In the Studio with Daz 3D - Working with dForce - LIVE EVENT

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animation that we got started about a month ago on this very stream it's been a lot of work it's been i've spent about two weeks putting all the finishing touches on then about five or six animatics later i was still not quite happy and this is what i've come up with so far and there's been several tests on this so you know now it's uh it's kind of cool that's daddy that is that's just thank you so much i really appreciate that yes and dforce is the topic and i thought uh because we all know a little bit about defaults i'll just start from the very beginning and show you a few bits and pieces maybe tips and tricks that you didn't know how to freeze your default mods or turn them into morphs and how to freeze animations in your scene how to simulate more how to simulate less how to simulate in different passes how to use the default wind node and just regularly how to use deforest clothing that you've bought from the store with your own with your own scenes to add a little bit more realism to it if you want to catch up on previous live streams there is in fact a place that has been added to the daz website and i just thought i'm going to show you that it's here at the very top of the website and it's it's right here under community there is in the studio and this is the landing page if you go there then you'll see kind of the latest promo image here and if you scroll down you'll see the latest bundle that might go with it what the next um live stream is all about and you can catch up on past live stream over here there's a little bit about me in case you don't know who i am i'm jay by the way nice to meet you and uh on the bottom here there's going to be a library that travis and his team have built so that you can catch up easily on previous live streams because we're serious about this we'd like to build this up as a community platform that we can all get to hang out with one another share tips and tricks and just generally have a good time with one another that is the spirit really let's jump right in oh yes also then the dyna animation uh just uh just quickly while we saw it in the beginning that is something i've only thrown together literally this uh this week within about a couple of hours so one of those things wind needs turbulence lightness that is absolutely right uh yes absolutely astro cat we wanna we're not gonna delete them and youtube is probably the way to go there because youtube's really good at flagging these things up i'm also adding chapter points right after the session if you want to jump into a particular point in the session then you can go and um and jump there straight away you don't have to watch it about the full two hours again but it's wonderful to newcomers as well as seasoned pros alike to you know to jump right in and get started with it so deforestant let's talk about defaults deforest is currently a clothing simulation engine but i believe the team are working on in the future with an eye on expanding this into other bits and pieces so not just having it be a clothing simulation engine they want to turn this into something much larger so we'll see what else is coming and maybe maybe other types of physics maybe soft body animation maybe water animation we don't know but it is certainly of kind of an umbrella term of something that isn't just going to be in the future for cloth animation currently it is but maybe in the future we'll see other additions to that so let's refer to d4s not just so much as the cloth engine but generally as the das studio integrated physics engine and the first part into this journey is in fact the cloth animation let me show you the pertinent parts in that studio so that you know where to look for default options my interface might look different to yours i suggest if yours is doesn't look like this or anywhere near like this have a look up here and switch it to the city limits light one i'm saying this because that is probably the one that has most of the tabs exposed already probably more that i'm using but there's a video on my personal channel in which i'm creating this exact setup so if you want to follow along there brian if you can figure out that link that's on my channel it's the the one about the ux in dash studio so dark side is that's that's the that's the physical look but the way that pallets are distributed that is very close to the city limits light so i've got my own bits and pieces here if you start with this one you're very close to what i have here with more buttons and more more panels so i've switched some off and i've added some around the two most important ones well it's kind of the three most important ones that we deal with the first one is the simulation settings pane and i've got a docked over here it looks very similar if you want to compare it to the render settings tab and there's a big blue button at the top right that says simulate dock it wherever you like but that's what you need you if you don't have that floating around you can get that from window panes and then there is simulation settings you can also add it by right clicking on any of these empty parts and just say add pane and pick the simulation settings from here and that'll just dock that pane right there so that's one that we're going to talk about you're also going to probably want to have the surface the surfaces tab open i have it here it doesn't look very exciting at the moment because i don't have any objects in my scene selected so i don't see any surface properties the surfaces you're probably familiar with them for while this is how my object looks this is what how the transparency is applied what materials applied what shader is applied to what material zone that's kind of what the surfaces tab is there for but it's also plays an important role in deforest because the properties per material zone on an object in regards to telling the default engine how an object needs to behave or how what part of an object needs to behave those are surface properties so that is where they can be found and then the third one last but not least type thing is the parameters tab but that is kind of my go-to favorite because it it just comprises of all the parameters for any part of our object so we're going to need those three things and rather than starting with an item of clothing i'm going to start with something completely different i'm going to just give you the grand tour of default before we move on to posing characters with items that you bought probably from the from the jailer bundle i'm going to start with with the primitive with several primitives actually let's go and start with a plane let's make that five meters and make that not have any divisions at all just one division and that's going to be our ground that's the first thing we're going to do ah that wasn't right that was uh that was totally not what i wanted to do let's go do this again create new primitive and i wanted the primary axis to be y positive that means the plane is going to lie on the floor like say like this and i'm going to switch on my filament viewport as well just because i do like filament and it gives me a much better representation of what the object's gonna look like it's a bit bright for me right now so that's just my plane object which i might go and rename into ground and i'll go and give that a different color perhaps something maybe not exactly black but something like a dark gray something like that and perhaps also give that a little bit of less of a glossy effect here so it's very very shiny i'd rather my ground isn't that that shiny and that is all happening on the surface's tab so this is kind of how you how you adjust surface properties so under glossy i would say it's actually it's not glossy is it it's under where is it glossy roughness there we go let's crank up the roughness and that makes it less shiny something like that that's just our ground and now let's go and put an object in here i'm doing this uh just to show you what uh how how deforest thinks about these things everything that's in here point three divisions don't matter this is going to be a tiny sphere here in fact maybe let's make it a bit bigger whoops let's bring a larger sphere in maybe like a 0.5 there we go also give that a little color and you know color is just so that we can see it better in the stream there we go i don't mind if it's glossy or not the way deforest thinks about things that you bring in they're all colliders by default so even if you don't have any default objects in the scene which we don't at the moment everything acts as a collider so if something is deforest anything that's visible in your scene will act as a collider that is i'm just going to leave it as sphere and i'm going to create a third one that's also going to be a plane this one's going to be a bit smaller maybe two meters and i'm going to give that lots of divisions and the divisions are important for anything that has defaults on it so anything that you simulate the more geometry it has the better it can be bent in places so if you have a flat plane like the ground plane with only one division that's essentially just one polygon that won't be able to simulate because the deforest engine or basically no 3d editor would know where to bend it but 100 divisions that's like 10 by 10 that's you know that's that should be kind of large enough i'll add that here and call that my cloth and we'll go and bring that up and move it over and above our little sphere something like that we're also going to give it a little color maybe like a dark green like this one maybe there we go that should that could that could be okay that's fine is it i don't like the green i like i like a different green let's just make it this green much better so that is essentially all i need for my starting project but notice that none of these things have currently got deforest properties so if i go into my simulation settings now and hit that big blue button that says simulate nothing's going to happen or i mean default is going to try it but it'll throw up an error message that says hey i haven't found anything that has default properties so to be honest i don't really know what to do with them so the way to to get around it and keep a particular eye here with our cloth selected on the properties in the surfaces tab here is we need to add a default property to an object if you want to make it default capable and that is in fact what every clothing creator out there does who sells deforest capable clothing they add this to their clothing and then they tweak parameters and make sure when you do hit that button it just works but you know by default it doesn't so we need to tell that studio hey we need to turn at least one of these objects into a bendable cloth type thing and the way you do this is under the simulation settings tab right here it has this tiny little context menu i believe hamburger icon is what i call it when you click on that you have this thing that's called defaults and then you have these three choices at the top is static surface dynamic surface and dynamic surface add-on if you pick the middle one here it'll add everything that you need to it and it does this by adding one extra slot into the surfaces tab so if i do this watch what happens on the left hand side this thing collapses first of all but we have in addition to where this list ended here under geometry we now also have simulation and a lot of properties here and i'll talk about these in a second just the the first one that i want to introduce you to is in fact a that it's there and b that there's this thing here at the very top which is called visible in simulation so if you switch that off then everything disappears in the simulation tab and that is as if this surface is not all this material zone is not being simulated at all but if you switch it to on then it will and it will participate in this in the um in the simulation so for clothing this is important to understand because an item of clothing could potentially be made up of multiple material zones and some of them could be switched off so if you have something like a dress and the top is conforming on the dress and the bottom is in fact default but the top doesn't want to be default then it could be that the simulation properties on the top part of the dress are just switched off that's possible so there we go that is that and this is really all we need to have in place for the simulation to begin so with literally the default values if you now hit simulate watch what happens default is going to go to work and as i said treat everything in the scene as a colliding object except for the one thing or the things that have dynamic surface properties attached and it will drape the cloth over the ball which is awesome nothing else has changed and there doesn't seem to be much that i can influence on this but it looks pretty neat i can't really go back on this all i can do is if i'm not happy with this if i wanted to change something else maybe bring the cloth to a higher position i can go ahead in the simulations pane here and hit clear and if i do that then my cloth will spring back into the previous position let's do that and go it just goes back to the top i could go and change it and drape it again maybe from a lower or from a higher height i can change its position if i want and then go and hit simulate i'm telling you this because this is something in the simulation process that you're gonna have to do over and over again until you come up with the desired result but there's many more things and tips and tricks that we can use in order to um you know in order to turn this into what we wanted it to look so right now it looks like i've just draped a piece of cloth over an object so if i were to move which sadly julie and i am that's a that's a whole other topic here but we're gonna have to move sadly we don't have another house but