Michael B. Jordan • R&B MONEY Podcast • Ep.041

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[Music] money [Music] take Valentine we are the authorities on all things r b ladies and gentlemen my name is tank I'm Jay Valentine and this is the r b money podcast yes it is the authority all things RMB you got to move you can't throw it away oh in the building yeah um you know some people are gifted many are called but the chosen a few come on preaching we've watched this young man grow from just smell a little bud smaller seed yeah Through the Wire do the wire yeah small little butts on the seat into the biggest superstar in the world our friend in the building yeah he hopes okay his hoop game we're still working on this hoop game but but he's still a good friend Make some noise what's going on finally this brought oranges he brought oranges what is it it's a cutie a cutie Tangerine it's one it's one he did not bring I mean I ate the rest of them on the right over here he's a solo artist damn you understand what a team player he's a solo artist he's crazy like we see Frank but he ain't got no cutie at all Frank ugly um well Frank is all beard [Music] you don't catch no strings he thought he wouldn't go catch no straight uh Mike B thank you my brother thank you for joining us man I know you are you're on a whirlwind um of a tour um and life is just been really good yes it has um from the inside looking from the outside looking there and as we've known you for so long um you deserve it thank you man you deserve it appreciate it you work hard you got the gift and you're only getting better which is very scary very scary that boy directing now no no listen yeah listen yeah you you gonna eat everything I mean there's some things I say but I didn't even see yet so I got I gotta you know I'm at this part of the table but this is there's a there's a there's a lot of a lot more table to go through so let's let's do a let's let's do a kind of a fast track we don't want to keep you long but we want to get to some information let's do a fast track let's do it let's start at let's start at that first phone call after after the magical audition and someone says you got the part which part which one the first one was the wire the first major role for you well I wasn't the first one horrible was probably the first baby yeah baby yeah baby she's still trying to prove he wasn't I I would say you know the wire the wire no I'm sorry was probably the first one that really had me travel you know part of an ensemble cast you know per diem you know what I'm saying you know it was real it was real you know like like you know just the whole production of like making a feature film that was like my first kind of introduction to like the game on that level yeah working with you know Keanu Reeves and Diane Lane you know just um it was it was one of those projects at the time he was shooting The Matrix so we didn't even know what that was going to be you know what I'm saying so he hadn't shot the Mexico I think he was in the process we met Lawrence Fishburne he took us out to dinner one time all the kids and stuff like that we met Lawrence Fishburne and stuff like that so would you call him Larry Larry I think whatever the camera no uh but but no I think that was the first that was the first kind of like you know okay I can I think I could do this this is cool I'm more curious about the industry you know understanding a little bit of the the fundamentals of what acting is before that was just kind of like just showing up reading the lines and you know and trying not to you know up right but that one was the first time I think I kind of teetered into the realm of like a character and like how to like you know act so to speak so yeah so are you in school at this time I'm in school you know what I'm saying getting like uh tutor you know what I'm saying so I'm skipping a lot of days of school but at the same time you know there's a there's a onset teacher that you have to put in a certain amount of hours in that you know us and the rest of the kids we you know do a couple hours of school and then and then get back to to work so when does school change when is it do you go back after all to like regular to regular school went back to Hardball regular school uh and at that point you know you're still on the acting tip you know I mean you're still hustling you still trying stuff like that I'm like not a star school I mean I'm Hollywood you know I'm saying yeah I think everybody that's trying to do something in the entertainment industry in like middle school high school becomes Hollywood No Matter What like that's your nickname they're not really that creative outside of that it's like Hollywood as well like what it is so like that was the someone like a chair like Yay it's like just look at this Hollywood nobody understood it I mean how could you right you know you're doing something that's so against the norm and where is it where are you this is Newark Newark New York New Jersey so Newark New Jersey doing that I'm sure that's tough you're from Brick City and you you're going to do movies and because it's just this yeah it's just in it's not normal it's not so how do they process it I mean it ain't for nobody