Michelle Pfeiffer Reveals Her Beauty Queen Past | Letterman

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our first guest is an Academy Award nominated  actress who stars in a new film entitled I   am Sam it opens December 28th here's the lovely  Michelle [Applause] [Music] feifer wow nice to see you well this is great oh nice I want to tell you you tell them to do that no are  you kid I can barely get him to pay attention that's lovely that's very  nice I I want to say something here   and I don't want to be stupid about this  and forgive me if if it seems untour or   clumsy but but I you know I've seen you  in in films and and I've seen you on other   shows and stuff and uh but I've never  seen you like like here and and oh my God you know what I mean it's just you just look fantastic  well thank you and thank you for being   on the show can I get you anything no  I'm fine yeah well it's nice to have   you here For Heaven's Sake maybe a heater  yeah we keep a we like to keep a little   chilly are you guys freezing you should  you should tell your guest to dress in layers now let's uh let's talk a little bit about  things to try to break some ice here um you know   we we've wanted you to be on the show and after  I saw in 88 The Fabulous Baker Brothers I just   thought oh oh my God can you get any better than  this and that that's when I really got excited   about well let's see and of course we couldn't  and now here here you are like 20 years later uh and and and and I'm I'm always interested  because we don't want to repeat mistakes we   may have made in the past was there a reason that  we were unable to make this booking straight away   well do you do you remember I was booked on the  show and I and I didn't show up that's right I do   remember that was like a year ago or something oh  no no it was it was was a while ago um and and um   I thought you might be a little upset with me  so it's taking me this long to get my courage   to come well you know that's very sweet but  yeah I I'm never I'm never serious about what   what did I say oh I I don't know actually  so you you thought you had irritated me I   thought perhaps I had irritated you no no no  I I'm accustomed to women like you standing me up let's talk about uh oh did you have a  nice Thanksgiving I did I had actually had   a fabulous thanks what did you do um I had  my whole family came over and we we had we   had so much food and um everybody got along  and everybody nobody was fighting nobody was   feuding and uh it was really lovely that  sounds nice yeah good for you and normally   are there fights and feuds yeah yeah yeah but  you know is I mean that's the the dynamic that   I think makes families interesting don't you  that they we have a very interesting family   yeah yeah yeah um uh tell me about what you  did before you became an actress in films I   uh well I had many jobs and uh where were you  born I was born in Orange County and the last   job I had or the job that I had uh while I was  pursuing acting was uh I worked at a supermarket   I I worked at a supermarket as well is that  right how how old were you when you started   at the market um I was about uh 19 I think when  I started working at supermarket yeah and what   did you do well they they started me bagging  I started bagging bagging yeah and then I I   was a bag girl as well worked your way up worked  my way up to I eventually did it was in produce produce yeah produ yeah wow yeah I got I spr  the lettu everything yeah yeah but it's a good   experience isn't it yeah um but didn't weren't  you a stock clerk at one point yeah I stocked the   shelves and everything so so could you uh could  you tie the stem of a Marino Cherry with your [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tongue  you know that that wasn't required   when I really no I didn't that  never came up really really you   can do that I thought all St clerks  knew do no no sir the ones at Von did and at what point when you were working in  the supermarket did you think oh maybe I could   be an actress did you always think you could be an  actress well my mother did given my my Dramatics   as a child but um it may have been her comments  that Dr me to it but um no I um I I had always   wanted to when I and but it was uh so far from  any kind of reality um where I grew up I didn't   know any actors I didn't come from any kind of  artistic background really per se and um uh I   was checking groceries one day and um there was  a woman who was arguing with me about the prices   of her cantaloupes and um I know that woman yeah  she came to your store too I've had that argument sure but I don't suppose she lived in Leisure  World no no no okay um different woman um so   and that was a turning point for me had you had  you done any acting like in high school I did   um it was one of the few classes I actually  attended and um and I loved it um yeah what   was the first thing you were able to do then  professionally after you left the supermarket   um well I think my well my first acting job  was one line on Fantasy Island oh Fantasy   Island yeah that used to be the thing with  the plane of the guy yeah it was great yeah   you know what it was it was was it was the guy  Paul the guy tattoo no no the guy the rard yeah   that's right yeah yeah welcome to vant Island  and what was your line do you recall who is he Naomi and there you go that's all you need  to know it was me Naomi you know what else is   that Scarface man that was an entertaining movie  yeah that's one of those where anytime you oh boy   whenever you see like a glimpse of it when they  run it on a cable outlet or something it's just   you're like there for the whole day it became such  a cult film yeah yeah very interesting yeah very   unexpected yeah and uh and and the baker uh boys  did you like doing that I mean I love doing that   movie Baker Brothers Baker Boys Boys Baker Boys  yeah I was going to just let Let It Go but uh   thank you I appreciate um yeah I loved making that  movie and um um I had actually read that script   maybe five years prior to doing it is that right  yeah and um you know um like many young filmmakers   you know Steve had a hard time getting it made and  um but I always love I mean that's a you know very   kind of almost a once in a-lifetime part it's  a lot of fun yeah yeah you ever get great you   ever get yourself in a in a in a situation it  happens to me on a regular basis here where uh   you you you you know there's something going on  but you just kind of put it in the back of your   mind and then you sort of pretend to forget about  it and then all of