Time Capsule 2006 Vol I

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favorite years in gaming and speedrun our way through popular or influential games released in a particular year i'm your host smooth operative thank you very much for joining us tonight we are taking a look at a beautiful game from 2006 it is called okami but before we jump into the run i just want to remind everyone that sgdq 2022 remote volunteer applications are coming up so if you would like to help with any of our off-site volunteering positions you can go to gamestonequick.com for more information also registration is open until may 23rd so make sure to register for uh the live event if you will be attending it in minnesota this summer um but yeah for okami the category we are doing is new game all brushes and i'm joined by lego speedrun hi welcome [Music] hello or speed running this game rather for about a year and a half and have the record for this category as well as any percent and i'm really excited [Music] but nowadays i mostly focus on glitch hunting reverse engineering and making new resources for uh both old and new runners alike that's really cool thank you both for being here we are all very excited to see okami so um whenever you are ready we can get this rolling all right uh so give it a start in three two one go uh i guess the so to start off here this is the all brushes category which is uh very different from the any percent category because we need to get every brush power in the game which is similar to like the tools and zelda games but we also need to obtain every optional brush upgrade as well yes so they're in this game sort of 13 or 15 depending on how you contact main brush powers and then several of them have sort of upgraded or hidden versions of them and we need to collect every single one right now in terms of gameplay you're going to see lego jumping into every cutscene basically in this game our movement of our main character here at matarasu or ami the wolf is governed in three speeds so there's a walking speed there's a green dash speed and then there's a gold dash speed and those are 30 faster than the previous one respectively uh in this case you can get green dash immediately just by doing a tackle on the ground and you can get gold dash by using green dash for about five seconds uh to prevent having to rebuild gold dash you know for five seconds every time we're going to be jumping into cutscenes and then jumping out of them to restore our dash meter also just now you'll see lego just got our first brush technique so this is the game's sort of central mechanic we can pause the game at pretty much any time to draw on the screen like a canvas uh to use various uh to have various effects on the world and this is sort of our substitute for items that you might find in zelda games uh the first technique we got there is rejuvenation which lets us sort of replace things that are missing or broken in the world and it's a fairly limited brush power because you can only use it in certain places yeah um one other thing to mention uh is that most of the time when i'm coming out of cut scenes even though i am jumping out of them it doesn't necessarily look like i'm jumping out of cutscenes and that's because uh the frame after uh amaterasu leaves the ground i'm then doing an air tackle um and when you do an air tackle the frame after you leave the ground your collision will shift down and you'll land immediately and that's just the fastest way to get back to full speed yes in some cases we'll do different things you could in theory miss the frame perfect tackle uh sure they will at some point but you might sometimes do a tackle and then a jump instead of a jump and then a tackle and that's because a tackle gives you a bunch of initial speed right here we're getting our second brush technique so this is the sort of the tutorial area so they give you two right off the bat this one is power slash and it's our sword substitute we can just draw lines through stuff to cut it down and it's very useful [Music] the power slash is really useful in battles as you might imagine since it's basically a sword and speaking of battles i just skipped one this game the triggers for a lot of fights and some cutscenes are pretty small a bit smaller than maybe intended and so we are able to sometimes just run directly around these triggers without really much effort uh like i just did again there there's actually two fights that i just skipped [Music] yeah and we'll we'll get into the fight mechanics later when we get to the first unskippable fight uh right now we're just running back through the tutorial area to sort of get started with the game so uh just a quick mostly spoiler-free summary uh this is ancient japan aka nippon we are the sun goddess incarnated as a wolf we're actually the sort of the reincarnation of a previous wolf named shiranui the important thing is basically shiranui 100 years ago defeated a great evil called orochi which is actually an ada dragon uh orochi is sort of coming back now thanks to uh some some some guy and uh we're out here to stop him sort of uh the the more broad summary is basically there's an evil fish in a meccan uh lake in hokkaido and we have to go kill the fish sounds like a good plane to be [Music] another thing you may have noticed is in the loading screens we're doing these sort of mini games so there's two kinds of mini games there's a rhythm game uh very very topical for tonight uh and there's also a mashing game and for the most part we'll be avoiding the matching game but both of those are a way for us to get demon fangs which are a sort of currency in this game that let us get these collectibles one of which we'll need specifically coming up here i'm going to be trying to do a pretty uh pretty tough trick um right so we have here our starting area kamiki village kamiki village is sort of uh just supposed to be filled with good people but everyone has been turned into statues to protect them from arochi's evil miasma and we're supposed to you know free them from their statue state and basically rescue the village but we're just not going to do that because that would take too long we are going to come back a little later so don't worry too much about them and one thing about this rhythm game is it's extremely precise on timing yeah the timing for it i don't know the exact numbers but my guess is probably around three four frames this game is 30 frames a second and so uh and the timing is also based on a global cycle not on an individual loading cycle which means you actually have to getting the first one is insanely difficult because you actually don't know when the first paw will show up to try to time with yeah getting the first one is basically luck but you have two more chances for each loading zone so this is shin shu field you can see it's also covered in evo miasma we're going to take a little detour so that we can go ahead and fix that that brings us to hana valley which is going to be the home of our next brush technique but we're going to have to go on a bit of a trek to get there this is sort of a side area slash mini dungeon depending on how you want to look at it and this is going to bring us to our first actual battle so the important thing is we have our enemies here these are imps they're green amps and red amps their items have a little more health and they can block attacks so we're going to be starting off by using our brush techniques we're going to be setting things up in a very specific order whenever we use a brush technique we lose a pot of ink and we only have three and if we lose all three we end up inkless for a few seconds which prevents us from using more brush techniques and it also loses us our dash so in order to take care of these fights slowly we're going to be managing our ink very carefully and trying to hit multiple enemies at a time with each power slash there are a bunch of other things in the fight that we have to deal with but we'll we'll explain things as we have more opportunities to yeah funny enough it's it's hard to describe because that actual that first fight there um is probably one of the most complicated fights in the game to explain everything that i'm doing there uh because there's a lot of things that i'm trying to get to happen uh which mostly worked out uh but most most other fights are actually that's that's about for a regular fight that's not a boss fight that's about as complicated as it gets um yeah so here we have another enemy uh it's the it's the yellow wind um so the lymph is sort of immune to attacks unless it's put in a specific state so what i'm going to do here is i'm going to just wait it out and stand behind it when it comes out of the ground and that's just because it does that it just doesn't know where you are and it lets you hit it for free all right so you what you'll see during a lot of these fights is that we're doing specific finishers on enemies this is called this is a mechanic called the floral finisher basically if you finish an enemy with a specific brush technique and it depends on the enemy type you will get a demon fang and so this is an additional way for us to collect those demon things that we need and we do need a bunch of them by a specific point in the run so we're going to be collecting them as efficiently as we possibly can right there you'll notice that we used sunrise to which is another brush technique to progress that cutscene but we didn't ever collect sunrise as it turns out a lot of things in this game that supposedly require sunrise will just detect a circle which is the symbol for sunrise even if you don't have the formal brush technique but we will be getting it later because it is required for the category yet another thing to explain so in this game most dialogue and most cutscenes are skippable but there are some cutscenes that could be skipped that we won't skip specifically because the dialogue is so fast that it's actually faster to progress through the text rather than watch the scroll transitions for skipping a cutscene oh that's interesting just a frame saver here we have a qte with susano who is sort of our our favorite sidekick he is fighting a bear and this bear has a ball uh and if you know anything about ball physics uh the ball physics in this game are incredibly frustrating so i want you to watch carefully what like is doing here that was a perfect wall yeah if you've if you've ever played this game that will look like magic that was basically a perfect ball uh the the physics of this game do not like you at all um it basically just wants to constantly not attack like it wants to attach to you like to make it easy to push when you want to move around it but then when you actually want to push it forward it wants to detach from you so it's it's it's very annoying but uh yeah yeah there's actually there's actually like four different ball pushing mini games in this game and all of them have their own uniquely terrible physics uh but that is distracting from the fact that we just got another brush technique which is bloom uh and that also distracts from we are just about to do another fight skit yep so that was yellow and skip that one's a little bit more precise than the previous fights gifts if you couldn't tell so bloom is sort of a three part brush technique it has the main effect of restoring guardian saplings which are these unique uh unique big trees in uh many areas of the game and they sort of restore the world and that is one of our overall goals to restore all the guardian saplings to dispel the evil miasma but it also has the side effect of our sort of cursed patches of grass that we can restore and also if there is grass on the ground we can draw a dot on it with the brush to make a tree appear a small tree and actually all three of those techniques are going to be useful to us in this run which might sound a little strange but you'll see and right there we finally restore the shinchu fields guardian zeppelin sadly we have to skip the nice pretty cut scenes of the whole area getting restored [Music] so at this point we're gonna head back to kamiki village which is not something we would do in 80 and that's because there is uh not not one but two brush powers that we need so we're going to be getting sunrise which as previous mentioned we skipped as well as we're going to be getting another brush power [Music] so kamiki village now despite our lack of intervention is mostly healed it's sort of in a half healed half cursed state we call it blurst we are stuck inside the big rock that we jumped over before so we have to actually clip out of it to get back into the village proper and then some of the villages or villagers are still statues but some of them seem to be you know lively and healthy so we have to investigate three of these statues in order to trigger one of the brush powers that we're getting meanwhile while we traverse through the village we are going to be restoring all of the cherry blossoms in the village using bloom which is each one is going to require a pot of ink so we're going to be carefully managing our ink and each time we bloom a tree we get a little bit of another currency called praise and praise is used to upgrade ami's own abilities mainly in this run it's going to be our ink capacity and our wallet size one thing to note is that we actually specifically upgraded our ink earlier to from three pots to four and that was to refill our ink so whenever you upgrade ink you get a free refill and this is very useful to us uh we're going to be saving the uh some other ink refills for specific times in the run got birds uh yeah so the button for digging is the same as the button for picking up an animal but i don't know why you should ever pick up an animal but these birds are in the way sometimes and right now we're doing a small mini game to get a turnip two hands to the statue boy [Applause] a very very strange sequence of events but that's going to be necessary later of course [Music] we are going to be trying to bloom multiple trees at a time by lining them up with the camera and also here we're going to do a small bit of maneuvering to get up this mountain a little faster uh yes so that trick is called uppy thingy very good i love it [Applause] so right here i'm gonna finally get the power of sunrise which will actually make kamiki village the way it's supposed to be um just a quick fight here meant to be one of our one of our first actual fights but you know here we are um and then right after this i'm actually going to immediately go and get the next brush power because you actually get them at the exact same spot [Music] so by talking to mr orange here we are going to start the konahan shuffle which is an extended cutscene essentially that i have to take a little bit of a part in yes so mr orange here the village elder is going to do a very sober dance in which he inspires the the great guardian tree of konaha konohana to uh bloom [Applause] and we have to help out with that by using our blue and if you miss any of these circles twice in a row you have to restart the whole cutscene from the beginning it's rough it's very rough a very annoying time especially uh i'm hopefully not going to miss any of these blooms but casually bloom is a pretty awkward power to use the way circles detect whether to bloom things or not is not quite as consistent as maybe they hoped it would be and so this this could actually be a fair bit of a challenge for uh people casually [Music] yeah people people famously have some problems with the brush detection in this game obviously as runners were we practice a lot so we we sort of have a much more intuitive understanding of what causes things to recognize and what doesn't and we'll be we'll be actually sort of cheating the system a bit to get techniques to render faster than than maybe casually intended [Music] and with that that gets us yet another brush technique and this one is water lily aka lily pad and this lets us make small platforms on the water uh which is going to be useful later in another useful brush technique yeah one one nice thing is that is that even though there's many brush cards that we skip in normal gameplay uh when we do pick them up they're pretty much all useful even if only slightly yeah the brush technique we the other brush technique we got uh sunrise lets us set the time today and that is i don't know if we use that in this category uh yes we do okay yeah yeah so it is it is useful and then we had to do uh the buldish skip a second time because actually getting rid of that boulder is even more side questy stuff we have to do in the village so we just don't do it and here we're actually deliberately blooming some extra cherry blossoms to get some more praise which we'll need at a specific time in the run the amount of praise we get is very specifically routed and we do skip a lot of things that would otherwise give us praise so we do find ourselves short if we don't go out of our way to get a little bit extra and and it really is just a little bit extra that is the only extra phrase i will be getting this entire time that's not a part of skips or something um for the most part we get plenty of praise but we need a we need to appraise upgrades quite a bit in this run right here we are starting a side quest and that is specifically for its tutorial the tutorial to the side quest sets the time of day tonight which we can't do yet since we don't have the brush power for that and we are going to have a wanted enemy with a specific name so i want you to guess a number from one to five uh hippie three okay you guessed wrong no so the the enemy the enemy we we got here it is random out of a list of five names and the name is written in japanese we are playing in japanese if you haven't noticed yet and that's specifically because it makes the text very slightly faster even though we can skip most text boxes the text boxes we can't skip do go by faster and in this case we actually got the the worst name it's the last name on the list three would have been the best that i cannot draw there we go yeah so this this name is atoya very quickly i uh do not know japanese and so instead of memorizing the names i just have like a a name in my head that is based off of what one of the uh kanji looked like so in my head that one was a bodem um yeah there's there's many ways to avoid not knowing japanese at least and that's the only time you have to actually read anything in game very fortunately yeah [Music] uh here we have a fight with yet another new enemy this one's called a dead fish yeah that's that is the official name of this enemy the dead fish is a sort of annoying enemy uh basically what we're going to do is just power saucer three times uh one thing we mentioned earlier is floral finishers and one thing i didn't mention about floral finishers is that you can only get a floral finisher if you technically do the finishing blow on an enemy with your divine instrument which is the melee weapon on the tarasu's back but there's for some enemies we might have their floral finisher but there's just no good way to get them down to zero hp and finish them with the physical attack so we just don't get the floor finisher and we use the brush to finish them off instead this here gets us one of our most useful combat abilities which is cherry bomb which is our bomb substitute of course and if you've played this game casually you might be wondering how are you going to use cherry bombs in combat isn't that a really unpredictable power uh and you might be right about that but we we are a lot more persistent because there are great rewards to be had by correctly using cherry bomb one other thing to mention is that uh if you played this game you also might have noticed that i didn't actually draw a cherry bomb the way it's intended um cherry bombs are meant to be drawn with a circle and then you draw a uh a fuse a fuse yes i feel about the name again um you draw it and then you're meant to draw like a little fuse sticking out of it to drop on but as it turns out the game is actually only checking for you to have drawn a circle of any kind any kind of looped line with a line going through it so we just draw as tiny of a loop as we can and then we just uh draw a line straight through the middle and call it a day can i ask like how it's done like do you use the analog sticks to draw these or okay yes so basically anytime you want to bring up the brush all you have to do is hold down usually the right trigger by default in this control scheme and then you can move around the brush cursor with the left analog stick and you can press one of the face buttons to start drawing and you release the face button to release the brush and finish the stroke so in this case we are now in agata and immediately after blooming the guardian sapling for regatta which comes at the very beginning of the area we are going to be doing our first brush adventure which is a excellent name for the trick but it's has very little to do with the other more famous ba now in this case we're going to abusing some very fun facts about the brush one of which is you can move it around separate from ami the other of which is that it's a lot easier to clip it out of bounds than it is to clip amaterasu out of bounds and the third of which is that it is not affected by gravity so uh we are going to be dragging the brush very far out of bounds here and then clipping it back inbounds to bloom a cursed patch of grass one nice thing about cursed patches in this game is that any time you bloom a curse patch it always warps on the tarasu to the curse patch in the cutscene so that lets us basically warp across an area just by moving the brush and we do that to skip a fight which is otherwise completely unavoidable so that skips the first fight with another character we'll meet later called waka which is very nice because it avoids us having to have a certain battle item [Applause] probably this one right here um which uh we won't actually be using for quite a while uh it will come up soon enough we'll explain it later yeah and then right there we passed by another character named uh kokati kakari is missing his dog and he's trying to to fish to get the key to get the into the dungeon where his dog is lost but fortunately we we have something better than key we have a key which is the