to really process yeah I'm saying but for me you know I'm saying it was it was it was uh you know leaving school early going to auditions missing days of school you know you might see a you know a Modell's ad in the Sunday paper or Toys R Us ad or you know a little Frito what does the Doritos uh you know value pack with the little like you know points on the back of it you were collecting like buy something off the you know out of the book yeah like that yeah I was a little kid in that you know like that I was doing and then you know then the wire kicked in and all my children yeah and then it was you know Nick he was on the story stories man yeah you didn't know that I did so know that I know something you don't know he's probably watching the stories no my mama watched it Mama Grandmama had the stories on lock that's what it was so like all my children was definitely where I kind of like learned like the work ethic of acting like the actual yeah because they locked in yeah I mean you do like a hundred and you know episode and a half a day 100 plus Pages a day you know what I'm saying 100 plus yeah they cranking them yeah daily yeah Tyler Perry before Tyler Perry what I mean the Soaps is a machine yeah I mean there is no like you know you rarely get a multiple takes so it's like if you didn't if you ain't study if you ain't know your the next day it will be on air and people will be watching you up so like you only need one or two of those so you like no no not no no I'm gonna be prepared I'm gonna know my better than anybody so like that was kind of like yeah and when and when did that did you move to LA to do the stories or were you still I was New York so like so after I finished the soap operas that's when I moved once I wasn't going to uh College I was like all right I'm not going to school I'm gonna move to LA I'm gonna keep pursuing this thing I'm gonna end it so so right after I finished my my run on the stories I up and moved to uh to LA that's right that's what we want you y'all Scoundrels yeah right around that time for the most part and what was that transition like for you coming from Newark coming to LA and maybe the chase is different maybe the you know the process is different just now being in Hollywood versus being in that space in the world I feel like the grind was like it I had a work ethic and developed a work ethic from like being on the East Coast it was just a certain like level of like grit and like just wanting to go get it that really kept me locked in out here in LA and then seeing the pace La is a little bit different than it is not a little bit it's a lot different than it is on the East Coast so just yeah just uh you know just being hungry willing to like you know lock in and sacrifice you know one thing I did was hoop and audition that was it we rarely went out you know what I'm saying like well besides what me and Sterling was promoting you hooped what do you mean Haley come on you haven't heard him say it again you know too because I mean I know y'all know you and I have we got championships oh my Lord you know what I'm saying hey everyone y'all were playing a political game a lot longer than me so you had already knew that you had the politic with Shane you had to do this and that you got the little stack team and play with your friends I was just happy I was just lucky to get on the squad this is the first time I heard that yeah I mean you had team chemistry y'all played with who y'all wanted to play with I got I got my homie and then everybody else yeah I got a place [Laughter] for all the seasons 40 shots [Laughter] hey man I ain't gonna let y'all get down on one boy like that man yeah maybe maybe 50 times I got a championship with my first team so you write about the politic though because well my first team we won and then I finally got it's me Jamie Foxx okay yes that was on the kings of Spurs okay we were the king I was on the Kings okay Corey hardric uh Broderick Broderick oh right man y'all yeah yeah come on no no I wasn't never on team a project Kenneth career yeah what's on my team yeah uh Marcus Park Charlie Burrell and Breon and then when I finally got Jay in they put him on an island and he was taking 40 shots yeah yeah for sure um now but that was that was the beginning of really all of our relationships yeah through the entertainment League yeah yeah I mean where we really built our bond with each other and everybody started just getting up get to know each other because they were there were people in the league that it was just like uh yeah yeah do talented but I don't really with him yeah yeah you know I mean and that's just life and that you know in an interesting thing I felt like the e-league kind of brought that concept of how if you do make it to one of the professional leagues you're dealing with multiple people and multiple personalities because what we do is very singular like even with you you go to your trailer yeah yeah like we found we found out that okay now we're in the locker room with each other now we're going to e-league parties now it's like damn near sanctioned things they taking all-star teams to different cities and guys are participating in that and you start realizing like yo who's a real person yeah