Michael Pavlovich - Pavlovich Workshop - Episode 15

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got this let's go to here it's turn on all right I need to fix that okay hurry up so I can pause this thing there we go got my chat here Shh okay all right welcome back everybody and I think I'm just going to move forward with this glove if anybody has any questions obviously feel free to shout them out and we'll just keep moving on from here so if I remember correctly we left off with this thing with actual subdivisions here so I can go in here and start adding in with my damien standard brush oh maybe not let's see ziad the intensity and it's not sculpting okay let's try this again here there we go okay female tech suit here madcap gray hit F to frame it and then hopefully I can start sculpting on this what am I missing here let me see geometry dynamic is off standard is on preferences edit when I create a surface let's see display properties double is off subtool oh I had a hidden mask on there just in case that happens to you you can always go to masking here and if you mask is off then you might have I think what we did was yeah we messed by border and then we made that mask come in so that we could go through here and add a lot necessarily piping which we can add when we if we want to do you know frame that border mesh but just to kind of go around and kind of plump this up with you the standard brush in this case I might be inclined to use the inflate brush so yeah okay now remember I turned off view mask so I could see it just be careful when you do that because you might forget that you it did indeed do that here so I'm going to go through here with the inflate brush a little bit and just around the top of these gloves here I'm just going to kind of go through and inflate just a bit a little Ridge here and we know we could also go through here and eventually because you know something if I was doing this for production I would probably end up doing things like stitches and stuff a little more non-destructively and probably end up doing it in the texture where I have a little bit more control but since we're here we can also might as well do it in the in ZBrush as well that's fun to do hey dynamesh thanks for showing up holler out if you have any questions or if anything looks weird I'm just kind of going through the motions today and let's see here yeah so if I want it to go ahead and take this one here I'm going to take this and then expand control shift X I'm going to expand down just a bit and then I'm going to go to our mask border here and then I'm going to grow that mask and then I sharpen it up bring everything back invert it and then turn out view mask here off the top of my head I'm not sure how long the free trial' is but yeah if you want to go check out the free trial it's on pixologic website I want to say it's 45 days but don't quote me on that been a while since I've done a free ZBrush trial but yeah if you want if you do do the doodoo the trial pixologic classroom is a great place to start and on my youtube channel I've got an intro to ZBrush part one which will kind of walk you through the process linearly it's also my gum rodents nothing download it for free if you don't feel like streaming it through YouTube but you can definitely check that out if you want it's about I want to say it's about fifty hours worth of video it sounds like a lot but there is a bit of overlap and just kind of there's a couple videos on there where you just go through and you know make a couple character bust and stuff like that as well as just kind of learning the basics and men do you know navigating around and all that good stuff cool nailed it hey Andrew cool man thanks for showing up mention before we're just kind of going through and kind of cleaning up these gloves and I'm over here looking at this like motocross glove reference over here to see there isn't any cool we can kind of put in here at least divide this thing up to kind of get some interesting material break up when we go to texture this thing or render this thing in key shot I mean render and whatever you want if I was going to texturing route I have a usually end up using a few more options octane key shot redshift marmoset even painter has the built-in array and all that good stuff but the key shot to ZBrush bridge is a really easy one if it if it's a one button press solution count me in I'm all about it trying to get some some kind of break up on where these folds are going to be and depending on the type of wrinkles you end up putting in your glove can really dictate the feel of the glove as far as like what it's made from if you put in a ton of wrinkles it's going to have the effect of you know having a very lightweight object via a very few wrinkles it's going to look a little heavier a little more leathery so I'm trying to just focus on the wrinkles kind of down in this area here and then we'll go through and do some piping maybe run some some I guess let's say we can maybe even split this up cool cool hmm I'm also do using a Quadro for reference if you guys never use that's pretty good kua dro you can launch that up and you can save presets and stuff it's good rose back up here I just makes it easier and you can throw it up on any screen and then come and go and recall it later cool question how do you get the UVs from a zremesh model the best way in ZBrush you probably going to end up using UV master which is fairly straightforward for the artist there's a lot of UV tools and other programs but it sometimes requires quite a bit of manual work ZBrush is UV master does a lot of the grunt work for you so if you did have a like a Z modeled mesh here if we have our cylinder or trusty cylinder make polymesh3d and then we'd go through here and like you know if you want to kind of clean this thing up a little bit we'll go to geometry edge loop delete loops of course when you initialize that primitive you could get rid of those loops as well but I'm lazy so I'm going to do is do an insert multiple edge loops and we can throw in more edge loops like this and then we can do qmesh polygroup ball and pull these things in or out or whatever you want to do another option of that is doing insert Multi mesh and you can do interactive elevation so you can kind of pull out and go around or pull in and go in I don't usually use that when I'm doing on cylinders but what I will use it for is when we do like this bevel edge loop complete here you can kind of throw in a bevel and if you want to do bevel both sides we've already done one value again you just click and you're good to go and then over here you could do insert multiple edge loops with interactive elevation and then you could pull that out and kind of round these corners out or round these corners in and start doing that so you know what we'll do round the corners out and then we'll do a rounded corners in on one side and if I want to clean up these polygroups a little bit one easy way to do that as under polygroups here group by normals just set your max angle to anything that'll catch it now it's not going to catch these down here because they're you know there's very small degrees in between here so what an easier way to do this one is just to grab these with visibility and control W that'll go ahead and throw that into a poly group here the reason you might want to do a poly group is again just having the ability to if we go to insert multi meshes turn off interactive elevation for this one you know you can add poly groups as you go and then you can do cue mesh in with poly group all you can poly group all of these blue ones or if you don't want to do that you can do polygroup island you can go in and then in for that one then out for this one out for this one and now you have that kind of modeling going but as far as the UV question it's a little bit easier to do you've ease with poly groups simply because when you go over here to UV master which is a near z plugin and we'll go the UV master here you know this is I think symmetrical here so you could keep symmetry on if you wanted to you can have this poly groups option which means everywhere there's a poly group it's going to split that off into its own UV island so then you would just need to do unwrap flatten there you go you got you v's and then you can unflattering on clone that'll shoot you off onto your own mesh separate from your other mesh so and it also turns on skin shader for so you can see it really well and then again you can just unwrap flatten get your you've ease because these are just UVs that are just polygons on a flattened plane basically you can go in here and modify by these if you go to their brush options here auto masking mess by polygroups up to 100 you can just move these polygroups around you can use your move brush if you want and since massimo polygroups is at 100 is global you can just use your move to kind of just move this stuff around or make modifications or rotate with transpose now these are both part of the same poly group here so I would maybe mask this one and then I could swing this one a rounding hold on shift to constrain it and then W to move all that get stuff and then once you're done playing with that we could go to unflattering copy you v's go back to our original cylinder that we were working on here and then paste you v's and then if you go down here to your texture map here you can go to create from UV map and it will kind of just show you your UV map and where your seams are and stuff like that so UV masters an easy way to kind of do that everybody thanks for showing up oh thanks for extruding my 80 level interview that was a fun one is how easy would it be to use your brush for a chess set super easy especially when they can be 3d printed there's a lot of 3d printing options not only in ZBrush what I'm using here we'll call it Big Brother ZBrush or parent ZBrush their ZBrush core which is a little more streamlined if you go to my youtube channel there's a intro to ZBrush core as well as in terms of ZBrush and it and also on pixel art website there's a lot of cool intro to cause a brush core videos that you can walk through and those have a lot of built in 3d options ZBrush does as well if you wanted to go through like Z plug-in there's a 3d print exporter over here with all your 3d print exporting options some advanced options for exporting your STL VRML or obj files I can import STL's if you want to if you're coming in from like another 3d print program or a CAD program sometimes I'll use that and all that good stuff so yes so as far as like creating a chess piece let's let's do that let's make a couple chess pieces I'm gonna launch um that's a good one I didn't think about that that'd be a fun one the only problem is I don't know what a chess piece looks like so I haven't played chess since I was in grade school let's look at these now a DS will be fun let's make some chess pieces with zmodeler and then uh and you know what not even not even jazzy modeler will sculpt some as well I think that'll be a fun one um let's see any more questions here what was that island mistake of the blue one um that one was just because when it went through and looked at the polygroups on here for some reason when it split it decided to break it up into two different different pieces instead of just keeping it all the same piece you can and I should have mentioned that you can go through here and a UV master you can kind of control where you want this seems to end up you can go over here to enable control painting then you can attract a seam here and you can go through here and you can kind of paint in well first you're going to want to turn off mass by polygroups obviously turn that back down to zero you can say hey you know what I want to seem back here so you can kind of paint in where you want your seam or alternatively if you want to protect an area like on a face or something you can just go over here and be like you know what I don't care where you put the seam but just make sure whatever you do this is protected another really cool thing is this density thing you can paint here let me turn off polyframe so you can see that a little bit better so you can have an attract a protect you can erase it not just paints white you can also go through here with density and if you want to say like you know there's of them using the world's worst example here but if you wanted to there's a face on this side on the back of the head on this side you could make your UVs in the face area like 2 x 2 or x 3 and you could paint in more density for your UVs and then if you wanted to paint in less density like divided by 3 for the back of the head you could paint that in and then when you go to UV this thing if we under a bit and then actually turn off symmetry will unwrap and then we'll flatten you can see it's kind of warping the UVs where I painted those density Maps it would it's going to enlarge those UV areas and then where I paint the attract area Maps it'll you know then it attracts your same so you can see here it didn't have that UV shell it didn't break it off it just split it along that seam I gave it it looks kind of warble because I did paint that density map so that doesn't make a whole lot of sense on a cylinder I understand but just a couple cool things you can do in there cool I'm glad you like those videos RF and boo like these names are really difficult to pronounce I do you shadow box I've been doing a ton of weapon concept in lately and I've been using shadow box a bit for that we'll probably do some weapon concept and coming up here I'll try and streamline it for you guys and try and figure out a nice elegant way to create these weapons or some interesting ways to do it and see brush there's a ton of ways to do a lot of things in ZBrush it's why I like that program so much uh yeah we can do nanomesh making scale speaking of nanomesh we went over this last time as well on my playlist here right up at the top there's a nano tile we went through the knurling a couple times on this channel so if you go through the twitch TV channel on there you'll see as well as the twitch TV for this channel here which I can throw you guys that so they update these afterwards exactly you know what you do with these weapons afterwards is up that you guys but I don't luckily none of my options are ever going to be functional since I'm I'm not that good but yeah you can check those out and like cool stuff yeah check out sculptures too if sculptors does fun for me I don't use it for production but it's definitely cool to kind of get in there and just start sculpting some stuff so and it's be check that out that's another awesome program cool oh man you can make your own chess and in fact I think that's a really that's a really interesting way to to start so I'm gonna I'm going to do some chess pieces today because I think that'll be funner than a glove and we'll get back the glove next time as far