The Legend of Zelda Relay by various runner in 3:21:12 - AGDQ2020

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game history and made it start way back in the 80s on the NES and here we are at gdq we've never had a Zelda relay here before and for the first time we're about to get Zelda 1 Zelda 2 and a Link to the Past back to back 9 of the best runners of these three games right here live for you guys if you guys are ready for a historic Zelda race can we get some noise from the crowd here my name is James I go by jsr with me tonight is my co commentator Jam Jam eviler jam are you ready for this I think this is gonna be a fantastic race how about you guys yeah alright yeah we'll check it send it over to the runners and see if they're ready to my right where you have darkwing duck who's gonna be doing commentary for Zelda 1 we have a slew of other commentators that will be joining us as the race goes on and see if they already alright so we have three teams competing tonight in Zelda 1 Zelda 2 the adventure link and a link to the past teams how are we doing up there you guys all ready to go we're gonna introduce these teams one by one starting with team P hat cantaloupe me Justin man one one four and blunt bunny team number two team crow TG mhm that is green Mario pro JN and tgh and then finally teams sitting sideways that is our speed rone resume X and Josh are ta nine of the best Jam and they're ready to go yeah let's kick it off with some zelda one whenever you all are ready it count do we need some help here let's get a countdown ready [Applause] awesome it's bad privilege to be here first thing we're gonna see it's it's gonna look weird for anybody hasn't seen zelda one before gonna be a couple screens being changed here it's not that it's not that hard to glitch anymore but to not be too technical basically you trick the game into skipping the transition trigger so you're able to just wrap around the screen and we're already thirty seconds in to level three so competing tonight are three of the best on all of these runners sub twenty nine runners can lobby a long time veteran the second one sub twenty nine ever most completed runs of this category of any runner that we know of and believe it or not of after 1042 runs this will be his 1040 third and his final he is going to retire the category officially he wanted everyone to know that tonight this would be his last eighty percent no up a1 [Music] looks like we have some run of bad luck here where you'll hear us talk a lot about counters in this game this isn't like fighting game counters it's like actual counters on item drops and consecutive drops you hear that a lot basically runner is going to be counting their kills without getting hit and counting where they are in the in the drop counter so they can get better chances of bombs or guaranteed bombs mostly sometimes some five rupees here and there got some nervous bombs there when you have no bought using your last bomb to get bombs it's always a little bit of a scary situation to make sure you don't get bombed very thankful that he did get that bomb because the backup is kind of out of the way we see a fairy drop there by one of the down here and teen sitting sideways and that's actually consecutive darkness still generally dropped fairies the red ones so he had killed that was a 16th enemy he killed without getting hit so he got a fairy instead of any other drop which in that case was actually bad because he did one if every wanted fall yeah an interesting run a bad luck for all three of the runners so I asked the bad fortune being fortunate for all three of these guys yeah and chief cut all right these scariest part of the run right here [Music] one down two down down come on we can wall that all right that's great that is and it's really close that's amazing at this scariest part of the run is two and a half minutes in so yes oh oh we got an intro that's gonna be interesting for green mario there we got a a what we call a pirouettes an unwanted pirouette to get back into a dungeon we will be doing that at level one but we didn't want to see it there and that's actually going to change his spawn patterns so he's gonna have to really scramble here in level four the other two will be fine because they've got the same spawn patterns that they expect you played the game the same do the same screens the same way every time you can get the same spawn Petitte so he's gonna have to really kind of guess and improvise so that we'll see how he does here pretty tight early on here about a 10-second lead for cantaloupe me as we enter level 40 yeah it's also a good thing that they all got the bomb drop off that man Hannah not only get the kill but also getting the bomb drop the bombs are very important pretty standard nothing bad nothing too great though especially in a non in a marathon type setting where you don't have that's a nice horse bond there top right it's gonna be interesting to see how this game is played by the runners today because there might be surprising but you can get the best times in this game using different routes there's no guarantee one route that you can get a record in or a great time then and you actually might see these runners change their strategies based on their counts both and bombs and rubies yeah we do know for a fact that Kenta let me prefers the world record route the common thirty thirty blue cat around whereas I know Mario prefers the Canaries are really relatively recent routes so definitely gonna probably maybe see a rap version space yeah that's good you should see some around divergence and RC drums gonna be doing whatever suits the discounts that he gets as he goes through so it's very interesting to see how they'll play based also based on the fact that they're not just playing for themselves they're playing fourteen so they might be a little bit less risky or more religious depends how they feel on when they have runners behind them exactly just four minutes into a race that's probably going to be somewhere in the neighborhood of about three hours and ten minutes give or take another world record if you combine all three world records is about three hours and five minutes you ever take a few seconds there's actually a webpage that's been set up by one of the runners tonight resume exceeds one of the Zelda two runners on sitting sideways and that website for anybody in more trilogy information it is Zelda trilogy calm has a leaderboard and all the information you need to get started all right we're gonna have an interesting GLIAC here look at top left cantaloupe have one bomb he's gonna maybe try to force a bomb off this block here he is not which he might be taking a different route here this is the second scariest and everybody looks ok this is it was kind of scary but if they made it look like it was nothing yeah definitely the hardest part of the rod right here is getting it out before yeah cantaloupe does have backups he can go to level 2 after a level one as opposed to you can see the divergence and routes already we got 11 1 on top left 11 8 on top right 15 5 on bottom left so it's nowhere near and each other so and it's nothing you can do about in a lot of cases it's just how random drops can work in this game so they're gonna be different than rounds as we see they almost sync between team P hat and team prodi-g mhm as we go into level 1 green Mario our runner up into level 1 world record holder in little ninja bros is one of his very first P games a relatively recent Zelda one runner wants to grind Zelda one until he gets the best time that he possibly can and just improve himself as a speedrun he has that mentality comes from a smash melee background so a very skilled game [Music] we talk right definitely not going to be doing rupee route thought he could have gone and gotten that fiber be that dropped I decided not to because he's going to do he doing it ladies Ferrell Christy drawn got to put ten rupees in that style poster him just now might have put him back on track yeah we'll see who see if he gets a bomb in this - all right lucky bomb he did all right though yeah top left definitely needed that bomb so as we collect the raft here our item here in level 1 this would be a good shot for a few of our first donations here sounds great we have $25 from kirilus says have to donate during hl2 relay I'm a new runner and she's starting to learn alt TP and alt TP our runs thank you to all the runners and streamers who reminded me how much I love these games go ahead keep going on with it says level one is like one of the most basic rebels revos since $50 says hello score Evo here a lttp speedrun community resident dad dropping in to tell Flint Josh tgh and the z1 z2 runners good luck have fun go fast and don't hug the pig oh we had a little bit of us take care on top right he he hit enemy with the hit aqua menses with a sword as the bomb was being exploded so he didn't get credit for the damage with the bomb which does 4 damage rather than his one of his sword so he had to spend a little bit extra time to kill him this is where we're gonna see the oaf were really close I hear that out there in the crowd it's really close and this is where we're gonna start seeing or out divergence here six second lead for green mario and protégée mhm and the two different routes and we're going to see depends I did the read I'm sorry good chance we get three different routes yeah you might be right and we'll see if they decide the vault down to two so let's see what he's gonna bomb it I think he's going to - well top rights definitely at sixteen rupees have to do the two routes to it [Music] then down into two probably getting the xxx secret on the way so it looks like he's running the kid man around darkly you what if anyone wanted to know about the kanata route there's a really cool trick that puts this route together relatively recent glitch that was found by loose lugs maybe you want to tell them about that so they can get excited when it time comes for