Microsoft Flight Simulator | TBM-930 Tutorial | Smooth Skies

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hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of microsoft flight simulator and tonight we're taking a nice evening flight in the wonderful tbm 930 from las vegas nevada down to phoenix arizona just a quick skip and a hop and uh should be a fun little flight we're expecting to be an evening flight probably coming into a night landing in phoenix so if that's something that interests you by all means stick around guys if you are interested in learning how to fly the tbm 930 from microsoft flight simulator consider joining my patreon site level tier 2 or above which gives you access to all of my guides which include the a320 the g1000 and now the recently released cessna citation longitude these guides include everything from cockpit tours to full instructions on how to use all the systems creating your flight plans as well as the different types of approaches and takeoffs that are available to the different aircrafts they are extremely detailed full with pictures and identifying markers to make your flight semi experience with this aircraft as easy as possible again link down on my patreon site found in the description below all right folks so jumping right into it we are going to first start out with creating our flight plan in sim brief walking you guys through everything step by step now i have had some people say that i've been talking very quickly when doing these videos so i'm going to try to slow things down i do get going and uh get talking a little quickly but i'll try to keep it minimal today so first thing on sim brief here we need to enter in our departure airport a little typo there down the kphx airframe is going to be the tbm 900 series you're going to find it all the way down the bottom here climb profile looking at 170 knots and then mach 0.4 once we get up into mach range if we get that high we'll see how high it sends us today looking at departure runway of zero eight left arrival runway of zero eight we want to make sure we set our reserve fuel to 45 minutes for an ifr flight extra fuel we're going to leave as default passengers in cargo's default as well not too concerned about that same thing with flight number and airlines especially when dealing with the tbm all right it looks like we're going to be coming off the razzler 2 um sid flying direct to zane from zane to wartro waltrow i never know how to make these or spell these out and then going over to the bruiser one so let's go ahead and come up top and hit generate ofp or operational flight plan once our flight plan is generated i like to do the print view for pdf makes it a bit easier to walk through everything now real quickly just walking through a really high level overview here you can see here's our departure and arrival runways flight level we're going to be going up to two nine or zero today so 29 000 feet here's our block fuel this is the total field that needs to be on board before we leave the the ramp there and uh here is our route so again we're using the razzler ii to the zane transition from zane direct to quattro jumping onto the bruiser one star into the phoenix zero eight approach so let's go ahead and pull that off screen let's get our aircraft awaited and fueled so our fuel again was i believe 1073 pounds of fuel today so we're just going to grab this guy here and i just like to get it close it doesn't have to be perfect like 1076 that's that's perfect payload we can see what the payload is today so what you're going to be looking for for payload is this number where are you right here looking for 1150 pounds and so we can just move this up set it as 1100 there we go 49 i'll take that cg still looks good no concerns there but we can move some people around hey passengers i need you this guy to sit over here that one to sit over there put your left shoe on the tray table all right now let's get the engine started all right so before we start our engines let's walk through the cockpit check make sure everything's golden first thing we're gonna do is close these doors up i'm gonna head on to the back here pick my head up grab the handle bring it down the tbm 930 improvement mod adds a lot of features including even locking our doors so again come down over here lock the door green for locked red for unlocked and now let's walk through a quick check air conditioning system needs to be off for engine start moving down making sure all anti-ice and inertial separators are off parking brake is set landing gear handle is down pressurization switch is to the off position hot air flow should be down at the floor board for engine start make sure our throttle is in cut off fuel tank selected flaps are retracted alternate air static source or alternate static air sources to stay is pushed in and closed meaning that it is off all circuit breakers are pushed in and closed as well now let's move up to the top for a second do a quick scan taxi lights are off all lights are off panel lights you set as desired once the battery is on battery is off generators off oxygen off starter should be in the off position ignition should be in the on position for engine start auxiliary boost pumps to on as well when it's time so sorry i meant to click that all the way