if you may have seen that people who have a house and then they go in america and then they go to australia for six months they put cloth over all their bits and pieces like over the couch and all the pictures and everything this is what that looks like so you can totally do that and build yourself that that that exciting uh kind of drape over house that is abandoned and it all looks creepy i can actually once this is draped i can still move this object so i can now go and change its position if you want to do that you can even go and take this guy away here and the cloth is going to remain in that position if you save your scene however if you hit the simulation button again and just go and re-simulate everything so we probably don't want to do that i'll bring it down with ctrl z so if you ever find you have that ideal drape you might want to go over to the parameters tab especially if you have multiple items that all have defaults on it and you want to simulate them in sequence this one first then make sure that's happy then simulate another one you can go over to the parameters tab and under simulation you have this button here that's an important one this is on the parameters tab under freeze simulation so if you click that and the freezing the the freezing is on on this item this is per item then you could re-simulate and the and other items in the scene would still be simulated but not this one it'll fall back into this position but it won't be re-simulated so that's important if you've got something that you're kind of happy with that's that's number one that you can that you can do number two and i thought i'm gonna explain this right away in case you have something that is really dear to you and you say hey i've simulated it it took me a long time and i'm really really happy um with what i've done you can go and save the shape of this object out and import it again as a morph i'll just go show you that quickly before we move on because yes kitty house i'm going to totally explain that you can simulate longer shorter and you can't stop the simulation in the middle so um maybe we'll do that actually before i show you how to export this and import it again as a morph because kitty house 4 makes a very good point there's really nothing that we can do here what what do i do for if 30 frames the simulation wasn't long enough maybe i wanted to simulate this item over a longer period of time maybe i want to have it simulate so that it just about falls onto the figure and not follow all the way through what do we do then there is a way to do this and in fact let me go clear the simulation also switch the freezing off here and show you where that is so this tab here the simulation settings tab has a lot of options first one here is environment that determines the gravity and air resistance gravity of one is gravity on earth gravity of zero would be nothing false it's it's all stimulating but nothing falls down gravity of -1 is things fall up instead of down and anything in between is you know moons gravity mars gravity really heavy planets and all that but then slightly further at the bottom here under duration you have exactly the thing that we're talking about currently we're simulating the current frame and it'll do that over a course of 30 frames but if you take this drop down and turn it down and use either the animated timeline play range or an animated custom play range then you'll be able to to park the animation wherever you wanted it to be so let me use my timeline play range and this is now going to have a slightly different effect because it depends on how many frames are set in my timeline it happens to be if i open this up it by default it's set to 30 frames so if i go and do nothing else and just change this over to animated play range and simulate again then you can see that my playhead will go through this simulation and it's now at the end it's no longer at the beginning it hasn't set any keyframes but defaults has memorized what happens on which frame so you can now go and take your playhead and bring it back and turn it to wherever you need the simulation to be this is a much better intro into what i'm going to show you in a moment because the other thing that you might find is hey 30 frames might not have been enough to simulate my object maybe i needed 60 maybe i need 90 maybe i have a long animation there might be wind blowing at the wind blows for 5 seconds 30 frames isn't going to be enough for that so what we can do is we can turn my play range here to something much larger so let's turn this to maybe like 91 frames this is this is more than 30 three times more in fact and it now means that since my default simulation settings are still set to use the play range here it will now go and simulate 90 frames we're not gonna see that big a difference but we certainly do see something is happening beyond frame 30. it's coming to rest now so it's not really a great example so 60 frames is probably enough for most still frame users but if you're talking about animation then you probably need to have a much larger way and we'll look into that as well when we look at the wind node which is very very exciting it's kind of cool if you wanted to animate a waving flag and i think that was the case on the on the uh on the season past two with the pirates i think somebody mated travis's team has made an animated banner at the top where the pirate flag with the daz logo is waving in the wind and that was done with d4s we'll talk about gravity in a moment but just for now what the one thing is that you if you find yourself hey at frame 20 was was the ideal simulation that i want to keep and i want to i want to make sure i don't lose it and maybe i need my play range for something else and i have three other objects that need to be default and what do i do you can go and export the shape of this object and turn it into a morph and that'll be really useful some of you may know how to do this already but if you don't let me quickly explain it to you you need to export this frame and only this object at that frame at this resolution and nothing else just out to something like a like a temporary folder make sure you disable or just make invisible all other objects that might be in your scene so my ground and my sphere i don't want to export that it's just the cloth and i'll head over to file export and i'll just put this on my desktop maybe in a new folder that i will call if ever the new folder shows up waits patiently for it to happen it it did actually taut yes absolutely the mouse is the 3d universe mouse that i have animated there's the mouse and there's also the crab i've animated both of them why did this take so long don't know stream well it's default stream how's that the force stream yes i've animated those in that studio i hope you like it i i'll just call this one maybe cloth drape oh it's called cloth drape that's cool i'll export that just with the dash studio preset here and hit accept that is that i can go back to the beginning in fact i can go to my simulation properties and literally clear this whole simulation because i don't really need it anymore i can go and make my ground and my sphere visible again if i wish but the most important thing is i can now bring this as a morph into my object and the way to do that is under edit object morph loader pro hit that and that will open a secret special dialogue thank you brian for posting that that's very cool and then you go and pick the file that you've just saved out this was my d4 stream here cloth drape uh hello there we go i don't know why my computer is a bit slow today it kind of depends if you have reverse deformations or not let's just say we have them and hit accept and it should say create more successfully which you know that's lucky for us it worked that it should it usually should work when you have the the correct um the correct resolution set there so under morphs i find my cloth drape now and it will now act as the simulation did uh just with the slider so that will now be saved with your scene you can also save this out as a figure or prop asset and it will have that exact morph in it it'll also have a reverse morph because that's just the settings on the slider this is what happens when we go the negative way so kind of cool what you can do there but you can also change that on the little gear icon under parameter settings you can rename it you can put it somewhere else you can take the minimum out if you want and now we have something like this so this is a way to make sure when you simulate other objects if you want to save something as a morph and save the simulation out that you want to present through to you know use in other scenes or present to your customers this is how you can do it it is not new trevor it's been there for a while it's part of the content creation suite of tools basically but it's not something that like ordinary like users like you and me we don't really need to use it all that often but if you're going into the content creation morph loader is really handy so more floater lets you apply so-called deltas it essentially lets you if you if you have an object like this deform it in another application or inside dash studio with something else and then you bring it in you can save the deltas as a morph slider and it's a very nifty way of of bringing geometry changes in there without delivering the actual geometry just in a nutshell that is that is what that is exactly massive damage more vascania indeed so that's how you can save things out but let us so now this this my play range doesn't do anything anymore and i can use it for other things which is kind of nice let me go and dial this morph out again it doesn't matter if it's there or not let's just quickly play with the gravity because that's another thing that's that's quite nice so if i go gravity currently gravity is set to one and i think the maximum i can set it to is two unless you go to that little gear icon and make it you know change the parameter settings you could turn it into 10 or something that's something you can do if we go and simulate this again perhaps you know 60 frames is enough you can see that by 30 frames the thing is already dropped down it doesn't it doesn't go down further anymore let me go and change that my my play range here you can quit the simulation if you if you find it's gone on long enough you can just hit escape or hit the cancel button that'll work i'll make it 61 frames go simulate that again and it just goes forwards a little bit faster so by frame 30 i think by frame 20 it had already fallen to the ground and so likewise then if i make this a little bit let me clear that out and if i make that a bit lighter if i make it 0.3 for example gravity 0.3 is like a third of the gravity of earth it's kind of what we have on mars and look what happens it still falls but by frame 30 it hasn't even reached the ball yet so it's just much lighter and you know that influences of what happens to your cloth but in addition to that and this is i'm just mentioning this as an aside without going into it all that much i'll go put this back to back to one maybe in order to change the properties of how a cloth behaves you can head over to the surfaces tab with your object selected under simulation and then you can have a look at all these exciting parameters that are here so friction is the first one under this this is on the surfaces tab under simulation uh either this shows you everything which is a bit overwhelming or you go and whittle them down into these little sub menus here the first one here is uh i've already showed you that visible in simulation then the other one is friction so you can play with that friction is essentially how the cloth itself behaves so not only does it simulate but silk simulates differently than denim jeans or leather wood or linen wood and so this is how you can there's lots of properties that you can change there and clothing creators or content creators know more about this than i do you can fine-tune how your cloth falls so like a silk object would be further on the left hand side here that falls much uh that would kind of fall fall more into one another cling more to other bits and pieces and anything towards the right direction that isn't the default would be something like more denim and leather and your ski jacket material and all that kind of stuff alt click on a slider to bring it back into its default position there's tons of other options here that i'll let you explore on your own there's collision and the structure of objects and the smoothing so those are all properties that you can influence my best advice is just play with it and see uh see what see how it behaves and don't be afraid to experiment i'm leaving everything at the default if you want to follow along i'll show you one other exciting thing is imagine we had two things we want to simulate that's something i was gonna i was gonna explain in the beginning let me go and put my my sphere over here and my cloth kind of over here and i'm going to go and duplicate these things i'm not going to make instances this needs to be duplicates i'll say edit duplicate node and that's just gonna be cloth two well actually cloth two needs to go over here so we have cloth one is on the left cloth two is on the right and we'll take the sphere as well we'll duplicate the sphere as well and sphere 2 is also going to be on the right and this is kind of this is imagine you had two objects that you want to that you want to use passes of like you know one needs to simulate and then the other one is to simulate you can freeze them so let me go and and go and simulate both of them for 60 frames please with regular gravity takes a tiny bit longer but that studio should just um simulate both of them until it's done and imagine i'm happy with my left object i can go back and forth i don't really mind i say on here on this object now cloth number one i'll head over to the parameters tab and say hey