yeah like you know I remember when we first really got cool and and um it was something it might have been eating event and you was like man just come pick me up I'm like all right yeah way out in the valley all right that's no problem we'll pick him up and but just building those relationships and finding people within this industry man shout out to Shane shout out to shame put something together that really connected a lot of us that we've kept going and then even you know me creating with tank the R B Money run for years yeah now it's like you know I had to like calm it down because it started going viral I'm like that put your phone up bro tired of these phone calls that you know you were a part of and Chris Brown and pulled up and you know the brim brothers and and Jamie Foxx and it but somewhere safe that you know we're not gonna get some food that just want to hack us exactly because that you know because we do other stuff yeah cause we have something to do with it it's what I'm always trying to tell Jay Valentine yeah I do other things yeah besides who he knows I have shows on the weekends yes right but on the fast break he wants to hack my wrist yeah he wants to hack my fingers this is the money making this part of the ball this is hands are not part of the ball when it's your client you manage me did you ever feel any down time or or or any lag or see yourself in a space where you were at a crossroad and trying to really figure things out to get to that next level oh yeah I mean I would say the summer maybe before our book Red Tails I would say was probably one of the the crossroads for me of like all right this is the last rent check I got I done over drafted everything I could overdraft and borrow money from every Aunt I could think of yeah this doesn't work out this month I'm heading back to Jersey and you know we want to figure it out we're going you know I don't know what I'm gonna do but we're gonna we're gonna figure it out um and then auditioned forward book that that found out that Thanksgiving that that I had got the role and that was like the first time that I had enough money that I could actually stack I was like okay cool I could pay off everything I need to pay off just put something up put a little something up I could stay out here for another six months you know what I'm saying et cetera et cetera and then literally the jobs just kept I kept booking from there it was just kind of like that kind of opened up the floodgates for me and then it just kind of continued from that moment so I would say like when I moved out here you know I was still booking like little episodics you know what I'm saying guest starring roles on you know CSI or Law and Order or whatever it was that was cool but I was getting to know the town I was getting another casting directors I was getting to know like you know the players that are in the that that are in the the you know the entertainment world and also you know the executives and the casting directors loved the shows that I was doing so like it was the work that I was doing that they would see that either if they didn't like it their wife loved it you know what I'm saying oh my God my husband loves you oh my God my wife loves you like let's come in so like it was like this invested interest of like you know certain people in town to kind of keep me booked and busy I guess a little bit so that that was that was a that was a good run but you know I would say that for when I first moved out it was like still booking jobs but still dead broke so like yeah you like oh yo that's what's the name from The Wire but I'm like yeah but I mean Sterling's applying that Jack-in-the-Box right or like you know what I mean and like no y'all over qualified like it was a moment where it was like yeah we were going to fast food spots um trying to you know apply for jobs and it was like one of those moments sitting in the car before we went there was like yo we about to do this and we about to apply for a goddamn fast food right now and these are going to know who I am so it's not like oh right it's like a random person that's the tough spot I was willing to take the L you know what I'm saying and like and deal with the you look familiar are you the you know what I'm saying just the kind of like definitely was gonna get that with a number eight what he didn't even know that he could have just called me out of game a quarter ounce [Laughter] is all right [Music] take your food and keep it pushing um the fast food listen I remember being in Rancho Cucamonga okay after the money when the money was low okay and I was I had a I had a a rented Lincoln Town Car that I was hiding from the rental company okay um because I had you know they had a two bedroom there was only like 1300 okay so I took off the Rancho got in there yeah you picked me up around that area yeah so we were deep and I'm looking at this Best Buy like pack boxes here I could I could stack some boxes right because if you go do the like the overnight over here trying to figure it out though but hanging out with Jamie Foxx right and it looking like yeah everything was together when I'm at the party and I'm right next to him yeah and the elbows is rubbing it's like oh okay they doing it