Web Scraping Made EASY With Power Automate Desktop - For FREE & ZERO Coding

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So, imagine you go to work and  your boss gives you this task:   Please extract a list of titles and links for all  our published tutorials to date from this page.   Simple task, big problem. The problem is  there are so many tutorials on so many pages.   Just the thought of doing this manually gets  you sick in the stomach. Okay, so you go over your   options. There's Power Query for Excel, but that  doesn't work because we don't have HTML tables.  Google Sheets has an IMPORTXML function, but  it's not easy to set up, especially when it   comes to dealing with all these different pages.  But guess what? There is a tool that you can use   to do it for you, and it only takes two minutes to  set it up. There is zero coding and you actually   already have it on your computer. Well, as long  as you have Windows 11, it's there by default.   If you're not running Windows 11, and I assume a  lot of you aren't running Windows 11 yet, you can   install it from your Office 365 account. Just go to  your apps, click on Power Automate, go to "My Flows,'"   install Power Automate for Desktop, that's the  tool you're going to use. So, I've talked about   Power Automate before on this channel. We've seen  the cloud version, but what I haven't introduced   you to yet is Power Automate for Desktop. That's  what we're going to do today. Now, I don't just   want to go in and say, that's the left side, that's  the right side, that's the middle side, and goodbye.   I want to show you a really cool use case for it.  We'll use it for Web Scraping and solve our task.   Just to give you a bit of background about this  tool. So, Power Automate for Desktop is a desktop   technology that allows you to automate any web or  desktop application, regardless whether it has a   built-in API or not. So, that's why it's especially  useful for legacy systems. It uses Robotic   Process Automation or RPA, which means you're  building these software robots that perform the   actions for you, but you do it in a user-friendly,  drag-and-drop environment without the need to know   any programming. It also has a recorder which  allows you to record and then, replicate your   actions. Kind of like recording an Excel Macro, only  that you have all your applications to work with.   Okay, so let's jump in. Let me show you around and  let's do some web scraping. While we're at it, on this device I have Windows 11. I'm just going  to go ahead and launch the Power Automate app. So,   just go and type it in, you're going to see it  pop up. Press Enter and open up the app. If it's   the first time that you're opening it up, you're  going to see something similar to me. You're not   going to have any flows listed in here. You also  might need to log in to your Microsoft account,   so you have to have a work or school account. Once  you do that, you're ready to set up your first flow.   Click on New Flow, this is going to create your  first automation. Give it a name, I'm going to call   mine, "Get Links", and press Enter. Now, you don't have  to do anything. What's going to happen is that, Power   Automate is going to bring up the designer, and it's  going to take a few seconds for it to get things   ready for you. Once it does that, we are going to  see this view on the left side. We have the Actions   pane. Actions are the primary building blocks of  any of your desktop flows. They're grouped together   by different ways. So, sometimes they're grouped  together based on the application. For example, for   Excel, we have different actions we can take on the  Excel app. We have different actions for Outlook.   We have actions for Files and for Folders, and we  also have different controls like Conditions. We   can do an If, a Switch or do Loops. In the middle,  you're going to find the workspace. Here, you're   going to be building your flow from the available  actions here, as well as the variables that we have   on the right side, and different UI elements, in  case you're going to need them. Now, we're going   to see what variables are in a second. But what  you can also do is to record your actions, which   is something that we're going to do in a second as  well. Now, as a first step, we're going to start off   with doing something very simple. Just to get an  idea on how Power Automate for Desktop works. So,   let's just go ahead and create an automatic action  that opens a specific web page. To do that, we're   going to go to Browser Automation, we have options  for extracting web data or filling forms on the   web. We can also launch a new browser, so depending  on which browser you use, make your selection.   I'm using Microsoft Edge, so I'm going to select  launch new Microsoft Edge. Click and drag and drop   it to my pane here. Now, the moment I drop it, I get  this pop-up, it asks me what my launch mode is. Do   I want to launch a new instance or attach it to an  existing instance? I want to go with a new instance,   so I'll stick with the original selection. Next,  I can put in the URL. I'm just going to paste it   in and I want to navigate to the "All Tutorials"  page. Then, we can select the Window state, if you   want it normal, maximized, or minimized; I'm going  to stick with normal. Notice here on the bottom,   it tells me the variable that was produced is  called Browser. So this is an automatic name   that it picked up. You can rename this if you want.  But this way, you can always reference this action.   We're going to do that later on, so you're going to  see how that works. We're done with these settings.   Click on Save, we get the first step of our flow.  Now, we can save this. Just click on Save to see   how everything works. We can click on Run, you can  stop at any time or debug by running action-by-   action. In this case, we just have a simple step.  When I click on Run, what's going to happen is that   Microsoft Edge is going to open up and I should be  taken directly to the All Tutorials page and I do.   Okay so, so far, so good. Let's close this. Now, let's  quickly think through the steps that we need done.   So, we want to go to this page let me just run  this so that we can see how the page looks once   we get here we want to grab the title. So basically,  we want to select this. Copy it, paste it in Excel   and then, we want to right-mouse-click,  copy the link and paste it in Excel.   