OneNote Tutorial for Beginners

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Hi. Today we're going to be  walking through how to use OneNote,   as well as highlighting some of the  most helpful tools and features. OneNote is a free note-taking app. I like  to think of it as a three-ring binder,   one where you can keep your thoughts, notes,  and documents organized, and easily share and   collaborate with others. Let's get started. There  are two different ways you can get OneNote. First,   you can head to and use  it on the web entirely for free. You can also install the app. You might  already have it with Microsoft 365, but if not, you can download it for free at the   following address. You can install it  on Windows, Mac, as well as your phone. In this video, I'll be using the  version that you can install on your PC. I’m opening a new location for Elizabeth's  Candy Company, and I want to set up a   notebook to help organize all my work and  make it easy for my team to collaborate. So, let's get started with the fun  stuff and create a new notebook. Once you've downloaded OneNote and have it open,   select the Notebooks tab, then select  Add Notebook next to the plus sign. It will first ask you where you want to  save your new notebook. You can choose   to save it on OneDrive, which will  allow you to access your notebook   from anywhere with an internet connection.  Or you can save it directly to your PC. I'm going to save to my OneDrive. It will then ask you to create a notebook name. You can change this name at any  time, then select Create Notebook. It will then ask you if you want to invite  any other people to join your notebook. We're going to walk through this step later  on, so for now I'm going to select Not Now. You can have multiple notebooks  linked to your Microsoft account   and toggle between them at any time. For  example, you may have a notebook for work,   school, or personal use. To create multiple  notebooks, just repeat the previous step,   and you will see a list of your notebooks in  this dropdown tab. The most important thing when   starting your notebook is creating a framework  that is easy for you to navigate. Think of OneNote   as a three-ring binder with tabs. You will have  sections and then pages within those sections. Since we are setting up this notebook to help  me with the new Candy Company store location,   let's create some sections that  should help me with organization. You can create a new section by clicking  the plus sign to the right of your notebook,   or by using the shortcut keys  Ctrl plus T on your keyboard. Then name your section. Once you've created a section, you can then  add pages within it on the right-hand side. Go ahead and click Add Page. You can then name your page. For  example, if I want each one of my   pages within my Meeting Notes section  to be a different date, I could do, and then name subsequent pages  with the dates of those meetings. There is no limit to the amount of pages  that you can have within a section. You can change the color of your section tabs  by right-clicking and selecting Section Color. You also have the option to password  protect individual sections,   but we'll go into this later. If  you have used OneNote in the past,   you may have noticed that the tabs are  now horizontal as opposed to vertical. You have the option to adjust  your view by clicking on the   View tab up above. Then select Tabs Layout. You can choose to use the horizontal  tabs or switch to vertical. Pick whichever one is most appealing to  you. If you choose to use a vertical view,   you may find the option of  using Section Groups as helpful. Although you can create Section  Groups with both tab layouts. I like Section Groups because  it groups like with like. For example, if I want to create a  Section Group to list all of my vendors, I can create the Section Group and then  create a vendor list within it. I can   then rename each section for one of my vendors. You can have as many sections as you  wish within your Section Group and   then add pages within each one of those sections. You can then minimize that Section  Group when you're not actively using it,   which could help with your organizational  layout. Play around with your notebook   to see what works best for you. Now  that we have some sections created,   let's begin adding content to our  notebook. I have some notes that I   took during my last meeting that I'm pasting  under this new Note section of my notebook. You have a few options when you take notes  in OneNote. You could type on your keyboard,   use your stylus or finger in order  to write, or you could click on the   Dictate button under the Home tab, and  OneNote will type out anything it hears. You can also use the Transcribe feature  if you have multiple people in a meeting,   and you want to have OneNote isolate  and then type what each speaker says. You could check out our channel for  a video on just these two features. If you don't want to use a blank  page in order to type your notes,   you can use one of OneNote's templates. If I go ahead here to Add a Page, I can then  go up to the Insert tab, select Page Templates,   and they have an assortment of templates that  you can use, including ones for notetaking,   simple to-do lists, or ones that  offer more of an artistic touch. You could go ahead and play with these  to see what might work best for you. One   of the most useful features of notetaking  in OneNote is adding tags to your notes. Adding tags allow you to more easily  navigate your notebook. Going back to   the notes that I pasted earlier,  I'm going to add tags to some of   my notes. Go into the Home tab and then  scrolling to the right into the Tags area. OneNote has pre-populated some of the most  helpful tags, including Remember for Later,   Question, Important, and  of course, your To-Do List. You'll notice that each tag  has a keyboard shortcut,   so if you're using these often,  they're helpful to memorize. Let's go ahead and highlight things  that I need to remember for later. Things that might be important for me to remember, and questions that I'm going  to need to follow up on. Tags can be especially helpful when you're  closing your notebook and coming back at a   later time. At any point, you can scroll  up to the Tags area and select Find Tags. This allows you to search for your  tags within your notebook. You see   here that it's broken up by Important,  Questions, and Remember for Later. You can search for your tags in the entire  notebook, certain groups, or sections. You can also search by timeframe if  you want to narrow your tags down.   And if you click on one of these tags,  it will take you directly to that area   of the notebook. Another helpful feature  is adding a link within your notebook. If you have something that you want to link,   you can right-click and select Link  or press Ctrl plus K on your keyboard. You can either link it to an  external website address or you   can connect it to content within your notebook. This can be helpful if you want to  reference another section or page. And you can easily toggle back and forth. Since this store is going to take  a lot of work to put together,   I'm going to want to create multiple  to-do lists throughout my OneNote. Luckily, it's pretty simple to do. If I go to my to-do list page that I created  earlier, I can then scroll up to Tags and select   the to-do tag. This will start my to-do list. You  can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl plus 1. You can have as many to-do lists as  you want throughout your OneNote.   