it okay you I can talk about there is no you want to ask something about the kanata road you gotta have something different but with a there's a lot of nest games have when you have two things happen at once the game doesn't like it and Zelda's no different so in this case you have two things happening worthy if you use the recorder you know the whistle tornado comes to pick you up takes you to a new stage but if you hit that at the same time you hit a raft location you're going to it's going to trick the game out it does various different things so what it does is takes you actually wherever dungeon the tornado it's going to take you it's gonna take you one screen up and one screen left from where that actual location is which is going to be important later on the route you'll be able to get to level six a lot faster than anybody else that's the benefit of that and we see it we see the difference here we see bottom left that's the catalogue and five I think it's cam no that's George that's wrong drones in five okay I got to get these mats there properly which is kind of what we expected we have two two routes and one level five this dark nut room that drone bottom-left going into is very important in the time think or will see if it goes real fast the scariest room probably in the entire run just because if you run out of bombs here you're in big trouble he's doing a very nice job yeah he had a little bit of a rough start but it's going great then yeah good use of the vulnerability what you saw there was something in - you saw earlier you saw a bomb dropping about thirty bombs drop that's actually another little kind of bug in the game where Korea's when they throw their boomerangs in there hit and there's a master one where if you kill one they all die like boomerang keeps going and if it comes back to an item it changes the value of the item that's dropped into a bomb so you can get so many bombs up there and look it's a nice little thing where when bombs are so important in the game so he hat in TG mhm stain step in step yep throughout the beginning of this run and meanwhile sitting sideways looking okay he's got a bomb left that's perfect for this boss coming up oh yeah yeah the one bomb for sitting sideways one of the will you saw that mistake earlier on the aqua menses where we missed the sword if you hit to the enemy with two different attacks on the same frame it does both of their damage work so we're gonna hopefully feed that so you can do five damage instead of four you hit him with a bomber thing and also once you run out of bombs it goes to the next item in the in your list in this case it'll be the quarter so we'll be able to drop the bomb use the recorder to break up dick dogger because he just likes certain types of sounds from what I've heard I just a rumor I've heard it was country music oh oh I'm gonna get a lot of but yeah I just saving that that menu time from going from the bombs to the whistle is very important good recovery for droney takes down digged auger and we're out of five good start to this pre quarter room also known as the Olive Garden the Room of Requirement many nicknames for this room and I sworn from both wait wait wait wait this game has nicknames for rooms you got to teach me some of these I mean unlimited soup salad and breadsticks sounds amazing yeah well they're only coming here for the breadstick that's what it's not like there's a breakfast room or magical breakfast room or if you join the community you'll learn these rooms fast because we usually name the most like important combat rooms in the game so it's like it's this first room two screens north of one this neighbor give it a special name and everybody knows it I'm sure Super Metroid I'm just kind of with relate to that RC drone doing the world rap a very technical series of screen Scrolls and lighter clips it's gonna allow him to warp to the other side of the map and he's been struggling a little bit in practice because well one of the things forerunners of this game it's if you kind of compare it to a sports event it's like every one of these runners is on the road they're not if they're not using their home TV they are using their home controllers but they're on completely unfamiliar environments though they have to get used to all these new things that they're using so the screens froze a pretty tight movement that if you're at home you do it fine about an issue but you have to recount of relearn it on every different TV you play it on so if you missed that 2 world rap one you lose like 40 seconds not to mention the 700 several hundred people in the audience thank you all for joining us today there might be a few people at home as well yeah might be a few several a few dozen and it's not like they can hear the audience back there's cheering him on or anything all right we got the so you see the chimp going in the menu here at top left in P hat he actually has to go to menu again he's not going to do this cuz he's gonna sort them down here [Music] all right so both these runners will be leaving level 5 and before they get to the pool trick we were talking about earlier and RC drone goes through level 2 we have a good chance for some more donations fantastic we have $250 from pranzo so hyped for this historic race best of luck to all the runners big shout out to the z1 crew if bombs are needed the runners should try forcing donation goes to jsr a choice as long as it's not towards at Disney Princess TV I'll give it to winning team's choice so you thought I mean it's nice that prawns will mention a bomb there because you saw on the ones when I can't remember who was in 2 got like 30 bombs went killing us we had one happened at bottom left and there's no bombs that's just this kind of game but you have to this game is very read and react you have to react to your situation differently and we got it use nice to get up to eat there cuz I can be an issue if you're not up to 8 on that route so to top runners doing their purchasing now they're gonna purchase the bait and wooden arrows alright so this is actually where the routes kind of start to diverge they still have one more effort to convert everything and but I'm here for one extra little stop they have to do after level 7 yeah and then we'll really know that's when the race really be level seven is notorious for being easy it's more of a maze though and in some routes and what's the word I'm looking for help me out here routes not routes categories thank you for a thank you James thanks for the help it's almost heaven is one of the hardest stages because you do take a lot of hit but you have so many hearts it doesn't really matter that much and I don't hit you that hard but in some categories it's really hard to get through it yeah one heart of damage over over and over and over here it definitely adds up yeah that's by a thousand yeah but there is one concern on TV outside though if you notice kendallo be entered level seven one bomb short oh yeah there's there's ways to get it in his route it's a little bit easier to force the bomb I think at least the second try the first one for I no matter but you'll have a couple chances to try to force a bomb there's no real bomb dropping enemies you forcibly kill on the route through level seven so you have to force one and it's hard did you get hit a lot there just be a nice little pause buffering here they went to the menu to see if there's a boomerang shot up and he saw once he was able to pause and wait for it to go by red candle that's part of the kanata route is picking up the red ken-oh they thrown down on Steam sitting sideways able to get the river room bomb a very difficult bomb force yeah he pulled it off very nicely there he can't hear going after the red Correa that's the only bomb dropper and he's not even going to around here go ahead and support these guys down [Music] okay he was a little bit short house that was smart moves there they use a bomb to bring it down see this is part of the conservative routing gear once you have other teammate so you have to deal if you can lose a little bit of time here you know maybe lose the race by five seconds instead of losing two three minutes just going for bonds well that's a very nice thing smart decision by team P hat and that's important though you can't force a bomb now he got hit right at the end by one of the fireballs he's having a little bit of it's been a little bit of a rough dough 14p hat here Romario cut me close there those walnuts yeah you're right back one advantage you'll see with teams hidden sideways through the different routes he's gonna have a much easier pattern here you'll see drone be able to just go down here and hopefully these bubbles cooperate oh well it very nicely well done he was going for a forest bombed her up there but he was able to not wall master he weak she's tried to get hit by the bubble which is a much better choice you sacrifice the bomb drop and get a bomb instead alright we're now bottom-left looks like they're behind but they don't have to do any more work so it'll be interesting to see what happens with once we get into level 6 which is notorious for being hard but in the speedrun it's really not it'll uh we'll see what happens here we'll see what the time differences are the RC drone is gonna be able to go straight to the magical sword here drawn of course the defending champion of the 2019 Zelda one randomizer tournament and currently sits 2nd place in this category and he said he's not done he wants to go for that record which has been held for a long time by our current world record holder lackattack I have issues with leg he beat my record no salt whatsoever so here he comes our first attempt at the ROO quarter okay you see he gets the clips in there he's actually got to worry about that octorok shooting up he's good and you see the raft and tornado going at the same time and all suddenly reports there's some weird place and the graveyard oh we had to have a redo here oh that's a good place to do it