Pavlovich Workshop: New ZBrush 2020 Features - Michael Pavlovich

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all right only a minute late this worked remarkably well I forget how long it takes me to get the dogs ready in the morning my wife is flying back from Japan so normally I just get up and walk up here and today I had to get them rockin and rollin and I took me a little bit longer than I expected anyway we are going to be using ZBrush 2020 this morning I think everything is okay for me to do that I didn't hear otherwise so we're gonna get started we're gonna do this I think I'm just gonna go through the basics really quickly and then we'll kind of maybe get into some fun or stuff and by fun I mean I haven't really tested it yet but it should be I have some demo projects we can try to kind of explain some of the functionality a little bit better you may have noticed on the YouTube channel and I'll be referring back to this when we start going through some of the new feature sets here that's like the ZBrush 20/20 new features time lapse go ahead and click this you can kind of watch through this and I've got some things called out that we use some of its just ZBrush functionality that we can also talk about and then some of its also ZBrush 20/20 related so we might go through this and talk a little bit about the making of this this guy this little patchy that you dude didn't get that a shot so anyway okay we're in ZBrush 20/20 right now and I'm gonna go ahead and load up well go you know when you want to start with something you can grab a primitive out of this little tool palette here you grab any of these primitives and set that up I can grab a polymesh3d which is just a star but it is polygons so if you have if you grab ephra grab a primitive you're gonna see you're gonna be an initialized state let me drop this down hold on just a second there you go you can drop this primitive down here and you go to initialize and then you can say you know what how many divides do you want and how many horizontal vertical divides if you want to put an inner radius in there and then when you're ready to sculpt on it then you can go up here to make polymesh3d and then now you've got a something to sculpt done polymesh3d is always a polymesh3d or you can get the kit the comma key and you can go up here to like the projects the tools and just grab something out of here oh you know what I need to copy some then you might need to copy some tools under there but if you wanted to start with a project another thing they've updated is this was not necessarily updated hey thanks for showing up they updated this load tools from project in ZBrush 2018 or 2019 maybe but you can now load tools from project and if I go over here so we're gonna be in it drops us down here real quick so when you're in your ZBrush folder so see Program Files pixologic and whatever the person is deep pressure on you can go in here to Z projects and so this is basically whatever's in your lightbox is going to be in this folder so in like the tools the brushes the textures are all in your pixologic zbrush version is e projects and then in here and then if you do low tools from project then go down here and you can say like the demo and it may have you can that look like that and that way you don't have to open up a project which is going to overwrite your entire ZBrush working you know all your all your tools would be updated all your document settings will be updated all that stuff this will just load in the tools from that Z project so that can be a useful way to load some things in if you don't want to update that project so I've got an object in here and the first thing you might notice is a couple things number one you've got a cam view up here and you're gonna see as I turn this head this little can view up here is going to turn we also have a thumbnail view let's talk about the cam view first so if you click and drag on the cam view you can actually just move the object itself and then also if you click on like this little red two arrow there or the green arrow there the blue arrow there it'll go to those views and if you touch them twice so if I want to go to the bottom just touch that again and I go to the bottom so that way you can go ahead and just have that available to you it's the settings for that is going to be under preferences Y from Zimbabwe Wow oh I need a warm my hands up it's colder in Texas and I'm used to so again I had to take the dogs out this morning and trying to wake up take the dogs out get the dogs ready be frozen in Texas and then start live streaming so underneath Preferences we got a can view in here so get a candy section you can turn it on or off so if you don't want to see it you can just turn it off and then you're back to old school zbrushing you can turn that can view on you can change the size so you can make it very small you can make it very large we'll go ahead and set that back at 128 you're also going to see this neck so you can actually cycle through a couple of default cam views that it has available for you so here's her kid his name but he's one of the projects the remember we're talking about the at the comic ego overheard a project and you got I think demo projects in here areas earthquake you can double click him and you can check him out now but if you want to make your own let's go out of edit mode it's a control and clear our canvas will say always switch control in let's go back into our comma key here we're gonna go into tool and we're gonna double click this Ryan Kings line Anatomy model give it a minute and then hit the comma key to get rid that lightbox drag this out go into edit mode and under sub tool here I'm just gonna go into solo and it's gonna be down here I don't think I'm in the way of that I move my camera out of the way yeah you can see that right behind me was another thing too I don't know if I'll get into it in this live stream but you can set up a custom interface if you want to kind of do that I can I'll point you to uh I mean obviously go to the Z classroom and stuff but since I know where this stuff is off the top of my head if you go to my playlist section there is a intro to ZBrush ZBrush for ideation and in here this will walk you through it something it's like 50 something videos in here of kind of ZBrush basics and this will take you some of the stuff will take you through like I believe yeah custom interface and menus and stuff like that so you can set that up and then this will kind of get you rocking and rolling not new ZBrush 2020 stuff you're gonna see in here if you want to go through like 19 was to what's new ZBrush 2018 lets news it was for r8 what's new it's all in their house on my art station page all the what's new stuff is in here and then any kind of ZBrush marvelous ZBrush QuickStart and stuff is all on there we'll be getting to that I'll definitely make a playlist for you guys this is going to be it's gonna be live so at number one I'm not real good at all the new features or let's say all of it let's say I'm not good at any of them and then also the the power of editing is not gonna be on my side so when I do a video series you could be thinking wow Mike really knows this this section really well he knows what he's doing he knows he's talked about a lot of times that's just me editing out the parts where I look like a total and I'm not gonna be able to do that today so hopefully we'll be able to at least get them the new features and I won't look too stupid but bear with me if I get in a tight spot so okay thanks for showing up let me grab this goal out of here so I'm gonna hold down ctrl shift to go in here to select lasso and I just grabbed little pieces of that skull that I want them to do ctrl shift a which is visibility tool visibility grow all and then a geometry modify topology delete hidden this is a custom menu that I have again the custom menu I just clicked that link that I sent you and that'll take you through that new stuff we're not that new stuff but the ability to make a custom menu now I want to make a cam view of this skull so how am I do that if I want to clear out the rest of these sub tools I don't need a bunch of muscles in stuff in here so I'm going to go to delete other and the first thing I want to do is put this right at the center of ZBrush world space luckily there's a really easy way to do that if I turn on my floor plane it's going to snap to the bottom of this but I've been going here to the draw menu and we go down here to elevation of zero you're gonna see the actual world is right down here when you set it to negative one that's gonna set snaps it to the bottom of your visible are the sub tools that you have even if they're not visible the cool thing about that is when you do your BP our render that's what's going to catch that shadow so it's useful but it's it can be a little bit tricky some time so what we're gonna do is go down here to deformation unify and then now that's basically going to put it right at world zero zero zero and if we go ahead and append like a cube here and if you append a poly may ZBrush primitive it's gonna go ahead and make it a poly mesh for you so you don't have to click that button it's going to make that bounding box fit right inside a busy brush primitive cube so that's helpful so after saying all that now we want to make a cam view now any sub tools you have visible like say if you had let's do this again we appended a cube and then we take this cube and we can like shrink it down and scoot it over here so if these are visible on your canvas or in your working area here it's going to capture it into your cam view and you capture it so if you don't want to see it get rid of it in fact we can just go ahead delete that also if your floor is turned on or if your perspective is turned on it's going to capture that as well so I'm gonna go ahead and I'll keep perspective off and I'll go ahead and say you know let's go ahead turn that floor off so I want to capture this cam view here so I'm gonna go back over here and if you don't know about this you can double click this little divider arrow here and that'll be underneath that'll kind of open up this little docking station over here and then you can drag any menu in here right now we have preferences just take the little white dot and drag it right over there so we have cam view we're gonna make our own cambio so we can just go ahead and say make cam view did it did it there we go and now we have a new camera view up there that is a skull now that doesn't mean it's going to save necessarily what you have to do is you have to go over here to this brush texture and you're gonna see it's a 18 5 18 24 by 1280 so you can click on this texture and go to export and you're gonna want to throw that in too so let's see Program Files pixologic zbrush I go to Z projects and we're going to go down here to our cam view Z Joe so you start up can view your Caesars can't view one two three and four let's go ahead open up Photoshop because we can we can have a little bit of fun in there this is uh this is kind of interesting so all it is is just a PSD file that you can go and you can edit it however you'd like but also what you can do is you can just go in here to export image let's go and talk about that first for you and get fancy and Photoshop so all we said let's make sure back on track here so I'm going to say texture we have the texture selected in here you can also go up here to a texture and that texture selects it go to export and we're gonna go to our ZBrush version c program files with selected ZBrush version Z startup cam view and we're gonna say can view five so now that we saved it in here now when we go to next we can go next next next next and then number five will be the one you just made and that's all you need to do now let's let's also do another thing you're gonna notice in one of these are a couple of these actually you can have this functionality so we need to go through and you're click you have the ability to kind of you know go front back bottom top left right if we go to ours that we made you might be thinking well is it just like is there a button in there that we can click know how that's driven is kind of neat is anything that is pure red anywhere in the cam view is going to have that functionality anything that's pure green is gonna do top bottom and then front back is gonna be pure blue so knowing them let's go out of edit mode let's go ahead and grab a scrub a cone go on edit mode and then let's go ahead and say make polymesh3d we'll go back to our skull here go to a sub tool append and we'll just go ahead and append that poly 3d cone now we could have skipped all of that by just appending a primitive cone it would have done the same thing like we talked about earlier but if you wanted to initialize this cone that would be how you would go about it so let's go ahead and take this cone out here and we're gonna go ahead and reset up kind of the kind of this setup now doesn't have to be that you can make it arrows you can make it hands if you want to do like bi brush inserts I am in body parts and do you know make a hand that has a finger pointing you could do that I will go ahead and keep this for now I'll hit W control drag off a copy if you want to drag on a straight line just hold down control and just grab that blue line there and the hold down shift and then let's go ahead and turn on our poly frame here and we're going to go to polygroups Auto groups which is going to be down here in your poly groups menu and then a little control tap this one here hold down alt and reset this control drag out another copy and then we'll just hold down shift and just snap it that direction so now we have our arrows in here so now we need to color them so let's go over here to our color menu and again we need pure red green and blue so we're gonna go over here we just move this over to the red area you're gonna see it's actually two 4900 so we need to make that to 5500 and then we're gonna go to color fill object and then with this blue one hold that control shift and isolate that one actually let's do another polygroups Auto groups so when you hold down control shift let's switch back to the Select rectangle we can just grab this one here and we'll say blue 5500 color fill object and then this bottom one here is going to be green to 5500 color fill object and there we go now if I capture this can view it actually is going to capture this material so we need to have this sub tool assigned flat color now you can't assign a flat color just because that's how you use if you had a material assigned to these vertices vertex points in your object here you're going to you would clear out the material properties by going into your flat color here but what we can do is we can take this model here and another thing I need to need to tell you guys about if we go in here to our cam view and we go to the one we just made you see how it looks great however if we go into document take this background button and kind of just click in this lighter air you're going to see oh we have we have that background color built-in so like many things in ZBrush if you make it pure black like where it got a little dark underneath these eyeballs here it'll go ahead and make it transparent so let's go ahead and fix that let's go back here to document back great so we can fix that as well and have these built in and have them be clickable so how we're gonna do that is number one let's go ahead and you can play around with these materials a little bit so we're a balls don't go to pure black one way we can do this and go over here to render and underneath render shadows you can actually just go turn them off so if you go in here to render properties you can turn off shadows and that will automatically lighten these up you can also go into the