Microsoft Copilot Licensing Explained

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I'm going to tell you about the different  co-pilot licenses the differences between   them and which one you need as a bonus  I'm also going to tell you about the   designers for co-pilot by the end of this  video you're going to know what you need   why you need it and what your next steps  are now there's time stamps in the video   description below because I value your time and  you already know why you're here let's get into it now the first one is co-pilot just plain  old co-pilot the free one because it's already   included with your Microsoft license now there's  certain Microsoft licenses that already come with   a co-pilot license so those are on the screen  right now but what this is going to give you   is chat capability with co-pilot now this flavor  of co-pilot was known as Bing chat or Bing chat   Enterprise if you notice now it shows co-pilot  at the top of the Bing interface so that's where   you can find this particular co-pilot now this  co- pallot has text voice and image capabilities   built into it for the images you'll want to  head to designer where you'll be able to have   uh co-pilot create you images using Dolly not  this dolly this dolly you'll also have 15 boosts   per day to create images now what a boost is is  during peak times you know at times when you're   creating images the system's going to have you  know a various amount of load on it throughout   the day so a lot of times the images can take a  little bit to create I've seen it take a you know   close to a minute on on some of my testing but if  you apply a boost it will speed up up that image   creation so you can get your images faster but  up to 15 a day but this is the starting co-pilot   it only goes up from here so those boosts will be  going up as we go up in tier you also get plug-in   support so you will be able to bring in plugins to  your co-pilot and add additional functionality and   lastly when you're having a conversation with  co-pilot a conversation with AI I guess it's a   conversation so when you're having a conversation  with copilot it's going to be doing web grounding   that's what what Microsoft calls this and what  web grounding is is it's going to be pulling   in information from the web different internet  sources to make sure it's giving you accurate   information now obviously co-pilot on its own is  AI and it can provide you a lot of information   that it already knows about but pulling in  external content from the internet will help   it make sure it has accurate results to give you  when you're giving it various prompts and the way   that web grounding works is it's going to be using  the Bing web API service so it's not going to be   using Google or any other web service it's using  Bing because of course it's Microsoft it makes   sense next we're going to talk about co-pilot Pro  now this is one step up from the regular co-pilot   and this is going to give you more advanced  capabilities for home users both of these   products co-pilot and co-pilot Pro are designed  for home users or possibly small businesses maybe   but definitely not not Enterprise now copilot Pro  is going to give you Priority Access to the models   both 3.5 and GPT 4 also with Pro you're going  to have faster image creation including 100 uh   boosts per day now instead of just the 15 so more  capability but you know you're of course you're   paying for that capability now with the image  boosts you could still create images if you're   out of boosts all this really means is that the  images are going to be a little bit slower to get   created after boost run out but the big change  when you go from co-pilot to co-pilot Pro is   now you have co-pilot in the office applications  you're not just stuck with the browser interface   now you're going to have Word Excel PowerPoint now  you won't have teams that is a that's a difference   between copilot Pro and M365 well one of the  differences so you're going to have it in the   home office applications but that is a very  very big deal because now you're going to be   able to crank up word and have co-pilot draft up  documents do revisions things like that it's not   web chat anymore you still have that of course  but now you have contextually aware co-pilot   in your applications so if you need to analyze  data in Excel things like that it's all it's all   right there so this is definitely a a very big  deal for just $20 a month of course depending   on your budget third is going to be co-pilot for  Microsoft soft 365 this is the big one this is   the one that's $30 per user per month depending  on what country you're in and this is the whole   shebang as far as the Microsoft Office Suite  you're going to have it in all of the office   applications including teams so the one for teams  is going to let you do things like summarize   meetings um catch up on things you've missed  on if you completely missed a meeting and all   the other goodness that comes with the other  office application co-pilot and now co-pilot   Pros big claim to fame is having co-pilot in your  office applications co-pilot for M365 has got all   of the data protection in there now what this  means is your Enterprise data security so think   Microsoft purview all of your compliance controls  data loss prevention information protection all   of those things that is all part