this thing is awesome i don't want it to re-simulate i'd like i love the simulation as it is i want that studio to not touch it if i go and change parameters you can go under into on the parameters tab under general there's a simulation tab and you can switch that to on so this means now the even though when i move the timeline my object is still going to move but the simulation itself isn't going to be re-simulated so it's kind of important to um to know about this if you have multiple default objects in your scene so look at that i can still move the timeline and it looks like nothing much has changed but you know if it had which it will in a moment then the left hand side isn't going to be isn't going to be affected so let's take my second cloth the one that isn't that hasn't changed and let's go and move the ball above it and change the gravity of our whole simulation to from one to minus one maybe even minus two maybe minus one is probably enough and that's still one isn't it i i said kind of minus one that's the that's the idea minus one there we go and now if i go and re-simulate this thing watch what happens this is kind of exciting it's my favorite thing so it re-simulates but even though i've changed the clearly changed the gravity the cloth goes up on the right hand side my left hand side is completely untouched so it still behaves as in the first simulation this is this is kind of nice so yeah lots of fun with gravity you can have them really spooky effects and then especially if you go and simulate this longer now that these things like a tablecloth has fallen uh has fallen over a table it just kind of moves away there that's that's kind of kind of nice imagine that in a simulation very cool the kernels yes so the kernels it's a good um good point uh renzero it's uh it's one of those things that before defaults can start working the the first time you use it on a new graphics card you might find that it just comes up with a little message that says hey default needs to compile your render kernels you can on the advanced tab you can see which graphics card you're using so if i switch this over to my other one it probably needs to compile the kernels again even though it's the same card it probably thinks yes that's a change that's happened so we need to do that it's between two and five minutes uh and then it should just go and do the simulation and luckily you only have to do this once and then your your kernels are compiled and it'll just it'll just remember that what else i think we've done this we've done that oh yeah let's do one other thing while we've got one object that that kind of behaves weirdly like that let's go and crank up the total simulation time to something a little bit longer namely 121 frames let's do that and let me go i'll leave the first bit as it is and i'll just go and put something else in the mix that i find fascinating about default and that is the wind node so wind is something i love wind because current currently we've only simulated what happens when when all that happens is that a surface just falls on up or down an object but what if like in reality there'd be wind there then like in in video games you'll see cloth moving as the character moves and how can we how we can how can we do that say your character fights in a storm so his coat needs to kind of waft around and waft away from him or something or somebody shouts at someone with default hair the hair kind of flows back because the guy's got such an enormous breath and that we can do that as well in in that studio with a default wind node and that is up under the create menu if you head over here and say at the bottom new default wind node and you can have as many as you like in your scene one usually will suffice and i'll go and put it right in the in the default settings that'll be the middle of the scene and here it is and it behaves like a regular object it's selectable in the scene and i think i want mine perhaps to be on the right hand side of the object and kind of blow over as the cloth falls up i'd like to make it blow over there the one the simulation on the left isn't going to be affected so that's kind of nice let's go and move this over and then i'll show you some of the some of the things you can set on the wind node i'll turn this around 90 degrees kind of exactly 90 degrees and i'll bring it up a bit if you haven't used the wind note it's it's very similar to all the other items that you can add in your scenes a little bit like a camera it looks like a little fan icon here and it has a couple of things that that you can adjust so the first thing is the diameter of it so mine is you can just about see that here it looks like a cylinder and i think from my project it's probably going to be big enough but if you needed it bigger to encompass a larger area that's also on the parameters tab where there's now a new option which is the wind option so you can change the diameter that'll make the whole thing larger if i crank this up this is what happens or you can make it smaller if you want to have a little small gust of wind there you'll also see that there's these other circles there so the first one i might just make this a bit larger here i'll turn into 80. let's find that appropriate actually maybe make it a hundred a hundred is good you see these two circles here the inner circle and the outer circle that's kind of a fall off to the outside so the wind's gonna be stronger on the inside here then falls off until it reaches zero on the outside and you have another fall off that's that's the forward direction of the wind so this here will have the full intensity of the wind and then this bit here will have the wind gradually fall off until over here this wind note doesn't affect anything beyond that and you can change that as well you can either change the fall-off itself so fall of start that changes the basically moves the first cylinder kind of further over here if i don't want anything to fall off i do this or you can go and have the fall of length that's the second cylinder that gets influenced if you want the falloffs to be much larger or much smaller you can do that over here so i might just do this and then the most important aspect of this simulation is of course at the top here which is the strength in miles per hour default is five so let's have a look what that would do i just go and simulate this thing again i'm expecting the cloth to fall up and then be blown over to the right which it is but only very subtly so it's not as as dramatic as i had hoped but you can also see and that's why i've changed the duration of the animation to 120 frames that it continuously simulates so the wind agitates the cloth continuously which is really cool so now you can see this as an animation and that is just that's wonderful if you have something that just wafts in the wind that's just fairly fairly cool isn't it i do like that i love animations let's change the wind strength a little bit and make it just a bit stronger into something i don't really know what let's try 10 that's twice as strong as before and see what happens you're getting an error initializing the opencl kernels that might indeed be something what graphics card are you using because it's uh opencl is essentially what is used to make defaults do what it does and it needs the opencl drivers to work and sometimes they are outdated so uh i might actually make this a bit stronger here maybe i'll try 20. simulate this again so it could well be related to your graphics card driver they're usually packaged with that and might not be available on some graphics cards but let's hope that's not the case let's hope it's just a let's hope it's just a driver issue so there we go now my cloth is wafting in the wind and i can go and strengthen that if i wanted to do you know i've animated the wind strength accidentally i didn't mean to do that i put 20 at the end and as you can see over here as i move my timeline over it goes and changes so i should really do that on the on the beginning here and hope it doesn't interpret anymore there we go now let's go and simulate it again so we have 20 from the get-go the exploding things in defaults yes let's talk about this as well that's that often happens i'll show you some characters with clothing in a minute and i'll make clothing explode i'm good at that i think we're all really good at that but i'll also show you why that happens and how you can potentially avoid that so i'll show you tips and tricks around that so this is kind of cool imagine you render this animation out and even simulate even more frames then you have literally something that wafts and waves in the wind that is just so cool isn't it yeah that is just that's just awesome so this is all this cool stuff that you can do with with d4s before we get to the characters i'll show you one last thing because it's kind of related to the wind note and uh that's kind of an easy thing to to try at home and you don't need anything other than just that studio to make that happen i mean as if this wasn't exciting enough you know you can make i'll show you how to make a waving flag maybe not with your logo on it i'll leave that up to you but i'll show you how to make a waving flag that you can use for your own simulations and if you have something like that if you render it out please share it on youtube i'd love to see it it's just one of those things that's just really nice to to show you quick little tips and tricks and inspire you and get you excited about something that you know you can really sink your teeth in so i love this already i love it so much maybe i'll just go and save it yes indeed the wind node uh it does have its own turbulence that's true you don't have to set the turbulence anymore right yeah so that's a good point so under the hood linus makes a very good point under the hood mathematically all kinds of scary things are going on there and that is if you were to have a continuous force then the thing would literally go and and blow over and literally just remained like that and not really move but if you had a turbulence force there is something that changes so wind outside isn't really a constant force like a fan indoors with no air movement that is kind of a constant force but you'd need to move it around a little bit otherwise the cloth would never move from left to right or up or down so very well spotted yeah they have improved defaults quite a lot haven't they over the years very cool i might just go and save my my scene here because i i'm partial to that let's go that let's go save the scene and put that on my desktop default stream uh i'll call it ball scene there we go and i might leave some of my objects whoops some of my objects as they are normally the wind node i might just leave that as it is i don't know why my computer is so slow but it's one of those things it's not a good computer today this morning i did a stream and i didn't get any uh i didn't have any upload speeds crazy let me go and delete these bits here i'll leave the ground plane in place just because you know i can and i'll go and leave my my wind node i might push that forward a little bit so that it's more closer to here and then i'll go and let's make that flag now i'll go and bring in another cloth new primitive uh primitive there we go and it'll be plain it'll have a size of maybe two meters and it'll have 100 divisions that's okay but it won't have the y positive it'll have something else something like the z or x positive let's do z positive and that means it won't lie flat it should now stand up and it does that as well very good it doesn't look much like a flag let's put it right in the middle and stretch it down a little bit so that it looks more like you know more like a flag here and the flag is going to be moved by the wind modifier and it's fairly easy to do that and i'll show i'll do this because i'll show you another aspect of defaults and that is the the weight notes so i'll select it first with the surfaces tab i'll give it a nice little color again because color is important any particular color maybe like a dark purple is that a good color loving it already and once again if i hit the big simulate button deforest is going to tell me hey this thing doesn't have anything that i can simulate so let's go do this again on the little hamburger icon in the simulation settings tab let's go and add a default dynamic surface like that that gives me all the simulation properties here and you'd think hey since this works so well uh last time let's go and make sure our gravity isn't going up let's go and make it one again because it's kind of earth gravity you can go and simulate this again and you think hey that's not very exciting that the whole thing just falls to the floor well that's that's lame isn't it that's not the kind of flag behavior we're looking for so let's not do that there's something else that we need to do here uh one of two things in fact we can go and escape to stop the simulation we could say hey the gravity maybe i don't want this thing to pull my flag down maybe i'll set the gravity to zero that's a possibility but because we've got that wind node there what is likely is that it'll start simulating and should it now not just blow the flag away i guess it doesn't but it also doesn't move so also not the solution we were looking for and so the the way around this is that default allows you to add something called the weight map that you might be familiar with from other properties a weight map is technically a texture that is applied to the whole object that lets defaults know how much a part of an object should be influenced so let's set the gravity back to one and i'll show you what i mean by that so the weight note i what i can tell defaults is to say hey rather than rather than influence everything here make sure part of my flag is not influenced and that would be commonly on this side where the flags attach to the flagpole so there needs to be a small little strip