material properties here I'm trying to remember is it intensity a mmm one of these depth a you can dial depth a back a little bit and I kind of lighten up these dark areas you can also go into here just trick grab like a basic material and we can crank up this ambient the diffuse we can keep down a little bit but that ambient we as we crank it up you're gonna see this goes from pure black to kind of a just a dark gray so that's kind of what we're looking forward just to make sure none of our skull pieces are gonna be transparent now if we want to make our background transparent that's as simple as going here to document grabbing office back and clicking and dragging and is putting black so now we have this as a white color of course you can color this however you'd like it can have poly paint or it can be whatever material you'd like let's go ahead and say we got our scrub our standard brush here standard brush B so if you will hit B and then s and then T have a grab your standard brush or you can assign hotkeys so that's also in that link I sent out earlier just go through here and you can just assign hotkeys anything so my standard brush is selected here and we have Mr GB selected and we're gonna go over here to back here to color and then when we fill object it's gonna fill the material and the colors let's select white color fill object and then for our cones here we already have we've already filled these with colors we already had in this turn as the year colorize on and off here so we already have poly paint assigned to these thing and now when we go over here select flat color that'll just have these inherit that flat color in fact any material you go over here it'll inherit that material but now we can just do flat color okay so having said all of that we have a black background we have not so black and our object we have some clickable things out here now we're going to go over here to our camera view so that's gonna be back under preferences and we'll say make cam view oh wait that's actually gonna capture it's like that now that'll actually work you can still go through and you can click these like whenever there's blue you can still go click them but I skipped a step here so let's go ahead and do append that cube 3d so when we if we click on this these cones here if we go into transparency mode down here they're gonna see we have our skull and this is the bounding box that our skull fits in perfectly because we did unify so you can actually go in here to your cones and you can say let's drag these in here a little bit and then there we go so now I'm ready to go ahead and capture these on my documents what I'm gonna do is instead of there's a couple different ways I can do this I can go out of edit mode or I can hit shift S on my keyboard when I do shift s that just saves a snapshot onto my document so you can use this it's like a stamp that's going here it's gonna capture the skull in this is gonna do a stamp just sitting there behind the skull so let's hit ctrl in let's turn that cube back on let's go into transparency mode I'm just going to make sure it's inside that bounding box in that corner and then we'll turn our skull back on so that's what its gonna look like so I'm going to take this cone right here I turn off my skull I'm going to hit shift s and I'm going to turn my skull on turn that cone off so now we just have a stamp of those cones and then we have our skull sitting here and now we can say make kambou those cones will sit there and now when we go over to our texture you're going to see we have a bunch of clickable cones in there so now what we can do is we can go back here to export and we'll say cam views six take control in to clear our canvas here and then we'll go back here to our documents will change your background like our normal hot pink or gray and then now when we go in here the next it's gonna cycle through here so we'll have our skull and then we'll have our new skull that's transparent and has these little clickable arrows alternatively you can go in here to Photoshop make sure I can you can see all this mm-hmm there we go so on Photoshop we'll go ahead and open these up here so again we're gonna go to our ZBrush your ZBrush version and we're gonna go in here to our so you start up cam view and then cam view five let's open up at five and six so cam view five is our one without the arrows and our camp you six is the ones that's transparent with the arrows now if you wanted to just update either one of these or capture this one the transparency and put your own arrows in later you can definitely do that easy way to do that you can kind of see its you can kind of see it's already divided up if you can't see that or if you did make it transparent what you can do is you can go in here to your let me see I've got this in my notes here view new guide layout so view new guide layout and then you can say okay I don't want any gutter so let's go ahead and you can just delete that and then we do want eight across and then in rows we do want five down zero gutter there we go and now it's going to divide it up into those perfect sections and now you know where your bounding boxes are so at this point I can go through here you can if you had these arrows here you can hit like W and say control shift control copy control paste so you can put these you can go through you can like duplicate them across and merge them down and duplicate them this way merge them now as you can very quickly just add new arrows in here but alternatively you can just go through here and you can draw whatever you want as long as it's pure pure red pure and pure blue you can go through here and make it whatever you want and it'll go ahead and be clickable for you so have a little bit of fun with that okay how do you do silhouette cam we're getting there in just a second yeah thanks for showing up going to do a new series for ZBrush twenty nine twenty twenty yeah of course we're doing this now just it's gonna take me a bit to do that cool yeah no no sculpt reset but at least you know how easy it is to make your own now and then of course you get even fancier you can have the jawbone in there you can color it up all sorts of cool stuff you could do Oh deep shadows that's a good point so when you go in here to your render settings you do have a your render so here's a PPR shadow settings you also have real-time the preview shadows so if we do have shadows turned on which is right here and then you turn deep shadows off you're gonna see it's gonna kind of gray those shadows out as well thank you dugu they're away and the new thumbnail menu to make a grayscale height of the selected model or all models instead of a black contour grayscale I'm not sure about but you can you can change these settings freeze to you for only the z-table you which will only react to the zoom so if you have oh okay so if you're looking at it from the top view as long as you have you can use the right-click menu and you can kind of snap it here but yeah if you if you needed to have it zoom in from a particular point that wouldn't be like from your curse or anything that might be a little difficult okay so we've talked about a cam view it's very fun it's very cool and then now we have this thumbnail view up here now this one if you watch like we were talking about earlier hmm let me scooch back out of here this a time-lapse video here I I didn't think I was gonna be using this as much but honestly while I'm while I'm working on this particular piece my eyeballs are up in here this whole time even when we get into when I was making this kind of those weird lamppost that's behind him I was trying to figure out like okay I made it on his Easter's you can see it through right here especially it's like okay I recreated this in Z spheres just to have a little bit more control and then as I was kind of working on this my eyeballs were up here the entire time I was like well what's gonna be the best read I cut across so I cut her down too I swooped down around here like what's not gonna interfere and it's all depend on your camera angle as well but boy this this actually came in handy quite a bit I was surprised how much I ended up using that but let's go ahead and load up I let's load up possibly I've got some files here that I think we can check out let's go to patchy I can go and load them up and we'll talk about the making of this guy as well I'm going to turn our texture off here and let's go ahead and hmm let's turn off transparency so with transparency on you can go through and you can kind of click on any of these and you can actually just see what's what this one is and it's kind of solo it out you can also do that just with solo you can just go through here and then whatever you have selected you'll see your the preview of that in solo mode now the cool thing about having transparency turned on is you can just click on that in your viewport and then see it up here and you don't have to have everything hidden so you can kind of just have that selected and then it'll show up now we turned transparency often everything's gonna show up now anything you don't have in here like I don't want to see my lamp I you just go through here and you can I'm gonna alt tap through here and you can just turn those off and or if you know here's a better one if you know that that's going to have glass in it and you're gonna be able to see through it just go turn it off and now you can see that silhouette so that might make a little bit more sense so yeah camera view you can go up here and you can click and drag on it then you're gonna see it's going to it doesn't get it's still alias but it's basically what's doing is a magnification so just like when we're talking about our cam view that's going to be under your preferences here and instead of cam view we're going to go to our thumbnail now under a thumbnail here you can turn it on or off and you can magnify it by clicking and dragging in here and magnifying it or you can go in here and you can use the slider now the size is what's going to contain this quality so if you go to magnify one and then increase the size you're gonna see the quality's pretty sweet and then of course you can can you magnify from here yeah you can continue to magnify if you like this thing you can say export thumbnail and you can export it as a PSD JPEG map TIFF only good stuff so very easy to kind of capture your silhouette of your object based on the rotation so if you want to just really quickly grab a silhouette you don't have to make your background wide and go in there and temporarily you know turn off colorize and all that stuff you can just very quickly go through here and grab a silhouette export it and you're good to go so we'll go ahead and take that magnified down and we'll take this back to 128 again you can turn it on or you can turn off you can also silhouette so now instead of a silhouette you have your actual object here and if we hold down shift and turn on this little colorize here you're gonna see it does have polypaint information so it's just basically a little miniature view of your scene if you do have silhouette turned on and your background set the white it's automatically gonna choose black however if you click on the background and you drag any when your scene likes if you wanted a red background it's going to take the complementary color and plug that into your silhouette value unless of course you have solo it off and then it then you just have a red version of this so so again go through here and you can choose your favorite sports team and that can be your silhouette or you can just choose and in fact if you want to invert it you can choose white or you can choose black but pure black is gonna make it transparent so that way if you wanted to like I don't know say about some transparency or if you just want to see it with the background color that you have and that's totally legit however if you wanted to do a little bit lighter let's take our foreground color here and so here's pure black I'm gonna pull this up just a tiny bit and then we'll just drag off of here and go to a very dark grey and now you're gonna see we have an inverted silhouette so let's go ahead and switch back to white export thumbnail size thumbnail silhouette and that's them nail another you have super 2020 do you uninstall your previous versions uh you I usually do certainly deactivate them so you have free up your license I think but um I suppose you can keep them around I usually I usually feel safe enough to where I could just get rid of my old versions now one thing I would say is if you were using like a zbrush 4r7 ZBrush 4 or 8 0 2018 2019 2020 every time a new version comes out I rebuild my entire custom menus and stuff like that every time there's a new version just to keep me just to make sure let's go turn that floor plan off just to make sure I'm compatible there's no weird issues with my menus or anything like that so basically what I'll do is I'll take these menus here and then I'll do a print screen and I'll just grab green shot and I'll just say okay you open an image editor and then I can go through here I'll just have this kind of sitting out to the side and then let's go through and then it's recreate these menus real quick I know where these things are so it doesn't it takes me all of five minutes once you've done that and you make a remake your custom menu here you go to preferences config store configure and if you guys missed it cuz it's one of the first thing we went over custom menus and stuff and even just kind of an intro to ZBrush you can check out there oh okay I'm getting a little bit behind I apologize in advance if I miss something cool yes that sounds right have you found any good uses for the hatch brushes if you're doing like comic style I used to I mean I've never really used it for production purposes but you can use hatched brushes I think for like giving kind of a clay appearance if you're sculpting with them or if you want to just kind of do stylized rendering speaking of stylized rendering I went through Pablo munos Gomez the ZBrush ZBrush guides calm and we did a stylized let me see playlist we did kind of a stylize or anything now ZBrush 20-19 what's new if you check this one out there's a whole bunch of stylized rendering you can do with BPR filters in fact if we kind of click on that you can kind of see all here's like a cool that mech from my so if you went to my ZBrush 2018 super summit presentation you can you can watch that here certain affinity presentation you can talk them to me blather on about process and stuff there I am and in there oops not there that mech that we use for that cinematic if you click on here you can see and get a very cool stylize inky kind of wash render if you kind of click down here so you can kind of do this type of stuff with a BPR filter so there's that in addition to that if you go to [Music] where it is I'm already lost oh there it is I super stylize rendering you can click on this and you can also follow along with ZBrush guys comm PDF and that we kind of go through and video form and talk about these are more real-time solutions for getting like a comic book render so you can use those hatch brushes I assume I don't know if ever actually used them to maybe get some inky ink stuff going on here maybe I don't know loving it opening ZBrush project frosting lightbox without overwriting whatever it really holds me back understand you can only edit open see tools it's really hard to keep things organized so we went over this earlier to you can also alternatively load tools from project and then as long as you know where they are if you are using lightbox you probably have shortcuts to this and go in here ZBrush we're in you know this one so we can go in here to our Z projects folder and in your Z projects folder if you have