Miami Dice: Wettlauf nach El Dorado (Race to El Dorado)

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Am I the only one who thinks the games looks aesthetically atrocious? Every little bit of graphic design and those tiny cards just seem to make me recoil in discomfort.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Atalvez πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 24 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm getting it. Sorry. Love Reiner Knizia

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mrdrofficer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 24 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

"I apologize for everything." HA. Great review, even if I'm not super interested in the game.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 24 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I hope it's better than it appears. The production and the gameplay shown in the video are not very compelling.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 25 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Watching this later, but hasn't this been previewed everywhere in a foreign language? I'd like to see it in english.

The concept looks really fun (though I'll agree with the other poster that the aesthetics aren't the best - card art is pretty good but the tiles seem a bit bland).

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SolitarySolidarity πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 25 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

So, is it fun? I love Clank! right now (similar-ish mechanic). Every review of Clank talks about how much fun it is. I've yet to hear anyone be enthusiastic about this game.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nowyouknowchris πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 25 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] welcome to the dice tower a series of video reviews about board and card games here your host Tom vessel and Sam Keeley [Music] Garcia hello Sam Healy what's up y'all today we're taking a look at the road there's the road right to El Dorado El Dorado Venlo not El Dorado I go bouncing I am NOT trying Network I apologize from everything yeah that was probably not a good pronunciation anything anyway this is one of the games nominated for the fittest yards it was there's no English version of the game yet however it's very easy to play this even though there is some text on the cards they're symbols it's very easy to play it we want to try it out also it's by Renick Aditya and it's a deck building game so Sam was really intrigued it's a racing game and I was really intrigued I was more intrigued by the racing part and I like to thank building part then I'll take that one and I like the Seven Cities of Gold let's start [Music] [Applause] [Music] each person in this game is going to have a starting deckhand of cards and so you're going to have three of these machete cards you'll have four of the cards with money on them and one of the light cards you're going to shuffle this and you're going to draw four cards to use on your turn now each player is going to start with an X for the Explorers are going to start at the starting board and you're going to make a path I have a very short one here this one is just kind of an example the rulebook actually gives several setups that you can use but it's completely up to you you really can make any setup you want you just got to start with the starting board and then you're trying to get to the acidity of gold over here and each of these boards has two sides there's boards that I'm not using and in between the boards there are these passageways that you need to cross and these can be randomly put out too there's also some tiles here for a variant if you want to play with them you would place them on cave tiles the first person to go next to a cave tile would get one and this is kind of a one use card of sorts so on your turn you're going to look at the cards that you have in your hand you can use these cards to move so for example I have three machetes and one coin so if I was right player I could go one two three and one moving using moving onto three single spaces and a coin space as you can see some spaces are going to require two to get over is going to be more difficult to bypass those and you can't combine to go on those you'd have to get a bigger card at some point so for example if I had this card with five it would actually let me go one two three four five but so you need to get these bigger cards to go on to the bigger spaces but I can't add two one together to go on to a two after you're done moving if you have any cards left in your hand or maybe you didn't move you can use these cards for money to buy another card yellow cards are always worth a number on them so this is worth one gold coin every other card regardless of what it says is worth half a coin so really I might as well use this card because it's worthless anyway because this is one coin and that would be two coins now when I buy a card I can only by one of these cards in the bottom there's six different cards to buy I have this card here which is a wild one of all three types this card here is a two coin useful for buying more things I have a two machete and a three machete also useful for moving around the board I have this card which is worth four coins but when you play this card to one-time-use it's discarded from the game and this card here that when I play this is discarded from the game but I can take any card into my discard pile any card that you buy and you can only buy one card and any cards that you use are discarded you can keep the rest in your hand if you so desire and draw up to four once your draw pile is completely empty you will shuffle your discard pile and draw again now you can only buy these six cards here there are three cards of each when the third card is bought the next person to buy a card can instead of buying one of these buy any card up here when they buy that card the other cards are put down here so they'll choose the next type of cards that can be bought this is a two while this is a four wild but can only be used once a five machete a six machete but can only be used once three money for money up here we got a three river and then 5 special cards now I have a German version but they're all very simple based on what they have on them just want to draw a card and then cut a car get rid of it forever is what you draw two more cards draw two cards and get rid of two cards forever do all three but it's a one-time use and this one lets you move into any type of terrain regardless of what type it is now as you're moving around the board you'll see most of the terrain here requires machete or paddles or money there's mountains and caves which cannot be gone in two there are some grey spots on the board where you simply have to discard a card to go into them or here discard 3 cards sometimes when you go into these campsite here you have to cut a card get rid of the card out of your deck but you might want to do that just to get rid of smaller cards that are not as useful these here the boundaries the first person to go over them must pay the cost so the first person over here has to play a card that's at least two machetes they then get to keep this no one else has to pay that cost and no one has to worry about it however at the end of the game the first person to get to El Dorado wins but if multiple people get there at the end of the game because you finish at around whoever has more of these wins or if it's a tie whoever has the highest numbered one win to tie and that's basically it's a race first person El Dorado is the winner of the game okay so this is a deck building game mixed with a race game and you know that what it is right not much more complex than that nope it's a very streamlined game really when you take these mechanisms it's about the simplest racing game you can think of combined with about the simplest deck building game you can think yeah you're really just trying to find the path of least resistance yep through the jungle forest desert water to get to the end but you might go