Mia Has CUSTOM HEARTS in Minecraft!

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I'm gonna pick more flowers than you lose no that's impossible I'm the best flower picker no I'm getting more look I'm getting all of them I have so many I have 500. yeah okay Luke I don't believe that I have flavor hey that was my flower I don't think so wait I think I saw something over here look a chest maybe there's some flowers in it no I need it no I gotta do it first wait what is this victus journal let's take a look at it wait what are these things are these custom Hearts what wait Luke do you think we could beat the Ender Dragon if we use these custom Hearts it would be tough Mia no I think we can do it it looks like there's something in the middle the blank heart aspect well where are we gonna find that well how nice of us don't know all right Luke let's split up around this Village and look for the blank heart aspect surely it's in one of the chests right oh are there chests in the village of course it's a village Luke Mia wait what I found them wait where are you we're here are you on one let me see there you go blank heart aspect this could be super useful what did we do with it we're gonna use these blank heart aspects to make custom parts in the game and hopefully be able to beat the Ender Dragon with them what that sounds so cool all right Luke let's split up and bring everything you get from the chest back to me okay perfect oh so potatoes I'll take these for food I'll take the blank heart aspects and I'll take some armor in this saddle I feel like these could be useful if I plan on beating the Ender Dragon there's got to be at least one more chest around here I think Luke's already found a few alright let's look in here perfect some more blank heart aspects this is amazing all right let's look for at least one more chest there's quite a few hearts on this list so I want to make sure I can make a ton oh another one and they're spread finally all right I got about 10 blink heart aspects let's see how many Luke got Luke Luke and yeah did you get any more blank heart aspects I found six okay give up to me there's a lot of hearts that I want to make oh perfect there you go Mia and I got you a little present Luke for me I love other helmet we're gonna need this if we fight the Ender Dragon oh yeah now I'm ready all right Luke well since we have all of our stuff it's time to get ready to see if we can get some materials to make these Hearts yeah what do we need for them well for the archery heart all we need are feathers and Flint so let's work on that one first oh perfect all right I'm gonna go mine a tree and see if I can get us a few materials because we don't have anything right now yeah we're kind of broke Mia yeah we're not doing very well but I see a tree over here so I'm gonna go break that all right now that I got four wood I should be able to make a pickaxe so I can start making stone tools all right here's my crafting table it's time to make a wooden pickaxe and I'm gonna grab some stone for both me and Luke I don't want to leave him hanging we both gotta get these Hearts all right time to make two Stone pickaxes one for me and one for Luke perfect and I'm gonna make a stone ax just because I believe we're gonna need some more wood all right Luke I got your pickaxe thank you so much Mia all right I'm going to break my crafting table and let's see if we can find a chicken chickens are going to be super useful if I want to get those feathers since nothing else drops them huh chickens tickets where are you Mia Mia what Luke I found some chickens give them to me I need those chickens come and get them there he is perfect here I come Luke hi Mia hurry before they run I see the chickens hopefully I get some feathers no feathers oh I got one all right here's the last chicken no there's two perfect I got another feather oh look it looks like I only got three feathers we need four guess what you have a feather yay oh yeah and here you go MIA you have the four Flint as well wait does that mean we can make our first custom heart I think so okay but before we make it let's read what it does yeah what's it do a barrage of arrows will be fired this heart fires multiple arrows okay that's so cool all right Luke it's time to make our first custom heart yeah go for it all right here it is the archery one this is perfect I did it I have the heart Luke yay how do you use it hmm maybe I eat it what happened it worked I have the heart really yes I have the archery heart which is one heart down and a lot more to go my goodness that is so cool we need to get you all of them looks like our next heart is going to be the grilled heart which means we're gonna need to kill some cows and make some steaks oh okay that's a really cool one okay perfect well I guess it's time to go find the cows chili they gotta be here somewhere all right two cows and there's two more over here perfect and I got just enough Luke I got just enough really yep so let me make my crafting table again yeah we need a furnace too and luckily I got enough items for a furnace I'll place that down and start cooking my beef that's perfect all right let's check on on this steak it oh it's done which means Luke get over here does that mean I can finally eat it yes you could have one piece I think I only need eight yay I'm gonna make the next heart which is called the grilled heart all I need is one piece of steak and all of the outside places and a heart in the middle oh my