japanese word for tree and that just gets us right into the dungeon so this is the first major dungeon of the game this is a tudor ruins and right now we're going to try to skip a cutscene so i did mention that most cutscenes in this game are skippable but there are some which aren't skippable until dialogue starts and this is the longest cutscene that hat before any dialogue appears such a huge camera pan over the whole dungeon we normally try to avoid this but it's a bit precise to get over the trigger for it but fortunately we don't have to do much else in this dungeon so that most of that camera pan was of stuff we will not be doing uh this dungeon is sort of divided up into two halves and it's in the middle is our fan favorite uh anthropomorphic wall uh blockhead uh and he is not very good at his job so we're going to be clipping directly through his backside i mean he's pretty good at this job his trick is hard this this trick was one of the most recently discovered major sequence breaks so it's a it's very precise so we're going to be using the tree to sort of push us into the corner here a blackheads collision isn't is sort of separate from the collision of the wall itself so it's not a closed seam and if everything lines up just right we can get it to force us through into blockhead and then activate him from inside [Applause] we're having we're going to have to go back up straps here over there well as always first time after i upgrade the ink so there i clipped straight through block head um and then inside of block head the way block that works is you're supposed to tackle him in order to uh trigger like this this little uh cut scene where you uh dot certain points but luckily we can do it from the inside and not the outside [Music] and so we don't have to clip all the way to the other side block head so this gets us our first key the locks in this game are actual enemies that we brutally destroy uh this game's dungeon structure is a little simpler than most zelda games in in the way that we never have more than one key at a time we are actually going to be skipping some keys later so we don't even get that many another thing you'll notice that we picked up a few items along the way from those buds those are exorcism slips there are three sizes of exorcism slips small medium and large and they are very limited resource basically what they do is in a battle they damage every enemy regardless of position they are it's basically screen wipe but they don't even need to be on screen but it does a fixed amount of damage and some enemies are more vulnerable than others because they're so limited and because they're so useful since they damage multiple enemies at a time uh we are going to be saving them for the most useful times to use them technically the most useful time to use it we've actually done this fight but because i already upgraded my ink actually i cannot use it during this fight which is a bit rough but uh just how it goes i get some weight there we go yeah another benefit of exodus and slips is that they don't consume ink so in some fights where the ink usage is very tight we might need to save them for those that was a terrible fight but uh that's just how it goes yeah the basically in each fight the selection of enemies you get is always the same so we know exactly what to expect from each fight but where the enemies spawn in the battlefield is random and we call that spread uh sometimes the enemies are really close together so it's really easy to hit multiple of them at a time with a brush technique but in some cases they spawn really far apart and there's basically no way to get them all within the frame of the camera in order to hit multiple at a time and in those cases that means we have to use multiple brush techniques which raises the ink usage and that just means things can go a lot slower if you run out of ink that was an example of a great fight because they all spawned right on top of each other so i was just able to power slash them really easily so after defeating the three devil gates in this room uh that sort of unseals these mushrooms here and by using sunrise we can make them grow these mushrooms grow into big platforms that we're meant to use to get up onto this ledge so that we can cut down those poison pots but it's actually faster to bring the camera up there rather than to bring ami herself up there this is this is hardly even a brush adventure like you don't have to do any special techniques or anything to do this it's just uh just a little bit of dragging the brush around and you can get them all in one clean slice right and having done that the water in the dungeon is now purified and we can go and get our brush technique [Music] uh so another thing to talk about in this game is control scheme so this can this game has been released on many many platforms and the control scheme has changed with pretty much each one uh in this case i believe lego you're playing with a switch pro controller and you're not using motion controls so why is that um i actually used to use motion controls for this game um but basically the biggest reason why i'm not using motion controls is that brush adventures don't uh they work but they're much harder to actually execute and they're generally slower if you can so for that reason i'm playing with the stick um the switch also actually has the option when in handheld to play like a uh like a like a touchback but uh that is even slower so okay so i'll cut you off there to start explaining this next trick which is yes basically what we're going to be doing is we're going to be clipping directly to the end of the dungeon uh in this game the power we just got is uh the equivalent of hookshot it's called vine we're going to be doing a brush adventure to clip the brush underground to frame a vine flower above ami while she's in a very specific position that is under platform the vine is going to clip us into that platform and then we're going to jump out of bounds through the platform by cutting the vine at a specific time unfortunately we missed there yeah so the timing window for that is kind of tight and the camera can mess with you because you have to have the camera in the right place in order to get the the cut on the vine [Music] when you when you use a vine on ami well she's grounded once you cut the vine or once the vine releases she actually retains her ground jump and tackle and this lets us maneuver a bit more out of bounds than we would otherwise be able to another thing to note in this game is that in a lot of areas with interiors or with multiple rooms the interiors are stored underneath other rooms so we can actually just fall into a later room in the dungeon that's something pretty specific to this dungeon in this case but we are going to be falling down to get into places a little more later and we just call that general concept an interior clip uh that trick specifically is called cookie clip after the runner who discovered a giant cookie jar the blessed bee cookies soul yeah he actually found quite a few tricks for this game as well um in a pretty short time span uh including the cutscene skip that i missed the beginning of his dungeon so this brings us to our first fight this is the boss spider queen spider queen's a very simple boss should we just have to use two vines on her backside to open her up that reveals some eyes that are her weak points and we just have to power slash through those and we're then going to finish her off with a couple of exorcism slips and there she goes [Music] and that gets us a little bit of money that's worth mentioning at 80 we actually uh do a cf to do this dungeon much later but it's actually just slower because we need that money now um for this uh for this run yeah so this category out of all of the categories all the major categories in this game this category is by far the most heavy on resource management we need a lot of money we need a lot of demon fangs and we need a fair amount of praise so pretty much every kind of currency we could get we need to manage it very carefully as well as all of our items that we're going to be using we need to manage those so we're going to be specifically using different strategies than we would use in a normal any percent run just to make maximum economy of those resources and that includes in this case doing a fight earlier that we could otherwise skip this brings us to a little mini game to progress to the next area we have to sort of time our vines on these flowers that are passing by really fast as long as you don't miss any of these timing is consistent but if you miss any of them it can branch out in weird ways so we're trying to avoid that otherwise it's a pretty easy mini game it's like extreme log bloom did either of you ever go on the ride when you were younger no yeah everyone's completely water like at this point we couldn't progress past this point earlier because that that river if you fall into it will actually drag you away in a cutscene uh there is there are actually a couple ways around that but uh they're they're both a little too slow for this category that brings us to the next major area taka pass so a lot of the areas in this game can be sort of qualified as hub areas they uh branch out into a lot of different places and this is one of them uh we're going to be uh buying some stuff just to prepare for some segments of gameplay a little later on uh one of the items we are buying there is steelfest sake we got one of those earlier uh sake is one of the best battle items because what it does is it doubles the power of ami's physical attacks as well as the power of cherry bomb and that's one of the things that makes trade bomb so useful it doesn't double the power of power slash strangely but the nice thing about steel fasaka compared to for example exorcism slips is that steel fasake is only two thousand yen whereas the cheapest exorcism slip is four thousand so it's a lot more cost effective so here's waka waka as a human is very vulnerable to explosives so just four ex alcohol powered explosives takes them down [Music] one thing to note about cherry bombs uh is the way they activate so when you draw them they're just sort of a prop that you can roll around and then they will instantly detonate if they touch either an enemy or a prop in the world like grass or a statue or something anything that can be physically interacted with but not just general collision so in some cases we're going to be specifically drawing those cherry bombs directly over that kind of prop so that they explode instantly and then the explosion radius will catch the enemy in other cases when we don't have those props around it can actually be pretty hard to hit enemies with cherry bomb because if they if you don't spawn it right on top of them then it it can be difficult to push it into them later and obviously it's a ball so we have to contend with ball physics if that occurs yes vodka is 100 human for sure not anything strange about him [Music] so at this point um we've we've basically uh we've entered into the first point where the game really opens up um since a bit earlier in shinshu field so right now there's quite a few uh side quests and places we can go but the first thing we're doing is not a main quest but it's a side quests these are the molsters and this is part of the side quest in order to get one of those secondary upgrades to a power later this game basically the way this works is that every time they converge every time they go down um they will always switch which line is which mole um if they cross which sometimes is pretty easy to follow and sometimes like in that last one all six of them went straight in through the middle and the blue imp that i needed to attack or the blue uh mole that i needed to tackle could have been uh in literally any spot so it's a bit of a look but you can't always get it if you're uh if you're good enough yeah the monster mini game is a little tough right here we are heading over to our first example of a sort of a fast travel point in this game in most major areas there is a mermaid spring some of them need to be unlocked first but as long as you travel near it after it's unlocked you will unlock the fast travel point and we'll be using these a bunch later this one in particular is locked behind a devil gate so we have to defeat this blood over and then another enemy now you might think that some of these side quests are going to be resolved uh much later but a lot of them are going to be resolved sooner than you might think so look forward to that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh so now you'll notice we're going in the wrong way uh we're supposed to right now go to the next village kusa village but we're going to instead head to the area after that which is uh sanctuary so sasa sanctuary is is basically a bath house slash in run by a bird mafia they won't let us in because the boss's daughter has been kidnapped we are not going to save the boss's daughter rip chune and your wonderful music she's she's getting eaten for someone's dinner but we have better things to fry we're going to be breaking in uh into their inn from the above or from below it's difficult to explain basically like i was saying earlier in cedar ruin a lot of interiors are stored underneath the map and as long as we can get out of bounds we can just fall directly in uh and by underneath the map i mean really far underneath the map i mean like literally a kilometer underneath the map so we're going to be falling for about 15 seconds now hopefully directly into the loading zone not quite that's fine uh i'd rather play it safe so that that skips a big cyclist and it also lets us do this out of order so here they are another problem in this inn is that their bath house has no bath uh so we're going to help dig for the bath with this old guy uh so this brings us to our first digging mini game and i think this is our only digging video no it's not our own minigame the digging mini games have a slightly different controls to normal gameplay obviously there are side scrollers and it's basically a escort mission we have this guy with us by drawing circles on him we can make him go faster and we just need to get them to the bottom basically as quick as possible while maintaining a good economy on our brush usage [Music] and as soon as they get to the bottom and show us the spot we can dig and that brings up the the water so we can refill the the hot spring the thing is these matching mini games are actually really atrocious if you're playing on modern consoles um the mini games were originally part of the original they're part of the original release and they were made in large part because the original roots had awful loading times um and so these mini games were pretty necessary but at this point they're actually really not that necessary um the the loading zones never really take more than uh five or six seconds most of the time and so that wow i can't believe that anyway but uh the mashing minigame you have to press the a button 60 times to get a demon fan from it which if you play casually is basically uh like that is a really high matching rate um and a lot of casuals uh actually like can't get it um i for me i'm doing like actual mashing technique in order to get it in time um not like i'm doing actual mashing technique not only just to get it as fast as possible but because if i don't i probably wouldn't get it before it would just kick me out of the mini-game entirely um it is a really it's it's meant to be something you do over like a 10-12 second period but it's it's very difficult to do so one symptom of breaking into salsa early is that there is a side quest or while a main quest that we are getting into before we've really started it what we have in front of us is a device called the k9 tracker and the dog we have in front of us is one of the uh satomi canine warriors and he wants to fight us even though we just met a very nice dog actually one of the worst dogs this is takei yeah natake is very poorly behaved hakee likes to jump much much like all dogs take is very vulnerable to explosives maybe taki is feeling nice today oh maybe oh maybe not oh it was just too late no yeah so there are going to be multiple of these dog fights in the game and all of them are some of the most inconsistent fights because the dogs tend to have pretty rng fight patterns yeah this fight specifically is by far the worst of them because take mostly just loves to jump around and because he loves to jump around and jump so far it's really hard to just actually hit him at all um because the cherry bomb has such a small detection radius that right here i think that's what um and because the detection radius is so small and he's constantly moving everywhere having a really fast talking fight is actually pretty rare to have a really good fast one i rick i recommend not actually exposing dogs to explosions [Music] yes we are not supportive of that at all it's for a good cause we have to defeat all evil and and to be fair these are these are warrior dogs um you know other dogs are not warrior dogs yeah so one thing we just did we just did our first use of a fast travel point so that was important that we activated this one when we did we were actually trapped in the in sata sanctuary there because we never unlocked the front door and front door is locked from both sides that we can't just clip back out so it's very convenient that they actually give us our first fast travel coin for free in order to get out of there because otherwise it would be a soft fog and yeah now we finally get to kusa village kusa is afflicted by a weird curse where uh our ink is constantly drained and we can't use brush techniques and this is going to be important in a minute so we're just going to run all the way to the back of the village where the source of the problem is located and yeah so this is our good friend the shrine maiden for say and we have our we have a fight here with two green amps and a blue imp our first blue imp and you'll notice here that we aren't using brush techniques to feed it because we don't have any brush techniques to use uh we just have to smack the hemp a bunch so the divine instrument on amaterasu's back is a physical weapon it has a basic a ground combo and you can cancel it into an air combo and that's sort of the best we can do for dps but it's not great so we generally avoid using it so now we're we're finally gonna actually get the canine tracker that we had in inside of sausage sanctuary that just kind of appeared there um this is meant to show us where all be lost well not lost um rather willfully left canine warriors are because we need to go track them down uh so the first four are actually here in cusa village and luckily we don't have to fight them uh to get them to be nice we just have to uh give them some food so that's why i bought those four meat feed bags um a while ago yeah they're just hungry not not like the other the bad dogs who uh chose violence yeah so there's there's eight dogs total and so there's gonna be four that we're able to just feed and it's nice and quick and easy and for that four different dog fights that we're gonna have to do which is pretty rough so it's a lot of fighting and with them being largely rng rough you say [Music] uh right here we're gonna have another brush adventure uh where uh it's gonna be another curse patchwork so each of these dogs requires a brush power to get to and so this one you're supposed to bloom a curse patch for him to just come out of nowhere i guess um it's kind of not there before but by doing a quick brush adventure he's hiding on the dirt yeah so right here the game is going to pretend that we fed four dogs and that's because we went to sasa sanctuary early and already fought one of the dogs the game is sort of just counting how many canine warriors we've retrieved so to speak and because we retrieved one early we're already at the count of four which means the game is going to think that we've fed all four in the village since that's supposed to be the first four you get to [Music] but there is still one left unfed and we are going to have to feed them in a minute and that's actually going to have some very interesting effect but instead here we're going to be fighting the first cannon where you're supposed to fight which is the weakest one very nicely this is tay okay can i either play really nice or be really mean so we're gonna find out here um if hey is nice i draw these cherry bombs and he just does nothing hey the other rest of the time he uses uh attacks with armor that can't be damaged through and you have to do you either have to wait them out or uh power slash to cancel them which is also slow and waste inc and it's very uh it can be annoying so right here's the dog that we didn't feed um so i'm gonna feed him and now the game after feeding him is like oh you fed this dog let's place you right where the dog is back in the tunnel where i was supposed to find him and so this actually saves time just because of backtracking um because now i'm farther up in the village yeah we call this one meat warp since we use meat and we work [Music] we have great trick names in the okani speedrunning community [Music] so now i'm going to sell i'm going to sell a lot of treasure all at once yeah so we're coming up on a sort of bottleneck in the routing for money we need a lot of money for some dojo techniques that are necessary to complete the run and we need it all now and you might ask dodger techniques what do your techniques are you getting this early in the game uh so this game can sort of broadly be divided into three major books three major arcs uh the first of which we are still in uh and then the second of which we can sort of preview so there's an area at the periphery of tucker pass called city checkpoint that is basically a big gorge with a drawbridge across it the drawbridge is up so we can't cross and we'll we're supposed to get a brush power at the end of this arc that lets us lower that bridge but we we have uh other plans we we need uh we need to fast forward a bit here so this is city checkpoint and that's the big big bridge uh now [Music] we are going to be leaping face first into this river here and we're going to be swimming as hard as we can to swim across we do have water lily and water lily