that exists in geometry but that isn't influenced by defaults and hence also not waft in the wind let me show you how that works so we need a combination of the geometry editor and the weight note brush to make that happen let's start with the geometry editor first to make our selection here this is a little scary if you're not familiar with the geometry editors either this little icon here or it's also under the tools menu and it's here the geometry editor alt shift g is the default keyboard shortcut for that if you change to that then another tab is important to work with it which is the tool settings tab this shows you all kinds of exciting things you might also want to go and switch over to something that shows you the wireframe of your object and let's go and mark maybe the two polygons on the on the right hand side with that so i can either under the uh if you right click it has all these types of uh all these types of contextual menus and one of them is the drag selection on selection mode drag selection if you do that then you can left click and drag on your object and make a selection that you want to do something with i don't really want to do that i mean i could with a really steady hand try and do this but i can already see i'm not i'm not a master at that so there's a there's another way to do that and that is uh first of all unselect everything under geometry selection clear selection you can look at this directly from an angle like the front or the right depending on what we need change the selection mode once again by right clicking and saying selection mode marquee selection and that now lets you left click and drag barely visible in in the stream but you can now left click and drag and then just basically select a whole group of polygons here like those ones so this is my selection with it in place you can just save it you don't have to you go over to the next tool which is this one here that is the weight brush tool and you can either click that or you can go and use it from the tool option here node weight map brush and once again have the tool settings open your selection is still in place i think yes it is you just don't see it yet because we currently don't have a default weight map on our object we need to create that first so that means we need to go and select a plane head over here to create and choose default modifier weight node and when we do that that map gets applied to our object it also comes up with a little context dialog that offers to parent it to our current plane let's do that it just comes up underneath it and it's kind of you know in there now we can see the selection and uh that is just the note that's not actually the map i'm so sorry it's just so complicated but you know bear with me and follow these steps at home it'll be just it'll be just awesome once you get to know this principle you're gonna have lots of fun with that we have the node we don't have the map yet so for that we need to go and pick one from here you have all kinds of types of maps that allows clothing creators to really be granular about what their clothing needs to look like we're happy with the influence weights and just hit add map and that will now make your map and you can see that everything is red red means 100 influence so everything and this is exactly what what we have by default everything on an object is influenced what we want to do now is subtract the influence from this selection on the right hand side that we've made with the geometry editor so to do that there's another exciting little tool for that you can just right click somewhere here and say weight editing fill selected and currently they're filled with 100 percent of influence but we don't want to do that we go and say fill selected and bring up that little window over here and say well it's actually 79 i'm gonna go and turn this to zero so this strip that simulates the flag being attached to the flagpole i don't want to participate in our simulation at all and if i hit apply then you can see that the color changes here let me go take the selection away geometry selection clear all and then you can see that it's kind of it's changed color here hopefully gone down to i think it is it's just my color that's showing now i think if i go into why i shade it no it's still there it's just a lit wireframe it is let's just assume it's zero like like i like i suspected like i wanted it to be i can go back to filament and try to get out of this and try to simulate my cloth again let me choose my universal manipulator again and try my simulation again see what happens see if it's actually worked it has worked look at that a strip of my cloth is not being moved at all and the rest of the flag while it kind of collapses so it's not exactly what i wanted but in principle the the the thing that i didn't want to influence is still a static object and all the other polygons on this flag are now wafting around which is kind of cool and once again 3ds emulating reality there if you've seen some flags if i had a flag like this on the moon this is what it would just look like and it wouldn't move around at all somehow it did move around kind of still not entirely sure how that happened but what some flags have built in is that they have a little bit of a stabilizer at the top of the flag that holds the flag up maybe not completely so it's not a hundred percent um stiff or in our case it doesn't have zero percent influence but we can make another selection on our object and just take the influence off a little bit so that it doesn't fall apart like fall you know collapse in on itself like this but just it's a little bit stronger at the top so you know let's do that marco also good idea let's enlarge the wind cylinder we can do that yes play around with it and see what you find so this yeah this is kind of i'd like for it to stay like this but i don't want it to do that i'd like for it to move around and waft around but i don't want it to do that so let's go and see if we can do that i'll go and look at it from the front again it's kind of cool you have to just repeat these steps time and time again the first thing we need to do make sure object is selected weight notes perfect let's go check that geometry editor once again and let's go and look at some wireframes here like so and let's go and just like we did before let's select the top row of polygons edges these ones here it doesn't have to be maybe a little bit more like the first two rather than the first one that's not that important three is also good three is also good we've selected that let's go back to the uh node weight brush tool and then right click and fill that not with zero because that makes it also completely static that means nothing is going to move we're going to go and feel selected with something like i don't know let's try 80 80 or 90 something like that you can try multiple values there and just see how it comes out i'm going to try 80 so the top is it still has some influence but not all the influence that that the that the rest of this has oops that's ira i didn't mean to do that sorry film is fine filament's good enough and back on the simulation settings and simulate see what happens fingers crossed and it's getting there it's getting there look at that it's a flag it's moving it's moving i mean you can also if you have a longer animation you want to make it more interesting imagine what would happen if you take the wind node and you'd animate the wind note that it goes like a fan just from left to right and back that'll agitate the flag in all kinds of different bits and pieces so i love little experiments like that and it just you know if you if you keep playing with it look at how beautiful that looks quite crazy you can make it longer you can simulate it longer try 300 frames and just let it waft in the wind 500 or 1000 frames that is just so cute you can roll around you can default you can you can um decal your logo onto it or you can make a texture that makes it look cool and we've only done this in like you know a few minutes if you know where to look for these things it's just absolutely awesome and i think one of my one of my idols is in fact you probably have heard of him rg cincy richard chafenmeyer i believe is his real name and he started with his deforest journey about 2017 and he's just had so much fun figuring out what you can do there's a threat brian if you can find that link put that in the chat he's made a very long threat on the forum that that shows you all his experiments he said he's had three massive pdf documents all available for free there's even uh i think paul bussie just made a video with him digital art live that you can get on the store it's uh it's beautiful to to just explore his journey and try these experiments yourself and you're gonna have so much fun with d4s and i thought i'd lay the foundation because of course under the hood the force works just like that on clothing items that you buy from the store but knowing these foundations will make the working with defaults that's applied to clothing a whole lot easier and we'll come to that now all right yes absolutely good point how do you loop animations yeah that's a that's the death studio thing that's this thing here so if that is on do you see that here yes you just about to if that is on the loop button then it just keeps looping if you switch that often it has these two arrows and that means the animation is only going to be played once and the player is going to stop afterwards and if you want to just keep looping over it then you can you can switch it to loop if you wanted to preview a smaller part of the animation you can also do that there's a little there's a play range at the bottom here that you can go and left click and drag and then expand a portion of your timeline that you want to zoom into that kind of corresponds to these text fields here under range so when you do when you left click and drag this portion then you you zoom into a smaller part of the timeline you can also left click and drag this whole bar and that'll then move this part that you're currently previewing and i think looping also works with that yeah so if you do that then it only shows you the loop bit of this part of the animation it's a handy tool to have i mean even if you're not into animations d4s happens in four-dimensional space so it takes time into consideration so knowing a little bit about the timeline is a is a very is an advantage absolutely yes if i go and move this further to the end then i'll loop i'll see more of the end there i can i think i can do this on the fly as well let's look at a larger part but not look at the top there look at that it's almost sellable as a looper ball animation very cool the easiest way if you do want to loop this is actually to if you ever wanted to make that happen not show the first 30 frames because they would continue they would include the whole static thing pick something that looks kind of nice maybe frame 20 or so start there then render the animation out until the end take the same stuff and reverse it and put it at the back and then that makes it into a loopable experience so it'll go from here to there back to here so you don't see the you don't see where the thing starts or stops it's a cheap and easy way to make a loopable animation if you if you ever need to do that why stop at one fan absolutely let's put 12 fans in we have a few other things to get through but i think that was that was all the basics i can tell you i think so i think so equipped with that knowledge let's go let me see if the scene is as well and we're equipped with that knowledge flag scene i don't know why my computer hesitates you know save why does it hesitate let me go and go create a brand new scene and play with characters now so equipped with this with this knowledge let's go and bring in a genesis just regular genesis figure with my stream safe textures here genesis let's do 8.1 tanned i like it and try an outfit and i'll show you how to simulate outfits both for a standing pose as well as for a sitting pole so those are things that may or may not explode defaults outfits so let's hope that's not gonna happen oh okay yes matthew you would you would literally just go tone down the wind intensity on the wind note i think when i first added it it was it was very s very slim around i think five miles per hour and if you increase that to i think in my example i have about 20 and if you decrease that again to 10 or 5 then the flag would would barely move so that's that's how you can decrease that yes it's the strength on the wind node and again you can because it's a node you can animate it as well you can make it move from left to right so you know be creative have have a look at what you can come up with oh yeah applying defaults to non-deforest hair the trouble is the more geometry you have the more you have um you more the more simulation you have number one so the hair that is not necessarily made for deforest might intersect so defaults tends to explode if geometry intersects with one another and that's why non-default hair is often not really suitable for deforesting but many clothing creators including biscuits i believe who's in the chat who have have started producing deforest hair as well as tips and tricks in there so the other thing is that you might see that that hair that isn't meant to be deforest might intersect with the main character deforest doesn't like that it explodes other times uh the hair would droop too much so it might intersect with places that you don't want it to intersect with so uh this the deforest hair creators have come up with all kinds of interesting tips and tricks for for that not to happen so um yes not quite recommended much like applying d4s for clothing that isn't made for d4 sometimes when you have two pieces of geometry like on a dress you have the front and the back sometimes when they're not welded together and you apply defaults regardless the dress will just go