as Nana measuring scales maybe we could just do it to this thing so we go to insert multiple edge loops here and what we're basically going to want to do with nanomesh is also break this object up into poly groups where we want for example the scales to go if we want the scales to go where these things are I'm just going to use a control shift and visibility just isolate those polygroups lang hit ctrl W to make it all in poly group now just like knurling if you want it to offset the scales that might be better for you to actually leave two separate groups you could put a scale on one and have it show up and then offset these every other poly group here but if you didn't want that to happen you could just make this all in poly group and sometimes polygroups look similar I'm just hitting ctrl W which is group mask clear mask so if you have a mask here and hit ctrl W it'll Matt it'll polygroup that but if you have nothing masked or anything just visible it'll just polygroup that but you know what that's actually let's go back to this one here we'll keep it like this and as far as scales go I should be pretty straightforward I don't know what kind of scales you would want specifically but what we can do is just really quickly we'll grab a sphere and before I drop this thing I mean it's an initiative initialized primitive state so I'm going to go our H and V divides here I'm going to drop these bolt down to like 12 whenever you're doing nanomesh stuff try and keep it as low as you possibly can because if you're going to be making thousands of instances of these things you want to make sure that uh you know you can handle it and you know so dynamically subdivide these later on so you don't need to make it super high-res here you can do it later so we'll make it a polymesh3d and we'll go through here and kind of shrink this down if we want to give these a vaguely scale shape I'm going to hit X to turn on transform activate symmetry across the x-axis here and now I can just use move to kind of pull these out into a vague léa scalish shape now if I want one side of the scale like bubble out on the other side to be flat here what I can do and you can turn off line and fill over here and under under polyframe just in case you didn't know that but I can kind of bubble this scale out and then if I want to flatten this back and we can go in here with our clip control shift and just change that to a clip here if you don't particularly like this geometry like if we go and hit D to do our dynamic subdiv preview which is under geometry here you're going to see you know polarized ends can sometimes pinch a little bit so what we can do is do shift D to turn that dynamic off temporarily we can go over here to our zremesher and we can say ZBrush give us some nicer geometry it's pretty low res here so I'm going to say keep it the same will change our adaptive size down to zero just to get nice even quads like quiet enough here let's go ahead and let's do I'm going to do my select lasso I'm gonna hold down ctrl shift and just select if you have select lasso you can just grab these rings here say there we go so I can just go through here and guess kind of isolate these rings must have went through here so now and this one here I can just isolate that one edge ring go into Auto groups which is under here polygroups Auto groups and that I'll give you poly groups here if I want to change these ones to be the same one easy way is just isolate this polygroup ctrl shift click ctrl shift X to expand ctrl W and now we've got two polygroups here so now in I zremesh I can go keep my groups don't smooth my groups and then see if that'll keep it a little more it's also turn on double here there we go that's a nice look and scale so we got some new GL and this one olum this one I'll go through here we hit D it'll smooth a lot nicer here so now that we've got a scale sitting out here we can go back to where we put scales on our weirdo cylinder here there we go one thing you might consider is if we go into our zmodeler brush and we do like insert nanomesh on all polygroup so polygroup all then we just drag that out you're going to see by default it's a cube if you hit M you have access to any you've thrown out here like a cylinder for example and you're going to notice that you know these ones are pointing these way they're all pretty uniform one thing I like to do though just in case is go to geometry edge loop and then under edge loop I like to do align loops you can do that when you go into your Nana mesh properties down here in the Nana mesh menu you can actually go through hundred linemen say aligned to normal and align a short edge long edge point order random edge all that good stuff and no alignment just makes everything a little bit more predictable but of course we don't want to drag out a cylinder we want to drag out a scale so over this poly group here insert nanomesh polygroup all hit m and just select our scale here so now I can just go through here and just put our scale on there and then over the nanomesh properties here we can say z rotation let's zero out any rotations we have and now we can kind of let's see if we want to rotate this up and then we'll rotate this around here there we go so you can kind of just line these things ap's well do negative 90 in the X rotation and 90 in the Z rotation and we can also if we want it to fit right in that polygon we can say we want to fit that polygon and go ahead and change our size to one and that'll fit it within that polygon um I have to do a little offset here in the Y or Z area or you can do fill with a scale of one and that'll kind of fill it then you might need to play with your height or your length here but we'll do fit and if you want to kind of rotate these out so they're kind of sitting up and on top of let's try a little nope a little more X rotation and then we'll do a Z offset nope and Y offset X offset there we go so you can kind of have these scales flare out so if we like these scales all you got to do is go in here to this Nanomech insert nanomesh polygroup ball we have our scale selected already so I can go ahead and drag that out now instead of those settings again and if you need to you can hold down shift while you're dragging these things out actually you know what because we did that offset it kind of moved them up a polygroup here that's a little bit confusing but what you can do is go here to the index you can copy those settings go down here and paste those settings and now we can do on our offsets here we should be able to offset that by one and that'll kind of go through and kind of stagger them a little bit and of course you can change your length and hate with variances and all that good stuff and start tiling your scales or inflating them if you like them you can go here and say one demand just duplicate all these off and inflate them up and all that good stuff cool yeah we can see what that's all about rotate an object orientation and insert mesh brush after the brush has already been created and for 7p three I'm trying no it's the orientation I think is set you can do multiple so like when I do my brushes here I do you know I have a cylinder that faces towards me and a fill in the cylinder the faces away from me and then that's still under the faces away from me like this so if I do want to do that I can go like insert a cylinder like this and then I can also hit em and insert a cylinder like this so you can do you can capture both but yeah once you've captured that orientation is or mesh brush I think it's kind of set to my knowledge I could be wrong but if we want to make these let's say one two mesh one two mesh and now we've got these scales as separate polygroups here so I can just isolate them with ctrl shift and also kept our poly groups here so we'll do ctrl shift ctrl shift a and then we'll do a split here and then with these ones here like I said you can go through and inflate these things or any sort of stuff that you want to do and this looks more like roof shingles but yeah you get the point yes this the vol the videos will be archived on the what's it called on the pixologic channel Oh perfect okay so this we've here Joseph dressed actually already did that for you let me see um it would be called nano tile let's see because that is exactly there we go this one right here so that we've you just had here's Joseph dressed doing pretty much the exact same thing using his nano tile plugin so on my channel I go through the nano tile plugin to kind of just scatter some seeds around and do poly paints and capture that kind of thing and right there in that video you can go through and do that that we've there I would do it but I'd probably mess it up and he's already got a beautiful video to kind of go ahead and show that so check that one out oh thank you 3d printed ASPI yeah you can find all that good stuff um let's see good good good and if I miss your question I apologize I'm just kind of scrolling through right here to make sure don't miss anything here yeah cool cool pretty good all right okay so I've got that we've got okay and then yeah so yeah that's a really cool piece you got there uh let me see if I can find that here I'm losing links already my brains already starting to go yeah it's a really cool thing Andrews that's that's really cool it's a really nice render really tight and oh yeah we can go into hard edge modeling too but let's get back to because we'll do a little bit of hard edge modelling let's get back to those chess pieces cuz I'm intrigued by these chess pieces we can do some really cool stuff with this so we'll start simple and we'll do you know a pond you know pond the bishop forgive me if I miss these names Queen King and not the night because that's going to be the horsey the rook is the castle I think so if we want to go and make some of these things we're going to go to I guess what start with a cylinder here we can go through make a cylinder 3d go into edit mode and when you go into poly frame if it's white usually that means it's either a subtractive mesh for your dynamesh which we'll get to in a bit or it's an it's initialized state so because it's not a P PM 3d polymesh3d it's just a cylinder here you can go to initialize and if you wanted to kind of thin this thing out you could do like X size of 50 and then let's do Y size of 50 z size you can change here you can just do the slider you can squash it down or stretch it out if you want to change these h divides you can make it more round or less round I usually like to work with like 12 or 16 or 8 so we'll go ahead and make it 12 here actually let's make it 16 and V divides I can get rid of those lines like I said or you just delete them later we'll keep it we'll go ahead and get deleting because we can always insert more multiple lines later and we'll initialize once we're done with that we can make polymesh3d and now this thing is editable so if we wanted to really quickly just model this thing you know what let's bring it in let's go to save image as I'm going to go to my desktop here and I'm going to go to texture import desktop chess texture select it at the spotlight here and I'm going to use this as a reference image I can kind of scale it down or move it around so we'll start with a pawn here like so and we can go okay let's make these a little dimmer I'll hit Z to go out of spotlight mode so now I can just use this as reference for what I'm trying to make here so let's see I would be inclined there's a couple different ways to go about this I would actually be inclined to maybe even sculpt these things and zremesh it just to make it a little bit quicker but if you wanted to do modeling we go to insert single edge loop and we can start putting in loops where we want these custody so this is where the loop is going to go out here so I would want to you know go around and inflate that one I would want to cut in here I would want to bring these ones in here and then I'll just put a circle on top I think that'll be a little bit easier so if we move this one out now these ones even still I might so be inclined to do insert multiple edge loops interactive elevation and then as I pull this out is it going to let me let me do shift Z here interactive elevation another thing if I do shift C here once I have this thing set you can use actually let's set it like we set it here and I guess I stopped it here so I can oh I can chop that top off and we can go from there so I'll set here if I want to get that camera view back you can set it in the movie if you want to in other easy ways go to document here's a blink properties and just do like custom one or front and then I'll go ahead and set those for you so if I do interactive elevation I can go ahead and start pulling this stuff out and adding rings or pulling it in I can also go through here and I can mask ctrl click to invert that mask hit W to go into my transpose mode if I hit that white circle and then I can go straight up it should allow me to you know find the center of that unmasked area here and then snap my transpose line so I can go through here now and I can like scale this stuff in and out as needed I can also do that with an individual line so I can mask this line and then click that one and we can go ahead and why it doesn't want to make it straight here and go through here and just start scaling the stuff down I can also if we want let's see if we can do this I'm going to take this line here and I'm going to go to the scale edge loop complete and if I scale this down it'll actually go through and scale down so that's one of my best bet so I'll hit custom one to snap it back shift Z we can go through here and just start scaling this stuff down and around this object here to kind of shrink wrap it and then for these ones if I want to scale it out I can I'll scale this one out and then I'm still want to do nanomesh now if you are going through and just doing edge operations and you don't want to be bothered by face stuff you can hover over a face then say do nothing you can hover over a point and say do nothing and now you'll have a little bit more control over just your edge properties here so we can go through here and we can do another insert single edge loop here so we can insert another edge loop I'm in a hard time seeing that here let's make this bigger and then I'll make this bigger here I'll say ctrl W to make it a little bit brighter here and then I can do clear all views and now I can save another custom view here for this one now I can see a little bit better so we'll go to insert single edge loop here and we can scale this in we can scale this one and we'll go back to our scale edge loop complete here and we'll scale this in and let's go ahead and do will do another insert so what I'm basically doing is just protecting this bottom piece here and now when I go to insert multiple edge loops I can fan this out and start adding resolution here and then go back to this one we'll go