yeah now he's gonna have to go he's okay we're in the graveyard we're in there yeah before you reset it he whistled back okay I didn't yeah yeah I hope so because I looked over at the wrong times like did you do the right whistles so we're still like there's no there's a little bit of separation here but not a time to where it's uninstrumented well both in this game and in the games following when bombed on the top right is everybody's that one bomb so that no one has any likely luck on their bomb drops in like level seven so this is pretty standard it could be a problem if they don't get any bombs in this state so that'll cause a lot of consternation and level a luckily no glucose shames in today yeah if yeah there's definitely an opportunity to have zero bombs to drink this dungeon and if you don't get it you have to take a few extra rooms which include a forest we are which instead of a boss becomes a minibar [Music] the gun [Music] alright team sitting sideways the first through magical breakfast room to slightly [Music] the problem with like these magical breakfast rooms is that they can be a little bit but pretty random in their movements there's some things you could predict it and work on but there's like a good 5 to 10 seconds of variation and you can just go through based on patterns that you don't have control over [Music] oh man that was close oh yeah boss oh yeah oh man all right there aren't very good pace actually like we're on potential sub 30 pace for some 30 not easy to do in a marathon setting that's never been done at a gdq and it's never been been a teaches you spell yet you have yeah yeah yeah you have to actually survive level 9 to get a sub 30 I wouldn't know about that nicely done I'm here not up there you know so look at RC drone does have the lead here but he see him going on a little detour and yeah that's good that's good he got no bombs and all the sticks which is a problem but he got one he can't go after another he has the money to actually go buy a bomb drop if he really wanted to but he's gonna go ahead and go it's for he doesn't need another one either force or you have to do something extra at level 9 so it's something to keep an eye on [Music] this room is initial as you can see a lot of lag [Music] these guys did hard to oh yeah two hearts of damage for hit you're better off taking a fireball [Music] you know that's pulling a dark quick by the way avoiding a half heart a fireball fit by hitting a dark night and take you to damage that's like my that's what this front that's like the one thing named after me for this game is something detrimental wellies yeah I mean it could be worse I don't luckily these dark nuts do drop health except for when you don't need help and yeah when when you actually need help they decide they're not gonna join me green mario really lying here in level eight got a fan club over this David biospheres getting his pump dropped there there's several ways you could have gotten that extra bother I've decided there which again is a smart move in a team marathon setting make sure you have [Music] a little easier than previously on just having the master swim or I'm sorry the magic the river was the white sword the GLIAC is oh we have a bomb drop oh nice top right that's really good yours bomb dropped to get up to eight and look how close this is just a few seconds as we head to level 9 this is getting good we had some every runners had bad bomb luck in level 6 another light I think that would be a great time for a few donations if you have any ready all right yeah I have the $10 donation train has been insane to watch thank you guys so much everyone who is donated to that we have two hundred fifty five dollars from John forty here's some rupees for the blue ring remember it's dangerous out there [Applause] or I can't also force the bomb off GLIAC which is really difficult li doing before headed just love how cool how close this is Oh anticipate this happening throughout the entire race of course at the end of this last final stage of The Legend of Zelda we're gonna be having a short intermission between the games about a minute of set-up time for them to switch out to the next runners and that'll give you aa way some time to get in there they don't have to stretch it leap quick [Music] all right level nine it's uh this is as scary as like manhandle is and it is scary is firstly our candy and it is this is the one where you can lose the most time and again I'm the expert on this I know what it's like to lose time in the line in a marathon I've done it a lot so it's you want to you know force your bombs he's still got hit if he did I got a little uh I caught a quarter stepped or critted or whatever you got and he took to damage their button left and we're even going into the next room this is insane different strats you see Tron go down to the bottom of the room and Mario goes up top and he is the first out of the next room but he's got less health this is true cantaloupe right behind them he's gonna attempt to get through this Patrick clean a little bit late or spawn there that's a pretty common thing to do off those walls we can get up to ten on the consecutive [Applause] [Music] oh we just hit $500,000 hi-yah wait can we get some noise ladies and gentlemen is amazing into the reverse the force five the only have well here's only has one bomb despair here uses it perfectly that is a great reverse fee with wow that's a great reverse fee with one bomb one more on the bottom left very good down there I would oh he's not gonna get the ferry that should be okay that was awesome little swag sword there yeah alright so into the final stretch now green mario does have a lot of health remaining we could see him go for the aggressive strats here with fast Patra it's risky he lost health what the commentators curves I know all right cow it's got to be a little bit safe here [Music] Oh [Music] little precursor we're already here in the yep he's still quite a few rooms away but being something to see if cantaloupe does not go through fat32 we just wait for it good room up there you can see there's a vets a good room there's a lot of variation on how you can do a lot of these rooms and it's not too much difference in time kind of personal preference nice use of the pause button there to kind of read the room down to three hearts gotta be a little careful here all right [Music] speaking of careful cantaloupe you down to one heart remaining [Music] right now oh no he would got credit up I uh all right we have to get the first one I'll say his cannons we get one thought we have ones walk down there so Ganon will be done so we'll have team sitting sideways through first all right very nice runs a little scary like Adams getting away from him to clean them up nicely so team sitting sideways our first finishers and team throw TG mhm right behind and coming up as their zelda two representatives for Team protégée mhm we have pro JN former world record holder in zelda 2 and resume x4 team sitting sideways and this I'm telling you if you like Kombat zelda 2 is like a choreographed dance and we're gonna have a couple new that's important pad tried to kill you probably want those bombs anyway and if he gets hit again he has to go through and eat that participate he won't respawn again so joining us shortly we have a few zelda two runners that are going to be assisting us and telling you about this game they're gonna be eating started here very shortly i just want to welcome to the commentators booth and chance for some numbers yan thank you so much for joining us tonight yeah thanks for having me I'm excited about this so going into this first cave is actually one of the most important parts of the entire run beyond what is so important about this case so there's the drops in this game are on a six count and there are six enemies in this cave the runners want to kill the last enemy on the around a correct grouping of frames that gives you the chance to get that 50 point P bag that rez just got T G protein did not get that one unfortunately but that sets you up to the 75% chance of getting attacked four out of palace one so cantaloupe yeah cantaloupe on here's guys got the glitch G patch right here so we do have a route divergence here you see pro JN going into the first town of the game and different way what is going on there yes so this is a relatively new development in the game about a year ago runner Lord of Ultima figured out sort of a basically manipulation of the RNG by skipping the shield town you can get this encounter skip here much more consistently but then you can also get it in the reverse direction and then also it sets you up later for a clean walk to Palace three all right no actually now would be a great time for a few donations you've read my mind I was just gonna ask we have twenty five dollars from Shikamaru says half a million hype and fifty dollars from snoop says 500k hype here's five dollars for every year in a decade of gdq can we get a $5 train going chat enchantress of numbers gives 75 dollars says good luck to the zelda two runners also need an extra $20 for each runner that gets eco key zelda two crew represent [Music] so joining us that the commentators booth is another Zelda to runner that is going to it give us a hand in explaining the ins and outs of zeldo to the eventually joining us is nefarious Nosferatu named Mina yeah how you doing it I'm doing all right how about you I'm excited to see Zelda to one of my favorite speedruns to watch as well as run the combat is really tight until the to it but I mean once we start getting used to the speedrun a new players standpoint might be a little bit hard once again Easton speedrun it's very fluid guys getting some swag beam wraps there is over to also has tons black the only one of the probably the game where so I could save you the most time yes two minutes and Palace five I mean let's go [Music] you have time for a quick donation absolutely yeah a hundred and fifty dollars from Jabberwocky