hot are shortcuts to other areas you can take him there too geez that's my brain not working I know what my brain is not working so my dog got cold one of my dogs got cold at 3 o'clock in the morning and she planted herself right next to me to steal all my body heat so that's when I woke up I'm here to see projects and any of these Z projects that would normally overwrite like all of this stuff would disappear if I loaded up a Z project if you go to load tools from project then again like we were doing earlier I load up that demo anim head and now you just have an easy tool in there it doesn't really affect anything else so give that a shot and then once you have a menu item you can assign a keyboard shortcut for like any other items yes so for example my path custom if I that's not gonna do it most things if you hover over it like okay the standard brush is set the old test my path custom there is set the alt a so it's like a hot hot key to hockey marking menu in Maya you can just have that pop up and you can have multiple menus assigned up multiple hotkeys and then no matter where your brushes you can go through and you can just kind of use that can use your old interfaces and menus yes you can but I would suggest every new version of ZBrush rebuilding it from scratch just make sure it's compatible is it a problem they have to be rebuilt each time they change the brush because they're changing ZBrush so anything in here that got changed there you're running the risk of something that changed and it's maybe is some sort of incompatibility with old buttons and old functionality one good example of that is this right here this little paint with alpha this won't show up in fact we're gonna get to that in a bit but I need to get I should have put some pictures in here that would have really helped me so under the draw palette there is there's a paint with alpha button so that's gonna be in your new interface however if you loaded up your old interface and stuff there's a chance that this wouldn't show up but also just in case that's where that is but we'll talk about that in a second yes also speaking of importing exporting now when you go to import or export instead of going through the old-school method which is like Z plug-in FBX import export you can just export in here and you can just drop this down and you can say I want to export an FBX and then you can export an FBX it'll pop up of menu options then they can just export everything as an FBX so when you do that that's going to be you can export Maya files FBX OBJ's STL's all that stuff it looks like these are still there so if you did want to go to like the 3d print hub and do your import and exporting or your FBX import export is still there that may or might not be true for final release but X just go to the export page and you should be good to go concept phone sculpting ZBrush your measure Ito pit of my cleanup substance section complete workflow we do on a daily basis I kind of have that the reptile creature series is probably the closest thing I have that's pretty dated if I ever get time I would love to do that if I could just do that full time I would be in heaven but unfortunately you know those spreadsheets are not going to write themselves those powerpoints are not going to make themselves so somebody's got to do it that's what I do let's keep moving down my list here so you can see here's my notes I'm just gonna kind of go through these really quickly really quickly here we are 40 minutes in so you can tell that was a lie so let's go out of edit mode here and we'll go ahead and grab scrubber cylinder 3d go into edit mode make polymesh3d so we can sculpt on it and then we'll hit control D a bunch of times and go through here and we can start sculpting um let's go ahead and crank that Z intensity up just a bit and then under my stroke settings here we have lazy mouse turned on you can tap L to turn that on and off you can also crank up that radius and get a nice smooth stroke or you can tap L to turn it off and then I get rid of lazy radius altogether so let's talk about the extractor brush and go through here and I can kind of just go through and start making divots and bumps to my object here another interesting thing you might fine useful as if you go through here and you scope something and then you do shift one that's repeat relative so now you can go through here and you can actually just start repeating a shape over and over again or you can do the alternative you can hold down alt and then you do shift one you can kind of start capturing these things like so now if I wanted to grab this for use to kind of continue this stroke on and I didn't want to I wanted to like put this into a brush I'm going to be X here's who's extract or extract or dot extract or drag rect so ext is extract or brush and how this thing works is if you make your brush size big enough to kind of capture everything and I'm gonna go ahead and turn off online curse at a surface that's under preferences edit a line curse at a surface somewhere does so you can turn that off so the reason I turn it off is why if I have that on and I'm trying to judge distances and it's flip-flopping everywhere I don't mind it for like you know sculpting purposes or certainly for zmodeler but when I'm trying to like get sizes I like to just go ahead and turn that off so we have this here so I'm gonna hit G now what that's gonna do in my alpha menu you're gonna see there is a from brush button now so that's the default for that you can see right here is G for the hotkey and then alpha width is gonna be details we'll get to that in a second but long story short hit G to turn this into a blue cursor and then you just click and drag and it's going to go through and go okay I got you and now I just have a alpha that I can go through and then I can just go through and just keep stamping with that texture that I just picked up now this does have a history function so if I go through here and it's like okay I set standard brush and I start putting in these little dots here so we're gonna do again shift 1 to repeat relative I'm gonna fill these up with pods and then I go back to be XT and make our brush size big enough to capture everything and then again hit G and then one more time we're gonna scroll on through here and then now we can pick up these objects you can go through here you can also like the other brushes we talked about BX drag dot so you can hit G and that'll just drag across that and then when you go to apply this alpha it'll be a drag dot stroke and then the drag rect B X R this is the one where you click and drag from the middle I'll go ahead and just capture all this I'll capture alpha and then this will be a drag rect stroke now if you don't want to fade off on the corners that's going to be a function of this focal shift you just drag that back out and that'll capture it more you might have to play a little bit with the mid value maybe to get that to play a little bit nicer also you might want to capture it on a plane if you're doing something very regular like this you're not doing it on like a Frankenstein head which we'll get to later you might give you a little bit of a cleaner drag rect capture if you're not getting it from a bended little bendy surface so it kind of depends on what you're going for anyway let's go back to B X T and so we're capturing these things however we also do have history through here so it's like you know what I made those dots so I have a version if you go through here it's like okay I have a version that is just the divots and then I have a version that is just the divots and the bumps but I want just the bumps you can go through here and you can go back to your history and you can hold down control and tap that one and that's going to store that in history so anything past that history point it's going to completely disregard so now we can go back to B XT and then make our brush size big enough to get all those dots hit G and then just go through here and capture and then now we just get dots so where this might make a little bit more sense so we're going through here and we're sculpting and we're sculpting and we're smoothing and we're kind of doing a bunch of stuff and then oh it's like you know what I want to make some dots I want to capture and then oh you know anything I also go and like you know a J pattern it doesn't really matter what direction these things are going in and if it's like you know what I wanted just a nice clean capture of this I want to disregard all that lumpy sculpting at it earlier that's when you just go back through here and say control tap and then go back to the beginning here and then B X T and then like I said before we want to make sure go to the widest point to make sure you capture all of it and then you can hit G and then just drag right along it'll follow that and it'll go ahead and strip it out for you so now you completely disregard to the underlying sculpting and then you can go through here and just grab that texture detail that you wanted and now you've got your reptilian crusty anime head actually yeah let's do that if you go to you know what that actually might be in give me a second I don't remember if I captured it in here you know what I browse in particular if you go to huh you might have to dig for this one you can go to my YouTube channel to search for hair and that'll take you through a bunch of it I also went through into that on my YouTube this is my this is what this is where those videos gonna end up this is the Pavlovic workshop you can go through here and if you go way back in time I go through a bunch of hair creation techniques somewhere in this area maybe this one let me see yeah so this one I think we talked a little bit about a couple eyebrow techniques and hair techniques and stuff like that yeah perfect there we go so you can you can check this one out cool so this is describing sculpting information so you can actually do it with poly painting and coloring and stuff like that let's talk about well let's talk about that let's grab so that's the basically the extractor brush and okay this is what we're gonna do we're gonna have a we are gonna have a little bit of fun but let's go ahead just for instructional purposes just really quickly I keep saying really quickly and I keep not being real quick about it so we're gonna go over here to color fill object and then we've got our standard brush selected so we're going to turn on RGB and we're gonna go through here and we're going to paint while we sculpt here so again RGB ziad has also turned on RGB is up to 100 so we can go through here and we can paint let's do a bright green paint green on here and then if we want to go through here B XT and then as long as RGB is turned on with your extractor brush and you make your brush size big enough and you hit G and then go through here it'll go ahead and it'll have your height information as well as your texture information so you can go through here and you can do texture and color so we'll get to cool usage of that in a bit alpha blah blah blah so that was the extractor brushes in a nutshell and again we'll do some cooler demos in a bit but let's talk about the history recall brush so the easiest way I suppose I go in here to cube 3d subscribe cue primitive go into edit mode make polymesh3d going here to sub tool I'm going to append speaking of Paul Gabri and Joseph dressed this is what Joseph dress did to kind of demonstrate this and I thought it was a pretty decent way to kind of explain how the history recall brush works on ace individual object and then also on multiple objects here so let's go ahead and hide our cube temporarily and we'll grab this poly mesh sphere and we have X turned on let's go ahead and make this a dynamesh that's gonna be under your geometry dynamesh here and all that does is allow us to kind of sculpt on this so if we go through here like be s grab a snake hook let's grab a snake hook brush so we go through and we can pull this geometry you can see it gets a little bit janky in there hold down ctrl drag and it'll update that geometry on the fly alternatively you can also use sculptures Pro you can go through here and you can just kind of pull out and it'll automatically test late and you called then shift and then inflate you know down ship and also get rid of stuff too so again this is all ZBrush 20-19 functionality you can go check out those videos if you want to see more on that but we also have our history slider here so we'll slide on back and so we have a sphere here so what we can do is we go through here and can start sculpting something that's gonna turn off school just bro and let's go ahead and we'll start carving face in here of this in here and we'll go to the side and I'll pull this out a little bit and we'll grab our Damien standard brush and then we'll kind of go through here and we'll start maybe grab our clay brush or maybe a claybuildup brush and we'll start just making I don't know something so then go through here and again Damien's standard it kind of usually you know when you're sculpting in ZBrush if you want to do like the bare basics of sculpting in ZBrush you can get a lot done with the move brush the Damien's standard brush then the clay brush and or claybuildup brush and then smooth brush obviously so we're gonna go through here and we'll just kind of start pushing this in and then again go into your clay brush here lock this back a little bit and again move brush here make sure we're getting some decent draft of our face here Davian standard and again you can just control drag out in your canvas and that'll reset that um that'll reset your not reset it'll rebuild your and I cannot sculpt and think to this morning to save my life I'm in a real hard time if you it'll read dynamesh your object when you control a drag sorry about that another thing we can do is we hold my control shift we go over here to like clip curve go ahead and like maybe if you don't want to do a full clip curve holding ctrl shift drop that is the intensity down just a bit and I'll kind of give you mostly clip curves if you want to kind of maybe find some forms if you want to do a hundred percent than all done control shift grab that is the intensity and then in that case you kind of go through here and you can kind of blammo and then go in here with maybe trim dynamic cuts trim dynamic and h polish or some of those that I might use a little bit more often then the just the standard brushes but again clay brush Damion standard claybuildup move brush those are my staples and you can get an awful lot done with just those so any we've got a head going here and go through and you can kind of maybe use the pinch brush kind of pinch this up a little bit so we've sculpted for a bit and now we have quite a bit of history so let's say we want to you know let's say we want to project some of that sphere back so we're going to go back here so we've got this history here so we go all the way back and the cool thing about this is we've been Dinah meshing this thing over and over again so go to the back here and we control drag we're changing this topology on the fly so we're constantly updating this topology however I can go all the way back in history to where we just had that original sphere before we even dynamesh dit and we can use this as a something we want to project back to so again hold down ctrl and tap that's going to store that then go all the way back here to the beginning and we can go here to BH history recall and just like Zee project you're gonna want to probably turn off X symmetry if you have XM retreat turned on because it's doing a camera based projection it could have the potential to suck vertices from the other side all the way through your mesh so go internet symmetry off and then now if we go through here we can use history