Michael Keaton on Letterman, 1982-83

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[Applause] very talented comedian and actor he is currently filming a new movie called nightshift I believe some of that was filmed right here in New York City it will soon be he will soon be seen on a brand new television series in which he is the star entitled report to Murphy please welcome Michael Keaton [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no that's all right go right ahead how you doing was that right was this a motion-picture nightshift shop largely in New York City well shot some of it was shot largely a shout do an attic back to can I do something real quick surely I got it I just have to read this now this comes from Bazooka Joe it's the comic I got at a reading on the plane no you could be Haig Alexander Haig at a press conference and fun Stelter funny I just gotta read it takes a couple minutes you think oh this picture in Bazooka Joe throne mm-hmm Toby sitting next to a bazooka Jill why you throwing that clock out the window right legit the Zippy Joe look sam says I wanted to see time fly I know so he looks back and says time it's ready real subject isn't depends on how one used one sees time cosmic he says yes what wasn't eugene o'neill who said we're emi of the tumult sick of the madding crowd hiding for farsi places with a soul mate think aloud and then [Applause] so it was the movie in trouble it was a lot of fun but it's really a fun place to be an example is squirrel dragging a slice of pizza up to his house can't get to be when you come back with it really we came in I remember I came back home for Christmas and pilot said welcome to Pittsburgh temperatures currently three degrees three degrees three degrees why have any know did you now that you have a you know what I like a lot of times people go on television shows they bring the outtakes of their film yeah no you know you can do those last minute we don't I couldn't bring any I think we can do I can draw you some things that happen real quick like scenes all right we're outside it was like a tree keep going hey stop he'd say yeah and my car is like going around this like mouth shut okay so this is like my car all right yeah it's like tell me tell me about your new series of reports to Murphy we didn't remember we shot November and then I CBS suckers where's NBC and and we did five of them and they were real good it starts April 5th on Monday who else in the extravaganza nobody just me just you it's me the old niggy show where you teach people to draw you know what it's night where they can in your works right that's right now they've done movie you just start to look at more words differently we start to look at different technically angles and think about the story for instance Reds problem for me was I don't think they ever really covered the story of his wife Donna you know bigger than to the Kremlin with a little skirt nothing around gonna be home for dinner it's a revolution here buddy hey Big John Garfield fan and am I getting single we got a we're gonna pause here but you you want to continue I tell you what we'll pause [Applause] [Music] [Applause] mr. Michael Keaton report to Murphy coming up Paul Schaffer in the band of course bill Windell and the wonderful studio audience tomorrow night you got to be here cartoonist Ian Wilson from love Sydney Swoosie Kurtz and Andy Kaufman [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] welcome gentlemen to our salute to summer gala and boy what fun we're having here the last time my next guest actually my first guest was on our show he was a stand-up comedian and a television performer he is both of those things still but since then he has also become a major motion picture star getting rave reviews all over the country for his part in the new comedy film night shift were very happy that he's back with us tonight please give a special summer salute welcome to mr. Michael Keaton [Applause] go against the theme of the show now you're perfectly all so that heat in here you know I just Paul I we're never officially met but I think you got to agree with me when I look at that it makes me think of one place I think you know what I'm talking about [Music] [Laughter] Michael that was we in the business we know each other anyway isn't it you mean industry is it go high you know that was a mighty impressive thanks you made I don't push ups as you did it yeah for my hands I don't think I can do it yeah well this is this is all very exciting you are every review I see of this film or on TV or newspapers it singles you out as being a major comedy talent and breakthrough cinema on and on and on and congratulations Thanks I might be too big for this what am i doing no it's unbelievable it's it is it's too unbelievable you know I was telling you before it's only one movie folks you know it's it's really nice though I'm overwhelmed and it's great now fortunately there's a clip right I show busy about this but we did bring a clip you know we have we have run so much footage of this film we've had we had Ronnie Howard on we had Richard Belzer on who else was on Bergman I think I heard worked on the crew came in he had some film a guy who saw it came in had some film and but and but tonight you're the reason for the success you're here whatever you want to show us okay well the a shot I'll set it up like you know understand it what happens is we get into a business that my partner Henry Winkler who is wonderful in this movie we both get into this business together and we get in a little over our heads and we run up against some thugs as you'll see and what this is is a