can help us out here but it is just faster to swim in this particular case yeah the lily pads aren't exactly slow movement but drawing the lily pads the slow movement so you almost drown there but we can just barely get across we can start climbing this rock here which is sort of not really meant to be climbed on it's just meant to be some scenery and it's a very slippery collision the game is trying to constantly push us off and by landing right on the tip of the rock and then doing this very complex sequence of movement we can actually jump up onto the other side of the gorge before the bridge is lowered here's what the back side of the city checkpoint looks like in case you're wondering definitely how it was meant to be looked at yeah they did not bother to put any textures on the back of those houses and that brings us to ryoshima so this is the start of the second uh arc of the game uh sorry yoshima is also suffering from a little bit of a black caviar sickness uh we are going to be actually hopping into the curson here a little flash of of a red and this is specifically to just run around a fight trigger they did not make the fight trigger extend into the cursed zone very prudently so you can just go around it and we're going to be doing yet another brush adventure and this one is going to help us skips moving some water around so one of the powers we got earlier was water spout which is a technique that lets us draw water from a source to a destination normally you're supposed to draw the water up between two different lakes to get it up to the top here but we can just draw it directly from the bottom to the top by clipping the brush out of bounds and one side effect of that was that during that blooming cut scene uh there's actually we get a small walking wall talking state where i can move around while the cutscene is playing but uh there's nothing really useful we can do during that yeah it's it's very brief and walking while talking is a pretty restricted glitch in this game [Music] [Applause] [Music] another thing i didn't mention before about interior eclipse like what we did in sasa sanctuary is that interiors don't tend to be stored directly under the corresponding exterior building more often they're stored near the origin of the map the zero zero zero coordinate and that can save us some time here since we spawn a lot closer to zero zero zero then to the dojo which we're actually trying to get to so right there i managed to clip out of bounds by uh there's quite literally just a very s there's just this like sliver where the collision is a little misplaced and so we're able to clip through that sliver yeah in general in this game clipping through collision is very difficult the collision is very strong but there they just actually put a hole in the collision so we can just slip on through but usually what we're going to be doing is jumping over invisible walls rather than through them right here i just got the power double jump uh double jump is as you might imagine pretty useful for traversing around um and also considering how much we've been able to do without double jump in terms of getting over walls and around stuff i'm sure you can imagine that uh there's quite a bit we can do with another jump yeah double jump is one of the most useful abilities in the game as you can imagine given how much we've already been able to do with just a single jump uh double jump is really going to turn that off to 11. uh this next brush technique is a little less stellar of a review this is just sticking champ walking yeah all it does is let us lets us dig through hard surfaces and unfortunately it is a hard requirement for one of the brush techniques whoa uh and that is done with the dojo so that is our first major bottleneck of uh yen down i do say yen that is the name of the currency in english but technically the in japanese and i think in french as well they call the currency yo which is the sort of the ancient japanese coin [Music] just a small localization thing [Music] so one thing you might notice is that even though we uh we bought all the dota nice we're gonna need for the game um i then immediately went and picked up another treasure and that's because we need a lot more money we are going to be needing a lot of money in this game so i would be picking up treasures basically until the end of the game in order to not only buy dota techniques here but some brush techniques also cost money and so in order to get those brush techniques we need a lot of money yeah for reference we haven't collected even one-tenth of the total amount of money we're going to need throughout the game we need a lot yeah churches are worth more as you progress to the game so it's not uh it's not going to be too much of a collect-a-thon but we will be uh going out of our way to get quite a few things throughout this here we are doing yet another interior clip and this one is specifically to get into a building that isn't actually in existence right now uh so the building we're trying to get into is consumed by another cursed zone so it's not available it just doesn't exist but the interior still does and we can still get into it as long as we're able to get out of bounds uh the collision here is very slippery uh this whole city this is saiyan city is sort of the capital of ancient japan uh it's entirely surrounded by mile high invisible walls except for a small hole in that invisible wall right above the loading zones so by sort of clamoring on the collision we can get over it and then leap over into the abyss into the into the restaurant so if you remember way earlier we did a little uh fun game attack with the molsters the monsters gave us a golden mushroom we gave actually they gave us a golden teacup sorry we gave the golden teacup to the tea master who gave us a golden mushroom and we just gave the golden mushroom to yamaha the restaurant owner and he's going to put in his oven but the oven's not hot enough so we need to use our divine inspiration to make it hotter so this gives us the power of fire fire burst fireburst is actually a secret technique it is an upgrade to a technique that we didn't get but the game just makes it work for us it does not care that we didn't get inferno it just gives us firebirds but it does not give us inferno so we are going to have to go back and get that later uh yama of course uses the golden mushroom and our divine heat to create a fantastic dish it's so good that you get paid when you eat it and so from eating all of that food we got 26 000 yen very economical food [Music] so at this point we're heading to the back of saiyan we're actually meant right now to go and there's there's basically these are canals and we're meant to uh put water back in the canals but that is slow yeah that's a that's another big mini game but that is slow so we're going to not do that [Music] there we go by abusing the slippery collision of that tree we can actually get something called a sliding ground tackle we can conserve the speed of the slide into a ground tackle as long as we jump out of the ground tackle before it ends even though we're in the air we still get a ground jump which means we can conserve our double jump and that gives us just enough height and distance to get over onto the bridge here we're squeezing through some collisions sorry for the flashing uh and that brings us that skips a short conversation with another character named rao who will be meeting shortly uh for rao we have to retrieve her prayer slips which are her divine weapon [Music] [Applause] [Music] and this brings us to the the courtyard of the imperial imperial palace uh sean's a little bit of a strange city in that there's an imperial palace and then there's also another palace which we'll also be visiting later uh don't really ask me to explain the politics of uh ancient japan i'm it's a little over my head [Music] i'm getting some nationalists that's awful it's just how it is um so right here we're collecting a lot of treasures uh right here we actually just collected a vengeance slip which is actually another battle item that makes you invincible for 30 seconds i think um but uh because we are decent at the game we will actually just be using it for money it's just more money well we need that yeah we do so here we have rao uh everyone say goodbye tyrell lego lego what's what's your favorite part about rao my favorite part about well i uh you know it's hard to say it's hard to say she's jesus she's pretty emo i like how how kind she is offering to help us on our journey i mean this is very sweet um we actually came all this way specifically just for rao uh because in order to complete a mini dungeon leader we actually need to have rau help us out um the game will uh effectively soft block otherwise so [Music] we uh we have to do this yeah we're very much so choosing specific flags that we need to activate in order to not get the game stuck in certain places later on the game is pretty flexible in terms of sequence breaks but there are a bunch of flags that are missable in terms of story events if you do them out of order so we do have to pick and choose our battles i hear we're doing a very tough skip and i'm going to talk over lego here yes basically the entire cliff face here is made up of a type of collision called a jump barrier where if you're above it you can't jump so what we have to do is do sliding ground tackles so that we're no longer above the collision before we jump and then jump back onto the collision it's extremely precise lego just got it first try so it was very nice very happy with that that's honestly one of the hardest tricks in the game very smooth and what that does for us is that skips over a border checkpoint normally in order to get to this area north rio we would have to do basically the entire half the entire first half of this second chapter of the game we'd have to do a whole dungeon we'd have to visit the queen himacho queen of japan in her palace it would be a big ordeal and we don't really want to talk to her just to get through a gate so we're just going to jump over the gate and that is what we did so in north rio there's actually quite a few things that the game wants us to do but uh we're going to actually do what the game sort of wants you to do at this point um which is uh there's a huge tower in the background that uh you might be able to see and we're gonna be heading there first we're going to buy a bunch of specific items that we'll be needing we bought seven steel fest sake that's as many as we'll need for the whole rest of the run it's a lot of alcohol very irresponsible of that merchant to give one dog so much alcohol yeah i'm not really sure if that's necessarily the smartest move and and just be clear most of the humans in this game can't tell that we are like a divine god they just see us as a white wolf so you know not not very uh safe behavior i think he's going to get a visit from the ancient japanese health inspector so i i went out of my way there to activate a mermaid spring for later because otherwise it wouldn't have let us warp there and now i just activated uh orca i summoned orca who is basically the emissary of the dragonians uh we'll be meeting the dragonians later but for now we're we're not going to be seeing them for a bit uh orca is basically a ride for around this this uh huge ocean he's he's fast and that's what we like about him yeah there is also a water dragon in the area that uh will come and take you out if you try to come here uh alone i i think it actually is possible to come here alone but it's faster just to get orca it would be very slow yes uh so this is called tower there's going to be a fight right at the start here that we're skipping but if you can look that tower is very tall and unfortunately we don't have a secret way of skipping all the way to the top we just have to climb uh this is a tower covered in so-called kavegami marks basically we can stick to the wall and jump back off every time you stick to the wall you have to press the jump button and every time you want to jump off the wall you have to press the jump button again and because jumping on and off the wall is slow we try to use our double jump between every time we stick to the wall so basically every time we double jump we're pressing the jump button three times in total uh and overall to get to the very top of this uh tower takes about like two minutes it requires it requires just about 200 a presses in a very rhythmic pattern uh so this is this is a thrilling exercise yeah for the thumbs this is a power that actually can be skipped in any percent which is uh pretty nice because this is this is honestly not the uh the most fun power to have to get it is useful though the skips for this power are themselves pretty difficult is one of the latest powers we learned how to skip in new game so having it does cut out some difficult tricks uh like a reminder to land on one of these cloud platforms when you get what will happen will it will i lose two seconds quite the opposite so we landed on that platform and we got a bit of text there you might think that's a bit of a mistake right because we watch the cutscene we didn't have to the reason we do that is because if we don't watch that cutscene we get a longer cut scene when we reach the top of the tower and that's sort of because an oversight of the devs basically there's a sort of an easter egg for getting to the top of the tower the second time but if you don't hit any cut scenes on the way up there you can actually get it the first time and we actually don't want that because the cutscene for the easter egg is really long and there's a cat up here it's a cat call tower so we had a big cat well a small cat we feed it some fish and as gratitude for feeding the cat the the god of walls looks smiles down upon us gives us another brush technique uh we haven't really talked about it until now but each god has a constellation each brush god and when you fill in the constellation you get the brush technique we've skipped all the cutscenes so you haven't gotten to see the brush guides much can i ask how many brushes there are total [Music] so there is a at least one brush god for every zodiac sign there are technically 13 different brush gods or brush techniques except one of them is actually three different brush techniques and then there are also the optional brush techniques i think in total we'll be getting like a unique 22 or 23. oh okay um there's uh for any percent we get we skip five for the main brush powers but we actually still get we get one of the uh secondary brush powers to replace it um yeah replaced two uh of the single brush powers um but for this we're obviously getting counting them is kind of uh difficult to do it sounds a little bit absolutely maybe we just count the brush gods instead in that case i guess it'd be 15 because basically there's there's one for each zodiac sign except there's three gods there's three bear gods so they all sort of share one thing so can i ask you who's your brush god just start asking people that instead of what's your sign oh god that would make me uh that would make me blizzard that would make you blizzard oh no that would make me i can't remember i actually anyone hear the cow anyway moving on uh we did another qte uh pretty not not very important uh we did it pretty much entirely because afterwards uh the game only lets you go and find the next dog in that dog quest we started a while ago after you do that so yeah basically we did a big detour into the second arc of the game and now we're returning back to the first arc to take care of business [Music] so we're going to be doing fishing here so if you remember a long long time ago we fit we skipped a fishing mini game so the game is actually now going to be mildly confused uh tm uh or copyright uh basically the fishing map thinks we're in the first fishing mini game but the rest of the game thinks we're in the second fishing mini game so we are going to do the first fishing mini game which is nice because it's actually a little shorter than the second fishing mini game uh but we are going to get the rewards afterwards of having done the second fishing minigame and that is that is overall a good thing for us one of the rewards is in fact a brush power so it'd actually be very bad if we couldn't get that fresh power yeah it's it's very nice that things just work out this way just because of the weird way this game handles story flags [Music] yeah kukati likes to give a hearty yayt every time he throws his fishing line [Music] now the fishing mini games in this game are overall relatively simple just holding the opposite direction of the fish the fish like to move around a bit randomly so it can be a little frustrating especially with some of the faster fish but it is not too bad there's also sort of i go on go ahead go ahead there's a each fisherman has a has like a limited stamina bar but the fishing mini games that are required are so short that we can sort of just burn stamina and ignore it [Applause] [Music] and this gets us crescent our next brush technique so this is sort of the inverse of sunrise it sets the time tonight instead of day it does have a few specific uses other than that but we're going to ignore those because they don't matter [Applause] and this is ume this is a dog we rescued earlier from the the jaws of the spider queen and they are now fighting us yeah as it turns out one of the uh best friends of the the people we went here one of their dogs was actually a canine lawyer and uh you know it would be crazy if two different people had their best friend dog turned out to be k9 where that would be ridiculous if i had a nickel for every time that happened [Music] yeah so now i'm just going to be running all the way back to kamiki village yeah which is a bit of a run so shinshu field the area right between us and kamiki village does have a fast travel point but it's it's just not worth using mainly because activating it earlier would have caused us more movement and we would have to watch some cutscenes that we can otherwise avoid watching so we're just going to run directly to kamiki village and then activate the fast travel point here's cushy hauling that huge thing all by yourself not quite sure how she does it she's very strong she's bob yes um i mean that is i'm not sure how she got it up the hill in the first place um because the ferry is actually down right now um so the only way to get to there is to somehow swim across that entire area supposedly at least doesn't actually make that much sense but uh you know life finds a way she's buff shout outs to sheptastico for the the buff kushi fan art uh anyway so let's bring this back to mickey village you'll notice kamiki uh they they got rid of the boulder uh so yeah they didn't need this need our help with that after all uh and now we are going to go fight the final canine warrior so this is the reason we had to dig up all those turnips at the beginning of the game if we didn't do that this dog would refuse to fight us because we wouldn't have beaten his turnip digging record we are the turn of digging champions and now he wants to to beat us up over it he's willing to uh you know pretend we're rivals one nice thing about this fight in particular is that there are a bunch of props on the ground that we can use to activate the bombs one downside is those props like grass and whenever you blow up grass there's a very high probability it will spawn a vegetable and every time you run into a vegetable you get a text box telling you which vegetable you just ran into well it's actually only the first time you're running a vegetable but the rest of the time we're never going to run into a vegetable so it's basically uh we're pretty much always going to get a text box yeah and it's slow it's just a little obnoxious yeah but yeah we have now uh either defeated or fed all eight canine warriors so we have to go all the way back to kusa village and report back to princess fousey to get our next directions uh so like i mentioned earlier we are going to be at finally now activating this uh fast travel point just so we can return uh to uh tuck a pass to get to kusa village faster we are going to be using this fast travel point again later but we'll get there when we get there now this fight is a little interesting in that it's made up of four different waves so we're going to be trying to take out these enemies in such a way that each wave spawns a little faster than they otherwise would while trying to still get the floral finishers the next wave only spawns once the previous wave all the enemies have fully finished their death animations uh yet another thing that we have avoided mentioning up till this point there are so many mechanics that are important gameplay at the end of each of these fights we are barking this game has a dedicated bark button that's the main thing i wanted to discuss but the side effect of that is that whenever you bark at the end of a fight you can shorten the time for the results dialogue to clear by about a second so that saves a lot of time at each time so we're not just barking for the sake of barking even though we would we would definitely do that yes it is a fun thing to do and i definitely you know you can bark at any time it's just meant to bring up the uh the hud so you can look at your yen and praise and stuff but it's a very fun way of doing so yeah the developers of this game knew knew it was good yeah there is uh there is something to mention here so for this category skipping the dog quest wouldn't really matter because we still need to uh we would still need to do it in order to get the power of crescent but uh for any percent there actually is a method of skipping the entire dog quest but it has not yet been done in a run because it involves uh it involves a minimum of about six frame perfect inputs in a row um in a row one of which has no visual cue no visual cue and they have variable timings so it is uh it is very difficult obviously but uh it is it is one of those things that it has been done by three different people now um so it's not uh it's certainly not impossible to happen in a run and it would save at least six or seven minutes probably but uh it's just it's really hard ultimately for the best we're not having to do that in this category yeah we did just