down to off fuel selection should be set to manual autopilot trim system is off and emergency locator transmitter is set to the arm position or the center position all right so now let's walk through the startup so first thing we do is kick that battery on put on our nav lights she doesn't have an anti-collision light you have your pulse light and your strobe light both of those are supposed to be we do our strobe light at take off and we do the pulse light once we're airborne all right main generator goes to on coming on down to the g3000 the mfd give that a tap turn around come back up top again and at this point we're gonna again set ignition to on auxiliary boost pumps to on and now we're gonna take our starter and give it a one mississippi and two mississippi on the on position so one and two all right this can be a little bit hard to see and you move pretty quickly here but you're looking for your ng percent to get to 13 once you get to 13 you're going to move your throttle into the first position position to low idle and what this will do is induce fuel into the engine at 53 will be moving into high idle and then up over the gate into flight idle you can clear your master caution there's 53 so we're going to left click and hold it move it forward into the high idle position and then while still holding left click we're going to give it a right click tap and you know what i just realized i am on the wrong control scheme so give me just a second all right so we are back in action here now you can see i got just a few things now take our flaps bring them all the way up no concerns there a couple things that happen when i switch the controls no biggie all right so now with the engine running in at idle i'm just going to cycle my throttle quick make sure we're truly idle and now let's go back up top we're gonna go ignition to auto auxiliary boost bumps to auto fuel selection to auto autopilot trim system can now go to the on position and oxygen does come on at engine start according to the pilot's operational handbook for the real world aircraft all right and now we can move our way back around for some final checks here in the cockpit air conditioning we want to make sure we turn that back on as desired we don't want to get hot up there parking brake obviously remains on landing gear lights test let's do a quick test make sure all lights are functioning good and then hit that check down and we're looking for these three lights to flash indicating the gear is down and locked bleed switch you want max diff or auto it's important to remember max diff is going to be less comfortable for your passengers but will pressurize the aircraft the fastest and auto obviously creates a smoother transition hot air flow can now go back to as you desire and then we are set to roll so at this point let's go ahead and set our barometric pressure so two niner seven zero we can also simulate that we've gotten our uh transponder clearance or our flight clearance so let's go to our transponder code and let's say we got three six one five today's our transponder code and we're just gonna leave that in standby until we hit the runway so let's press enter and we are good to go there cockpit is set and ready to enter in our flight plan so let's do that now to enter in our lovely flight plan today we're going to go to the pfd menu scratch that mfd menu going to go to flight plan our origin is where we are now so kilo lima alpha sierra for viva las vegas and then add destination to brutally hot phoenix arizona a city i never recommend driving in although people will say the same thing about tucson so i guess i can't say too much all right so we have our desk or our departure in our destination airfield so now let's come over here to procedures and enter in our sid our standard instrument departure now i'm going to go back over here to our flight route for a second and remember we're looking for the razzler 2 so we're going to scroll on down there it is yes i hope i'm saying these right zane is the transition point today so no concerns there and our departure runway is 0 8 left according to this but you know what this is something that i actually do like to confirm with atc so let's just get the atis this is las vegas we'll just throw on ground for now they'll probably do some chat in the background but that's all right let's go ahead and select our runway so we are using zero eight right oh no zero eight left excuse me zero eight left and hit load all right our star has been the or sid excuse me has been loaded we can go to the arrival now and we are using the bruiser one there it is and let's figure out what the transition point for today is going to look like and we're going to be using navigraft to do that now normally i would be using my navigraft charts because i do find it easier if you have access to navigraft in the aircraft you have access to the charts but for the interest of displaying what the aircraft is capable of let's go ahead and use it this can take a second sometimes you have to relink it if we do not a big worry sometimes i can get away with just typing in the airfield again and it will load but not today so if you run into this we're going to go to utilities setup database navigate charts okay what that's going to do is that's going to open up a browser