Michael Pavlovich - Pavlovich Workshop - Episode 39

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all righty I'm gonna try something new this morning let's make sure we're up and running all over the place let's each do a TCH pixologic make sure I'm showing up everywhere actually the titles right yes okay so that's on that's going face book I'm gonna try to keep an eyeball on and then YouTube I'm gonna try to keep an eyeball on so YouTube and twitch I should have here okay everybody hear me okay got my mic on got a new mic everybody thanks for showing up what do we have on the docket today I don't really have anything in particular so shout out questions as you think of them and I'll try and see if I can cover a bunch of stuff today as per usual and let me load up some links here that I always end up using stream stream stream there we go Gould thanks for showing up video Nomad hey my nose Fabian um hello from India let's see uh let's see what we've been working on lately on my own channel we've been working on some pretty fun stuff let's say streaming so we're doing this medieval zombie type of thing we ended up making a book that we took into Houdini and then painter so you do all my concept thing in ZBrush so we ended up making this kind of book here we can continue this thing we've also been doing a lot of oh it's my way come alright I think my way comes a bit off here hold on so I have to change the change my monitor quite a bit so I'm gonna go in here and say portion and I'm gonna take this left side over just a tiny bit okay thank you on this channel we've been doing a lot of mario world stuff so i'm wondering if we can just there's my bowser you can maybe start posing these guys down make a little scene for him they say Michael just got your email for the intro table Constance cool yeah it is would make a little bit easier to kind of go through and see what the intro to ZBrush part 1 part 2 part 3 stuff is show us the best use of zremesher on a mech concept we did a little bit of that trying to think recently when I was doing this Mario world for our we were doing the Bowser jr. stuff for the AMD livestream let's see cybernetic arms we kind of did let's bring up so we haven't done this one in a while let's see the ZBrush female here hold on just a second high res let's go back down here to the armor so if you go to my Michael Pavlovic livestream here please connect authorize connect oh wait Wow I should have let me hold on give me just a second connect and connect okay now can I replay there you go so this is the Michael Powell vich workshop but you're watching right now on ZBrush Channel and if you scroll all the way down to the bottom we go through this sci-fi lady here and so we've done quite a bit of work on her we got it to a point where let me load up her we've kind of been messing with her helmet for a while I guess we can continue that a little bit for zmodeler stuff in particular it kind of depends on what kind of modeling you're doing if you're just doing so here's her simple or her not simple but her base tech suit here go ahead and lighten that up just a little bit here and I guess that's all right we went through and because basically the making of her is gonna be on my channel on earlier videos and then we have this kind of mech suit that she sits within so you can kind of see her body right in here and she fits within here we can kind of modify this a little bit we've also been doing some changes to her helmet here let me just open this one up and then this one we basically chopped her body in half and then we added all this stuff so we've been refining as slowly as weave as we progressed let's see preferences additional eyes yes but see how do you go about snapping rivets to occur that's already attached the edge of a model let's do that's do that we can do the mech thing there mess of the following modular workflow in ZBrush that one's a little bit more difficult I would say you can use a ray mesh oh you know what I should also be mm-hmm-hmm sure how did for the Facebook oh there's videos all right I'm gonna try and keep I'm gonna try and keep my eyeball on three things here hmm you know what we'll see I'm not even sure I'm not sure whether facebook chats showing up so I apologize the Facebook but first what we're gonna do is we're gonna get rid of that gradient so it compresses a little bit better and we're go ahead and do this okay so we're gonna go to our document here we're going to take this range and turn it down to zero and let's do okay I guess we'll just go ahead and load up this armor we'll start here so let's take a little piece of this armor and we'll start refining a little bit what looks like a fun piece to kind of work on here also preferences edit turnoff flankers a surface um we'll start with a shoulder pad up here so we've got the shoulder pad I'm going to sub to hold and shift turn off this eyeball and then touch the nameplate so this is all I'm working on you can also just turn on the solo button but if I want to start bringing in other sub tools into here I can do that and then with all of that going on if I'm just gonna be working on one side I know I can mirror and weld I'm gonna turn off X symmetry or hold down ctrl shift and then go ahead and use visibility to delete that one that's gonna be under your geometry modify topology delete hidden you're also going to notice I'm using this custom and I'm going over a lot of stuff I've gone over before just in case we have some new people from the new audience stuff so this is my custom menu I use it all the time instead of going over here for example best case the the use case I like to bring up is this whole mirror across the XY & z under deformation and then under geometry modify topology mirror and weld I use these all the time right next to each other so my custom and you'll have them right next to each other but this way I don't have to go over here and start scrolling through this giant menu you can go to my cube brush and Gumroad page and you can download this on the intro to ZBrush files it's free you don't pay for anything if you want to use this custom menu I wouldn't suggest doing it because custom menus are really easy to make so kind of find what you use a lot and either assign a hotkey to it or just throw it in a custom menu so now that we have these shapes here we can go through and we can start refining this a little bit so we're gonna go through with our H polish brush and another thing you can do is while i'm dinah messing this i don't have this option of my dynamesh here i guess i could add it but what I usually do is sometimes if you go over here to your dynamesh you can turn on this polish and then as your dynamesh and we'll go ahead and polish for you it's a little bit harsh especially as low res as I want to work when I'm just blocking stuff in but if you go over here to clay polish you can also use clay polish with these parameters to dial these shapes and a little bit better if we want to start making this a little bit nicer it's got kind of a layered blocky effect I think we have enough information here if you want to clean it up a little bit again you can go in here there H polish hold down alt go in here with your move brush and start just moving the stuff around and you might be asking lowered zmodeler come in you can start making this was e model right now what I like and prefer to do with what I prefer to do in ZBrush is get my ideas out quickly like this just to make sure it fits in that's good and turn everything else back on it fits in with the overall concept and there was the thumbnail we worked for him you know and it kind of its integrated correctly and everything's moved around and then once that stuff is all figured out then that's when I'll decide to go ahead and make it for real and I can decide how to how to tackle it and the most efficient way possible which doesn't always happen but we give it our best shot so even in here it's like okay that overlaps a little bit so I can hold down ctrl shift instead of going in there and box modeling around that problem I can simply go in here with Mike lip brush and clip these things back so that saves me a little bit of time and go to solo mode again or go into transparency mode and we can just kind of round the shape out like this and did I leave polish on I guess I did dynamesh turnoff polish there we go and then we go in here there Damion standard brush and give indications of where we want to cut these in now when I rebuild this I might stick with the the basic shape here and then do these panel cut lines when I go in and do zmodeler and stuff like that now if I want to recreate this shape what I can do is I can start with a basic primitive and zmodeler it out it kind of depends on what's gonna get me the fastest result or I can go through here with Zee sphere topology or topology brush or I need another number of zremesher if we want to use that now whichever one's going to give me the cleanest result the fastest so what I'm thinking is this is basically a curve let's just do this I'm gonna hold down shift and shoot this to the top and I'm going to insert a Z sphere hold down shift turn everything off with the Z sphere and the the shoulder pad here does easier selected I'm gonna hit E and scale it down we're gonna go on a transparency mode hit W and it's gonna throw that right into the middle of this match you don't have to do this you can just leave this thing off to the side here but if we turn out transparency going to madcap gray medium gray and then turn off density turn up dynamesh and then go into edit topology which is gonna be way down here when you have a ZZZ fear selected you can go down here to the apology and rigging and adaptive skin all this stuff I have my custom menu up here and now we're ready to reach apologize this thing really quickly and again I'm just looking for that base shape so I'm just gonna go through here quickly and the reason I went to a medium grey with you know I might actually simplify this let's go down here and we'll just go across so I'm gonna extrude all those other pieces out I think so we'll go here let's go around the object and I'm ignoring all the details through here I can always grab those back later and the thickness as well I'm gonna add later so I'm gonna go across here and I'm just going to draw this and we're gonna put rivets on this so we can go through both of those questions here and you can use the move brush to reposition any of these things so our W to move I should say and then Q to go back and draw and we go back and forth put these things on here there we go and then again again just use the move brush to even these this topology out at work and then we're gonna go up this one and again this doesn't have to be perfect this is just getting me my base shape and if you wanted to start from a primitive obviously feel free because I'm going to actually modify this quite a bit in fact if we're gonna end up 6th routing this out let's go through here I'm going to move these things back down a little bit so we're going to extrude those shapes out again just starting from the most base shape that I can in fact we even need that midline hmm if you decide you don't want something you can go through here with alt and then just tap that one and now we can just shoot straight across here so we're gonna ignore all that information we'll get that later alrighty and now we're gonna go across here and man show these up with W move these things around alrighty we got our base shape and we'll shoot this around here okay that'll work so here is our base shape if I hit a that's gonna give me my adaptive skin and you're gonna see because I turn the dynamesh resolution off it's going to give me just plain geometry because I turn the density down to one we're just getting these single polygons here and if we look down here we have a little bit of a problem so if I go out of solo mode here gonna see I left a little extra burden here so we'll just go ahead and get rid of that thing so we're just using this to evaluate our mesh everything looks good and I think all these other shapes I can just extrude off of this main shape or borrow this geometry off of this main shape here so nice and easy if I want to use this geometry right now it's still a Z sphere here's if you want to continue Z remeasuring stuff or is the sphere to apologizing stuff all you need to do as you can say okay make an adaptive skin go into insert and that's gonna throw this adaptive skin cities its sphere is that the adaptive skin mesh right underneath your Z sphere excuse me and then you can take this z sphere here and we can move it down one to hold down shift turn off the eyeball to turn all your sub tools off tap the name plate tap this next sub tool here and then say you wanted