retrieve the satomi power orbs basically each dog each canine warrior has one of these orbs and they've given them all to us and these eight orbs all together make up the key to the next dungeon which is gale shrine [Music] so this little entrance area sort of locks us off from the rest of the dungeon the rest of the dungeon does exist it's loaded but it's very far away physically that's the only reasonable way for us to get there is to warp there through this loading zone which only exists once we clear the barrier with the power orbs [Music] uh after that this dungeon is fairly straightforward uh a little bit of a camera pan here the camera fans are always a little annoying since you can't skip them like most cutscenes and then coming up next we are going to be fighting another new enemy this one's pretty basic it's the chimera uh the chimera the main thing to know about is that it dies after three cherry bombs it's pretty resilient and we have to make sure we stand the right distance away from it between those cherry bombs because it has a sort of a a backlash where it'll splash dangerous water everywhere every time you hit it you'll notice that after we blew it up the yen went everywhere whenever you defeat an enemy with cherry bomb it basically just gets completely obliterated and its yen flies all over the place which makes it a little bit more difficult to collect if you can imagine one mildly interesting thing about these lock draw keys is that you can drop them and they will respawn in your mouth so we can just eat that key over there just for fun another nice thing is that you can't bark while you're carrying a key so if you throw a key you can park more yeah technically i think optimally if you drop the key as much as possible you can actually drop the key three separate times and it will respawn in time but uh it's a little bit risky so decide not to do that so we have here an explosive powered elevator very normal i'm sure it's very convenient for all the residents to use because this this is their shrine um which is they're they're trying to uh a god here now we're going to be lining up our camera in a specific way here to activate the uh elevator immediately after this cutscene uh normally when you draw a cherry bomb it spawns a fixed distance away from the camera depending on how big you draw it so if we draw it at the smallest size possible and stand a certain distance away from the elevator we can ensure the cherry bomb spawns directly on top of the center of the elevator and that skips us having to fall down to activate it minor time save [Music] yeah this is this is generally i would say this is definitely my uh my personal least favorite dungeon uh it's just a little bit too linear i like how short it is like how short it is really yeah wow it's crazy it never struck me as that short it's a breeze that that was terrible so we are getting the power of wind here um specifically a gale storm is what it's called that was so terrible [Music] um this power uh we're not going to be using it much in battle or anything uh but it does have a few points where we need it for story progression yeah the one thing we'll be doing immediately after this is that uh rather than climbing all the way down this big windmill the way we came up we're going to be clipping out of bounds a bit and then falling all the way back to the bottom of the dungeon which is going to look a little silly and this is only something we can do thanks to having double jump because otherwise the invisible walls are too high and that just saves us a few seconds getting down someone asked favorite dungeon uh my favorite dungeon i'm going to have to say is oni island and we'll be seeing exactly why that is later how about you lego i'm not sure i i part of me actually wants to say welcome shawn but maybe moon cave i like velcro yeah moon cave is definitely a close second for me but uh what's it gonna say oh you may be noticing we're uh we're not beating the boss of this dungeon we're actually just leaving uh he soon just asked us if we were playing in english uh hey uh uh you're you're ignoring the boss's dungeon uh crimson helm his his line is uh word for word you can't ignore crimson helm forever and then we have to promise to come back later we are not going to be coming back later yeah we're we're done with here we got our brush power the residents of the village can handle it i'm sure fissay will be fine she has eight whole dogs with her [Music] they'll be fine yeah there is uh there are some minor consequences to doing that um mostly that defeating crimson home is actually uh the normal story trigger to enter another dungeon um so we'll we'll be needing another way to do that later but we won't actually be entering that dungeon for quite a while but this is also basically we we were coming back and doing a whole bunch of backtracking but this is basically the end of our backtracking we're finally going to be pressing forward in the game um we've gotten we we've cleared up some of the stuff we wanted to do in the first arc of the game now we're finally gonna head back into the second over where we push forward early [Music] lego favorite key item that's a good one favorite key item yeah i don't even know if i can remember all of them i maybe the treasure box the the one for i i don't know that's such a weird question yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna play my face is it is it astral asking yes yeah of course it is my favorite is going to be the soap prologue because it has the funniest name that is a fun game uh fun challenge in chat can you remember what the sour prologue does first person to answer gets a hearty pork this one's for you while we're waiting for some answers to come in i just want to let you all know that if you are watching this on youtube from the future make sure to go to twitch.tv slash games done quick if you are interested in seeing our content live we start most weeknights at 7pm eastern and weekends at 1pm eastern and thank you all so much for watching here on twitch right now yes thank you thank you we just got to watcher's cape it's a big plateau we just talked to the watcher the watcher wanted to see the whirlpool galaxy but it wasn't visible so we granted his wish by letting him wish upon a shooting star which we joined the sky this the whirlpool galaxy then magically appeared and now we're blowing the wind on earth to make the galaxy appear well to make the galaxy spin in the sky well yeah and then by making the galaxy spin that somehow then opens up a whirlpool on earth so there's a lot of you know smart stuff going on here um very logical stuff we are just so far behind ancient japanese astronomy yeah they knew something we didn't oh that's a random glitch i have no idea why that happens but right there the lily pad appeared way far but like if for some reason i'm not sure why it happens but uh the lily pad will sometimes appear directly beneath you rather than where you draw it um and it's it's annoying when it happens i have no clue what it costs i could honestly believe that's an intentional mechanic it could be except it doesn't happen most of the time which is part of why it's so weird uh so yeah we just opened the whirlpool which is actually the sort of the portal to the realm of the dragonians we are not going to go see the dragonians right now we're going to do that a bit later we have some more important business basically there's an island over here and uh on this island there's a guy [Music] yeah a guy um a great guy yeah he's got a he's got a pole there but his pole is not good enough because he's looking for the marlin um but luckily we happened to buy this marlin rod earlier how convenient um so he uh i believe he steals it from us and then uh now we're now we have to help him fish as well i want i want you all to listen closely to the sonorous cry of this guy excellent fish it's got the got the blowfish the fubu that's the that's the real pogfish um but after after two rounds of catching the regular fish that are around here we finally get the opportunity to catch the marlin and the marlin is extremely fast yeah the marlin is actually one of the toughest fish to catch um in the game um actually be careful with my stand right here because it's not flames yeah it is technically possible to run out of stamina at which point the your fishermen get basically gets flung into the sea and you have to do the fishing mini game over again [Music] [Applause] okay so you can see he got his fish now uh well now we're just going to set that aside for a little while we're going to get back to that later it's actually a bit rude because uh you know we're helping these people fish and when we help other people fish they actually just give us their fish and maybe that's spoiled us of it but that guy actually just takes the marlin which is the most valuable fish in the game if i remember correctly so it's pretty rough that we don't get that fish for uh for money yeah but having having uh helped that guy out the the very great guy we're going to finally head to the dragon palace which is actually located at the bottom of the sea great place for a palace very scenic uh don't worry about breathing just don't think about it it works you know we got we got our godly abilities there's there's some excuse we can make up oxygen is all in your head oh yeah that is true um we have the dragonians here and we're going to go directly to the boss you'll notice that the well okay you may not notice this but the dragon palace is suspiciously similar to sasha sanctuary uh and in fact arghime sits in the same place as the bird boss right there i said no to a prompt uh which is uh you know kind of one of the notes that i wish this wasn't english because it literally just says do you want to uh do you want to listen to otohimi again and the first option is yes so if you just mindlessly uh click you'll you'll just keep listening to the same story over and over again yeah it's basically the kepara guebra of this game except it's the only time the game does that it's the only time very strange so yeah the basically [Music] uh arahime gave us a hit mission on her ex-husband or well soon to be ex-husband spoilers uh but we're we're going to go take a bath first because we're under water but we're not we're not under enough water we need more water we need water water well specifically these are hot springs so i assume they want hot water [Music] you know it's important so the first thing i'm going to do is reset because i still mini games on and then i'm going to do this this sticking minigame is a little strange in the fact that you fall to the bottom first and you have to dig your way up to the top to then go dig back down again with the with the person you're escorting but we can do a jump the first frame we restart the mini game and that lets us skip the part where we go down and then dig back up which is a bunch of time in the sticking minigame we are also deliberately using an item called an infinity stone which means we have an unlimited amount of ink and that's very essential for this particular digging mini game because it means we don't have to worry about conserving our ink for all these brush techniques we're using digging mini games are like some of the heaviest points on using a whole bunch of brush techniques at once this is basically the only way to progress [Music] that went pretty well though was it getting uh a pretty good one yeah that was good very very nicely done that one's uh often very annoying to get right [Music] yeah a lot of people don't know casually that you can use the cherry bomb and digging minigames to get through faster it's very helpful so we got the water but the water isn't swirly enough so we're going to get a new brush technique here uh the the swirly brush technique yeah yes this is the swirl brush this uh this technique basically it's just a replacement of mermaid coins so now whenever we want to fast travel we no longer have to uh there's no we it's just a brush power we don't have to worry about yen routing yeah very good for those mermaid ones [Music] uh and so having having taken a bath we are finally ready to uh we're all well sanitized we're going to go do some some uh laparoscopic surgery uh endoscopic and dog scopic surgery basically the water dragon is hanging out here with his mouth open he's he's asleep so we're gonna hop right in [Music] and uh whoa you know there's a lot of stuff in here inside this dragon oh cover slash so yeah this is your typical everyday dragon you know you got your weird-looking trees you got your weird-looking grass that's the wrong item whoops that's where that will come in handy i'm sure well um we've got our crystals our in our you know indoor waterfalls inside of the dragon you know you're not supposed to have crystals inside you that's definitely a no-no yeah here i hear kidney stones are bad yeah i think that might be why he's so angry probably yeah basically what was supposed to happen is we were supposed to talk to queen himeko queenie mikko was supposed to complain to us that the dragonians aren't aren't handling their dragon they got this big water dragon here and it's going berserk uh and so basically she sends us to file an official complaint with the head of the dragonians but then we get to them and they say you know it's you know we're not really in control of the water dragon you know that right it's actually our king it's it's uh it's the queen's husband uh but he yeah we agree he's pretty angry so we're gonna we're just gonna off him [Music] uh so that that's what we're here for but don't worry don't worry we're going to take care of it [Applause] he'll be fine [Music] uh so there is uh there's the water orb this is what makes the water dragon the water dragon [Music] i'm sure that will not not be important [Music] and uh [Music] here's here's the the problem we have we have a whole room full of acid [Music] what do you do with acid yeah we're gonna try to break out this weird ulcer thing yeah so we're going to do the the proper medical thing i learned this in biology whenever there's an ulcer you apply the stomach acid to the ulcer to break the ulcer that means you don't have an ulcer and that means you're all better yeah that's how it's so yeah another stomach acid all over the place and we may have been a little aggressive in our treatment so we're going to be swimming through the acid the acid constantly damages us but fortunately we have lily pads so we don't die but we do get close to dying and so we're just going to solve the problem even more we're going to apply some even some acid directly to the water orb and that will reveal the actual source of the problem uh so excellent medicine dr lego i do my best uh he has a big case of tube foxitis uh so we're going to take care of these two foxes they drop a ton of demon fangs uh in fact one thing to note about this is that whenever with with these two foxes especially they die basically the instant you do the floral finisher on them and so we attempt we intentionally don't do the floral finisher on one of the last foxes just so that we have enough time before the battle ends to collect all the money uh anyway having done that uh the the water dragon is is having a a bit of a bad case of of the massive cameras it's a case of the mondays yeah so there's there's acid falling from the ceiling uh it's very bad but uh it's this is there is a small amount of rng here but for the most part uh if you're going fast enough the acid will hopefully not hit you but uh occasionally it will hit you and if it hits you while you jump over that water uh you will fall all the way down to the water and there's nothing you can do about it we call it the rng acid so yeah the uh we may have made a small mistake in our in our surgery uh the the patient is deceased [Music] luckily the the ghost of wada the the one who became the water dragon did tell us that it was like a little okay or something he's fine with it he's a foreigner yeah basically yeah he's a force ghost um so we just talked to otohime and she's like oh no queen himiko is in danger we should have already talked to queen himeko before this in order to get into north rio at all but uh we uh we got there otherwise so but we really do care about queen himiko here so we're gonna do our utmost together as fast as possible yes we're going to take the straightest possible path to the uh the palace which is you know we're speed runners so of course we're going as fast as possible yeah it is it is of course our our main mission to resolve all of the all the troubles of of japan as as quickly as we possibly can i do want to also point out that there's some banger music right now um it's one of my favorite songs my favorite songs in the game don't get don't get too too attached to the music we are trying to go fast here of course oh yeah so we're just going to take a you know straight on path right to himiko's palace [Music] so one unfortunate thing is basically they've they've sort of locked up the front entrance to san city because they're they're kind of worried they they got word that some something's up with himiko so they're locking things down a bit but that's no problem we yeah we have another plan uh so we're still going to take the the straightest available path and uh lego yeah uh where are you going um there's this cool ship over your name what can i say i love me some cool ships what about queen himiko she'll be fine oh she'll be fine okay she's got this i'm sure this won't take long yeah yeah we'll be in now in a jiffy yeah quick quick uh quick uh two minute dungeon she'll be fine she'll be fine uh so this is the the sunken ship we we sort of uh broke our way in by using a lily pad clip we we drew a lily pad in a corner we used a gale storm to blow it in a direction and then we walked forward and in this particular case that lets us clip right into the ship and our route is here remember rao everybody uh is a perfectly upstanding uh priestess she's gonna help us out in this dungeon by helping us get rid of these ghosts [Applause] [Music] so we're going to do so this dungeon has a bit of a tied mechanic where you can in a specific room you can draw a sunrise and crescent in order to raise and lower the water level but they sort of just did that by making a patch of sky register sunrise and crescent rather than making it so you have to be in the actual room so by clipping the camera out of bounds we can activate the tide mechanic and clip ourselves out of bounds by raising the water while we're directly under a ceiling and then we can navigate out of bounds using these water lilies otherwise we would actually drown because it's too far distance and there's very few ways to get air uh while you're out of bounds here we don't have to worry too hard about clipping back in accidentally because walls in this game are double-sided but fortunately ceilings and floors are not so we can click back in when we want to yeah we just we just went straight to the end of this dungeon uh yeah this this dungeon is actually pretty big this mini dungeon and we just skip basically the whole thing yeah there is uh there is quite a lot of dungeon here that they're meant to do and even without lillypad it's still not uh too hard to get the entirety of the dungeon um just sort of how they how they ended up making it yeah going out of bounds there saves something like 11 seconds versus the next fastest way of skipping of beating this dungeon [Music] uh but it is the coolest way yeah and uh so after after clearing the sunken ship there here's the water dragon he's fine yeah we didn't see guys he's he was okay he just he was just temporarily dead or temporarily sleeping we resurrected him he's fine he just swallowed his heart and spits the power of friendship we brought him back to eat us alive we've now eaten there because getting eaten is faster than going to shore manually because there's not actually there's no punishment to getting so just getting to get teleported [Music] but now now we're going to go safe we need to go so yeah we have this uh cool bouncing mallet here nice nice find good thing we went yeah it's just cool ex exceedingly cool mallet that's how i describe mallets uh so there's another ghost here uh this is rao yeah this is a dead row uh yeah she died uh as it turns out we actually have just been uh talking to an imposter row this entire time and uh yeah so because of that uh after the water dragon we actually got an item after the water dragon too and that item uh maybe has just made the imposter uh you know uber powerful or something [Music] so we have uh given her a little accidental uh final form yeah and and maybe maybe she went directly to queen himiko um so it's very important we go help queen himiko out anyway um we're gonna go do a trick to get out of bounds here oh i forgot sensitivity warning um yeah photo sensitivity warning there's flashing lights here uh what we just did is we got out of the uh palace where we were supposed to be um sorry for forgetting about that warning um the uh we're we're basically just continuing the sunken ship quest uh that we should have done earlier by by getting out of bounds right there [Music] yeah so the game knows that this is an urgent situation if you actually try to leave the palace manually through the front entrance uh your our assistant isoon will literally stop you and turn you around in a cutscene and prevent you from leaving so the only way to get out is to literally jump over the giant invisible walls by climbing on the ceiling there and so the the mallet that we got from the sunken ship is actually a magical sentient mallet that can make us smaller so now we are isun's size we have easton on our back here but everyone's big so we have a we have a basically a whole dungeon in a tiny space very small dungeon but it's not actually that small dimension it's just where the small ones [Music] so this dungeon is decently linear but uh we still can do quite a quite a couple you know small optimization stuff uh we can do a jump here which is going to temporarily skip a cutscene um but we'll hit the cutscene later but it still saves time to do that we have a another wheel enemy here um if you haven't noticed yet real enemies are rather easy to beat um it is two cherry bombs and power slash and they are down for the count um