and you're just going to have to sign into navigraph does this automatically so just click sign in and we're waiting for a moment now pop-up comes up and says on my browser you will now link working title 33 g3 000 to your account i'm going to hit ok and then just hit yes allow it's just basically saying the information that that we are approving this link once that's done you can now click link account and good to go now let's go back to the home and go to charts and there we go all right so the other thing i like to do is go chart options and put this to the dark mode call me a vampire white is too bright okay so next we're going to go to our departure or excuse me actually we want our sid isn't it that's what we're looking at or no we want our star gosh i'm not thinking tonight guys so phoenix press enter at least i'm doing the procedure right and again finding that bruiser one and now let's zoom in and see what we've got going on here so there's tense the transition point this would be from here on to the approach and then down here would be wartro so that's what we're using we're using wattro remember we saw that on our waypoints so perfect that way you can actually visualize it then we're going to come down this way and down into the airport and zero eight right i think it's going to bring us this way and down that way so let's go ahead and find our transitions and change it and our runway for today we're looking for zero eight and i'll just hit load and no worries now i'm going to leave the approach as is for now as we get closer we may want to change that approach based on the wind direction what's going on there so let's go ahead and move on forward sorry i got a text message of someone telling me that i spoke with them last year if rates remained low and high and blah blah blah it's like yeah sure i did um anyway now let's go back to the moving map here our flight plan is actually let's go ahead we'll load in the procedure for the approach let's just get it done and if it changes we can always change it we're going to be using yeah let's use ils today and our transition point alice is the only one so no worries there go ahead and hit load all right there it goes i've seen it do that before and sometimes you just have to move the screen around all right now another question that came up today was someone asked me if the ability to scroll the map was broken so let's find out so we're going to find our range queue here we're going to click on it and then you just move your mouse around holding left click down and it looks like it's working just fine but um so just make sure again make sure that you're you left click and hold and then you can move the mouse and the pan will only work when the mouse reaches the limits of the screen i hope that solves your problem if you're still having trouble then i would recommend uh maybe completely removing the g3000 and adding it back in all right guys so we've got our flight plan entered we've got our pre-start done while the engine start is done so now let's go ahead and set our speed bugs and uh we'll be ready to get out here so this one i'm talking about see it's not working if you guys are into this situation just move your camera see all is good rotation speed we're actually looking at 95 knots uh we will be using the 124 knots best speed and our approach speed is 85 knots we'll be leaving that on as well so speed bugs are set someone asked me why i wasn't using those anymore and the honest to god's truth is just i memorized them and got lazy let's call it what it is i gotta bite the bullet where i have to bite the bullet okay so now let's move into information i don't even know how ada started okay we're gonna stay quiet now okay all right so as i was about to say let's go ahead and set up our autopilot system so flight directors are turned on initial altitude today we're going to be climbing up to 9000 on the initial climb and we are going to climb via the star so actually let's take a look at that real quick i am going to use the charts for this one it's just it's so much faster but it is handy to have it in the aircraft especially if you only have one monitor i've got three of them so i've got real estate to spare so we're searching for las vegas we're finding the sid sorry is what i'm looking at i'm going to get that wrong all night long i don't know why i'm doing that today all right and the razzler 2 rnav departure is what we're using and we're climbing out so initial altitude we need to be above 4000 at maximum of 230 knots over the cells below 8 000 and then above 7000 ketone and there's our 9 000 mark but you know what tbm climbs pretty quick i don't think it climbs quite that fast but just to be safe let's go ahead and set our initial climb out to 8000 just to be safe we don't want to we don't want to bust our altitudes and this is how i typically fly when i'm not using atc i still try to keep it as realistic as i can most of the time uh sometimes i just say you know whatever and i just fly to whatever i want um all right so we've got our barometric pressure set we have our initial altitude set now let's set our flight level control and we're going to be looking for 124 knots once we get airborne we will accelerate that to knots there she goes all right 124 knots all set and we need to make