goodness I got the grilled heart we are gonna be so powerful against the Ender Dragon it looks so good wait let's see what it does before I put it on if I break this heart it's gonna give me a piece of steak which means I'll never be hungry what oh perfect all right it's time to put this heart on Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum it's loading in Luke I have the grilled Hearts oh my goodness you're so lucky yeah I am pretty lucky wait I got it too wait you got the archery and the grilled heart yes wait so it applies to both of us Apparently that is so cool this is perfect all right now that we have the archery and the grilled heart let's see which one we're going to get next oh gosh it looks like our next heart that we can get is the iron heart which takes eight iron blocks what all right Luke we better get to mine in so let's go together so we don't get lost yeah that's gonna take forever wait a second Luke come here come here where are you over here Luke what is it Mia Luke when I was reading this book I saw a heart that we could do before we go mining which aren't the sweetheart it requires sugar and guess what's on the shore like to me look what I already got no you don't already have sugar cane I might be one short Luke that is perfectly fine because there's sugarcane right over here wow Luke we're gonna get another heart I'm so excited that's gonna be so useful all right I'm just going to turn this into sugar I'm going to place down crafting table and it's time to make the sugar heart now I already read what this does with this sugar heart it's gonna be able to give us a maximum of speed too whoa that's so good and it's time to eat it we got the sugar heart Luke let's go Leah that's awesome all right Luke now that we have the sweetheart let's go mining yay wow Luke I can't believe you found this amazing cave look at it it's amazing I found some iron oh okay make sure to get all the iron you can Luke we're gonna need a lot all right I got this iron just gotta grab a bit more and I just realized we're gonna need some iron for armor aren't we oh goodness well that's not gonna be fun look what I found oh is this a mine shaft it is oh this is perfect and look at this chest I'm gonna grab everything that we might need for this good idea meal all right this mine shaft is looking pretty tempting so it's time to explore and see if we can find some more iron I agree Mia all right Luke I'm mining a very big vein of iron and let's meet back up when we find a bunch okay perfect all right Luke I'm going to place down all our Necessities I'm going to split up all of the coal and then I'm gonna start smelting that would be perfect yep it's going so good so far because we're gonna need some iron tools these Stone ones are not getting the job done yeah it's so slow all right let's see how much iron's melted four perfect all right it's time to make my first ever iron tool and two more has melted so I'm gonna make Luke one as well Luke I got a present for you hi Luke hi Mia here you go iron pickaxe yep we're gonna need these if we want to find the utmost amount of iron oh gosh I just fell down really far Luke where are you Mia I fell down really far and I ran into a mob spawner what are you okay yeah it's okay I broke it okay good don't scam me like that Mia I got a heart bleeding potion huh what I don't know but I'm gonna keep that just in case that sounds so cool and I got another one all righty well I guess I'll keep those for safekeeping until we figure out what they do wow there's a lot of iron down here this is perfect I'm getting so much and I hope Luke is as well because again we need eight blocks of iron that's gonna take forever but thank goodness we both get the heart because if we didn't well then I don't think we'd ever be able to get the iron heart together all right as I keep walking around this mine I'm really hoping that I get lucky with maybe one or two diamonds because I think there's a diamond tart and I don't think it requires diamond blocks oh gosh there's too much board and stuff going on is this a diamond Luke I found a diamond no way Mia I'm getting it right now good and there was two no way all right now that we have two diamonds let's see how much the diamond heart requires uh it looks like it requires eight anyways I'm gonna head on back to Luke because I think I got a good amount of iron and I want to see how much we have together Luke Luke I need your back I am and I got a lot of iron wow we already have a stack so did I we have so much oh this is perfect all right what I think I'm going to do first is I'm going to make the block of irons that we need and now we'll use the rest of the iron to make armor that's such a good idea meal all right Luke guess what time it is is it time for the new heart it's time for the Iron Heart let's make it all right all I have to do is put all these blocks of iron on the outside and put one heart in the middle for the iron heart we got it Luke let's go it looks so good it's time to eat it Luke I have the iron heart on me too oh this is amazing all right let's see what it does just to be sure oh my goodness it hires a servant for us if we get hit what wait can I hit you yeah so if we get hit down to four Hearts then an iron golem will spawn in and fight for us that is so good the Ender Dragon isn't gonna stand a chance I know I'm so excited I can't believe we're gonna get an iron golem spawned in if we go all the way down to 4 or Hearts that's perfect all right