back to scale and we'll kind of pull this one in so we got that one here we'll go ahead and put in another insert single we'll go ahead and protect that bottom one if you want you can also slide edge loop complete you can slide up and down through your geometry here and we can kind of slide it along there and then we'll go back to insert multiple with interactive elevation and then this one here I think we need to probably scale this one down so let's go ahead and go back to scale here and we'll push that one in and then this one will flare way out insert if we want a little bit more control if I have a feeling if I go to insert multiple edges and flare this out is going to be very you know that's not bad at all you could do an insert single edge loop bevel that and then scale that as needed and then this whole top part we don't even really need here so what I'm going to do is hold down ctrl shift drag over that and that'll just get that top piece here if I do ctrl shift and then alt and I'll get rid of that we can go ahead and do a delete hidden which is geometry modify topology delete hidden go ahead and cap this thing we'll go ahead and do a closed convex hole and just kind of cap it here and just to clean up these polygroups a little bit what I'm going to do is you can go to your poly group and then you can do group by normals and that will go ahead and just look at your normal angle but by default the normal angle is 45 and now we've got this piece going if I want to insert a sphere on top of this one you can go to be I brush insert sphere you can just drag that out or you can go into your custom then you have a custom menu here I'll just do a simpler sphere here we'll do shift Z to get rid of that one and we'll just kind of drag that's fear on there now to match those up we'll bring this back we'll go back to our camera view we'll hit scale E and then let's kind of match that up so now if I do and we'll kind of push that in a little bit I think W good enough so now that we've got this here we can go ahead we can hit D and that'll give us our dynamic preview no peppers going crazy she gets to go on a walk um if I do let's go ahead and do our crease tolerance here I'm going to drop that down also your crease menus over here under the geometry menu I will pick crease and then we'll hit D and then we can kind of compare it so it looks like these get creased here this one doesn't get creased it actually did a really good job this one might need a little bit of a bevel so what we can do is we can either go through here if I hit shift D and this is the dynamic Rosetta there we go so if we D turns out on shift e turns that off you can go through here and if you want a very severe bevel not severe but you can kind of go through here and bevel this out increase by polygroup or you know insert multiple edge loops with interactive elevation and around that corner out alternatively if you don't need a super big bevel there if we hit D and we go to dynamic here you're going to see we have a smooth this just gives you a preview instead of going up here and hitting control D which gives you real subdivisions and then now you can't go back in and zmodeler because we try in z model over here it's going to yell at you that it has subdivision levels so you'd have to do crazy free subdivisions to level stuff to get that to work so instead of doing that you can just hit D to get a preview of it and you can even go through here and do like okay I want to see what it looks like if I hit control D four times and there it goes it gets even smoother you can also go down here to your crease menu and you can set your crease level so if we set this crease a little like two and our smooth subdivision for if I do shift D to turn it off and then D again you'll see that it goes through and it gives you a preview of what it would look like if you hit ctrl D twice with crease on increased everything and then hit ctrl D two more times and that will give you these really nice bevels and again if I change that crease level up to 15 and then I do shift D and D you're going to see it's razor sharp all the way through drop it down to like you know less than what your smooth is will do shift D and D and now we have really nice bevels on there that's one way to do it if you wanted to go the zmodeler route I will do a sculpting one next everybody still good sorry I was lost and zmodeler there cool cool cool and let me let me grab a piece of paper here and all this technology and I'm gonna grab a piece of paper because it's probably a little bit faster than me well okay I don't have a pin all right I'm gonna type it out give me a second here I'll go to my stream topics there just a case cool cool everybody good rook yes thank you umm cool cool cool up above I got this cool everybody's good ah lathe okay let me get back to my CAD it's been a while since I've lathe something that's when you pass a shape along a curve yeah yeah you can with curved brushes you can pass you can go really crazy is let me make sure I want to get my terminology right it's okay yeah so you make a curve okay in this case you make a curve and you rotate it around mmm off the top of my head with a curve you could slice it and you could do clip curved and you could do sculpting let's do let's do that next I don't know that I have a really good answer for the lathe part of somebody else wants to chime and you could definitely do that but one thing you can do if we you know what let's do the castle next so this one we won't zmodeler actually this one will probably be better so we'll do this Bishop here I think it's what he is so for this one we could actually steal this base if we wanted to so we can go over here to sub tool we'll duplicate this one off and then if we do custom here we can kind of line up oops make that the right slicer we'll push this over here and since this one's duplicated we've got this one here I can scale this up as needed keep moving that around so I go to the bottom here we'll do shift D and then I'm going to tap the bottom there that find that surface normal and kind of anchor it there and now we can kind of just go through here and I can scale this thing up and you can add more loops as you need to and all that good stuff and replace this ball with this bishop thing here so you know it's just to do a quick variant so I'm going to go through here I'm going to go ahead and split that piece off and then for this one here if we alt tap this one I'm going to go ahead and get rid of these I'm going to go to insert single edge loop and hold down alt and then we can just kind of delete those loops there and then I'm going to put in a single edge loop insert single edge loop right about here and then when I do insert multiple edge loops it will kind of force it to kind of stay contained to that area there this one looks like I need to move this downs I'm going to mask this and then use W to kind of move this down here although if we wanted to I guess we can just do that so let's hide that ball temporarily I'm going to take this middle section here I'm gonna make it its own polygroup just by holding down covering over a face do-kyu mesh and then we're going to hold down alt to mark these and I'm going to pull up with Q mesh brush and now I've got that this is really good exercise I probably do this more often because uh there's no I don't have really I'm just kind of winging it as I go through there's probably better ways to do this but for what it's worth we'll do insert multiple edge loops here and kind of pull that out like so and then you know you keep adding more like that now with we bring the ball back and we move this up and we'll select the ball now we can kind of go through here and kind of force this into the shape of our character here now before I do that what I would probably do is go up here to transform and while I'm using my move brush we activate symmetry and the y with radial on we can move in all axes at once so if I go through here at least I know as I'm moving these things it's happening to all the axes all at once there so you can kind of move those into place here and it looks like this one we might need to do a negative insert multiple so you can kind of scale this down here something like that and again I'm trying to keep these simple so when I do my interactive elevation I'm not internet and I'm not doing like a million I'm just trying to keep it nice and controlled so when I go in and subdivide it's not too much to handle if I want to go through and modify these things that's good so we've got this and then you add a squash ball on the top pretty easy stuff and then I'll merge these down which is under your merge menu down here in your sub tool there you go and you can go ahead and sculpt that thing now if we did want to do a completely sculpted one I'm going to duplicate this one off here I'm going to do ctrl shift and I'm just going to get rid of all of that just hold down alt delete hidden and now I'm going to do qmesh polygroup all is fine in this case I'm just going to pull up and you're going to see it comes in flipped the normals or flipped if I pull down normals would be fine but since I pulled up it flipped the normal so just go down here to display properties and then flip those around and now I've just got a cylinder base that I can then go through here let's hit Z and I'll move this thing around and you can do any any of these are fine if we're going to be sculpting maybe this will be a fun one the horse here will be kind of interesting so if you wanted to just completely skip the whole zmodeler thing and maybe have zremesh do the heavy lifting for you what you can do is just set up a cylinder here and then we can go to let's go ahead and sub this thing so it's nice and smoothly and it shifts see here and it's already creased for me but if it wasn't you could just go to your geometry crease menu over here and you could drop your crease tolerance down or you can do crease PG which will crease all of your poly groups here and now when we hit D for our dynamic I'll do it let's say you creepy G here we go and I'll go ahead and let's see oh you know what we have our crease level still set it to so I'm going to crank that up to 15 shift D and D there we go so I'll keep it really nice and creased there if we like this we can go ahead and say apply those subdivided subdivisions and now we have actual subdivisions here but in this case what I'm going to do is go ahead and I'm going to turn off project turnoff blur which will be under dynamesh here time for directional blur correct my resolution up just a bit and I'm going to hit dynamesh no I don't want to keep myself in levels so now that this thing is dynamesh and it just basically changes fills in really nice sculptable geometry on here so we'll turn on z add back for RGB here so now we can go through here and just start sculpting this thing in radial symmetry which again if I transform radio count and the Y will crank that up as high as it'll go and now we can just use our sculpting tools to kind of go through here and add kind of ridges and bumps and stuff like that let me go ahead and let me see if I can occasionally there we go up to 100 I just made it a polymesh3d again and that forced it into the radio kind of a hundred which is what I was looking for so now you can go through here and now you can use your standard brush to kind of start carving this thing in and let's go ahead and turn off our lazy Mouse here you can hit L to turn that off and now you can use shift to smooth if you want to you can grab smooth stronger which we've talked about before and then you can use your clay brush and hold down alt and so you can kind of just go through here it's not like a you're not making a curve to make your shape but you are going through here and kind of using your sculpting tools to kind of go through and like smooth this thing out and hold down alt with the standard brush and kind of just through here and make these shapes really quickly so once you've done that oh I also had might have had RGB turned on for one of these yes shift I had RGB turned on so it actually painted which is another thing you can do if you want to go to their standard brush here RGB and you can go through here and let's turn off X so we could just go through and like paint you know whatever you want through this you can kind of paint your reference on there if you want to if I go in turn colorize off and we're also what we're sculpting through is actually sculpting so what I'm going to do is just do a quick cleanup Pass we'll just go through here and kind of smooth the stuff out and then hold down alt as um turns the add back on for our our standard brush here and it looks like they have lost symmetry as we going through I can kind of get that back if I go into geometry modify topology I'm going to mirror and weld this in the X and Z there we go that's under geometry modify topology so you can kind of instead of going through and Z mod learning these thing you can go through here and just use your sculpting brushes to kind of get these shapes and you can go through then use what would it be called a trim dynamic oh I have local symmetry on which I probably don't want on in this case sorry about that so as I was painting through so maybe don't use spotlight as your reference or if you are using as a reference what you can do is where was that option at if you're just using it as reference and you don't because what ends up happening is like going to standard brush and I have the add-on anywhere where it's dark it's actually going to pass an alpha through your object there so what you might want to do is under the brush settings here there's a oh boy it took me a while to there we go spy found it fast brush samples turn off spotlight projection and now you can just use that and you can actually sculpt outside a spotlight if you'd like as well and this way when you scope through it's not going to pick up anything so that's that was my mistake that was a little bit I'll be on my part but it turned out okay and if we do shift see here let's go ahead and we'll do duplicate this off and speaking of shadowbox let's do a little bit of shadow box work so the reason i duplicated this off is because shadow box is going to completely obliterate the shape here so we can go into shadow box and then get that general shape and kind of extrude that as we needed to make sure I don't miss anything here cool cool cool everybody good awesome thanks till 2d hopefully I mean I'll keep coming out with videos as I can our live streaming is kind of nice to a live stream here I'm pixologic on my channel just to kind of you know work through problems and kind of have a little bit of fun as a better start with zmodeler from low to high or from a real sculpt as I am constrained in any other ways you can I would say both you know whatever makes more sense to you sometimes if I'm trying to get my idea out sculpting's a