Cash Has VIDEO GAME HEARTS in Minecraft!

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are you interested in joining a city-wide scavenger hunt a city-wide scavenger hunt is that guy talking to us I'm talking to you yes wait what yeah you the red and blue guy hey how could you see us yeah yes we're ready I see everything anyways what's this scavenger hunt it's just uh yeah but you kind of gave us like zero details on how to join just go to the school can enter there the school Nico do you want to do it uh let's do it a scavenger hunt sounds so awesome right now I say we go you better hurry wait why the spots are running out so go now oh geez we gotta be first come on let's go we are never gonna be last I will refuse uh Mia where are you going oh hey Mia I heard there's a city-wide scavenger hunt oh you heard about that too some guy on our TV was talking to us about it wait he was talking to me too are you serious well let's go I want to be first no I want to be first I want to be first hey guys you have to wait up for me ah come on guys I'm ahead of you video I told you I was gonna be first but I don't really think it matters yeah anyways where's the competition being held uh I don't know it should be around here somewhere wait there's a guy right here maybe we can ask him excuse me are you guys here for the scavenger hunt yeah but I don't really see where it's supposed to be just follow me guys come on um okay are you sure we're gonna trust this guy cash yeah I mean he's part of the scavenger hunt too look at him okay I guess so why would a scavenger hunt be held in a classroom though yeah okay everybody just uh take your seats and uh the contest will start momentarily what why do we have to be here just uh don't worry all right he's just dodging all my questions this seems pretty suspicious yeah no kidding I'll be right back oh geez you know what maybe we should actually back out of the scavenger hunt it doesn't really seem that good you think yeah we should yeah you guys where wait what Krista hey yeah hey open this door right now it's not a door you dummy I just blocked you off with iron bars Well why'd you do that uh because you all are gonna be a part of my scavenger hunt no listen uh I think we all disagree now and we don't want to be a part of it anymore yeah we did not say anything strongly disagree everyone say I if we want to leave I I really don't care you guys already in here so good luck hey Krista get back here you have got to be kidding me cash no way we actually let her trap us in this classroom yep I think we just got kidnapped yeah no kidding wait what's going on hey hey wait where are we I don't know but what is this place and why do I only have one heart me too oh geez yes wait wait are you here to save us um the weird Crystal lady almost trapped me but I got out are you serious wait you're the guy that let us in the classroom though yeah oh geez okay well well where are we and what do we have to do here in each room there's a heart that you have to find that's the scavenger hunt she was talking about really we have to scavenge for a heart what oh my gosh okay well uh what is this room supposed to be anyways it looks like a bunch of pipes and stuff it's just some type of video game figure it out yourself and just to let you know you have one hour to do all this what really okay well can you extend the time nope times [Music] oh gosh over here sir I need more help hey what happened to him I don't know cash do I have permission to scream um do we Grant him permission granted Nico they go it's not a time to panic oh my gosh listen that's the worst thing we can do right now we just gotta figure out how to get this heart okay come on let's just go through this door let's go whoa uh who are those people oh yeah we can hear you I got ta what seriously anyways wait I have to kill the crewmates doesn't that make me the Imposter yeah I think I think you're the Imposter uh okay well there's only one small flaw to this I don't really have a weapon find one what um okay I guess let's just talk to the crewmates guys yeah gosh we gotta act like crewmates ourselves then yeah true um hello guys the reason I call this emergency meeting today was because I was sus of red wait what no I didn't do anything dude I was literally just in electrical and then electrical got sabotaged so white you're literally throwing the game dude well I'm actually sense of blue you're blue too they're an imposter of me wait guys guys okay everyone calm down let's all just not do anything yet and we don't have to vote anyone out let's just keep going okay okay all right team on three one two three team okay let's go good thing they don't know I'm the Imposter I actually tricked them all into thinking I was seriously innocent okay time to find this weapon so I can actually kill oh uh I mean um time to uh do my task right here uh dude there's no task to be done right there you know oh uh yeah I know it's because I already completed it um just get away from me I'm scared you're the Imposter no I'm not the Empire okay whatever that guy's freaking out over nothing um how do I get this weapon again jeez this place is so confusing I've never been in a spaceship before oh jeez this place just looks like some sort of giant maze I don't even understand these rooms oh wait what there's a chest right there please tell me there's a sword now I can finally start killing the crewmates and I think they said I have to kill all of them so I'm sorry Nico and me up but I have to kill you guys okay let's see who I can see first oh hey guys what's up hi um nothing much I just kind of have to uh go over here Nico can you help me do this task sure I need to help her reactor though uh yeah I'll help you on Reactor Mia just stay over there it's red wait what no it's not me oh gosh oh my gosh hey uh Nico can I ask you a question sure wait what did I turn off I don't know hey I'm sorry no oh Jesus geeko I need to get out of here before I did well sees that they're gonna report that body and think that it was me oh geez gotta fix these lights oh uh hey