split at all parts and just fall down and it might not work there are workarounds of course you can take it into a 3d application make sure you weld it but often you know this is just something deforest has only been around for a few years so before then uh clothing creators haven't always adhered to uh the fact that it needs to behave fairly realistically but nowadays many many outfits do do that let me go and apply something from the jada bundle that you can get at a discount by the way the jada bundle comes with two very exciting outfits so this one is the disco flair outfit for genesis and there's also this one here which is the hello cinder blues rycroft clothing outfit i love that outfit very retro very wonderful and it's very wafty it's a very light piece of clothing and it just falls into all kinds of places so let's use this on my figure it also comes with a deforest hat i'm not going to use that i'm just going to use the dress and just apply it to my figure so um it doesn't have materials by default but we can just go at some i had one of my supporters ask me recently hey i've just loaded an item from the library but it all it's all white well i don't know how i don't know what to do i'm new to their studio and and i said well select the clothing item pick a material that fits on it and that will that will hopefully load that and if it doesn't do that there's another issue turns out there was another issue so i'm glad we could um we could work it out so for you as a user if i just use this this dress as an example for you as a user it's usually enough if you apply clothing as you used to and then go find the pose that you want your character to be in i don't really know what to what to pick there is uh wasn't there one let's try some of the roller girl poses some of the standing pauses i'll show you both the standing poses and the sitting poses in a moment this one is for the regular genesis figure these are for the jada character we'll just use the regular genesis figure and apply that pause to the character there this already looks fairly nice because most items of clothing are both conforming as well as deforest capable so you can see that it's almost there already but i suppose for standing pose like that we probably want the skirt to fall and the arms depending on what the material is to kind of settle so that we avoid things like this so let's see what this looks like just with the default parameters before we start looking at others so once again knowing that this is a default outfit if you don't you can always have a look at the clothing item in question have a look at the surfaces tab and this dress only has one material zone and it has indeed the simulation options here applied so that means it's a default clothing item and you can simulate it if that isn't there your item either hair or item of clothing is not default compatible and you can either try to make that yourself or you know pick a different clothing item so knowing it is defaults also the title often gives it away so that's that's the other good thing and with the default uh settings your current frame i'll just go and click simulate and see what happens you see that the figure is going back into the apollos and that is something that's another setting i will show you in a moment you can enable or disable that often it is desirable to let it do that because the apollos is specifically designed unlike the t-pose for clothing to kind of fit without intersecting with one another so um there's pros and cons to this approach sometimes the figure moves and it's really nice to start from an a-paws and move the figure into the poles that you need and let d-force frame-by-frame kind of sort out what you need to do there so we can see that just with the default values the skirt is properly draped the arms are properly draped there's also whoops i'm so sorry sweetie i didn't mean to do that there's also no poke through that's the other cool thing that deforest magically fixes usually that doesn't mean you you don't always need to have adjustments but it's a really nice way of avoiding poke through altogether so one thing that i really like about defaults is the fact that clothing creators don't have to put a gazillion figure morphs into their clothing to make sure it follows properly if you're dialing in uh a particular figure more but as custom characters have exploded over the last years that is no longer a usable approach really because you can't as a clothing creator make your outfit and then go and put four thousand custom figure mods in there it's just it's just impossible you can maybe use a few bass figures to get the user started but there's always one or one variation that isn't in there so that's where default really comes in handy and even with the default we are we're doing we're doing really well here this is this is uh this is nice but so what i showed you there if i go and clear this it goes back to this and what i showed you here when i simulate it starts from the a pause and that's the setting in defaults that says start from the memorized pause we don't have to use that and there's pros and cons to it sometimes i have a pause that's in a position that i'm happy with and i don't want it to move from here to there i just want it to settle i basically just want the the clothing item that is now in a slightly rocky position just fall down and you know just fall and settle let me show you how to do that so we'll go and clear this that is up here on the simulation settings tab again and that is uh under is it under the first one yes the first one initialization uh this one here we'll now hover the name is a bit too long start bones from memorized poles if i go and switch that off and then simulate then my finger doesn't go into the apos first and the item just settles as it is sometimes this looks better sometimes it doesn't often you might also find that 30 frames is just not enough i've already showed you how to make that longer if you have a feeling that especially when moving from one pulse to another 30 frames isn't enough or you need longer you can increase that that's under duration uh current frame is this so just that frame we've looked at the animated play range already you can also use custom if you ever wanted to do that then you can type in your your own preferred simulation range without uh doing anything to the timeline so sometimes when you've you've got your timeline set to something that you want to use as part of an animation you say i can't really re-utilize that at the same time for the default simulation you can always go and override that here so if i go and put 60 here now and then clear and then simulate then what would happen is that the that d4 is now going to take twice as long to make the dress settle continuing the simulation right like resume simulation yeah that i don't think that exists i don't think that exists and on a render it does exist but on a on default i don't think it exists so standing pause is usually very simple to do and often things don't really go wrong where things may go wrong is in fact on sitting poses let me show you how to how to do one of those if i go back all the way so that our character is in the a poles this is one of those things where you probably want to utilize the timeline here and i might go and do that right away i'm going to switch this duration to the timeline play range because uh for defaults to understand that i want to sit my finger down i need to really tell it how sitting down would happen in real life so in real life we just don't start with a half crumpled piece of cloth while we're already sitting down and then trying to settle it that default doesn't like that you're going to have to tell it well here's a seat here's a figure figure moves towards the seat and actually moves in the seated position and deforest will understand that but again you need to help it out a little bit for that to be you know for the results to be good i could use another cube for it to sit down but i might not do that i might go and utilize something that is part of the dyna animation that i've made earlier namely like a diner booth let's do that i'm not going to select anything i might go is it under environments the double triangle diner one of from deco gone studios one of my very favorite favorite environments very exciting comes with a ton of props and i might just go and use maybe this one here the double chair i think it also comes with a single chair option this one here dtd single chair i'm gonna go and bring that in and put it into position making absolutely sure i'm on frame 0 of my animation very important maybe i'll just leave it open and it's rotated the wrong way so let's go and give you a little seat here like so exactly -90 oops and say the seat is here or i could leave it in the middle i don't really i don't really mind we just need to make sure let's move it let's move it out of the way let's say this is where the seat is in your environment and you've brought your figure as close as you can towards it and you want her to sit down in it and for that you're going to have to tell deforest how to do that so on the first frame with your character selected she needs to be in the apollo so we should also clear the animation here let's go and clear that on frame 0 she needs to be in this position so let's go and set a keyframe on her then on the last frame whichever that is could be 30 could be 60. we'll go we'll try 30 and if it doesn't work we'll we'll try 60. on the last frame of your animation you want to have the sitting position let's see how that works let's see if we have any under pauses roller girl poses there might be some sitting poses i'm sure there are they're sitting on the ground they're standing next to the chair is that kind of sitting on a chair type thing there's something like that we could we could try that we can try that she's kind of leaning on a table here see if we can find something that isn't necessarily leaning on a table is there something i don't see it let's try it let's see what this is like so make sure you're on the last frame of the animation and dial in your your seated your seated paws and this might work we don't have a table let's not worry about the table but also we need to put her into position so i need to push her back to where she should be sitting and this is all on the last frame of the animation and one other thing you want to make sure she does not intersect with the geometry like that that's very important because she is at any point during the simulation process it'll mean that deforest is going to try to make this happen but won't be very successful so let's go and bring her up just a little bit this is okay just look at the character and her legs that they shouldn't intersect because it means d-force is going to have major difficulties in uh in figuring out where the dress needs to go so you need to have a little bit of a gap between the chair and the figure so that there's that the dress has space in the middle to kind of settle down if you don't do that we're going to explode it so let's do something like that and don't worry if it appears to be a little bit too high right now yeah i see the the other leg is still intersecting so we don't idea we don't really want that so let's do that yeah including this this is still this is still a little bit too that'll be that'll be the ticket here oops yeah so there's a little bit of space that defaults can work that out if this is still too big a gap you can correct that later that's no problem but for the animation to work like this this is a this is a start also be prepared to try this multiple times until you get until you find the the correct um the correct uh the correct simulation for your needs let's try this out see what happens so we should go back to here and now we're gradually moving the figure back while deforest is calculating at every frame um what the dress is supposed to look like now pray go like this and hope it works usually when default slows down a lot during like the frame by frame animation it's a it's a good indication that uh the explosion is imminent i'll show you how um how that looks i'm sure you've seen it before so there we go this is now settled down and nothing's exploded which is really nice so she's not quite down enough so this is something else that you can that you can fix with another little trick with the magic of a smoothing modifier you could create an indentation in the seat so that she and her dress have actually have space to sink in and that's also what would happen in real life when you have a when you have a seat that kind of you know moment the person sits in it kind of bends down so we could talk about that if you like that's another possibility but just for now i think it'll be effective enough if we just on the last frame just go put the whole figure down a little bit and you know that's probably forgivable it would be even cooler if we had that indentation i might just show you how to make that i don't want to make it too complicated because it's not really default topic but it'll help with that simulation yeah because the dress is intersecting here i mean the good thing is now that you're in this position if you wanted to make any other quick fixes and small changes you can always use blender or hexagon or zbrush to make those changes and you can of course also if you feel this isn't this unsettled enough you can just increase the the amount of frames let's do that let's bring her let's in fact let's bring her deliberately sit her down like that which is what you know what what novices might do you do this and you go hey i'm gonna go and clear the simulation and i'll go and have her start again this is usually what happens when you when you do that you have intersecting geometry and then you run defaults on it and then things explode and it's just because you know intersecting geometry geforce doesn't like that see pause default is visibly slowing down and