recall and we can go through and we can recall that sphere and the spirits recalling it's not changing our topology it's just basically putting that in memory so you can go back through and you can start projecting back now it is projecting this geometry straight towards the camera so if you want to hold down shift and then smooth these out and then go back and start projecting again you can do that you'll also notice unlike Z projection those ZBrush bzp if I want to z project this I would have to grab a sphere or go back in history clone out a sphere insert it as a sub tool use my Z project brush just hide and just show those two and then go through here and hold down alt on let go of alt and kind of project out and project down and use the Z project brush like this this one's much easier all you have to do is store that in history and then go to your history recall brush and then it projects up and down at the same time if we want to we can also just do a quick mirror mirror and weld in the x-axis and huh I actually like this a lot and we can turn next temperature back on and then and then we're back to where we started so we can just go through here and we can totally turn this into who was the fly guy from this turtles ten points to the person who gets that first because you know what I'm gonna do I'm going to turn this into I'm doing a bebop sculpt for my my stream so we can definitely definitely use this what was his name he was a scientist fly guy anyway so that's how you can use history call on a single object now if we have a cube in here and we have our head what we can do is let's go ahead and buy this we get control de control de control de just get a little bit more resolution on here so with this fly guy selected and we you know what Alice to this will go back to the cube and then we'll do B H R for history recall or start sculpting on this you're gonna see when we start sculpting on this and actually let's go ed and turn off our fly head you're gonna be oh it's picking up the fly head but in reality what is it really picking up it's picking up that sphere so why is it projecting that sphere instead of our fly head well if you remember back on this completely separate subtool is completely separate geometry if we click on it we hold we held down control and clicked on that sphere the sphere stage that we're at in our history so when we go to this completely different sub tool and we do B H R for history recall it's going to project to that version of history in that other sub tool so instead of rejecting to the fly head we're projecting that sphere now again if I turn on polyframe we're gonna see it's projecting straight back so go through here and kind of even this geometry out a little bit and then just go back in with your history recall brush you can just start projecting that sphere back if we did if we were like I don't want to project the severe I want to project my little fly guy you can go through and you can select the flag I and then instead of doing this version of your history just hold down actually I think you just hold down control and tap and that'll get rid of that point but you can also hold that control and just tap this very latest version and then when we go back here with our history recall brush then it's going to start recalling in the head instead of the sphere now when we were doing that history recall brush on this object here and I was like okay I only had X cemetry turned on so you know you do one side and then of course I did a mirror that's deformation mirror I should probably not use my deformation mirror and then geometry modified topology mirror and weld so now you can see my custom menu why I put those right next to each other so I'd have to dig through I don't go blind doing this all day so I can do a quick mirror and then I could do a mirrored world across the X and when you're doing just regular old sculpting that's totally fine oh another thing I want talk about if I go through here let's up up the resolution on this just a little bit on my dynamesh and we'll go through here we'll get some detail let's want to make sure it's gonna ruin dynamic gaming standard I love how creepy this dude is I don't really remember it looks like I'm just kind of going through here and doing a just trying to get a little bit more detail on him so when I go through and you know what let's do some real obvious detail okay so we've got our our head here and I'll go ahead and make that our latest and we're gonna go through here we're gonna project so again be H R so we're going through here and we're projecting this back and we're getting some detail but we're not really picking up what we need go in here with your sculptures Pro and it'll tessellate oops delete lower it'll test late on the fly you can go through here and just wherever you need that detail if you're new to sculptors Pro this brush size there's a lot there's a lot more sculpture Pro if you go to my playlists here see 1st 2019 actually I was at 2018 thing wasn't it yes I'll filter stuff spotlight alphas time flies when you're having a fun man see 1st 2018 what's new is a sculptors Pro stuff so you can check this one out or you know I'll link you to this one Xero's 2018 what's new I'll give you the rundown on all the sculptures Pro stuff but long story short you can make your brush size dictate the tessellation that you're going to get so you can go through here then you can start projecting with sculptors Pro on you can get the detail you need as you're projecting how cool is that that'll also clean up a lot of these artifacts from just projecting straight back so I'm gonna go through and smooth it out and then you can project so that's kind of neat I think cube to sphere sculptures Pro and we were using history I want to make sure I don't miss anything obvious going through here we're projecting through history projecting through different sub tools we're projecting different resolutions self-contained yeah yeah I think that's about right oh okay let me get caught up here in the comments and also let me get a drink of water here so to get that sweet vocal fry' purpose of the white screen is for your silhouette so earlier in this dream we went over all the thumbnail stuff so when this posts check it out and picks a logic channel i posted my channel as well cool cool here here there's a way to hide the white box cap so that would be under the preferences preferences thumbnails and then you just turn that off like I said in my making of patchy guy on my youtube channel boy that came in handy ham or handing I thought have you tells your purse not to auto close you I groups so when you're going through here on the on the right side you can hold down shift and it'll do it it's under preferences I want to say UI menu it's in my it's in the basic ZBrush basics I sent out earlier that entered of ZBrush ideation there's settings in here where you can tell it to auto close or not auto close I want to say maybe interface UI show sub tool folders no Auto hide somewhere somewhere somewhere that does exist and in fact you can actually do it in the right docking menu in the left docking area you can tell it to close or Auto close and that's this one up here but it's it's in the basics videos Baxter that sounds right very nice cool and a lot of this all those features I'm gonna be showing you and kind of how these are kind of how I thought you could maybe use them after doing this for a very short time period of time a lot of these things just like anything else leavers comes out it's going to be okay you can cut you can use it to do this and you'll be use it to do that for a couple of weeks months or years and then somebody's gonna come along and go oh my gosh did you realize if you could use this and bring this in and import this and then use this brush to do this it completely changes how you do 3d from here on out that's what a lot of these features end up being a lot of times so I'm just scratching the surface of what we can do with this stuff believe me I am well aware of my limited abilities with these new things mm-hmm okay so the so morph targeting it's a little bit different this is completely topology dependent so when you go in here and you do like for example you can go down here to like a morph target you can store morph target you can switch it and then you can use the Z M oops BZ the morph nope z brush M BM morph morphe brush but that is topology dependent if you you have to have the same topology so for example I guess we can do this so we're gonna get a store morph target we're gonna go through here and we're going to sculpt some stuff on here and then we can go with here here we can switch our morph target or we can go to and we can morph back here the caveat to this is we cannot change our topology so if I go through here and I say dynamesh my morph target disappears because we're changing the topology so that's a cool thing also about history recall its topology independent it's just based on things you have in history so for instance we can go through here and we can say hey you know what I want to get those dots back so and go through hearing and control tap this one go here B H R and then you can go through here and just get that back and if I had a Bose detailed like you sculptors Pro and get it detailed back and it's not dependent on having the same vert Kent if you have five layers on your models where to bake just one layer yeah should be able to unless I'm missing something here hoops layers we have a layer and we're going to sculpt on that layer and then we have another layer and we're gonna sculpt on that layer and then of course with layers you can go through you can dial them in or out you can make them inverted you can actually over crank them if you want to and then when you're done with this one I think if you want to let me see I don't go into layers that often so if we want to just bake this layer you can merge stuffing to lead on we can let's see if we turn that off no it just bakes one hmm not to investigate that again I'm not I'm not a huge old layers but did you mention the thumbnail can load the image in the background yes you talked about this let's see how do you think a person should learn environment character specifically or should be able to create any art after becoming experienced artist it kind of depends on what you if you want to get a job and how fast you want to get a job if you want to be an expert at everything before you get a job you might be on your deathbed before you actually apply for a job I would say apply for or just make yourself stand out from the crowd in something specific like something you can really focus in on and be really good at and then over the course of many many years you can become a little bit more of a generalist it's just my opinion on that note if you want to get a little bit deeper into if you go to my blog section it's like do I need a college degree and pipelines and how do you break into the industry it's all just my opinion it's absolutely completely worthless but if you want to somebody ramble on that stuff you can check that out okay so again I apologize if I miss anything I'm just gonna kind of keep moving how to import substance designer heightmap so does he prefer up my paint beam you know what yeah yeah we get to that later what does he percent have a smooth conformed brush I'm not sure I understand what you mean by conform okay so next up we have alpha in texture so let's talk about that so we can maybe get into stuff we've brought in from substance specifically so with alpha texture we're gonna again we're gonna keep this simple to start with and then we'll get a little bit more complex as we go so we're gonna go in here let's just get real simple let's go in here with a poly plain 3d edit mode make polymesh3d go over here to geometry I'm going to turn off that smooth modifier so I can keep those edges nice and sharp and we're gonna divide this up so we get some decent resolution and then we're gonna go in here we're going to grab a drag rect a standard brush actually you know what let's keep our standard brush libros and barcelone I'm gonna go in here to clone and we're gonna do some zany settings with this so we can go in here to standard brush and we're going to go into drag rect stroke we're gonna give ourselves an alpha and we're gonna give ourselves a texture so let's grab a texture here actually let's grab one that takes up the whole space so and I have RGB and a turned on and Xia so when I drag this out you're gonna see I'm dragging out ziad and the focal shift is causing to kind of be a little bit softer around those edges if I want to I can it controls a focal shift down and then we get a nice clean version of that however we're not painting so let's go over here to the sub tool and let's turn on our poly paint there and now when I drag through I'm getting the Alpha is completely blocking out what I have in my texture here however if I go in here and I turn that a off now I can sculpt and I can also get my deformations at the same time so again we can turn out a on and we can drag that in one cool thing about this it's kind of goes back the extractor brush a little bit let's go in here to our texture import and we're gonna go in here and we're gonna grab a rope so I'm gonna grab this rope texture and we're gonna see this is just a rope texture with transparency so I'm gonna go say color unless I color I'm gonna say texture I'm gonna rotate this once so we're going in that direction and we're gonna change this to a dot stroke and we're gonna turn this alpha off so when I go through here you're gonna see I can kind of get a rope going let's go in here to stroke and let's turn on oh boy lazy Mouse you can turn on lazy Mouse like I even your stroke out also you can go in here to modifiers you can turn on a roll so when we go through here we can kind of roll through our image now this is also in your extractor brushes so if I go to B X T and we have our extractor brush and we're going through here let's turn off our g we're temporarily so we're going through here and we're making some shapes let me go to bxt and then we hit G let me grab this we're gonna go through here and we're gonna get this and we have polypaint turned on so it actually did grab the texture but if you want to see what's that settings it's doing its string on the roll distance right here and in fact if you want to compare like let's compare the extractor brush with the stitch brush so here we can load up a stitch brush and we've got that setting here so one thing you can do is you can go in here to your extract or brush and we're gonna say ctrl alt and we'll say that's gonna be alt X for my hotkey and then we're gonna go into that stitch brush and we're gonna hold down ctrl alt that's gonna be alt Z so if I want to go through here for example and go into my brush settings over here so then go in here to like maybe samples is a good one depth can sometimes be a good one surface not so good modifiers would be a good one and then over here in your stroke settings as well you can go okay what does my extractor brush have and then what is my stitch brush have so you can see my lazy radius change my lazy smooth change my lazy step stays the same and then if I go over here to my modifiers I can just switch between these brushes like Co constant tilt is on for my stitch brush and then up here my samples my extractor brush has sample radius down to zero so you can kind of just very quickly switch back and forth and see what settings kind of work for you but if we go back here to our standard brush here say we're going to paint this rope on here but we also want to get rid of this alpha on here now you may be saying well you can turn that alpha on or off but because we have no alpha loaded it's not going to do very much however we can say this