it's time to get rid of this leather armor because I gotta get stacked whoa look at me Luke I have iron armor on yeah you're rich yeah I dabble a bit but now we're just gonna wait for the rest of this iron to smell so you're able to make your weapons all right Luke well now that we have the iron heart it's time to see what heart we can get next so we can fight off the Ender Dragon perfect what's next Mia all right Luke well it looks like we're either gonna have to go for the diamond heart or the Blazing heart which requires us to go to the nether uh oh those bows sound terrible alright well we could attempt to go for the diamond heart but if we get enough stuff we might have to go straight to the nether yeah we're gonna have to if we ever want to kill this Ender Dragon yeah that's true I think I'm just gonna grab the rest of my food and probably head down to the surface sounds good me I'll meet you there Luke I found a diamond while heading down no way Mia since we only have three diamonds I think it's our best bet to make a diamond pickaxe get some obsidian it has straight to the nether that's a really good idea all right Luke I'm gonna keep heading down sounds good Mia all right Luke on my journey down here I ended up getting eight diamonds a little bit more iron some lapis a little bit of gold and a bucket you've been busy Mia yeah I have been pretty busy but I've realized on my way down if we find a lava pool we're gonna need some obscene so I gotta grab this water oh we need that really badly wait look at my crafting table no wait don't worry Mia I have one Perfect all right I'm just gonna grab this gold really fast and then I think I saw a lava pool behind me yep right here oh perfect all right I'm just gonna grab this extra gold because I know there's one of the hearts requires gold and let's start building our nether portal on this lava pool I'm gonna need to block off this water source just so it doesn't touch this lava because I am gonna need this lava over here then we need to break a little bit of an opening so I'm able to create my nether portal and then we're just gonna make our manual one all right I'm gonna go up a few here I'm gonna place my water I'm gonna block this off perfect and now it's time to to make the Nether Portal are you ready Luke because I'm about to do something extremely Advanced I'm Ready the absent back I got myself some chicken I'm watching so as you can see Luke there is obsidian on the ground but there's no obsidian up top so it's time to make our nether portal I'll place them right here grab some more lava place it right here perfect now it's already too high I'll go here and place another piece right here and then I think I'm gonna move the Water Source just a little bit so I'm able to reach the other side I'll Place some right here I'll Place one right here and to finish off the nether portal it's done whoa you did so good yeah I know how to make really cool nether portals really quickly and then Mia look what I got the flint and steel oh yeah all right Luke it's time to go to the nether let's be safe A Buddy meow uh Luke yeah you know what I just realized put that crafting table down yes all I have to do is put eight diamonds like this and put the heart in the middle wait we did it Luke are you doing what I think you're doing we have the diamond hearts oh my goodness it's my favorite one so far I know I can't believe I forgot about this I didn't need the diamond pickaxe because I manually made the portal well hurry up and eat it Mia oh sorry Luke we have it the diamond heart yay what to do the diamond heart gives us strength on our armor what no way so if we lose up to five Hearts we'll get increased armor that is so good all right Luke well now that we're in the nether it's time to go search for another Fortress we have no time to mine anything else seriously we need to get looking uh Luke it feels like we've been looking forever we're never gonna find this nether portal I know it's gonna be here somewhere Mia wait Luke turn around let's do you see it Luke I do the Fortress that took you forever I didn't see it at first all right Luke let's go we gotta get to this nether fortress and try to get enough for the blaze heart seriously we have to hurry all right Luke we have to find a blaze spawner but we we also have to be careful because I don't want to lose any hearts very true Mia and we need mushrooms for one of the hearts I remember seeing it but I also think we need milk buckets unfortunately but we'll keep those mushrooms just for safekeeping that's a good idea all right I'm gonna grab this another word just in case you never know if you're gonna need it for a heart Mia Luke what I found the blaze spawner all right I'm following the sound of your voice I'll be there soon hooray oh my goodness Luke what I was heading your way and I just found five diamonds in a chest what wait actually six my math is off that is amazing okay now that I have all my riches it's time to go find Luke I need to focus on the plan okay I heard him over here wait oh Luke I see you help me uh our first place Rod I think we need four a gun the blunge already you've gotten a bunch already how many yes look take them all oh my goodness you got five already oh yeah I'm a warrior all right Luke well we're need a few more because we do have to get to that end portal so keep going Luke I'm gonna look for the magma creams okay good luck thank you all right while Luke is fighting the blazes I need to go find a few