10 Essential NEW Microsoft Outlook Tips & Tricks for 2024 + Bonus Material! 📧

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hi everybody Jamie here today at teachers  Tech today I have 10 different tips to help   manage your email in the new Microsoft  Outlook these 10 tips will help you keep   everything organized and clean so you're  not overwhelmed with all your emails then   at the end I'm going to throw in some  extra bonus material so make sure that   you're getting the most out of all  the features in the new Microsoft Outlook I just want to make sure that you're in  the new Microsoft Outlook so if you take a look in   the top right hand corner you can see how I have  this toggled on now if it's completely new to you   the new Microsoft Outlook I do have a tutorial  on it that I'll place up above in the Cardon   down below I'll put a link in the description as  well make sure you go through these 10 tips and   if you're interested take a look at that video  let's start with pinning emails if I go up to   this message and just hover over it notice that  I have the pin right here now pinning emails is a   really great feature so I'm going to go ahead and  click cck on this and notice it goes to the top so   let's say I'm I'm going through my emails in the  morning and there's a couple emails that I need to   uh maybe work on later I could flag them and I'll  talk about Flags in another tip in just a moment   but uh the nice part with this if you receive any  more emails this pinned one will stay on top so   notice a new email just came in the pin one stays  right there flagged ones won't stay on now I can   go ahead and turn this off very quickly just by  unpinning and we put it back where it belongs tip   number two is to flag an email so I just showed  you the pin but if we go ahead and hit flag this   will show up in your to-do list now you can get to  your to-do list very quickly by just going over to   here to the left and just click on to-do to-do  opens up and notice if I go to flagged email I   have it right here now then I would have a list  of different things that throughout the day that   I would know I would have to do now the other  thing is you as soon as I turn it off like so   it will disappear from the to-do list tip number  three is to use my day now if I look up top here   I'm going to go ahead and click on this you can  see it says my day as soon as it opens up this   panel down this side here I'm just going to go  ahead and take this email I can drag it right on I   now notice I can add it as a task on the calendar  or I can add it as an event as soon as I drop bit   it will come up with more specifications of what  I want about this meeting so I'm just going to   hit dismiss all on this but now I can go through  and set things invite people to this if I want   so it gives a quick way to add a calendar event  the other thing is I'm going to discard this you   can quickly add this Todo also so if I move over  Tod do and now I drag it over here you can see   it will be added to the list just like I showed  you before and if we go up top here we can open   to-do from here or if I go to the calendar we can  open to-do from here also now it's time to give a   bonus tip and for this I'm going to move over to  the calendar if you new to the calendar I do have   a tutorial for this that I'll put up above in  the card so you can click on it and learn more   about this and I'll come up with a tips tutorial  too for this now I want to show you though I want   to go and add a new calendar and what I want to  show you out of this you can add your own sports   team so for me I like to follow NFL football if  I go through and pick NFL and I know The Season's   almost done now but if I was going to go pick and  let's say the uh Houston Texans and at this point   I can just close out now and you'll see on this  I have a few on here so I have that this game's   coming up here Tennessee versus Houston and this  is one I already had on now down below I can go   ahead and take these off as well so just by these  ellipses here I have more options and I can remove   them from here so just a quick tip bonus tip for  calendar tip four could really save yourself a   big headache let's say you get ahead of yourself  and send a message to your boss like I'm quitting   and you go ahead and sent this and right after  you sent this you're like why did I do this well   let's rewind and show you how you can fix this go  up to settings go to mail go to compose reply and   let's move down a bit because what I want to show  you is that you can get this back right here undo   send so messages can be canceled up to 10 seconds  you know if you want to make sure you have enough   time let's move it all the way to 10 and hit  save so now if you're going to send it look   at the bottom we have 10 seconds change your mind  just click undo and you'll be safe it hasn't sent   sticking with tip number for and sending emails  try this if you don't want to send something right   away use the drop down right here and schedule  a send you don't have to just hit send you could   send it tomorrow I could pick a different day or I  could do a custom time and day whatever works the   best then go ahead and hit send and that will be  sent at the moment that you pick tip number five   is about creating a professionall looking email  signature and you can do this quite quickly in   the new outlook I'm going to go and just create  a new mail and when I do this take a look right   here we have signature I'm going to drop down and  put signature now rather than just writing my name   each time and if there's any contact information  I can go ahead and create an email signature and   it'll be there every time I send now I can say  whether what type of email what I want so let's   do a little uh just demo here so this is going to  be named demo and my signature I'll just make it   really simple here I could go through and add a  lot more information I'm just going to give it a   a couple enters and I'm I'm going to add an image  so I could go through add an image when the image   comes in even if it's too large you can do uh just  your normal grab the corners you can see how I can   rotate and everything uh just like normally  when you're working with these so if you get   it to the right size that you want uh notice that  there's a few other format options with any fonts   that you go through just like this you have all  those options here and we have our format painter   