without cherry bombs they're one of the most annoying enemies to beat because outside of cherry bomb the only way to really damage them is to use their weakness but as it turns out explosives are everyone's weakness so it works out yeah as it turns out uh not a lot of life forms are compatible with explosions and that applies to demons as well so we abused the fact that we skipped a cutscene trigger there to activate it from a little farther than intended so we were able to activate the cutscene and then fall into the poison and then the cutscene activated anyway and just put us back up onto the safe ground [Applause] and that's just a really fun trick you can do that saves basically no time but the key actually still exists um after you give it to a lockjaw and easton's ability which i used to originally grab the key is that he can grab items from far away um we can drag him to items and he'll go and get them for us which is very sweet and the devs didn't think about this because the way lockers actually work is when you put the key in them the key just turns invisible and like loses its collision so it basically for all intents and purposes it doesn't exist but we can actually send isoon to go grab it for us and so he we now have a key to a lockjaw that's already dead um there isn't much point for this uh other than right when i got it it gave me a little bit of an extra push but it's a fun little thing so we have this gourd here we go in we go out uh as you do and then we we get a new brush technique and this is called veil of mist this power lets us slow down time pretty busted power um slowing down time is as you might imagine uh casually is basically one of the most important powers in the game for fights uh since it it works in fights and it works very well in fights um every enemy when you use it is slowed down uh which makes it incredibly effective for us we'll be using it in one fight outside of where it's uh like a mostly a requirement to use um because there's just faster alternatives pretty much we just we don't really need to slow down time in order to uh to hit enemies overall veil of mist uh mainly the main flaw of it is that you don't regenerate ink for as long as it's active and so it can really harm our ability to efficiently solve fights in terms of brush techniques so we rarely use it when we don't have to [Applause] we do use issue in there to pick up a quick treasure and then we're just blitzing it to the end of the dungeon so this dungeon is within the imperial palace uh we are sort of crawling around the courtyard of the palace and sneaking our way up to the emperor we didn't talk about it earlier but the entirety of sean city is afflicted by a terrible plague everyone is sick everyone is dying everyone can hardly move very relatable at a time like this but we have been pretty much not helping them like we have been not helping a lot of people uh because it's faster but finally we are finding the time in our day to resolve the source of the issue and that is the fact that there is a an evil tiny demon inside the emperor who is creating a massive cloud of uh of plague pretty pretty evil pretty evil thing to do it really doesn't um so like i mentioned this key really doesn't have a use anymore so it actually we're just carrying it through the whole dungeon until now um it's just there's actually no way to get rid of this key now because it will always respawn in your mouth if you try to get rid of it so we are actually permanently stuck with a key which is pretty funny as long as we were in that dungeon but sadly the sadly the boss is technically a different map and so we lose our key speaking of the boss here's our tiny evil guy he is in literally inside the emperor second time we've been inside a living thing uh weird that it happened twice uh blight is is basically just going to do a quick draw attack but one thing about quick draw attacks is that they're not so quick if you slow down time uh so that makes blight vulnerable and then uh as a tiny sword blade is very vulnerable to explosives yeah just just for uh just four cherry bombs once again is enough um that's sort of another one of those things where because uh because brush powers are meant to be used for the entire game they scale with bosses and how effective they are so brush powers are not only really good they're largely better than any weapon we can have except for very certain circumstances [Music] so for for the any percent run at least we we basically just use brush powers for everything until uh we just use battle items like active slips um but for here we're going to be using we're gonna be using brush cards the entire time and this is exactly what we wanted all those demon fangs for so one of the things we can buy with the demon fangs is a brush technique called mist warp this one's actually kind of useful this lets us warp between certain origin mirrors called uh ulta uh true ultimate or origin mirrors uh and that we're going to be using to traverse the world in some unintended ways later on in fact i believe actually in this run even though this is actually a very useful item casually it ends up in this run we actually pretty much only use it to break things and never just to do regular fast travel i'm just gonna do a funny glitch here if i can get it in a couple tries i would like to because it's a funny thing nope didn't get there i'll give it like three more tries [Music] uh no okay i'm just gonna do one there's a there's a funny thing here where i know i don't know why but uh just the way that cutscene freezes you will cause you to uh if you bonk at the right time you'll just start flying straight up in the air um with no stopping uh but the issue is that as soon as you you can't not fall down or basically if you end the cutscene you can't do anything because the cutscene will instantly start again until you're back on the ground so it's it's not useful at all but it is funny we call that one to the moon all right now we're going to be carefully deactivating the uh loading screen mini games because they do slow things down a bit and we don't need any more demon fangs yeah you do have to be careful there because it's very easy to accidentally reset to the title screen which i have muscle memory muscle memory is strong i think i did that once as well it's it's very like i've i have to consciously think like all right i'm not quitting out right now i'm just turning off the minigames yeah and you have to make sure you're setting the right settings because it's all in japanese yup uh here so queen himiko in an effort to protect herself has filled the top floor of her palace with lava very normal security system and we're just going to jump right over it getting that first try is actually very nice that it's not something you get first drive your time so we call that we call that fire tablet skip it skips an item called the fire tablet which is allows you to swim through lava we don't we don't like uh doing extra things so we just jump over the lava it's much faster and here's evil rao so unfortunately rao has has chosen to betray queen himiko well actually she was a she was evil the whole time and she is much like all uh evil fox spirits very vulnerable to explosives and full of cash yeah uh we've had a point in the game where bosses are now uh almost worth it to fight uh just for the money alone um we're not going to be really skipping bosses here anyway but even if we could we probably wouldn't because they are worth just huge amounts of money [Music] a very nice reverse tab skip thank you the reverse going backwards is much easier than going forwards uh going forward is if the initial jump is actually frame perfect so that's part of why getting it first try was sort of lucky because even though it is you know there is sort of like you you can see when you're going to need to jump but the there's really not any like direct cue that works nicely for when you're going to jump so you just have to have a feel for it um so getting that was very nice yeah so uh it seems like some uh there's something in the air because queen himiko has also got caught in a a big case of the temporarily dead uh so before before she uh took her cookie no before she took her nap she elected to tell us the location of rao's secret base so we're gonna go over there and give her give her a piece of our mind all right so now we're sort of restricted in what we can do this is another chase sequence where the game is trying to keep us on target uh the previous chase sequence the game was not doing a very good job with that as as you can remember we were able to do basically one and a half hole dungeons during the chase sequence uh and uh unfortunately queen himiko we were not there in time to rescue her because of that but now we we are sort of out of extra things to do so we're going to go directly to oni island the the aforementioned hidden base [Music] and uh sean's fine everyone's everyone's chilling it's uh it's nice to see them alive one one sad thing for me at least is another one of my favorite themes is the say on commerce quarters theme but the only time we run through there while it's pure where that theme would play uh it's during the chase sequence where the song overrides it so a little sad but it's how it is it's it's what we do for the for the speed fortunately we don't have to do the the skip over this border checkpoint again just because it automatically opens during the chase sequence right and actually basically it basically it'll actually automatically open any time now which is very very nice of the game to eventually because otherwise i believe they did that just because otherwise you have to ask the guard to let you through every time and they decided that was too annoying to do for too long uh can you tiffy can you guess a color primary color um green okay let's see all right green all right what's it going to be it's it's oh it was blue doing very well on my guesses today that's okay it was it was a pretty low problem yeah basically any time when npcs are sort of just out of the loading distance they pop in as these sort of placeholder models which are always colored a random color and odahime is one of those characters that we see from a pretty far distance so we we like to guess what color she'll be is it uh like any color or just like red green yellow blue i think there's a list but honestly okay yeah yeah like seven or so colors but yeah so i'm immediately going to do two skips the first was to skip using that inferno pillar which i don't have the power to use or the item to stand on it um and then i immediately did a bunk to get out of bounds so i am going at the moment i'm going to start going all the way around the mountain um because about halfway through this dungeon the game actually splits you outside again um you're meant to go inside and go meet a dude call toby and race him a bunch but uh instead we're going to just go all the way around to uh to go where will spit us back outside yeah so this dungeon is basically a massive volcano and fortunately there's an area all the way at the back where there's a there's an outdoor segment and we can just skip right to it because this happens to also be the place where it gives you the brush power of this dungeon uh this is thunderstorm this gives us basically the equivalent of water spout but for electricity and we're going to use it a little bit it's not that useful it's a pretty good brush technique though it does decent damage to enemies at least yeah it's one of the stronger battle techniques when you can use it and so we've already skipped about half of this first area of the dungeon uh maybe more and we're going to skip the rest of it right now so we're doing very much so a point to point of this dungeon so this one's pretty cool basically there's an area here that doesn't have a ceiling very very thematic and by clipping our back legs out of bounds we can get ami to sort of slope up as if she was leaning off of the ledge and that lets us get a little boost in height which lets us get just enough height to get out of bounds and then we can just navigate our way all the way to the end of the floor very nicely done and this brings us to the side scroller segment so this one's a little bit harder to break but we can still do some minor skips here see if you can get the slope storage oh i got it nice nice so slope storage is a mechanic where if you're running up a slope and then you jump next time you land the sort of upwards momentum of running up that slope is stored and you can get a short that's a very tiny boost upwards from that let let let's skip a short bit of platforming there [Music] i'm going all the way out of my way here to get this exum slip which is pretty far out of the way but it actually uh doesn't take too long because we can immediately drop all the way back down to where this bamboo wheel was and deliver the electric key and then this next section um i can basically go as slow as i want here um so as you might have been able to tell there's a lot of spinning things uh there's a lot of cycles here and right here is a very slow cycle where is it is it possible to get there before uh this thing is open to pass through this well we call them cheese wheels um but you you can be like seven seconds slow not lose any time yeah as as people are discussing in chat uh creating resources is definitely a great way to contribute to any speedrunning community and if those resources aren't there you can be the one to make the difference that's certainly what i tried to do when i first joined up the okami speeder and discord community or okami speedrunning community we have a so we have the last floor of this dungeon or the last map of this dungeon last major map of this dungeon we're going to be skipping most of it as well in fact this map in particular is probably one of the most skipped dense maps in the game not in terms of different skips we're doing right now but in terms of different ways to skip significant parts of this map uh so in this case probably make it speedrunning.contrast this floor yeah we're choosing a specific trick to do which isn't the fastest way to get through this floor but is going to get us some extra cash and that makes it worth it because in this run since we're so heavy on resource management time is money and so here we have toby everyone say hi to toby hi toby everyone say bye to toby because toby just died sadly sadly toby dies um toby is sort of the main character of one island he has lots of money though he does he gives us about 17 000 yen when he dies um but the uh we skipped he's supposed to have seven different races but we just skipped uh we skipped all the first ones uh when we went around the mountain and there's two on that final floor but we just uh only did one of them uh the very last one to get to the end of the floor rest in peace uh so the boss of this uh secret base is rao of course but rao is actually as we mentioned earlier secret fox demon named nine tails so they've gone full fursona on us and now we have to sort of beat it out of them uh and and by beat it out i mean electrocute nine tails and split them into four different spirits which we are then going to electrocute again until they all poof out of existence one there there are a lot of different things about this fight that you could talk about but the important thing is basically we just need to aggro nine tails make them do this roar attack that makes them vulnerable to thunderstorm the lightning ability and then we just need to take care of all of these spirits and then they're done it's sort of like jalhalla in windwaker a boss made up of parts that you need to defeat but this one's a little bit more consistent you can almost always get it done in just two phases there you go okay this isn't normally the kind of fight that we would use uh exorcism slips for to defeat all the spirits at once but it's it's just worth it to save the money and use some more thunderstorms and then this final phase nine tails is finally more vulnerable so we can take care of them with uh with just a bunch of cherry bombs because as a giant one-tailed fox demon uh nine tails is very vulnerable to explosives so really nicely in that fight i came in with something called godhood um and what godhood does is it lets you take hits for free um and i took three hits during that fight and i came in with the maximum god hood which lets you take three hits for free which means i didn't lose money on that fight uh you can very easily lose money on that fight i in many ways should have uh but luckily i apparently had avoided getting hit for a very long time so i got a bit lucky there um because if you do get hit we would lose about 20 000 yen uh which at this point is a really big deal yeah and use some extra treasures to make up for it in general at the end of each fight you're given some bonus which can up to double the amount of yen you earn from the enemies themselves there are two parts to the bonus there's a time bonus and a damage bonus we're almost always perfect for time because we're speed runners of course but damage bonus can be a little bit tricky because if you get hit even once you will always lose the highest grade of damage bonus which means you always lose your highest rate of overall bonus which means you lose a lot of money and we really want to avoid that in this category especially right here we're getting yet another optional brush technique this is whirlwind uh we're getting this because we did that marlin fishing way earlier [Music] uh so this guy had the marlin and he was able to cook it up for us similar to the rice stew earlier i'm actually eating all this fish purely because each one will give me 2 000 yen so it's worth the money [Music] uh unfortunately this is one of the brush techniques that's almost completely useless uh basically most of the secret brush techniques use a lot of ink and they don't really have as much effect as you might like so there's almost no time when we want to use them in battle and then out of battle they're almost always inferior to using the base technique so unfortunately just not a very useful technique and we're going to be getting a few more of those but it's all in service of meeting the category definition yes and it is what makes this category because there's a lot of there's a lot of fun extra stuff we do because of that and the uh having to get all this money and doing all these alternate battle strategies makes this category very interesting compared to enderson we quite literally do um for every single boss fight in this category we will do a different strategy than any percent because it is uh because it is or well not everyone all but one for all but one boss fight we'll be using a different strategy uh to save money it's almost every single fight period that we're doing different things both for saving on battle items saving on money and also getting those full finishers earlier in the run when we need demon fangs uh here we're actually doing a bit of a glitch so there's a programming error in the way these springs are programmed what you're supposed to do is just give the highest denomination three times you're given three amounts you can give uh but if you give extra the game is supposed to refund you any extra you gave for the the brush technique just so that you don't feel bad for being generous but it's programmed wrong instead of giving you back how much extra you gave it gives you back 60 roughly 65 000 yen minus whatever extra you gave uh and if you know anything about the number about about binary you'll know 65 000 is a suspicious number and that's because they literally made like a some kind of sign typing error uh but the nice thing for us is that means if we just give the smallest denomination so we're giving the least amount extra and then give the biggest denomination three times to perfectly match what we need then we get back a big refund versus what we put in and that can actually save us a ton of money overall on these brush techniques especially on the ones with smaller costs because the denominations are based on the total cost of the technique uh yeah this glitch is called the merry christmas glitch because it was discovered on christmas uh in 2020. [Music] yeah this uh and for for this spring which is the so i should say the powers we're getting right now we just previously bought uh cherry bomb 2 which just lets you draw two cherry bombs which is kind of useful sometimes and right here we're getting power slash 2 which is basically it just upgrades your power slash to do more damage and fights and it lets you slice certain kinds of rocks which previously we our power slash was too weak to handle yeah the so so cherry bomb 2 is sort of like if you had a playstation and then you bought a second playstation not very useful yeah power slash 2 is like if you had a playstation and then you bought a playstation 2. it's a little bit more powerful a little a little bit more oomph so it is actually kind of useful [Music] uh here we're dying yeah we're drowning and that's because the game is uh the highlands aren't really considered stable ground uh orca is but not the islands and so because of that if we drown the game will respawn us at the origin which is just the store um and so that's just the fastest way to get back to shore yeah a little bit faster than riding on orca all the way back here just a small little death warp which is something you rarely see in this particular game because of how the death mechanics work so the reason it's worth mentioning now the reason why we're playing on the switch version in particular uh is not really because it's better than any of the other versions uh released in or after 2017. we we broadly just divide the versions of this game into uh the ps2 the the wii and the ps3 and then every other version so we call those 2017 versions because they started being released in 2017 that is the ps4 the xbox one the pc and the switch version uh all of those versions the 2017 versions have more or less the the same mechanics the same glitches that are very similar but they differ slightly in control scheme the pc version specifically suffers from a minor glitch with the steam api which causes controls to have some minor issues when you change control contexts but we do have workarounds for that so it is a