1 Second = Longer Neck in Roblox

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uh Mia what happened to you your deck is gigantic and whoa some of these other people have some pretty huge necks too yeah I could eat off the trees who's looking over the boxes right here minor oh geez look at the spider Mia I'm gonna make my neck longer wait what no I'm gonna make my neck longer wait I only have 16 studs so that's the longest I can go how many studs do you guys have 13 studs only oh and but every second it's going up point one stud look at that I'm already at 17.2 how do I get more oh well I think the longer you stay in the game the more it grows and you can even shrink it down back to zero if you want look just like this well I'm gonna explore surely I can get more studs right yeah there's got to be a way to get more studs I want to go wait what happened to you Mia I died down there you died down where over here yeah this way what do you mean what happens if you oh oh oh oh oh if your head goes below the water then you die we just need to make our neck long enough to where we can get over here you need a hundred studs for this one I'll go to the Obi for noobs uh wait what I'll be for noobs where's that right over here Mia wait for me I want to get studs with you too I think it requires 50 though and I only have 18. wait 15 neck length are you serious why do I need 50 neck lengths I fell Miner how did you just do that oh is it the snap jump oh that makes a lot of sense so your body teleports to your head when you do that snap jump that's so easy there we go and now no I just fell through okay you know what I'm not even gonna try that because I don't have 50 studs anyways but have you seen the other people in the server Mia there's some guy that's like all the way up there somehow someone has one million length how is that even possible one million holy smokes um guys there's also pets over here wait pets I would have pets I want a pet too I'm gonna buy five wins for 99 Robux five wins wheat then what five wins give me now let's hatch one of these eggs boom and I got a dog what are these oh wait it's a dude what do these dogs do they might help with with neck length I just bought five wins too if I look at the top I get Point 36 studs per second so I could grow super high uh I get Point 22. holy smokes now I could do whatever I want but I'm gonna go back to regular length just like that wait if you go to the code and you do this code then wait dude I just got 50 wins for using a free code I'm gonna get another really we need to find a way to make our next longer mine's mine's seven right now this says ball pit but for giraffes what so we can just go in here with our long necks what's the point of this I bet you tiny people would get lost in here yeah they probably would but now that we're drafts we could see above everything hey how do you have more studs than me oh never mind you're like right behind me Mia because I have three pets and you only have two what I'm gonna buy another pet there's no way you're passing me no wait I need another one I gotta go no no you're not I'm gonna go buy something op that you're not gonna have the shiny Goose give me this give me this give me this 698 Robux yeah why not I just need to pass Mia I can't let her beat me there we go okay now I'm getting 0.61 studs per second because I have a goose now and Mia I think I know about a code that you don't know oh yeah I know about every single code I just got it coded it gave me 98 studs I have over 100 wait what how I'm the best player ever at this game uh no you're not wait does this mean I can go over the water now oh Mia I'm gonna go I'm following okay let's see please tell me my head Will Survive oh yeah my head definitely survives this is so easy thank you little pets and now I can go all the way up here let's go and what's on this side of the map oh it looks like a little parkour this one's called a hole in the wall and you get three wins for completing it okay this one you get zero studs wait 17 plus studs oh geez I need to grow my neck okay there we go now 45 studs there we go okay and snap jump oh geez no wait that's actually really hard okay I need to grow like this and then snap jump just like that and I think this is another Snapchat but wait 130 studs I have exactly 130 studs boom and I made it and now uh zero studs again 105 studs okay well that's pretty easy I just need to get right there and boom I made it Mia that parkour was so easy I did not finish it I was doing pretty bad it I just got three wins for doing that weight I just got 66 because of all of my pets holy smokes let's see what else I could do this easy hole in the wall gives one win only what's the point of doing this when you could just go do the other one for three wins I need to get a win this one's literally a complete waste of time look 12 studs that's super easy 28 studs boom easy oh back to zero studs I should probably snap jump there we go MIA are you really struggling on this hole in the wall seriously it requires too much everything I'm not good at that oh my goodness wait why am I only back down to 43 studs that makes no sense oh geez I don't even know if I can make it over this thing I'm gonna have to wait for my studs to go up oh never mind I made it up and I got one win for that so useless oh I see so every time you win it resets your studs so we have to grow our studs per second so we can just get up back to where we were really quickly and you know I think I know just the way to grow my studs a lot and wait Mia you know what I just realized what there's an evil company that's like the tallest