sure our cdi is set to our fms and now we are ready to get on out of here so let's set up the rest of this aircraft and get going all right we got our head turned on here looking good there initial separator needs to come on now for taxi for those of you unaware of the purpose of the inertial separator is to keep forward object debris out of the engine so there's a little shaft that closes up just under the intake so if we take a look at the intake here but what happens in preflight with the initial supply turned off is airflow comes in through here and then freely you know is taken into the engine used for combustion right well the problem with you know when you're taxiing or in icy weather or clouds or rain you take the risk of debris whether it be ice a rock whatever a bird getting sucked into actually doing the engine damage again so what the inertial separatory does is puts like a screen here if you will and this is high level explanation but basically blocks any kind of debris from getting taken in there and it gets shot down the back into the collector finding serves but long and that's why you lose some horsepower so the thing about the inertial separator is it protects the engine but you lose horsepower which is why you get a master caution as well letting you know that it is turned on all right so at this point now let's go up top turn our taxi light on nav light's already on cabin lights we're good just doing one last quick sweep through making sure that the aircraft is truly ready for us i don't know why that happened i hate it when it does this drives me crazy man i don't know why that throttle is even working it shouldn't even be working all right i think we're good and the flaps went back down come on man ah sorry guys that stuff gets frustrating all right let's go ahead and taxi out of here so we're gonna release our parking brake and let's get on over to zero right before i do that hold the taxi information and see where we're at here and what did i say zero eight left right so there's eight right there's eight left so easy taxi over to the uh runway there no worries there all right so we're on the taxi now taxing up here up to foxtrot hanging her right looks like we're actually on hotel first and actually i think hotel will work i think we take it all the way down to the uh entry of zero eight left it's all right left is a huge runway fourteen thousand feet long fourteen five that is a big runway very large runway i do adjust my seat there sorry about that all right we're gonna bypass this first turn off that would take us uh over to delta taxing a little fast let's slow her down a bit let's hold short checking for traffic up top landing lights on strobe light on and let's take the now as i actually line up on the runways when i will set my flaps so we always try to keep the flaps retracted during uh taxi because they hang very low to the ground and we obviously don't want to again pitch anything up and damage the flap surface so it's close enough at this point going for flaps one always check for traffic approaching any runway as we're lining up here i'm going to tap the heading bug it aligns the heading bug with our current heading and the runway heading all right these large arrows means that we are clear to accelerate at this point so let's go ahead and set takeoff power [Music] setting that torque to about 98 99 watching that uh crosswind there there's 80 knots looking for 95 for rotation there it is pulling up a little bumpy coming out positive rate gear up 115 knots flaps can come up there she is las vegas keeping on manual control for right now i'm just enjoying the takeoff trimming around a little bit having to hold a lot of back pressure on the yoke right now looks like we're in for a bit of a bumpy ride easy peasy again watching that altitude there you can see that we're climbing very fast that's kind of what i was worried about so we're looking for zoom in here a little bit come on oh i'm not on the map that would help mfd oh of course it's only a problem with simulations you can't feel when they move we wouldn't normally be having to use a mouse to find our screens right all right i'm also moving over to navigraft charts jumping back on the sid beyond back with us in just a second here i know it sort of throws things off but trying to get my charts up here the reason why i'm using doing this manually is is i rely on the autopilot too frequently i'm always flying the autopilot six thousand feet clear skies here uh we can go ahead and turn off the initial separator although we're going to turn our pedo heats on i should have done that before takeoff and we are going to put on our anti-ice i would not be surprised if we get some stormy weather coming into phoenix so we are approaching now i'm not quite sure i just noticed oh that's why so shame on me and that's what i was talking about me relying on the autopilot too frequently so because i'm always used to engaging the autopilot i didn't think to turn on the nav mode so i got the cdi guidance so we're sort of just flying off on our own over there so these are the things that uh that you can spoil yourself with like i said it was a it was a viewer actually in the longitude who told me he's like hey man like you're you're relying so much on the autopilot like fly the plane