You can also have as many items  as you want on each to-do list. As you complete your items, you can  then select the box to check them off. Similar to how we searched for tags  previously, you can scroll up to find   tags. It will then show you the items on your  various to-do lists. And then it will show you   which ones have been checked off and which  ones still need your attention. As we look   at the different types of tags that you can  use within your OneNote, I also want to show   you how you can create a custom tag. Let's  go back to my original Meeting Notes page. Since there's a lot of information that  I'm going to need to send to my team,   I want to create a tag for that. Up here under Tag, you can select Customize  Tags and either modify an existing one or   create a brand new one. In my case, I'm  going to name my tag Send to Team and   then select a custom symbol. You can also  choose a custom font or highlight color. You can then highlight any information you want  with your new tag. Now that we've looked at   some helpful note-taking features, it's time  for me to move on and create a new section. One of the things I need to do in order to  prepare for the opening of my new store is   to create an interior design layout. And  I'm going to use some of OneNote's drawing   functions to do that. Up here on the Drawing  tab, you're going to have a variety of ways in   which you can do that. The first thing that I'm  going to do under the Drawing tab is to move to   a full-page view in order to see my drawing  better. Now, one thing to note about me is   that I have very little artistic talent.  And, well, you'll see in just a moment. You have a few options when it comes to  drawing. You can use various pen features,   highlighters, and even a laser pointer. Now, you can also draw with touch. This allows you   to use your mouse or your finger  on your screen in order to draw. You'll notice here I'm going to begin  drawing the interior layout of my store,   beginning with a counter, some  shelving, and some tables in the middle. You'll see here that I definitely  bring the rough to rough sketches. But luckily OneNote can help me a bit. I'm  going to go ahead and undo what I just did,   and then select the Automatic Shapes function. Now, when I draw my counter a little wobbly  woozy, OneNote will automatically adjust that   for me into a much more good-looking shape.  It will also align them pretty closely,   and at least bring your rough sketches  a little bit more artistic flair. For those of you with more  artistic talent than myself,   OneNote provides you with a variety of  backgrounds in which you can use in order   to help you draw, including rule lines and  grid lines. There's also a ruler function. OneNote also provides a similar function  that we used in the shapes for writing. First, let me go ahead and  redo the formatting here. Turn off my ruler, and then let's  say I want to write while I draw.   Here I'm going to write that these are shelves. Again, you can see my handwriting  with my mouse has something to be   desired as well. But if I go ahead and  select any writing here on the page, I can then click on Ink to Text, and suddenly my chicken scratches look a lot   better. You can then format that  and make it look quite lovely. Another interesting function  is called Ink to Math,   and that can also be found under the Draw tab. Let's say that I want to make a note that I need  four shelving units on each side of my wall. So, I'm going to go ahead and have OneNote take my   chicken scratches and make it into a  much more pleasing thing to look at. Once you have an equation inserted within  your OneNote, you then have the Equation tab   open up. This allows you to select a whole  variety of symbols and also allows you to   have a whole bunch of pre-populated  structures in order for you to use. Now, let's go back to my tabs and move  on. In order to get out of the full page,   I can go here to the View  tab and unselect Full Page. But while I'm here, let's take a quick look at  another helpful feature called Switch Background. If you're taking notes in a meeting, and perhaps  you don't want your screen to be so bright,   clicking on Switch Background will  change your background screen to black. Likewise, if you're drawing like I just was,   and you want things to pop a bit more and  show others, this could be a helpful feature. Now, let's get out of full page  and go back to my tabs. I have   some market research that I've already  completed on one of my competitors,   the Kevin Cookie Company. And I want to go ahead  and insert that document within my notebook. If you have any files that you want to insert,   select the Insert tab, and  then click on the paper clip. Once you've located your file, press Insert.  You're then given two options, Attach File   or Insert Printout. If you select Attach File,  then it will include an attachment. When opened,   it will take you outside of OneNote in order  for you to review the document. If you want   to see your document directly within  your OneNote, you have another option. Go back to the paper clip, find your document,  and select Insert Printout. This will then insert   your document directly within your OneNote for  you to view. One of the most helpful features of   OneNote is the ability to share your notebook and  collaborate with others. To share your notebook,   go to the purple Share button on the upper  right-hand corner. You can either email a   copy of a page that you're working on,  or you can share your entire notebook. You can enter the user's email address  that you wish to share it with, or create a custom link that you can then  copy and send in an email or text message. You have two options when sharing your notebook.  You can either allow the end user to edit and   make changes to your OneNote, or they can simply  view your notebook without making any changes. If you do choose to allow others  to have editing permissions,   you can then review the history of the  edits that are made under the History tab. You can sort by recent edits, by author if you're  sharing your notebook with multiple people,   and you can also go back to previous  page versions. If you're choosing to   share your notebook with others, you  can go ahead and add a password to   specific sections that you might  not want others to have access to. Right-click on the section  that you want protected,   and click on Password Protect this section. You can then set a password, or remove a password. This is a helpful feature if you don't  want to share notes from private meetings,   or financial documents, or protected personal  information. I still have a lot of work to do in   order to get my new location for Elizabeth's Candy  Company up and started, but having an organized   and functional notebook will be very helpful. If  you found this video helpful, please subscribe   to our channel. And also, check out our other  helpful videos on OneNote. I'll see you next time.
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
Views: 168,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin stratvert, onenote, tips and tricks, microsoft, microsoft onenote, one note, tutorial, productivity, beginner
Id: gO5Hk3hNrkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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