magma creams so I'm gonna go this way and see if I can find any just sitting around here they are here's some magma creams hopefully they drop four if they drop four then we're gonna be in a pretty good spot all right it's time to fight these magma creams all right there's a lot of them but let's keep going all right it's time to fight the big one a Magma Cream our first one perfect another one another one all we need is one more and then we can make the plays hearts and we got our final one Perfect all right time to finish off the rest of these magma creams just in case now it's time to head on back to Luke and tell them the good news Luke Luke yum yum oh you left a blaze rod over here guess what oh what here place down your crafting table okay let me find it uh here Mia Perfect all right it's time for us to make the blaze heart let's see how it's made four blaze rods four magma creams and the blank heart as back that's easy all right and all that's left is the magma creams and now we have the place heart oh my goodness finally oh so here you go MIA I got a bunch more oh thank you Luke let's see what this does really quickly yeah what to do it sets fire to any bad guys near us what oh I'm eating this one this one's perfect that's so good wow I can't believe we just got that that's amazing that is so awesome yeah all right Luke it's time to go find a warped Forest we're gonna need a few ender pearls so we can make the little eyes for this thingy oh yeah man we can find it hopefully soon alright let's go yay we finally made it to the word Forest I know now we need to find some Enderman where are they at yeah and this should be easy they're always all the way around here really okay then keep an eye out we don't want to die yeah you know what I think I should make a boat if I put an Enderman in a boat he won't be able to hit me and he'll be an easy kill that's a good idea Mia I'm gonna continue my search for Enderman and yeah good luck I'll let you know if I find any okay perfect all right while Luke looks for Enderman I'm gonna look for Enderman as well surely there's gotta be some over here they're usually all over the Warped Forest um Mia did you find some yeah I need help I'm coming I have the boat Luke okay don't look them in the eye all right I'm looking at the ground I'm just gonna place the boat right by him perfect good job now we can look him in the eye all we want oh yeah we'll get over the boats oh an ender pearl let's go all right let's grab a few more and then we gotta head back to the Overworld there's still a few more Hearts we can get there we got two look at that ow it hit me be careful I got Pearl oh perfect all right now we have three let's try to get at least four so then once we go to the stronghold we'll be able to go to the end good idea meal Luke I found one more really all right hopefully I get wait I got a fourth ender pearl good job all right I think this is gonna be enough let's head on back to the Overworld good idea Mia this place is scary yeah I don't like it me neither all right Luke it looks like we're back at the Overworld yeah we need to find the stronghold now yeah we do but I think there's a few more hearts that we can grab pretty quickly really which ones well for the first heart I'm thinking about doing the potion art which only requires glass that's pretty easy right oh we just need to find some sand yep I'm gonna mine a little bit of wood just so I can make a shovel to mine some sand good idea I'll go look for some sand perfect well Luke is looking for that sand I'm going to make my shovel and you know what since Luke has helped me out so much today I'm gonna make him a diamond chest plate I have exactly enough for a diamond chest plate when I found all those things in the nether fortress perfect Alright and then I'm going to turn this into blaze powder turn these into ender eyes and save those for later Perfect all right it's time to go and find Luke meow meow Luke you found sand I did look I'm coming oh there you are Luke all right where's the sand right here on the beach perfect all right and Luke I got you a little bit of a present what what'd you get me well since you've been so helpful today I made you this what Diamond chestplate yeah sorry I couldn't find any amethyst hey this will do oh my goodness I look so strong you look amazing now I'm gonna grab a bunch of glass Perfect all right now that I have 32 it's time to smelt this and I gotta do this fast all right perfect now that that's smelting I think there's at least one more other heart that we can get Luke and what's that Mia well we need to find some cows the heart that I'm trying to acquire is the cheese heart I have the mushrooms but I don't have the milk buckets oh okay even though I'm the crafts and buckets I do do you have at least one bucket on You Luke uh I don't but I just gave you some more iron oh perfect all right turns out I actually have a water bucket so time to get rid of this water and I just bought a cow in the distance yeah I see a doom oh perfect all right Luke let's go over there and get some milk come on and do it hello Mr cows we just need to borrow some milk please all right Luke I have all the milk buckets follow me all right Luke we're about to get two hearts extremely fast that's gonna be so useful all right so all I have to do is place the milk buckets here then I'll Place one Mushroom on the outside and a heart in the middle and I've made the cheese heart that literally sounds so cool it looks so