oh i was lucky i was seriously lucky here so this is you're not often you're not always this lucky so uh try it out so this is a much better result of the figure now actually sitting on the chair and the cloth draping correctly over it so this is actually really nice i'm really pleased with that that is very very cool i didn't think it was going to do that because there's clearly some intersections going on here wow that is very very cool i do like that that is very nice so but this is usually the moment where you had this is exactly right riverthon i didn't explode because i wanted it to that's usually how it works isn't it the demonstration effect let me just quickly show you that computer crashes here uh opposite is also true hey this is when default explodes nothing happens you go ah okay good to see you by the way very good to see you shall we try again shall we try to make it explode deliberately again shall we try this let's try you all know what explosions look like so i'm i'm definitely this is gonna explode for sure this is definitely gonna explode come on let's try this explosion free exactly pushing deforest to its limits my goodness what's this guy doing misty had an intuition oh exciting what's your intuition saying now mine says first time i'm wishing something to explode now i wish nothing ever to explode i'll see what happens now i can't watch i can't watch it's the it's oh it did work again this is this is nice actually this is this is really nice i'm happy i'm happy i think the second version was even better than this one but deforest is behaving wonderfully today this is really nice often when you're in the process of yeah it doesn't look good here does it uh the sunken in character often when you make clothing and i i often watch my buddy chris he streams over on twitch he makes uh deforest clothing and and uh we're basically explosion bodies every time i try it from scratch to apply defaults to an item of clothing things just go just with normal poses you know and that's often because items in the outfits intersect with one another so if you had something like a belt or a belt buckle or collar or something just falls that intersect with one another even something like a top and a separate pair of trousers that might intersect with one another at any given point it just goes right exactly multiple layers of clothing dg seeker that is exactly what what uh what is what what brings that about yes oops it worked out your room but in principle this is how you make how you make your sitting poses and you can make it you know you make it longer but in principle you have to tell d4s hey this is where the character starts then they move into position and then things can settle down that way so let's try one other thing if imagine you had done this and you say hey i'm not entirely happy first of all with the characters a bit too deep in the seat i'm gonna make it a little bit you know not quite so not quite sitting so deep in the seat but i find also that the item of clothing hasn't quite settled down enough i wish there was a way that i can keep my position but i want defaults to render this in more frames the there's multiple ways of doing it my favorite is literally just uh opening the timeline and just sticking with the timeline play range here and first of all expanding this to the amount you want so like in my case 60 frames plus one and then you can go and take this keyframe that's now at frame 30 and just move that further back that's one option the other option is also i think you can just go and increase the frame rate like the the frames per second that's a possibility let me show you how to do this with the with moving the keyframe so that's just this just in case you didn't know this on on the timeline uh the triangles like can you see that maybe this is maybe this is better can you see that better the triangles aren't actually keyframes just in case you didn't know this triangles are markers that show you where keyframes on the timeline are hiding so somewhere inside genesis 8.1 on this frame there are keyframes but this is not the actual keyframe that studio is trying to be nice and gives you this option that you can right click and say copy these selected keyframes so keys could be one could be multiple you can use that and try it out move the playhead somewhere else like to the last frame here to 60 and then go and right click again and choose paste keys paste keys there we go and often it works sometimes it does not it's also left clicking and dragging doesn't always work especially for triangles you can now go and use this keyframe or this group of keyframe to uh to just delete it or what you can do is you can open up the character here and find where the keyframes are sometimes this requires digging like on the general transform i can see where these keyframes are here under translation and here's these two keyframes those are actual keyframes so the round bits they are keyframes and they can usually usually be left clicked and dragged they can also be copied and pasted you can copy and paste the translation independently of the x independently of the y and so forth but there's so many more that often this approach with the triangles is the easier one just wanted you to know that these are the keyframes the triangles are not just something to to be aware of you can still just collapse this you can still delete all of these in place i do that sometimes it works sometimes it does not as i said i think that studio is still working on it actually this is the bit that i wish did not go wrong and of course that's the one that actually does go wrong one of those things let's go try and do this again delete select the keys and yes there we go that's that's done that's done that perfect so now i have my last keyframe set that was on frame 30 is now on frame 60 and if i go and do this all again i'm going to clear my simulation properties and now default is going to do this over the course of 60 frames it'll take a bit longer but if you move your character a lot then you can see that sometimes the dress is kind of moving forward too much as you position your character and by increasing the frames it'll be that that effect is going to be much less so pro tip brian never select the keyframe and then press the delete button because that deletes your current object in the scene tab yes haven't we all been there many many times one of those things the good thing about defaults is that we can talk about many many other things because um simulation takes a little bit of time one of those things i'm just going to go through some of your questions while um while deforest is renting my mods have been hard at work to say uh to to compile your questions on a little message board that we have on a on a discord here i'm just going to go through it if there's anything that i can that i can answer that hasn't been already answered uh colleen hoffenbacker can we change a d4 skirt or dress to be conforming you can i mean literally many clothing creators do that as a to begin with everything starts out more or less as an obj in their studio and then you apply the defaults properties as i said my buddy chris does this quite regularly he builds clothing with marvelous designer as well as blender and then usually turns it into default compatible clothing uh brian if you can drop a link to chris's channel in there that's that'd be awesome because it's really nice to see chris at work and i've picked up so many tips and tricks i know this creator he is a marvelous designer or rather clo kind of guru daniel i don't know if you've heard of him also known as jet set geometry and he makes he builds clothing and clothes and that that's just a club project or marvel's designer project and he makes these available for free and they're superb test pieces you can download them and try to convert them into d4s yourself i sometimes do that on my personal channel and it's just wonderful to just you know get into try out things if it works awesome if not don't worry too much about it a clothing creator is know much more about this than than i do but uh it's it is certainly a nice past time like i have to say yoshi is there is there a way to make the simulation randomly behave or does it does it behave the same way all the time good question it it's it does behave the same way all the time because the movement is usually the same every time so what how default or how the clothing simulation programs work is basically by figuring out a collision between the say in our case the character and the couch and the deforestable object so it'll be able to bend that unless it hits something else if the animation of the character is always the same then the outcome is always going to be the same plus minus 0.001 percent i guess but if you introduce variation into this by changing the speed at which the character sits down by changing the frame rate or maybe by adding wind to uh to your animation that'll that'll certainly add some variation to how this is but you can pretty much rely on the fact that if all parameters change all parameters stay the same and you re-run the simulation it should all stay pretty much the same zero is a deformer different to default yes it is actually i may just show you something that is related to a deformer and let's do that by by yes let's do that by making the dress invisible there thanks to my stream safe textures it doesn't actually matter we're not showing nudity which is important and this couch here a deformer is a thing that's a modifier inside dash studio and this is kind of fits right in with this topic here a deformer actually no i'm thinking of something else a deformer is something that changes geometry i'm thinking of what's it called again i am thinking of something very much related edit object geometry add a smoothing modifier that is what i'm thinking of there so deformer is is a node that you set up and then you can pull a push geometry it's often cumbersome to use in dash studio i tend to not do that i tend to use these effects in external modeling applications and then just bring in that as a as a morph so it's it's essentially a poor man's way of putting a dimple somewhere or putting an influence onto an object changing the geometry in some way there's something cooler and this is what i wanted to show you really it's the smoothing modifier it's kind of related if i apply this to my couch here now we see that nothing is really happening which is kind of cool but it takes something under mesh smoothing up here it takes something that is a collision item and this collision item can be literally anything that you want so in my case let me use the actual character so i go and pick my genesis female character for this as a collision item and i'm not going to do anything at the moment it doesn't really show anything but as i move my playhead it will start colliding with this object and the smoothing modifier is going to go to work and introduce this little dimple underneath the bottom and currently looks a little bit crumpled but it creates that indentation that i was talking about depends if i move her into it too much it'll it'll it won't look too great so you can see that the couch is kind of um you know making ways to to climb up on her we don't really want to do that so i might go and on the last frame of the animation i might just go and move her up a little bit and let the d force uh let the smoothing modifier do the rest so the other thing i can do now is add a few more iterations here and maybe make it 10 that might make it better and that creates that indentation underneath my characters if i go and make my character invisible this looks much more realistic like an actual couch now that uh where somebody's sitting on you can do this manually as well but the cool thing is if i do this with with that studio and since it's a dynamic oops a dynamic effect if i were to move my character be it visible or not if i go and move her over here the indentation is going to be at a different position so this is kind of a cool way of of making sure your objects react if somebody's lying in the bed or whatever this is what this is what things could uh could look like kind of awesome now the problem is if you use a trick like that deforest isn't going to know that this thing is going to bend unless the character actually hits it so what could happen is if we run the simulation again the clothing is or the cloth is still going to kind of dig in so there's clever ways around it you can go and take the take this object now that it's morphed out and imported again as a morph like i showed you earlier and this becomes essentially a slider at this point so you can you can go and add that to your scene and add a bit of extra realism to it let's go and see what happens when we bring our character back and we bring our clothing back and we'll just see if deforest is happy with it in this current shape or form let's go and just clear this and re-run the animation simulation even let's see does my bubble look big in this i remember that fast show good times good times this could explode now let's let's bear with me let's see what happens matthew about the fan scene and what happens if you move the fan back there's less flapping it's it kind of depends on how far you've set the influence zones i've kind of touched on that the fan or the wind node can can have a larger influence or smaller influence there could also be a fall off but if you move it it's a bit like moving a light away eventually if it loses intensities i guess that's that's true enchanted april all i see on the question is for me it never works with real animations like walking could you show how to do this like uh maybe add the dress to the character and then make her walk i can try i can try we can see what happens yeah we do have about half an hour left so yeah let's let's make it happen let's try it so look we're actually extremely lucky deforest is behaving seriously seriously nice