hey dude wow oh geez uh thanks for fixing the lights you can vouch for me right I've been here the whole time I guess yeah let's go search I feel like someone may have been killed during that lights off moment you know okay whoa whoa whoa It's her report the body reporter report it ah guys what just happened dude I was in the middle of a task it's orange it's orange wait what yeah it was totally orange okay listen one person talk at a time okay okay white what's your reasoning behind orange she was by the dead body man ah man this guy saw her yeah we totally did wait what I didn't see it I was just walking I finished the test you killed Nico everyone vote orange out everyone voter out attack okay thank gosh we got the Imposter wait why is the game not over oh wait what oh no it's one of you run I'm getting out of here oh geez blue let's go this way I don't trust the other people good idea yeah let's just go the way back here okay okay back here where no one can see us okay uh thank you and now I'm gonna kill you goodbye oh gosh okay I just gotta guard this place and make sure no one walks in I gotta do some tasks over here wait no don't go in there don't go in there what is that I'm reporting this uh guys uh what just happened it was him cash was the one that killed the body uh no it was him it was the red dude I saw him next to it you have to believe me no no no listen I know I've been such but I just saw him next to the dead body you gotta believe me whatever dude I don't know who to pick he was with me during the when the lights were off and we saw the body and you you're doing tasks I don't know who it is just pick him you obviously know it's not me no why but I saw him doing a med Bay scan yeah you could voucher me right no he can vouch for me how about how about we Skip and let's all go to Med Bay and see who can actually scan um I don't know if that's a good idea guys I think we should just vote him out I'm voting skip I'm skipping as well uh fine let's skip okay uh come to med Bay okay all right where is it you uh dude oh you're doing Med Bay yeah oh I could totally tell that you're not the Imposter but uh there's only one unfortunate thing what I'm the Imposter what what did you just drop oh my gosh and Among Us heart let's go I'm putting it on right now and I have a little imposter as my heart oh geez there's a lot of dead bodies okay you know what I'm getting out of here I think I need to go back home hey hey dude can I go back now oh yeah I think you got the heart so have one of your friends let you out they should be in the starting room oh really hey uh guys are you in there I can't believe sorry I had to do it for a heart wait what yeah I got an Among Us heart wait what does it do I don't know should we ask the guy sure let's ask him excuse me what does the Among Us heart do basically oh that's pretty cool wait so if I just like press a button are you guys blind oh gosh what what though don't worry I'll pick you up don't worry Mia do not run into that wall s um guys where are you sorry about that come on we don't have time to waste though we need to go into the next room okay over here come on in this green tube thing okay I'm trying Sasha we have to scavenge for all the hearts possible got it yeah but then maybe we could get out of here once we get all the hearts yeah true wait guys what is this oh this does not look fun it looks like some sort of two-player parkour oh my gosh wait and then one person plays on this side and the other person plays on this side yeah but there's three of us so I think two of you need to go on that side oh gosh okay be a cup over the era welcome to the Mario level here you will obtain Roblox and Mario Hearts what is this a combination between Roblox and Mario um oh geez um guys I have a lever right here okay what is that gonna do though whoa whoa just created a platform oh I get it this is a two-player parkour um guys I don't really have a bar here can someone I got you thank you okay now what do we do here uh but I guess you just see the parkour and oh gosh can you make that jump cash no I definitely can't this is impossible and I don't know if I can make this one oh geez do you not have a lever over there or something uh no we don't oh gosh guys is there seriously no lever over there for me wait cash I got something wait really over here the button okay press it then oh geez finally uh but we have a lava stuck in our pack oh don't worry I can probably take care of that with this button let's go you're welcome now you can make it all the way here nice okay and now that wait guys do you see what's on the side here oh gosh monster oh that is not good okay I need to keep doing this parkour and I see another button maybe it's for you guys yeah it's to remove these Bedrock blocks I think oh okay yeah that definitely seems impossible uh wait did that do anything wait it just placed another one it's called Goomba are you serious I guess that helped you I guess that is a part of Mario yeah but guys there's kind of a Bedrock wall in my way so can somebody press a button or something I gotcha thank you Nico let's go hey you need to press it again it appeared okay oh geez come on now there's a bunch of Neo jumps I think you're supposed to do it legit cash I'm not gonna lie whoa guys there's something in here with me this is not good for me I don't like bugs just get out of here okay I think it's off me now okay I'm going to take a bath after this okay I need to go on these Neo jumps here I go okay there's one there's two and now the last one oh that's definitely not the last one oh my gosh there's more but wait there's a little parkour here do you guys need a button press or I guess a lever press in this case yeah I think so okay I got you I don't really know what that did that activated a ladder over here okay well I kind of need a button press over here because this Jump's impossible I gotta live right here nice thank you and I made it to the end are you guys here yet yep I made it too what about Mia I'm coming uh she's coming she's super slow this is so hard Mia you just