then I drive that that town car back back to Rancho yeah you know what I'm saying that rubber really meets the road yeah in trying to figure out what that next move is that's the entertainment business in a nutshell yeah because it's it's about staying the course it's about staying out here or wherever that is that that's that you're close to the work that will one day you'll wake up and you'll get that phone call that it changes for you yep you know what I mean like I remember having a conversation with you you're like I gotta go to the Bay I was like and he was like it's a movie out there he's like it's an indie movie and the crazy thing is you know our relationship and my relationship with um with with our fellow brother Tristan Wilde he also was supposed to be a part of that movie and got sick when he was doing um 90210 and I remember you called me and you were like bro this this movie is is special and at first you didn't tell me what it's about you just like you said you know and then I never forget this you said you should come up here I was like why he was like no you from the bay I'm telling you you could just play one of the parts and I was like dang I'm not an actor I knew you set me up though but I can say bruh two or three times in the movie and I'm like nah I'm cool I mean you told me you use like uh you finally told me what what the movie's about with Oscar Grant yeah and I was like oh I knew about the whole thing I was like this is about to it's about to be different this is going to be different and the crazy thing is my cousin at the time was going to college or before before that with Ryan yeah yep your cousin was the number one linebacker in the nation at the time he go to SC him and Ryan both from Oakland they link and he he already telling me about him and then you like hey man it's it's young director out the bay he got this great idea and man what you did with that movie it represented us so well yeah with you not being from the bay like just not aside from us all being black men but just the Bay Area we have a very like it's a cold Island that we live on out there right there it's just so different from the rest of the West Coast but the rest of the world we got our own language we got our own the way we dress it's just we live in our own world tank attack you go up there he'd be like I enjoy myself I love it every time but it is different so to capture that and the way you captured it bro I don't even know if I've ever even told you over all these years like you really made me proud of just a friend no man because I didn't see my friend anymore yeah that's big and that's a huge part you know that with active it's a big for us I did not see Mike you know what I mean like I saw you playing osk yeah and I'm like oh he he did his such a great service no I appreciate that so thank you from us no from the crib bro hey no thanks all mine just be able to like embody that that character and that you know that moment in time you know me I was real pissed off around that time just in general just like it was a lot you know shootings going on Trayvon Martin just got shot it was a lot a lot a lot of going on in the world and like that was an outlet for me to kind of express myself the way I could which is through the work you know what I'm saying and then you know and say something you know yeah and so so you know meeting Ryan and you know going through all the steps of moving up there and living and standing you know you know just you know in close proximity to you know Oscar's friends and family you know people that you know I had I had to get to know him through the people that knew him the best yeah you know and that was my first time really doing like a like a real deep dive like that you know as far as doing like a real the real homework you know what I'm saying and like and and so so for me it was doing a bunch of things I got a chance to say something I got a chance to prove that I could carry a film you know but then also I represent you know so many other you know Trayvon Martin's and Oscar grants throughout the world you know what I'm saying that that don't get their stories told you know what I'm saying that doesn't get an opportunity to you know to to get Justice you know what I'm saying so so yeah that movie meant a lot checked a lot of boxes for me yeah man awesome I want to get to the where you going you know I want to get to the I want to get to the Blockbuster it's happening right now but I just want to ask you one question before we get to you know to the series of of amazing it's amazing body of work that you've got appreciate that um because we see like we we've been in Hollywood for quite some time and we kind of understand the the overtones and and then the undertones of how this thing kind of moves and Shakes and the question I wanted to ask you is like why do you think it's you out of all the people you've come up with and out of all the people you know you've worked with that you know put in the work and who are talented and you are amazingly talented amazing work ethic what is the special quality about Michael B Jordan that sets him apart from everybody else foreign I mean that's tough only because Women of Faith and understanding you know