little bit faster if I know exactly what I'm making zmodeler is nice but luckily you can have the best of both worlds let me show you how that goes so through here we do have poly groups here what I can do is I can do group my normals probably not going to work really well on this thing but I can go through here hold down ctrl shift I'm going to do trim curve and that's going to throw a poly group on the top here and on the bottom here it's going to go ahead it's basically slicing and getting rid of those so now we got a poly group here at poly group here and the rest of this here let's go ahead and invert that so we've got this one oh and we've got two of these things on that's probably why it looks weird we're going to go here and work that here and then hit ctrl W here so now what we can do on this thing is we can say okay ZBrush I sculpted this thing out but I want something that a little more zmodeler e so we go down here to geometry all right simplified I should say well go to zero measure here and we'll say adapt to size down to zero I think we'll be okay the more you crank up adapt to size the more builds an edge loop where their surface changes but we'll change that and because I messed up and made it not symmetrical it's going to have a hopefully it'll it'll fix it but we can too and also if you have symmetry turned on it will do it symmetrically but we'll go ahead and do adaptive size down to zero modified upon we're good so we'll do zremesh or we're at a 177 thousand so I'm going to say our target polygon kind of five is fine and then just hit zero mesh oops I forgot to hit keep groups I hit escape do keep groups turn off smooth groups and now it'll keep a nice solid line around the tops and the bottoms here and then go ahead and zremesh this let that do its thing and because we have a copy of this so now we've got simplified geometry here with our caps that we can simplify later we can go through and turn this other one on and as we go we can just go through with subtool projectile limp or just project our geometry back to our original here I'm going to solo mode and that's too much we'll go half half half just keep going half as many times as you'd like if you don't like these caps we can just replace them so I'm going to ctrl shift click this one will do delete hidden and actually I think we went half one too far Airy that's a good one so we'll go ahead and do geometry modify topology delete hidden and then again we'll go to this closed convex hole just go ahead and cap these things like so and now you can hit control W for these so a little bit more simplified geometry then we can go in here to like crease polygroup hit D for dynamic sub div then you can go through here if you want this one creased or beveled you can go like bevel edge loop complete and you can like you know tighten up these lines or crease those lines as needed to kind of get the shape you want so you can do both you can sculpt that out and you can tabs you ZBrush give you new topology on top of that or you can just go into Z mod learn do that there yar I've can you show us the motorcycle modeling tips wheels for camel bars um I can give that a shot I'm not terribly good at that kind of stuff I can go back through your email let me make a note for that if we have time before I get these chess pieces done there it is I can look at that might be more general advice it's been a while since I've done like super smooth organic car stuff it would probably end up being like that one link I sent you where let me bring that up is beyond pixel logic panel loops automobile Z classroom vehicle design yeah this is a good one so we'll go back to introduction here so this is what I was talking about for everybody else to on the pixologic classroom there's a cool vehicle design with panel loops I did panel loops walk through I think panel loops basics yeah if you want to if you want to hear me drone on about it there's there's my panel loops here but click on the first one that's the vehicle design one that'll do really really nice quick organic shapes for that yeah projection master that's a good one I'll check that out because you can with projection master you can have it go through and you can put in primitives that way and kind of have it snap and also as you're passing it you're sculpting lines around instead of doing it for example let's do let's go back to worse this was our sculpted one we'll go back to this one here so instead of going through here and if we have x emma treat or not instead of doing this what you could do is snap it to the side here oh it's been a while go into projection master we're going to do deformation normalized double sided so it goes all the way around the object here deformation normalized uh yeah i wanted to go all the way around double-sided fay to make sure i'm not forgetting anything sure and then as we go through now we've got an alpha here so if i pass this through we can start sculpting on the object but what i'm going to do here is let's do it as a line we have Ziad the turn RGB off I'm going to do the ad and we just pass a line straight through and then once you've done that you can hit W and you can have the ability to move this thing in or out change your Z intensity I believe go to Z ad to Z sub and then once you're good if we just use the ad here and we go out of projection master it'll go through and project that all now again I think this is off center here so that's that's my mistake but yeah projection master would be a good one to kind of go and pass there and even if you wanted to do like even in bringing new meshes and have that duplicate around and it'll project through as well it's been a while since I've used projection master but you could definitely use that and again if I miss any of this stuff just let me let me know it just keeps keep saying it on I'll get to it for each division step do you have to project dollars the same to do the projection after all the subdivisions I would only project all of you because when you're averaging vertices are simplifying geometry it can tend to kind of melt your object so if you do project all in between each one of them it could kind of just keep forcing that form back out but really you could also just go through here and even on this one this other one we had here sub tool there we go so on this one here if you wanted to you could you could go into Z modeler and be like yeah you can go through each one of these loops and do the whole like scale as you loop complete and do all that kind of good stuff and you can also just go through with your inflate brush and radial symmetry and you can just go through just geometry so if you wanted to like smooth or inflate or carve in you know it's still it's just simplified geometry so you can still absolutely use that stuff to your advantage here but again if we want to we can turn off X here let's go ahead and like crease as it'll complete here when you're going to crease that up like so that kind of thing yeah and actually once you have a crease in there if you're so inclined let's say we wanted to crease like here here and here and you didn't want to or for some reason you wanted to bevel those instead of going in here and change like this two creased level of three and a smooth subdivision level of four just to kind of even those out actually it's decrease a little of to that kind of softens those transitions what you could do instead is wherever you have anything crease you can go to the crease menu here a crease menu and you can do a bevel and then everywhere you have a crease it'll put a bevel in there you can change the bevel width as you go so you can see where all those creases where we just added a bevel in there and then then that way it could be your new Geo and you can kind of control it it's actual geo as opposed to my dynamic preview but if you do the dynamic preview can always hit apply and that'll give you the actual geo as well um but yeah I do a ton of hard surface block out in fact all my heart service stuff I block out and ZBrush first just to kind of get my ideas out and then I rebuild as needed from there miss anything else yes thanks for showing up dreams I on it is live just making sure I'm just kind of going through the chat right now and making sure I don't miss anything here but we were talking about so we'll keep this one here and I'm going to what was I talking about we're going to do shadow box here so I'm going to do shift Z so we've got our base here we're going to replace this mesh here with a shadow box and again because I duplicated it off so that I could do shadow box here so I'm going to change this one to geometry we're going to go to shadow box here and we'll just turn this into a shadow box now when I did that what it did was replace going solo mode here they replaced my geometry with these four boxes here that we can go through and mask and then we have geometry sitting here in the middle so I'm going to go through my transform and we're going to turn off radial symmetry well keep X symmetry on but turn radial symmetry off and so now here's the back here so see how our annex symmetry here which means our side is over here so if I go out of so here's our shadow box here's our base we're out of solo mode here and where did this okay this is on the inside here so what we're going to do is actually let's move the shadow box up I'm going to control drag to get rid of that mask I'm going to go into transparency mode and I'm going to need to rearrange the shadow box so I'm going to move it up and we're going to give ourselves enough space with a shadow box to fit the whole horse head on there so what I should be able to do is just size this thing up so I'm going to go to my deformations and size and just crank that up and that for you guys that'll be deformations down here and now what I can do I can either just start masking I can hold down control to start masking here and that'll start creating geometry for me or if I feel like it I can turn on RGB and I can just paint oh we need to go back to our brush settings as we turn that functionality off brush not on the masking it is samples we're going to turn on spotlight projection and now we can paint our spotlight reference right onto that mesh here so now really quickly you know what would be interesting let's do this way so because we have a white background so this will be fun so we can go ahead and just like pack a poly painting poly painting and let's go ahead and clean this up and hit C to sample that color and then with RGB turned on I can just go ahead and paint white and you know what I'm going to mask this back here invert that mask and we're just going to go to color fill object and just fill that with white as well and same thing for the bottom here we're going to mask this out invert that and then I'm going to do my hotkey for color fill so basically what I'm doing is I'm going to use my RGB to make my mask but I'm gonna let ZBrush do the hard work for me so I'm going to go down here to peppers back let's go to masking we're gonna do mask by color mask by intensity now if I go down here and turn off my poly paint you're going to see wherever the RGB was intense it masked it so they do ctrl alt I can you know start modifying this mask as needed but instead what I'm going to do is let's do mask by intensity and I'm going to turn off my poly paint here and I'm going to go down here to mask a just and I'm going to take this profile hearing to change this focal shift down like negative 70 and hit apply and then I'll go ahead and mask you know kind of make that masked a little bit better it's not going to ctrl alt and unmask this so now and I go out of solo mode here we've already got the shape of our horse set there you can go to the back and like put a mask in like how thick you would want that horse or if you don't want to you can just say you know what I'll do that manually later let's go ahead and say just to do geometry shadow box just turn off shadow box that'll make it actual geo and now we can go through here we can either just scale this thing down actually what does that chess piece even look like from the front um I don't know the side looks cool I need a horsey from the front I mean I can wing it and okay we can just wing it so it looks like it kind of a base kind of flares out so what I would do is kind of keep the base flared out like this and then to get the horse shape what we can do and again this is just just geometry here if you want a dynamesh it at this point you can go ahead and do that turn out projection off blur good and dynamesh this thing we're in the X symmetry so if I do a mirror and weld oops across X little mirror and weld it for me and now we can do ctrl shift go in here we'll do a clip I think so he goes from like a pointy head horse and I'm going to tap alt once here and then alt again and we can kind of just clean this up and kind of flare out to that base here and kind of start getting that look now clip can sometimes you know if we clip the straight back it'll probably have an okay time it's just kind of a cleanup method but as soon as we introduced that flare and that curve what is doing is basically pulling those points straight back to that line so you're going to see them a little bit of an overhang here so in this case here what I might try instead is ctrl shift will do trim curve and what that's going to do is actually slice for me and then delete and then fill hole although fill a hole on the side yeah is going to have a little bit of a problem let's think about this I mean I guess we can just clean it up real quick so we'll do and also trim doesn't do a cross symmetry there let's try this and then now we can just dynamesh this thing again and then from or you know what we also we can do let's this might be a good one hold that control shift hit spacebar turn on polygroup and now we can do is add a new polygroup in fact let's hit control w to make this on one polygroup and then as we flare this base out as we clip it's going to give us a new polygroup like so and then stead of dealing with that i'm going to do control shift isolate this piece here delete hidden and then i can just go over here to zero measure and we can kind of simplify the shape as well so with this one just showing let me run this really quick I'm just going to polish my polygroup borders here and now if we do zremesher let's do a devta size down to zero we'll do 5k it's fine and we'll get some simplified geometry here let it go here and we have X on so it'll do symmetrical as well you just keep simplifying this Gio here as needed I'm going to go ahead and turn on display properties double so now if I fill hole right now it's probably going to have a hard time so if we do like a closed tommix let's do a quick save here and it okay but it's still a little bit of overlap so we're going to help it out we can do like a bridge edges and we can kind of let you go - here you go - here and