perfectly viable version to play on out so lego do you want to explain this glitch um so earlier when we went into the sunken ship we did a clip out of bounds and that clip out of bounds is actually pretty lenient but this one is not i'm doing actually something pretty similar here uh i basically gale stormed a lily pad into the corner while walking forward and by doing that the lily pad basically part of a lily pad when it goes up against the wall goes out of bounds and so by doing that the game we stick with the lily pad when it goes out of bounds um so pretty pretty nice for us here and not where i thought it was uh so now this is this is our way into moon cave we're gonna do some out of bounds movement here so if you if you watch closely you might catch a glimpse of waka sort of sitting in front of the well walker's not here because we uh we never beat crimson home oh right yeah yeah so waka's uh vodka is just not here but very nicely even though you're only supposed to enter this dungeon through a cutscene the devs did put a loading zone where you'd expect one to be so we can't just load into the dungeon uh so now we're in mooncave one of the coolest dungeons in the game definitely uh small correction to something i see in twitch chat the pc version is actually not emulated it is a proper port of the technically technically the ps3 version all of the 2017 versions are based on the ps3 version but they have a small patch to them yeah and part of the reason why we divide between the ps3 and the 2017 is that there were some glitches patched in them um for specifically for the new game plus uh there's a there's an infinite jump glitch previously that was sort of patched um don't really need to go into that here but that's that's why there's a division the more important change for us is that the 2017 versions allow you to skip cutscenes in new game which the pre-2017 versions do not except for the wii version uh but no one no no one likes to talk about the wii version no um so right here we're uh we're doing the moon cave which is the final dungeon of the first arc and we have the weapon given to you at the end of the second arc so we kind of just demolish enemies here um so yeah small questions tiffy what should we draw um can we draw a flower i can give it my best shot [Music] oh you're doing so great [Music] nice work beautiful we got we got ourselves a nice flower that was actually pretty good so this is this is our disguise um because it's perfect the imps around here all the imps have this mask on with a with a symbol on it i think it's a kanji uh it's a katakana representing the the first katakana in the uh iroha which is a an old japanese poem classical japanese poem well for our disguise we just needed to draw anything on there at all and uh they just think we're an imp now so you know got we got in that's what matters before we were borrowed entrance for not being an imp but now with our mask we have become an imp perfect a fun fact when you're drawing on the mask there it is actually isun's brush not amaterasu's you can tell based on the model they have different models uh so we're immediately doing a skip here um yeah moon cave is kind of broken um there's there's a lot of stuff that is just uh they didn't realize quite what you could do so right there i used that vine to get up to the second floor uh early and i didn't even need double jump to actually reach that vine you can get use that vine with single jump as well um and just skip part of the dungeon immediately uh there's a there's gonna be quite a few things that we do here which are not supposed to be done yeah what makes this dungeon really cool is it hard requires that you collect four items spread throughout the dungeon and you're sort of supposed to do these in a specific order but the dungeon itself is so broken that we can do them very much so out of order uh and uh skip a bunch of stuff in the middle but we still have to do every we still have to get all those items uh so we can't just skip to the end like we did in one island which is also cool but this is a different kind of cool [Music] the routing is a lot more freeform here yeah so with our super powerful sword we're sort of just shredding all of these enemies because they definitely did not intend for you to have this kind of weapon this early the weapons in okami the physical weapons we haven't been talking to about them too much up till now since we've been mostly relying on brush techniques but now we finally have the actually good weapons that are usable the weapons can be broadly divided into three categories there are reflectors like what we started with rosaries and glaives and a glaive is what we have right now the glaives are especially powerful because they have a charge attack that you can start in the air and has a landing hitbox followed by yet another hitbox and you can charge it which does like 10 times damage it's very powerful spamming the charged glaive attack is basically the highest dps you can get yeah for uh for the completionist category of this game uh they're basically at a certain point in the game um all attacking enemies is just always doing charge glam attacks i'm trying to do another skip right now there we go yeah we can just barely knock ourselves over that ledge and fall into the end of the sand room which skips a ball pushing puzzle uh we can then roll this cherry bomb over this switch and if we do it properly these torches get stuck on as if we had a ball pressing down the switch and we just power slash the the bomb to destroy it to prevent it from rolling back onto the switch which would deactivate it and that's going to come in handy later here we're going to skip a small puzzle by jumping over yet more collision it's just another wall that's just a bit too short yeah they kind of forgot to put ceilings in this moon cave there are no there are basically no ceilings um and and it's worth mentioning every single skip i've done so far is possible with single jump you don't even need double jump to break uh you don't even need to sequence break the game in order to break open mood cave it's just broken on its own yeah the only thing double jump lets us do is skip uh one floor but basically by jumping around a cutscene trigger other than that everything doesn't need double jump this this dungeon is just super broken and this gets us the brush technique that we were actually here for this is the only reason why we come to moon cave just for inferno yeah so this is the firepower if you remember earlier we got fire burst which was the upgrade to this technique but now we're finally getting the base technique also this is a good kind of stand up and stretch because this is basically a 30 second cut scene where we just have to wait for the sim to take us up an elevator this is literally the only downtime the only significant down time in the whole run well while we are going through the downtime i just want to say thank you so much to all of our supporters your subs gift subs prime gaming subs and bits all help support the weekly hotfix content including this show time capsule so thank you so much if you do have amazon prime uh please consider supporting our daily content with your amazon twitch prime so in order to do these brush techniques we are drawing with controller just because the only way to draw with touch controls is to have the switch out of the dock which we wouldn't be able to capture and also the touch controls are not great in my opinion they're kind of slow and not very accurate uh the weapon we're using is called the blade of kusanagi it is the weapon we get from defeating nine tails basically every boss you defeat gives you a weapon with the exception of the last one and this this weapon is sort of the mid-tier glaive but it's just so powerful for this first chapter of the game and glaives in general are overpowered uh we do actually also have a sub weapon in this game you can equip any weapon as either a subweapon or a main weapon as a sub weapon the weapons all have different effects and in this case the rosaries are actually the best kind of sub weapon and so we've we've equipped the the rosary uh i forget where we got that rosary is it from blake uh yes that was from blight i did do it early so right here we're on a very slow canon cycle and i have to just inferno it at the right time uh but i did it early yeah so that blows up a wall there is technically an out of bounds clip to get over this wall without breaking it but it's very obnoxious so we don't do it not just safe it would probably save like five seconds or something if he did it perfectly it's a very slow skip [Applause] yeah as you see here can just demolish every enemy it's pretty funny really um jump attacks are really powerful but just doing grounded attacks on these can actually be even faster that was interesting so that was the third of four ingredients i actually jumped over a fight trigger on the way in and to get around it i just have to hug the left wall on the way out um yeah fights get another fight being extremely easy to skip right here we're going to do this final demon gate for the final demon thing or nothing a thing uh ingredient did we get good spawns no we didn't in this case we're actually abusing one enemy as a source of fire to defeat the other enemy quickly ideally if they spawned right next to each other i could actually cherry bomb do do a cherry bomb and power slash to hit both of them at the same time but it's a bit faster to do it that way if they don't spawn right next to each other [Applause] and uh right here is going to be the the skip that does require double jump basically there's a trigger here for this bridge to collapse and fall down but i'm just gonna jump around it that trick is fairly easy but i always get worried i'm gonna mess it up because it's so easy but also like it's it's easy but also it's easy to mess up and failing it would just make me sad but i didn't fail it so we're all good yeah so having collected all the ingredients we just need to report to the imp chef the head chef for orochi the evil eight headed serpent that we mentioned at the beginning of the game and he's going to toss it all into a big stew and make a delicious appetizer [Applause] and that is that is the the purpose of this dungeon basically creating collecting ingredients for this this guy just so that he'll call down the elevator to send up the appetizers so that we can reach arochi's room [Applause] and to do that we are going to have to smack the spell ten times [Music] eight times which we're gonna do with a combination of power slash and air tackles [Applause] yeah eight times one for each head what do you think what do you think that is i don't know they don't even show it in like orochi has already eaten it by the time you you get up there so who knows what it is what's funny of course is that the elevator here actually uh we can't actually ride the elevator with the food that would be too conspicuous so we just ask the guy nicely after he takes them up he's just nice enough to let us go uh unfortunately the elevator uh cuts a bit short so we still have a bit of a ramp to ride up there's another small bit of downtime well we're running up the ramp here i want to remind everyone that sgdq 2022 remote volunteer applications are coming up so if you'd like to help with any of our off-site volunteering positions just go to gamestonequick.com for more information and also registration is open until may 23rd so be sure to register if you will be attending our live event in minnesota this summer yeah so immediately what lego did there is spam the sub rosary which is sort of a long range shotgun uh machine gun attack and that just triggers a cutscene because archie's supposed to be invincible so as soon as you hit it it gives a cutscene now we're sort of manipulating things to progress through these next cutscenes as soon as possible the uruchi fight is sort of made up of a ton of cutscenes to teach you how to fight the boss because it's kind of contrived uh and by moving in certain ways we're manipulating the head's tacked in certain ways uh each head is it's basically its own enemy and then as soon as we've progressed through these cutscenes what we're going to do is a pretty complicated manipulation we're going to activate the earth head because it's a slam and then that allows us to activate multiple heads at once which are not normally allowed to do so we get multiple to roar at once we then use water spout on the sake in the sort of the dishes here and we water stuff outside all the roaring heads and the requirement for passing this phase is to get three heads each drunk twice and so we just repeat the cycle again very smoothly [Applause] uh managing all this is is very difficult there's a lot of moving parts here yeah there's a reason i'm not talking too much right now it's really easy to mess with this fight this is a roj is by far the hardest fight in the game yes and then for the second phase we are going to be collectively defeating all eight heads we're going to be using the charged glaive to smack each head as it does in attack and this is pretty tight on timing like that yeah if you mess it up you're gonna have to wait for another attack uh what i do not know how that didn't hit actually it is pretty easy to die here yeah i'm gonna i have to fully bone so i guess i'll use that yeah that's gonna this is not not great do i still have okay i just love steel with this sucker i man i am just messing this up pretty badly right now it's okay if this gets messed up because we do have a battery yes well it's not really a backup you actually need to uh just barely to defeat each other in one so we should still be good here as long as they don't make any more crucial mistakes um meanwhile there is fire randomly falling from the ceiling which can interrupt things like that this is probably one of the worst archery fights i've had in a long time okay please last long enough oh okay just barely i had to space that so i wouldn't get hit by the fire too right so that was that was very tight this this is by far like there's so many moving parts to the urchin fight to make sure things go right yeah that was a that was definitely not a great one you ideally you just smack each one in turn and it goes smoothly but uh sometimes the hit detection isn't quite right or you're not standing in quite the right spot for it to work so just how it goes so susannale gets to be the hero here he gets one more qte where he completely obliterates her too [Music] cutting except the last one yeah because that's in a cut scene we get some skip cut scenes so it's pretty it's almost impossible to avoid getting hit during theater chief fight so we do unfortunately yeah we are routing and uh we we route in expecting to get hit during that fight also if you were playing very very close attention there you might have noticed a cut scene that took us to himiko's throne room basically that cutting supposed to be a premonition for the second arc of the game because we just finished up the first arc just now uh but the game is then supposed to give you a premonition cutscene in in himiko's palace but it just loads the map it just loads the whole map and because we already went to himiko's palace and we kind of got himiko a little bit killed she's just dead for that cutscene which is kind of funny [Music] i also just used miss dwarf here to basically there's a festival after you've defeated roachie and to leave normally you have to beg eastoon to allow you to go uh because he wants but but you're not supposed to have miss twerp yet so the game just uh there's nothing stopping you from just using missed work and leaving now while we are in shinchu field we are going to take the opportunity to talk to this guy here this is ida ita's a mailman and he's very fast he's basically the running man and he is part of a side quest that you could sort of do in multiple parts across the play through but we're going to do all at once by just using sunrise and crescent to force the days to pass between each race [Music] this is definitely something where uh dash storage and being able to move at the fastest speed possible from the get-go really helps because we're able to basically immediately catch up to eda here via the mailman and that allows us to go by very quickly as long as they don't mess up this is very easy to mess up he is he is kind of a speedrunner he's a little bit of a speedrunner just a little bit of speed running that was uh that was a perfect eda so i am very happy with that yeah very nice so in exchange for defeating him three times ita gives us the gimmick gear which is a key item it's basically a mcguffin we're going to exchange it for another brush technique later [Music] uh yeah he's kind of kind of cool dude now here we're going to intentionally activate a cutscene from a little far away just to avoid another cutscene and we used first person camera there to get our camera close enough to do the that brush technique there is a first person camera in this game you don't use it too often just because it stops us from moving which we generally want to do but in some cases getting the camera to the right place quite fast is more important than getting ami to the right place fast and this lets us finally start the third arc of the game so we we sort of mixed together rx one and two and did them staggered in a very unintended way but now we're finally getting to the third arc and we have uh i mean there's nothing else to mix it with so that definitely means we're going to be playing all of the third arc of the game yeah because uh that's just how it goes but yeah this is this is commonly uh it is uh the northern land everything is snowy and we're gonna immediately do a brush adventure here yeah so uh we're in hokkaido basically this entire third arc of the game is supposed to focus on another character who we haven't met yet named oki oki is sort of a deuteragonist we are supposed to be sort of chasing him around as because he has this magic sword and we need we need him to help us out but also he he's sort of being selfish he wants to be the hero uh so right now we're doing okie skip so we're we're just not going to meet okie we would be fighting him right now and then we would be blowing up this mountain to reveal the sapling but we can just clip the camera underground and then bloom the sapling from underneath the mountain and that's just as fine no no mountain smashing necessary [Music] uh we're going to do a little bit of weird movement here we're going to collect some treasures that weird movement was part of a skip we're going to be doing in a minute it's actually a bit of setup [Music] yeah we're first actually going to go over here because now we've reached the end part of the game and there's still two more powers we need to buy and we really need a lot of money um so we're going to be going very far out of our way to get every treasure in conway because the treasure here is just worth so much more than before um so to me to meet the yen requirements we're gonna be we're gonna be really going out our way like right here where we we did not we would not normally ever head over there but we went over there because i think that's about 45 000 yen that we just got yeah the kamui is just loaded basically [Applause] yeah so right here i'm doing a skip this bypasses a fight trigger with an igloo turtle which is a bit of a slow enemy to fight yeah so that vine activating that vine making making it available to use sort of requires that weird movement that we did right when we loaded into kamui after blooming the sapling i know we're finally selling pretty much everything we've accumulated because we need to make sure we have enough money for cherry bomb three and you thought having having two playstations was uh completely useless get ready to have three of them now you can be a cherry bomb collector [Applause] [Music] so yeah sadly sadly the cherry bomb upgrades are not ways to make cherry bomb actually more powerful uh if they were they'd probably be incredibly broken but sadly that is uh that is just not the case um yen requirement is actually a really hard one to make specifically because we still want to do the merry christmas glitch here um which requires an extra 25 000 yen in order to make a profit of 15 000 uh which is worth it but it is uh it does make it a little bit harder to meet that requirement yeah if you if you want to remember the math here it's 65 000 minus whatever extra you put in so we put in 25 000 extra which means we get 40 000 back but because we had to pay 25 000 extras to get that 40 000 extra our net savings is only 15k yeah this is a this is a great run for nerds i am a math major so you know it's only fitting yeah we literally we literally have a big spreadsheet full of every like getting money in the entire game along with the exact amount of seconds it takes and then we have them all rated on efficiency and so we like cross out the ones that aren't efficient and we've narrowed it down we know exactly exactly what's yeah and whenever there's new stuff found that allows us to skip something we rather nicely don't have to uh put in too much work to actually know what is the best thing to replace money with because it's all just in a huge spreadsheet that's honestly incredible yeah it's a there's a lot of stuff and often i mean making a whenever there are big routing changes for this it generally takes actually quite a long time to finish making a new route uh just because of that [Music] one one big consideration with this is that a lot of tricks that would save a lot of time in any percent don't save nearly as much time in in this category not only because we have extra stuff to do because often when you skip something you are also skipping for example a source of money or a source of praise and replacing those things costs time because time is money so things just become a lot less worthwhile and one thing in particular that we didn't do is a trick called half blue skip which lets us do basically it lets us skip the spider queen and lets us do tudor ruins later than intended and normally that would be a pretty big time save it would save around like a minute and a half but in this category just not having the money from spider queen takes up so much extra time to get that money from other