texture we can say make alpha and now you can get that rope brush that's divided trumps yet you can get your rope brush and it'll alpha out however if we let me see if I can demonstrate this you're gonna see let's make this really big it's it looks okay on the gray but it's kind of a little bit washed out you can see this nice and dark and the shadows and it's kind of washed out that's because if we go through here let's make this a little more obvious let's go to our skin shader for you're gonna see that alpha is causing that to not be is going to be cause it to be transparent the darker it gets so what we can do is been going here to alpha and we can say we got that alpha selected we go in here to modify and we can turn up that ten City here so we're just getting the outline of that and now we're getting the full color and we're not getting that alpha kind of poking through our darker areas so this is just a fun way to kind of load up brush texture use your alpha and then also you can go through here and you start making cool stuff and that would be alpha in texture skin details oh that's another thing too and speaking of bringing in things from substance we can go through here and you know you bring in stuff from substance you bring stuff from a texture XYZ and it's the same thing so if we go in here to texture I'm sorry yeah texture import and we'll grab female elbow skin I'll go ahead and select it and then we'll grab this alpha import female elbow skin and then now both of those selected we can do RGB and ziad at the same time and we'll go ahead and say drag rect so now we're getting so right here you're gonna see in the crevasses it's turning transparent go ahead and turn that off and now you're getting the full color and it's in this case I might turn that focal shift down to zero just to get a little bit more overlap in between that here so now you can turn that on and you have control over if you want that to be turned on or off let's go ahead and hit W and I'm gonna kind of make that not so crazy and then same thing with if you wanted to go in here to like import how we can grab a mole height and then a mole color [Music] so now you can grab you can put in some moles here let's go ahead and crank up that Z intensity and you can turn alpha on or off depending on the type of interaction you want that alpha to have with your with your surface their measure circumference is within zbrush there's not a there's not a circumference there is a analyze if you go in here to transform this is in 2020 as well analyze selected sub tool generic unit sizes and then there's also a macro that they loaded that you can load and return surface area so you can get surface area you can get general you can also hit hit W and then we'll get to this in a bit too so we can at W and then Y oops hold on edit w and then why for your transpose line and you can use this to measure so you can see it says 1 depending on your unit scale so you're gonna see plug-in scale master you can go through here you can set your scene scale this way think there's a three you can do that in the 3d print hub as well maybe update size ratios but scale master is probably where you want to end up if you want to see more on this just click that scale master button here you can click on this button and I'll take you to a YouTube channel Joseph just explaining it but you can use this to set your scene scale and then you can use your transpose line to kind of measure units but it's the ATS not gonna give you like a nice rap you'll have to do a little bit of actually actually what you could do let's get a circumference so now that I think about it with this new functionality we haven't talked about yes we're gonna go in a slice curve here and we hold down slice curve and do a brush radius and we're gonna slice through if we don't want to mess up our head here we'll go and duplicate that off so let's go through here and okay so we've got that slice through and this will be our circumference let's go ahead and delete hidden and just to make a little bit easier let's half let's zero much half this thing and okay so we've got this and we want to go ahead and say let's go over here to see plugin and we're gonna go to no we're gonna go to UV master and it is symmetrical so we go ahead and say unwrap and then we say flatten either might be a chance where if we go in here how do I keep doing that I keep hitting T for transpose W and then use our transpose line and then now you can maybe get your units or is that is it not doing units I can't tell let's turn off X symmetry here so let's say our circumference is 21.9 702 units and we'll say on flattened oh another thing we can do is so now that we have UVs we can go down here to our UV we're gonna get to this in a bit too we can morph are you V's so now they're just kind of sitting there and then we can hit W this might give us our actually unit scale okay one point 307 four units I don't know maybe that's you know it's probably not I don't know I thought that might work but maybe not cuz yet I think that's a little bit small oh you know what maybe not point six point six point three I don't know give that give that a test smooth projection not just projection but also smoothing as you projected to underlying geo you can do that with morph if you watch the double negative presentation from ZBrush summit 2018 you can use you can smooth and sculpt and then use morph where it is you can use this morphs projecting morph down here so you can make all the changes you can smooth and they can project a more facts I'll give you the illusion of like skin sliding and then morphing it back cool you know if a way to extrude with q measure extrude in world space instead of the polygon normals how would you extrude something totally horizontally the polygons are tilted that would just be here initialize tilted and we wanna say okay I want to have this one and I want to you measure it out so I'm gonna go through here I'm gonna say mask a single poly invert that mask W reset this to world space control drag out control drag out control drag out control drag out and you don't have to be in that view obviously you can just go through here and just do your old space extrusions cool alright moving right along here so that was Paul it down that you were just kind of doing the basics here poly painting Oh poly paint feita pasady so this is kind of a neat one let's go ahead I'm gonna wait there's one thing I want to save in here and that would be our Baxter head so save as a streaming turtle power okay so good get out of the air move that back up here's we're talking about Photoshop earlier all right so next we're gonna talk about poly painting you bees and then poly painting fade opacity I think you guys'll like this and now it's sculpting on your there we go sorry about that so like we were mentioning earlier if you go to my youtube channel and you check out this patchy time-lapse new features when I was going through and I was doing these these fabric claws here you're gonna and also this kind of sculpting here I'm like sculpting around I'm like hey you know it'd be easier is if I flatten this out and then I sculpt it on it so wait for it my brain kicks in here and then I'm like okay I can just flatten this out and then go a sculpt on it as well as going through in sculpting and painting in a flattened view and you can actually use history recall with a flattened so let's talk about that but first whenever you're sculpting something let's load up I don't have it on my dental projects but I do have it in my my folders here we got so you know when you're sculpting on something and let's go ahead and modify this material a bit modifiers diffuse there you okay you're sculpting on something and you're poly paint and your materials kind of getting in the way a little bit you can go into oh boy just lost it fade opacity so render that's gonna be in the render menu sorry again this see I would have edited that out I would look like a total pro doing this live a little bit different so we're gonna go in here to render and under here you can have a fade opacity so you can actually go through here needs to be like okay you know what let's switch this over to our startup material and I'm gonna go to M color fill object and then so now I can go through here and so here's my poly paint on there and if I poly paints getting in the way I can temporarily fade it out go in here and sculpt to my heart's content and then I can fade it fade it back in so there is that in fact let's go over here to skin shader might look up a little bit better they're you so we got our polypaint we don't have our polypaint and you can kind of fade that in and out let's go in here there anything else I would want to show oh okay let's do this so we have our head here let's go into our material and create a bit of fuse a little bit so we do have the ability now if we want to go in here to our say our poly paint we can say adjust colors so this is completely UV independent all it is doing is looking at our vertex poly paint color and you can go through here and you can do like a huge shift so you can go through here and you can do a huge shift you can do RGB intensity really quickly so if you want to kind of crank that intensity up and if you're okay with that you need okay that'll update your poly paint you can control Z out of that any of those changes you can also go back in here into adjust colors you can pick individual sections here so if I like these these little darker areas on him I can go through here or her and go through here and you can select on those it'll go ahead and mask those areas out if you want to invert the mask you can go over here you can invert it so you mask everything else out I'm sorry turn off inverse mask you can also hide the mass temporarily if you want to be like hey what is it really showing on here you can also hide the colors if you're getting a little bit confused as of what it's actually masking and you can also hide materials if it's not if your materials are helping it's go to a flat so you can go through here and you can kind of mask exactly where you want to adjust this so if we want to like say temporarily hide our mask and now with that mask and go through here and I can change just those darker areas so now a lot of times I'm looking to ask like how do I save off a mask that I can go and bring in now you can just use your poly paint and you can also change that tolerance as well you can see how it's kind of getting those eyeballs a little bit just doing that bring that tolerance down just a bit and now you can do a huge shift or if you don't want to do a huge shift let's say you know what I just want to tint those a little bit redder so you can go in here to a red and then you can just tint those with just like this so like a little bit of a red color say okay and then it'll bring in your mask in each culture old rag to unmask on that same note if we go in here to adjust colors you can just mask so if I want to say hey you know what I want to grab all these purple areas here and I'm going to bring tolerance down so I'm just grabbing these purple areas if you want to grab more just go in here and just grab like next to that purple area and you can kind of between these to grab pretty much exactly what you need and then instead of over right just turn it to mask and hit okay and then you hop out of here and you just have gonna solo mode you just have that mask so now you can go through here and you can poly paint you could do crevasse painting and stuff like that and you can just mask that also when you do have a mask you can go in here to your masking and you can say adjust your mask you can go in here and you can to kind of adjust your profile here you can apply that profile change if you want to kind of get rid of some of those stragglers you can run a like a little bit of a levels on it you can also turn that blur off or a little bit weird why it's such a harsh transition now you can kind of go through and you can clean that up a little bit and you can change focus all the good stuff however also instead of using poly paint to get your mask and go in here to masking go to mess by color and you could say I mask my poly paint so now instead of having all these color options down here and now you just have masks you can go through here and say I want to grab all these red pieces here and then say okay and now all of those are masked you can invert that mask and do whatever you want to do yeah there was okay let me get them on here so there's mask by poly paint mask by color there's also in your hair under texture if you load up this texture right here and we have this selected there's also an adjust colors in the texture area so even with just a texture loaded it works exactly like the poly paint one here so if you want to grab just a color here and you want to say tint that to another color you can you can hit OK and then now that texture has completely changed and then you can go ahead and keep using that texture so textures poly paints masks make sure I'm kind of skipping around my notes a little bit here poly painting masking texture adjustments ya know you've ease you can undo the operation grab similar tones blur mask I'm asking mask by color mask my poly paint yeah that's about right so we'll have a little bit of fun with that later with some other objects pop the stuffing it in wouldn't you ever work for pixologic um you know what I'm comfortable in Austin I love the pixologic guys they love ZBrush know - all teaching class you teach like that what else well thanks if that's a compliment unless you mean I teach like no one else and that I'm a horrible teacher by thank you it's just other Bridget oh really enjoying it excellent you consider streaming Houdini on your personal Channel yeah if I was good at it I would you know I do have a little bit of stuff like I try to keep pretty broad but depending on how often I use something for me to stream it I have to be pretty comfortable with it so for me like ZBrush even the ZBrush betas I'm a little bit nervous because I'm like I haven't really used all this stuff all that much so I it's a little uncomfortable for me I can stream just general ZBrush no problem but other programs where it's like hey I again I make myself not look like a and editing so I can I can make a Houdini walkthrough and I did on my channel you can go through and it does we go from ZBrush to Houdini and then back to see brush and I look like a champ however I had to learn a lot of that and record it and then edit it and then it made me look like a champ and in fact I'm a complete hack fraud truth be told so let's go ahead and load up our mmm let's go in here - so we have a commander Apache so we have patchy final I'm gonna load that one up and I'm Patchi final let's talk a little bit about this so here's my oh my wrinkly sculpting stuff and all my nanomesh stuff I did in here you know I'm gonna do I'm gonna take this and all my stitches and stuff we'll talk a little bit about that so we got this one here I'm going to delete other and then we're gonna also load up patchy free cloth there we go and then we're gonna select this one and then we're going to delete other just I mean you don't have to delete other obviously it'll work with all the stuff I'm just trying to simplify how many things I have to go through so we recycle each other so we have two versions we have one before I did stuff and one after I did stuff so there's one before I did stuff this came up in the questions section of my youtube channel is how did I get those kind of seems along those polygroups so going through here just mass by polygroups and then Zira meshing pretty pretty easy to do that so if I go in here I'm gonna drop this to surgeon level 5 temporarily and we're gonna go down here to masking we're gonna