now when we close these holes let's do closed concave hole that'll kind of fill those areas in fill those areas in you do a mirrored weld we can do group by normals or we can just isolate this control W and then we'll crease polygroup here control D a couple times and then we can just read dynamesh this thing I suppose we still have our dynamesh set up so a couple different ways you can um let's see where'd we end up um let's see here discord okay actually for that one let me see I have a good part to zmodeler here we go so for a military radio if you go here on the Z classroom here Joseph has a really good modelling a radio part one and two it's just the dynamesh and basic shapes there that's a really good one to kind of start you off as well I've used some of those techniques on the on the Molly Molly and picatinny rails and stuff too as well and you can also make ya your own actually here if I go to let's go to here brush LM military so I've got one here so I made a curved brush as line so I can actually make rails as needed here so I can just kind of drop those in as I need a single crush you concept out general shapes and dynamesh and then D modeler ago straightaway the poly mode that just kind of depends on what I'm making Oh perfect yeah you got the radio one as well let's say you catch something a bit of thickness to it take it out of your chest model and say you make some cuts in there with the top bottom edge the kill brush when you dynamesh how to keep the edge surface is defined as possible that would probably be with so like if we take an extraction you can clean up an edge in abstraction a number of ways if you go back through the videos here actually we go through it I have it a little bit more compartmentalized on mine because I can go through and do highlights so on here I'll just point you to I mean go we'll go over some of this as well but I'll go to here here and we go over a lot of extraction and cleanup in this video here hard surface excerpt check that one out and that's just a ton of extraction and cleanup so we'll do a little bit of that too I'm not sure this is the classroom of chess pieces there might be it's pretty fun kind of exercise to do for all this stuff yeah and in ZBrush can make pretty much anything you'd ever want to make cool cool slice poly paint cool yeah all right so we got this thing here so we can go ahead and we'll do shift Z and I didn't save that view here but we can kind of go through and start cleaning this up either with just basically moving these pieces into place or using our clip brush like we've done we have extra none yeah so you can kind of just go through here let's use our clip to kind of go through and if you start clipping through here it's going to want to clip through its face so you can kind of protect this face with a mask here oops and then use control shift will kind of clip these shapes back a little bit and it will invert that mask and you can tap alt to do this you can also go into click clip circle we can kind of go through here hold down alt kind of clip this out and if you want to clip up you can also mask this out invert that mask let's do mask the tip of this ear here invert that you can actually you know make this shape here we'll double tap alt once then we can kind of it might be a little bit tight to do up there you can cut you can just clip out to that shape so you can kind of put you know if you click put your clip blush right here just pull out to that shape as well we'll go through here we'll tap alt oops we met that mask sorry alt once alt again and if we cannot we also might be able to do a clip rectangle sometimes clip rectangle can kind of add a little bit of this kind of stuff going on so sometimes I'll just go through here and just tap alt twice now I kind of give me the general shape I'm looking for and dynamesh as you go just to kind of make a little bit easier in yourself let's go ahead and mask this and then kind of clip this out and we'll go ahead and clip it little mouth and as little nose there we go control drag control drag and now I'll do shift Z and I go through here and I can just start you know do a little bit of clean up sculpting gothe here with H polish and we can kind of just clean up this back you can hold down alt and make that transition a little less awkward on this side we can continue to clip if we wanted to kind of refine this here you can kind of just scale this out a bit kind of just clip through a little bit here and then the read ina mesh and make this face look a little bit weird here but and again I can't find great reference as far as front side views but we can kind of wing it here let's go in with our trim dynamic and we'll say okay here it looks like it kind of cuts in a bit and then back here it looks like it kind of cuts in a business use trim dynamic here to kind of just put some big ole bevels on the side and then we'll go to kind of a thinner bevel as we go up and then to clean this up I'm going to go to H polish brush if you want to find this stuff with just B H is H polish brush BT a TD is trim dynamic and what we're basically doing is with trim dynamic that will cut through surfaces and give us nice bevels and then H polish respects edges so by using those two in conjunction with each other you can kind of force this a little bit here and then go through here with our move brush and kind of clean up these warbles a little bit and of course you can zremesh this later if you'd like make it as clean or just realize you can rebuild it with topology brush or with zis ferry topology all sorts of fun cool stuff you can do to kind of make these shapes whatever you would like let's go ahead and we'll put in you know it probably does have separate ears if we want to do separate those things out let's do let's go ahead and insert a cube you can go bi brush insert cube I'm going to use my custom one here I'm going to move this into place and I'm going to kind of scoot this one out push this one in and oops let's see let's go across so this one needs a midline here so I'm just going to do a quick mirror and weld and now what I can do is scale this in I'm just going to basically use this to cut through my measure so if I tap the surface normal I can push it this way tap the surface gnome-like a hold of shifting it strain it push it this way and we can go ahead and rotate this thing around now when I drag this out if I would have held down alt it would automatically make it an insert sub but since I didn't what I have to do is go to polygroups group as insert sub so down here your polygroup menu as a group as dynamesh sub which I should have in my custom there we go and now in a control drag control drag again it will go ahead and just cut that out now I could have used clip rectangle but like I said sometimes I can leave a few artifacts when I drop my smooth intensity down just a bit so we've got that there and then we get again we can go in here with like trim dynamic and let's start making like a little bit of a horse face here so trim dynamic h polish go ahead and trim these things down just a bit kind of goes up and around and then down here and you can use so the move brush we go over this every time but if you can use the move brush kind of does this it kind of just moves in a nice soft arc if you go down here to curve a Q curve you can move to points you can kind of pull back to like a corner so sometimes if you want to get like a very specific kind of straight line to a corner shape you can kind of go through and do that kind of look here and then of course you can just clean that up it's going here with H polish Reed dynamesh all that good stuff and if you wanted to you can go in with Damien standard and start cutting in details and then pulling up the details and then using clay brush to build up those details and then H polish to kind of just refine those surfaces back down if you're so inclined it's kind of up to you but we'll just keep it simplified here and we got an eyeball on there if we want to know exactly where that eyeball goes I could paint it on there or we can go into our clay brush and just kind of indicate where that goes in this case though let's do it this way so we've got our clay brush here when I clone this off I'm going to go in a drag dot stroke add an alpha and now with that I can do is hold down alt and just kind of move this around I'll make my focal shift negative 100 so it doesn't fade out the edges there crank up the Z intensity and now I can just drag in a dot where I want that to go so again I'll do shift Z here we can just kind of go boom boom boom boom boom kind of drag in those things here now if I want to fill this out I can go in with my clay brush I can insert a sphere in there if I want it to be a separate material let's say or another cool one I'm go to my comma key here brush or my app brush we're going to go to miscellaneous if you want like a sculpted sphere and they're going to go to spiracle brush and I can just use this to kind of pop like a little nice little spherical shape in there like so and oh if we want to do hatch lines I guess that would be a couple different ways to do this let's crank up our laser rays get our Dame standard here when you just kind of go through here and just kind of put these things in now if you want to constrain these to a straight line and you want them to go in that direction use your transpose line to kind of pull in the shape the direction you want to go hold down control and tap that white dot that'll rotate your camera so now you can hold down shift with your Dames damn standard and now it'll just constrain it to just that direction you want it to go to a little bit easier to kind of get those lines going in the direction you want now let's snap to the back here let's connect these back up here and like I said these might not be the most elegant solutions there's a million ways to do everything in 3d in general and ZBrush especially but just off the top my head winging it a couple different techniques it might be useful some worthwhile everybody still good go all right so we got our little horsey head here see if there's anything else interesting we've gone over shadow box we've gone over radial symmetry and sculpting the different things and really it's just a lot of duplicating the bases out and then recreating the tops it looks like so if you wanted to really quickly we kind of already did the bishop here and you could go through and carve that in and add the little balls and stuff however you want this thing we can go ahead and probably delete so if we duplicated this one off we've already got a really nice base to start working from and if we're going to do the castle what I would probably do in that case is just do take this one invert that we'll go ahead delete hidden I'm going to I can still the cylinder here so I can do is let's turn off radial symmetry real quick so I can just hit X to go out of radial symmetry temporarily I can hold down alt and grab this piece here I can go to qmesh polygroup ball I can hold down control and that'll just pop this piece off and then I can just start modeling my castle on top of here I get a neck and insert a cylinder as well and again a million different ways to do this stuff but I go ahead and split this off here it's going quick save and now if I want to scale this up actually it's going to solo mode here I can anchor it here and now we can looks like it kind of overshoots a little bit so I can kind of scale this up push it down and I can go ahead and mask the top control tap to invert that mask we could pull up for the castle thing and in order to make this I think a little bit easier what I'm going to do is hold down ctrl shift go to the Select lasso grab this outer piece ctrl shift drag to invert that delete hidden and now I can just you know eventually queue mesh or extrude all polygons and now we can start adding thickness like this but first we need to add those little notches so let's look how many spans I have here so a quicker way to kind of find out what I'm working with I'm going to get rid of half and then I'm going to get rid of this one so we've got 1 2 3 4 times 4 is 16 I think so that's what we start out with that makes sense so I can make sure I go to activate symmetry change my radio count to 16 and now I know exactly I want to be if that's necessary so we can hit X to go out of that I can go to insert single edge loop here and if I want to for instance say delete every other one I can activate symmetry and go to 8 and then when I hold down alt that'll alt tap these ones that I can go to like delete single poly here or I don't even have to alt tab I can just delete single poly if I want to do a little bit more space that I can do for and delete all those and that'll give me that shape here and now I can go through and do like qmesh polygroup ball will push this in and turn off double and will flip that back and that will kind of give us this if we do let's do insert single edge loop here we'll push this down and then we'll do delete edge loop complete will delete no I don't want to delete any edges I want to delete faces so I'm going to go through here and just do a quick delete single poly change my radial count up to 16 we can just delete those so now what I can do is close convex hull here we'll close it and here we'll close it we'll make that super Poligrip here now I've got our little castle here and we can do dynamic if we hit D and then we can do like you know change our crease tolerance and crease polygroup and all that good stuff and kind of get that shape going for a little castle here another thing you can do we didn't talk about q to go here we're here to dynamic there's Q grid as well that wouldn't work in this case because it's very cylindrical but just because it's interesting to talk about let's go ahead and do grab another cube here we'll go ahead and split mass points and just really quickly let's go insert multiple edge loops here and then we'll do qmesh polygroup ball and then we'll do Q mesh single poly we kind of pull this out and then we'll pull this one out and we can just tap this one to do the exact same distance here and if we wanted to we can go to insert multiple edge loops if you just do it once it'll go straight down the middle and then you can bevel that edge loop to kind of get that and then you can go through here and you can queue mesh single polygon if you queue mesh down through it'll just go through and delete not delete but it'll kind of bridge those automatically so you don't have to like the lead through delete through and then sit there and bridge all day it'll just do it automatically for you now if we wanted to smooth this thing if we get da just averages everything so instead of doing that I'm going to go over here to our dynamic and instead of doing smooth sub div we're going to do Q grid and what that does we do Q grid of one and then change that coverage around and turn on poly frame