chase scene that for my money I mean I think we're it rivals bullet I mean it it's just exciting and just so this is some few moments now set night shifts with Michael Keaton and as he said this sucker is well now and we can see there I am this is me I Randall Cromwell oh boy yeah that's me oh don't like that didn't hurt well all goofing around the side congratulations on your success yeah this is summertime that's not great nice themes you know yeah it's a theme little gum ball baseball baseball sure anything now were you always a movie fan yeah yeah I was a kid who used to sit around the house a lot and you know stare in the television just watch a lot old John Garfield movies you know you know a lot of jam stuck to my face you know he loved I watched just before I came over here the result they run the little rascals here I think I'm WR or something cute and he's noticing the little rascals always made that same expression when anything out of the ordinary happened every time something out of the ordinary happened they always mine but Garfield those guys Cagney my fav great style and a great acting style it always John Garfield you can talk telling John Garfield was lying though because he always kinda gave it away you know me come on Johnny play ball with us you tell us about the murder will knock a couple years off your sentence in Sing Sing and they'll say I don't know what you're talking about I never did nothing I never you heard no murder how would you strangle anybody loose anything about strangulation Johnny yeah yeah sure that's it I I read it on the paper we're gonna bust this up because we're having almost too much fun we'll be we'll be back though with mr. Michael Keaton right after the panel ah maybe some Larry bud Melman reminding you that Wednesday's a song of the sea' date on all Melman buses welcome aboard for all the shrimp and fish sticks you can chow down not to mention our bottle of me bottomless chester tata sauce so don't be a landlubber see the world set sail on a Melman bus [Applause] [Music] we have we have your world-class show here tonight mr. Michael Keaton of course who is here also the persuasions and Catherine O'Hara will be joining us from SCTV so stay and oh yeah and that's what I was gonna mention from Yankee Stadium yeah the organist at the mighty Hammond mr. Eddie Layton and I know you're a baseball fan the treat to make them I don't think McCoy Tyner or felonious monk would have ever made it as the organist do you think no too heavy he but he was that was a treat because we were talking about I'm not a big Dodger fan but I had to go the other night out in Los Angeles I had to go because it was D student Stadium for those who were not in the know next week I don't know what day multiple-personality night it's in conjunction with some State Hospital [Laughter] yeah yeah I was walking on the way over here about this I was the mannequins in New York City which is a a very fashionable the most fashionable okay come on come the mannequins are very serious as our model so you know what I mean I mean there's no real sense of humor with mannequins you know it's always can I sniffing it's always kind of very serious very almost mean pointing a lot of pointing you'll never see because it's the indicate they're under control you'll never see a mannequin like questionable in their person I like it's hard to be yeah yeah you like coming to New York in the summer yeah yeah okay this is Mickey now you're from Pittsburgh originally which is a sizable city where people say Oh [Applause] so just make it nostalgic for your childhood summertime load the little kids up I come from and we talked about this ones came from you met some of your family I think I come from a fairly large family Irish Catholic family about ninety nine ninety and we used to pack them in the car you know station wagon take those family cruises you know dollars dad there and get out on the road I start great it always started out just great you know you get in the car my dad would be very up forward be driving the car it was greater than Annie yeah and the kids are in the back you know my mother's doing more like one of her attitudes just kind of what are you pissed here huh and their back about half a block out you know my sister we're getting to her wine [Music] be okay but with certain would be in the car you know my dad would be very cool for well sir I think there's like it get outta here mio-chan the trip was for my dad they hit us and drive the car at the same time they follow us in the rearview mirror you know my father would always start with this okay alright keep messing around next police when I see I'm stopping the car you know and my brother was variant was very uncool emotionally I just lost control immediately always go dead were you gonna have a thrown in jail [Music] now I remember you had some advice for how to sleep cool now when you when he's talking about sleeping cool do you mean temperature-wise are just maintaining that presence before yeah maintain the presence you know I it's it's tough you know people don't want to lose control what they got that's what I mean about the mannequins you know it see when you're dating someone or you're going out with somebody you never can let up you know it looks stupid until you get home the first nights gotta come with your sleep with a girl right it's got to happen and at some point it's usually sleep it's over there's no way you know you go over to another side of the world and you got no control anymore you know and you really want to wake up before her in the morning so she doesn't see your fate to be great can be really gonna