it's dangerous for all of you to go alone take this [Music] and we have $50 from scruffy koala good luck Zelda runners 500k hype [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah we didn't ugly does more donations Norfolk going great I have $100 from ghost mom says so happy to be here for my first agdq also so proud of these runners and volunteers that are donating their time and talent for this worthy cause let's continue the fight against cancer and that's my actual mom you guys hi mom thank you so one thing you might have noticed that was going on they're both on with JN and res they were jumping over some stalfos and the reason they're doing that is like I mentioned before the drops are on a six count and so they're manipulating skipping the South post to weight force they're dropped to be on the South post later in the palace which gives them a net increase of 20 XP so makes that even more likely or that's helps out in the routing to get attacked for as the goal and we'll see very shortly when res gets his first chance at that 200 point feedback drop he needs just one out of two in order to get attacked for the XP in past one and everything is green very tight we were manipulating just those twenty experience points difference between a 50 point enemy and a 30 point animate its great so now with team P hat we have joining us just a man one 1/4 and he'll be getting started shortly and ladies generally want to thank you all for tuning in tonight let's keep those donations going we hit 500 grand tonight let's see we can't get further during zelda 2 can we get to 550 let's make some noise for everybody who's helped us great cause during this event let's keep it going all right and you'll see the runners starting here [Music] time for donations a sketch gives $25 says half a million let's go agdq Reza Shah the second P backdrop there so he will be getting attacked for out of palace one here's the horse that fight the first the hospitals did you'll see berries even fight I'm finishing up and you'll be seeing the experience there the next thousand experience points pro JN gets his bag as well yeah yeah protiens gonna need another drop though cuz he did not get that fifty point drop in magics money Justin also just went through magic Haven did not get that drop either so he's gonna need a sec to 200 point drops to get that attack for yes but looks like we'll have two runners going into death mountain attack for Jan is gonna be too experienced for if he doesn't get the [Music] let's go he gets it there we go nice if he did not get that P bag he was gonna be too experienced short of getting attacked for and that really attacked for at their level and everything like that I'll save probably about ten seconds yeah it's definitely a lot less of a day and of course pro JN you know he's an experienced runner one of the longest tenured runners of zelda two former world record holder of this category currently holds the FDS 100% all keys world record and he wants everyone to know go sweden all rights the next we have the jump spells what they're gonna be getting jump spell allows you to jump very high using it just about immediately first hundred percent okay so it is required to get all the spells in the category have you seen a little bit of the overruled manipulations as well the overworld it could be the biggest fine loss it's a kind of really a big rng spot and Zelda 2 and we try her best to manipulate out as much those walks as we can it's so an overworld encounter is gonna cost you about seven seconds every time you take one of those if you get it on a path or if it's a ferry encounter that's gonna be about half of that at three and a half seconds so those can add up very quickly so team said sideways with the lead out of jump town led by reservation res love Zelda games so much he is the person who started the Zelda trilogy leaderboard and runs all three games at a very high level he wants to get to a 114 in zelda 2 as well would be the third person I believe correct yes we have five dollars from randiss who says I would make a Zelda pun but I don't want to try and force it [Music] [Laughter] we have $100 from malumat says it's dangerous to go together anyways take this thank you so much for that that's awesome all right and so the walk we're doing here is to Bhagu the always want to try and get zero encounters in the way too bad go and then I'll hand you a note that you can give to the river man in the next town I don't think I do well then you can't cross oh that's actually a very difficult walk to do there's a lot of random walks that can catch you then swamp and that's an even bigger time loss than a normal encounter right yeah cuz you move at about half the speed when you're in that swamp so we try to speed it up by jumping but you still it's probably closer to eight or nine seconds alright in this town you'll see a team setting sideways gonna be getting the life spell Zelda to actually has one of the few Canon appearances of Zelda actually talking lenka talking I think talking I think you got to write the first I think it's nice no Zelda's the princess you control Zelda's monster so we're getting a life spell which is a very useful there's no bear oh there are fairies but the combat everything like that allies boat will allow you to get a lot more life so if you could take a little bit hits you have to customize both use the magic up [Music] and you'll notice some interesting uses of life players might use it when even if they just take one small hit because there are some rooms where having the beams really helps a lot and so it's worth it to use all that magic just to get those beams back yeah especially yep we already saw at least one screen wrapped and res pulled up and swag Zelda 2 is a game where his five points do matter and count the valley [Music] you know back you go then I can help across so when link gets under the table to find that mirrors he's speaking out loud I always believed there was a note attached to it like hey I found this mirror and then they put it back cuz if he is that it's got to be the only time he ever speaks out loud correct it's there's a couple of other times you don't really see him in the speedrun but there are a couple of other places in the game where it's similar kinds of things like talking about hearing a knock at a door or something like that good reaction there by Justin was able to avoid that he's gonna pick up that [Music] attack for for everyone I am so happy that's actually that's pretty rare super even in races and everything like that we just finished those wonderful Keys tournament not not many of the races and attacked for of course leveling so important here in Death Mountain so many tough enemies even forerunners of this caliber and being able to refill your magic in health naturally and not having to farm jars is just such a boon yeah there are runners that I will actually basically in Death Mountain be able to take your life level ups the magical of looks and you count on that to be able to like regain your beam so you just saw like res just basically past life here to make sure they got the beam back to that room that allows you to basically do a certain combat technique and everything so you can make your beam surfer back pretty sure all this big P bad luck is from all the donations come in so thank you all so much for that [Applause] speaking of which is this a good time for one sure we have $30 from big sister says my little sister asked for donations to agdq for her big 30th birthday happy birthday Kai another swag beam ran from revs run confirmed right here you want to make sure you don't leave the screen before you get the experience points if you leave the screen before you get the experience points Matt I wrote that Tyra will or it'll first make your six handle up but that guy ro will come back as we're going back automatically giving you at least one hit as a kid before I knew the speedrun I did not know how to fight these dire ISM you know you jump at them and they just move with you and of course we know now yeah how to fight them yes well and you'll see talking about that they do read your d-pad but you can because of that you can manipulate them and you can see they're doing some really fancy d-pad work to get these double hits on them because you got to stay close enough to kind of be inside their hitbox to do those that was a lot of words to say that the game cheats it cheats until you learn how to cheat back and a lot of enemies do that not just the dyrus yeah most enemies in game you'll see the articles and everything they do track your movement so that definitely is something that basically once they jump you know that like though the d-pad is all the to definitely gets a bad rap it's a bad game it's definitely not a bad game but they're very difficult casually if you don't understand the leveling system and how the enemies move a little fun fact is they're the very bottom Walker dead mountain that blew my mind when I learned that I still like to think that in Breathitt the wild the maze at the top right of the map was a throwback to Zelda 2 team sitting sideways the first out of Death Mountain and as he heads up to this bridge we're gonna see some crazy deep paginating is happening here's might be another good chance for a few donations great we have $250 from Meg Mac attack rooting for everyone from the back couch special shoutouts to the Zelda one and two communities my speedrunning homes away from home put this toward glitching ocarina of time $25 from papi papi says Zelda relay hype so happy I'm getting to catch this live donation insentive goes to winning teams choice [Music] yeah so up here we have a boulder - I'll take an encounter in this very specific aisle right there up at the boulder break so that basically do the walk as you'll see and very spawn so right now is also a good time to talk about fairies they do refill your health yeah but uh so in a casual standpoint they're great but in a speedrun we don't