to remesh this one for some reason all you got to do is hit delete topology and then start these ferret apologizing this next thing so you can use the same Z sphere to kind of go through your sub tools of course you can turn X symmetry on if you want to this shoulder pet I didn't but that's one option anyway so we got the skin here there we go so now let's go ahead and start matching this base geometry to our real geometry in order to do that I go back to madcap turn on white house here's your mat caps up here and I'm gonna go into solo mode with this one selected and I'm just gonna hold down I'm gonna do shift s let's tap that and I'm gonna have this up here as reference for what I want this final shape to look like and of course we have our 3d model that we can always have as well but this is kind of sometimes nice to have up here there's different views and different angles aerial so you know this base piece right here like so so we can go and even some of this geometry out and I guess it's just even though it's low res geometry were going to box them all this you can still use sculpting tools to kind of get what you need to go through here and you smooth to kind of average these vertices positions here I don't work so we got our basic shape going and of course we can hop in and out uh so uh solo mode so we can see okay this is working just fine we have this line cut through here so we're gonna move this line over go into transparency mode and turn on ghost so you can go underneath your object and start moving those points around and then oh it looks like we need to go out one so we can't just pull an edge out of here so on ZBrush what we got to do is we're gonna qmesh polygroup ball and I'm gonna pull this downwards now if I go into solo mode you're gonna say okay this is my geometry and I made thickness it looks great now let's say I want to go into deformation inflate and I start inflating it up and it starts deflating what that's doing is whenever you make an adaptive skin you're gonna want to go down here to display properties it turns on double by default if you turn off double you're gonna see oh my normals are flipped so instead of inflating it's gonna be deflating so go ahead and hit this flip button here and now your normals are looking and the normal is just the vertex normal or the face normal that shows that tells the geometry which way it's pointing so when the normals are towards the camera they are looking at you so you can see them normally you can see them like they should be seen if you flip them which sometimes you will do just to kind of do like you know inverse modeling sometimes that's useful you can go through and you know still model these back so it's been youtube or turn on double and you can see both sides will do that and some of those a modeller stuff we're gonna do but double on is a little bit dangerous so I like to have that off most times unless I need it for some specific reason and now I have this base shape here and now we can go over here cue mesh a single poly and that's my zmodeler brush so bzm and and i have that assigned to a hockey alt q' so i can just go through here really quickly and we can use our move brush and we can match this base shape up so we've got our base shape going to go to the bottom here if we want to isolate this bottom poly group here and we want to just modify just that hit W it's gonna bring up your gizmo hold down control and tap that'll mask all that bottom poly group by itself however it didn't grab this one a couple different ways you can make this these poly groups work for you a little bit better I'm gonna go into my group by normals and see if that did a form I'm going to drive this max angle down a little bit here okay so that group by normal is the default got me pretty far I think and say if we go in here queue mesh polygroup all its okay these are on a separate group this one looks a little bit different so what I'm going to do is hold down alt tap that and then just keep tapping alt and that'll cycle through different polygroups here if a little bit easier MIT what method maybe hover over a face polygroup a single poly and then when you tap alt it might be a little bit easier I'm also going to do increase all there at all that creasing will do that creasing in just a minute also if you want to do top and bottom polygroups you can hold down control shift isolate this bottom one control shift drag get rid of that top one hit ctrl W and now you have top middle and bottom polygroups there so and this stuff doesn't take that long I know it's taking me a while because I have to say everything I'm doing but when you're just kind of making stuff it doesn't it's not that big a deal so anyway back where we were hold down W ctrl tap this bottom poly group here just isolate that and now we can position this gizmo here holding down alt and reposition the gizmo see kind of scale these things out and maybe move them out a little bit you also use your move brush here and you can also alternatively with your brush selected do auto masking mask by polygroups up to 100 and if you don't have masking on just whatever polygroup you touch first we'll go ahead and move that out so we can use that again just to position these measures where we want and I'll bring in this corner just a little bit so again we have our base shape here so while we're refining this if you want you can go over here to geometry crease down here and if you are getting lost again this video is going to be posted to my Michael pavlovic workshop so go through here you can go through all my other videos and you can take notes on here another option for you I try to keep this channel very pixologic bastes or ZBrush based what I'll do on my channel is we'll use you know obviously the brush to do the bulk of the work and then we'll go through use other programs like Houdini and painter and Marvelous Designer to kind of do some other stuff so you can catch those live streams on this channel there so if you go to my playlist here there's gonna be a live stream full episodes and then I try and usually go through and break them up in the live stream highlights so they're a little bit easier to search like little tiny things that we cover so you can check that out give you guys this so far so good and I'm doing a lot of talking this morning it's a way to pay zbrush monthly fee B&S um I'm not sure if they have a monthly thing somebody else'll cool compressor thanks for showing up thanks for the kind words I have a preferred way of modeling in ZBrush you ving it in H wondering if you have a preferred way of modeling in ZBrush you ving it in H as in Houdini I mean I do I will be doing on that on my channel very very soon I'm gonna have a whole big thing for you guys and who didn't touch your real you didn't he digital assets surprised a super-long preserving color IDs from the ZBrush tools Oh texturing and unreal that's uh yeah okay so that one would be an interesting one give me some time to figure that one out but I have some stuff coming for you soon yeah cuz I don't I haven't gone into unreal specifically yet but that sounds intriguing to me Mourad says what is the limitation of masking um the limitations as far as I know it's file I'm not sure about I'm not sure what your what you mean by that because you can you can save your masks using the layers system you can also save your masks if you have you V's you can bake that to a texture and then you can use that text reply to a poly paint and then apply that as a mask that would be like the biggest limitations I would see is that masking is kind of tough to save masking but also you can use your poly groups as masking here just like I did this so instead of saving a mass for this poly group I can just hold or if we're just using our skull good one here you can see we have all these different polygroups if you hold on W and control tap now you have this masked out or you have mass my polygroups up to 100 so you can just move around these polygroups individually so get controlled w that i'll group mass clear masks but you can also go through here and just like save out polygroups like so and then you always have those to go back to so prolly groups is probably the most powerful thing I like about ZBrush modelling and like why I've started to really enjoy box modeling and ZBrush is they're polygroup system is so much better than say not selection sets quite new to ZBrush bright new features when are you can do live bully and explain it a bit yes we'll do that today well we'll clean this up a little bit will do the rivets you know what give me a second any start taking notes we're gonna go okay so we're doing zmodeler cleanup and then we're gonna do rivets and then we're gonna do is the like balloon of course you can go to the pixologic the classroom but I have on my playlist here ZBrush 4:8 what's new and this is 61 videos on all the new ZBrush functionality so if you ever need I'll be I'll definitely cover live boolean's what we're doing this cuz that's a that's a good good thing to cover on this hard surface stuff but if you need more information on that you can go to this playlist here and you can see more stuff on that plus all the new gizmo stuff + vector displacement alphas plus mesh fusion which will you know we can cover that today to the new text tool new deformers and all that good stuff is all in there so that'll to catch you up pretty quickly I think let's see and if I miss your questions I apologize I'm I'm sorting through quite a bit right now yeah Craig's Craig's got it and if you want just a really quick demo so we've got this mesh here so we go all e-r like a bi brush inserts so B to bring up your brush menu I to bring up anything that starts with an i and then we go this insert multi much boolean for example we can hit the M key or you can just cycle through here so if I hit the M and then Michael Pavlovic we can grab any of these and we can drop it on our mesh and so now we have this mesh inserted on this one so they can its mass we can move it around if we want to what I'm gonna do is do a split unmask points and that's under your sub tool split menu so now we have this original mesh here with a lot of solo mode and transparency so we have our original mesh here and then this is a separate sub tool so you we can click through here or you can all tap in your screen to select supped well that's what I usually end up doing so for this one here and let's just show these two ignore these up here that's just for reference so we can go here to subtractive and it doesn't do anything because we have to turn on the live boolean button which may I don't remember if I put that there right there by default but just in case go up here to render render boolean's and turn that on and now you're getting a preview of what this would look like if we poked this object through this object and we can hold down ctrl we can drag out a copy of this one if you need to or if we don't like this one we can swap it out just by tapping W and it looks like it disappeared let's see yeah it looks like our our a pivot point got a little bit wonky there let's see if that fixes it nope you should be able to I think maybe because I'm up in weird space with my shoulder pad but for example since we already have this as a live boolean and it's such and it's set to subtract if you can set it additive and it was boolean in there but now we can go in here to like brush insert any of these or even just a simple primitive like if we wanted to spoke a cylinder through here we can drag the cylinder out let's turn on so if we turn on this polyframe button you can see what its gonna look like and right now it does it's not doing it's cutting a little bit of this mesh here but if we hit W and move this in you're gonna see that cylinder is gonna go right through the mesh so now we can hold down ctrl and drag on a copy like so and it's giving us a preview of what it would look like if we were to put a boolean through this object so if you want to see what your meshes look like again hit that polyframe button or go into solo mode and now you can see this is the meshes you're using to subtract and now this is the what the mesh is going to look like if we apply those boolean's it's just a preview so it's really super fast again you can just drag out copies or use a ray mesh all sorts of cool stuff you can do to kind of refine your meshes and not have to worry about topology and stuff like that again longer shorter all the longer and then slower explanation is going to this playlist I link to you guys and just going through the boy a lot of videos in there the live boolean stuff so somewhere around 6 to 18 ox art the ox our TV says ec manager can store mask polygroup prefix that's a good that's a good point I don't have Z scene manager