get this little nerve jerk sometimes I don't know where your are you wake up in the morning you got a crease here with a fat fold then sometimes you know you get those little things where you get sometimes if you're falling asleep on both arms you wake up no idea yeah this is when you get a little saliva going or on the bus when you're on the bus going home you kind of err cuts off second I just want to say again congratulations on the success of your new motion picture career and everybody who knows you knew you knows you who knew it knew it knew it was coming sooner or later and thanks for being here Michael anytime you like drop by and we'll Thanks [Applause] [Music] [Music] hi there welcome back to the show my next guest if you're joining us now we're right in the middle of the Chinese food delivery race and College Bowl was won by Szechuan state a last-minute upset my next guest is one of the hottest performers to break onto the scene in a long while a very talented actor writer and comedian please welcome mr. Michael Keaton [Applause] I was actually gonna this just happened because I just found it on my way out or crib sheet I found under Hunan walks you blown the lid off another one an exciting night to be here as a technical school I think you know yeah the the other ones like liberal arts college yeah yeah I read a question myself about the eligibility of Jim are you drunk didn't yell Oh see you grad student the guy closest in cuz he was holding the rest of the kids he's probably maybe auditing some courses yeah yeah look a little old I know we'll go into that later how do you like being back in New York New York crazy you know Dave there's we had mentioned in your introduction mentioned in your introduction that you're a writer did you write that Jerry Van Dyke uh when does the food get here what the food I don't know with this that's part of the race we don't know what the time will be yeah there cuz are you gonna have to eat after it's what you can eat it if you like well you and I cuz I know you you haven't eaten I don't think you know I haven't eaten so what you say we go somebody because I part of coming to New York is for me the food the restaurants you do urges and I'm not gonna give this guy's restaurant name away because he asked me to keep a little small you know I didn't want to spread it but for me and we go here later if you want oh I'd love to it's the best Canadian food I've had yeah bacon anyway you want oh that's great where are we now well we really I really made it dead in these yet well what else do you do when you come to New York beside I know you like enjoy the people and you meet on the street I guess awesome people yeah yeah I love them yeah where are we now I was watching there's there are these maniacs you seen the hey man in Los Angeles hey man oh there's a man I called the hey man who stands on a street corner somebody told me he's been there for years screaming hey now that's pretty no no is he just stands kind of done around the LaBrea and things they do that hey that's kind of it I was walking by a guy today who had a similar affliction I noticed people who talk to themselves fall into basically two categories there are the agrees and the disagrees you know those in basic harmony and those in conflict and some of the agrees kind of walk and talk themselves like this you know I sometimes also share a little secret laughs you see knows people well a something disagrees you're scary because the disagree or is kind of worked on well I look like Jim from taxi talking to themselves yeah those are the agrees you have examples of the disagree second was that disagree I'm just I'm so excited about the activities going on about us that I was maybe not paying as close just can't wait for that msg to get here yeah I know that kind of a tablet form now yeah just get it straight on what about now you don't get to drive your car when you're in New York I'm in Janelle's driving your car tonight Michael is to miss driver I do is driving the guys who showed up to the limo service here is Herzog my lastly the name I don't know say whatever you want Herzog limousine and the Herzog yeah and I thought it was whitey at first no but he wouldn't because we mm-hmm and there are nice guys it was night you get here and they pick you up and they drive you to the hotel then they drive you here in the studio I think our foods here and then it's great because you don't have to you know drive your car around here it's going nowhere because I know a guys coming through Doral congratulations Szechwan state all the way downtown way downtown Chatham what is your name sir my name is in-law you this is Michael Keaton Oh nice to meet you hi good to see you and do you have the entire order there huh yeah okay well you've won the big Chinese food delivery race let me give you the trophy that goes along with it there you go put that in a place of prominence back in your restaurant and congratulations I appreciate you helping helping us out here tonight it's very nice you know I think $32 I got a heck geez Lou you're running quite a racket then what do you what'd you give him I gave 9 you know giving back giving back tonight I'll take care here you go there's there's this here you go see if that'll thank you thank you I appreciate it congratulations against a little folks back there at session one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome back to the shell if you're just joining us against echelon state has won the Chinese food delivery race and we understand that the Hunan wok is now approaching coming here within a matter of minutes so you might as well yeah I don't