want the fairies that the walks are just completely random we can't predict them typically go up and left her up and right to avoid stuff fairy is just all over the place so it's automatic you know 3.5 second time line the rule is trying to the game knows yeah I'll just a man picking up the life spell and Justin actually is the defending alkies tournament champion won the last tournament in 2019 wants to also achieved the 74 in all keys and after he's done with that he says how the one is next he wants a twenty nine bold statement all right so we got j JN doing the boulder dash tried to go for it you didn't want to wait for the encounters we'll see what he does there's a strategy for some that great he's doing cat style which is a common backup recently discovered yeah that was a blossom strategies were kind of discover here and other fairies [Music] discovered by cats on your head black cat head last year so lots of strategies have been coming into hundreds of monkeys and she's been running the same around for quite a while but a lot of stuff in the past year so team said sideways first into this town where there's two stops we have to make in this town what are we looking for you so first thing we got to make use of that jump spell to get up into the top door of this church to meet a powerful Knight get the down stabbed technique a very powerful sword technique we'll see it used all the time it allows you to basically mash mash mash yeah it it basically so a standing stab has a wind-up and so it's pretty slow a crouching stab doesn't really have a wind-up so it's much faster the down stab has it's like a 0 frame trick so you push down it links immediately doing the attack so you can get inside of an enemy's hitbox and just mash down and each time you hit down you're doing damage to that enemy so we call that the jackhammer and see that a little bit later in the run but also allows you to skip tons of enemies you can just basically bounce on top of their heads so it allows you to save a lot of time but I doing that as well then we've gotten a fairy spell here which if you're playing casually and ferry through key doors but it often allows you to skip the fanfare whenever you grab an item so that is a good sign save so it allows you just get basically as you saw on the candle and bow so on that cave you don't have to stand up hold the item above your head and you can just go ahead and skip that whole animation and it's do you want and also will be required to get the palace story afternoon yeah there are a few screens that require the fairy spell so and that now Pro Janna for Pro Tem H hot on his heels so as his rez starts his walking into Palace to take some apportion any counter this would be a great chance for more donations I have a very special one to lead off Lou Lionel has donated one thousand and forty three dollars this donation comes in honor of cantaloupe the donation message says cheers to cantaloupes one thousand forty third and final run of The Legend of Zelda any percent no up a there may have been a few setbacks but it was still a spectacular introductory performance to see for team P hat I'll need to see cantaloupe me run Silver Surfer and carnivore the next beauty love you man thank you so much blue line over [Music] [Applause] team sent sideways heading into the swamp why is this such an important part of this paper so the swamp you move at half the speed as you do over any other terrain type and you have to encounter types that spawn you have one that's based on your step count one that's based on a frame count Wow and you want to get through here Wow encounters as possible rez showing off how to do it perfectly yeah luckily the ferry that they got once again in the Opel world just went out of the way this time yeah you ten don't want the fairies to spawn when you're in the swamp because for whatever reason they seem to run away from you in the swamp [Laughter] [Music] this category is again 100% keys category the sole occurring all the keys of pals - so the visit every single room residues in the fairy spell to get around that enemy that was still alive in that room night sometimes days yeah there's a pretty cool trick that sometimes fails when trying to down step over that doom radler so then also protein did not good Xperia Pro Jan Rd has shield and that actually means he's actually like there's a 60 second gap that res is gonna have to lose basically going back to get that shield spell so this race it's a lot closer than it appears at first glance yeah not to mention just immense playing excellently and making up a lot of time just a man didn't win that all keys tournament so they definitely can come back very easily until the two we always tell these Delta to all those 580 runners anyone can win anyone think it happen it's kimchi gravity tricked me [Music] time for donations we have $200 from logical em not bout the $200 that was great yeah yeah this pot bridge is one of the scariest rooms in the speedrun honestly because the bots have random movement and they can real easily just knock you right in so sometimes they'll even be frame-perfect and pull off frame perfect jumps on you just knock you right in love it I was paying $200 I don't want to curse it $200 from logical em says I am so hyped to see the zelda run I hope to see many more in future gdq's thanks logical imp [Music] we have $100 from smuggled worth says watching agdq and sgdq are always highlights of my year especially the Zelda games I've never seen them done in a relay so this is very exciting alright so come on up here we have a the next item of game the glove which allows you to break blocks so you just saw the block room there if you try to hit him in the air they're actually great but if they hit the ground you can't break so that sounds handy there's another way to bike brake blocks though and and they usually let them fall on your head yeah I did not know that I thought those were scared of fairies yes that that's a little-known fact they're iron knuckles also been practicing it moonwalking socially moves thereby reservation on a scary room with the power but are the to me handy clubs but at the same time anything every time you get hit in this game it adds up there's a lot of time lost there yeah and every time you get hit that's like another second and a half a time loss just because you lose that momentum so and resin does have the perfect XP this woke up what they want ideally you want to get attacked five right before you get to this room so you could try and kill that low at the elevator going down as quickly as possible with very hard feel that mo is impossible and genjutsu that room is well cleanly neck believe it or not you guys will see after level two are after palace tombs TV Zelda one occurs it's gonna converge a little bit it's gonna be exciting then just a man who's about to get the fairy spell they are not very far behind but plenty of time to catch up suppose we wait for the rust and the conclusion of palace to be a chance for a few more reads in Thurid oh there are so many we have $25 from the king of the Nerds says is this the stream that is going to speedrun the games that will have the mighty hero a poner and their mighty steed herp derp Blanc no okay scurry lo says give $75 says I've been watching gdq for the last seven years and happy to donate yet again Zelda has always been my favorite series and can't wait to watch all those speedruns I'll add another $25 donation if my name is said correctly I hope I said that correctly donation goes to announcers choice thank you very much thank you so I read jar there from res they went back to pick it up normally wouldn't see them you know going back if I got a ride your hire they'll get old magic great cruelty into the palace however it does take up time to get the magic refill so going back and get that red jar actually saved for Palestine [Music] Wow very nice helmet head fight and that's one of my favorite parts of Zelda too when you see one of those bosses that used to kill you all the time as a kid and a runner like this just comes in and melts it's impressive how much how much damage that boss actually does to you but if you can just nail it down quick of course nobody dies and then Justin gets a nice back spawn going into the swamp here so we'll see what he can do right before the road so looks like he's gonna have one encounter in the palace too so here's where you'll see the router version start being very apparent Jen's turn one of the consequences of a res doing late shield town here is as we see when he leaves here he'll have a little bit of a manipulation they'll step off the path and pause for a second let the encounter spawn converge and he'll walk around it and be able to get all the way down to keystream without an encounter and again this walk was found out by Lord of Ultima is the again within the past year [Music] so we'll see JN going directly to King's tomb now we'll see he's gonna have to deal with some other encounters that are a lot harder to predict so actually TG mhm isn't just behind seams in sideways team TG and T G mhm is in the lead they are getting a nasty a cemetery encounter but makes quick work of that doing a slight pause in that Greentown look at that reputation out take some extra step to prevent the step encounter and then get two kings to clean walk so that's where you see a little bit of the late shield town basically the late shield town if you don't do reverse bubbles pip is actually about three seconds slower but it does give you some more reliable strats so it's a little bit of a trade-off that some of the players to do especially at a high level you want that consistency of less overruled account because all three these runners have great combat [Music] ooh tough encounter so that's that's another one of those things where it's like sometimes until the two cheats he doesn't get the jar different different seeds different as the pals three is actually the first Palast where it'll either be a