installed here I do have it installed at work that's basically a you can go on by this manage sub school management system for ZBrush if your sub tools get a little unwieldy has a lot of really good functionality in there I have question so divided again sorry if I if I miss anything PT 1099 says they might have a question how can I subdivide a single polygroup locally ad detail so for example this little this thing we're working on here if we want to say subdivide just these thing moves there we go so divide these areas I'm gonna hold down alt and just paint them and then if I hold down alt and I paint them I can just go through and change these poly groups instead of using the poly group system if I hover over a face and poly group in fact if I want to convert these back I'm gonna hold down alt and start painting on these and then tap shift and then I can just paint with that polygroup so I can do polygroup cleanup like that if I want to change these poly groups here hold down alt start painting and then just tap alt we'll get a new polygroup and I'll just continue painting along here so that's an easier way to kind of manage your poly groups on low poly so if I want to say slow Kelis o divide just these two I would isolate this and I think if you just isolate it and then hit control D which is going to do a geometry divide although because you had a piece of the mesh hidden it will just locally subdivide that area there of course it's gonna leave you some triangles on the sides here but again if you just want a locally subdivide here just isolate it ctrl D and then you'll get subdivisions just in this area there may be more elegant ways to do that but off the top my head that's what I would use I suppose although I would stay away from then if I could I'll show you some methods around that just to keep things simple about texture painting when I say possible to set up your materials to show vertex painting on your meshes yeah and unreal though that might be a little bit a little bit intensive depending on how hmm real-time and unreal that's a that's a difficult one which had a better answer for us on my head but I've never done it I possibly create multiple ice cubes and adjust the space between them like in 3d studio max connect tool yeah so through here I think so we can do insert multiple edge loops like so and one thing I'll use a lot is if I want to round out a surface let's see if we just do a real quick bevel edge loop complete and now we can do like okay so I beveled this edge but you know what I wanted it rounded I wanted like maybe this and I want to round this edge out so I'll go in here to insert multiple edge loops interactive elevation and now I can pull this out and around this corner out like so or if you wanted to round it in you could just pull inwards and we have interactive elevation and resolute turned on so we can just drag up and down to get the resolution then the left and right for the angle that we want that beveled in now if you turn that off a specified elevation of 0 we can drag in multiple edge loops here and now if you wanted to move these around you can slide edge loop complete and you can move individual ones around to get exactly what you're looking for and then we could do like polygroup poly loop push this in we can queue mesh this in if we want to or we can just hold down shift and push along that surface normal so we can start getting you know whatever result you want and then we'll talk a little bit more about dynamic subdivisions in a second this undo slider up here will go forward one I think that's what you're talking about adjusting the space between them not interactively I don't think you can drag in multiple but then adjusting the space it's a little bit more of a manual process go thanks for the recommendations blend brush John uses beta Tuesday stream good and again sorry I'm getting a little bit behind here create a customized quick mind if you have access different buttons from different palettes yeah so this I use this all the time the fastest way I can get you there is if you go to my youtube channel here and there's an intro to ZBrush part 2 if I can find it in this mess of a playlist here where is it at it's reptile face there it is intro to ZBrush part 2 you go to this playlist the first four are just on custom hotkeys and custom interfaces of course the Z classroom as well I just don't have links to that one I just know where the links to my stuff is so I apologize but custom hotkeys custom interface you can go there and to those videos and that'll walk you through and it's super easy like that's one of the other things I love about ZBrush is how customizable this interface is you just basically go up here to preferences config turn on enable customize and then the world is your oyster you just drag stuff around cool video handy on ZBrush plugins not specifically like when we talk about installing plugins I asked ZBrush probably has some videos on that but it's actually pretty simple so all you got to do is I can cover that real quick just Google ZBrush plugins and then I'll go to click on the ZBrush Download Center and then I go to the ZBrush plugins page if you scroll all the way these ones are all imploded up as they burst by default but if you scroll down to the bottom here you're gonna have employee created plugins so you just go through here you'll download these extract a file and then where you need to put them usually is under let me see here go to your C I'm if you're on a Mac I'm not sure what it is but on a PC at c program files pixologic zbrush for our 8z startup so it's gonna start up every time you load up the ZBrush z plug 64 and you're probably gonna have a Z script and a data folder for that so for example let's see the last one we installed was we installed dynamesh master or the IMM extractor so you're gonna have an IMM extractors e script here and then an eye on an extractor data folder just copy both those in there and then when you restart ZBrush you're gonna go over here tears the plug-in folder and you'll have a little IMM extractor this is really cool I was using this last night with my c GMA students so much cool stuff you can do with that I'm making multi alpha brushes really quickly we can cover that let's do that so for example let's say I want to spice this up with some with some alphas just to kind of play around with them a little bit instead of using insert mesh brushes so we can go to be I and is there an interesting one you know what we can just do we'll do body parts so we've got all these different body parts here so but these ones these are just insert mesh brushes which is fine and you can use these with your dynamesh you can dynamesh these things together and stick them together and have all these things working together however if you want to use these as alphas you can convert them to alphas and have multi alpha brushes so again if we go to be eye parts here use the IMM extractor to extract all of these meshes into a sub tool that you can use so now we've got these sub tool sitting here if you wanted to modify any of these like I do is click on the sub tool and then modify them and then once you have all these together you can convert this to a you can it be in hit create multi alpha brush or under the brush menu you can do create multi alpha brush and that should go through you know what we may need to do let's go to our chisel rect brush here and I'm going to go to clone this off and I'm gonna go to delete mesh I'm gonna delete all these ones out here this is the same process that this brush was it's creative way so I'm gonna steal the settings out of this one and now we're going to do to create multi alpha brush there we go so now as I scroll through these objects instead of getting an insert mesh brush I now get an alpha for these so we go ahead and delete all those sub tools and then if we go back to our mesh here and let's go ahead and also divide this up a few times so now we can use this nodes as an alpha brush or we can use this hand as an alpha brush here now this is a now this isn't a vector displacement alpha so it's going to go straight down they use these lips there's an alpha brush here and of course because this is an alpha brush now we can drag out a nose or we can go through here and we can do like a drag dot stroke let's turn off lazy Mouse tap L you can drag out a bunch of noses or you can change it to a dot stroke with lazy mouse on and now you can drag out noses like so and you can change that lazy step down so you're getting that kind of nose look and you can also go thin to thick to thin or you can go down here to and or go to this alpha and texture and change that high magnified alike for so now when we go thin to thick to thin it'll go ahead and kind of inflate out as you do that and then now if we turn that off you can see the difference here so thin to thick to thin so we got our scaly nose brush here so you can use those if you're so inclined so that I am an extractor and if you just want to play around with these these as a real geometry for greebles stuff it's also very useful we were using it for taking the ship parts here so you've got a bi brush insert ship and then using that to put on our document and make alphas that we bring into the surface noise like Glenn Patterson thing then making lil spaceships about the big thing coming this month on your YouTube channel that'll be Houdini stuff really fun though actually it'll be ZBrush Houdini stuff which is even cooler I make a mesh with multiple sub tools and merge them all and keep the different polygroups yeah definitely you're merging them down will change your polygroups you reach poly does everything on ZBrush um if I need to do it real quick and I don't feel like exporting out or decimating and exporting and I'll just do it and see brush it goes pretty fast if I'm ever doing any I'll use everything for each apology Max moto Milan I use max that much anymore spending a couple years but moto Maia ZBrush mostly at Opel gun q mission extrude so that's that's a good question so when we go through here if you use q mesh will do q mesh a single poly so this one's cool because we can just like pull these ones out but let's say you know what I want to pull this face out but I want it to snap to that other face or I want to pull through here and delete that face you can do that with Q mesh so that's kind of built in functionality which is kind of neat so you can kind of pull these out if you want to always align it half or if you want to align it half in this case a Q mesh single poly aligned half step and now when you pull out it'll have a line in half and then full half and then full instead of doing like ten which i think is the default align tenth step you can do full step you can do quarter step so one two three four and then you can go over here if you just want to make match this one exactly just tap once and it will keep those settings you just keep tapping these and it'll do the fourth step so that's q mesh functionality if you don't want that you can through here and you can do an extrude single poly so now when you extrude this it'll look like it's matched up and he'll then shift and smooth they're not attached that's that's pretty useful trying to think of an example where for example hit the comma key go to your tools I'm gonna grab our Knick seaplane base here I think this is the tool I saved out so you may not have this but this gets me in a demo a little bit faster so if you wanted to make a pair of pants or a shirt for this guy you know what let's just hit ctrl W hold down ctrl and mask and go through here and it's mask got a shirt for this guy let's turn on X so we can do X symmetry so for example we're gonna hit ctrl W if you ever want to clean up these lines instead of just hitting ctrl W go down here to edge loop edge loop mask border and that'll slice through that mask border give you a little bit of a nicer result hold on ctrl shift isolate this and I'll just delete hidden if we want nice or geometry just go into your zremesher let's do it out to size down to 0 half target polygon count and now I've got a nice cleaned up shirt geometry of course that's under your geometry zremesher menu so and that's this is the kind of thing we're always use very measure when you can to do some of the heavy lifting as opposed to reach apologizing this gross so now if we go through here and say we want a qmesh polygroup ball to give us some thickness you can do that and it works out fine however you'll notice if I start like I want to give a thickness inwards and let's go down here to display properties turn off a double you're gonna say number one's gonna flip the normals which is okay but as I keep dragging this in these the they're gonna start wanting to stick together so I might start