places that it isn't worth it anymore so just a cool thing that you have to consider with this kind of category right here this is uh again and again is uh the person who wanted that gimmick gear from eda so we're going to get the secondary power for thunderstorm which is uh thunder i think it's just thunderbolt and it is once again another secondary power not actually very useful but uh it does look cool and somehow that teeny little gear we had was the missing piece for against entire machine [Music] that was that was the one thing he was missing was a teeny little gear i'm gonna do another little trick here earlier we need to escape the palace we uh did a trick to get over the walls well this trick also just lets us jump right over the walls so we don't have to walk through the front entrance yeah those those palace guards are not doing a great job at the moment yeah we can kind of just skirt around them any way we want [Music] yeah so so himiko had a had a bad case of the getting attacked by an evil fox spirit i just so they erected a a monument in her honor and by washing all of the big stones back there we get another brush technique this one's called deluge and it's useless and right there i once again bypass the guards because the cards are just it's slow to go through the front better to just go over [Music] walls are merely time loss exactly you can apply the same thing in real life uh unfortunately uh the legal system is is a bit harder to to circumvent than the sequence breaking in this game i don't recommend skipping through walls in real life yes so that was just a little bit of backtracking to get some secondary powers that opened up after we uh after we defeated ninetales on oni island but now we're finally in the third arc and we're just so far we've actually just been progressing the third arc mostly like normal um but uh now we're in webkey which is sort of the home of the uh arena i just forgot a treasure i just i i forgot this treasure a couple times ago too so the owena are kind of loaded so we're going to steal their savings from right out of the front yard yeah you shouldn't you shouldn't uh put your savings in your front yard in a chest where a dog can dig it right back up same thing applies to all sorts of things you don't want people to find do not bury them in in a shallow ground where dogs can dig them up strong recommend now there's also also some bears here yeah they're just chilling yeah we're just doing the bears savings as well uh but now we're gonna do a trick yeah there's a guy back there another arena who's very angry with us i don't know why uh basically there's a there's a big mountain here and uh you know the snowpack here is very thick but it's very fluffy yeah so we can just go right through it yeah but the the texture is just lifted off the collision here for some reason um but basically we climbed up this mountain all to get over another invisible wall and now by doing that we can just skirt around the edge of this mountain [Applause] uh oh losing all my speed uh to get behind this closed gate here uh and then we can clip back in bounds and head on to the next area and that skip saved like a minute um we still haven't actually skipped that much we're intended to get here pretty soon um yeah all that skips is talking to a few different arenas to get the feel for what's actually going on in their village uh but we don't have time for talking and hearing what people's problems are yeah we're here to uh we're here to learn how to draw and many we're learning we're trying to learn as many ways as possible to draw collecting collecting every single crayon this is the uh the 64-pack uh right down there on that ledge is actually the uh that's where the hole into the shrine for the divine spring for power slash three is but uh we don't have that much money right now so we'll have to come back for that um that spring is the most expensive spring in the game and uh it will cost us every every last penny we got in order to get it so there's someone's house here we're just going to jump on top we're going to get stuck on this vine that's going to pull us way up high hopefully we don't get stuck oh we're good yeah so that lets us get behind an invisible wall there's this big gate here and we can just clip right behind the gate and enter the loading zone and this brings us to waku shrine the final dungeon of the game so if you know anything about this game you'll know that skip that very drab looking skip actually just skipped an entire like a massive segment of gameplay basically the equivalent of a whole dungeon or we're supposed to like visit easton's hometown and go back in time and defeat orochi again but in the past it's really cool but it's also really slow so we skip all of that just by jumping over an invisible wall and getting into this dungeon a little early [Music] [Applause] this is a wacky shrine which is essentially it's it's got this huge tower and we've got this lockjaw in front of us but luckily we don't need the key instead all we need is a uh a bit of a just just that by melting this icicle from back there it warps us right past the key which is one of the easiest skits to do there's a little bit of an issue with that uh the way to get that key is to balance some scales in another room and to balance those scales requires us to uh uh and balancing those scales by not doing that when we go to fight the mid boss of this dungeon we will uh crash the game so that's a bit sad um it would be it'd be a real shame if our game crashed here yeah so just just uh keep that one in the back of your mind but right here i'm doing i'm just doing some movement here to get some treasure hopefully i make this cycle that was that wasn't the fastest i've gotten those treasures um my hope here is that this waterspout will not start going down until i'm at the top it did not and that lets me that's just the fastest way to get some more money [Music] i'm also going to go way over here i'm going to do some movement here too hopefully you skipped a cutscene there we go all right it's like a nine second cutscene very important not to fold down here uh because we did skip that lockjaw but we can only skip that lockjaw once because of because we use the cutting to skip past it uh we can't activate that cutscene anymore since we already used it up there's technically another way to get around it but it's pretty slow so we try to avoid that another thing you'll notice we're picking up basically every treasure we see here actually just because this is essentially the last dungeon of the game yeah they stuffed in all the high value treasures at the end i skipped this but finally after all this time we are we are finally almost to the end here we have a fight with the great tengu which is sort of supposed to be one of the uh harder enemies in the game probably probably one of the basically the hardest regular enemy but rather sadly he falls to three cherry bombs and uh a bit of extra damage yeah they're they're pretty vulnerable they fortunately pay out a lot of money though they do got a nice uh nice little paycheck from that so this is just uh another puzzle uh we're meant to go into like this little side cave to learn what when we're supposed to uh slice those wheels uh we're also meant to slow down time to make it easier to slice those wheels but we already know the answer to the puzzle and uh we can just use brush buffers to get the slice at the right time instead of slowing down time and waiting this gives us this gives us our final primary brush technique a blizzard uh basically water spout but for ice uh it also gives us a secret brush technique that the game doesn't really tell you about called uh snowstorm which is also called we also like to call it snowflake it basically lets you make ice anywhere by drawing a snowflake symbol the snowflake symbol is famously extremely hard to actually make the game recognize even for speedrunners we don't really have 100 consistent way of drawing it we just have guidelines uh but unfortunately oh yeah yeah nice one so that just skipped about half the dungeon yeah that uh it's not too crazy hard to just get but it is pretty difficult um and importantly it allows us to skip the entire mid boss of this dungeon which means again crash that's pretty nice so we are supposed to destroy all of the cannons on this side of the of the gorge before we come over to this side of the gorge but that would take too long so we just do not do that yeah we just take some hits and hope for the best we actually can't light the uh we actually can't light the cannons on the other side to blow up these cannons uh in any percent so i'm already i am pretty comfortable not not bothering uh don't really have a choice for other categories yeah so basically the devs made the or the level designers made the maybe ill-advised choice to make one of the last rooms in the dungeon an exterior room adjacent to one of the earliest exterior areas in the dungeon and so we were able to just sort of platform from one to the other uh by abusing some out of bounds geometry it's actually it's a it's somewhat similar to uh when we uh did that in one island where we got out of bounds just because it happened to judd outside again later now so right here i'm doing something called hot gear or fast hog gear uh where basically it's faster for these gears you're meant to freeze them so you get jump across but you can just jump around these outside platforms and that's faster than bothering uh freezing them since it either they would take using that uh snowflake power that boring mentions um or the the actual intended way is to roll an ice ball from the outside but uh rolling a nice walk from one side is definitely not very fast see i remember i i mentioned when we first entered kamui that uh this whole arc is supposed to be about oki the awina warrior with a magic sword and how he sort of redeems himself from being a bit selfish uh in this run he's reduced to being an elevator dog he's a dog we talk to him he's in an elevator he barks and the elevator rises that is the only time we see okie say say goodbye to okie everybody and right here is going to be uh the only time we copy a strategy from any percent because it is pretty fast to uh just use action slips on these bosses we do do it a little differently instead of using five large exorcism slopes we use uh two medium and three large just to save on some cash yeah yeah so this is the one boss the devs forgot to give any kind of invulnerability whatsoever to exorcism slips with most bosses you have to at least do something to make them vulnerable first but these bosses not only is is uh are they not vulnerable but there's two of them and they're both equally damaged by the exorcism slips so we just destroy them both at the same time very very effective because because of that extreme strategy it is actually equally fast to destroy the mid boss which is a just one owl as it is to destroy both owls at the end yeah so uh so right here we're going back up for power slash three like i mentioned um we would do since we finally have the money a lot of that money is from those owls we just beat for the for the low price of five extra slips we got 160k which is equal to 16x large action slips so it's a very good deal for us uh that boss fight [Applause] yes and for this particular spring we are not going to be doing the merry christmas glitch and that's just because because the low denomination is so big because the overall price is so high we barely get anything extra from doing the merry christmas glitch so it's just not worth the time and we've already spent all of the big money so we actually don't really need any more money in this run uh at least not any extra money we're not gonna be picking up any extra treasures [Music] definitely did uh this is definitely i have a larger surplus of money than i normally do at this point i have 15k extra um and i only picked up 5 000 extras so i guess this i think this is the first time i've actually successfully uh not missed any money in a run um so that's nice i think that i think i've nearly always forgotten to pick up something at some point normally yeah there's so many different specific treasures you have to pick up in this run and they change they have changed over time as we make changes to the route it's easy to forget something we have actually uh datamined the location of every single treasure in the game as well we have a site where we have taken pictures of the location of all of them so if we ever did need to know where something specific was like if during a run we forgot to get something and we needed a backup we can always look up it on that site i did not get it oh okay so there is a small skip you can do there which is about one second where you skip a little cutscene that you just saw now the downside is if you miss the skip you fall down and you lose about 30 seconds so a high risk low reward [Music] i'm not buying anything this is all brushes so that's the merchant here uh so story-wise we are now on the arc of yamato uh which for all intents and purposes is like the source of all the evil um the uh the basically lore wise these people came from the moon and they brought with them a bunch of demons and the demons took over and all the people died it was very sad uh and actually all the moon people we see on the ship are also they're basically ghosts i don't think the the celestials are moon people i think the ark is from the moon waka's from the moon the celestials are from the celestial plane which is not the moon oh okay i'm mixing up i'm mixing up things but it's okay that's just how it is speedrunners aren't well known for their uh knowledge and story [Applause] we we did uh sort of take some uh editorial liberties with the story here not gonna lie i mean to be fair from the very beginning we skipped about 11 minutes of cutscene um yeah we definitely did uh give a bit of a cliff notes version that's you denim you are homeless all right so we are at this point doing uh this so this is a the arc of yamato is for all intensive purposes just the boss rush um where we re-fight all the main bosses of the game sometimes ninetales will be randomly immune to uh the cherry bombs which can be rather annoying another thing about this particular boss rush is that uh for most of the bosses we're going to be standing in specific spots at the end of the fight that is because there are blue warps or green warps that spawn we don't want to stand inside the green warp we want to stand just outside of it because if we stand where the green orb spawns it won't activate until we exit the warp and then come back in and so we just want to stand right outside to begin with [Applause] [Music] so that takes care of the refight with ninetales we're refighting every boss uh except for lechiko inecho who we just fought earlier anyway and now we're going to fight crimson helm which is the only boss that we actually skipped in this run yeah the only major boss yeah so for for major bosses in this run that we uh in the any percent run we actually would only do one refight here uh the rest of them would all be new fights but uh for for us however oh not myself that um but uh for this category we have to fight all of all the crimson am i too slow no but not quite um so right there you just saw the power of power slash uh power slash is very powerful because we upgraded it to power slash three and uh for for basically these boss fights um normally during the 80 percent run we would be mashing action slips on all these fights and now we're just going to be uh slicing and dicing every boss sounds very powerful [Music] right [Music] i don't remember if we activate or we we did mention earlier about infinity stones they give you infinite ink for about a minute excluding load times uh and the boss fights are just short enough that we can actually carry this infinity stone uh for two boss fights instead of just one one one of the downsides of using uh power slash three is that we still where we're we're having to run through ink a lot and at this point we really uh because of all the stuff we skipped we don't get enough pray we don't get the praise um to let us have enough ink to just do it so we need a couple infinity infinities to get through this boss rush but do you want to try maximizing your tilt into the warp maximize my tells me i can try i can also just do a hop at some point oh can i even get in there we go we got some nice tilt yeah that's some good quality tilt the works have a weird effect where they they preserve ami's angle when you walk into them so it looks like she's sitting all tilted [Applause] uh i it's hard to describe but it's it's fun to do it here but it's it's very fun to do it in gale shrine there's a warp to take you up to the elevator from the spot and it sort of does this animation where it shoots you out and if you do tilt into that one you'll get shot out at whatever angle you're at which looks very funny [Music] [Applause] this is also i feel a good time to mention that uh as long as i don't mess up anything at this point which is i shouldn't uh this should be world record that would be wonderful okay so we have a refight with roshi this urochi is the true orochi so he's a little bit stronger than the origin we fought mood cave but the nice thing is he doesn't have all those cut scenes so we have a lot less to worry about but it's still a tough fight uh yeah for the first phase our strategy is going to be pretty similar to last time we're going to be activating the earth head uh aggroing the poison and light heads and then getting them all to roar at the same time it's actually really important the way you draw that long water spout between all three heads it's very easy to get the game to accidentally recognize it as a fire burst instead which is very slow so we have to intentionally keep the keep the line unlooped to prevent the game from thinking it's a different technique uh here we are actually using a very different technique for the second phase uh because the because this sorority has a lot more health than the other should we font moon cave we can't just one hit the heads with our glaive and if you can't one hit them then the strategy just doesn't work at all because the heads have a weird recoil animation which makes them vulnerable so instead we're using our brush techniques we're getting each of them drunk by making them do a roar attack and then as we're going by we're trying to not only get one head drunk but we're trying to damage the previous head just enough that it actually dies with the next water spout so everything's super staggered we're basically trying to take care of three heads at once depending on how you think about it yes basically i'm basically trying to do i'm basically worrying about three heads at the same time which is which is difficult your positioning affects the attack that the next head does and some attacks are faster than others uh so we're trying to manipulate one head while damn well getting the next head drunk while damaging the head before it so that's three heads [Applause] and if you want to jump on orochi's back there after this i'll do it if i can power slash oh my goodness my power slash just wasn't working i don't know why that's very annoying because now uh this seems to happen every time with this set if i don't do it uh the heads will clip under the ground uh for some reason oh i got hit by it like can i even get on top i lost my speed all right well i didn't get on top oh well yeah i got hit by the head you're allowed to climb on the back of the roche and if you do it as it's dying then you get to stand in the invisible hole in the middle of the arena yeah but then it just warps you out [Applause] yeah that is makes that overall that was a good orochi fight i would say certainly a lot smoother than what you might see casually yes um that was still definitely not definitely not my best story fight um definitely a bit rough but definitely still gets the job done and we have one is very hard to keep consistent with a lot of these strategies one more re-fight here we have blight the little guy from the emperor way back in sean city [Applause] um my movement at the start of this fight does matter i'm moving a little bit forward to get him to do this dash attack immediately um just to otherwise he'll go through another attack first and then uh rather than using cherry bombs we just can just use three power slashes and two regular hits and then all that combined is just enough to take them out the blade like stays being a relatively simple boss to defeat [Music] [Applause] oh so now that we have defeated all the bosses in the boss rush the portal to the final boss opens but rather than going straight into the final boss we have something to use all of the rest of our money on yes we've talked a little bit up to this point about the sheer power of exorcism slips but because we've been pinching our pennies you haven't gotten to see that much well uh hold on to your to your calculators because we're about to do some counting yeah this is this is a pretty long final boss fight um has five separate phases so to start off this first phase we're going to immediately uh use one two three four five excellent slips um because all of yummy's phases uh are not invulnerable in the slightest two accident slips yeah shout outs to the best music in the game by the way uh the theme of this fight is at the beginning in the cutscene that we just skipped yami steals all of your brush techniques so you start with none and then you have to retrieve them by literally beating them out of yummy and normally this would be quite difficult right because you're weak without all your techniques but obviously yummy was smart enough to take our approach techniques but not to take our actual anti-demonic explosives so we're he's getting a bit of a thrashing can we can do quite a lot uh you can do quite a lot with just exim slips now we do still have to use techniques at certain times on yami to progress the fight but for the most part for damage we're relying very heavily on the exorcism slips yeah and then we can't unfortunately just uh like drill through each phase of exorcism slips we do have to get every technique in the proper order uh regardless of whether we need them or not so and for each technique we have to do at