tower ever and a cloud up there and I don't even know what that is but I want to get to the top about those things well how tall do you have to be uh I have no idea probably like a thousand studs tall I think I'm gonna buy this exclusive rainbow Goose I bet you nobody has this thing so I'm buying it come here I wonder how much this is gonna give me all right pets and rainbow Goose equip wait I have the max amount of pets equipped okay I gotta get rid of one of these guys sorry Mr dog but I'm unequipping you and now let's equip the rainbow goose and boom it gives me 4X studs per second now I'm getting like one stud per second almost I would have rainbow Goose I'm looking for it and it also gave me 15 wins for free let's see can I do anything else with these wins oh maybe over here my neck takes forever to grow mine does too I wish I could get like 10 studs per second that would be super op but wait what is this get buried alive deeper and deep wait what okay I'm just gonna grow my head really big and then fall into this uh oh I think I'm stuck in here gosh I died I'll be for noobs 50 neck length and doesn't reset anything yes I want to try this hobby for noobs even though I'm not even a noob I'm just gonna try it out okay let's go across here grow my neck and snap jump like that and then I could just go up here like this and snapped up again boom this game is so easy with the snap jumps I feel like I could jump over across the entire world I'm starting it right now I need to not reset anything yeah that resetting really puts you back okay now what is this water oh geez okay I'm gonna make sure to grow my neck a little bit and oh geez these spikes are actually really close Okay I need to shrink a little bit like that and then go through shrink a little bit more and grow a little bit more just like that and now I can go all the way through perfect but wait I can't see anything oh geez uh are these red things oh geez I can't touch the red no I didn't even mean to touch the red ah I gotta do that again there's no way I'm losing the Obby for noobs I'm not a noob are you serious this parkour is impossible I'm like a super professional and snap jump come on okay this parkour is not impossible Mia I think you're just bad you know what you're bad I'm the best there's ever been I'm not bad you're terrible that's messed up I'm totally not terrible and I'll show you because I'm about to win this game look I already made it back to the water stage so it's basically like I didn't even reset I need to get more wins okay and I gotta make sure not to reset when I go to the red over there okay let's just go through this water like this and I think I can make this still yep and now let's grow a little bit and go through here okay now I gotta be careful of this red stuff that's what killed me last time so if I just grow super high and then I snap jump here then I could just jump over like that okay okay now I just gotta be careful let's grow here and snap jump again and now I made it over to the red stuff this time let's go and this is the hardest jump ever I don't know good luck wait what this is totally not the hardest jump ever I just need to grow my head like this and then I can snap jump all the way up here and yeah no oh I made it holy smokes did you see that Mia that was awesome and I just got 50 neck length and 27 wins just for doing that Holy Smokes what that was so easy I might do that more to get a ton more wins but wait what's this over here okay and over here I see wall jump 2.0 difficulty three and a half and you get eight wins for beating this okay perfect I'm guessing all I have to do is just snap jump up these things that would make a lot of sense I'm using my studs to get all the way up here ah okay now use my neck again and oh gosh how many studs are you at Mia I'm only at 162 but I'm joining your game I'm at 300 studs wait how did you get through 300 because I have the really op rainbow Goose pet I think that's why oh I only got the legendary lion well I'm climbing up this place with my 300 studs right now I'm coming up too I'm almost at the top no you're not I'm almost to the top I'm with the miner right now how good is the miner doing oh he has way more studs than me he has 200. oh geez I'm barely gonna make it up here okay um I don't think I can make it up to this next one oh so you're losing um no I'm just gonna you know what what if I just buy plus 100 neck length real quick right here 68 Robux please okay there we go oh uh Mia looks like I made it I can't get up this one I have 440 studs and this gives eight wins plus a bonus of 27 wins but you lose a hundred percent of your neck length when you collect it so is that a good idea Mia what do you think uh if you're gonna lose your neck length probably not um I think I'm gonna do it and then just buy more studs so uh give me this thank you and now let's just buy this plus two times next growth so now we'll get double and I can buy plus 1 000 neck length 548 Robux give it to me okay and now uh my neck should grow super tall oh geez I'm going all the way up to a thousand now um guys I think I'm on another level than you uh I can't even get up to the top my neck is way too short one thousand neck length I'm taller than all these people wait no these people are like taller than me right now what the heck oh my gosh that tree is super high and wait I think the signs grow with me oh my gosh okay you know what I'm gonna try and make it on top of this evil company building now I'm going down into the water I can like barely even see the bottom of this thing I just know my character is going to the water right now and wait