believe you've ever met have you the gentleman from Hunan wok unfortunately you finished second this is the general this is Lu from central 9 state and I didn't hear your name sir what have all you seized from Hunan you ever meet before the business no do you have any trouble getting here how about yourself I mean nothing nothing out of the ordinary I don't think so okay why don't you just put the food right there how much how much you owe you alright let's see there you go well this is that it works out pretty much the same no I get it right here thanks anybody's no we're fine thank you very much appreciate your cooperation thank you [Applause] thank you this is always a good sign when you're when you're ordering out you like to soothe any you know you're in for fine dining men the stuff smells great though no all right now so Michael you miss driving your car boy why's that you never have to drive I mean you drove a lot because yeah I did I drove a lot yeah I do when you live in Los Angeles so when you come here it's actually nice kind of relaxing but you know what they have you Joe cabs now can I say pooja can I say pooja I thought was whitey Pujo there no I have a foreign cabs now which is strange we first see them you kind of look these guys need a little horn it's not what you think of you usually expect those to be in for a no I had just bought a foreign car you know it bought a car recently and I was thinking about when you buy your car you don't think about the horn it's not what you ask the guy right asking how the gas mileage is and a lot of other questions you don't really think about your horn so I had an occasion to use my horn a little foreign car you know coming home I'm pretty pleased myself new car now I have an occasion use the horn I go you can't look around you think yourself it's not my home relative with big biceps I will never more like because I'm young you get a bit like you're immediately emasculated you know it's like to see the horn and you're crying if you were the date forget it you know I won't use the horn I want I mean you know if an old woman walks in front of me I'm sorry because she hears the horn it figures that's the shape of things forms are top horns knows guys driving you know across Utah but a little red man here in the corner you know spam my horn my heart goes out of my horn essentially says that's my parking place I was a horn yeah yeah what do I do you ever get into of course in Los Angeles you ever argue with somebody over a parking place yeah there's a whole other there's a communication in cars can only go to a certain point you know what I mean there's a lot of when somebody lets you in traffic traffic for instance kind of go in the guy always say to you yeah you always you always want to show him how great fury you stick your arm out real hard and you sometimes you say it out loud in the car and again here you go thank you man yeah when you're waiting for a parking space you say are you leaving [Applause] look at you one minute but you can't really go pass you can't say are you a generous person by nature are you from the brass I don't like the people and it's always one kind of guy who regardless of the circumstance will instruct you what to do in your car was that what you're talking about you pull up to an intersection and the guys come on no no I'm right you go ahead I know what I'm doing disappointed come on yeah cover there's nine throwers when they see something in front of you see people in front of the throw their arms up bumper stickers are real popular I was I'm I'm a little afraid to be behind people who would rather be other places yeah I'd rather be skiing or something like that so those people play real seriously you'll dry up next to the hell their skis up on the dashboard go off that off-ramp like I'm worried about your bumper stickers and say I'd rather be driving that's my fear where were you from originally what parts Berg being actually in Pittsburgh no actually a little town a little hamlet called code first growth between the rocks and Coraopolis to Coraopolis real bad towns yeah yeah what kind of child were you a good student awful awful it is back-to-school time is it yeah it is hate to cut class a lot what is it now what's that where we invite mid-october uh yeah just about whatever mid-october it's right about now right about now my notebook was falling apart you know it was the year you know the year you said this is it this is the one I'm a different guy okay there you go if lost return to you fill it out out there go now you're into it and it's gone you know you're invited mid-october everything's starting forgot one more ring on your binder you know and it's gone and then it's wet from your hand has now worn away the outer edge your tablet note uh oh the cornea from anxiety all that anxiety and it's just oh you'd never do that pencil lighters yeah oh those kids used to buy pencils yeah he was worried about this guy he's a bike very nervous little kid that I said like gold chippings around here yeah and then you'd be it's also about this point where you know you would chewed the eraser off your pencil the top your eraser from nervousness you know and now you think well wasn't the word on those guys was they had worms wasn't the deal guys who chewed their pencils that I had worms and then inject them with a little worm away I think but did you ever cut school I was actually frightened to do that ya know I used to in grade 2 skip for a couple things I used to skip for opening day baseball season mm-hmm and that's okay you can do that game sure yeah your grass too yeah your sexuality is questions if you don't