now when you like what you have just go ahead and  hit save so at this point I can add it to is this   for new me new messages so I can make sure it's  there or is it for replies and forward you can go   through and save them to it so if I go ahead and  exit out of this and I'm just going to close this   now and discard this message notice what happens  when I start a brand new mail or message this time   so if I click on new message there it is right  here already uh added to the bottom so I can start   typing I do want to point out though if I go up to  Signature I want to point out a different option   that you can do this to make really nice ones in  a hurry I'm going to go over to my other account   here and if you take a look at this one here I was  able to do this in a few minutes using a program I   have a different video I I'll put a link to it and  these have different things like links you can see   uh so if You' send it you can make something like  this in a hurry so take a look at that video if   you want to have a professional looking uh email  signature let's move on to tip six now tip number   six is quick steps right up here I'm going to show  you how this can save you a lot of time let's go   ahead and make a quick step here so if I go just  drop down on the Arrow here and go to manage quick   steps this is where we can add an action that we  when we get an email we can just click on it and   it's going to take care of it and save a number  of steps so I'm going to go new quickstep and I'm   just going to call this followup meeting just like  this and what's going to be my action so my action   notice I have a big list of different automatic  quick steps that I can add to here but what I want   to do is reply with the meeting so we have this  we can actually add another action if we wanted   to but if you don't you can just close that down  and only keep the one I could go through do some   customization of the quickstep description even  choose a shortcut for this I'm just going to go   ahead and hit save now what you notice when I  have a message selected like this I have it up   here if I just click on this this automatically  opens up with uh with the window to create this   meeting automatically with the email that it was  attached to so it can save me a lot of steps this   way but take a look at the other quick steps  that you can add too if you don't want to have   the quick steps you can go back and manage them  again and go ahead and just delete any of these   uh just simply by by hitting the garbage can or  you can edit them at this point too I'm going to   give you a couple things for tip number seven  and let's say we already wrote an email here   it's not addressed to anybody but if we want to  bring attention to somebody we can just use the   at so if I go ahead and start applying this to  somebody's notice right away it goes up top to   the two I can write something here check out the  notes and then they'll bring attention to them the   other thing that I can do within an email is use  the forward slash so if I use forward slash this   allows me to quickly add any documents to this so  if I wanted to add a PowerPoint to this just like   this this will be uploaded to it some quick ways  to bring attention and do some uploads inside your   emails tip number eight is an extremely important  rule because it's going to keep your inbox clean   and that's by creating rules let me give you an  example notice in this case here I have a few that   I'm getting from Microsoft Viva and I don't really  want them in my inbox automatically I can set up a   rule that when they come in they'll be organized  to somewhere else or I could even actually have   them deleted or there's a lot more options so I  have this one selected here and I'm going to go   up to rules now I could quickly create a rule  from here notice that it says that it's going   to take this and move it to where would I like to  move it so I could actually even create a folder   from here but I'm going to go to more options  because this is where you can really drill down   on the different components of it to get exactly  what you want now I have it from Microsoft Viva   I could change the condition if I wanted here  I'm not going to change it but I just want to   point out you can have different options now I  could even add more if it's from other people   as well I could just click in here and add more  if I wanted to and even add another condition so   you can really drill down and get exactly what  you want now what's my action well I want to I   could have it deleted I could have it Mark as  junk all these different things I could have   happened you could have something automatically  forward to someone else I'm going to say I just   want this move to what folder now if I don't have  the folder I'm going to go ahead and create a new   folder and I'm just going to call this uh Viva  here so I'm going to hit save now I have Viva   if I look over on the left hand side this folder  was just created I'm going to hit save so at this   point I haven't run my rule yet I just have to go  ahead hit play here run the rule now and notice I   can go back and edit the rule or I can delete it  also so if I hit play at this point and then I'm   going to close out and take a look at this in my  inbox they're not there anymore say I run the rule   they went through and if I go over to Viba here  in the folder that I told it to create they're all   through here so it can run through once you run it  and take even ones from the past and clean up your   email in a hurry with rules in Outlook so I just  showed you how to create a rule in the previous   tip I'm going to show you a different way you can  do this to help keep your email all organized and   that's through sweep now I'm going to go ahead I  put these emails back in here and deleted my last   rule but I'm going to select this one and notice  that we have sweep up here so if I go ahead and   select sweep this is a quick way to make a make  a rule so I could go through with these quick   actions right here so this is kind of similar what  I did before so if I click here move all messages   from the inbox folder and any future messages and  you can see the other options so where do I want   what do I want to have happen so if I drop down I  have my choices I could create my new folder like   I did before or I could go down and pick the one  I've already created and I can hit okay now this   you can see the emails on the