that it's above us you know what I'm saying like our blessings we're blessed you know what I'm saying I highly favored you know so we know spirituality God has a lot to do with us and success and the blessings that we have and just and just the avoidance of you know what I'm saying that could knock us off our path because that's equally as important you know I'm talking about family prayer circles people that we're shielded so there's that that that goes there um I mean I was a little bit what this movie was about for me you know trying to figure out like you know put having that conversation you know kind of exercising my way through you know why me you know and I think part of it is chosen you know for certain things and and then also my ability I think maybe that I don't know process information think put things together you know build you know I I um my gut my intuition you know I listen to that all the time you know um being able to read people you know hear the hear the note behind the note you know what is it what is what is the real intent behind things you know being able to kind of like dissect that all the time um which is a lot yeah but at the same time it's my Norm you know what I mean so you know and then they said the work ethic you know it's a combination it's a bunch of different things I don't think it's like the one thing that that makes it makes it different I think it's just a combination of just um particular point of views and approaches and uh disciplines that that equal you know the ability to like you know do what I do you know um that's the I want to accept all of that right because all of that is very much true I feel like you're you're part of a bigger Universal message it's empathy bro I think it's empathy being able to like I feel I'm an empath you know what I'm saying but once you feel and you understand what it is you can give people what they need well that too all of that is yeah yeah you are proof that good people win hmm that being a good person I would agree with that being an amazing human being because there's always this quote of good guys always finish last that's not true I agree and you are giving good people an example an example you can do it the right way you cannot be part of that and part of that and these other things you can do it the right way you can be raised right you can talk right you can act right you can walk right you can do your best yeah I met your mom and daddy you understand you know I'm well yeah yeah you from you from good stock bro like you come from good things and what he's saying is absolutely right you're an example of that bro yep and we're here to tell you that all the rest of this yeah you have been consistently you from the day I met you from and I had no idea you was going in and looking at at uh Jack-in-the-Box applications because that didn't matter to me yeah yeah I was like that's the homie yeah I'd never get caught up in none of that my friends are my friends but now we all know what this life has done for you in the position that has put you in and you are the same exact person appreciate that you are the same exact person if like listen at the at the premiere if we catch eyes yeah it's expected yeah I don't I don't care who in this building we gonna say what's up we gonna hook up we're gonna tell each other we love each other man thank you thank you and congratulations and this is what it's supposed to be when it's a real Brotherhood yeah Yep this ain't about nothing else and we got to stop telling people that it's about oh he ain't checked in with me he ain't called me and man we got lives and we busy this is moving but when we when we catch you got we catch these eyes and I see my brother pick up where we left no time bro so you know yeah in a real way now listen I was trying to figure out if he was trying to ask why he wasn't killmonger and he was that's that's I thought she was going there but you didn't go there you didn't go there no I was is that a question no were you curious no no no no he killed him I can't be killed now he went crazy [Laughter] let's get to the man what's up let's get the Creed man let's do it um bro in in the one that's it okay he's coming hmm in the two you sit in that hospital bed You Shook Me Up hmm I said he's here in three I said he's out of control and you cheated what you talking about the little girl is a cheater of control it's a cheat code I said out of your mind you're out of control and he must be stupid I'm in here doing this look I don't know I think that's how I said hey whatever bro I watch I watch I watch Creed Three yeah and yeah I was so proud of you baby from so many levels I watched that entire movie with a smile on my face even even when I was emotional I still had a smile on my phone like this it was it was a and I'm sitting next to Kevin Gates okay okay and when I say enjoying himself that's weird go right there that's a soldier see me you better understand what's going on so you all were engaged the whole time yeah yeah yeah yeah when I say at the time of his life I love it it's a great movie bro it was it was it was amazing and it was more growth yeah you're the director that's crazy it is star give me give me the process real quick of you learning