she's fun to fly come on trim i can't tell if my trim button is actually working there it goes it wasn't working there for a second it's just my forward trim i have to have it just the right position and if i don't then it doesn't register it but all the other trims on the app work just fine here we go all right so let's set our altitude bugs remember we're going to 29 000 feet today we're clear anything above 8 000 at this point so we're going to go all the way up if i want that guidance again we can either pull it up or we can do the flight level change all right for anyone joining us at this point we are continuing our climb to flight level 290 going 29 000 feet flying things manually so it's a little goofy right now and actually we're up at 10 000 feet i think we will go ahead and engage the autopilot so yaw dampers on autopilot on flight level control should take over from here we're going to set that flight level speed for 170 knots above 10 000 feet now we can turn our landing lights off everything's still good and from here i'm going to go ahead and stop the head tracker [Music] all right so we're a nice good climb got a good tailwind pushing us along which is nice today it's like nine knots that'll be helpful 18 000 feet we'll be switching our altimeter back to two nine or nine or two i think the ice still looks good outside air temperature looks like we're already looking at seven degrees so you probably don't need windshield and prop ice we'll leave everything else on but it may not get that cold we'll see what the weather is like as we started project tucson or uh phoenix it's uh it's pretty nasty in tucson we got a nice storm system hanging overhead right now so that's kind of what i'm expecting to happen but uh who knows i might be pleasantly surprised with it a nice clear sky but anyway guys so next stop is at 18 000 feet i'll catch you there where we switch the altimeter back to standard and then i'll catch you guys a cruise where we calculate our top of descent [Music] all right so we've just passed through 18 000 feet so we just give our barometer attack 299 or two and set it up here as well all right it's clear 18 000 feet so at this point now we're just going to be hanging tight until we get all the way up to cruise once we've leveled off a cruise we will do our v-nav calculations for our descent [Music] all right so we're just about to level off the cruise here so now that we're up here we're out of altitude mode what is happening there here on the side oh just the i see all right no worries because we're at such a small distance all right so next thing is to set up our type of descent now there's a couple different ways that things that we need to look at in order to do something first so let's bring up navigraft charts again we're gonna look at our star and what did we say we're coming on the bruiser right oh wrong airport and there's the bruiser so what we're going to be looking at here let's see where's our transition here's watro so here's where we're going to be coming in so flight level two zero zero at watro okay watch out a bruiser we're gonna be maintaining 20 000 feet and by mayor here we need to be at 270 knots or below in our case i don't think we're gonna hit 270 knots at flight level between flight level two five zero and nineteen thousand feet so we'll set our target for nineteen thousand and coming down here to bruiser we're gonna be looking at seventeen thousand to thirteen thousand and so we're looking at here is for our approach transition point so let's figure out where our star ends today how we're going to do this we're going to come down here to our flight plan here's our star so we're going to find out what the ending point is here and see it actually oh yes i do there it is interesting that that shows before the approach so here's insea so we're gonna be between ten and eight thousand feet so we can come down to nine thousand do there and then from there we're jumping onto the approach so we're going to use nc as our target because from here everything from here down is going to be stepping down to get on the approach for example a big skin here we can do uh 6000 but i don't think we're flying to that one here according to this which is really odd sort of wondering why those waypoints are missing but that's okay so what we're going to do here is we're going to go back to insea that's going to be our target waypoint okay our first target is going to be nca here we're going to click on the feet window here so everyone sees what i did there you know ah back there's sincea now we're just going to click there and we're going to type in our target altitude we want 9 000 feet by the time we've reached this point so we're gonna hit enter okay now you can see all the corresponding waypoints above have now been populated up until that point now here's what we gotta check so we have drake dark county which one it is scroll up a little bit what we're going to be looking for is like goodwill here we have 12 087 feet all right now you can see here we need to be between 12 000 and 9000 feet so we're slightly high at this point so what you do is we need to edit that to at least 12 000. just kick that down to there all right now going back to our charts for a second bruiser we need to be between 17 thousand let's make