mask our groups I might have misspoke on Twitter I think I said Maskull border you can mask a border if there is an open edge but in this case we need to mask groups let's go ahead and say Gro mask once and then we'll hold down ctrl alt and tap on here just to tighten that up a little bit ctrl tap to invert that and we're gonna go in here to deformation deflates we're gonna say like maybe negative one and that'll go through and then I kind of deflate there in fact let's do negative two you can also just drag on here if you click and drag it's gonna be a pretty harsh transition maybe if you want a little bit more finesse you can tap once and I think if you some of these some may have a little slider above that'll have and by the way I'm and the deformation menu in here so inflate you can just click and drag this one doesn't look like it has finesse on it but you can go through here we just clean it click and drag here and that's going to give us our inside portion how do we get that lumpy outside portion so we can go through here and we can just do the basically the exact same thing we can say mask by features and then we can grow and I'm gonna get kind of that lumpy outside section there if we want to tighten that up a little bit just hold down ctrl alt and then I'll clean it up a little and then we're gonna invert that now if I start inflating now it may start doing some weird stuff to the inside you can also just go back to mask my features again and just mask out the inside of that area there so now we can go through here and in fact let's instead of doing an inflate let's try doing a deformation inflate balloon that might work a little better and you can make this mask oh boy this one might have one all right I'm just going to type in some numbers too and again if we want to hold down ctrl alt we can tighten that up just a little bit more and then we can go through here and we can get that little Ridge around there now if you want to put stitches on there what we can do is because we have access to our poly group borders we can go through here and we can go into our stroke menu and we have all these curve functions available to us we can say I want to frame our poly group border mesh and then I can go into my brushes here this is also from ZBrush guys calm Pablo when you go meses website been going to geometry stitches here and we have these stitches here these are IMM brushes and go to my youtube channel the basics of IMM brushes I go through again on my this intro to ZBrush ZBrush for ideation it'll take you through the basics of that these are really simple to create but now that we have that we can go through here and we just tap on there oops if you don't let's undo that I forgot that we had subdivision levels on here so if we want to mess around with something and not mess around our so division levels we can go ahead and duplicate this off and then we can go through and we can do our frame on this duplicates going to solo mode here and then we go down here to like delete lo or delete higher and then we can just click on there and then we can make our stitches it's inverting them I wonder why let's go to the stroke frame ich brush select ah interesting or maybe it's only that's going to our depth here so under our your brushes you can go in here to depth and you can update that depth on the fly as well just by can just by tapping on there I wonder if it's because you know what we could do we could say let's delete this one wait this is the one that has yeah so we'll take this one we'll delete it when I take this one and we're going to duplicate it and then on this one we're gonna go back to not exactly sure why it would care about that necessarily but let's go through here and we're gonna say stroke frame mesh I'll turn off solo mode and then on this one here there we go I think it was getting a little bit confused when I was doing the inflate balloon maybe that line gotten maybe some of those vertices got those vertex planes got confused so now we can go through here and we can make that a little bit bigger we can tap off we can go say split mass points or you can do this ability to hide point delete and then now you've got your stitches around those areas here and this is where I went through on say this one and go through here and we're doing kind of these sculpting things in and then sculpting out a little bit and then once you have something that you like you can go through here with your extractor brush let's make these a little bit more self-contained and I made these stitches a lot bigger than I did and my original let's actually go to smooth stronger as well that's gonna be in your light box brushes smooth brushes so go through here and we have this we're gonna go to it's going to solo mode here we can do bxt on here so bxt it's our extractor brush make our brush size big enough hit G and then go through here and grab this and now this is where I was like okay I've got this grabbed and now I go through here and I can start putting the wrinkles on here let's go ahead and drop that intensity down just a bit however it's a lot easier if you go down here to your UV map morph UV and then if you have UVs on your object you can just go through here and be like okay I know where my edges are you just go through here really quickly and just start dialing in all of your wrinkles that you want to put along the edges there and then you can go out of morph UV and there you go now your wrinkles are all transferred along that border now that's not to say you can't just sculpt in there you can also morph UV and we can go in here to texture import and so what I was grabbing was these fabric patterns out of substance painter so just go through here and we'll grab like this one got a texture we have it selected I'm throw it in the spotlight and we can go and shrink this down now if you just start painting so we go into the Z and then shift Z to turn it off and then Z to toggle between the gizmo and then the painting one so go there with our standard brush turn on RGB and you can actually sculpt through spotlight as well but if you just want to paint let's go in turn off l you can go through your paint but it is like it's it's a small pattern so it's like okay if we unmoor for UVs here it's like okay this is too big I want it to be smaller so we'll go back to morph UV here you'll hit Z I'm gonna go through here I'm going to tile this two three two three and then we go ahead and scale it up a bit we're getting more of that texture let's do one more one one and then now as we go through and paint oops we can go through and we can just start painting these fabric textures on there and then if we shift Z and then morph UV out of this now we've got it's all on our object here another thing we could could have done that I didn't I was actually using history recall we'll get to that a second but if you want to we have morph UV if I go in here and I turn our poly frame on you're gonna see these are all different polygroups so now if I go in here to say texture import and we grab another texture here and we just add it here let me drop this down and again tile into three-ish tile one two three ish scale it up if you want to drop that and opacity down you can just you can kind of see a little bit better it's not going to change the color information you're passing through we're just going to dial it and so now when we go through and paint on here we have our standard brush large you be turned on go in here to auto masking and just turn massive like polygroups up to a hundred so now you can be just like I want to paint here and the first polygroup that you click on it'll go through and just keep you contained so you don't need to worry about I mean you can also just hold on ctrl shift and isolate if you want to it's just like working with geometry and then shift C go ahead and morph UV out of there and then there you go nicely wrapped on there yeah let me get caught up here you do is he brushed a Photoshop lesson ah there's a if you do ZBrush to Photoshop Nagar Z plugins it used to be if you clicked on here I thought I went to a well you can send that the Photoshop I thought there was like a little tutorial isn't here I guess not I'm trying to think if I'm sure somewhere on my youtube channel I don't do it often but it's in my it's in some of my series you over scaling all sub tools with the dock similar to all the SL export without exporting for example scaling also tools in relation to one unit cube asking for 3d printing scale that would be under your either Z plug-in 3d print hub updating your size ratios or Z plug-in scale master just click on that click on that YouTube or click through these explanations here that'll be setting your Z seen scale and essentially what that's gonna do is change your geometry size ratio which GZ brush usually likes to keep that around too and then on export that'll change your export scale to be whatever so you're bringing something for Marvelous Designer it'll try to bring it in and around to under your size and then an export it's gonna be like 950 it's gonna have a multiplier in here we're going to export your scale by like 950 or something like that yeah so you I did do you V's for this so for example let's do something that doesn't have UV these grab let's say what would that be under streaming turtle power bebop block out let's go out of solo mode so you're something we've been working on my live stream for a little bit and we have a pair of pants here I don't think these pants have UV so it does have subdivision history though so what we can that's kind of important if you want to use UV master you want to be able to have the ability to kind of go down your so divisions and then go back up now if you can you can sculpt and this is something we went over the livestream or any number of my videos where you sculpt and dynamesh until you get to a certain point and then you zremesh and then you project your detail back I just have something with you these so let's go ahead and say ok here's our pants and very quickly let's take a look at these pants so we got polyframe turned on and you're gonna see we have a cap here and it can't be here those are separate sub tools this isn't mirrored so because it's cloth it's not necessarily mirrored so that's that however what we can do is we can go over here to our z plugin and we can say UV master that we're gonna go over here to it's not symmetrical we do have poly group so you want to go ed and keep those and that we can say work on clone very important work on clone and then we're gonna go so you say work on clone and then we're gonna say unwrap so it's gonna look at our poly groups and pop those off into their own separate islands and then it's gonna under up our mesh we can hit flatten if you want to see how it flattened our mesh out this looks fine so we're gonna unflattering to say copy ru V's go back to our pants and then just say paste ru V's if you want to see those you v's you can always go in here to like your texture map and you can say create a texture map from UV check now I'll go through and check your UVs if you want to see wireframe just turn on your poly frame here and say new from UV map and then I'll go ahead and give you or UV check there you go now I'll give you a little wireframe of your object on your texture so there's that however you can also go in here now to UV map and you can morph UV and then you can start you guys go to solo mode you can start sculpting on this object now it might be a little bit weird to look at because we don't really know how this thing ended up got to where it is so let's go ahead and make a little bit easier on ourselves we're gonna go down here to morph UV and we're gonna say you know what for my purposes I want to let's go and do RGB with our standard brush and we're just going to kind of paint on our object here it's like okay I want to have a seam that goes from here to here and then on the other side here same from here to here let's go ahead and also underneath the brush in a turn mass way polygroups down to zero so those are rare I want the seams to go and if you want to if you're just gonna be sculpting you can sculpt and paint at the same time obviously but just for this I'm just gonna be sculpting we're gonna get rid of the poly paint something say you know what I want to seem here and also I want to sing that's gonna go down the back of the leg here so previously in ZBrush what you'd have to do is you'd have to just be very careful you'd have to move and hide polygons and if it again like we were talking about earlier if you go in here to render if you did want to just put a seam along this side here and this side it's not too bad and go to your day me standard brush for example and just start putting a seam on here but it's like dark I can't really tell what I'm doing temporarily go into your render and then just change that fade opacity so you can kind of just barely see it and now you can see gosh that's gonna material it's killer let's turn that diffuse down a bit there we go so now we can kind of see a little bit better where that line is and then if we want to go back to our render we can say fade opacity all the way off or back however it's gonna be a lot easier getting these seams in here in fact we were talking about this earlier let's go back to our brushes and our lightbox brushes we got some stitches in here let's just grab some stitches and then now we can go to our morph UV and then now we know exactly let's go ahead and crank up our lazy I guess our lazy radius is already pretty good it's been kind of go through here and we can say you know what right along here is where I want those stitches to be laid in and then oof I pressure to control this little bit I'll show you how you can control your ZBrush seems it's actually pretty close to where I would have wanted a natural seam but but none more slow jeebies and then now you're gonna see if we go through here and we turn off our probably paint a lot easier to get those stitches laying it out flat as well as if we go in here - our morph UV and you want to bring in Oh perfect so perfect LZ and then I'll s let's go to RGB and now we can just paint in oh my god that has got to be the coolest now of course when you go in here and you're doing your UV stuff like for example if we go back to that clone we were working on and we did our Z plug-in UV master you can enable control painting it's like okay I want to really protect any front seams areas like this and then I want to really attract them you can attract from ambient occlusion or you can just paint it in manually and then you can also change your density in here it's like I want this to be a lot more detail on my UVs and a lot less detailed over here you can also do polygroups for the front in the back if you wanted to just be like hey you know what I want this is gonna be really ugly but I wanted to put like you know a polygroups plug up here here here and here and here and this you can have Paul your stern down and then you can unwrap it based on your poly groups so a lot of different ways you control your UVs and then when you go to lay them out so if we do like poly groups on a ramp now these you v's yeah you see how when I went unwrap it got rid of the slicing you don't want to change your topology because when you go to copy it back it has to be the same third order but when we go in here and we say unwrap and then we hit flatten you can go through here and you can hold down control and tap and you can just move your you v's around you can scale him around you can go through here and you can move it you can hold down shift and smooth you can mask your borders any number of things you want to do if you want to kind of change these you these to be whatever you want and you're gonna see if I go out of that zero to one space if you go