sign language oh so like I was learning sign language while I was working out in pre-production too so like one thing me and Bianca once I got the I mean Tessa when I got the new script I was like man we should have just kept up with this from uh Creed too we would have been way more fluent right now we've been great you know what I'm saying but but we we put ourselves on a you know Fast Track to kind of like learn it uh while while I was working out so like when I was working out I would work out you know have production meetings script meetings you know what I'm saying whatever building the thing but then I'll just go off to the side for a little bit do an hour a day you know what I'm saying with uh with my coach and we would uh you know go through the basics you know what I'm saying he would kind of like you know he would sign I would you know you know mimic the sign and then he'll test me on those like four or five signs you know I mean every like 15 minutes or so and then we would like you know recap that entire hour and I would try to go off memory and do that and then the next day they'll recap half of what we did the day before et cetera et cetera and it kind of just stair-step me to uh until I didn't have any more time left but honestly on the day I'm a real visual person I'm a visual learning so I could I could I could pick up on signs pretty quickly and then register digest it and then and then go go do what I got to do I was that was a very special yeah part of the movie thank you and and it's very good and it was like it was It was a we Pro we it was a natural evolution of things of course you know Adonis meets love of his life you know what I'm saying she has Progressive hearing loss you know um we don't know what where the where that's going cool second film we pick up he's starting the family of his own you know what I'm saying now you know we realize that the daughter can or can she you know the parents are more concerned you know a healthy baby you know what I'm saying a kid get passed down does she have it or not the Heartbreak of you know within you know internally between the dinosaurs okay damn now what how am I going to move forward with this questions around that and it was played beautifully by you know Rocky and Adonis you know what I'm saying really trying to figure out like what manhood is and like what parent is all about you know cool we got that the third film I don't have to talk about it we're already a fully ASL family right you know the house is already tricked out Adonis has clearly invested time to make sure and money to make sure his daughter is going to get all the things that he never got you know what I'm saying and really trying to like you know make her life a lot better and comfortable et cetera et cetera and building all the things and blah blah blah blah whatever so in this movie it was really important like to just normalize in the way you know it really felt inclusive and it wasn't about the audience or anybody having sympathy for her it's like no no it's the empathy you know of understanding you know what she needs she yeah she's what's her name Mila Mila Davis Kent Mila superstar superstar superstar superstar yeah and like 100 so talented and and I learned so much from her so just and then she encouraged me like look my even if you don't know exactly the sign gesture your body language is signing you know what I'm saying and the deaf Community appreciates that so much by not just talking to them or like getting frustrated no gesture like try like and that's something for us that you know the hearing we're definitely you know you know we're ignorant in a lot of ways but but but and and but just getting out of your own getting out of our own head and being like oh I can't do this I'm gonna feel stupid no just try yeah I think it'll make a big difference my last piece I mean listen in Jonathan major I mean listen let me tell you something hey man listen what's up listen what's up yeah because I act a little bit um if like if you're a TV one yeah and like lifetime oh I'm like Michael B okay um Michael G I'm like Michael G Michael G4 anyway um you guys were having so many conversations outside of the script like just within the physicality of how you guys were dealing with each other from eye contact to no eye contact to when I say it was crazy um it was like y'all had done movies before like you guys have been synced before in other moments to build because the build up that kind of chemistry yeah yeah is is really crazy and it's rare it's rare yes rare and that undercurrent that y'all were carrying along with what was being said in the environment it was incredible thank you man no he he he's a special talent you know I mean he's a kindred spirit too you know what I'm saying he you immediately he would feel like one of us like it went like a brother for sure um and and he his Le he so he has so much depth to him and complexities that just played perfectly you know in the film that we needed from our antagonist you know what I'm saying to to to counter the counterbalance are equally as complex and the depth of Adonis you know of Our Heroes so so he played that perfectly he was a Workhorse he you know he was willing to get in this