you're going to see on square shapes it does a really nice job of getting that geometry you can also mix Q grid with smooth subdiv so you can kind of go through and add like to smooth subdivisions and then change your coverage here and then change the number of Q grids that kind of tighten those edges up and then if you want to see what it's doing you can hit apply that'll do that'll you know delete lower and you can see where it's adding your edge loops to kind of get those really really nice shapes as you go through so D and shift E and then again if you want to just continue making changes to this thing you can do shift D to kind of go out of that mode and you know continue to just queue mesh a single poly here here here and then here and here and then look you much a single poly straight back or we can insert single edge loop here and then yeah queue mesh single poly here and then you get at D again and it'll automatically update to that kind of nice finish there let's see so yeah so yeah good point so saving a morph target before putting any it doing anything really is a really good way to kind of save yourself some headache as far as cleanup work good point let me go talk about that so I didn't save a morph target here so if I wanted to clean these things up and be a really crappy manual process of like going through here and aged polishing and trim dynamic back down however and you can also do your history undo slider so you can just go ahead and just undo back to where we're here we're here and we'll go ahead and do a morph target store so now we'll always have this to come back to so now if we go through here and then hold down control and tap that white circle here with our Damien standard brush we can we can be it allows us to be a little bit even sloppier if we want so you can kind of go through here and just be like you know just like put in some lines whatever like I'll clean up the lengths later I'm just kind of putting in some lines here and then we can go across here and it would be a little bit more careful as we go across the back here now because we have a morph target stored we can go back to our original a couple different ways to do that we can either use our morphe brush to get rid of the things we don't like or we can use our morphe brush to bring in things we do like so for example I go to be mo for a morph brush you can turn off RGB for that we'll crank it up to a hundred intensity we just morph back exactly you know our original mesh here so if we want to morph it all back and just paint right over it brings it back you can also do switch and that'll throw your morph target it'll switch your original mesh to the forefront and then keep your morph targets stored on the backgrounds and now I can morph in our lines here like so so probably in this case I would keep it like this and this go through here and just like okay perfect cleaned it up good point thanks for bringing that up um I've questioned if you had it user higher resolution for the shadow box would have been less cleanup afterwards yes especially if you keep your masks route nice and really tie however I usually do end up having to go back through there and you know clean up isn't that bad you can group by normals and you can use polish by features once you have those polygroups kind of set in there actually let's put in a little nose so I get sidetracked there nice perfect so yeah that would be less cleanup depending on the kind of mess you're making I try I try and tend to stay as low as possible as I'm working but there are some instances if you're doing something very specific like gears where you'd really just want to crank up that shuttle box resolution and just have a capture everything for you so you don't have to go in there and do a bunch of clipping and cleanup and H polish and trim dynamic or zremesh zoom a thanks for so much showing up nice beveled edge without saying poly can treat apologize and do them in an outside software now in in ZBrush it can keep really beveled stuff and like as we were going through here and as it's a zero meshed here you like if you wanted to do this one I would probably have to you know once I got my basic shape in there I mean you could zmodeler this just fine it's not that complex of a shape in fact you could have just painted that onto a plain zremesh it extruded it gone through and gotten your basic shapes and then beveled the outside edges which we could maybe just do real quick how much time we got we got about 30 minutes we can give that a shot let's try a different technique for this and again I'm just winging this I don't know this is kind of work or not it could be a disaster but we'll give it a shot so let's say if we wanted to poly model that horse is a different technique we'll do shift Z to bring it back and we'll take this plane here I'm going to go to geometry I turn off smooth modifier divide this up a couple times take my standard brush go in here with RGB and we'll just paint this horse on here now just like our shadow box trick that we did earlier if I go out of here I can go in here I'm going to clean this up a little bit hit C and then just clean this up a bit so here's our horse head just paint it on a plane I'm going to go here - we'll go ahead delete lower subdivisions just because I don't want to deal with that so we're gonna go to masking we're going to mask by intensity now if I turn off my poly paint here my colorize you're going to see that's a mask it gives us I want to clean that mask up excuse me so we're going to go to masking mask its and we're going to change this focal shift down to like negative 70 ish now to go ahead and clean it up for us now you can blur that out and then tighten it back up if you want or and if we hit ctrl W we'll make our own poly group here will delete hidden you can also go through here to clean up those edges just go to masking turn out everything but border mask by border invert that mask and then just do a deformations polished by features and you can kind of just clean that up same thing for that extraction clean up is would be that kind of feature right there so now that we have this we can say a Z brush let's go to that decides down to zero target polygon count of five as fine we'll do half and then hit zremesh here and this will just give us nice low res Horsehead geometry that we can then go through let's do half there we go and now we can do like qmesh polygroup ball will pull out a thickness here if we do a mirror and weld across the X you know what we need to orient ourselves here in space I always want to do Z for when I did our plane that put us in a weird axis here so I'm going to go over here to deformation and rotate in the Y negative 90 there we go now our hip Horsehead is z forward here so now when i do it's going to turn off our floor will do qmesh polygroup ball pull us out no problem so whenever it does that um occasionally we're just getting a weird state but whenever it says oh whoops I crash but I've got a recovered file for you you can get that back if you just go to comma key go to ZBrush recovered files and then just grab that last tool there F let's see ere it is and again we'll make sure we're oriented correctly there we go so go through here qmesh polygroup all pull this out and now if I do a quick mirror and weld across the X that'll give me two sides here we can't it X symmetry and you know I can either if I do if I do Q mesh again it's going to add a new edge loop I can hold down shift and just pull it along that surface normal and then I can go through here and like clip this into the shape I want I can go through here and like bevel edge loop complete on its going to do something weird let's do inset here so I'm going to go here to inset all polygroup all region we can kind of inset an edge loop here and now I can do qmesh polygroup ball and hold down shift and kind of bring that out if I need to I can go through and clean up some of this stuff we can go collapse edge and just kind of move these things around a little bit so that'll kind of give us a nice clean look here you can go to crease polygroup it D and now you can do all the sort of box modely' stuff you want to do um cool cool um so for new regular way zebra successfully for a Moto production game assets oh I'm not much of a I mean I have my hardware here I did oh you know what I remember what it was called here this might be fun let's see I always forget what it was called I could never find it but if you want to let me see new horizon ZBrush man I can ah key shot so I did a new horizon demo for AMD where we did ZBrush and key shot right when they first announced horizon new horizon sorry gotta find this I need to keep you there we go oh this is a weird one let's see Rison words orig video YouTube hold on hold on hold on and I'm not trying to sell hardware one way or another but because I did do it and it did have ZBrush included let's see if we can go through here and crap yeah I need to just save this I did a demo on the new rising hardware for ZBrush and ki shot and just kind of went through that it was kind of interesting during their new horizon thing but I can never find the video cool and everybody will have better stuff for you as far as hardware stuff I won't get too involved in that how do you optimize ZBrush preferences so if you go over here to your preferences menu there's a memory where is that stuff at and I honestly I don't even touch this stuff if I'm being perfectly honest but there is a mem go through here and you can change some of this stuff and also where's the one performance you can test your multi-threading you can set multi-threading priorities and kind of go through here and change some of those stuff I don't know that I've ever even touched this stuff if I'm being honest here but definitely check that out of you guys have better options for him but for sure shout it out google cool and again if I miss any questions just keep keep asking it oh so where do you get that pop up menu are you talking about this one dreams ion says this little custom menu here I have there's a lot of different ways to do this but I do have that if you want if you just want it I have it available for download but I can show you how to make it I have an intro to ZBrush part 2 series that will walk you through custom hotkeys custom interface custom menus there you go yeah so that'll be all those videos there and you can kind of go through there and kind of set up your own it's basically like a marking menu in Maya and it's pretty easy do like to make a custom menu so here's my custom menu here and then you can assign a hotkey to any of these menu so you hold down control all then tap and then assign a hotkey so my hotkey is alt a and then I'll go ahead and put those up here if you do want to download it for some reason and I would say just make your own this is there's nothing special about this one but on the off-chance you do if you go here scroll all the way down to intro to ZBrush files and there's my custom menu you can install that if you're if you're so inclined Axl sass when we're going to production how would you use zmodeler would you try and keep the subdivision and clean geometry until the end stage or using it just a starting point then dynamesh about the book that again it kind of depends on the end result like in this case here I might start with zmodeler and I try to have to be 2 let's go ahead and undo back before we did the bevels so order of operations here if I want to change how these things work you know I probably do this first and then go back through and go okay bevel edge loop complete or yeah we're going to do an inset aren't we let me see there's a better solution for that I could do frame I could frame this polygroup into a curve bevel to force it let's try that so I'm going to open up these open edges here and I'm going to go to stroke curve functions we're going to frame our mesh border here and now is the modeler what I can do is when I hover over a curve here I can do bevel all curves and now to kind of force a bevel along exactly where I want I can just do a little bit of cleanup here with our move brush here we kind of just toss that back so that's another option if this kind of dipped in a little bit I can go through here when you do an insert single edge loop hold down alt and then we can do a quick mirror and weld again to get that back now be nice and straight so now like I was saying if we go here to crease polygroup and hit D that's a horse face I'm looking for and we can go over here and like crank up our smooth sub dish on our dynamic and if I really like this but then you know and I can go through here big and I can go through here and make nice simple changes because really we're just averaging simple vertices here with just a dynamic preview on it so we're just pushing around really low res geometry so they give us really nice smooth results no matter what but if I ever do want to go you know what let's dynamic preview okay I like that I'm going to apply it I'm going to go ahead and turn on projection off blur crank up my Z dynamesh here and go ahead and just do some like sculpting or insert mesh brushes let's go to ulti let's go ahead and brush insert b.i we can kind of just start carving out I'm gonna hold down alt turn on double here and now we can oops yeah I mean hell let's just do it let's push that through here and kind of punch through here I'm kind of smooth this down we can also do maybe let's go ahead and let's do a slice curve through this object here so I can you know let's just do it from front to back we'll do something weird so I'll do front to back I'll turn on groups for my dynamesh here and I'll do ctrl shift ctrl shift a will turn off groups go ahead and split hidden so now I've got these two separate pieces here and I mean I could have just zmodeler that but let's say I'm just kind of playing around so I can kind of just isolate this one isolate this one here again we're just kind of having a little bit of fun just kind of playing around with these different shapes and then if I want it to like attach those things here I could go to let's go ahead and drop a sphere right here and we'll kind of stretch these spheres out a little bit and we'll kind of put this one here we'll do two of these we'll do one here and then I'll hold down ctrl shift and snap out a copy here so we'll kind of do two of these spheres here and then we'll isolate those spheres go ahead and split hidden here and now at these spheres I can go through a slice curve and I can slice them right up where they are there and now even for these ones because I have them slice I can turn on groups and crank up the resolution a little bit here we can dynamesh these and now I can split these ones off ctrl shift a let's go ahead and split hidden here so now with this one here I can hold down shift I'll tap this one shift shoot it to the top I'll add this one I'll merge it down dynamesh