We want to do this for each single post. Not only  on this page, but we want to go to the next page   and repeat for all the other posts as well. The way  we're going to do this is to use the recorders. I'm   going to go back to the design panel and click  on this recorder button. This is going to bring   up a new dialog box on the side, and it's going  to give me the ability to record. So, just like the   Macro recorder in Excel, once you start recording  your actions, your clicks are going to be recorded.   Let's take a look at how it looks like. So, I'm  going to click on Record and start recording.   Now, for example I'm going to go and select this,  I can see the actions are recorded here. You have   the ability to delete stuff or you can also pause  the recording and go around and do your clicks. And   once you're ready, you can resume your recording.  So now, we're ready, we're going to click on record,   and start recording our steps. Notice this part  gets highlighted. I'm going to right-mouse-click,   I get this dialog box on the side and I have the  ability to extract the element value. I want to   extract the text, so I'm going to select text. But I  also want the link, I'm going to right-mouse-click,   Extract Element Value and extract the Href, the  hyperlink for this element. So, notice as I'm   doing this, this part here is getting updated.  It's telling me, "Extract handpicked record(s)   in the form of a 2-column data row on the  screen," and notice, there is a green border around   that searchable drop-down list in Excel title. It  means that this is being reflected in my recording.   Now, check this out. I'm going to go to the next one,  right-mouse-click and extract the element value,   add that for text and do the hyperlink as well. Now notice, the moment I did it for the second element,   all the other elements on the screen are  highlighted as well. Power Automate picked   up a pattern. This is similar to Excel's Flash  Fill functionality. It picks up a pattern and it   applies it to all the elements on this page. But I  don't just want it on this page, I want it to move   on to the next page. So here, I'm going to come down  to the next button, right-mouse-click and "Set this   element as pager." That's all I have to do. All the  steps are recorded here, I just have to click on   Finish, and it's going to add these steps to my  flow. This added another variable called "OutputData".   So, let's go and edit this. I'm just going  to double-click to go and update some of these   settings. First of all, we can see that the web  browser instance is using our browser variable.   This is the variable or the action that we  created in the previous step, which is great.   Down here, we can see that the data is being stored  in a variable. I don't want it stored in a variable;   instead, I want it stored in an Excel spreadsheet.  So, I'm going to select that and I get a variable   that's produced called "ExcelInstance". I'm happy  with that name, so I'm going to click on Save.   Now, I also want to save my Excel file. So, let's  go to the Excel category here and grab Save   Excel and drop it here. The ExcelInstance is the  variable that was created in the previous action,   that's fine. Where do we want to save it? I want to  save the document as and let's select a place for   it. I'll put it directly on my desktop and call it  "My Links," and click on Save. Now, as the last step,   we can also close Excel. So, let's drag and drop  this here. We want to close the ExcelInstance,   and before closing Excel...Well, why not, we're going  to save the document. Okay so, are you ready to test   the whole thing out? Let me just close everything  and we're going to run this. Okay so, let's sit back   and enjoy the show. Microsoft Edge should open, it  should take us to All Tutorials page. Now, it should   slowly go through each single page, and we should  see the links updating on top, and we can see we're   on page 2 now, on page 3. So hopefully, it's  working in the background. It's going and grabbing   each of these links and the titles and  it's adding it to our Excel file. So I can   happily sit back, enjoy my coffee, and take  extreme comfort as I watch Power Automate do my work.  A few moments later. Okay, so I can see  we're getting close to the end. I think this is the   last blog post that I have. So, these are the first  posts that I ever wrote on the XelPlus web page,   and everything seems to be done. Let's see  if the Excel file was created on our desktop.   It's right here it's called "MyLinks". Let's  open it up and we have all the titles of our   blog posts and all the links in Excel. There are  284 rows of blog posts. So, the last one is called   "How to Incorporate Excel Dashboard Techniques in  Your Reports". Let's just make sure that that is   the last post that I have. It's "How to Incorporate Excel Dashboard Techniques in Your Reports". So,   as you can see, this is the magic and the power  of Power Automate. All I had to do is give it   a simple recording and it figured out what I  want to do and it did the entire work for me.   So, obviously you can take it much further and  build really complex automations with this tool.   I still need to learn a lot myself. I'm very  excited about the potential. I hope you enjoyed   this brief introduction to Power Automate for  Desktop. If you did, please give this video a like.   If you have cool ideas how you could implement RPA in your daily work, please share it in the comments   below. You can expect more automation content  as we continue to explore the possibilities. So,   consider subscribing, if you aren't subscribed  yet and I'm going to see you in the next video.
Channel: Leila Gharani
Views: 963,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: XelplusVis, Leila Gharani, Advanced Excel tricks, power automate, power automate desktop, web scraping, zero code, no code webscraping, webscraping, websrapping, robotic process automation, power automate desktop flow, microsoft power automate tutorial, desktop recorder, extract web data to excel, excel web scraping tool
Id: DgBZiBIgh3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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