red jar or a right our knuckle off the statute yes yeah it's a 50-50 shot although we always say it's there's the one coming up later that's the never jar because it never seems to be the jar when you want it you know what I think we could do to help influence this game to give us a jar we got some more donations let's do it then absolutely can I have $15 from geordie says to team P hat don't give up we're all rooting for you I have $50 from lagron pêche says I'm not Swedish but go Sweden let's get that $550,000 peeps whoa and Cornelius some hogs giving up sleep tonight to watch the Zelda relay totally worth it let's get to 550 K before the race is over do you think we can 550 oh I think we can pass that I think that's a fantastic goal let's do it twitch chat I believe in you if not for us but for : Cornelius team sitting sideways stepping out for a short break enjoy the sunshine yep it's the only palace with a beautiful courtyard atrium JN did a nice level up there where he was able to cast jumps can help me get across this and he'll leave still with full magic just fight them yeah those BOTS can be that wasn't me I swear that was me this time with the commentator heard those the movement of the bots was just so random the jump gives lets you get a little bit more time to deal with them and it makes it a little more consistent so yeah bots are the most deadly enemy in this game because they are the only thing that can one-shot you basically visit us so you just thought what we were talking about earlier with the down stabs and they sleep there with res to the down stabbed you just basically mash that button get as many hits as make it quickly can and make those blue iron knuckles which one we're all kids were though so hard to deal with oh yeah I quit working I would always die to that as a kid and then learning that jackhammer it's so easy so what was that an item that just picked up those like that pan flu no that was a rat so what that is is basically after this palace they've done everything they can on this Western continent so they're gonna use that raft sail to the Eastern continent and keep going the Eastern continent is that a different place like as far as that's not the same land of Hyrule is it what are we gonna find over there well it is still Hyrule but we're gonna find some new towns some names you may recognize Nibiru darunia Cornelius so there's a maze island over there which you brought up before that was in breadth of the wild as well so I mean that's got to be Hyrule right yeah there's the valley of death that is coming up at the very end it's very pleasant it is actually I take my vacations there all that love you probably see island now tgd mhm headed to the boss of palace 3 we have to deal with here well Reba next is the boss of Palace 3 well you'll see depending upon right on the right pixel so they could set this up you know down stab there in the corner and make quick work nice actors so yeah we even actor rides a mechanical floating horse although he has been known to write a shark on occasion I just want a hover horse right and you would think breath oh why not they had all this new technology and then froze right behind them nicely done that screen is actually scary because if you are a little too ambitious you can actually stop block the game yeah if you kill Riva nack when he's off the side of the screen the key drops to one screen to the left and you actually have to stab the key to unlock the screen so that you can scroll again and so if it falls somewhere you can't get to it you're soft locked and you can't do anything speaking of soft locks there's another soft lock possibility is a if you level up at the same time these brains screen transition all the runners are trying to avoid this one yes and that's one of the things that if you speedrun this game long enough it will happen to you and it's never fun so protein gmh the first into this town although I do believe we're gonna see a little bit of another route divergence here yes JN is going to get the fire spell another stratify Lord of Ultima within the past year or so you will probably see both res and Justin do what we call late fire they're gonna go straight to the cave north of the town that JN is in it's gonna be about a 70 second gap as a result of doing late fire so that they do that for a couple reasons there's some level ups that we'll see actually are shorter if you pay attention to the level up fanfare as it comes on you you'll be able to notice that later and then it also helps set up an encounter skip later so but it does not allow her to walk over to the fountain does it it does not no I think she's still under house arrest III think she's just lazy you know 12 steps away from the fountain can't get out in water it's just like it's a really powerful ankle bracelet she can't get too far away from the door I've been thirsty for most build man's always casting fires so maybe she's just really dehydrated and can't make those extra stops maybe she wants you to get the fire cuz she's afraid you're gonna burn the house down she needs the water to put it out it and once you line the fire spell no you just saw the child grab their remains the child was kidnapped by their great friend that orange blue salvos turning it soon so up coming here I have what's called the Gaza walk it's a see them just pause here everything counter spawn we first slight delay go up left hopefully go on a grass tile here oh oh didn't say anything but not come so and I should just point out not only is that a dazzling walk it's actually named after a Zelda to speed runner dazzle so rez banks getting a little bit of bad luck there used them a nip to set up the REM tande gets it the second try yeah and we noticed here he's doing those sword stabs that's actually an intentional thing what he's doing is creating an extra delay on that screen because the amount of time you spend on the screen before you exit to the overworld determines the behavior of those enemy spawns and so by creating that delay he's guaranteeing that those bombs homing on him instead of random walking away from him making that a much easier second encounter skip his JN also pulls off the dazzle and gets through flawlessly and gets the first encounter skip first try very nicely done alright and you also saw there just whereas getting ferry why are we skipping these encounters in the first place so it's slower to actually walk through the encounters there's also bubbles we saw the bubble encounter at the start of the game there's pits the bubbles can knock you into it's just a bad time you don't want to deal with it and no one likes bubbles you know what everyone does like our donations for a great cause can we get a few more of those please how about a 1234 dollar donation from mr. MV mister MV says heya agdq really exciting to watch this Zelda series relay it's always very inspiring to see you all gathered running and raising hope I can fly from France again sometime thanks for all the great times and greater deeds honk I have two hundred dollars from the cheeseball 81 Zelda relay hype shoutouts to my cell to two family love you guys we little-known fact that is what link says when he falls down and you see that blue screen that he owns down oh that's what this sound is yeah first-ever links whistling just a manga through that very tricky room clean relatively those rooms are scary we're gonna see a couple more of those in the next house yeah we call those Minecraft rooms cuz you're digging through the blocks but those square wave like dog heads they just keep coming you unlimited so if you go too slow or mess ups and get off on the pattern they can really wreck your day that's a very very difficult week yes and this maze return walk that res is doing right now is like it's one of the hardest in the game we it's very long and we don't do not have a consistent set up for it so yeah you'll see residue stay in there pay the pause buttons that way see a little bit of stutter right there and then just try and use that to read the encounters and just go around them or BJ ends turn to attempt this to see if he's able to get it unfortunately he was trying to slink but there was that second encounter right there and so blocked him off from being able to do that came Jesus and then Justin finishes off palace three not far behind it's cheering him on folks let's get him back and team P hat back in this race as we enter Palace for let's go woo you may notice the res going through the maze it and also now JN it looks like they're taking the long route around there's a couple reasons for that one there's a magic container they have to get because it's 100% but - as you saw residents doing a fixed encounter they're taking the longest path on the maze actually has the fewest of those fixed encounters so even though it's the longest path it's the quickest path so don't last all they got was reflect future song you'll need that to complete the palace for boss kerim which definitely the hardest hardest high skill execution for Kara yes I practiced my karach fight almost every day yeah it's something I'm sure we've all done many many days days no in all seriousness why is that fight so insignificant to practice so basically it is pure rng as you walk in you use that reflects spell to reflect the character magic back at him you can get the first hit guaranteed and then after that it's all RNG you just stand in the corner crouch and hope for the best I'd be lying if I said I have never died to Kara it's not not totally free he has a nasty habit of reading I'll talk to you yes alright so in this palace for here we have these lava rooms and we'll see a number of death abuse is going on in here I'm not sure how many rez is gonna take because you did have a couple of untimely death earlier so but we'll see how many Janne chooses to do and then when Justin gets there how many of you chooses to do and each death abuse only stood about 4 seconds but there's three rooms opportunity get them in