these together and now on this one I'm going to shoot this one to the top I'll tap this one hold down shift bent up arrow shoot that to the top move it down one subtractive let's go ahead and merge these down here cut this one out like this oops I kind of did a did too many merges there hold on just a second let's do here I've merged I got a little bit sloppy with my merges there let's do control shift let's grab all of these control shift a and then we'll go and split those off and now if I dynamesh those there we go so that'll cut through this side here and hoops I forgot to pull those through let's pull these through just a little bit more so I'm going to isolate this one mask it hold on just a second got a little shrimp shift a delete hidden and then we'll grab this one mask and with that pull these out just a little bit so it kind of make sure it goes all the way through and now we can kind of smooth these down go back here you can smooth these down abet eyes a little bit ridged back here I think when I went through and I had groups on I think I was a little bit sloppy too but we can just really really quickly go through here and H polishes stuff back down not a big deal for a little bit of cleanup and then control w make sure groups is turned off and now back here I can go in with my clay brush or that clay brush that we made oops we got rid of it I think when so we can clone this one off go to drag dot bring in our alpha focal shift down and negative 100 we can just drag in like kind of a recessed area here and then we can go to let's make sure dynamic isn't turn out for that you brush insert bi industrial parts here we'll go in here and put in a little screw port here we'll do a headed split mass points will hit d to turn on dynamic preview and then we can use W control shift it will just pop that I want to right in there so here we also need to move that back so mask that out and then we'll settle with in a straight line we'll just push that right back in there so now I've got kind of a little screw thing that we can kind of figure out and again it wasn't a bunch of like zmodeler and trying to figure out like well how do you how do you make these things blend perfectly together here let me see brush shift auto masking here let's go to smooth stronger and make sure it groups is off and we'll just dynamesh this stuff together there we go so now you can kind of smooth these things together you know whatever kind of bevel you're looking for there I kind of build that in and once you have this you can go and rebuild it if you want to make it super nice and sharp we can also let's do it we did a little bit of this lesson let's do external render key shot auto merge we'll throw in the key shot real quick so um let's see question question let's see if new zoom you found it yes thank you okay I'm gonna save this because I can never remember where this is let's say favorites I'll throw this into stream there I am yeah so check out this video that need to be posted and I was talking about the risin workstation at that one are you actually leaving ZBrush for modeling or anytime or do you stay at most possible ZBrush all tasks on this channel in the pixologic channel I'm live-streaming I'm always going to stay in ZBrush I might do a little bit of Marvelous Designer and bring it into ZBrush and zero mission that kind of stuff but for the most part on this channel I'm stick with in ZBrush on my channel I'll do everything I do I use a ton of different programs I use ZBrush to get my ideas out for sure and then I you know like we've done just even today we've done a ton of just different cool modeling stuff here let's open up the key shot sorry we've done a ton of cool modeling here so you know you can do anything inside of ZBrush I would say by all means ZBrush it up so let's go in here and we'll do like a metal are actually will go into our metals here and we'll do maybe a nickel polished nickel on this back piece here and then we'll go into our you won't do skin will do a plastic hard plastic shiny or a me we can do that we can do like a shiny plastic here and we can also do a rough shiny cloudy composite clear so we go clear pastic shiny let's make that like a clear plastic here and then let's go ahead and add let's go back to our metals we'll do just do a brass here and actually let's go to I don't even know what I'm done to it let's let's go to the Excel to paint hot hues and we'll do like this one here or you know what maybe like red on red or orange on red I mean I mean orange can be a yellow let's try that one so you can go into key shot and do all sorts of cool rendering here if we change our environment we can go to actually ZBrush has some cool environments in here we can double click these this will give us a new lighting environment if you don't want to see the lighting environment come over here to your environment turn on let's give it like this the basic color here and just use your environment to light the object if you want more studio lighting go in here to studio and just drop in some really nice product render e lighting in here what else all the cool stuff can we do there's Sun and sky ZBrush if you want to you can do let's do studio lighting and we'll do a startup studio and I'll go to our materials here I'll go to ZBrush materials we'll throw on some ZBrush clay here and let's go to our materials here so we'll do here here and we'll keep that little metal in there actually you know what we'll keep that as well and you can also go in here to your backplate and zebras has some good back plates you can use if you wanted to do like this type of thing we do a lot so we can kind of just throw this black back plate in here and now you can kind of you know kind of set this up so the clay kind of matches you can hold down ctrl and right click or I'm sorry control on the left click and move your lighting around and kind of match your lighting up like so go to your lighting here and let's do a product light if you wanted to say make this thing out of beer go to our materials here you could we can set up a new scene so we have a default scene setup here let's do a quick add scene set will call it beer and now we've got we're on the beer scene sets and now we can just replace everything with liquid beer if we ever wanted to get that back we could go back to our default and we're good to go if you make this out of beer you probably want to go to lighting full simulation to get caustics and stuff to work correctly and now we have a horse head made of beer on a pixologic back drop there let's see in this anything mm-hmm yeah so model so when you bring in your model you had to go see for just make sure usually most programs are pretty consistent so if your modeling in another program just make sure your z forward y up and then when you bring it into ZBrush you'll be Orion automatically and yeah you can definite to the world access center of ZBrush here if you want to make sure or you can also go in here to geometry and there's size and position you can zero these things out and all its size you would want to zero out but position you can zero out as well cool cool and then okay yeah so snapshot if you wanted to do like there's a couple of ways you can do shift s shift s and then you can do like a 3/4 turn up perspective for these ones and go shift s and then shift s another cool way to kind of if you wanted to do a character sheet is that documents sapling properties we're talking about earlier you can use this to save camera views but you can also have the ability to make a character sheet here so if you go to your front here and you can go okay here's my front it makes it back automatically here is my right makes a left automatically here is custom one and then here is custom to and then if you hit make character sheet it'll take all of these with a PNG transparency and throw it in the Photoshop and you'll just give you a nice turnaround sheet cool cool um yeah exactly and that's a good point you bring up I eat models so when I first started out using ZBrush it was very much like well I'm just going to model everything in another program bring it in and then I'll put little scratches on the edges and then by the time I was on DC Universe Online and by the time I got to the end of production I did everything in ZBrush just because it's kind of a pain to be like well if I there's no reason to hop out like you said you just need to learn how to do it in here and then there's no reason to keep hopping back and forth unless you're doing something very very specific like for example like I was talking about if you're marvelous designer for your clothing and then hopping back and zerah meshing and projecting all which if you go back through the videos that we do here you'll see a little bit more of that cool and we have streamed quite a bit on the Marvelous Designer to ZBrush workflow if you want to see because ZBrush is really really good at doing that stuff if you want to go to this YouTube channel here and this goes this is me going back and forth between marvelous and ZBrush and all the coupled cool different ways you can you can do that um let's see okay Kay yeah so hmm let me look at the G boobs my chats still working okay I think I just went through and got rid of that thing so let's go to so in this case here let me download this real quick show and folder for it to leave let's throw this on to the desktop come on there we go so for example if I wanted to make something like this texture import desktop this thing here texture add it to my spotlight so if I want to make this thing here I would probably I guess the easiest way for me to kind of think about this kind of object would be to do it in dynamesh first I mean you could you know paint it onto a plane get that shape and I mean it is in three it's it's kind of a 3/4 view or a perspective view here so you would have to find that shape here and then you could add a cylinder and extrude that cylinder and then dynamesh those together and then once you have your shapes in there you know poke this stuff through then you can zremesh it or if you felt like it you could go in and zmodeler these things very accurately but usually for me it's just making a dynamesh blob so it'd be like okay here's here's where I'm going to start and so you control n let's grab a sphere 3d edit make polymesh3d will go ahead and go across mirroring along the x axis here and we'll turn on our floor make sure Z 4 is this way so then I could kind of just position this thing here we'll go ahead and just dynamesh this thing so very quickly let's go to preferences edit oops kill some of those here edit line cursor to surface here and we can pull this back and pull this forward and then just go through here now again because it's in a 3/4 view let's go ahead and clear all our views here and I'll do it custom one so I can always step back but you know it's going to be a little bit difficult to kind of work with that so let's go ahead and turn on RGB we'll just kind of paint in perspective where the stuff needs to go and then I go to the side here and make a little bit more informed decisions as far as like how I want this thing to kind of swoop around and then go in here and kind of carve this out and cut this back double tap here and this thing kind of comes back and then down and then dynamesh that together and then of course not gonna be that wide you're going to sit on this thing so kind of shrink this down here that's kind of a basic shape I would start with and then go back to custom one then again let's turn it in perspective mode too I've something I should have done earlier so you kind of move this back into place let's go ahead and clear all custom one and now I can go through here and just sort of move this stuff around to kind of get a little bit closer to that final shape here and then here we can go in with our trim dynamic and I should probably have this thing up as a reference let's see yeah so here we can just turn off our poly paint as we're kind of working and you can go through here and use trim dynamic to really quickly just be okay those this shapes going to go down through here and around here and it doesn't have to be perfect like I said you I mean if you wanted it to be perfect as your Z mod luring it by all means sit there and plot points all day long that's certainly one way to do it for me and the way my brain works and how this type of speed I like to work out I kind of tend to prefer to do it in this method here just so I can kind of get my shapes in there let's go ahead and we'll repaint this on here now that we've got this a little bit closer you can go ahead and just repaint our details back on and if this is kind of getting busy you can go in here to your color drop that RGB intensity down just do color fill object just kind of knock that back a bit now for this shape here that's going to poke straight through and it's kind of this outer shape here so you could do topology brush but it's going to want to not go straight through well if we can do that we'll do BTO and we'll go okay here's where I want the shape like this and then we can just add lines through here here to get our shape here we can make a shape here we'll go ahead and split mass points going to solo mode when I go out of X symmetry we're going to go ahead and kill that side delete hidden and have to straighten these lines out what I can do is isolate this poly group here and then we'll just clip this thing out to here and then we'll take this inside poly group here we can mask and invert and now we can just clip this thing back here there you go and that'll kind of push through of course we might need to rotate this thing around a bit we want to keep that shape but we want it to push straight back so again I'm just going to clip this straight and now we can just really quickly with q mesh do qmesh polygroup ball hold on shift pull that through do a quick oops miron weld if you want now you can just poke a hole straight through this thing so I'm going to put this down one go to subtractive mesh merge these down clip this out and you know I probably should have spent a little more time making that hold down shift them in smooth stronger modes I'm going to crank that down a little bit so it's not so intense and I can also crank up my resolution of my dynamesh here and if you want to smooth and not get rid of your drawing you can just turn off RGB and now you can kind of go through here and again I'm just kind of blocking this shape out really quickly another useful reason to do this is if you want to get this in the game engine really quickly there's no point in hemming and hawing over smoothing everything perfectly just get it done really quick and then throw it in the game like throw this in a game with some wheels and go okay does everything work right and then you can kind of start evaluating an engine as opposed to spending months and months to get the perfect thing in only to