Supermodel Cindy Crawford And The Pantsless Airplane Passenger | Letterman

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our next guest is one of the most  beautiful women in the world and   one of the most successful models in the  world as well tomorrow night uh she will   be the host of revlon's second annual  Unforgettable woman contest do you know   anything about this Paul I'd love to hear  about it yeah all right we'll find out all   about it ladies and Gentlemen please welcome  back to the program Cindy Crawford [Applause] Cindy a little nice to see you how you doing good I have the vague sense that  you and I are from the same part of the country   and I know that for a fact you're from Illinois  aren't you Cal Illinois D Cal Illinois which is   where where is it located in the state it's uh  60 Mi straight west of Chicago right and I think   you're from Indiana Indianapolis that's right you  didn't make your license plates no no that's right   I was not in prison making license plates no no I  mean don't they have Michael Jackson or they were   trying to get Michael Jackson put on the license  plate oh is that right they were home of Michael   Jackson from Gary Indiana yeah that pretty cute uh  now so what was life like for you as a kid there   it was great I mean it's a really great place to  grow you live on a farm that's what people always   ask you that I know everyone thinks like I wore no  shoes and overalls but I you know we had shoes did   did you wear overalls I we overalls but I choose  to um it was great you know I mean it's really   small I mean like small like one high school kind  of thing how big was the high school it was big   enough was you know were were you were you you  this is an impossible question but in high school   were you like a really a really good looking girl  in high school no Dave she was terribly homely I   wasn't I yeah I don't I mean that's a little I  don't know I mean I wasn't the most what is it   they vote like homecoming queen I was never there  you were not the homecoming queen I was like a a   pretty serious student did you study good you  good grades then huh yeah pretty good uh What   was your average 4.0 really 4.0 well you can't get  any better than that can it's pretty good and uh   Hobbies extracurricular activities clubs sing  home any of that yeah m Sports play any sports   oh softball were you good at softball I was um I  was pretty good actually I broke my arm pitching   um well not actually pitching but catching a ball  that was hit to me as a at a pitching so I so that   ended it sort of yeah yeah um and and did you  start modeling when you were in high school I   started um yeah my last year of high school wow  and how did that begin did you just say to your   to your folks you I think I would like to model  or did somebody come to you and say I think you   could model or it was sort of like I met someone  who knew someone who yeah and uh I started slowly   and I was talking backstage about my very first  job was for Marshall Fields I don't know Marshall   Fields is a huge uh department store in in the  midwest yeah and they wanted me to do this bra   ad all right I was lucky enough to at 16 to  already have something to put in it so um are   you all right I just lost my footing I'm all right  now are you all right I'm fine now I don't know I   just yeah I don't know what's gotten into Paul I  just slipped I last time Paul was like doing this   whole number to me I thought you were going to  give me a break this time all right so so at at 16   so anyway so I had to decide right then and there  if that was something I would do yeah and um I did   it and now why why did that have to be a lingerie  or undergarments why couldn't it have been I don't   know I me well I was like a nobody I was like this  beginning model and I would have I mean I wanted   to do it anyway so I did it but the thing is I  came into my high school after the day it ran in   the Tribune mhm it was like plastered everywhere  in my high school sure yeah because they included   your your face in it I would guess yeah yeah no  they that's not that's not how they recognized   her that just her face was not in it but that  wouldn't be well I don't know so it must have been   traumatizing for you as a kid huh well I mean it  was a little I think that I felt I felt you know   it was like my job and I felt bad that people but  then I real you know I like I got my first check   and I said well yeah there you go the hell with  you kid to uh now this revlon's most unforgettable   woman this is the yeah 1990 the second year  they've had this yeah this is the second year   what happens here well um girls from anywhere they  send in three photographs and they're chosen based   on the way they look obviously because it is for a  cosmetic ad they win by the way they get to be an   ad plus they get $25,000 which I think is pretty  cool a solid deal now who was the unforgettable   woman of last year or slipped your mind one of  those we like it it's didn't her name is Tracy   I mean it's it's a um she's Indonesian or Tai or  something but anyway it's a very hard name for me   to say that's right all all right we'll we'll come  back to that Mary newn Mary sin newn yeah Mary sin   newn yeah yes it's hard that's a hard name and  and you'll be you'll be hosting it and also uh   one of the judges I'm not a judge um reges Filman  filin is a judge and um like two modeling agencies   are Judges