doing some wacky stuff in this case it's not too bad you can go in a little bit it's not a big deal so sometimes I'll do an extrude polygroup all instead and that way it gets rid of that sticky functionality so it won't do anything weird so that's another reason why I would use extrude over cue mesh that's way to manage polygon count to get the high-res detail with little polygon count if it's hard surface stuff you can use mesh fusion as opposed to like alpha stamping which we'll get into in just a second and also using decimation master so once you're done it would be under Zee plugin go to decimation master pre-process current and then drop your decimation number down to a very low number not a very low number like instead of five million you probably drop it down to like 100k and not lose any detail now its destructive but due to your normals within ZBrush sometimes sometimes we're like head scans I'll just bacon the normal map and ZBrush usually I'll throw it into Houdini or painter and just bake my maps there but there's you go here to Z plug-in Multi map exporter you can bake all your stuff in here as well now you can't use arbitrary meshes so if you want to bake say a head you have to have your subdivision level 1 and then subdivision level 8 let's say is your high-res and those have to talk to each other the best way to close holes and add the better results and those crazy triangles using zremesher sometimes hard edges are difficult to keep yeah I would sometimes it is so it won't work in every case but for example let me see drag this out hit f2 frame so say I wanted to zremesh this one thing that's useful as zremesher is having group binomial and group by normals turned on so let's see if we can use a better example than this one let's do I've done this before but we'll do it again let's see make polymesh3d so we're gonna go ahead and do a crease dynamic and we'll go ahead and pull this out so let's say we want to do do something that might be a little bit more difficult to do just with box modeling okay this this will be good so for example okay let's start with a cylinder 3d and instead of just making this we're gonna go to initialize and we're gonna say H divides and B divides of 12 and then we're going to excise say 50 why sighs 50 you know what let's do 25 oops bear with me so we got that and now we're gonna need more H no less H divides I'm going to do 12 H divides and then our V divide just to make these a little bit more square let me see this a little better even that geometry out and then now we can go to make polymesh3d so let's say I want to go through here and add some hole so I'm gonna go here and split point you can split this point and then since you've already done that you can just go through here and you can tap split point and then we get on out of here we can make our split points like this and just keep doing that you can also turn X symmetry on or X&Y symmetry if you want to make that process a little bit faster and then we can say hold down ctrl shift alt delete those polygons there and now we can say delete these polygons here and now it can queue mesh these polygroups out and then we can do a crease PG that's under your crease menu and then so divide this now the problem with this is you're gonna see it gets this topology isn't really going to work on a cylindrical surface if it was a flat plane and work fine you could build in control loops you could instead of doing this you could go now say inset polygroup all and then you can do region and then you can build in like a little bit of control loops here and maybe see if that'll work and then queue mesh all polygons and we'll do crease PG or am I at great speed you aerial so that didn't really help at all so building in the right topology to make it work on a cylindrical object is pretty it can be boring and difficult sometimes so instead what I'm gonna do is we'll say make polymesh3d and now we're gonna let z remesh or do the heavy lifting for me so i'm gonna do is we'll say turn our crease tolerance down crease this up hit d for dynamic preview and that's gonna be if we do shifty that turns dynamic preview off d turns it back on and we can go through here and say smooth that out two three this is all under your geometry menu dynamic so divisions here so now with this one let's go ahead and I'm going to duplicate this cylinder off and we're gonna rotate this around and we're gonna scale this down scale this out and now we can go through here and we can use this is one of the things you can do you can turn on this sticky and then if you hold down control and drag out a copy and then hit one that's going to replay last so that's gonna be under stroke modifiers replay last year or alternatively you can have that on and we can just go down here to array mesh and say turn on array mesh and we'll go ahead and lock position lock size repeat two and then on our you can use the offset amount here so we're gonna offset and the why it looks like and then you can make more copies through here or if you prefer you can hit W hit Y to turn this off and now you can just use your transpose line I think you got to turn on transpose to use your transposes dial these things in and also you have your repeats down here so you don't even have to go to the menu so you can repeat these things here and we have W turned on so if I just move these in so now we can just have these poked through and because this is a subtly turn on subtractive turn on a light boolean now we're getting those holes punched through so you know what let's make this a little bit easy not easier but we'll just go down here to our Ray mesh and we'll say make mesh so now this is all real mesh and then I can turn our gizmo back on and we can duplicate that and hold down shift whoops you got that one selected and we're going to move it 90 degrees you can see the little numbers down there at the bottom here so now they have both of those we turn off poly frame and then we make this one subtractive now our poking holes through the sides here if you want to offset them of course you can just move these things around whatever you want to do but anyway now that we have this what we can do is I'm going to hit ctrl W to make sure these are all different polygroups here there we go and even on this one here we have our dynamic preview turned on again if I do shift D it just goes back to the regular one so I can always go back here and do like you measu let's go polygroup poly loop you can do these two and then like queue mish poly goofball we can queue mesh these in now we hit D we can go through here crease poly group and we can say okay we're dynamically subdividing this but these edges are too sharp so I'm gonna say crease level of three smooth up to before and then I'll go ahead and give me a preview of what it would look like if I divided it up three times unto everything and then divided it one more time you want to soften those transition out a little bit more you can say crease level of to soften that even more so it's kind of up to you now this is where you may want to go in here and this these edges are fine if you want to sharpen these up you can add just an insert single edge loop and you can put in a little control loop here and you can see those update on the fly if you need to but anyways I digress so we've got our sphere or cylinder here and then our other cylinders through here so let's go ahead and make this a real mesh not just a preview if I turn off my preview render you're gonna see it's just they're still sitting there so we go down here to our sub tool menu we're gonna go to boolean dynamic so divisional and make boolean mesh and now we've got our u mesh here and oh this is one thing I wanted to do so on our original mesh here the whole reason I brought this thing up is if you go through here and you group by normals that'll go ahead and make a poly group for your either your either end caps so and you could you could do that here too I think if you just have this and you group by normals that will go ahead and grab those end caps as well it's kind of up to you but if you want to do it first we'll just make another u mesh here there we go so we've got our u mesh here with our different end caps and now if we just want to make this give this one some thickness isolate this one delete hidden and then I just let I mean this is symmetrical so we can turn on symmetry across the x axis I believe yeah I should work so if it is symmetrical you can turn that on and then we'll just use zremesher depta size down don't need to worry about groups and now we can just do like half you can just keep knocking this down as much as you need to you might have some issues in here where you need to stitch those back up but for the most part it looks pretty clean and this will build in the geometry you need so if we go through here let's do stitch two points so here to here let's turn off X and then if you want to make these down the middle I'm just gonna grab this this turn off sticky and I'll just use the scale too you can use clip if you need it to also but that'll work so now that we've got this we can go through here and we'll do a queue mesh polygroup all and now when we make this shape here and we do a crease polygroup you're gonna see when we subdivide this we get a nice cylinder with all the geometry built in correctly and you can still go through here if you need it to do shifty to turn that off and go through here and say you know what I want a bevel along this edge loop here and then I want to just go through here and tap oh there's a little triangle over there we'd have to resolve so not perfect everywhere but we can just go through and collapse that triangle down but now we can do a crease PG and then we can turn on D for our dynamic preview and now we can get bevels down along those circles there so or and or you can go through here and you can say let's do polygroup know we want to inset let's undo those bubbles I mean we can keep those bubbles on there's not a big deal but because all of these middle faces of the same polygroup we can now do inset polygroup all-region and we can put in a little bevel all along every single one of those and then we can go through here and do like a Q mesh and pull these in or pull these out if we needed to and then we'll do like a crease tolerance here turn on dynamic and now we've got that kind of detail built in all over our object so and a cylinder with all that detail built in so use zremesher for that kind of stuff oh and as far as the original question I was gonna answer one of them make polymesh3d and say we have a cap on here delete hidden when you go to close holes that's gonna give you concave holes is gonna be the triangles you can also go through here and do a convex hole and then you can pull this out you can also click and drag in here you're gonna you're gonna notice on a I think if it has like 32 edges it's not going to do the interactive elevation so what you might need to do just steel you cute let's just grab a slender 12 here steel this still under 12 and we'll go to unify so I but if you do have an open hole like this and then you do closed convex hole and you pull this out you can do this kind of stuff and that comes in handy I need to lead an edge using zmodeler brush there's a delete option but I won't do anything you have to have triangles you can't say I want to delete this edge because if you try to delete this one edge it's not gonna let you because it you can't create n Gon's in ZBrush sculpting program so n guns you can't really sculpt on an end gone what you can do is I mean you can't go through here if we do like let's just do bridge two points we can kind of just cut arbitrary lines through our object here like so and if you want to delete any of these you can go through here and you can do like a delete edge like so because it's a triangle or if you wanted to like change this edge flow or something you can go through here and you can do like a slice curve and then in order to go through here and clean this up you could do like a collapse edge so go through here and kind of clean this up a little bit like this again just change inner edge flow using our slice and then you can go through here and delete any edges any offending edges and if you if you ever going through here and you're messing around edges and you're accidentally grabbing faces and it's doing stuff hover over face they do nothing hover over a point say do nothing and now you're just gonna have a chopper ations so you won't accidentally do anything and you know what also I need to do let's go to preferences preferences quick save I'm gonna max these out so I don't sit there and save all the time making it much be printed on a form two at five millimeters what's tiny um pre-generated head exaggerate