find out oops you're gonna have to make some serious changes because you know it's not going to work so then really quickly alt e/m is going to go grab a custom cylinder here we can just start dragging that cylinder on here we can shrink the cylinder down here and we can also let's go ahead and masks this end here and invert that mask right let's go ahead and split these off that'll be a little bit easier so I'm going to take this one control shift a we'll go ahead and split hidden do a quick save if you want to reload that from the quick saving just go in your whoops quick save menu here and load this up so now if we kind of mask this end out and invert that we can go through here select this one shift C to bring this back and now I can kind of scale this down let's see scale there we go sorry scale this thing down to kind of match that kind of shape you have here and now even in this case you could go through and be like okay so I want that to have a capped end with some thickness here so I can go through here and hold down alt and we can go ahead and delete hidden bring this back going to custom one here let's go ahead and rotate this around a bit and we can go ahead and guess we can dynamesh off that for that one now so we can go ahead and take this one here let's rotate it around a bit and we wanted to add a little bit more thickness down at the bottom I don't know why it's having such a hard time well you know what it's not that's just me being weird so we'll go ahead and turn on double we can go ahead and bridge edges here so we go here to here and sometimes it's easier to use a mouse to kind of get these edges here so here to here and now we can just queue mesh these down a little bit give us a little bit more breathing room here and then once we have that shape it looks like we might need to mask this back here and kind of pull these down so now that we have this shape we can go through here and we can turn on dynamic so let's go ahead and turn on our crease tolerance dynamic on and kind of get this thing a little bit more evened out here so now we're pulling around a little bit simpler Geo and kind of get that shape here that we're looking for and now we can do shift D and we can probably even just get rid of let's go through here and just like delete single poly here here probably all these ones here as well you get delete by poly group but this is simpler enough and then we'll do queue mesh all polygons pull in some thickness queue mesh nuts scale pull this in make sure double is turned off and then we'll flip and then we'll do another crease tolerance here hit D for dynamic preview and then we can just go through here and we can crease these up so we'll do crease edge here here go back and kind of get this into place here now of course you get dynamesh these things together and smooth those transitions out between them zremesh the shapes if you want to we've got a turn perspective back on that would help for this bicycle seat up here if we turn this back on we can do it just a really quick one we'll do standard brush RGB we'll paint where we want that seat to go and then we can do control shift we'll do a slice curve and we can just really quickly if we want to key and we can turn on we'll do alt once alt again up again alt again and we'll just kind of slice through here give it a second so now we've got a polygroup air so on this one you can isolate just this poly group here and you can go into your poly group settings so subtool geometry we can go ahead and toss on a we can zremesh this stuff if we want we can also go into edge loop and start doing some panel loops here where we kind of panel loops this thing off let's go ahead and turn off our poly frame here we can turn on that's going to be a pain let's see so panel loops if we turn on we have double turned on and we can also do where's the one where we double and then we we can regroup panels and we want to buh-buh-buh-buh-buh I think that'll do it Oh a pen where's a pen debt pend is grayed out Oh let's undo that there we go so here we're going to turn on append regroup panels let's just crank that thickness up so now he's got this one here we can go ahead and isolate this one control shift a split that off turn off all these poly frames here so now when we when we did that panel loops it kind of gave us kind of mediocre geometry so we can we can definitely use the mesh to kind of clean this up so we're going to solo mode here you can see a mesh with poly grooves or if I want to take this top one delete hidden we'll do a quick zero measure will do fifty one we'll do half at that besides down to zero and again that you don't have to do this this is just one of those things you can just keep it panel loops but just for a little bit of cleanup here we'll just zero meshes back down and then we'll give it thickness some nice easy simple geometry here and then go back here qmesh polygroup ball will pull this in and we'll flip that and will crease polygroup here and then we'll hit D for a dynamic preview and now I've got a little seat that we can you know start modifying with a little bit cleaner geometry here that kind of stuff then you know go through here and again with your crease levels and your dynamic sub divs we do this up to four and then our crease levels down to like two we can kind of start dialing that end let's decrease level one there you go kind of soften that a little bit um let's see some questions here when I save custom views etcetera reload them sometimes I always get flipped actually up shadows yeah so we can go into key shot here and the shadows are really diffuse here but if we go into our light Hino environment here we'll go to color and let's do let's change our right let's do something fun ER so we'll take our brightness of our room down quite a bit and I'm going to go to edit add geometry plane and then in our scene view I can right click this it will do move part and we will just move this thing up here and actually you know what let's go back to our default I'll render a little bit faster lighting product so I can take our plane actually there planed it end up in default so let's go ahead and kill that let's go to our default scene edit add geometry plane here move part we can just move this up rotate it around move this over and now at this one let's go to our environment lights and we'll just do light I'm sorry not our environment line materials we'll go to our lights here just like yes we want to move it there come on give me oh you know what's right area there we go so our area light here will store an area light on here and we'll just put in our own custom lighting this might be just a pro feature we're going to change this till watt if we cranked it up that I'll give us some sunlight here and now if we go back to lighting product here it should be um there we go ground illumination so there there's our shadows there and see product interesting okay so yeah then we can just kind of go through here let's change this a little bit so we'll change those wattage down just a bit tad kind of go throw in your own custom lighting again you can bring your environment lighting back up if that's the case or you can just completely kill it and just have your own custom light setup in there um correcting Z uh let's see make sure don't miss anything here how did you about correcting zebras lens distortion after BPR so in photoshop and how do you calculate the correct countermeasures for a quick workflow it only lens distortion stuff I worry about is when I'm doing painting portraits and stuff and I usually end up doing like draw menu angle of view with my perspective to kind of match this in I usually end up around like 17 for portrait stuff but um really precise stuff I'm not sure about that's a good one um as far as like this is getting fastened see brush it's just dead muscle memory and just using it a lot cool hotkeys and stuff yeah hotkeys helped a lot custom menus helped a lot because you know again if I want to do something as simple as like mirror mirror and weld you'd have to go down here to like deformation mirror and then geometry modify topology mirror and weld and it's just a lot easier just to do mirror mirror and weld right here and your own custom menu so just kind of isolating what you use a lot and doing that kind of stuff so handlebars and the front fork I think they're just cylinders just kind of getting those into place right so it would be like this thing here this front forks would be like I'll D and let's go to my custom menu just grab a cylinder on there it's go ahead and split mass point shift D rotate that around and you know skip this in the into place here really in a lot of it if you're just matching something is just a lot of tedious like ok let me go in and put in a cylinder and then snap to my view and then move it into place and then shrink it down let's go across the local symmetry here shrink it down and then find that surface normal here and then snap my camera view back and then push this down you're going to want to make sure you're out of perspective here then you could either a ctrl shift drag a copy out or you can just duplicate this off drag it down and then if you want to hit ctrl W for both of these you can merge them down temporarily and then kind of rotate them into place a little bit better and then if you wanted to shrink this bottom one down just isolate that go ahead and split that apart go into solo mode hit E and then you can kind of just scale along that axis from the center here and then W to kind of push that down and just continue to kind of build in cylinders ah what feature do I like most with Z brush oh boy now to get back to you on that one um all of them uh actually yeah that does look like a I guess this could be a duck head here but that I was thinking that the the knight also looked like a duck head - yeah so keyboard key shot HD you can buy the key shot bridge that goes from ZBrush to key shot on one button click and then you get out this version a key should I have you have to go through the ZBrush but it's a lot cheaper than just the regular key shot here so definitely check that out if you want to just do really quick key shot renders from ZBrush it's excellent cool cool all right yeah and as far as that custom menu I'll just post this again if you go to my youtube channel playlist if you go to intro to ZBrush here's all of us here's all the stuff if you want a lot of cool stuff to look at if you go to specifically to intro to ZBrush part 2 here that'll show you how to set up your own custom hotkeys and interface and stuff so you can start cruising in ZBrush make sure guys you can combine some tools and it penetrating meshes it's a it's kind of depends on your engine and how you want to optimize I tend to work sloppy getting ideas out and then I'll go through and refine as needed because it's usually not a big deal to rebuild something quickly the hard part is getting everything into place where you want and how you want it and then everything in past that once you know exactly what you want in 3d then it's just a matter of cleaning it up a little bit so I tend to err on the side of getting stuff done quickly and then rebuilding is needed I do use the brush tree topology for game models all the time just easier to stay in ZBrush a lot of the time and a you know and but I'd apologize and everything so there's I liked apologizing like five different programs depending on my mood mostly mortar caner yes well I stream this week on my channel I will I've missed a whole bunch in a row just because Thursday nights are usually shot for me trying to get out of work and stuff so I changed it to Thursday morning so the time you showed up here I will be on my channel on Thursday morning same time so I'll be a little more consistent that live in the morning so oh this will be my last thing before I head out so I can read apologize something real quick there's a couple different ways to do that so if I grab this piece here and go to like BT oh and we can use our topology brush to kind of start Reed apologizing stuff if we want and just kind of dragging this out if you if you touch with depending on your brush size here it will it'll make it the thickness if you put your brush size down to one it won't give you any thickness here I'm going to go ahead and do a high point delete hidden you can also just go through here shoot this to the top I'm going to go to insert a Zee sphere here we're just going to grab our Zee sphere hit X to go across X symmetry scale this down just to kind of get it out of the way and you can usually just hide it inside of a mesh if you want I'm going to go to density of one edit apology and in Miami we read to pologize a bunch of stuff on this channel so and on my channel so if you go to the twitch link that I sent out and also the ZBrush one which I'll have for you here if you go back through like the very first videos we'd read apologize entire bodies and stuff but um but yeah just really quickly you can just go through here and just start reach apologizing to make this a little bit easier no matte cap purl medium gray and now I can just start you know going through here and adding topology as needed I think kind of just split these things up like so just kind of going back and forth and if you have anything on your screen it'll snap to it we can use move and then we can hit a to make our adaptive skin here if we like it we can make an adaptive skin insert it grab it we don't need the Z sphere any more delete that and now I've got topology here we can go ahead and qmesh polygroup ball and kind of pull that out and then we can go through here and do any of our like dynamic stuff we want to do or zmodeler stuff if we want to like cue mesh pullback through here single poly or like inset single poly here to here and then want to poke a hole through here so we'll cube mesh polygroup ball and just push that back through and now we've got our dynamic here and we greased polygroup and all the cool stuff we've done up to this point so I think my time is up yeah I'm probably sneaking into somebody else's time here so I'm gonna head out hope you guys had a good time I hope I wasn't too boring going through some of the stuff but um yeah so oops there's my alarm to go put the trash out so yeah I will see you guys on my channel Thursday morning and I will see you guys next Tuesday on this channel will go through some other cool stuff here everybody have a good day and thanks for showing up
Channel: Pixologic ZBrush
Views: 3,844
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, pixologic, zbrush, zbrushlive, zbrush live, sculpting, modeling, 3d modeling, art, design, tutorial, how to, making of, digital, 3d, character creation, michael pavlovich, workshop
Id: hA9MLrbvrp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 34sec (8074 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2017
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