sure we're not breaking that mirrors okay so we're good there and then finally coming back up we have mayor 22 000 feet we need to be between 19 and 25 so we're safe there and dark or drake which ironically enough i don't see on our chart oh there it is yes i do right here between 29 000 and 24 000. okay so that's the requirement there but let's say we wanted to be at the 20 000 here for example we could do that too but given what it is here we can actually just leave it as is not a big deal there's no restriction there's nothing requiring us to be anywhere other than well and actually i was wrong so a whiner here we are required to be at 29 000 feet so which is probably why our descent won't start until we pass through so any of these ones that are up here that are blank that's fine it just means that they're not a part of the descent platform or the descent plan excuse me so i can tell you that our top of descent's probably going to be near this winery waypoint so now that we've got all that calculated we verified we're not going to bust any restrictions we've made the edits that we need to make edits to to make sure that we stay within parameters we can now go to vnav and hit vnav enabled here you go we now get a top or a time to top of descent of 11 minutes so in 11 minutes we'll be descending and the active vnab waypoint this is the first waypoint that we edit it okay is uh broadwell or broadwell or beadwheel or whatever that is um anyway so the cool thing about this is we can also go back to the map and we should be able to see our top of descent indicator and there it is actually it's right before it looks like drake so we can see that right there because i think that's straight that one we can check i can go to vor for example we can see what it's called oh i thought it said it maybe it doesn't i thought it told us what it was actually spelled out as oh well anyway i tried so there's our top of descent so if we come back into plan go back to v nav window i like to leave this window up we have 10 minutes until our tod at one minute we'll get alert right underneath the cdi here actually i think on this on the tbm it's going to be right here sorry but it will say one minute atop a descent at which point we'll begin slowing the aircraft down and making sure that we have our target altitude plotted up in the autopilot so basically guys what that means is i will see you guys in about nine minutes all right so first off as i was telling you guys we are getting into some pretty heavy clouds with some lightning going on i know that's not a rare thing for microsoft flight center simulator but it actually is out here in the real world so we're going to do a couple things i'm going to turn the initial separator back on and we're going to turn the anti-ice on turning the inertial separator on because we are in raining slash icy conditions if we look at the outside temperature we're looking at negative 28 degrees celsius so that's that's pretty cool um and there is our top of descent within one minute alert we've already got our first target of 12 000 feet in our autopilot and here is the v-nav target what i'm going to be doing here is pulling off some power start letting the aircraft slow down a bit and as we reach our top of descent we're going to be using vertical speed clear that master caution now the reason why we're using vertical speed mode and not v nav and i've seen a bunch of people's comments on some of these videos why aren't you using vietnam why aren't you using vnav and some of the comments are even pretty crappy um i want to emphasize guys in the tbm 930 at the time of making this video vnav is not enabled it's not implemented it does not work so for people like somebody said yeah it works you just don't know how to use it yes i do and no it doesn't it does not work in the tbm 930 at this time all right so let's go to vertical speed and we are going to hit our vertical speed requirement it's asking for 1600 feet so let's start bringing her down there's a couple things we want to monitor here this is our deviation indicator letting us know how far either above or below think of it as the glide slope basically what this is telling us is at our current position we're supposed to be at this altitude and we're currently at this altitude so there's a couple things that you need to fix here so the first thing we'll do is we're going to fix this and how we do that is by descending a bit faster so we descend much more quickly here you're going to see this carrot rise up to our our current altitude there it is coming up and now if we pause for just a moment as this as our deviation carrot starts to line up with our altitude indicator then we want to bring our vertical speed indicator back up with our target vertical speed this is telling us the vertical speed that we should be at this is the uh vertical speed that we are actually at okay so once you get your deviation line or deviation indicator in line with your altimeter then you want to get back on to your correct descent rate okay some possible so it starts to come up slowly start bringing that vertical speed back up and now let's line it up you can go the other direction if this gets above your altimeter then you need to slow your descent rate looks like we're not quite on it there you go and