the details without doing it manually with brushes automatically exaggerating details without doing any manual brushwork you can hmm you can do it once and then save that as like a blend shape or a wrap deformer not in ZBrush necessarily but hmm I'll stop my head I'll have a really elegant solution for that one yeah like I showed up use retopo programmer plugin that you know of we're doing some Houdini stuff there's some cool stuff in there but nothing off atop my head or might be I have I've been heads down for a little bit snapping oh yeah what we're getting we're getting there okay so let's go back okay I'm gonna stop with questions here so so we're going back to the old rivets here so we have this mesh here and again all we got to do is start Zee modeling this thing to get these shapes that I want through here for example if I want to pull this little section out here let's go back to our solo mode with this one here and we'll reset the social shift s so we want to make we're gonna put this little outcropping here so we're gonna go back to our Izzi sphere here and with this one on here we say this one kind of steps down a little bit so really quickly I'm just gonna go through here transparency with Ghost on and we're gonna mark no we won't delete it so we need to go back to our faces so I'm going to go back to cue mesh and then you just hold down alt and we're gonna mark through here where I want to give this some thickness through here and then it kind of skips over to the side here so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to say you don't want to split we'll just bridge two points so we're gonna say cut you across here and now we can do qmesh polygroup ball we'll pull this up and then I kind of match our underlying geometry and then on this side over here it looks like these points here kind of come out like this so let's say Q mesh polygroup ball looks like I'm grabbing something weird let's do an extrude polygroup ball here it was sticking to something for some reason if that's a little bit difficult what you can do with the just extrude is kind of just going along the surface normal which is what it's supposed to do so you can also go through here and say just like mask polygroup ball there's masks all those out ctrl tap to invert and then hold down alt and tap oops alt and tap to find that surface normal or you can just rearrange which direction you want this thing to be pulled out and then hold on just hold down control so let's set this here hold down ctrl and just pull this out to the direction we want and then we can actually just scale this down a little bit and rotate it around it'll save us a little bit of headache here so we got that basic shape and then go through here and just move this stuff around as needed and again we're just matching that underlying concept a little bit a little bit better I should say something like this so again we're just refining this shape before we add rivets I just want something more interesting to look at so now that we got this shape going going to solo mode here and now we can just run a crease that's getting under your geometry crease menu and this creasing is OK but it's not really doing me any favors it's not really blowing my hair back so I'm gonna need to I'm gonna preview it what it would look like with a little bit of bevels along those edges speaking of creasing and bevels what you can do is as long as you have creases on your object you can go down here to the crease menu and you can say what can you say bevel so you can change this bevel width and if we do shift D you're gonna see it's putting bevels along every single crease line here so you can kind of play around with that if you want to dial in bevels along your creases generally I try not to do that sometimes it's useful also another thing you can do you can go through here and you can just slide along edges here if you want to kind of knock these things back a little bit you can kind of go through here and just kind of push these things along and then of course just move use your move brush or you can use your zmodeler hover over a point and just move along by brush radius if you want to use that so all sorts of interesting ways for you to interact with your objects just kind of slide to rearrange this geometry a little bit but anyway going back to that dynamic subdivision if we have this o and we want to match this a little bit better so we'll just use our move brush big move brush you can also use deformers for this if you wanted to hit W let's go ahead snap hold down alt snap just to the middle reset this pivot a little bit and we can just throw on say add lattice to former and then you can hold down control and then you can just move these points around so you can kind of go through here and use your lattice to former on that say okay that was good except but we want to knock these edges back so as we're going through here and doing smooth subdivisions it's just too sharp so again we're gonna mess with our crease level of say three smooth so two before do shift D and then D again and that'll go ahead and start previewing a lot softer transition between those edges like this so we've got our hard surface guy going and this again we can go through here and move these things as it's previewed not a big deal or we go through here and say you know what I want to insert a single edge loop here and then I want to bevel this out and then I want to queue mesh this in and just start adding detail and it all updates on the fly then you can do shift D to bring it back and you can go through here and be like oh you know what these things need to be all decrease so we're going to crease as you look complete and increase this and again it's keeping our nice soft transitions through here so we can just crease all this stuff because it's keeping all those transition stuff because again we have this things set up to smoothsub before crease level of two if you want to sharpen them up a little bit decreased level of three smoothsub to before and of course if those two values match it's just gonna be a razor sharp so you can use that to your advantage there's also cue grid which we'll talk about later maybe so we got solo on let's get rid of all that stuff let's say polyframe here so I'm gonna use this undue slider okay we're back where we started so let's say and again I want to keep this dynamic for as long as possible I don't want to I don't want to start mucking it up with real subdivisions because as soon as I go and you can make this so right now if we go to geometry we don't have real subdivisions on here so at any time I can go through here and say you know what let's inset polygroup all this this region right here and then we want to queue mesh all this back and put in a little thing like that we're able to do that however if I have real topology so let's say I hit this apply and now I have one two three four five and then I decide oh you know what I want to put a border in here and you trying to mesh this it's gonna yell at you because it has subdivision history you can hit free so division levels go back to seventh level one do it and then hit unfreeze but it's just a lot easier just to stick with the dynamic system for as long as possible and then convert at the very end if you need to so let's say we want to put rivets along here along this inside let's say this inside polygroup here so what we need to do is isolate that polygroup I'm gonna duplicate this off because we're gonna I think we have to play around with it a little bit so with this one selected I'm going to do I'm in solo mode here I'm gonna do shifty and basically if I put a curve along this poly group border I already know it's gonna be a little too low res so what I'm gonna do is gonna hit ctrl D I know I just said don't use real subdivisions but in this case I'm going to just to show you that ctrl D twice hit delete lower click ctrl shift isolate this poly group here now hit delete hidden or I even better if you wanted to put rivets on here but not right along that border you wanted to have them inset a little bit hold down ctrl shift ctrl shift s to shrink and then I'll go ahead and bring those border lines in let's go ahead and do ctrl D one more time and then highlight that ctrl shift F to s to shrink that and then we'll go ahead and delete hidden and then to clean these corners up here I'm just gonna hover over this point and say delete point and we're going to delete those in two corners here there we go so now we have a border that we can now do a stroke curved frame this mesh and then if you want to you can do B you can drop anything along here you can do a curved tube and then you can just drop a curved tube along here and then I'll give you that kind of look or bi brush insert hose you can drop a hose along here you can make it bigger or even make it smaller or you can go to for rivets and stuff we'll use these industrial parts however if I do insert industrial parts and put it doesn't allow me to access that curve so we have to go up here to our stroke menu and say you know what make this a curved brush and now when I tap on that it'll go ahead and allow me to put those along a curve here so let's go ahead and grab like a Philips head they're a little tightly packed so what I'm gonna do is go to - just drag our stroke menu over here we're going to say curve step we're gonna drop that curse step down and now when I click whoops let's go ahead and do I'm gonna tap off isolate this one delete hidden we're gonna start over stroke frame that mesh and then when we tap on this object here when you turn our curve step down it packs them in even tighter if we turn our curve step up it'll pack a loser so you can kind of just dictate how you want your rivets to kind of follow that border edge so if you like that now you know let's make them a little bit bigger tonight we're just doing that with a brush size here although when you make it bigger let's see if we can change can we change that curve resolution mmm a little bit weird I'll have to let the troubleshoot that one will keep our rivets like this I'm going to tap off to get that curve out of there you can also go over here to go to here to what curve modifiers no curve functions delete so now that we have this we can say you know what I don't need this border mesh anymore we got our use out of that so I'm gonna go ahead and delete hidden and now we have rivets all along that border here there's our concept mesh like so so now I got rivets all along here and if you ever need to move these things around I'm going to do is you can see in here these have different polygroups so it's got a little red area in a little blue area so if you want to move these around I'm gonna turn on and our brush auto masking turn down mask my polygroups you don't need that on we're gonna do topological and then you can just go through here and anything that's not vert well in fact if you make your dress size 1 it'll move just a piece around where you make your jaw so I was really big there's easier if you wanted to use mass my polygroups you would just go through here and just do like an auto groups and then you can turn topological off and now you can use mass by polygroups to move them things around something like that so Johnny says mentioned too in normals and ZBrush at least for hard surface objects always smoothing so I did them elsewhere how do you keep them from smoothing and when would you need them to be smooth yeah setting your normals to be like say hardened along a UV border or harden on a normal threshold I'm not sure how to do that in a ZBrush I'm not yeah those are instances where I wouldn't necessarily bake it as a brush the thing ZBrush don't either all smooth they're all hard if I'm not mistaken I could be wrong big ancient city part that I did with the boolean it's a little big so when I did zremesh it couldn't calculate um you can temporarily I mean you can set your if you go to Z plug-in here Joseph trust if you Google like ask ZBrush scale tool master I think it is C plug-in he has some really good videos I don't use this a whole bunch so I don't I think I'd give you a very good demo on it but scale master here you can set your scene scale which might you know you can set at the ZBrush scale so you can sit at the ZBrush scale so the ZBrush works correctly with your object but then when you go to export it you're gonna see there's export options here let's say the scale is set to 93 and then if you go over here to your geometry these two values work together so under geometry size it's at the point five so generally speaking I think you want your size to be about two for ZBrush scale and then on export it'll dial in another number to give you whatever your export size it needs to be so try maybe the ZBrush scale unify and