've got the responders email so that's the email address of the person that filled out form we've got the subject here which is that a bit of text so that's free text that could be anything and we've also got the submission time so we'll just say when this was submitted and down here this is the body of the email we've got some information about who submitted it so what their email address was and what time they submitted it now we could add more to this if we wanted to so for example if we wanted to add the answers that they gave when they filled out form we could add them down here so so let's come down and say question one answer for example we could then come to the dynamic content which is this section over here if that's not there you can toggle it on and off using this add dynamic content link I'm going to scroll up and you can see here are my questions so question one was how was your training so I can put the answer to question one as a variable next to that text so I'm just going to do the same for the upper two now so now I've got the three answers to the three questions in the email so at a glance I'll be able to see what the responses were I've also got this section called show advanced now down here I can add more detail I can send this for Mars and I can put a cc in a BC and it could be that you don't want to send the format yourself because it might not be appropriate you might not want to be receiving emails from people who are filling out your form because there could be many of them you might want to send this as so I can add a send out from a group or from some other mailbox I'm gonna add the sales and marketing group as the send us here and you can see here is pop that up so I can just choose sales and marketing and it will resolve it for me and I could also see see other groups other people like so like if I wanted sales and marketing to get a copy of the email with the response in it I could do that too and I could also add myself in there if I wanted to so you can be as flexible as you like there so I'm going to take myself out so it's just sales and marketing once I'm happy with that I just hit the Save button now the flow is saved now if I want to test this I can do that using the test button in the top right here but I can choose test and the two options I have here is how to trigger the flow so saying would you like to trigger it manually or would you like to use previous runs I've got no previous runs as this is the first one so I'm going to do it manually so to do that I'm just going to choose that I'll perform the trigger action the first one and then hit save and test now the flow is waiting for me to respond to the form so I'm going to come back to my training feedback form up here I'm just going to fill it out so just fill out the questions randomly doesn't matter what response we give at the moment and hit submit now if I go back to the flow you'll see it's now running so it's running in the background and you can see eventually it comes back and says the flow ran successfully now you can see the two ticks here mean that both the blocks were successful so both completed and if you click into the condition you can see what happened you get a little bit of feedback on and there's the there's the answers that we gave during the test so now the other test you need to do is check your email because obviously there should be an email in my inbox now telling me how I answered the form so if I come to the office 365 homepage and go to Outlook here's my email and you can see it's sent on behalf of the sales and marketing team and it's got the bit of text that was in the title so Microsoft forum responds and the date and then the answers of the questions so the sales and marketing team would also have got a copy of that because you can see they're included there okay guys that was it that is how you use flow to capture perform response and put it into an email now one thing before I go if you want to send on behalf as like I've done in my demonstration so I sent my email on behalf of the sales and marketing group you need to have that permission in order to do that otherwise the flow won't work properly that is actually an administrator action I'll put a link in the notes below so if you need your administrator to do that for you you can just send them the link and they can follow the instructions there alright thanks for listening and I'll see you next time you
Channel: Collaboration Coach
Views: 86,221
Rating: 4.9461641 out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft, Forms, Outlook, Tutorial, beginners, office 365, Flow, Power, Automate
Id: HsehcCNGxBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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