turn but it also refills your magic and magic is pretty important in this palace so 4 times 3 that's like 30 seconds right the item here coming up you see your res getting is the booth these boots are made for walking that's what they'll do allows you to walk in a muddy water you know that sounds handy [Music] time for a donation yeah players a and B have given a very generous 2001 dollars [Applause] thank you loving the marathon so far had to donate during such an amazing race let's go 600k hype reservation eat some magic here he's a little on the lower side he's not even gonna do it well no that's that's the one that doesn't have a jar that you can get that's true that's correct sit and also the magic refill there you want to have enough magic has to jump either hope for either blue jar they did you juice so that's again one of the key points yeah there's a key later in the palace we'll see that you need the jump spell to get now just a man is an up stabbing citizen dad jokes I wish I could move my chair over Jan does elect to take the death abuse to save a little time and get his magic free-throw it's still a very close race because he does already have the fire spell it's still really hard to tell who's actually in the lead between the two teams yeah that's about a 70 a second difference between the getting the fires boat earlier in late we see until after Palace five so it's quite a while [Music] probably another absolutely I've got a follow-up $10 also from king of the nerds are the puns going to win anyone over it's highly unlikely I love the puns Avenger sends $100 says three Zelda games in one run what amazing madness is this really supersnap bros sense $250 says haha return of Ganon hopefully we don't sink that screen down that would be a bad time yes very actually there's one place that we could see it that it wouldn't be quite so bad then we so the beginning if in Zelda tooth we always call the good Dark Souls kind of even compare it to but if you game over you will start back in starter palace so they're very beginning where you started out the game however you came over at the beginning of Great Palace that's where you'll start at the beginning Great Mouse it's the one spot you might see something game over is right there to be repeating and it'll refresh your lives ooh bad luck for rez yeah he really wanted that red jar there that's a 50-50 chance but like we said before whenever you really need that red jar at the game the game knows you need it and does not give it to you so rez will have to be careful down to one life remaining meanwhile Jan now I'm gonna take his turn it's real scary if you don't have the jump spell those unicorn heads flying the sine wave they can really mess you up you'll see here coming up really soon we're talking about Cara why exactly the hardest boss okay [Music] they're a big red was what was won't but okay yeah when it's a word like red whiz roads here we go character number one so as you can see here it's it's such a hard thing to execute Oh Justin didn't do the pivot so yeah first out of house for steam meant sitting sideways and as we head to Palace five there's a trick coming up oh one of my favorite tricks in the entire game and as we see our second karach fight perhaps you guys could tell us a little bit about the trick we're about to see yes so this is the Eco key and we know Reza I was paying attention his drop is perfectly set up for this so what's gonna happen there's a a big like wall that you've got to get over and the intended route is to cast fairy and fly through the screen then come back to get the key that's at the top of that back in 2015 JN discovered that you can actually use the jump spell and get a damage boost off of a skull bubble it's pretty precise but it saves about 12 seconds if you get it so and it looks cool it does look really cool just more swag for results so here it is on the next for Reza [Music] oh by his tiptoes yes and that double stat buffer that he does there is the perfect delay hey just ideally want to like make sure it's in the right position when you do the stabs then J an about to take his crack at it Virginia yeah backup strat you got a ferry and I haven't I'm not sure if Chan's drop is setup correctly but it probably is it's Jam yeah I just wasn't paying attention to his drop yeah six got drop six Lords enemies six one you'll see either eights which would be back before a red jar being annoying as it typically is Braz able to get the keys out yeah and that's a another big orangey spot in the run sometimes those blocks just will not stack up for you to jump up and get that key worst-case scenario in that room is nothing on the left side it looks like you probably killed yeah very very favorable nah go spawn there to get that magic level up set himself up perfectly for that and because of that he doesn't have to wait as long yeah if you try to do this room and get this key without the jump spell you're gonna be waiting a long time [Music] very nice decent blocker game yeah I'm in the mood for more donations if you have any I have infinite donations truly there's some phenomenal donation trains happening thank you so much to everyone who's giving right now it's so much fun to see we have three hundred dollars from I hope I say this right look taro gar says nice run broom Chuck did I did I butcher it oh oh did I really yeah perfect the UH the message says nice run grim Chuck making luck thar Ogar proud we're recruiting if you want to come back we have ten dollars from kinetic medic says had to donate during my favorite series of games growing up can I get a well excuse me princess [Music] princess that was beautiful I'm so proud and was that a plunger punch or a blow or press the first two the flute here oh it's a flute I'm sorry I think it's really it's flared out like a horn though so I don't know the clarinet that allows you to play a secret tune that you just automatically know when you pick it up just somehow plays it automatically maybe I mean the hero Hyrule just knows yeah a plunger of time but allow them to go past the river Devils coming up soon Prez making the long trip up here all the way up here from one key yeah this is the last key of this side of the pond Oh plus two minutes didn't get the swag thing called swanky there and we just scoops and goes for it here I just trying down something stuff like this off the wall you know doesn't want to take the risk of the two minutes I'm lost actually you played it safe yeah lettuces there's another hidden red jar pal spike has a lot of bread jars here which it is a great named basically a life for and palace behind it's not intended for you to be the slow flight level yeah at this point you're basically like on a glass cannon build super high attack and pretty low of light everything fits like a truck especially the boss of this palace coming up with boss Akuma you don't know no you do not he wants to hug you he very much does want to hug you I just noticed there was a blue iron uncle oh that wasn't horse head dansgame now just a man up to Carrick as well and yet a couple times we spawned on top of a morning down to half health that's where a caracal just very sometimes spawn right on top of you literally nothing you could do about that you know yeah I mean tasks probably could do something about that but that's that's tasks now one more key we have to go and collect well you gotta get some swag back you try and miss the block Nikolai's you said you could it doesn't work I tried ah brakes the block shaking my s mhm great I have $10 from Super Saiyan five 500k on the third night that is amazing really glad I made it home from work in time to see the Zelda relay race all three of these games are classics and should be shown as much as possible and to celebrate these game and to celebrate these gems let's get to 600 K by the end of this race yeah yeah yeah go for it Lee we got eco ki coming up on Justin's screen hey first crack at Austin & Gumi Harris swings around a big giant Mesa and their head isn't horrible good word happened with the boss very nice bite very nice but yeah that is my least favorite boss fight of the game he can really mess you up if you don't take him down quick right and attack eight is the maximum attack level you can get in Zelda - so you'll see a large amount of XP that they'll be able to get here yeah and you'll see them coming up to get fire for rez yeah and you'll see when he gets the level up inside of the fire town Nibiru the fanfare for that level up will be shorter than we've heard the rest of the runs so just pay attention to that so what doesn't you want to take a tec-9 is there detect there is an attack line but that's just a one up and so then you lose all that experience yes I here's the fanfares very quick leveling up so that's one of the great advantages of doing this strategy yeah because you have four level ups that you do or technically there's that yeah four times you hear that fanfare that actually saves about three seconds over getting those level ups outside of a town but surely she's gonna get her own water now I don't think I think she's still under house arrest she's literally 50 feet literally 50 feet okay we got the Riverdance skip coming up for JN here that's that those encounters just followed him there's nothing he could do about that aware of it though at least he didn't accidentally take attack 9 that happens a lot when you take an encounter right there yeah it throws you off you're not expecting it [Music] all right so getting this magic makeover stored shoot fire which I may see a couple times in this room hopefully maybe [Music] first to the spider is projet in of protégée mhm gets the encounter skip there are the three of these that Wilson fenced encounters we call them hidey-ho their neighbor those lizalfos throw in those rocks that you they are very good at leading you it's basically to reset the overworld anything like that rez gets the first encounter skip race as you can see Justin got the swag key