then that should modify this export so it still works with what you're working on I said he would decimate hard surface stuff so a gun doesn't need to be reached pologize you know that's a good question like how important is manually done hard surface topology and we'll be answering a little bit of that question as we go through on my channel with Houdini I think if you could watch my inst alot stuff - there's I have some stuff on there that's interesting for sure how did you model the screw with it's piling rails and ZBrush oh you know what there was some really how there's a video I watched online I forget who did it let's see if I can remember how to do it you know what maybe I have notes on that give me a second I there's one method off the top my head with twists of former's that we could try but what am I looking for here CG a second let me go maybe I kept it maybe I didn't I try and keep notes on something on interesting things I find that's kind of like that's a that's a unique way to get that result and it was like a spiraling oh you know what it might have been under um because I am I'm actually looking for the link for you because it was on another person's YouTube channel I want to give them credit but I don't have it oh wait yes I do okay ZBrush screw thread using a array measure zmodeler so I'm gonna click on this one I thought this was a really cool method so basically and I'll link you guys to his channel here basically go through and you use a ray mesh - you know here's your screw and then you do a ray mesh to basically make a spiral and then a ramus will actually stick the two sides together based on your settings come on so basically you set this up and then you have it create a spiral I don't know why YouTube's be in the slow maybe cuz I'm streaming anyway click on that link it's krz why 1958 and you can use this method to go ahead and just do a spiraling thing like that I'm trying to think I also did on my Oh so if you go to [Music] YouTube mm-hmm if you go to my sci-fi pistol series on my channel this is basically like ZBrush 4/8 functionality doing hard surface stuff and then we also you like go in here and bake and throw it at the painter as well towards the bottom here but if you look at this barrel rifling there's another method you can use for just creating a cylinder and then twisting it and you can instead of twisting it like this you can tighten up those twists a little bit and maybe inflate to get you that kind of look here kind of thing might work so so you go back to the cylinder here and then we go to the deformers and say we do like a twist along the Y although really it's not you want these things to twist here anyway do some sort of twists and then let's go ahead and get rid of these end caps here so delete hidden and now you can just do like polygroup poly loop and then let's say we want to do an inset we're we're instead polygroup all so we can inset all of these and then you can do a cue mesh polygroup ball and then hold down instead of just cue mentioning this out hold on shift that I'll pull it along its surface normal and then you can do a crease PG and then I kind of get you that kind of look so you can play around with those settings and see if that get you anything worth well anyway okay so we got to go back to running out of time here let's go back to what we were working on here seems like there's more stuff I needed to cover on that topic so we've got our shoulder pad barely done but we're getting there so let's see this one here so this is our concept mesh and then here's our updated mesh here so it's nice and smooth and then we can zmodeler on all this stuff and make really cool stuff so on this one here what I could do is do ctrl n we'll do shift key and actually let me save this one out so again we're gonna do shift s shift s shift s here and then for this one if we want to kind of cut through this or we go into solo go out of solo mode with both these on and transparency you can see along here where we would need to cut so we can go through here we can do like insert single edge loop and we can cut this in here and then we can just move these points into place where they need to go and nothing these things don't all have to be stuck together I mean you can make separate meshes if that's gonna make your life easier in fact I usually do if I'm going to be in order to get these things to smooth correctly you can use separate meshes or I like cutting a panel line through here so speaking of panel lines if we like say I want this chunk to be cut out of this mesh here if you go down here to edgeloop we've got a panel oops function here so let's go ahead and turn off polish and now if we change our thickness anything that has a poly group will now be you can bump that out into its own panel group so that's useful for armor and stuff like that just to kind of quickly get that stuff of course you can do this manually using zmodeler but for instance let's say we want to duplicate this off and now we're gonna get rid of this we're gonna cube mesh a single poly we're gonna punch this down and you know what let's do a line full step make our brush size really small and it should just snap down so we got rid of that and then on this one over here we want to keep this geometry here so everything around this I'm going to punch through so we don't need any of this stuff here and the only reason I'm punching this down is so I don't have to bridge those edges just save me a little bit of work okay so we've got all that and then now we can go ahead see if we can just punch these in here and you know what if it's giving you too much trouble just go ahead and grab this and say all I want out of you is these pieces here and then we can go ahead and delete hidden and then you just bridge these holes up in order to see both sides I'm gonna hit double temporarily and then we could just hover over an edge we need a bridge edges and then go you to you u to you u to you so now we have two pieces working together and now we can go through here we've just run like a creased tolerance on this one and then this one we can just do another crease here so now we have these two pieces that kind of fit together and I can model on them separately gonna push this one down a little bit here gonna stick that in this way for example and it makes it just a little bit easier to work with of course you can merge these things together if you want kind of up to you all righty and then why boolean so if we want to detail this thing up we can also we can of course use the modeler but we can also use live boolean to go through here so let's go again to our brush insert bi I'm just gonna steal from this thing of course make your own insert mesh brushes if I go here to my brushes here I've got a ton of brushes that I'll save as I'm working on also you can download brushes from my gum Road and cube brush and all that good stuff oh I think next week on my channel I'm gonna have a cube brush giveaway for 50 bucks if you're interested in that we'll just randomly pick somebody during the stream of course you'll have to spend on my stuff spend it on whatever you'd like but they have a lot of cool stuff there so if I go through here and you know you can just stick with what we have here these these work well so if I want to start detailing this up but I don't want to use the modeler what we can do is even like say this one here and you're strike it on our object and we'll do a split mass points and then we'll just have these two showing here just for demonstration purposes with that's subtractive and then again turn on our live boolean and now you can start making details on this thing you can scale this down and rotate it around all I get stuff if you did want to add if you did want to add that detail I guess we go ahead just delete that but you wanted to work with those surfaces we can do oh you know when I turned off you see let's get this one back here alright that'll work actually you know let's get rid of that cut through there that's what I'm looking for so we'll just take this one here and we'll take this one here and we'll turn on our live boolean there we go so if you did want this shape but you didn't want to resort to lie boolean you still wanted to you know work with low res geometry another option you can do is we'll say well delete that and I'm gonna go out a live boolean mode we're gonna grab a star and we're gonna go bi brush insert live boolean we're gonna hit W and then you can just steal a mesh from here so I'm gonna steal that mesh and then we're gonna say unify and I'm gonna take this one and I'm just gonna pop that off we're gonna hit the leet hidden and hit B create insert mesh new so now we can go through our mesh here and as long as I have a poly group on my mesh I'll be able to just drag this out and have it resolved and a better example of this would be something like take a Z sphere here going to make polymesh3d just turn that off so if I drag this out you're gonna see it's not really conforming to my mesh so you're gonna want to go to brush modifiers and then the projection strength and then as I drag this out you're gonna see it's going to conform to my curvature of my mesh which is one good thing another thing you can do is you can hold down control mask pin and would say we want to insert this mesh right onto the surface here if we hit ctrl W that's gonna kind of give us an alias line again I would do edge loop mask border and then when you drag this out on that poly group here and you control drag as long as you long as you don't have dynamesh on that'll go ahead and resolve that that mesh fusion here between those two objects so you can have your original topology here you can smooth this out a little bit and then your mesh fusion geometry here another thing to keep in mind is and this is just crazy geometry so you can have more controlled geometry as a nice border if you want and another thing keep in mind is um this smooth option so they go to geometry here and say you want to take this and we want to control drag control drag again if you turn off the smooth option it'll resolve it it'll keep your geometry the same also another thing you do is you can hold down alt and invert that mesh so now it'll be kind of cut in to your mesh here you can also use radial symmetry with this kind of thing so if you want it to say we switch this over to a circle and then we want to make this polymesh3d and we'll go ahead and divide this a couple times delete lower and then we want to go over here to transform you know what let's give it some thickness qmesh polygroup ball and now I'll go for your transform there we go so activate symmetry across the Z radial symmetry and we can do like so u16 and we hold down alt and we can mark all of these ones and then since again those are different polygroups we can go through here and we can add this insert mesh that we that we took now again this is gonna be a lot of geometry trying to resolve to a little bit of geometry and also if you need to embed these that's where you can go in here to brush depth and you can change this depth here but we'll go ahead just do that and also in this one we're gonna turn off smooth so turn on this and we'd modifier there you go so now we have all that geometry let's just run a crease so now we have that geometry here and it's already resolved but we didn't have to resort to a live boolean so again if we hold down alt here and then we drag this brush out again oops and this time we're gonna hold down alt and that's gonna put it underneath the mesh and we can just move the stuff around as needed control drag control drag again and now we have embedded detail on that surface and you never had to resort to my boolean czar alphas or anything like that unify for example if we take our shoulder pad we're working on and let's clone that off so we've got our shoulder pad cloned into its own sub tool here so this thing if we turn on the floor this is just kind of sitting out in space if we append a cube 3d primitive this is the base primitive scale that ZBrush likes to work at so if you ever have an object here and you go down here to deformation unify turn on transparency it's basically going to fit your object perfectly the bounding box of that object anyways to that polycube just to make it ZBrush scale and if you go down here to the size you're gonna see this object scale is now set to two or one point nine nine nine nine nine nine which is the preferred scale but ZBrush likes to work out I do some dynamesh and polish by group pause my feature for hard surface stuff yeah if you want to see that stuff in action where is that stuff this might be kind of buried mm-hmm okay go to my playlist and then go to livestream highlights and then go all the way down to the very bottom to like video 1 