completed it though I know I'm so good oh my gosh let's see what's in here oh it's the Mario and Roblox heart let's go but uh what's that behind you wait what's what oh my gosh I'm gonna take a shower after this just what I'm down already what are you doing oh geez uh Mia I think we'll see Nico back in the lobby yeah all right let's click the button no kidding go we're back guys I died well sorry about that Nico but at least we're all back and I got the Mario heart boom and the Roblox heart boom what I did yeah but uh Mr intercom sir what do these two hearts do uh Mario one gives you jump boost Mario shoes and the Roblox gives you a speed coil oh wait really yeah um okay whoa wait guys I have boots on what Mario boots and look how high I jump holy smokes and wait let me try and activate the Roblox heart uh boom Oh guys look at what I just got what did your hair it's a speed coil what does that do it makes me super fast whoa whoa now I have speed and jump cash oh I can't catch up to you oh uh don't worry I'll slow down for you guys come on let's go through the next tube let's do it hey hey hey hey before you go through this door you must go by yourself wait really I can't go with my friends no they must wait for you are you serious ah okay well sorry guys it looks like I have to go in by myself okay bye cash I will get those hearts for us no matter what yes uh here I go oh geez what is this place oh my gosh it looks like some sort of forest and wait there's even an entrance back here oh my gosh it looks like some sort of laboratory where am I hey you're in the Pokemon room Pokemon room but I don't see any Pokemon here oh geez and make it where are you guys I am just Jessa great and you know you know you are in oh gosh you guys are those mean people from Pokemon like the villains oh we are not mean oh yeah well uh you know what uh Mr intercom guy am I supposed to kill them you must battle them Pokemon oh battle the Pokemon uh okay uh excuse me but you're going down get out of here Lucario Evie get him you guys think your Pokemon is strong enough to defeat me attack Pokemon wow get over here you are not strong at all oh geez can you stop throwing pokeballs at me James our Pokemon have been killed we gotta go you're not going anywhere I expect to get my Pokemon Heart okay fine wait what are you guys doing oh we're blessing blasted get out well um okay uh that was weird I guess I got the Pokemon heart though that was quite possibly the strangest heart I had to get but okay at least I got it Mr intercom dude I got it uh did you get the fortnite hard yet wait the fortnite heart no start digging you'll find a pickaxe start digging are you serious what does this Pokemon Heart even do you can strike lightning on command wait really let me try that out oh no way that's actually awesome yeah you're like Pikachu I could do this whenever I fight people okay I can't keep getting distracted I gotta keep digging gotta be around here somewhere right one of the oh I knew it was under a coarse dirt block I found it and the fortnite heart is finally mine let's go but um what does this give me wait an OP netherright pickaxe with efficiency and Unbreaking 100 does that mean I could just careful be careful don't break stuff with that why not but what's the point of the pickaxe then you don't need oh geez then where do I use it go to the next ring I want to see my friends again I don't like this you'll see come on go um okay where do I go here break through the Cobblestone okay and now what I'm just in some sort of security office yeah no no this isn't this a scary game oh geez what am I supposed to do here just guard the office make sure they don't get in um okay uh oh oh gosh go go away oh is that how I block it off I think so and I need a way for him to go away until I break those blocks don't waste all your power though keep checking the cams wait a camera monitor what is this gonna do oh I could check the kit hey there's someone there and he's right outside my door no go away oh geez okay good thing I blocked him off he better be gone by now no he's not gone he's definitely not gone okay I can just check the cameras to see if he goes away good thing I have this Cobblestone to block off the doors with that would have been oh man that would have been super bad can you go away dude Jesus Mr intercom guy how do I win this game survive it's almost six oh uh okay well I guess I'm surviving pretty well he keeps going to each door gosh that is so annoying I just need to wait for him to disappear I think wait why is he walking up to that can you disappear already I know you're hiding right there I'm not gonna fall for this trick come on there we go finally yeah foreign [Music] hey hey chill out dude wait what who are you I'm a purple guy okay don't question anything but uh here's the heart you deserve it you won I won yeah holy smokes now do you want some cake or something follow me to the back yeah sure let's go yeah just just follow me back here come here no wait no jeez I'm out of here oh Cassie we're trying to try and kidnap you are you serious you seemed nice though yeah that's what we gotta run oh geez okay well we made it back to the start I got all the hearts that I needed to get okay how many hearts do we have now um I have seven um excuse me Mr intercom dude how many hearts did we need to get should be seven wait so that means that we win right yeah you finished no way teleporting you back oh my gosh wait we're back how did you get oh my gosh Krista it's your fault uh yeah I just wanted to play a game with you guys but you can't get out of here now I'm leaving no Krista you better let us know oh my gosh she just left again and Freddy's right there if you want to watch more videos from us then click on your screen right now and also don't 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Channel: Cash
Views: 1,261,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, Cash Has VIDEO GAME HEARTS in Minecraft!
Id: ijA1J-ex7LY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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