out of on flatten and then flatten it again it'll pack it right back into that drivel em so you can do any changes you want or your you v's and then when you apply your textures and stuff maybe you make it a little bit easier to control yeah morph UV and sorry if I missed anything just keeps you on the mountain to use your whole screen of you're into us or just a part I just I'd use a section so when I'm doing my actually when I'm streaming right now what you see this is my a minor setup so giant monitor here John and here in this little section in that top monitor is the brush and then I have a lot of space around it so you're only seeing this so I have my into us my Wacom mapped to just that section of my screen and then I have a lot more real estate around that so when I'm streaming stuff it's 1080 1920 by 1080 cool we're gonna need games recently you can talk about I don't know what I can talk about there's some really cool stuff coming up but I'm Simon they're like five NDA's right now so I just choose not to talk about anything yeah cool alright so let's get back into I want to make sure I don't miss anything I want to make sure you guys got everything you need to get rocking and rolling okay let's have a little bit of fun not that we haven't been having fun do I want to save this cuz that's pretty sweet say this block out you do the exact same thing with the vest with the body and stuff like that in fact speaking of the body let's go ahead and clear out of a brush real quick we'll have a little bit of fun with skin texture painting maybe have a little bit of fun modifying that stuff I say maybe because I haven't actually tried this I just grabbed some resources so we'll see how it goes 2020 demo we'll grab our commander head from years back and what we can do is we can take this head with morph you do we can just paint textures directly on it so we go in here to texture import and let's go ahead and just grab one of these heads here and if I want to go ahead and even just modify this texture I can I can go again to adjust colors and I can change the RGB intensity huge shift and good stuff or I can also do it after it's been a polypaint I kind of leave that up to you so let's go in here - sub - I'm gonna turn off everything except for his skin areas and again we're gonna go down here to morph targets not morph target UV map morph UV it's gonna spread them out so you can already see like if you wanted to bring in some like this place but maps and you spotlight to kind of go through and brush on your detail you can one thing we can talk about if I want a little bit of indication of where these things are you can use your poly frame if you turn your poly frame on now it's gonna be a mess of really high resolution stuff however if you go out of morph UV drop your subdivision level down to 1 turn on polyframe go back up and you're gonna have a simpler poly frame so I hope we morph UV there you go not quite not quite and in fact we go over here to fill you can turn off your fill and now you have a simplified polygon layout however it's still not quite good enough for me for positioning my feature so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go in here let's go ahead and turn on X symmetry turn off the linker so the surface and we're just gonna grab a little bit of a darker area RGB turned on let's go ahead turn that texture off there we go so I'm just gonna give myself indications of where the dark areas are he's gonna kind of let me know like where and this guy's face is totally busted like his nostrils all over the place obviously he's missing some very important sections of his mouth here so these are gonna kind of be his lips are kind of curled underneath these are gonna kind of be his bottom lip here so I'm just gonna get myself some indications of where I want to be painting when I'm using this guy and also we can maybe even do is hairline in here although that's not nearly as important if you wanted to you good to go through here and map his hairline okay so now we've got this here let's go ahead and say morph UV and let's go ahead and grab that texture so texture select it add it to spotlight and then now I'm gonna shrink this down just a little bit we're gonna take this opacity down and then I apologize in advance like I said my wife is flying back from Japan and so I'm wrangling these squeaky dogs so no words gonna kind of position our head in the space now again my features are all over the place you can go through spotlight and you can kind of move these things around but you know what I think for our purposes what we can do is we can just start lining up some features actually first let's do this RGB standard brush we can go ahead and turn off XM 'try we can start painting I'm gonna hit shift Z I'm gonna hit C color fill object just to kind of get a base color going and then now we can go through here and we can start coloring in like where our face would kind of go actually shoot let's do this let's go okay I do want to fill but I want to leave these dark areas alone so let's go in here to our masking mask by color mask my poly paint and we're going to select these dark areas here and say okay and then I can invert that mask all right don't ever let Massenet go to color fill object there we go so easy it is now so back where he started she will see we're gonna go through here with our standard brush we're gonna paint in where we want our detail now the eyeballs again are going to be kind of in this area and also probably a little bit bigger and then the ears are kind of over here and we're gonna kind of get those into place ish oh here's nothing - so when I hit Z I'm gonna take this intensity and I'm gonna drop that back just a little bit some of those pure blacks are starting to make it go transparent so I don't necessarily want that and then we'll go over here to this side and then we'll line up this ear sorry it's a little bit boring and obviously you're gonna want to take your time and you know do it make sure everything's cool but we're just gonna do a quick demo here and then the bottom of my mouth is somewhere in this area so we're gonna kind of pull up this right in here and this will be good enough and then that bottom lip we can try to be like hey man let's give you a little semblance of a bottom lip kind of got stretched out there and you're you got mutilated well we can give them a shot go buddy okay so I know they have that we can go through here let's go to our UV map Morpher UV back and let's go ahead and switch this over to our skin shader form well he looks a little bit rough but we can do a little bit of cleanup here something that's see it's our neck symmetry again and first I'm gonna do is get rid of these areas here and then we can kind of clean up these areas like so now you may remember let's go ahead and in fact let's go in here know where their standard brush our stroke and then we'll turn on maybe just give it a little bit of flavor let's go in here with our alpha seven and then kind of start can I just lightly brush this and you can actually add streaks I did this type of thing as well and you know modify this just a little bit I'm just tapping C inherit those colors now if you remember we can also go through here it's actually sorry it bugs me you can go through here at the extractor brush so if you like you know this hair here so let's go to let's turn off X symmetry B X T and we can grab it'll grab the height information and the texture information at the same time so I can hit G and we just go and grab some hair here give it a second and there we go and go through here we need to start painting that hair on there now if it's not detailed enough you can see you maybe got a little bit grainy which you can also do is when you're going through here and you're grabbing it it's gonna take it a little bit longer you can go in here to your alpha and we remember talking about earlier we're gonna hit from brush it's going to ask you how why do you want it by default it's 128 if we set this to say 512 the length is always going to be determined by how long you drag it but the width is going to be the overall kind of texture density so we changed up to 512 now we can go through here and we can just kind of grab and then again it's going to take a little bit longer because it's doing overlong and now to get you more texture resolution Kent but bass I kind of blur out the ends so as you're you can kind of do a seamless transition there you go a little bit more higher res before yeah so now let's say let's go ahead and turn on everything back on here let's say I wanted to do well first of all let's go ahead and grab this we got the skin material oops I guess we don't skin shader for we're gonna say em color fill object and then turn there to be back on and then we're gonna do is we're going to know we can select we're having the hardest time or I'm having the hardest time I should say see Add em we have skin shader for so we're just gonna fill with a skin shader for color material and then we can go in here to really whiskey our material here and we're gonna say under modifiers there is oh sorry under wax modifiers you can crank up the strength is gonna yell at you and say you need to turn on any render so render properties wax preview and then we can start giving him a little bit of a little wax strength in that skin there and then now when you go in here to our light and go through here I think you start you know getting some good renders now that shadows not gonna work so we can go in here to our render properties sorry tangent we had shadows here we're gonna go into our shadow properties here we're gonna drop that global strength down a little bit and change that angle just to blur it just a bit there we go so pretty pretty pretty good now another thing we can do we know we can do this is we can go in here to our poly paint and we can say adjust colors so if I want to do a make them a little bit more Undead let's drag him into the greens just a little bit and drag a saturation down just a little bit and maybe he's already be intensity just a tad you drop his HSV intensity so we're gonna turn them into a Frankenstein by EM okay so also that strength it's a little bit much for me let's go into our wax I get rid of that already maxed strength here okay so we now have a Frankenstein guy so let's go ahead and let's start using some of our stuff that we've learned up to this point and we'll start using maybe the extractor brush to kind of do some cool stuff so let me go my Damien standard brush we've got it's automatically Z so let's turn on RGB let's do like a kind of a cut along the side of his head here I'm gonna go through here I'll put in maybe a little deep cut and we can go through here and again if we're going through and we're sculpting on this thing and it's kind of getting in the way just go back into your render and then do your fade opacity so we can kind of see what we're sculpting a little bit better that's not gonna get rid of your poly paint just kind of knocks it back just a little bit so now let me put stitches over this if you try to go through now with your standard brush with ziad turned on its gonna kind of hitch and let's turn that brush off it'll hitch as it goes over that line and in fact another thing you can do if you want to is you can just shift and get rid of that and we can change your material so you can see as I go over that line see how it kind of has a little hitch across it we can do this where we can now go you know let's go back in our history and we can go ahead and hold on ctrl tap then we go back to our let's go back one BH history recall and then we just go back where we want these stitches and we need to smooth it out first there you go so now we can go back in with our standard brush we'll just do it like a darker Brown ziad RGB turned on with our standard brush and let's go ahead and keep fading there we go I can see a little better so now I can go through here and we're poly painting where we want the edge of these stitches to go and we're kind of kind of put a little divot on either side okay so we have that let's bring our opacity back and then across here let's go ahead and just do like a maybe I don't all yellowy bandage color RGB Z intensity it's going to crank that's the intensity up a bit and then we'll put some stitches across here this is another instance where you could do a repeat shift one to repeat the stroke but I think this will work just fine and this will be the stitches we want to put on our little Frankenstein guy now we can go in here too let's bring our fatal pass it back so let's make sure it's wide enough bxt for extract or brush let's hit G let's just grab our stitches here and we left the the side guys we have a 512 texture probably a bit overkill but now we can just go through here it's not a solo mode and we can just kind of yeah we can give them a little bit of that Frankenstein treatment there we go like so uh how you guys doing yeah yes we'll get about a second cool right on okay so yeah everything I think we're gonna get to that stuff in a second so we've talked about extractor brush I think we've had everything we need to shed D history recall brush oh that was another thing let's do you know what if we had done you can also use the history recall brush to go through and like get rid of any stitches you want or to you can load and scan data and use history recall just a good control tap you can go through and scope that detail in how I ended up using it on the load tool patchy here is actually you know what I want to save this as this case you want to go back to that so when the body stitches here we had different versions of this so if I go in here to sub tool and again we'll just do and I'll just hide all these things I'm gonna shoot this down to the bottom so we have this version here so I'm gonna go ahead and duplicate this off and let's say I go into UV map and I go ahead and morph my UV and then I want to go through and paint another fabric pattern on this new one here let's go into solo mode let's go into my textures here let's go ahead and load up a new fabric pattern that's a cool one select it scale it down and that's kind of some tile yeah of course I can so what I was doing just doing kind of going through here and you can just paint your fabric pattern on all of these ones actually be very careful about this because if you have SIA turned on it will paint your anything that's black it'll look kind of dig in and that's why it'll bump out so you can use that your advantage in this case I didn't want to so I have this version here and what we can do is we can use the history brush to grab any of this information onto my other patchy version so I think if I hold down control let's tap that area here and then on this one I'll use a BH history recall and then we can go through here RGB intensity up to a hundred is the intensity we don't really need I would just go through here and again if you go in here to your brush auto masking you can say because we have polygroups for each section we can just be kind of sloppy just kind of go through here however this is kind of especially when you're projecting sculptural detail so for instance in this version here if I turn that off temporarily and we go through here and it's like okay I want the edge I want to pick up this D all of this detail hair and all this detail here and any sort of detail here or we can isolate we can add you know what let's do this let's go down here to our surface noise let's go ahead and load in a surface noise from my Z alphas cloth this is again from ZBrush guides comm tileable alphas let's go ahead and grab this weave pattern here and we're gonna turn off mix basic noise down to zero alpha scale you can kind of knock that back a little bit here and then make our strength color blend we can