million and you're gonna see this hard surface excerpt and we go over a lot of that type of modeling and this is really fun stuff to do as well if you just want to that's the kind of modeling I do enjoy doing is just kind of playing around with let's see I guess here so some of the stuff we've talked about already make polymesh3d here we go through here into slice make a cool shape Oh another cool thing you can download from the pixologic Download Center we talked about earlier is this panel loop presets if you open this thing up as long as you have poly groups here you can say you know what I want my panel loops look like this you touch it and you say yes and it goes ahead and makes your panel loops look like that preset if you want to adjust those you hit ctrl Z and then go down here to your geometry panel loops and say you know what I wanted to be less thick and then we can hit panel loops and if I go ahead and adjust that on the fly so that's one option you can do but as far as let's see if we want to like pop this thing off so we go ahead and split hidden and then we want to do say you know I want to clean up this geometry so I'm just gonna do a quick zremesher same get some new geo so don't have the polar icecaps there and now when I go through here and I could qmesh polygroup ball I can pull this out and through and then I can go through here and I can just modify these shapes here so I'm gonna take this and then queue mesh all that out and then we can go through here and queue mesh all that out and now we hit D that's gonna give us our dynamic preview we'll go ahead and just do a crease crease PG and a crease and then like a crease level of three smooth soda before you know increase a little to maybe even one it's pretty dense geometry here there we go so then kind of get that look and then you can manually go through here and say you know what I don't want you to be creased so we'll crease edge whoops hold on alt kind of round those corners out and then for this one here if you want it around these ones out as well so now you can have that kind of look here but if you wanted to for example take this a sphere here and let's just say this was just dinah meshed so they can wrap and let's say we wanted to go through here dynamesh all this out and then I go like X across X symmetry here and maybe say move the stuff in and move it out and maybe hold that ctrl shift and clip like so oops yeah we're just kind of having fun with some of these shapes here just keep Dinah meshing so this is the kind of look we're going for for our object while we're clipping you can hold down spacebar and say polygroup so as we're clipping we can be creating poly groups which could come in handy when we want to go and zremesh this thing another option you can do is trim so trim is basically going to slice through the object and then fill that hole so whenever you just do a quick mirror Marion Wald and then as we're getting these things dialed in we can go okay you know what I want to smooth these surfaces out they're really not working for me so when you're deformation then you'll have a polished by features and now you can turn that to say if we keep it close circle a feature is basically a creased edge or a poly group so you can go through here and you can polish these out so we're getting a smoother surface or you can do open circle and that closed circle will maintain the volumes of your forms open circle will just polish the hell out of your objects and get very very nice polished things and then go through here and again if we have our brush auto masking on our move brush come on that's my poly groups up to 100 you can just go through here and just manually just grab pieces of just the say the pink poly group here and then you can go back through here and just you can just tap polish my features and it'll kind of tap it down do you get that look now of course if you want nicer geometry all you got to do is go down here to zremesher we'll say half keep groups to turn a doubt size down just a little bit and this will go ahead and just remake your poly group density and if in fact if you want to just keep hitting half to get it down to a density you want to work with and then through here you could say you know what let's grab let's see if this will allow us I think it's gonna hit that corner yeah let's do hold down ctrl shift ctrl shift s to shrink which we did earlier ctrl W make this all on poly group and now we can go through here we can do like maybe an inset polygroup all a region and then a q mash polygroup all done shift and push this back and now I can do a crease PG and hit D and we'll do a crease level of to Zeus up to the three kind of get that look going any of these things you could just alt tap these ones and then just tap shift and you can just pull along that surface normal if you want you can pull along the surface normal here we can hold down shift and just pull a long search I'm holding that shift or you can actually queue mesh this out as a separate mesh like this like so and then we can do like maybe inset single poly each polygroup here will turn off shifty temporarily queue mesh this end and then we'll just do another crease PG get some wacky shapes going I hit math whale Backson at ninety eight CPU usage four minutes oh I see you need a scape sometimes it'll back out of that but who says I've been looking for it for ages where's my make art amazing button if you find that button but it tutorial up on YouTube I would like to subscribe your um subscribe to your channel I would love that button curve smoothness is that what it was to kind of get more resolution because I know there's a curve rez button but curve smoothness if I make my brush bigger and it still had the chunky curve I don't know if it would have had a resolution though why is he versus floor elevated compared to my on I can change it exporting it to Maya is how I'll make the grid cut to the middle of your mesh yeah so that's a good point in ZBrush if you take a cube 3d and you make it apply my sturdy the floor the floor is gonna always snap to the bottom so if you go down here to the draw menu and I thank elevation 2-0 yeah set your elevation to 0 and that should put it where the floor is I think as I fueled and control 0 will persist in the floor in the mid point of your Z tool okay so maybe that's not it but usually they have the floor snapped to the bottom of your mesh which is negative 1 and the reason I do that is so you can do stuff like draw I'm gonna change my grid size up and then on this one I'm gonna hit D for dynamic preview and then if you hit BPR it'll cast your shadow onto your floor so if you have your floor always on the bottom of your mesh that's useful but it's not useful when it comes to things like where's my object in space so here's a trick if you have any primitive in here in fact if we go to append and we just grab a polymesh3d star or any of those measures and these things all fit directly inside of each other so we turn on transparency here you see here it is the midpoint of these objects here hold on control shift bolts and I'll shift alt your floor in Maya is actually going to be right here along that surface so I guess if you're so inclined you could just take this thing here and we can do closed convex holes fine I think oh we've got to delete it there you go so now this is the floor of your object space so if we take this and we thin it out and let me scale this up think of this as your platform that you want to work on to have it standing on your Maya floor hey Europe thanks for showing up uh how we doing on time we got about 20 minutes left sorry I keep it in my mic when you're working with separate meshes merging systems later do you bring them back being one Verte welded mesh and game residue you Rita pologize at all I'll always read apologize it if I have for example let's you know what this scenes getting a little dents go ahead and initialize here so for example if I wanted to say read apologize let's get a really complicated mesh if I wanted to read apologize something like this um go to sauna mode here what I would do is I would basically merge all the things I want to be read apologized and then I would just run a zremesher on it that's the fast way the fast dirty way I could also just manually read apologize and clean that up later so for example let's say I want to take this jaw here something hold down shift and move all these things to the top and this is where these scene manager might come in handy because I can group these things together and really as I'm working let's turn off for a lazy Mouse here too and also our background here it's like document range there we go this is one of the characters I made for my along with my students on my CGA in my class and I made it for substance days it's kind of a texturing this thing that we could kind of play around with so if I take all these and say I merge all these sub tools down and let's also take this inside piece here turn off dynamic there you go so we got these all together and I'm gonna go ahead and get rid of let's go ahead and split those off okay so I've got this object here and I want to reach apologize it so a quick and dirty way what I could do let's go ahead and clone this off and its own so tool we couldn't delete all those so I've got this object here in order to get these things I've got some dynamesh and some what do we call it dynamic subdivision so I'm gonna temporarily do ctrl shift a and I'm gonna take basically all this low res geo off of here and I'm going to split it off and for you I'm gonna say D turned on crease and then we're gonna say crease level of to smooth sort of of three apply those and then merge these back together let's just go ahead and do auto groups mirror and weld and now I have mesh I would want to reach apologize and again it's all over the place it's not like I can reduce all this into one mesh and then reach apologize it so one thing you can do is you can duplicate this off and then you can just turn off projector not blur dynamesh and all these things together at a semi high resolution you're basically creating an envelope here and then if you zremesh this we don't you can try as every machine with these poly groups on or you can just zremesh let's do x axis here and then we'll zremesh tamargo polygon count of five is fine you can zremesh to get your game res and then you can movie that or you can manually you can zremesh first and then you can add that we'll show you that process real quick if you wanted to do some cleanup and once it's done zero mushing what we can do is we can take this one and with both of these showing we can say project all and then let's see ramesh half oops half look at that a little bit lower res here so let's say okay this is the geometry I want to work with but it's not perfect so what I'm gonna do is when I hit clone I'm gonna delete that geometry I'm going to a pen disease sphere we're going to hit X to go across X cemetry we're gonna scale this down so it's not it's not in the way and then I'm gonna go skinned dynamesh off density off instead of edit topology we're gonna go down here to our topology and we're gonna say select oops select topology we're going to select that geometry here and now we're going to edit small G mode here madcap gray control chef drag tap and now we have X turned on so now we can go through here and we can manually like make any changes we want with again with our move brush we can move these points around we're gonna hold down alt and we can like delete any of these points and redraw them and then when you're done you can hit a better give your adaptive skin updated to however you wanted to update that so that's one kind of quick ish way to read apologize or you can just manually write apologize that doesn't take too long now all that manual stuff is something I would probably end up just doing in Houdini and having it run through because once you setup that node graph you don't have to do it again and do all that manual stuff you just run your objects through the node graph and change the parameters and you're done um boxer says chief aim for the wind yeah he's really good um in fact speaking of Qi go to pixologic page I don't remember if it was I guess go to videos you can just do a search by heart service as he was right with Qi Feng so definitely check this out he's got some really good techniques in here for like mesh fusion and also cutting panel lines through really really good results just a brush well that wasn't just a brush that was a lie boolean version of the chisel brush I turn a 2d object into 3d is that for example if we go here to the sphere come on to edit mode here control the a control D no I make polymesh3d control D control D so for example you might have seen in here my hard