least some damage from the last technique even if we've reached the damage threshold to unlock it so we try to use a bunch of exorcism slips at the start of each phase and then one for every technique after that and each technique is a little different or each phase is a little different this second phase here is actually vulnerable to direct attacks it just doesn't do much damage but by doing as many attacks as possible we can actually save one exorcism across the whole phase and also in case we don't have godhood we can build up godhood during this phase godhood is useful mainly because it makes the final phase very slightly safer it's not exactly uh it's terribly unsafe if we don't have it but yeah so this point we have uh we have a lottery machine so this is uh i do need to get very lucky here and luckily i did um i actually got all three blue orbs um yeah using at the start of this phase using i think five exorcism slips yup we call that rigging the slots because slot machines much like all uh gambling devices are very vulnerable to explosives [Music] so yeah every as long as we have enough damage built up we're guaranteed to get all three brush techniques and that's easy to do i guess we get to have a blinky yummy fight i took fight i took fire damage and i didn't realize it until the cutscene just showed me on fire yeah so if it wasn't obvious already we've been trying to talk over it but this fight is a bit of an auto scroller mainly because we have to wait for all of yummy's animations and wait for the animation of getting each brush technique back so our abilities to speed up this fight are a little limited uh since we have some time as we do during all auto scrollers i think we'd like to take this time to to thank a lot of the people involved in helping make this happen uh of course we'd like to thank gdq for having us on for this show uh i'd also like to thank a lot of the people in the okami speedrunning discord community they're not sorry i keep saying discord it's just the force of habit obviously it's a we have a great community around the game not just speedrunners but also a lot of people who have found glitches a lot of people who are just in the chat giving their support or sometimes even giving ideas for glitches it's uh it's surprising how many things have been found just because one of us was you know hanging out after a run asking for ideas from chat and then trying things out a more successful strategy than you might imagine so in particular i'd like to thank uh a lot of people watching this right now eternal darkness astral uh davey firestar i'd like to thank some of the people who couldn't be here to watch like kinin uh like uh moon girl like uh scenery or sorry like skyrion like uh like cookie previous runner like krino another previous runner uh lego anyone you would like to thank as we uh completely shut through the final phase yeah i think i'm good i think you you mentioned all the important names more that i forgot that is time yes so we do generally time this category by in game time and that is a very good time there to see yes three three forty eight that is a world record by a little under two minutes which is pretty good wait just now yes let's run that's amazing great job [Music] this category isn't necessarily super competitive but i did actually get a pb just a couple days ago so getting uh being able to beat that is pretty nice yeah that's gonna be one for the highlights oh but yeah that was uh that was incredible thank you all so much for for watching we are actually going to get into a a short glitch showcase if you want to stick around it's like the after party so you'll want to stick around all right yeah i guess that's uh that's it for this so also a couple of cool uh but useless glitches that are that are still really really neat results from all of the glitch hunting we've put together as a community so i switched i switched my profile here just to switch to a different set of saves that i have that uh is gonna be more convenient for this yeah one nice quality of life thing about speedrunning this game every version has 30 saves and in most versions of the game you can get more saves just by switching your profile doesn't mean you have to remake the saves more saves from scratch but it is a very nice way of organizing things if you for example run multiple categories yeah so i have one for all brushes uh these are my 90 saves and i also have one for the game plus um but so let's uh let's show off a couple glitches so the first one i want to show here is a pretty uh a pretty simple one i'm first going to get down to one ink and i'm going to hop in this first zone and i'm just going to hang out here a little bit and then i am now at less than one ink and the game actually still lets you use the brush at less than one ink which wouldn't really be that big of a deal if i drew something it would just exist and no nothing would happen but as it turns out the pot up here in the upper right hand corner uh is meant to tell you when you're gonna run out of ink and when it actually uses your current ink pots to do that and so it actually can't run out of ink if you have less than one ink pot i was gonna ask so i can actually keep drawing here not quite forever but i can draw here for quite a long time um yes i should have been kicked out of the brush quite a long time ago and if i keep drawing with the fast brush the game will just crash oh i kept driving for too long well all right i have to boot up saves again that's okay um i thought i thought drawing with slow brush would be fine but apparently not so that is a fun way you can crash the game we call it the the i think the canvas inc yeah something like that uh there are ways to actually if you only draw with the slow brush the game won't crash uh at all and eventually the game will stop producing ink or the sound effect for putting down ink when you try to draw um it basically stops letting you draw it all like it runs out of space to let you draw it's uh it's pretty crazy yeah the the way this glitch was found was actually one of the few glitches that was discovered purely through reverse engineering basically i was investigating the way the ink mechanics work how the values are stored and i realized there was an edge case that i thought wasn't checked for and it turns out i was right so it's very rare there are only a couple ways you can actually get under one ink pot with that while the game still lets you use the brush and that's mainly just because in most cases if you have uh if you use the brush with less than two full ink pots the game will actually take away all of your ink it'll make you inkless and then distribute the remaining ink across three ink pots that lets you then recharge it um so i'm now going to show off another thing so i'm going to activate this walking while talking that i actually did during the run just a nice skip but now while i have walking while talking i'm going to try to make it all the way to there we go uh so the first thing to show is this cutscene is a little glitched and i actually can't skip it uh skipping it just restarts the cutscene so i'm going to let it play out um this basically what happened is during walking while talking i ran back to the fight that i skipped and because of this i believe the game is is basically loads all the textures and stuff from over here um but it also has some other unintended side effects so right now ami's looking a little gray a little which was not supposed to be which is not normal a little toasted marshmallow yeah a little toasted marshmallow some potential photo sensitivity warning for some of the things we're going to show yeah i'll make sure to uh i'll make sure to say something before we get to the when it gets pretty bad but i'm going to put that out there now um one weird side effect that i actually learned really recently is if you go so when i did that glitch i actually didn't fill this pool with water but it automatically added it anyway so i can walk along the bottom of the pool and for some reason i look normal under the water texture um if i go below i turned back to gray but the water texture turns me back to normal um and now where's am i going here so i'm going down this area that we never actually went to normally uh because we could just use that glitch to stop it and now i'm gonna get to show something else that's cool so this is a cherry bomb wall uh it's really hard to tell with the glitch textures but this is a cherry bomb wall from the opposite side and when i use the brush the brush is very messed up at the moment the brush basically everything turns black except for like highlights so uh ami here still has white highlights over here and that bit of like cherry bomb light is still able to shine through so i'm gonna draw a cherry bomb blow up this wall um to get through from the opposite side and now we're back over here so this is uh this is where the definite sensitivity warning needs to come in i'm going to enter the person with this glitch which uh will will have some uh a lot of vibratey kind of stuff um so the cursed stone is now red and blue very funky it looks super funky i have no clue why it looks like this and if i use the brush it everything is white with this really thin black lines um and uh so that's pretty funky oh i i that's okay because going in that curse zone didn't just show us some funky textures it actually changed the brush textures so now when i go to open the brush um everything is now black and white which just looks super cool um so once again no clue why this is why it looks like this but for some reason that has now messed with our brush texture so i can go into the fight here uh this is the fight that we skipped and just uh fight a little bit and show what this looks like um it's it's very funky obviously some uh the game not not really liking this uh i don't think what else there's to show with this um go to the the bell tower yeah so uh the the curse the cursed uh zone texture is definitely pretty funny i don't want to go in there again uh just so that just to make sure everyone's okay uh there is one fun thing to do here which is just uh i think oregon made like a gif of this a long time ago but uh with the brush rotating around the bell looks super cool here um those flashes are i'm not sure what causes them if i let go of the brush there it'll flash red on the screen which is really weird um i have no clue what caused that actually i am going to the curse zone again for a brief moment here i'm going to do the dojo clip it might take me a couple tries oh no there we go and i'm going to try to do jojo clip without the dojo there and this will show first of all something that's kind of sad which is that the dojo actually isn't here um i'm just in an empty box there's nothing to see here we don't need to see the dojo to believe it yeah exactly but what this does do it gives us a nice background for ami because while we were looking at other things with the brush we didn't necessarily look at ami with the brush on who in my opinion just looks super cool like yeah i love how this looks yeah dark on me evil on me uh i especially love like the shadow turning white i don't know i just love how this looks um that's wallpaper material yeah exactly um so that's uh but that's it for this glitch that's all the visual things i know about that aren't like just painful for the eyes um if you if you get damaged while in that state it's really bad but uh it looks they're it's i'm not going to do that people are just looking at them um so now i'm going to do another funky glitch also fun fact if you activate that glitch uh and then leave the map it deactivates it and then you can progress normally but it is it can also cause crashes if you do certain things not the most stable trick yeah yeah we definitely don't want it just it's just meant for fun or well it's not the only point of it is for you know having some fun looking textures so at the moment i'm in suit of ruins uh and i'm here because there's a trick we can do here uh in the run uh or well normally when you come in here there's three gates uh in this file i've just already destroyed those gates so after you destroy the gates you're meant to draw sun in the sky up there and that'll grow these mushrooms right over there but after you draw those mushrooms the game will finally show you some pots that have actually been up here this whole time and these pots cannot be destroyed through power slash which is a little bit annoying but luckily they can be destroyed with fireburst now you couldn't see anything happen there um i did a brush adventure to destroy all the pots before they're they're shown but when i draw the sun in the sky lego lego how did you get fire burst here how did i get fire burst here that was because uh i just a skip on this file that allowed me to get double jump and fireburst and other stuff by getting across the uganda river uh without uh without defeating the spider queen right doing this this trick in this way requires doing another skip that we didn't show but you can actually do the same thing with cherry bomb instead it's just a lot slower because you have to do each pot in individually and they're all invisible yeah so now i'm going to try to leave um but what that skip we just did do is it stored a cutscene and by triggering another cutscene that cutscene plays and now we have walking while talking uh walking while talking to be frank doesn't do a whole lot for you in this game um at least right off the bat um we can we can we can bring this text with us wherever we go but it doesn't it doesn't necessarily do a whole lot on its own [Applause] um right now the text has just gone through to a prompt and this prompt is actually asking me if i want to leave suda and if i say yes i can actually just leave sudo from anywhere in the dungeon the game will just say all right you're out of here so i want to do that at a really specific time what i'm going to do here is i'm going to get this constellation [Music] i'm going to say yes to that prompt and then when the game tries to switch cutscenes and plays that cutscene and takes me through the loading zone and i'm kicked out to a god of forest but if you look around agatha forest doesn't look quite right it's kind of missing like all the trees there's supposed to be some deer by the front here um there's like chests and stuff there's tons of stuff that's supposed to be here and it's all gone uh but there's a much more interesting side effect of this glitch is that my height can't change i am stuck at the exact same height so if i try to just walk forward i don't walk down the slope i just walk forward and until i'm in midair uh which is obviously uh very funky um and we also have no yes we also have no clip so if i walk through here you can see i just kind of go straight through the floor and if i go through here i can just walk through any wall um so that's some that's some fun stuff i'm not going to get closer here but if i can line up the camera you can see that that's susano over there t posing um not all but a lot of npcs just t posts in this state um so the state i'm in right now we call it just height lock new clip and it doesn't really have much use because one it's very hard to set up and two it's just you're restricted in a lot of ways but there are some fun things to do with it another fun thing i can do is that right now i'm in inner cam well i guess i should mention one other thing i can't actually control the camera very much right now i can't just turn the camera around the only way i can change the camera is when i move around the camera will follow me and if i turn around i can use the r3 button to swing the camera around but i cannot directly move the camera if i try to switch to the outer cam which is like the far away one um the camera just freezes and instead uh it it for some reason just gets locked in place if i try to go to the first person camera ami just disappears disappears from reality um her shadow's still there and she can pop back in afterwards um but while in there she's just gone i actually haven't seen that before oh yeah yeah it's pretty fun um it's actually just a side effect of when you go into first person the game makes amigo invisible so that she's not blocking your view um but it's pretty funny when it the camera can't actually move into ami um now i really i don't have any good way to go down however i can go up right now um by doing this a lot i can slowly make my way up the slope um by jumping and instantly air tackle them uh basically air tackling will increase your height pretty nicely so we got a little bit of hype there i can't really go back down but that's okay i don't really want to go back down um if i go in here we can see uh that the house just doesn't exist um all the textures down there are gone [Music] um and there's a there's a couple other things i want to show with this so one thing is that i i'm not gonna do it but if i go over water i can't land afterwards i will be unable to get back into a walking state and i can only float around really slowly so i'm gonna actually clip out of bounds here with no clip and just fly around um i did a tackle jump there to get a ton of speed uh since it rather nicely we don't have to just float around in the air if we do a tackle jump we can keep some speed um here the camera gets a little funky with a launch cam uh i'm just going to go all the way over here [Music] yeah just just looking on through you know perfectly normal uh this is this is a normal army movement you know can just lock the camera sometimes for the fun of it and now i'm going to land a cinematic camera in uh so now i'm gonna go get in the fight fights rather nicely don't crash the game however there are some very funny consequences so the first thing is uh i haven't mentioned it yet i'm invincible and i have infinite ink um so these imps really can't do anything to me another thing is that it's not only me enemies also suffer from height lock no clip so if i can get this enemy to maybe come over here uh you can see that this imp should just be able to walk through the ground um and the fish also it's supposed to grab me here but it just misses there we go now the aim is playing in the ground they can also just leave the fight as well which can be pretty annoying uh but now i'm gonna leave the fight just by walking out and i'm gonna walk back in because if i walk in and i immediately attack them with power slash um they just wait they didn't do it why didn't they do it wait what it worked before when i did it i'll try it again um so what i'm hoping for is that's will it work no what the heck is not working maybe i need to be in a different state or something i don't know that's very weird um i don't know what was making work before i'm hoping to uh yeah i'll give it one more try uh right here let me let me try one thing i'll go over here and i will uh here let me get to a floating state maybe that will make this work come over here scroll don't make me land there we go let's hope this works no it doesn't work okay what i wanted to do is that the ai when i was messing with this before uh just froze like it just didn't move um uh that did not seem to happen this time which is a little sad but uh well i guess i should show one thing though which is i should just defeat the enemies to show that the game is still messed up and if i just defeat them uh they're just gonna die and the animations are gonna be kinda messed up where there's a freaking huge flower right there um the green yen takes forever to spawn i don't know why and if i just ends there's no results right there's no nothing i guess it's a final little hurrah we can say hello to our demon fang friend uh t-posing with his umbrella on the ground dude and uh do a double jump yeah oh right yeah yeah all right so if i jump i just float around like uh basically your animations get stuck on their last frame so if i ever do uh if i ever jump or double jump i'm just stuck in that last frame so if i jump i think it's the funniest where i'm age is just upside down just floating around upside down she's relaxing yeah yeah she's just she's just you know sunbathing she's like world record run no big deal just gonna relax now just gotta relax everybody can chill um sadly uh caruto over here isn't t-posing i guess uh at this point i i don't think there's much more to show here so i'll go over the water just to show that ume is still moving but uh we do have a very nice kakari t-pose here i do say so myself um you know he's just looking stellar he's concerning his power over the yeah yeah he's this is him exerting his power over the whopper um ume is just there yeah but if you look on the ground i actually don't have a shadow anymore my shadow's just gone um and that's because i went over the water uh the only way to get this back is if i i can still go back to suit of ruins and not giving my shadow back but i think that's about it for what i wanted to show of this um and i think that's all i really want to show for the for the glitch showcase just some fun stuff okay yeah sure so yeah well thank you both so much for for being here um i had a great time watching the run congrats on the world record and uh if y'all stick around for the glitch showcase thanks for that um i'm gonna drop some links in the chat here if you did enjoy the run make sure you follow our runner uh lego as well as our commentator that was alright and i'm sure they would love to see you in their chat [Music] but um that is gonna wrap it up for tonight's episode of time capsule so i have been your host smith operative thanks again for being here you can join us tomorrow we will have the bargain bin followed by speed runs from the crypt and that all starts at 7 pm uh eastern so thanks everybody we'll see you later have a nice one thank you for having us have a good day of course
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 25,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AGDQ, GDQ, SGDQ, Awesome Games Done Quick, Summer Games Done Quick, Games Done Quick, SDA, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Twitch, Video Games, Speedrun
Id: zAR6IOG7cys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 206min 23sec (12383 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2022
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