and Candace Candace Bergen is she's  announcing W like a big deal it's yeah it's going   to be nice you're you're like the franchise for  Revlon right you're like the spokesperson for the   company well I mean they they have they're such a  huge company but I'm the one spokesperson that's   now do you use their Cosmetics yeah I do yeah  what what kind of stuff do they make they make   lipstick they make everything eyeliner eyeliner  blusher you want anything I can no I don't need   anything I just just want to run down the product  line do they make a nice talc would it be possible   to get a good tal yeah they have they have great  they have talc they have uh fragrances and do you   do you like the stuff yeah it's yeah yeah and you  you also in your job you you're in a really great   position because you get to see the entire world  you must travel all the time yeah a lot where have   you been recently um this year I got to go to  Moscow which is probably the most interesting   especially right now it's a really cool time to be  there and how long were you there 10 days and did   were people just drawn to you or did they leave  you alone or what how did that work well I mean   it's I'm surprised there when people do recognize  me because you don't really think that they get   American Vogue there but I did see something  American Vogue is very popular in Moscow isn't   it I I didn't even know you could buy it there  you can't buy anything else I'm surprised that   they would know anything about it they do they  know they they do know it's like when I was in   the Himalayas once I mean like we had to drive  two days over through the mountains and we're   staying in tents and we get there and someone  has a British Vogue with me on the cover that   they want autograph yeah and I was like where did  you find this you know there's no food or anything   there and they have British fol so it's that that  always it's the worldwide language of fashion yeah   yes it is it's more important then then all those  Poli do you do you have trouble when you're when   you're flying and when you're traveling to to  various places for a vacation I guess you would   probably travel uh with friends or whatever but  when you're traveling to work you may have to be   alone do do you have trouble with guys bothering  you sort of like I'm doing here tonight you're   not bothering me no I had I had one really sort  of strange um I was flying once I think I think   it was when I was going to India actually and I  was by myself in the upstairs of the plane and so   there's only like five people there and everyone  was watching the movie and it was except for me   and this guy behind me who was was really sosed  at the time he was drunk when he got on yeah   might have been the pilot was this a North no  no no it wasn't I don't think so but he could   have been back to taking a rest um and anyway he  must have spilled something or I don't know would   made a mess so he slowly after snoring for two  hours crawled to the bathroom when he came back   he tried to clean himself up but his everything  was wet so he he's behind me in the plane and   he just gets to his seat takes his pants off and  he's really fat puts the pants and it's going to   let him Dr he sits there in his underwear and I  like with this big stomach hanging out like that   so I I I thought okay I mean what can I meanwhile  I could you know for the last hour I listened to   him snor so I went to the I mean a steward I went  downstairs I said you know there's this man behind   me has no pants on was he in the pants section or  the no pants section this international flight so   they have no pants section sure and so the pilot I  mean the steart comes up with me and says sir I'm   sorry but you know other people are complaining  you have to put your pants back on so he knows   that it's me that told on it so meanwhile he's  leaning forward going you I won't repeat what he   said he keeps you know saying all so then I went  back down to the and I said now he's saying mean   stuff to me make him stop so anyway they sent him  back into economy class oh good good and and and   when you landed did they have somebody take him  right off the plane no I he probably was like out   probably slapped him around a little bit um all  right tomorrow it is tomorrow night right where   is this taking place the most unforgettable  second annual Temple of dendar oh yeah the uh   Museum of Modern Art right no the Metropol okay  great well it was a pleasure to see you again you   were here like two years ago or so eh I was here  no last summer last summer you were here summer   oh great well come back again thank you I for  some reason I thought it was like a long time   ago no it was just last summer cuz it was when  I had the weirdo break into my apartment you had   the weirdo break into Europe oh that's right and  I understand they're married now and they're both   it worked out very well nice to see you again it's  Cindy Crawford yeah where be back here [Applause]
Channel: Letterman
Views: 90,695
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Keywords: letterman, david letterman, dave letterman, interview, letterman interview, letterman official, letterman late show, letterman late night, late night, stupid pet tricks, stupid human tricks, top ten, late show, top ten list
Id: yzkaX9PQXts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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