today so it does that indentation from the character not from the from the clothing and it seems to be working extremely well today so that is that is very cool usually i'd have to i'd have to resort to a lot more trickery this is kind of the the reverse of what usually happens with me and sitting animations very nice so i we're extremely lucky today you can you can use both both of these tricks in conjunction wow neat lee dunning is there a way to keep the overlapping clothing pieces playing nice together uh you could try it kind of depends on the clothing it's a it's a difficult question to answer you i would try to simulate in stages so make sure you simulate the inner thing first the inner or the thing on on the below and simulate that in one pass when you're happy freeze it then simulate the next one and so forth that might work long hair we can try we can try long hair we can do walking let's try walking maybe i haven't tried that in a while so let's see if if i also have issues let's try it let's try it and then we'll have a look at hair and matthew i can certainly show what happens if we add wind to something like a character with hair let's try walking and then let's try hair and then let's try wind and hair let's see what happens what could possibly go wrong i might stay with this character here let's save this here let's save this while we're here yes absolutely marco it's a good idea i can also add a subdivision surface modifier to the um to the seat often that works sometimes it does not kind of depends on the prop if it holds up for the geometry this one i think does i think i've tried that before i'll try and show you that in a minute but i'll call this diner booth maybe because it's almost like a dynabooth yeah so what matthew is talking about is that as you add a higher level of subdivision to it i'll just go make my character invisible and this is on the dyna chair now if you add under edit object geometry convert to sub d you'll see that things get a little bit smoother so the indentation of where she's sitting looks even more natural now so that is something that you can do and you know improves your renders even more not all geometry is suitable for that but you know this is looking pretty sweet i have to say look at the cloth out folds this is nice you can also if your clothing item has that you can still make adjustments after defaults that's another thing i should maybe show you that if you now wanted the dress to be a little bit longer you can still do that or you can do other kind of fit adjustments to it you can do that because sometimes you don't really know even when they need to happen and they've just been skirt back out that's probably not what we want but you know the morphs that are in the clothing they still work so i just wanted to show you that it's a cuff right expand there we go so you can all these types of morphs are still they still work even after defaults and if you want to experiment you can set this up before and then let d4s run so both of these things are possible let's try a quick walking animation it'll it'll take longer to um to render but we can we can do it we can do it let me start with a brand new character in fact a brand new scene for that and let's deal with the just a quick 30 or 60 frame walk cycle first i haven't done that in a while let's do that i'll do i'll use my regular eights maybe i'll use a genesis 8 character for that it depends on kind of depends on how i have do i have any question let's look around that's the eye blink i was really proof [Music] and i think we're back which is awesome i'm glad i have a backup so hey this is cool welcome back we didn't lose the the actual url so sometimes what you youtube does is when i stop a stream then uh switch over to my backup it sometimes loses the url and youtube finishes the stream but i'm very happy to say that has not happened so hahaha very good i'm so glad this is this is kind of working awesome let's see uh where were we now there deforest and stuff yes i remember so um what have we got we've got this going here that's neat i'm gonna switch to my animated timeline and i'll go and see what happens if we have an any block as a walk cycle and just go hit simulate it should now go ahead and i see i've done it again don't use the memorize pause for this initialization not memorize pause just go and simulate from here let's see what happens oh my yes explosions can be terrifying i tell you right so like it looks like nothing is moving at all but that's probably because of the anti-block so i'm assuming that was that was the problem that you had as well you're very you're very welcome jeff i'm i'm glad that you that you learned so much maybe we can we can you know hope the stream is not quite finished so if you if you're in this situation what i would do and i've never been in this situation i haven't tried i've never tried this out you would go and have a look at the bottom here on your animate timeline and say bake to studio keyframes and when you do that this whole any block is going to be translated into keyframes so i would i would recommend you do this at the end of your animation and then it'll just calculate a little bit this any block can now be removed because all these bits and pieces have been put onto the timeline here and so now when you move the playhead the character is actually walking by keyframes so i suppose if you now go and say use animated timeline this should now move the character frame by frame and let defaults calculate on every frame it's kind of the classic fashion animation thing so i've made animations in which i had a walk cycle inside that studio and then i go um and put this into just the character animation into marvelous design and let marvel's designer calculate the walk and then bring the cloth from marvel's designer back look at that it's actually pretty nifty hands sticking into the cloth here i know that problem i know that phenomenon there's many things that you can do there up until and including having repel volumes as well as doing things like uh hiding hands and stuff like that this is a very wealthy outfit i should really make a longer animation and see if i can if i can properly animate this as a as a kind of a fashion walk cycle that'd be cool so yeah but that was the trick transferring the analog into into keyframes on the timeline and then running defaults and then default knows what to do per frame thank you so much yoshi i really appreciate that election let me see if i understand you how to make deformer with smoothing not to make my chair move away automatically from the character every time i try to move the character to the chair it's trolling you it's probably because you had moved the chair on the last keyframe so make sure the chair isn't animated make sure the chair stays the same on frame one as it does on the last frame of your animation if you move the chair you can also sit the character down and move the chair towards the character i tend to not do that because it's not quite as realistic but yeah that's that's probably the problem me too i love this dress as well cinder blue absolutely wonderful part of the jada roller girl bundle don't we all no i'm quite happy with my system this is just in case you're wondering this is uh hp z800 workstation it's a fairly old with 48 gigabytes of ram and two rtx 2080 graphics cards what was the other thing we're going to do here right let's do hair i'm not sure if we can do hair and walking let's do let's make a new scene i'm going to go and save this actually uh g8 d4s walk and let's try hair hair and wind that was it so i'll try to apply a regular standing pose and then maybe have an animation that's about 90 to 120 frames and then have wind on it i don't want her to walk on every frame but uh yeah we can maybe we can try is that that may be a bit too much yes but too much let's just do uh let's just do a standing pose with wafty hair done by the wind note i'm thinking that's probably a good that's probably a good idea brand new scene and we'll also feature this dress because that dress moving in the wind is probably going to be a great idea start with another brand new character and let's say let's say we goes we go with 8.1 again because then we can probably dial in jada jada hasn't even featured yet so let's do that let's let's go and try try this with a custom character so on frame zero let's apply the custom character first just the morph jinx jones no that's not there jada there we go i can do that by holding control as i apply the actor and then i get this little menu here and i'll say just the most please i could have probably just as easy just dial it in see what happens have a good dinner i appreciate that yes and i totally agree hair is dangerous there's just so much of it hair in with or without defaults is problematic because there's just so much geometry there's that and then there's also the materials and all one of those things let's go and put that cinder blue outfit back on uh which was where it was here any particular preference on on the uh on the material we've got blue we've got kind of a white and we've got kind of an orange thing kind of a kind of retro thing this one is what is that so we haven't had that before it's kind of a flowery outfit i did actually like this i do like i gotta i gotta say i dig this material here was that it no this one here this is it this is why i really like that i don't know why it's just you know it's just nice and just in case you lose her dress i'm not gonna use the jaden materials because you know we're on somebody else's platform so let's um you know let's stick with this default hair so um there is default hair i think in the jada bundle one is a stack perm here this one here we could try that is that a default no that's not default there is what's the other one in the jada bundle let me just have a quick look jaden roller girl bundle this one i think this is also not default is it stack perm and afro hair there's this one and there's that one i don't think either of them are deforest hair so we're going to have to go and find another default hair that we can use for the job perhaps one of biscuit's hairs how's that should we do that let's try that or maybe i've got any kind of deforest hair that i have here anything in here that has d force beach coma here we could try that that's morphogenesis male but we can still try that that's the flower outfit i don't think that comes with deforest hair does it that no i don't think that's deforest hair there's also this norway hair that is a long hair that might work really well with the wind but it could also go horribly horribly wrong this is one of biscuit's hairs wonderful this one here next to it is biscuits jam here and there's also biscuits kit here yeah i'm a big fan of biscuits hair kit perhaps should we try kit lisa's try the long one nothing can go wrong i'm thinking yeah okay let's do the long one here this one i know i have with defaults less is more sometimes let's just try why don't we just try the medium one here let's let's go with jam here jam okay let's do that biscuits jam here pop it on still loading there it is so deforest hair if you if you load it you might see it looks a little bit freaky and that's only because the hair is positioned in something equivalent to an a pulse so it's designed that when you have a still pose it just goes and falls and this is also going to help us with the wind node i'm sure so i'll do it slightly different than before i'm not going to go and transition from from the a-pose into another pose i'm going to dial in a standing pose of right away i might try one from the from the roller girl bundle something now we have the jada poses maybe this one here see what it looks like that might be kind of cool and then have a have a wind note blow literally in her face and let everything just waft back i'm thinking that might work see if we find another pause that's equally interesting how about this one here no i think the previous one or just a fashion pose like this like that here i think that's going to be nice give it a little smiley expression as well i think we have that as well in this bundle there we go perfect great so before we even so we can probably we can simulate it once as a just to see what it looks like and then we'll add the wind to it let's do that i think current frame i'm just going to use the play range again for 30 frames let's see what happens let's see how it goes see if we get an explosion afterwards so here be prepared that deforest hair is going to take a long time to simulate just because the job just because the geometry is so large but you know we can we've got the time i'm good yes true trevor and brian that is very true we'll see how it handles it so far we've been extremely lucky so i'm excited to see if we can make some explosions happen let's see if there's any other questions let me see if i can answer them clothing we're doing that now why do things so often move upwards instead of following gravity i'm not sure i'm not sure if i've explained if i've experienced that i gotta say to be brutally honest but keep those questions coming they are nft art oh yes absolutely do you remember this one das studio session i did brian on twitch that was one of those uh interesting ones where something like a monster came out and i thought hey it's not a monster i think i was importing a morph wasn't it a character moth from blender and i had the vertex order wrong or something so what arrived in that studio was more like and uh instead what i did is apply metal shader duplicate the object somehow and then you know sell it as nft when i say sell it i think we joked about it i didn't actually sell it nor did i put it up for sale if anyone's interested do let me know very funny canelo absolutely simulate the outfit first and then freeze that then do the hair then freeze that so don't do it basically don't do it like i do because things take a lot longer than they need to so hair