shape he was sacrificed you know what I'm saying his you know you know just time just to really put it in and take this seriously learn the choreography learning a certain style you know uh embodying you know Damien as a character you know what I'm saying coming from Crenshaw just being like just a la story and and it worked man it really worked and then the boxing stuff just really like um fell into place and that was something I probably Daydream the most about from like just over the course of the entire Trilogy just like how would I do the fights if I ever had an opportunity to do them and like that was something that I really like said it we just want to swing for the fences you know non-stop not a special movie bro you went for the fence yeah I appreciate it and then so why is he here so why is he here I mean this is the r b money why is he here what's up okay let's do it yeah so did you drink your tea oh yeah yeah I'm here to uh leave me me whoa whoa ah nope Lord wanted to keep me humble [Laughter] where you going with the cheese I don't know where he's going down where you going it's a little bit like it was little cheers in that a little bit I heard cheers a little bit it's a lot of bar actions [Music] top five Michael T looking at you guys [Music] [Music] up fire [Music] Michael B Jordan what's up your top five R B singers I'm going Marvin Gaye Gotta Go Marvin Gaye I'm going Russian this is no particular order Usher Yeah Yeah I'm going so if he's the king of Pop is that considered foreign oh man um this is tough eat Luther ended out right and that thing all right yeah yeah yeah loofah loofah honorable mention things going in there so honorable mention tanks going in there you're a sixth man you know what I'm saying I I gotta you know Michael T Jordan I don't mind coming off the bench I'm just saying yeah so now we're gonna go to the songs top five R B songs I know you got something on the playlist you know I know you you get busy get physical yeah grab your phone grab your phone cause you know what I mean you know let me see what you guys put something over the lady right now I mean it could be right now I got ooh cranes in the sky Solange yeah goes yeah yeah almost the lunch come on ghost I'm going I'm going Janae summer 2020 yes yes love Janae black in Asians team I'm doing oh Naomi Sharon Hills hmm Gallant bone and tissue you heard of Galant yes I can't go there everybody says all the time yeah Ohio Players Sweet Sticky Thing oh okay really and then yeah I'm saying yeah okay you've made me I gotta go do some homework we got one more thing one more thing we wanna let you out the door ah where you going you've been associated with it a lot of great people yeah yeah but in this segment yeah you better not I ain't saying no ninja I ain't saying no names hey listen right now you give us a story funny or up or funny and up okay Only Rule to the game can't say no name is you can't say no names Michael B wakanda Creed wire fruit Fruitville Station Jordan whoa I ain't saying no names man I got stories I now I gotta figure out how to tell these stories without no names okay let me see what I got for y'all it was Frank I'm trying to think what's a good one um uh you know I'm I'm no I'm disruptive [Laughter] I would rather y'all give me like a a city and then let me and then like Miami okay okay uh so I'm down in Miami you know I usually stay at a particular Hotel yeah and um I'm promoting the film so I'm only down there for a little bit of time you know you hit you know certain Outlets you know what I'm saying you know television Telemundo you know what I'm saying you you know you bounce around you do your press or whatever and you go back to the hotel and then that's where you do the rest of the press you know what I'm saying press junkies cool so I had my dead press I didn't eat that much that day because I woke up it's a little late you know what I'm saying uh from the night before which is we're in Miami so there's not a lot of sleep going you know liquid IVs are helpful yeah coconut water is top tier rehydration so next day don't eat that much don't eat that much um a couple of my other co-stars don't eat it as much as either so nobody's really eating that a lot a lot of tea chunky The Voice together talking a lot so we leave the hotel and we go to uh we go to dinner at this point you know the order advertise actually I said but yo we're really drinking we're really we're drinking a lot you know alcohol is flowing so it's a lot of drinks not a lot of food I repeat we didn't eat a lot the last couple days so uh we proceeded have a good time take a look a little nibble head a little this little that you know what I'm saying tasting a little bit nobody didn't eat a full meal cool great right this time I'm a little lit um a couple other people that I'm with they lit too [Music] a little bit more more than I am I'm usually the guy that like you can't tell is like really drunk but I'm I'm nice I'm there I'm all the way there it looks like the lights are on ain't nobody home right all right all right a couple other people a little bit more visibly messed up so in my mind I'm like okay cool let me let me let me let me help these people get to where you know where we're going you