ya thank ya yeah so that I used to skip school line I was just an awful I used to fake illnesses a lot you know to get out of school and I was actually very good at it because I figured what what do people expect they expect you go oh I'm sick I'm sick and I figured nobody believed me go oh I'm sick so I would always think you know things like yeah very subtle and real are they real yeah one time my mother actually caught me caught me up I got home I actually chanced doing it in school to get a note to go home which is really risky you know it's not like waking up the morning and saying gee I don't think I could make it today mama liked to but this one thing so what I did was I got out and it worked and they said okay well then you go home my mother came got me how to get dressed get in Clark or get me bring you home and I knew she was questioning you know whether I was sick and I and I forgot you laughs I was acting great I was walk around the house I just she and I in the house that day and I don't forgot I forgot I was feeling pretty good that I told my walk around the house whistling and she caught me in the hall she said what are you doing I'm whistling she actually got mad at me I'll never forget the sensitive I'm just she got mad at me for being happy because it oh my god that was that was it she got mad at you for being a can never understand that you know very I'm very happy kid get caught in this it's good cotton that dude used to pull the fake hand wave in school the hand if you really didn't know the answer the question and your the sense that you were gonna be asked you figured reverse psychology I'll fake it I raised my hand like I know it and you always do it with conviction yeah got it right here praying that he's not gonna reverse it back and say yeah mr. Keaton as you do yeah mr. keating worked okay gentlemen of course is mr. Michael Keaton Michael nice to see you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sorry though my thanks to everyone who keeps writing the program so we can continue the successful viewer mail segment of this extravaganza my first guest tonight is a very talented and a funny person and earlier this year he earned great reviews in the motion picture night shift and he is now starring in a brand new film entitled mr. mom please welcome a good friend mr. Michael Keaton Michael Michael yeah congratulations on the new development in your life you you explain what we're talking about here I had a young boy named Sean that's pretty exciting John Maxwell maybe soon become Sean Michael I don't know what no wait wait wait let's think about what you can't screw around with the kids name seven weeks John Maxwell what do you think of that Maxwell yeah what about Michael I think I think that's column and ask him what he was I think Maxwell that's distinctive and you get down max he's a good kid he's really a good kid I mean I know people say that about that but he's just he's just the best I just I don't get bored with him you know he's 7 weeks old and he's just a wonderful little kid I play them all time he's a little danced I know people always say their kids can do unbelievable things I'm telling you these kids unbelievable well alright suffice it to say Omni magazine ok subscription no yes yes sir he's got one and you'll throw in the back seat with him you know and we were just talking New England taking a little Drive in the car you know and I says things like out of the blue and he's back there I guess with his magazine I don't know and we're driving and this is what I hear from backseat bigfoot mine you know that's a pretty advanced yeah did that believe yeah no I don't want to discourage you but you may have trouble when he's a teenager knocking over gas stations or something but this is I mean it's it's a real treat to see I mean you're very successful and you're obviously quite happy but it must be a real changed all of a sudden have another human for which you're responsible yeah yeah that's right that's what it is you know and I I don't I don't think I've changed our marriage didn't change me much having a baby didn't change very much except that I'm well ok give you example this is great this is the truth I'm sitting around the house I'm not I have kind of a hindu kind of thing about bugs and animals what's the Hindu thing about bugs I don't kill oh you let him yeah let him go their own way yeah or eat them no I I just don't know you're not you're not gonna do are you I don't kill them Hindus oh no I do I do a lot of stuff you know like I used to do this come on come on man let's go and you're walking out and shake him and do all the stuff you know when you talked a little bit the other day I know I'm a little psychotic now you know I'm sitting there and I see a mosquito I'm up in the woods and it's mosquito land on his son Shawn's shadow on his head and I know you're overreacting there yeah but that's great congratulations Michael we got to go away but we'll come back and talk about the other facets of your life presently mr. Michael [Music] [Applause] [Music] and we're happy that he is we're gonna talk about the film mr. mom by the way I've seen the film I don't think it's been released yet hasn't no it hasn't I saw have you seen well knows Hindus out there I was invited to a special screening periodically I'll be well screening who is there me and me and Jerry Mulligan and Robert Morton whoa no we had to walk over there but you were terrific by the way thank when you see Michael in this movie is a knockout they're very funny I mean and I was very impressed and couldn't be happier for you right now and also you know what's another