How Michelle Pfeiffer Got Lucky On A Blind Date | Rumour Juice

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When Michelle Pfeiffer went on a blind date,  she had no idea she was going to meet her future   husband. The actress had already been divorced  and had a string of short and fleeting romances,   so she didn't hold any high hopes when her best  friend set her up with David E. Kelley. Not only   did things get off to an awkward start, but they  also had an unconventional start to their budding   relationship. Today, the couple has been together  for thirty years, and they are the perfect example   of a marriage that has stood the test of time. Michelle Pfeiffer first met David E. Kelley on a   blind date back in 1993. Naturally, Michelle had  her reservations about the blind date and admitted   that she was "kind of nervous" about who she was  going to meet. In fact, if it wasn't for her best   friend, she wouldn't have gone on a date at all. She shared, "I'd had a couple of bad blind dates,   and I had sworn off of them. My best  friend said, 'Please, just this last time,   meet this guy, David Kelley.' I said, 'OK.'" Michelle thought it would be a "good idea" to   first go with a group of friends to a bowling  alley and have a party there. They had all met   for dinner before, although she admitted  that the meal was "the awkward part."   "It didn't start off great."  The actress recalled.   After she was introduced to Kelley, Pfeiffer  confessed that she actually tried to set him   up with her sister, Dedee. However, her best  friend warned her by saying, "Don't you dare.   I will kill you." Added that she was sure  Michelle had just met her "future husband."   While the initial blind date might have been  a little awkward, and they didn't immediately   hit things off, the actress decided to give  things a shot with David. As it turned out,   Michelle's friend couldn't have been more right. Pfeiffer and Kelley soon started dating and   quickly realized that they were a perfect match  for one another. At the time, Michelle was already   in the process of adopting her daughter, Claudia.  Two months into her relationship with Kelley,   the actress's adoption application was  approved, and she officially became a mother.   Michelle wasn't sure how David would react  to having a child brought into their budding   relationship so soon. However, he proved to be an  even more supportive partner than she expected.   She shared, "So we had this child with us right  away, and most people don't have that. But I   really got to see Kelley in a situation that  certainly would separate the boys from the men.   Obviously, he really rose to the occasion." Pfeiffer explained that they "got to see each   other as parents" before they had progressed in  their relationship. Adding, "In a strange way,   it took the pressure off, as a couple." The couple certainly had a unique start to   their relationship, but Michelle wouldn't have  had it any other way. In fact, she described it   as "perfectly timed." For the actress, seeing  how David behaved around her daughter and how   he took on a fatherly role was a "testament  to the kind of person he is." What's more,   Pfeiffer realized that "sometimes the traditional  way of doing things isn't always the best way."   The actress knew she had met the man that she  wanted to spend the rest of her life with.   Proving her best friend right, the  couple got married at the end of 1993,   after just ten months of dating. However, this wasn't Michelle's first   marriage. The actress had previously been  married to Peter Horton for seven years.   Pfeiffer first rose to fame in the eighties  and quickly achieved recognition for her roles   in 'Scarface,' 'Greece 2,' and, of course, her  performance as Cat Woman in 'Batman Returns.'   As her career garnered her more attention,  so did her romance with fellow actor Peter   Horton. Michelle was just twenty-two years old  when she married twenty-eight-year-old Peter   in 1981. While the former couple worked together  several times during the 80s, it seems as though   the pressures of Pfeiffer's new-found fame took a  toll on their marriage. The actress began to feel   like they had rushed into their marriage too  quickly, and she wasn't ready to be a wife.   She shared, "For me, it was too young. I think  my husband and I were both too young, and as we   started growing up, our needs changed." The couple eventually divorced in 1988,   but thankfully it wasn't the typically nasty  Hollywood breakup. Michelle shared that their   split "wasn't bitter," and they even "spoke every  day on the phone." Peter had even helped her   pack up her things when she moved out. She explained, "We've always been close,   even up to the separation, which was  very difficult on both of us because   we have never stopped caring for each other." After their divorce, she and Peter made sure to   keep in touch; Michelle even said that they were  "like best friends" when they saw each other.   