yummy yeah but let's see what it does first yeah what's it do it removes all negative potion effects that's perfect whoa I'm gonna eat it Luke yes please oh it looks like we now have the cheese heart and our glass is done time to make our second heart perfect timing all I have to do is Place eight pieces of glass here put the heart in the middle and we now have the potion heart what's this one do mia well let's read about it Luke oh man for this potion heart we need to have a potion but we don't have any what well a heart's still a heart maybe it'll give us an effect yeah perfect we now have the potion heart oh my goodness is Luke how many hearts do we have 12 yeah close enough anyways I'm Gonna Save this extra glass Luke because for one of the hearts we do have to defeat the Ender Dragon but this could be beneficial to our game we need its dragon's breath whoa yeah I know that's a lot to take in anyways I'm gonna clear out my inventory a little bit and it's time to find the stronghold seriously I can't wait wait Luke before we go we actually need to make a bow how are we gonna beat the Ender Dragon without a bow that's so true I'm gonna make two bows actually but let me make this one first now I'm going to make the second bow and Luke you said you had some extra fun earlier right I do okay well can you make the arrows while I start clearing out my inventory some more perfect how many should I make hmm if it's possible for you to make a stack of arrows please do that okay let me try all right Luke it's time to grab all of our stuff and I'm gonna throw the Ender eye go for it Mia all right let's see which way it takes us oh it went that way Perfect all right I think we're getting wait we're getting really close Luke it should be right here I think so too is it under mother oh man well let's stick down and see it is all right I blocked up the water over ahead of me and let's head straight down hopefully we find the stronghold It's gotta be here somewhere all right sure let me get to the stronghold soon right I know oh wait I found it I made it's me too oh my gosh Luke you were right next to me oh yeah we made it together all right Luke let's go and find this stronghold room we need to start getting to the Ender Dragon yeah we gotta find it seriously uh I feel like we've been searching this stronghold forever Luke I know I don't know where it is Mia it could be anywhere wait Luke let's get it wait it's right oh my goodness okay I broke the spawners all right Luke let's put in those under eyes I know okay I got one there we go we did not too bad oh gosh let's go oh gosh it looks like we spawned in a box oh no all right Luke let's try to get out of this box we gotta get up to the Ender Dragon yeah we got beat it well good thing we have these Hearts there's no way the Ender Dragon beats us with custom Hearts seriously there's no way all right Luke it looks like we're here and we're gonna have to fight the Ender Dragon uh-oh it's gonna be scary Mia there he is all right Luke good thing we have our bows shoot the things yeah we gotta shoot the crystals good job Luke good shot Mia okay I got one too watch out for the birds oh I need the breath it's time to make my bottles no floor meal all right I need to get the breath and I need to get four of them so I have to make two things of bottles and now I need to empty out my inventory all right now that my inventory is empty I just need to get dragon's breath I did it I got the dragon's breath Perfect all right let's continue I got one Luke me too be careful Mia this is tough Luke yeah this is really scary all right we're gonna have to get up there somehow this is gonna be tough that's okay I'm headed up right now Luke okay oh I hit it good job Luke you did amazing I think that's all of them good job Mia my iron golem spawned oh gosh Luke you lost Hearts yeah all right Luke let's fight this Ender Dragon we gotta win we got this meal come here enter dragon oh we're doing so good ow I gotta get it I'm going be careful I got this Luke be careful meal I'm doing a lot of damage you are doing so much damage I'm not scared of this Ender Dragon I have custom parts yeah me too Mia ow watch out for the birds wait my heart's have activated oh wow they're really doing really good Mandu all right now that my heart's have activated there's no way this Ender Dragon beats me and more of my hearts another Iron Golem Spawn from my hearts let's go all right Luke we gotta take out this Ender Dragon when it perches again serious [Music] oh man it got away all right time to shoot it with the bow again it's so low if we get this to perch one more time we could beat it these hearts are making us so Opie it's coming down and I shot Arrow because of my arts and look we're about to win Luke oh no Oh no I got launched I've landed on my water bucket Luke let's win this Let's see we did it we just beat the Ender Dragon with custom Hearts oh my goodness that was so easy that was easy hey Luke let's say we do this again no thank you bye if you want to watch more videos of my brother Luke and I then click on the screen right now and also please subscribe it helps a ton bye you guys
Channel: Mia
Views: 386,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Zoey, Shady, Mia, Luke, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft Mod, Family Friendly, Kid Friendly, Mia Has CUSTOM HEARTS in Minecraft!
Id: Xlpo-OAnxU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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