coincidence you were just up in New Hampshire I was just up in New Hampshire now he told me it's great it's really pretty aloof there isn't it's nice very nice get a little charmed out everything's a little cuter than a lot of it yeah yeah it's exactly the phrase a little cuter kid and I don't know I'm sure this happens you equate quaint it's nice for a while and then after about the second day you get a little perverse don't you and yeah they have ends you know ye olde everything it's ye olde things you know and on the green and a little ladies with little sweaters and nice skirts you know after that second day the first thing is would you have say things like lodging would you have lodging for the evening [Music] the first night second night I get so perverse I want anything and you pigs got a room yeah that doesn't fit were you driving well yeah I was driving and but every structure in New England I guess instead of they never threw anything out they would find things out in the field and instead of destroying and burying them to throwing them they would tack them up on the wall of the end like a sled yeah so era sled tire it's all up there oh yeah dentures sold inserts yeah yeah or when you're driving along the highway this scares me this is very eerie to me you'll be driving on a highway and you'll see things lying along the highway like articles of clothing they're really odd scare me cuz I'm thinking where's that guy right now who lost that hat like if it's maybe a John Deere hat you know I don't know this might be prejudice my pro guys a feeling I wonder is it about 150 miles up the road walking into a bar and say that I have when I came in or shoes underwear which is I mean you always wonder what was the thing that happened just before the article clothing went out yeah underwear there's one obvious reason or sometimes it could be something strange like you'll be you know two people to car watch it watch it watch it watch it the but you'll agree with me on this point that in Los Angeles on the freeways you see a whole different variety of stuff than you do here yeah you see people playing along but the strangest thing I ever saw was a couch on in like the fast lane of the San Diego freeway not only a couch but it was on fire is that the reason they dumped it yeah doing stuff I know it's it's a little scary because their minds are just like what happened yeah it's ugly now Michael we're gonna have some footage from the new motion picture mr. mom and we'll take a look at that right after we're going away again aren't we yeah oh this is station identification but don't be long [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the program ladies gentlemen Monday on this show you'll see Carl Reiner and also from Monty Python John Cleese later we'll have Dave's video funhouse the--we bill of the tubes and david furphy way bill of the tube sound like a trucking term when you check in your truck pick up your feet wait bill Michael tell us about the about mister mom mister mom is this movie that's right that's right and you're the star of the busy mom with me teri garr a great cast you have a very entertaining cab yeah nice it's about this it's about this man who loses job in Detroit and it's a real contemporary kind of thing contemporary kind of groovy kind of kind of thing I think y'all dig it's a nice little movie that's actually very funny and I lose my job oh I can see we girls here are with no no we will actually see a bit of mr. Mike I saw the stage player we girls let me see that no yeah oh yeah higher tone I guess yeah anyway this guy loses his job and you make your job automobile and hang out at home and in this clip we're gonna see I'm at home and my wife comes out gets this job pretty good job and her boss comes to pick her up and I'm at home and I'm in my pajamas which is real kind of emasculating have you ever done that we've been around the house you feel like work guys who come to work on your house and you kind of you feel real intimidating else you butch up real fast guys yeah I was in a boxing match all night I'm just sleeping in it's like real guys so this guy goes goes through this thing and and he has to adapt used to scramble real fast when the boss shows up to a kind of impressive okay so that's what you're gonna see here now mr. Michael Keaton and the Martin mall from the motion picture sundari released mr. morrow well hello down there why don't you run and tell your mommy that mr. Richardson is here [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hu I'm just waiting for Carolyn well Ron you know women yeah I'd like to think I do Donna beer sittin o'clock in the morning sketch doctor working oh I'm sorry - no problem come on every round let me show you what I'm doing take advantage of all the time on to uh add a whole new wing on here I'm gonna rip these walls out and of course rewire it yeah I'm gonna make it all 220 yeah 220 221 whatever it takes well you sound like a pretty handy guy Teri Garr and Martin Mull on and on and on yeah looked like a lot of fun it was great fun yeah nice to see you again my congratulations on your son leave I leave it Maxwell all right [Applause] a very very funny talented young actor and boy do we need one now as they say when we need one now now is the time for another installment ladies and gentlemen of the award-winning Dave's video funhouse
Channel: Don Giller
Views: 50,946
Rating: 4.8400002 out of 5
Keywords: Michael Keaton
Id: dSPkq7nXadI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 38sec (2918 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2016
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