then from the most part once you get to about here you might have to make a correction here or there but it's pretty straightforward from here pretty easy to descend actually so i'll see you guys again at 18 000 feet i'll continue to manage our descent rate make sure we stay on track but i'll see you guys 18 000 feet when we set our altimeter to the current pressure and then i'll see as we get closer to 13 000 feet where it's time to adjust our target altitude again as well as set up our ils approach all right so we are approaching 18 000 feet now it takes a little bit below before you can actually like for example use the b key to set your altimeter so about seventeen thousand five hundred and we'll do so um but i want you guys to be aware that as you descend your speed is going to change as your speed changes your vertical up vertical speed um is going to increase and decrease and that's what can cause some of this deviation but as long as you keep it relatively close you'll be fine and you'll hit your your target on time so those 17 600s go ahead and give it a shot not yet there's no way we're still at two nine or nine or two i don't believe it there it goes two nine or seven nine gosh it was a thousand feet below that's crazy all right and so now you can see now we're below so we need to come up a bit and that's because the altimeter change so we're going to level out our descent just a bit not completely wait for that again those two to capture and bring it back down it's really quite simple you don't you don't adjust it as often as you think you do it has to be pretty extreme before you have to be concerned and another place to look is right here um where is it there it is so you can see our vertical deviation is only 24 feet right now okay so it's got to get pretty extreme this is time to bottom of descent so we're at two and a half minutes until we reach our target altitude of twelve thousand feet now we can also change our v nav direct oh i should have been able to i guess i can um we'll wait for it to hit the next one then let's see here anyway we'll ignore that part it's not a huge deal so let's start setting up for our approach we've already got our speed bug set we do want to set our minimums so let's go to the pfd for a second let's go to minimums we're going to be using the 200 feet today for the radar altimeter so trap that radar altimeter on hit enter there and then now we want to make sure our localizer is set as well that is not what i wanted we want radios oh hey i never turned on a transponder shame on me altitude recording shame on me fail as a pilot all right and so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to go to the approach on our navigraph and working for the ils frequency 11175 is what we're looking for today so we're just going to get that in it's already right here on nav2 so we can actually just use nav2 it's already been on the active box although we could always just switch it here too transfer so there we go so we are set up for the ils approach and now they actually know that we're here go back to our flight plan or we can go back to the v-nav we're a minute away from our bottom of descent now at this point i am going to increase to what our target was which was 9 000 feet because we're right on track right where we're supposed to be let's keep it on coming down you can see now we're a little bit above it again so we can increase that descent rate a little bit see how the temperature is looking outside and turn that anti-ice off now should be fine coming in at this point and you can see our active waypoint just changed to the ncaa to the 9000 feet target so we were right on track right we're supposed to be although we do need to send a bit faster still a little beneath our target or above our target pick up and then as we uh come around for the approach we'll just be following the approach plate and our goal is that i like to be at 5 000 feet zoom in here oh wrong direction so by this way point here we want to be at 5 000. so i'll catch you guys as we come around the corner right about here and that's when we'll start really getting the aircraft ready for landing and one last thing here as we are coming up on 10 thousand feet let's go ahead and get our lights turned on that's turned on and let's turn some panel lights on as i'm willing to bet this is like i said we may be in the lane night landing here at the very least uh low sunset you can see the sun out there so anyway i will see you guys as we come around for our approach fix so i did want to show you guys something kind of cool now don't mind the altitude i paused the sims and actually when i unpaused my flaps were down the throttle was off typical weird crap but i was telling you guys that i like we need to be at 5000 feet so i entered the v nav and i added 5 000 feet and if you look it recalculated our top of descent so it's and once we get here we'll get the one minute alert again and uh be able to descend down to 5000 to make sure where we're supposed to be so just thought i'd show you guys that that was kind of neat [Music] all right so the other thing we're going to do is we're coming around to the final leg here back to our flight plan go to procedures go to the approach looks like it already activated but i always like to double check sometimes