can I make it on top of the evil company now yes I can let's go holy smokes okay let's just go up to the edge like this and snap jump boom and this gives 20 wins plus a bonus of 27. I think I'm good though I don't need any more wins because I don't want to lose my height I'm doing parkour but there's nothing interesting on top this evil company Mia so I think I'm just gonna jump all the way back down again wait so there's nothing good up there no not on top of the mega skyscraper it gives you more wins wait what's this over here though I could see through people's windows wait there's a guy in there getting kicked by another guy and there's someone flying through the ceiling with Spider-Man what oh my goodness that seems brutal and did you also see this city over here wait there's a city I wouldn't see the city look it's over here and wait I think I see a machine that gives permanent upgrades wait I need upgrades what permanent upgrades will you give me hmm movement speed buy with 100 neck length or buy with 10 wins oh I guess I have nothing else to do with my wins so I'm gonna buy a ton of speed with my wins and let's upgrade all of these why not boom and now I could just buy these with my necklace all right thank you I'm still at over a thousand necklings so that was worth it but hold on there's a basement down here that has a bunch of PCS and wait Matt Matt what are you doing here he has no face what happened to him I think something bad could have happened oh Mia hello you're here too yeah I decided to join in because you talked about computers yeah well you have a third of my necklace did you know that well because you cheated you bought that pet no no you bought a pet too no I only bought additional wins hey yeah that's still cheating you spent Robux well because you spent Roblox and I just want to catch up whatever let's just admit we're cheaters and move on okay there's a window up here that I need to get up to so I'm gonna use my neck length and snap jump up here but hey by the way have you seen the miner in a while hey minor he's on top of us minor oh geez I could see him through the roof of this building look his neck is just growing super high up right there yeah he's pretty good at this game I'm gonna catch up with him minor I'm growing my neck to your size all right Mia you are too what the heck oh man you're waiting too high hello guys uh Miner oh I should probably shrink a little bit to get to your level uh hello why are you looking at me like that he has the rat the snake and another rat mine are your pets stink look at my pets I have the goose the shiba inu and the rainbow Goose yeah okay I'm gonna snap jump all the way back down see you later Miner I gotta complete the rest of this course it looks like this is the end it's just a building weight with another basement and more people Wukong and Clockwork Miner did you see any other cool stuff that's in the city okay let's just leave come on there's a little place over here but I don't think you get any wins from it yeah it looks like a little playground well I want to get to the top oh okay well that looks super easy to get to the top do you know how long our necks are well I want to do it legitly without using my neck uh whatever wait I just realized I never went up to that castle in the clouds there's a castle up there yeah and I just snap jumped to the top of this thing you're climbing too yeah there was this anyways I think I'm gonna go up to that cloud I really want to see what it looks like okay let me just grow my neck here so I don't accidentally fall down in the water on accident and now I could just go right down here gosh I walk super slowly and I can start growing my neck super high all right Mr Cloud I will see you soon I'm on my way up come on come on yes I made it to the top of the castle and I'm growing much higher than it holy smokes okay time to snap jump onto this cloud oh I missed the side no what the heck did you die guys I didn't die I just uh fell yep that's all that happened totally not die figures oh geez I just fell in the water again because I forgot to grow my neck that was an accident okay time to try this again this time I'm not gonna fall I promise minor you gotta come with me we gotta try and make it out of this alive so let's go here let's grow our neck just like this and of course I have to go up to a thousand again which is the super boring Parts but there's probably something really cool in this Castle anyway so it's worth it okay let's snap jump and all the way into the castle boom all right I made it this time wait I just fell through the roof what the heck oh there's the castle holy smokes there's just a pad up here that I don't really know what that does it gave me a badge but I don't know what the rest of this does this is just really useless really what was the point of this and hey I could see inside the evil company again what the heck I'm coming all right Mia I think I'm gonna go over to whatever this thing is because I see a super tall obstacle course up there I want to do obstacles I'm coming there's a world two right here and it's called clouds but you need 2 000 studs for it oh no that one I might be able to get later but for now I think that's all we could do so far so I'm gonna go try to get this in the next episode perfect let's go if you want to watch more videos from us then click one on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys bye
Channel: CashBlox
Views: 4,650,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly
Id: t-0d8RTPFhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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