a sudden oh God it's this you   know you know what I'm talking about like in a  script or something you love denial Dave yeah   yeah yeah does that ever happen like when you  you you love something and you think okay but   it's got this one thing but I ain't G to worry  about it till yeah um actually that happens to   me a lot um I have amazing powers of denial um  when when I really really want to do something   but there's something really really scary in it  and you know you read it and but it just doesn't   quite penetrate and um um the the piano scene was  actually one of those moments in in the scene oh   thanks but it's it's a kind of a do or die scene  and um and I didn't really think about it until   the day came to shoot it and I thought I have to  stand and sing on top of a piano in a red dress   I could look really foolish doing this um but  fortunately um Steve just was you know just said   trust me yeah Steve had nothing to do with it no  I'm tell believe me no you know whoever Steve is   he had nothing to do it but you just look great  but it could well thank you Dave but uh it could   have been real cornball too in the wrong hands  no I understand sure yeah yeah we have uh some   videotape here and we can show it or we you're  married to that TV guy aren't yeah that that   guy it's David Kelly he he likes every program on  television is David Kelly does that after a while   get on your nerves oh I'm Mr TV look at me I'm  Mr TV it seems to irritate you a bit wait yeah   good um no I know actually you know he he doesn't  write all the time M actually we do see him yeah   and then do you uh do you ever think well I'd like  to be put me in are you ever are you ever on those   shows you've been on those show oh I snuck in one  once you sneaked on a show I yeah I sneaked on a   show I um it was uh pigot fences which I miss very  much and um it used to be right here at CBS Friday   nights pigot fences yeah and um you know he's a  real practical joker my husband and he had played   a big practical joke on somebody in the office and  the producer who leaned over and he said you want   to get him back and I mean there was no reason for  me to get him back but I think he said do you just   want to do you want to get him right um because  he's hard to get and so anyway he said we'll sneak   you in the show and not tell him and long time  went by and then he wrote this episode about you   know kind of Twisted um the show was enigmatic  as it was it was strange and this one and you   know his kind of a you know funny sense of humor  and um it was about a masseuse who was murdered   and it was um in in in doing the investigation of  the murder they discover that he was performing um   a procedure a little extra called the squiggle on  some of his clients and so they were interviewing   all of his female clients and I was one of them  and you were one of I got the squiggle and and   your husband your husband didn't know anything  about it till he sees the show well then months   ago by and I had actually forgotten about it and I  was back in my bedroom breastfeeding my child and [Applause] um I can I can see that I have to  watch myself no I just I don't I   mean you know I I it's a lovely  image I just didn't know if we were it's It's Perfectly Natural and fine I  just didn't you know see this is why this is   why I shouldn't do these shows no no you can  no no you're fine so um anyway he came back   and said is there something you'd like  to tell me there's really no punchline   to the story other than we did get him  that's a great story it doesn't get any better um let's let's knock through some of these and  you just uh say anything you want about them   uh uh Batman Returns and and and for my money that  was the best Batman right there Michael Keaton was   Batman I thought he was great I thought you were  great was that fun you guys were it was really fun   it was hard work um just the the physicality  of it all the suit was impossible but it was   really really fun and it was really uh you know I  think just such a joy to be in a Tim Burton movie   because I'm such a big fan of his the age of in  that's a lovely piece of work wasn't that was fun too Dude Where's My Car oh wait a wait a minute  oh no that's that's my bill from Blockbuster I'm   sorry I don't let's uh do you mind you can we show  this tape or not do you mind if we show the tape   oh is this a i Sam no no we'll get to that this is  this is this is the Miss California pageant 1978 what do you think I'm game okay you remember  how old you're just a kid 1978 obviously and   were you miss California sort of yeah no  not sort of you either are or it's a very   confusing P you can't pretend you're well  I don't even remember perhaps the videotape   will provide us with a clue here we go  Miss California P 197 also oil PS You'   like to become an actress Mexican food is her  favorite and her measurements are 33 24 34 wow yes you were Miss California uh now let's  talk about the movie I Am Sam I Am Sam I Am   Sam this is Sean pen is also in the yes um it's  a story of a mentally challenged single parent   um fighting for custody uh for his soon to be  eight-year-old daughter and um um he he he and   his friends realized that he needs a lawyer so  they go through the Yellow Pages and they find   the biggest ad and they decide that must be the  best agency and so he uh he comes to visit me and   I tell him that um I he I can't really be bothered  with him he can't afford me and anyway and then um   I lie to my colleagues and tell them that I  indeed am taking him on pro bono when indeed   I'm lying and he then shows up uh to the office  to ask me if if I have the referral that I had   promised him okay so this is a a first meeting  or a second meeting it's a second meeting okay   you and Shawn pen me and sha pen that's right  okay yeah I am Sam I Am Sam take a look looks   very sweet very sweet and it when can we see  that it opens uh December 28th December 28th   Sam I am Sam I Am Sam I Am Sam well God it's a  pleasure to have you here and I hope you come   back in another 12 years or something Michelle  bye for everybody we'll be right back with Dennis [Music] Regan
Channel: Letterman
Views: 44,354
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Keywords: letterman, david letterman, dave letterman, interview, letterman interview, letterman official, letterman late show, letterman late night, late night, stupid pet tricks, stupid human tricks, top ten, late show, top ten list
Id: TynCM0Ll7xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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