of co-pilot now  with this particular Edition so all of the work   that you've put in to secure your Microsoft 365  environment and keep data safe all of that is   going to be retained within copilot for Microsoft  365 that means that if you got sensitivity labels   applied to data that's going to be evident with  the responses from co-pilot for M365 this is a   very big deal and this is why co-pilot from  Microsoft 365 is currently the only co-pilot   of these three that is made for Enterprise  it's made for your Enterprise because it   understands and respects all of the controls that  you have placed on your data and it honors it all   also with co-pilot from Microsoft 365 you'll have  co-pilot Studio which is where you'll be creating   your custom co-pilots now to get this particular  co-pilot for M365 you're going to need a business   standard or business premium license so if you  don't have those you're not going to be able to   apply co-pilot licenses for those users now let's  talk about the custom co-pilot maker tools these   uh co-pilot Builders known as co-pilot studio and  co-pilot GPT Builder so co-pilot GPT Builder is   available only for copilot Pro users now this  hasn't even come out yet so we don't know all   of the details but we do know it is for co-pilot  Pro you're going to be able to use it to create   custom co-pilots through conversational language  so you're going to more like describe to co-pilot   what you need this new custom co-pilot to do and  it's going to be building this thing out for you   now as more details come out we'll we'll obviously  know more and I'll update uh you on what's going   on with this particular new co-pilot Builder  experience but the big one is called co-pilot   studio and that is only for co-pilot for M365 this  is the one that lets you build out custom plugins   custom co-pilots uh you can bring in all sorts  of information into these custom co- pilots and   the interface looks a little bit like maybe power  automate if you're familiar with that where it's   like a flowchart type of a a layout where you're  going to tell it what to handle you'll be able to   configure topics that it can talk about and how it  should handle those topics how it should respond   uh how it should know if someone's bringing up one  of those topics so copilot studio is going to be   part of copilot for M365 and now it's not just  as simple as getting co-pilot Studio because of   course things always have to be more complicated  sometimes I don't know but co-pilot Studio does   come in a few different flavors depending on  whether you are paying 30 bucks per user per   month for a particular co-pilot for M365 license  or you could buy co-pilot studio for the entire   tenant at $200 per tenant per month now depending  on which one you're using will unlock different   features as you can see here but one thing is  clear copilot studio is going to be the full   interface to create your custom copil now with  all of these different options here where you're   having to pay monthly for a particular co-pilot  piece of functionality or license you're going to   have to purchase that license on an annual basis  you can't go month-to-month on these things now   one of the other things I wanted to touch on is  the commercial data protection that Microsoft's   been uh pushing out lately pushing out updates  for anyway what the commercial data protection   means is that your prompts and the responses to  and from co-pilot are not going to be saved uh   anywhere it's not going to be used to train  the model Microsoft will have no information   about any of that stuff so that is important and  Microsoft's rolling this out for more and more   licenses uh as recently as just a few days ago  I believe uh additional licenses came out that   will support commercial data protection as  of the date of the recording these are all   of the licenses that will uh have this particular  feature so the main takeaways are that if you're   a home user you should be looking at co-pilot  the free one or co-pilot Pro but if you're an   Enterprise and the only option for you to protect  your data is going to be co-pilot for Microsoft   365 but there's another one out there as well and  that's called co-pilot for SharePoint it's going   to change all that you know about how to create  content for SharePoint and if you haven't heard   about this one yet then click or tap the screen  to learn more about that and let me know in the   comments below what you're excited about using  uh which one of these co-pilots they're all so   exciting to me and I can't wait to get into all  these new ones that are going to be coming out   so make sure you subscribe to the channel to  get all the latest in co-pilot and SharePoint
Channel: Steve Corey - MVP
Views: 3,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft copilot, microsoft 365 copilot, Microsoft copilot pro, Microsoft copilot ai, what is Microsoft copilot, will Microsoft copilot be free, what's Microsoft copilot, where is Microsoft copilot, what Microsoft copilot can do, is Microsoft copilot available, what is a copilot, microsoft copilot ai, microsoft copilot how to get, sharepoint copilot, microsoft sharepoint copilot, office 365 copilot, microsoft copilot tutorial, microsoft copilot pro, copilot for microsoft 365
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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