surface alpha brushes so if you go here to like connectors and I've got all these different brushes in here so instead of loading in a separate alpha over and over again I'm able to just go through here and just use all these alphas as one brush I can just cycle through them I'm gonna punch in or I can punch out makes a lot easier to work with as opposed so having all these alphas in one brush that I can use really quickly I think so and in order to do that what I had to do and unless they've changed it so where I could have this geometry to take it from I had to convert those alphas so if I go hit the comma key and the Alpha brush here you know I don't even have the office here but say we wanted to take these alphas and convert these shapes to geometry so that I can put them in a multi alpha brush all you need is the Alpha so we got the Alpha menu I'll let's load in a couple more so I'm gonna say I want that one this one this one and this one I want to put those all into one brush because right now what it is is like you know I take this one and then I swap this alpha out and I take this one and I swap the self out so I'm not great in order to put those all into one mesh what I can do is I go to alpha make 3d double-sided it'll make our res like 256 not anything too crazy depth shouldn't matter too much smooth is okay I hit make 3d and then I've got this version of my shape so then I've got that one and we'll take this one make 3d we'll take this one make 3d and we'll take this one make 3d so now we've got all those alphas here I'm gonna go to append and I'm gonna put those all in one sub tool here if I again if I want to steal our chisel rect settings I can grab that one go to brush clone and then brush create we'll just delete all these meshes out of that chisel rect you know what these selected I can just hit B or I can go here to create insert Multi alpha brush and then we'll go back to our sphere we were working on and now I've got all these things let's drag that's the intensity down so we're gonna go down alt and put these out and I can switch that really quickly I can switch that really quickly in fact you can have it just cycle through these if you go to your brush settings here and we go to like multi I think multi-mission selector we can cycle through or we can cycle backwards or we can make it random if you want or again like we showed you earlier we go to stroke lazy Mouse a poster not lazy radius down so with your lazy Mouse on you can just drag out this one dot stroke your object here like so and they custom loops that would be with slicing I think I think we were talking about I'm sorry I'm probably way behind in the comments I apologize oh yeah your custom panel loops yeah there's a custom loop in there that's a good point so under Z plug-in the panel loop presets their Z's you can replace these ones with your own custom yeah that was the achieve and Joseph trusts mm-hmm again I'm scrolling really faster these I apologize got a little bit behind is there a way to select a particularly as you look like frame mesh does but with a single-edged loop yeah okay that brings up a good point so let's say we've got this guy here drag this out go into edit mode you know what I'm just gonna hit unify so let's just train the middle of my world and make sense so I want to put a tube that wraps around this in a very specific way so I'm gonna go over here and I'm gonna go to append these here and we're gonna hit go out of X cemetry oops you want that selected we're just gonna scale this thing down and we're gonna hit a scale this down and then we're gonna hit Q and a hold down shift and that's gonna give us two points like your brush size small so we want it to go here to here and that's not difficult to do with a curved brush and you can pick Q and move these things around however you want however if you wanted to do something like I want to wrap it to this side and then wrap this one over to this side here and then wrap this side down here you know getting it to kind of stick to these things a little bit trying so you can kind of go through here and you know what let's hold down shift and we'll stick this one in here so let's say we wanted to do something a little bit more complex there we go something like this and again feel free they just hit Q to make this as high resolution as you want and around these shapes out as needed something like this so that's that's our that's our two we want of course we can go through here and we could say our skin sick oops are not skin thickness dynamesh this down to zero and we'll sit make it oops a so we preview that adaptive skin however we can also just make an adaptive skin and append that here so we turn off the Z sphere we've got the skin z sphere here so now if you wanted to like say frame one edge we can say select lasso and get rid of these caps this is on and a scuzzy brush by the way will delete hidden ctrl W to make that all in polygroup so let's say I want to put a curve just down the middle of two of these things we can say polygroup poly loop through both of these things here isolate both of those delete hidden and now when we got a stroke frame mesh just do polygroups and that'll pass a single curve through the middle and now at this point we can go to brush insert curve and then we can put you know a hose down to the middle of this thing here that's a little big there you go if you want it to be embedded a little bit more again it's that depth setting here so just drag that depth down and then I go ahead and bet it right along that curve so now we can tap off and then go ahead and just isolate that and delete hidden and then your hose will follow that curve you might need to do a little bit of tweaking that's a little bit easier to follow now instead of doing all of those steps there's a plugin you can use we're going to leave that so if you have a Z sphere here you can go over to your z plugins you won't have this but you can install it call it curves helper you can say copy Z sphere chain Z's for chain copied and then let's go back up to this head and will say create curve and now we've got that curve created and now you can go to brush insert whoops curve here and then you can just grab anything let's make some stitches some stitches along that curve if you want so where that is I should I keep this link candy you know I just do ZBrush Google ZBrush hurt curves oh you know what x-brawn I show that's gonna be ZBrush for our eight useful scripts ZBrush for our eight useful small scripts and macros relievers for eight on super central and then in here you're gonna have curves helper and this will show you how to download and install that it's just a Zee plugin that I showed you and that one doesn't even need a data folder I think it's just a Z script so way back at the beginning of this channel we should install ZBrush plugins and then he would just use that one what do you think of top we're gonna retopo nothing wrong with it cool cool cool again I apologize if I miss them we got about 10 minutes left all right I'm creating sci-fi shapes and ZBrush you have doctoral doing something sci-fi the explain step by step explaining techniques but also teaching shapes Oh like the design part not really I don't consider myself a great designer I'm still learning I'm learning all the time I'm more of a production a production artist work flow pipeline guy but if you go to my channel here let's go to there I talk about it a little bit so stuff that might interest you on just sci-fi stuff let's go to the ZBrush mech helmet concept sculpt and this concept sketching folder and I think those will be fine for now I also do it on my intro to ZBrush part 3 this this this sci-fi a little weirdo reptile dude so I walk through the making of this guy a little a little bit just going through different techniques and rendering and stuff and then finally going into key shot and jeez come on internet like up getting the final model and then going into key shot stuff like that so that kind of sci-fi work for this mech helmet this will take you through the steps of just kind of concept about your stuff getting it in and this is very day this is going on like five years old now so some of this stuff I wouldn't do exactly like this but I think I talked a little bit about design in here and then eventually you'll be able to just get it to this point where you're doing all sorts of detail now the detail I'm doing in this one actually node be better give me a second profile my art station page I don't think you guys are this thing this has a better breakdown Oh another one you might like it's not really about design but as far as teaching you techniques step by step the ZBrush boot tutorial it has a lot of good techniques in there and there's also a companion little image here you can go through and kind of follow along this image to make a boot and it is just making a boot but you can apply these techniques to any sort of stuff but for example that commander we were looking at earlier going through here and just starting with just nothing and again this is some character I made with my seat you may students I didn't make it with them for them I just as they were making their stuff I was making this guy he's in the same steps they were going through kind of blocking these things in and then refining as we go and then figuring out his gun arm as we go and putting that I know it's on file and you know modeling this is basically just box modeling and then the boots here you know you start out with your base shapes and this is the boot tutorial and then you go through here and you refine these shapes and then modifying the gun and taking insert mesh brushes on stuff I had modeled earlier for ZBrush and then just kind of putting it all together and refining these things and then eventually going through and doing the gamera's part I know a lot of you guys or developer types this was going through and doing the cloth and stitches for this guy and putting on metal ware and then the paint effects that we kind of slapped on their skin rendering a little bit here's the sketch fab of that guy you can check him out so this is him all textured up and render down on painter here so you can kind of see and get some really cool effects going and of course you can throw an IRA and stuff like that also like the neck helmet stuff or even this concept lady here her videos are in here but there's also here's my GDC presentation using this this lady and this goes through her steps a little bit I talked a lot about you know designing in context so getting your stuff in quickly and evaluating it and then as you refine you don't have any real big surprises I'll walk you through the making of her and a couple different versions of that and then on the neck helmet too has kind of the same thing where you just go through and you start start simple and then just refined as you go so again you're and you always always be throwing every single step into game so you can be refining it in context and making sure it looks good from where you need to be evaluating it cool uh thanks for the kind words everybody all righty I'm gonna hop out I think we're getting towards the end here cool about unifies are a way to put the subtool back to its original location who has a good one so if you unify it you want to snap it back you can unify your Z your what is it under the Z scale master you can see bar scale unify that might work so you can unify and not have to snap it back but yeah unifying and then moving it back if you copy mm you can try this isn't a good answer there might be a plugin for that or there might be something I'm just not thinking about but if you go down here to your geometry and you have position and size if you have these values saved you can probably pop it back into place man maybe wish had a better better answer for you on that one cool all right everybody thanks for showing up I want to say I'm gonna be back on this channel Tuesday I'm gonna be back on my channel on Thursday and again we're gonna have a Q brush giveaway so be there be square I think that's right I don't know my schedules all over the place GGC is coming up so do you know how it gets go thanks everybody I'm gonna log off here
Channel: Pixologic ZBrush
Views: 16,162
Rating: 4.9809976 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, youtube, games, pixologic, zbrush, zbrushlive, sculpting, modeling, 3d modeling, art, design, tutorial, how to, making of, digital, 3d, 4r8, character creation, live boolean, vdm, mech warrior, hard surface, curve brushes, alphas, mesh fusion, pavrapidfire, detailing, sci fi
Id: zQF4vL3695Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 5sec (6965 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 06 2018
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