Meg Ryan's Cheeky Attempt At A British Accent | Letterman

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yeah I can't tell you how much it means to me to have you on the show it's just great to meet you thank you very much mag well thank you Dave it's really great to be here wow that's unbelievable I mean you don't have like even a trace of a British accent it's just amazing to me well actually Dave I'm American she's American that's funny and I'm Japanese our first guest stars in the uh brand new blockbuster of Motion Picture French Kiss which is set in lovely Paris France just just a short Chunnel ride from here folks do me a favor please give a big welcome London hello or words to that effect to one of the world's biggest stars here's Meg Ryan look at that man look at that look at how look at how lovely it's so nice of you to be here I've I've never met you and you're uh We've wanted to have you on the program for like years and years and years and finally you're here thank you very much for your time thank you is this your first time uh in London no no I I I've been here a couple times I came here uh first when I was about 17 as a a student traveling Europe kind of yeah we came over in like the uh cargo hold of a tww really yeah yes very very kind of um we did the whole youth hostel thing and the uh you in a bunch of girlfriends girlfriends we had these like backpacks and those sweatshirts and the dasis and all that we were completely stunned that anyone ever knew we were American weird and the backpacks weighed like 70 lbs what kind of stuff did you bring where did you think you were going nepe I don't know we thought I think I I think we we didn't think we could buy anything in England or we had like um I distilled water oxygen whatever do you do you recall uh F fondle your first trip here what was your first impression of the the country and the city I from those back backpacks being so heavy there was uh cuz we would lay underneath them practically but um I remember thinking that we were disappointed a couple times like there were no animals at the padilly circus not not wait a minute what do what do you mean not one Beefeater nothing yeah but if what would you do with one if you had one for every sake we were expecting them at Customs or something you know like that's telephones were confusing they had to remember you had to wait for a series of Rapid Pips do you remember those days do you still have that probably not you would wait for a series of of Rapid Pips and yeah and then and then glad KN comes in and then she helps place she makes the call for you exactly they had these separate coins you had to go special coins for the phon sure did did you get in trouble how long were you away from home we were gone for about 3 months oh man now let's hear something really what went on um nothing it was just a whole mess of fun we did like all the uh we we were in France we were in Greece I remember we were in uh salsburg one of my girlfriends really wanted to see where Julie Andrews spun around and S this is some cultural event wasn't it where are you from originally Connecticut Connecticut what part of Connecticut Fairfield County you know I you know I live not very far from there yeah it's a great place isn't it where are you living I can't really tell you because a friend of Salmons comes by periodically uh but you know I I've noticed that part of the countryside in that state reminds me a little of the countryside here in Great Britain it's just beautiful isn't it yeah yeah now do you do you uh as an actress as the consumate actress as as like a a big big deal you have to speak with a British accent can you do that as a if somebody said we want you to play a British woman could you do that well yeah I tried you could use it you do have an accent I well no but I mean now wait a minute give it a shot okay all right now see we have some phrases here okay all right well let's start out easy try that one oh okay all right uh Cheerio but that didn't sound right wait well Cheerio it said said no more English than when I said it very give me another one okay uh okay try this one there can you see that one this one oh that one right there this one oh okay 24 Shilling please oh thank you gov well now we're getting give us a kiss love uh all right let's uh try that one that's a little more advanced oh please sir may I have some more intestine [Laughter] pie the old home baked intestine pie man I remember when Mom would make those up for the holidays God bless her so when you're here when you're abroad you know what I mean by that course yeah um folks uh recognize you everywhere you go because you're a global film star aren't you no yes they do yes they do I was thinking about what about you though now you nobody knows who I am and I like it like that I don't know you are now the the global Grand that's why I spend the weekends hiding under my house uh but now have you noticed a difference in how people react to you in in this country for example as opposed to the United States well no not really but when we were we just made this film in in France and uh no one car at all no one cared there at all yeah we there I find this hard to believe because I believe in my heart that wherever you go you're worshiped as a goddess no are you sure no crowd control no nothing no security French FR um no Noel Kenny it's good Dave what did I say my name is Kenny your K this as close as I can get I um Kevin Klein play a Frenchman in the film he's great he's a terrific yeah and so he learned French so I would depend on him for now he that's what he was telling us on our show that he actually could speak French because he did it for the film was that true yeah in the beginning I kind of depended on him for a few sort of polite phrases to get me through and then I would find out what he was really telling me to say so so he used to say that I should say Mercy B yeah instead of Mercy B and what's what's the problem there well it means thank you nice ass thank you nice you know still I have no problem with that either and then he would have me say um what was it oh bonjour salope American bonjour hello good day I am a great American that made for some very long elevator rides yeah but you know the two the nice ass and the are not mutually exclusive you can have you can have both I believe sure and be a lucky woman absolutely um the the film is just uh doing unbelievable business and and this is a little silly it doesn't come to London I guess now until November right yeah but in America it's like your box office Blockbuster well it's it's okay let's take a look at it do you know what we're going to show here Meg yeah I think we're going to see a scene where I finally uh uh come across my fiance who's dumped me for a beautiful French bab your fiance being played by Tim H that's right here we go roll the film if you will then the fun begin my goodness somehow it seems nearly sinful to take your face and cover it with goo for the entire film oh this is a good stop for me Dave oh good well will you come back again sometime yeah what are you going to how much longer you going to be in London um probably till tomorrow so you want to do something later you me and salmon go back to the room and pull the blinds down and hide under the bed um anyway congratulations and and I hope you understand that this isn't just TV nonsense I really am thrilled that you're here oh thankk you because normally I am full of TV nonsense but I really mean this I do mean this it's a great fun to have you with us thank you very much Meg Meg [Music] Ryan
Channel: Letterman
Views: 21,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: letterman, david letterman, dave letterman, interview, letterman interview, letterman official, letterman late show, letterman late night, late night, stupid pet tricks, stupid human tricks, top ten, late show, top ten list
Id: lLcgai0G6FI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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