put the zero so we can crank that strength upward down see what I'm looking forward áown okay oops going to edit button on a UV there we go so now we have texture information we also want to transfer as well as polypaint information so i'm going to say i apply this to mesh okay let that calculate here and then we'll go back in here to our poly paint so we have texture and poly pin information we want to transfer I'm going to ctrl tab this area now and go back here to our BH history recall brush and now when I'm recalling in this I'm getting my texture information if you don't believe me we can go in here to render and use this cool new fade opacity functionality and then as we're going through you're seeing we're picking up that brush detail now it can be a little bit tricky because with the history recall you got to be like I got to go in here and I don't want it to grab anything weird or pull through the other side like it's doing over here so what we can do is instead of using history recall on a 3d object or I mean it's always gonna be a 3d object you can do it on the flattened object there we go so here's we're gonna do we're gonna turn fade opacity back down so what we're gonna do is we're gonna say UV map we're gonna morph UV wait for this pretty head pretty dense meshes and then also on this one we're gonna say morph UV and then now that it's out like this hold down ctrl and we're just going to ctrl tap this history go back to our other one and then now we can use the history recall brush we don't have to worry about projecting stuff through the object or camera base stuff because everything is flat everything's pointing to right at you so again brush history recall and then now you can go through here you can grab that texture that detail brush auto masking is up to a hundred so I can I can be a little too sloppy so then go through here and we can paint these miscellaneous areas out with our new RGB and text it's gonna do this one to again you know gonna worry about it super fast then when you're done with this you can say it's going on more fees you've ease and they'll go back to this one you can leave these marked if you want to but go ahead and knock that back and then we go here and then we turn our render fade opacity back up you're gonna see transferred that detail no problem it's just straight through as well as made a much easier transition much easier way to get your poly paint back on there so fit opacity back down so okay so I did miss a couple questions in here I do want to talk about so comma key mannequins there's always been mannequins in here and there's some dogs and some stuff in here so you can double-click these mannequins you can go through and you can kind of pose these these fear creatures and then also there's a under these fears there's some new creatures in here I thought there was gonna be this whit whit on the version you get there might I think there will be more stuff things called Zee zoo or something like that but look in there for any cool new mannequins you can use there is another thing here let's just make this simple I use this on patchy but just for demo purposes so we hit ctrl T a couple times and then we go in here to brush deco brush here they're gonna see we have yeah yeah you can drag this out and then you have a curve on there and if you just tap this curved update it it's going to take this alpha and stretch it along there it's go ahead and drop that intensity down and you can you can update this thing on the fly let's take control D and then we'll do it another version of that you can see next to it so you can use this and it does have to be this alpha you can swap out this alpha for this so I was using this for some of my wrinkled brushes so you can kind of go through here and you can use this to kind of add some really cool wrinkles then you tap off and then drag another one here and then you can go to Z sub and then I kind of push it in so very quickly think it's a very nice fall-off on here but of course if you want to do a very particular alpha go through here and you can do that or again ziad makes it very very nice it's going to drop that's the intensity down any other cool thing too is you can just go in here and change it on the fly I know just gonna update hey you know what let me open up my other notes I got two versions of my notes one that's just kind of titles and stuff and then one where it goes into the more particulars for my serious pressure things demo curve oh you can also do it with curb dogger PPI of a drag Dodger PC okay so this is repeating this alpha along the curve so it's just one long arrow if you go in here to dot stroke it'll it'll keep repeating so you can kind of go through here and you can keep dragging this out as opposed to drag dot where if you use it you can just kind of drag this one arrow around going here to dot stroke and you can just get very nice smooth transition so it's kind of like lazy Mouse extended and you can also do this with textures so if we go in here let me grab Anna rainbow texture texture us if you need to rotate this turn on RGB maybe maybe not alpha off hmmm-hmmm curve alpha texture mm-hmm investigate that this is this is one of those things where I'd make myself look at an editing I can't do that right now but I thought that it would work maybe Oh RGB needs to be turn on in your brush do ya see see what I mean by the power of editing you can go through here and you can do this or you can do your dragged on so drag dot here and then you can go through and just our you can turn your alpha back on and then oops now it's just going to be where your brush stroke is how cool is that pretty deep yes yes yes okay um yes this is live live how do I create a what's the difference between export alpha and export processed alpha alpha export export process tell effects press alpha button specifies that the L you can have control to get more information by the way in the help stuff as modified by the current settings the alpha adjustment curve when pressed okay so basically if you want to export just your alpha like you have your your arrow here and you go to Alpha X bar it's gonna export it if you go in here to your modify alpha adjust and you do any zany stuff with your alpha like this then you want to go to export your process to alpha and then export it and then you'll get your modified alpha I think guess like brian says how to create alpha matte from two color mapping ZBrush so basically you would load in a kind of like we did when we did our rope so you go in here let's go in to import our actually I stir the Rope texture with a deco brush let's see how that does so demo rope grab it texture rotate and then now if we want to make an alpha for this rope just go in here to texture make alpha that'll make our alpha map actually let's go in here to reset that so there that is so now we got our rope stretch across in alpha let's change that to drug dot stroke and in fact let's go into our let's make a little bit easier plane make polymesh3d and we can see a little bit better if we go onto skin shader for maybe so here's our deco brush so earlier we did this RGB so divide so divide side divide so divide so divide you be turned on texture grab it alpha grab it yeah I guess you can just stretch this rope along here yeah that's not gonna work that well so anyway we'll just do this with a regular brush here so we have our standard brush here and we have a rope alpha and we have our rope small and we can go through here and we can go into stroke modifiers turn on a roll and then under this alpha just like we were talking about we can go in here to our intensity and crank that intensity up so we're just getting the outline of that and then we'll turn out Z I turn on RGB turn on poly paint here so now we can go through and just drag this rope out and but this is gonna have kind of that it's gonna wherever it's dark in my alpha it's gonna be opaque but I guess that's okay actually yeah so here we have our rope here and now we can go yee-haa and then you do a lasso and then you put a little knot and that's how you know I'm streaming from Austin Texas right now cool cool those titles included zebra sure you get them somewhere else I got them from zebras guides calm most of my classical thing I got from there I didn't recommend any particular school classes in a role for hearing ZBrush in a classroom environment not career-minded just artistically interested to be honest I have the cash flow just not great with online courses I mean I teach at CG master Academy let me see if I could find that for so basically it's a six-week course we go through and we do a lot it's a pretty intense course but go through and it basically you show up I have videos for you to watch you go through and you do projects based on the assignment description and then I give you probably anywhere from like 10 to 20 minutes of feedback per week on what you submit and then we have a live Q on Monday nights where you just get to ask me questions and I go for about an hour just kind of going through anything that came up or anything that any life cave people asked on the forums so that's kind of classroom II uh but you know that's ZBrush ish it's not really like it's not that artistic honestly I don't get too heavy into like design aesthetics it's not really it's more about expanding your mind with concept again ZBrush and getting something tangible in the round and then if you want to go deeper into like production stuff there's classes for that that's gonna be like here's how you do the perfect topology for animation and rendering and texturing of face with XYZ and then if you want to go the aesthetic side here's character design fundamentals or here's environment design fundamentals I'm just kind of a I'm not part of any course I'm kind of off to the side as part of a supplementary class it's just basically like here's how you can concept in ZBrush and here's all the cool stuff you can do in ZBrush and you kind of just throw stuff at the wall see what sticks as far as you know I don't I don't want to limit it I don't want to be like hey we're gonna this is a ZBrush or concept in generation weapons or characters it's like you can make whatever you want that's the whole point you can make a starship you can make a plant you can make a weapon you can make character you can make you can do what's stylize you can do a hyper real I kind of leave it up to you yeah that is online I did used to teach at Gemini school here in Austin Texas but uh when I got laterally promoted into management I had to kind of stop doing that cool yes Bryan No thank you for your help Bryan you uh I like when people can go through here and start answering questions in the chat and if I miss any questions I apologize in advance just keeps you on the mountain so we had we do it through Frank it's night oh here's another one we can talk about so if you have scanned data now for me I mean look how beautiful this scan is if you want more information on this photogrammetry type stuff I do have a photogrammetry playlist you can go through there and this is actually just taking it with my old Samsung phone so you can go through here and you just basically take your camera phone and walk around an object for a little bit and process it for a minute and you can swap it in and out and get your textures and stuff but sometimes if you're not as good as me I'm just kidding I can get terrible results this one actually came out pretty good that's why I use it for demos but that's a good trim dynamic and it's like you know what I had a little scan error here and ask an error here and it didn't quite pick up and maybe yeah we'll leave it alone so you can use your brush extractor for this type of thing too now this is gonna be very important when we were doing our resolution so underneath our alpha you know this is fairly high resolution so we want to go through here and make sure that under your from brush your alpha width is relatively high so I'm going to keep it at 512 here so again be xt4 extract brush we're picking up height and RGB information I'm gonna go ahead and make it about yay big and we're just gonna steal from this side and again because we where that's exits out of what you've captured it will blur the end so it kind of transitions nicely but now we go through here and we can say bring said uh and then same thing for down here you can go through and you can scrap that but that's a good start for kind of doing a little bit of would that be called alright my brain starting to go photogrammetry scan data cleanup so I guess now let's just do this to be XT and we can put this oops gee yeah we can borrow to be information turn it off completely and then I get rid of that but sometimes on Skanda it's nice to have that just a little bit of that break up and maybe even in some of this let's go back to our awful widths it's take 256 we gotta go a little bit faster and let's grab some dirt wait the XT gee dirt there it is so I can sum of here where the camera couldn't quite get in there I can go through here and I can just start adding in a little bit of dirt where I assume that it probably needs to be fairly quickly i pressure to capture some of the dirt in there but you guys get the idea um let's see here I guess the right question is is there something that you haven't explored yet or done a video on yes there's so many things that I'd want to get into I want to get heavier no unreal Houdini and I can do a deeper dive in ZBrush too and I mean I know what I know and ZBrush and doing the what's new in ZBrush kind of keeps me honest but at the end of the day I don't really know that much I only know what I use a lot I've probably forgotten more ZBrush than I know at this point but yeah I think we're commander had Frankenstein girl statue patchy finalized yeah I think we've covered everything oh my god there might be some like little stuff here's here's what's gonna happen though is that I've shown you the basics and kind of what you can use it for but keep your eyes peeled for like I said before people using this for just crazy purposes that I didn't even think that I wouldn't even thought about let's go down here and let's grab a medal for this let's do maybe shiny let's drop that already be down a little bit em RGB color fill object and then we'll do a toy plastic it's a d4 dynamic on that one and then again I'm RGB color fellow object RGB so anyway hope you guys had fun turn off our texture here I'm probably gonna end up calling it a day but uh yeah so get in there check out the new stuff see keep your eyes peeled on the forums and stuff for let's go into perspective here get our light see what kind of cool stuff people are doing and uh because I guarantee it they're gonna be using this stuff for things I'm definitely not thinking of right now so alright cool everybody I'll let you guys go and have a good rest of your day and usually i stream tuesdays first Tuesday the month I pick the largest channel then the first Thursday the month on my channel I might stream this Thursday if you guys want to talk about all my NV arrays stuff that I did for the patchy stuff yeah we'll see how that goes but cool thanks everybody
Channel: Pixologic ZBrush
Views: 21,565
Rating: 4.9455042 out of 5
Keywords: pixologic, zbrush live, digital sculpting, 3d modeling, art, design, tutorial, how to, making of, twitch, character creation, live boolean, vdm, sculptris pro, deformers, project primitive, illustration, mudbox, 3d coat, autodesk maya, adobe, photoshop, cinema 4d, 3d printing, concept art, games, reel, shoe, sneaker, mech, stylized character, zbrush 2020, xtractor brush, cyborg, history recall
Id: or2wY_VlTjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 28sec (8668 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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