While the breakup hadn't been easy on either of  them, they had both understood that they weren't   right for one another romantically and were  able to part ways amicably and respectfully.   Over the next few years, Pfeiffer went on  to date Fisher Stevens and also had a brief   fling with John Malkovich. After a string  of failed relationships, Michelle thought   that she wasn't going to meet the right man  for her, which is why she decided to adopt   her daughter on her own. Luckily, everything  changed after that blind date with David.   In 1994, Kelley and Pfeiffer welcomed their son,  John, into their family. The actress took a small   break from acting while her kids were young  so that she could focus on being a full-time   mother. In fact, her children didn't even know  she was an actress when they were young.   The couple moved to the San Francisco Bay area  to protect their kids from the constant swarm   of paparazzi around Los Angeles. They  wanted to try and have more of a quiet   life away from the spotlight for a while.  Michelle also wanted her kids to have as   much of a normal life as she could give them. However, the actress admitted that she may have   tried too hard to keep her children shielded  from her celebrity status. She explained,   "I actually went overboard in separating the  kids from my work, so much so that they found   out through their friends how famous I was." Although she returned to acting after her children   were a little older, the couple realized that they  enjoyed being able to keep their lives private.   It's no doubt that their choice to maintain  their privacy has proven to have its benefits   since they've been together for three decades. In a 2012 interview, Michelle shared that she   "chose really well with David,"  adding, "I got really lucky."   She explained, "I never take him for granted.  I've never met a person who has more integrity   than my husband. I respect that. There's  his humor and intelligence, too, and he's   really cute all those things — but if you don't  respect your partner, you'll get sick of him."   Both Pfeiffer and Kelley have had incredibly  successful careers in Hollywood. David has   written, produced, and created several noteworthy  television shows, like 'Big Little Lies' and   'Nine Perfect Strangers.' While they're both  involved in the film industry, the couple has   made an active decision not to work together. Michelle opened up about their decision to keep   their home life and work life separate. She thinks  "it's a risk" that couples have to take if they   work together, saying, "I've seen a lot of couples  where they seem to have a really great marriage,   and then they work together, and next  year they're filing for divorce."   She believes that her husband is an  incredible writer. However, she explained,   "I value our relationship more than a good  part, and I just think it's too risky."   The actress went on to say that both she and  David are "kind of fierce" when they work,   so if she comes home and she's had a  bad day or she's upset about something,   she wants him to be on her side. She added, "There's value in that … I never   want to risk damaging our relationship,  which is a little sacred to me.”   Although Kelley does not work with his  wife, his life with Pfeiffer and their   kids does inspire his work. The actress  shared that Kelley once drew inspiration   from their kids' childhood experience  with head lice for one of his shows.   She said, "One of them got hair lice in  elementary school. And it took three of   us working on this kid's head to get rid of  these nits. And I turned to David and said,   'If I see this in one of these shows!' And,  of course, it was in one of his shows."   Michelle likes to keep her personal life out  of the spotlight. She and David enjoy their   time together, and they always choose to have a  quiet night in rather than go out. Looking back   on her thirty years of marriage and having  raised two children with an amazing husband,   the actress shared, "Ultimately, I'm really  rich in love and relationships in my life."   Michelle and David may not have had the most  traditional dating experience at the beginning   of their relationship, but things couldn't have  worked out better for them. They're still happier   than ever after thirty years together, and their  preference to keep their lives private has worked   out in their favor too. Their journey to finding  love has proven that you never know when or   how you're going to meet the person you're  going to spend the rest of your life with.
Channel: Rumour Juice
Views: 68,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollywood, hollywood celebrity news, hollywood romance, romance, love story, stories about celebrities, Michelle Pfeiffer, David E. Kelley, Claudia Rose Pfeiffer, John Henry Kelley, Peter Horton, Scarface, Greece 2, Batman Returns, Fisher Stevens, John Malkovich, Big Little Lies, Nine Perfect Strangers, Love, Romance, Divorce, Love Story, Marriage, Blind Date
Id: SEiELuqkkCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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