side all disappeared  and they went into that folder if I view the rules   now this is the one I just just create in here  so it automatically ran it uh and put it into   my Viva folder that I have already here so think  about using sweep to create quickly create those   rules to help keep everything clean in your  email tip number 10 is about creating groups   in the new Microsoft Outlook so rather than typing  everybody's name in the to line you can create a   group that will have a name and you just have to  use that name to send messages to everybody in the   group and you can even share files and everything  makes it easy so I'm going to go over to the left   hand side and I'm going to click on groups so  now at this point I can quickly create a group   right here they're going to show up here so if I  go here notice if I have drop down I have a few   different options I'm going to just click on new  group here at this point I can give it a name so   if I go and say this is for project a as soon as I  do this we have an email that gets created for the   group I could add a description maybe about what  the project is I can go ahead and hit create now   once it goes to the next I can add some people so  I can once I select a person I can go through and   say what are they owner member or I could even  delete them I can add multiple people here or I   could add the whole company I can just keep adding  more you can add them later as well so if I go hit   add right now as soon as I do this I want to point  out we have project a so you could have multiple   groups that you're working with so if I click on  Project a I have its own email right here I can go   through this part part I could share files within  the group here so I could go and create brand new   files in here so if I needed a new Excel workbook  I could create it from here or I could upload   documents from my computer so we have it all in  one place for great collaboration I can see any   events coming up for the group and then I have  members at this point notice how I can change   any of these too so I could go through and send  mail from here it's to the entire group so if I   was just going to say hello and I'll just leave  it as this I'll say hello again I'll hit send I   can be working uh in this one spot with this group  now I just want to point out if I go to the edit   here looking at some of the options that I have  I can edit the group I could go ahead and create   rules to this I can leave the group so if I go  to edit the group if you don't want this group   anymore I can delete it here since I created this  I can go through and delete the group and it's   going to be gone out of there so using groups in  the new Microsoft Outlook is a great way to keep   collaboration at a very high level so now I have  some bonus material tips for you uh and I just   want to quickly go through a few things the first  thing is that there is a search bar up here that   can save you a lot of time so if I click on this  and start typing a search it will go through my   different emails and attachments and PowerPoints  in here and I have a filter that I can dive down   even more so I can be looking from a certain  date or attachments go through and look at all   the things so if you're looking through for a  certain email make sure you take advantage of   this search now I just want to go to settings up  here and point out a few different options to um   really set up your email the way you want now  you can add uh different types of accounts by   just s simply clicking add account you can  see I have a Gmail account here and I have   a Microsoft 365 and these show over on the left  hand side over here uh as I expand them or open   them now uh the other thing with the accounts if  I click on the accounts we have automatic replies   so maybe you're on a vacation uh what you can  do you pick the account that you want to apply   this on you turn this on and then I can say uh  maybe I know when I'm going to be gone through   a certain week or so I can set those and you see  the different options this is where I can write   my message and I save it and it will automatically  give that reply to whoever sends me a message and   now I'm just going to go down to General to show  you a couple different things here and the first   one's going to be appearance if you want to see a  different theme you can go to the Dark theme you   can see how it quickly changes on here and then  we have some Modern themes that you can go through   and just kind of pick uh you can see kind of the  contrast on the different edges on everything I'm   going to hit discard again I'm going to go back  to General one more time and I just want to point   out notifications I'm not going to go through  all the things here just some important things   now notifications depending on how you want to get  notified if there's a new me uh new maybe someone   mentions you in an email or sends you an email  how do you want to get notified on all these so   if you take a look and just expand this so it's  turned on if I expand this it will give me more   options under all of these here so uh when new  mail reactions so desktop you can see where kind   of pops in and you can go through do you want the  sound to be played do you want it turned off uh so   you can go through and set all these uh how you  want it so you don't have to be distracted every   time a certain sound comes in or other things so  I hope you liked all these tips of about the new   Microsoft Outlook and how to get the most out  of your email check out those other videos and   like I said I'll dive into calendar a little bit  more of my next tips video with Outlook but thanks   for watching this week on teachers Tech I'll see  you next time with more Tech tips and tutorials
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 42,998
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Keywords: microsoft outlook tips and tricks, outlook tips and tricks for productivity, microsoft outlook, Microsoft Outlook 2024, Outlook tips and tricks, Outlook tutorial, Outlook features, advanced Outlook guide, Outlook productivity, Outlook Quick Steps, email rules in Outlook, group creation in Outlook, Outlook for professionals, Outlook email signature, automated email replies, Outlook undo send, Outlook schedule send, teacher's tech, new microsoft outlook, outlook
Id: U7uuxBjKkCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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