uh there used to be an issue where it wouldn't activate and when you got to this use your waypoint your plane would just act ridiculous and you can see our deviation indicator is coming down as we get closer to our top of descent we can also switch our nav source to nav one looks like we're still a little too far out to track it so we're gonna go back to fms for now are we how far away oh i guess so i thought we were closer than we were my mistake oh yeah we're still 25 out my bad no biggie stay on track here and we did pass that top and descent mark so we're going vertical speed find our needle and start bringing it down i'm also going to pull some power off to start slowing us down and took us out of nav mode let's get back in nav mode i think that happened when i switched the source actually even that doesn't make sense it's interesting i'm not sure what happened there so always watch that stuff watch for your deviations real real diligently because you can find yourself in a situation where you can control it pretty quickly if you catch it fast we're gonna increase our descent because our deviations pretty far right now obviously on the approach we don't want to be too far out of balance here we're going to set for 5000 let's go back to vertical speed get that back down and we're going to keep going down here so this we're going to set it for 2000 feet a little bit of odd behavior happening here i'm not quite sure what's going on and it took us out of there again knock it off gosh i don't know why it leveled out like that again i mean it already stayed below where we supposed to i didn't see it switch to altitude hold i'm just letting that deviation line catch up a little bit crease a little bit further i'm gonna go ahead and double check our barometric pressure again two nine or seven two there we go now it's better that's more what we're looking at and we're inside 15 miles i think we should be good now to switch over to the vor localizer and we are we're good nav mode stayed on that time that's good so now we're going to line up with the runway as long as we're locked in we should be able to switch to the approach mode so let's switch over to approach we're at 5000 i like like we're supposed to be at this point i'm going to switch oh and it locked up the glide slope so we're good to go now so from here i'll see you guys at about uh 3 000 feet as we uh come in for the last stages of the landing another indication i want to show you guys real quick you can see this jamil to was up faff that's final approach fix so i wanted to show you guys that real quick i thought you guys uh would find that uh helpful it lets you know that this is uh the final waypoint right before the approach into the landing all right so we're at three thousand feet final leg of the approach here so i'm gonna start pulling power back looking for 173 knots so we can set flaps one there we go so flaps one coming down we're gonna also bring that landing gear down now now we're looking for our 85 knots for the approach a little bit more power off [Music] 128 knots we can drop full flaps so there's full flaps coming down let's see our flap indicator here on the mfd now we're going to hit that 85 knots real quick so i'm adding power more power oh that was a good one according to the papi lights we're a little below glide slope we're okay and it's like our altitude says the same thing go ahead and disengage the autopilot just engage that yaw damper for landing a lot easier to hold our position if it wasn't for that there we go so now we're on the glad slope windy day wouldn't be an overkill landing if we didn't have a bit of the space shuttle approach animals gotten power we landed with a bit of a tailwind that's what i was worried about with the approach i forgot to double check our wins that's all right still a good greaser [Music] let's start adding some wheel brake didn't worry about the reverse prop today we obviously had plenty of runway to work with taxi off to the left here the executive terminal and flaps coming up clear the active runway completely come up top strobe lights off pulse lights off landing light to taxi one of them is still on there we go all right and so that is it from here we'll just taxi to our gate and we would shut the aircraft down i hope you guys enjoyed this little flight it's always fun to fly the tbm had a couple little weird incidents happen there but nothing too crazy certainly nothing that prevented us from having a nice enjoyable flight in our tbm so as always guys i will see you in the next one take care folks
Channel: OverKill Simulations
Views: 9,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft flight simulator 2020, microsoft flight simulator, fs2020 tutorial, mfs2020 tutorial, fs2020 tbm, fs2020 tbm 930, fs2020 tbm tutorial, mfs2020 tbm 930, mfs2020 tbm 930 tutorial, mfs2020 tbm 930 autopilot, microsoft flight simulator tutorial, microsoft flight simulator tutorial landing, microsoft flight simulator tbm 930, microsoft flight simulator tbm autopilot, tbm 930, working title, garmin, longitude, cessna, controls, setup, axis, tips and tricks, free
Id: fPOL5eedpFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 33sec (3513 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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