is one of those things leave that absolutely to last make sure you're happy with the clothing and then see if the hair works and if it doesn't then you know find something else sometimes that's that's what you have to do if something if an outfit or combination of hair outfit environment doesn't quite work then uh don't put your computer through so much pain if you can see early on this isn't working then um it might be best to to just change the creative direction a little bit and pick something else like hair is deforest hair is is beautiful but it can also take you know quite a lot a lot of time to simulate so these were 30 frames and now we're we're basically uh stabilizing things a little bit and that's already been three minutes so i can imagine with the wind node to it i might just have to leave that after the stream finishes but i'm more than happy to render something out and post it as a video later if we can make it work in principle yeah look at that it's stabilizing but it's also stabilizing the hair so the clothing itself here that's being stabilized but also the hair the things are being just you know little locks of hair just gonna fall over it'll take a while yes indeed matthew absolutely and also no more multiple simulating things once um once deforest is done calculating it'll remember it but it won't then re-drape it so if i had a slightly different leg pose that would uh that would mean i'd have to re-simulate the dress but the hair and the shoulders are kind of in the same in the same position i could say hey i'm good with the hair as it is and and i'll either freeze it and just resimulate the the dress or another thing that you can do like i showed you in the beginning you can export the simulated item if you fear it's going to take too long to resimulate save it out as an obj and then import it again as a morph as a static morph that you can then dial in that way you don't have to actually simulate this again at all or freeze the simulation you can just dial up a morph that you've made yourself so i've explained that earlier and there'll be a time code in the description at one point like you know in about 24 hours that'll that'll show you where that is waiting for simulations to end oh by the way um before i forget while we're you know while we're waiting for this to do this i have this uh subway animation that you saw in the holding loop i've rendered that in the cloud that was a really exciting adventure for me there are companies out there who have essentially vms or computers that you can connect to that you can rent by the hour that have phenomenal gpu rigs so mine had four rtx 3080 cards in there so that's kind of crazy so a thousandth iteration frame inside the tunnel took 30 seconds on that rig and that was amazing so i could render 1200 frames in literally 15 hours that was that was very very cool i very much like that and if you have animations it's uh it's a wonderful way of of working so cloud rendering is uh is a thing it's absolutely a thing all i needed to do was install that studio load up my scene that studio would recognize what items needed to be in that scene so it went and installed them automatically there were das items anything else i could provide via onedrive google drive dropbox that sort of thing and make sure it's all set up make sure it's all working in principle just let it rip and then you know go to sleep that was really good yeah i like the expression i like the hair drape i might just save this and then add a wind note to it and see how quickly it simulates if it doesn't simulate that fast i might just let this render and stop the stream and then i can show you the result much like i did last time uh and then just you know post a link to a video there i'll just say with hair and then the next one is going to be with hair and wind let's do that i don't want to blow her away i'm thinking also for it to be a really nice looking wind animation i think we're gonna probably have to do something along the lines of you know 200 to 500 frames so we'll see we'll see so let's say we do this for 61 frames to begin with i'm on frame 0 right now i'll go and create myself a new default wind node apply the default settings with the wind node selected so i'm going to go and move this over here and i think matthew this was your question what happens when when you move the wind node further away if i do it kind of to here this is the currently the end point of where the wind would influence anything so if i run it now we wouldn't see the wind the wind influence anything so i need to bring it into this at least here i also need to bring it up a little bit and i'm thinking because we want to we want to use we want to simulate both the hair and the skirt the whole diameter needs to be larger those are all animatable properties if you if you ever need to do that so in my case i need to increase the diameter to something like this might even put that up a little bit like so so the whole figure as well as the hair is in this wind tunnel there i might also not utilize this falloff region here i'm going to bring this ring forward a little bit so that's the fall of start it just goes over here so this ring moves over behind the figure that means the falloff happens after the figure but not in this wind tunnel here i might do that and we've already known this from before that five the default of five miles per hour on the wind that is probably not enough so let me go and make this 20 and try before i run this with the hair let me go and freeze the hair under jam he'll select the gem here and go to simulation i'm going to go and freeze the hair so i don't want to re-simulate the hair at the moment i just want to see how strong the wind is from this from this node and let's go and see what happens over 60 frames so this should now hopefully remember the hair and not do anything not do anything to the hair so the hair is not gonna it's not gonna waft but hopefully the the dress is oh it is already look at that 20 miles an hour is quite exciting it's just a function the wind node is just a function that is built in to that studio so it's like creating a primitive you can create yourself a default wind node i think i also started from the memorized polls i didn't mean to actually do that i wanted to just go let me just go on there and and do that again on your start modes from memorized pause i'm going to say actually on the character here switch that off and go try this again so now she should just retain that pose and the wind should just waft her waft her dress around this there's more about the wind note in the beginning of the stream so once i've got the time codes there you'll be able to to go there straight away and we hadn't tried this with an actual cloth item yet but i would imagine it should just waft in the wind and it'll look really really nice it's so wafty well that was a plan i don't see it wafting all that much but maybe it's still you know maybe it's still coming maybe i'm a little bit impatient here exactly it's under create that's right trevor good idea do you know ascania that is a really good point all that's done with an additional add-on product that you have to buy this is all built into that students are available for free that is absolutely correct it's sometimes you know i find that is that's um that's really important to just know what the base application does and then if you want to add additional functionality then a product really comes in handy but often i found i bought products that essentially just used something that was already in that studio and then then i paid money for it i was thinking hang on a minute that's not that's not that's that's not fair i don't like that just in principle does the hair does the dress waft it does but not actually as much as i had hoped it certainly does waft maybe i'll go and make the the dress is probably also uh i'll go switch off the hair first of all then the dress let me go and switch off the subdivision surface modifier that's just with base resolution and then let's see what uh oh yeah look at that so that is actually that is that is windy it's just not not quite windy and elegant at the same time is it but it certainly is windy and you can see that her sleeves are being blown back is it too windy perhaps is this 10 maybe enough i'd love to see what this does to the hair so certainly is windy i wonder if if 10 might be a better better way to to do it just to see what happens let's try it let's try 10 instead of 20 and that's the setting on the wind node so the wind node parameters they can be animated as well you can find those with the wind node selected on the parameters tab under wind so there's 20 and i just want to make sure if i move my playhead through it yeah it's stays on 20. earlier i had accidentally animated this value i didn't want to do that here let's let's resimulate that maybe 10 is actually enough and the hair since it is so much geometry i i don't want her to have that that um the german word for it is i'm not entirely sure what the english word for that is linwelli might be familiar with that um phone freezer like in her schmidt also possible to uh to move the note that i can do or i can yeah i can either put it on an angle or i can literally just move the note either from left to right or i can just rotate it a little bit that'll that'll also make a difference i just like to see what this looks like with the hair and i'm i'm hoping that we can at least do one simulation path so just that we can see the uh just to see the tendency so i'm thinking maybe 10 is enough and the jam here that is that's just got mesh smoothing so that has that also has a high resolution applied i'm going to go switch that to base rest so look a little chunky but it'll help the default simulation and my computer greatly so let's try that out see how the hair is now affected by by the deforest wind oh it's still frozen isn't it duh i bought i bought jam hair is still frozen under simulation don't freeze go back try again be prepared to wait happy birthday mr president absolutely look at that that works very fast already oh actually no sorry it starts from the from the top doesn't it god i'm getting too excited lira okay interesting yes i think experimentation is really the best thing you can do so there's two links that i recommend you thoroughly read through the first one is something that's pinned on the general dash studio forums brian see if you can find the link it's in it's on the discord server as one that i have prepared that is something that rob prepared that's called defaults start here i believe and that has it's a lengthy it's a lengthy thread no comments on it and it's just a documentation of what the force is where to find parameters and all that basically all the stuff some of the stuff that i've told you uh in the course of this video so if you want to read up on that that's a threat to read defaults guide and then the second one and this is also born from experimentation that's rg cincy richard's guide of basically his documentations around d4s over the years and uh those two guys completely free they're in the das forums uh those are those are really cool and uh there's tons of little experiments so especially richard rg cincy he explains a lot of stuff how you can put a kite in the air i can make a balloon fly and how you can do all kinds of things with defaults and no additional products required and just have fun with it and try to get through these exercises make sure it doesn't annoy you that's one thing i always find very important it mustn't annoy me it is supposed to be fun and see how you can apply to your own projects so i'm thinking the wind isn't quite strong enough or it hasn't quite picked up on the hair yet so i might go back to 20 see how that floats our bolt because i really like to waft the hair in the in the wind i might have to put it to to something like 50. so it should have really started already with the flag 20 i believe was enough deforest wind node wind let's see i said we could try 50 see what that what that does clear the whole simulation and try again see what 50 does and chance in april it's my private discord server i have a discord for supporters for direct supporters and my mod team and i use it also as a place to to communicate in preparation for these streams how do you synthesis massive threat on defaults that's the one absolutely possibly dg seeker that's a possibility reducing the density of the hair that is a possibility i don't really know what the hair settings are i might investigate that after the stream because this is one of those things that could take literally hours but i uh i will definitely let you know what i come up with and hopefully find a render that literally has her hair just blowing and wafting it's another little animation project it's just a lot of tinkering and trialing and seeing how it works so one of those things my friends i might call it a day here and as i said i will link to this video when i'm done it's it's been a pleasure meeting you i'm so sorry about the little internet hitch i'll let this render and see what happens it's been a pleasure and a privilege meeting you all i hope we can do this again well definitely in another month or so we're moving at one point so i'm hoping that's not gonna interrupt the streams all too much we haven't found anything suitable yet but uh keep your fingers crossed for me and julia that hopefully the move is gonna go well and i will definitely be back uh have a look at those links i've given you and enjoy the jada bundle have fun with d4s and i hope i'll see you later guys take care bye [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Daz 3D
Views: 4,390
Rating: 4.9560437 out of 5
Keywords: Daz3d, Daz Studio, Daz 3d, 3dArt, 3dSoftware, FreeSoftware
Id: Gp9CD8qlBvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 6sec (8946 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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