know I'm saying safely so I'm in the middle of like you know trying to you know help people get to where they got to go et cetera et cetera run across some ladies all right this is Miami and I'm saying we're outside you know what I'm saying other the the venue in which we're getting ready to go into and some ladies that are there they might have recognized maybe a couple of us or whatever the case may be all right they wanted to roll in yeah all access so we're in this particular spot more drinks are coming a certain group of ladies are there um one of the people there Starts Now look so good you know what I'm saying they they you know they stumbling a little bit you know balance look a little off all right cool hey yo think it might be good you probably should go back you know what I'm saying to to where we came from you know I'm saying where we where we reside at you know saying I think it's I think it's I think it's done you know we gotta get up in the morning we gotta leave this is it we did it we did it guys we had a great time it was a great time cool so he didn't want to go so he didn't want to leave so he proceeded to to grab the bottle from a lady that was with us and he grabbed it like so like he grabbed the bottle with like such Force that he he uh he cracked his own like face with it right and he just kind of like kept drinking I I saw it vividly so I was like oh I was like oh man like that that was like that was like it was you know it was a big bottle of filming like that I know what that that's that's hurtful that's not that doesn't feel good but he kept drinking like it was nothing so everything was cool all right great so we had the rest of the night had a good time get back in the car cool get back to the hotel cool I'm skipping over a lot of things but that's not important to the store got it next morning wake up my phone is like what the is going on hey what's up FaceTime yo what up what's going on oh what happened to you what happened easy no Mike tell me what happened no you good what happened what's good what's going on you all right yo oh like I don't know I don't I don't know how to I don't know how to you know if he was calling a person that was supposed to calm him down and like act like it wasn't as bad I wasn't the one I'm fresh I'm fresh you got it you gotta call somebody and I don't know if you can get on the plane like that like I don't know if they're gonna let us that you want to play like that so you might need emergency dentist you know what I'm saying some stitches you feel me it was it was the whole situation and I was uh it was a night in Miami I did a good job it was a couple times I almost up yeah I did a good job did a good job this is moral of the story is don't drink with Michael B Jordan without eating without eating without eating yeah because you want to try to match my don't don't match my if you're looking for you're looking to be consoled consult a comfort don't call don't don't don't don't don't no I'm gonna tell it to you real you're not okay you bust your you bust your you bust your it was it was yeah it was wow I have many nights in Miami of those kind that I don't really remember you know just I just thank the Lord I woke up in the hotel I checked in that's crazy not me I don't live like that that's what anymore ever what you mean I don't live like that I always know where I'ma wake up at say it again ever okay you you know me a long time you ain't never seen me get ain't nobody had to do no you showed us you hold your very well too though no no no no no no he doesn't he don't do what we talking about but he gets extremely violent okay gotcha is that what it is yeah depends on what are you drinking no okay it doesn't matter nice guy these been then it just goes from there it goes from there it goes from us having a great time to him telling Steph Curry all right tell that Steph Curry take a picture with us if you want to be safe out here that's not how I relate to Memphis did you take a picture with his brother but uh might be my brother oh man you're awesome brother yeah and that's just like that's just not you know friends talking that's that's um you know I'm gonna pull myself outside of that outside looking in man amazing brother man thank you you've done amazing work um um your Ledger's clean man and keep it that way brother I shot you represent well my guy ladies and gentlemen my name is tank I'm Jay Valentine this is the r b money podcast and uh did you say that cool yeah and uh what else can I say man greatness in the building V Michael B Jordan oh yeah R B Money
Channel: R&B Money Podcast
Views: 348,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tank, jvalentine, r&b, money, podcast, music, entertainment, 90s, 2000s, hits, playlist, slowjams, r&bmoney, rnbmoney, r&b money podcast, r&b money, r & b money podcast, r and b money, tank podcast, j valentine, rnb money, tank, r&b podcast, tank r&b money, r and b podcast, rb money, r&b money tank, tank and j valentine, r & b money, j valentine podcast, tank j valentine, j valentine tank
Id: W6QHCrvM0kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 13sec (3073 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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