How To Send Forms Responses to Outlook With Power Automate (based on the answer)

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with office 365 you can set up a form like a questionnaire or a quiz and you can get the results of the form in excel or you can check it directly online but what if you want to be notified when someone selects a specific answer and maybe you want to notify someone else maybe another department or another project manager when a specific answer is selected and when you think about it there can be so many use cases for this you can set up a form for your customers and if they're unhappy about something the right person gets notified you can set up a form for your students and if some of them answer a certain way you get notified now the best part is this is actually much easier to set up than you might think [Music] first thing i'm going to do is log into my account so just open a browser type in login then before i do the power automate i need a form i haven't prepared a form i'm going to do it really quickly because i want to show you how easy this entire process is so let's bring up forms if you don't see it on this list here you can click on this icon and you might see it here if you still don't see it go to all apps and then you're going to see forms then click on new form so i'm going to call this anything you need and let's add our first question so the first one is to grab the person's name so i'm just going to type in your name next one is a choice i want to check if they need a meeting with me so i'm going to type in do you want to have a meeting the answer is either yes or no and then let's find out what that meeting is about so i'm going to add text here i'll go with your topic now i want this to be a requirement okay so that's it our form is already set up now what i want to do is set up my power automate so anytime someone clicks on a yes i'm going to get an email notification with their name and their topic if they select no i don't really care i'm going to look at those at the end of the week okay so the next step is to set up our flow in power automate so let's go back here and bring up power automate again if you don't see it here just click on this icon and you're going to see it mine is right here i'm just going to click on that now i want to create a new flow so click on create this flow is going to be an automated cloud flow because it's triggered by an event so let's add a name to our flow now we need to select the trigger for that flow and check this out it's right here when a new response is submitted so anytime a response is submitted this flow needs to be triggered to check if there is a yes or no if you can't see it here you can also search for a trigger just type in forms and it should pop up so i'm going to select that and click on create first thing i need is the form id we have a drop down here so let's select that and i can see my form here anything you need now let's add a new step now before we check whether someone has answered yes or no we have to grab the outcome of the form that's basically the value this form returns once we have that then we can do our check so here's the great thing if you just type in forms we're going to see microsoft forms here and then you have to select an action we anyhow just have one action here get the response details that's what we need then we just have to select our form id which is the name of our form and then under response id when you click on there there is only one option here under dynamic content that's what you need this is going to collect the responses of your form now we can add the condition so let's go to the next step this time i want a control and that control includes a condition so for choose a value what choices do we have well because we're already getting the response details our dynamic content is what we have in our form remember i put in your name do you want to have a meeting that's there we even get some more information here and the one i want to check is this question do you want to have a meeting so i'm going to select that if this is equal to and you have a lot of different options here but for me i need is equal to and the answer is yes and here you have to be careful this is case sensitive so you have to input it the way it looks on the form next what do we want to happen if the answer is yes well i want to get an email notification so if i just type in notification i have two choices here send me a mobile notification or an email notification this is a very simple and easy version to get quick emails you just have two choices subject and the body if you want more things more functionality you can use send an email in this case this is enough so for subject i'm gonna put meeting requests from and now check this out i'm going to use dynamic content i'm going to select your name well this is the name of the person who filled up the form next for the body let's put meeting topic is and your topic okay so that's it if this condition isn't met i don't want to be notified i'm done here i'm going to press save so now we're ready to test our flow i can actually test it directly from here i'm just going to click on test and i have the option to manually run this so if i submit a new response to the form i'm going to trigger it so i'm going to click on manually and test now it's waiting for me to go and put in a response so let's go to my form here i'm going to go to preview mode put in a name so i'll go with kim west do you want to have a meeting yes your topic let's go with i'd like to have more plans in the office now i'm going to submit this now let's take a look at our flow it says your flow ran successfully so let's go to email and i have an email here meeting request from kim meeting topic is i'd like more plans in the office if someone selects no i'm not going to be notified that's the beauty of power automate and how you can use it with forms and emails so you don't miss important feedback so i hope you found this useful if you did don't forget to hit that thumbs up do subscribe if you aren't subscribed to this channel and i'm gonna see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Leila Gharani
Views: 45,195
Rating: 4.972856 out of 5
Keywords: XelplusVis, Leila Gharani, XelPlus, Microsoft 365, Office 365, Microsoft Forms, Flow, Power Automate, microsoft forms tutorial, microsoft forms and flow, microsoft flow, microsoft, microsoft forms power automate, how to, add controls power automate, forms conditional logic, power platform, power automate how to, power automate tutorial
Id: 8sg2yGg6Q1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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