through a path that has more resistance if you have the cards in the shortcut there I mean there's some neat things you can do that have the cards correct which is the linchpin and the env tiles do form and in very interesting ways dead ends and choke points and sort of make it go weird ways if someone's standing in your way for example and that's interesting it's something that isn't readily apparent when you first look at the board right and you even think well why does so modular it rarely matters it does matter no I think it really matters in this yeah but I mean if you just look at it and you go all right well it's more grass on this one than water so I'll get by more grass cards you know whatever but but the way things are laid out is interesting you can create choke points you sometimes do have to deal with oh I gotta cut to his rounds at you know that's going to hurt that's interesting it's it's well done I think the the job they did on the tiles is solid yeah my experience with the game is that if you get out in front over far enough in front I don't think anybody can stop you really yeah I've got people up front before really yeah I think if you stay back and build your deck up you can necessarily just go and move pretty quickly yeah well there's those tiles get across and then you're the only one who pays for them they're a tiebreaker yeah but they will slow you down a little bit that's a tad and but I do like that and I also like the fact that you could really this game can get mean sometimes oh yes one off like all was I in the spot you were planning it might be about a Caesar in that part yeah the middle of the people a little bit more maneuverability sometimes like if there's that only that one spot in the grass you can deal you're like I'm just going to sit here and build my deck for a while okay guys oh man how do you wash the tiles are cool they're double-sided they look good I would say they look great but that lease it's very easy to differentiate them wrong I'm definitely functional but they're also they also have an aesthetic appeal to them but not overly so they're mainly dysfunctional right right I'm not a huge fan of the cards I think they're too small you know hobbit-sized cards to get I don't mind these cards normally but in this game you are shuffling a lot it's not a big deck you never got a huge deck in this game I just felt like that that I would have preferred it to be bigger cards true yeah I'm ok with that I didn't have a problem with it they were very legible they I was fine with it didn't bother me one way or the other him yeah well it's not it's not the reading on the parthas release assembles but it's the yeah the handling the handling of them I would have I would prefer bigger cards but really it's minor now why don't you mention this was a very simple deck building game that it is but it does have one thing I haven't seen before and that's where you can only buy six cards but what the pile is gone the next person to buy can buy any card they want and then that pile come down that pile of 2 cards or 300 that's one of the neatest mechanics in the game you like that a lot better I did are there to really enjoyed it because it gives you that variability with what you can buy not everybody all of the time but everybody part of the time has that huge variety of things that they can purchase I like that I think it just streamlines the the pace at which the game plays but you know what I mean every now and then they open up the gates like you said and then they bring that back in and separate you just worry about this just buy one of these and then keep this game going in right and for the target they're going for which I assume is a family wait style game it's a really nice way of gating what you have access to it's very ingenious I really like that yeah and the special cards are really simple draw some cards ball some color cards and move into it space really really easy the game is just I don't know want to return it's like I will do this you have a few choices but usually there's the best path to move through and your biggest choice is what cards will you buy and also you can keep a card like oh I have this great grass guard or machete card but I can't use it until I go over this river so I'm gonna hang onto it for turn hope I get the river card soon right right I guess my biggest problem with the game and this is not really a problem with the game it's it is that when I first played it I thought huh this game feels like something that already exists you know what I mean it largely except for that mechanism of you can only buy one of these cards you look at the game you play the game and it feels familiar already now is that necessarily bad no it's a game it's very easy to teach and play but it's also nothing in the game made me think yes this is the future of gaming right here it's a game that feels like it's it's been around almost it's one of those games that make you feel like a man has been done yeah it reminds me a lot of Mississippi Queen yeah Oh faster than that it is and that's again it's a good fit I think a good thing that's a good thing that it plays faster it plays a lot more simple there were some more fiddly roles in Mississippi Queen than any of the rules that are in here like in so only two years exactly so I mean this is an improvement upon that I'm not saying that they direct improvement upon that but it reminds me of that other game that I really did enjoy but it's modern and so I I think that's a cool thing okay cool alright so what's your final thoughts on the road to El Dorado we don't know yet who the American publisher is rabbits burger themselves might be on to America so you know I'm assuming it will show up from a company that's almost a guarantee at this point Marlins been nominated for the spiel right it wins almost kind of shrink guarantee it's coming but for me I'll give this a solid machete up to Commission oh um my my charity I I think it's good it's a easy game to get into a good race good deck-building nothing mind-blowing nothing like well that's the best thing I think is just the fact that the racetrack should be different and while the book has these racetracks you can play on too you could really just build any racetrack you want really sure so you can just all so that you can determine the length of the game I'll play a long game or playing a long track or a short one I find that that's very easy and that's my favorite part of it so one machete up for me okay I am going to give it a very similar rating I'm going to give it one gold nugget up and I enjoy the game quite a bit as I said I think the streamlined nature of the whole thing works well and it's quite possible that if the game does well and an expansion comes out with more cards a little more variety a little more spice that my rating will go up but as of right now what you get in the box one gold nugget it I'm going to give it one and a half million airs up millionaire is one of the cards in the game and the reason I do that is because I really enjoyed this level weight of game a lot of racing games yeah especially racing games I don't like in one racing games get too convoluted take themselves too seriously whatever this one is just a fun family weight very easy to play racing game and I also like the theme on top of it so it's it hit on all the cylinders it doesn't get too full up just because you know I mean for the time investment I'd probably maybe rather play something else but this one shines in the spectrum in which it resides so there you go the road to El Dorado power thanks for watching our review today for more information about our games as well as the number one or game audio podcast check out diced our calm for reviews interviews and more I'm Eric summer and you've been watching the dice [Music] you
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 49,626
Rating: 4.9373775 out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, Miami Dice, Wettlauf nach El Dorado, Race to El Dorado, Ravensburger, Reiner Knizia, Sam Healey, Healy, Zee Garcia
Id: -Uh2Hqpx1HU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2017
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