as we head into this cave that leads to the town that's gonna give us the thing this is a great time to catch a few of the donations we have $10 from hero of world says we're making puns are we well I can understand the appeal okay great $250 from Casey for says it's dangerous to go alone take this remember please use your twitch prime and spare bits this is an amazing event an amazing cause I love all of you save the frames kill the animals that's a great reminder twitch subs and bits are donated to the charity for the month of January so if you can subscribe you do get a subscription included with your twitch prime Amazon Prime count check that out and get it going so this town is nugudo old crispy toes haunted now so we don't want to go there really too much until later but you'll get the spell spell spell des PE ll so it's it's easy a spell to remember because it's the magic word I understand yeah it's I mean it you could have probably guessed the name of the spell what does it do it allows you to impose on this last forget you do a pose on this screen it also turns enemies into Bob oh it's definitely more spike points for at least a nine out of ten yeah so also they'll get the magic key here was in the unlock all the doors the rest of the game looking there's the only doors in one palace at this point yeah the game kind of intends you to get it before you get in Palace tix but it also what do you think about that one it was good good height to the classic 9.20 Rises catching up then the last thing you look at the mirror is just a magic jar the final magic container of the run probably not a good time here for donations absolutely we have $100 from Big Boss 11 love agdq and Zelda I can't think of a better time to donate we have $25 from mr. Popo says zelda 1 is the first video game i ever beat glad to see this race that's impressive [Music] ten dollars from al dog 1980 longtime viewer first-time donating this Zelda relay race is amazing Zelda to hype [Music] just a man about to come up Tacoma here and we'll see how they're going by goes [Music] [Laughter] you know I don't see any more up on donations I I'm lacking funds over here we're gonna have to fix that come on dad give us six the pepto palace yep palette is similar to pepto-bismol barren so uh so there's two hallways here we're gonna skip those and we're headed into this hallway with the locked door that our newfound key allows us to in turn we're gonna have to collect an item here what does that item do the items across the lawns are just seeing invisible enemies so you'll see them coming up in a valley of death especially these little mo as a court around not too great best brown with if they're invisible you know I like to be able to see the enemies as they fly towards here so that these runners necessarily need to pick the cross up it's more because the counter court requires it I just 100% all keys 100% categorize bollocks monkeys viki's do you see just Jan you knock that bubble so it doesn't bother them later on yeah there's also a husk rat we might see someone do later on that Street and I come up here Jane is about the jump over an invisible hole in the floor there felder Canadian whole back way back in the day there was a runner that just kept on falling down the hole but just they're from Canada and they're just like I'm gonna claim that hole by Jan goes quick stress and that was beautiful yeah but this is the first of two revenant refights will see in this palace what's different about that fight the one we saw earlier well at this one the first time they fought they only had at x6 this time they have attack 8 so it's half the number of sword hits to take out the horse and the writer so so they fight him a little differently by crouching it a little bit closer spot and then yeah doing a quick dismount and then ideally going for a quick double hit so that you can basically take him down in seconds this does a good job as well finish this him off right on Jan's heels and Justin oh dude a bit about way to get the slink that's the UCD the other two are they ten years wisc on that you'll see Jan and going across but we thought was gone because all the ways ropes are there it's a big convention JN returns to this infinite hole why do we call this one but it must be a funnel to jump down see [Music] so that's actually a pixel perfect basically you just want to get there right on the edge of the screen as your screen transition and your allows you to walk up there it saves like half a second just you don't unlock the door it's so you just get the animation and you have the magic keys that's all keys Plus both one yes yes do you have time for some puns yes we do we all right we have five dollars from lista five dollars from misto says did you see that man hand Leggett manhandled what someone didn't like like that pun hopefully no one was too roofied off by these because it bombed wisdom says they can go on and on but if you have the courage to link them together well enough your collective groan will just power them more a very funny joke put on a teacher all right here's the final uh reven a free fight rabbinic doesn't even touch the ground before he's down killed in bed Eric [Applause] but that's not the real boss of this palace is it I mean that just seems a little simple yeah no we actually have one more boss coming up here Barba is the boss's name big dragon lives in the lava other games may call him like Bellagio but yeah fun fact in the Japanese fds version of this game the manual calls this boss volvagia so we might see the jackhammer strats here again it's risky thought you'd rather fall off onto the platform than into the lava gets the 1 cycle as with that place this palace number 6 gem that is all six policies well there's I think there's another like really good palace coming up it's not just good it's great yes and it's in the vacation spot that everyone wants to visit the valley of death no it's a great hot tub but first we have to make a quick pit stop over here to pick up our finals film not this build though res gets the one fighting barbra yeah practically zombie stress well done as it c Barba does hit very hard even at life sex yes are we gonna see a fairy - out of here we might with Reza wait and see got the fairy - so then that fairy - if you make a perfect jump but it's really hard - dude getting out of there and so you bonk your head Sue's a little bit of time possibly so JM elects to take life 7 and I imagine we're gonna see rez setting up for Magic 7 what is the difference between Ralston ok so yeah we see Jan's got 877 rez has 8 7 6 and he also has basically just needs a little bit less than 500 XP to get her to his next level what what that plan is gonna be for him to do is get that magic level right before the Thunderbird fight at the end of great palace so he doesn't have to take a death abuse JN on the other hand he does eight seven seven strats and will as a result of that have to take a death abuse to refill magic before going into the Thunderbird fight as another one those things Jane's a very experienced lots of lava everywhere these blue Mo's here are what you can see he's gonna stop up ahead here and try to take an encounter on this tile right above him that's because there's fixed encounters there and they are awful you do not want to go through those as much as bad as those encounter screens are those fixed screens that we're skipping are even worse yeah you'll have to use at least jump or ferry to get through them yeah probably the life spell a few times yeah start cross back over and make their way back yeah I didn't exactly see what happened but those Samoas and coconuts in that encounter they can if they catch it at the wrong place at the wrong time there's nothing you can do yeah then approaching just making valya deaf look I'm relatively easy getting them through there flawlessly [Applause] all right and it's an epic music time yeah the great house has its own theme song it's the binding force has been undone I think coming up there's gonna be some spicy chickens there may be spicy chickens but definitely they're hot they throw fire and they are definitely kick yeah you notice that there are now all kinds of enemies that we've not seen anywhere else throughout this game those twice the chickens being one of them the others being the bird very very large enemies that we haven't seen before also yes the king small bubbles in the candy box they're extremely large we'll see a giant sized versions of them and those will actually break apart into multiple small versions of themselves if you hit them enough and also even the normal like BOTS go see coming up they do take extra hits so everything is just harder and the ropes that we've seen before in the game there are ropes here but they spit fire and everything in this palace these business hardmode yeah yeah amped up this was definitely the bottleneck yeah that's the reason why you can game over it right at the very beginning the palace I just recommend Jeanne yeah there's the first of the bird Knights they're trolling a little bit trying to go straight in there blocking the path Oh rusty spawned the jar so there's the um that jar there's this supposed to be a red jar in that encounter and that candy spawn based on how the screen Scrolls when you go into those encounters and if you skip the fence encounter right before valley of death with a large encounter I'll have to play a little safe here in valley of death setting up these counter skips actually gets me really nice first part of this and he'll take the enforced encounter there which is a lot quicker than the random encounter and he's gonna set this up perfect that's a big break for Reza yeah he went in there to do those four steps to force the encounters to home in on him and uh coming up here Jan will be all this Scott people in this birthday here did not get the quantum leap Scott Bakula just throwing those i-beams than just trying to hit link as much as possible that room is so difficult to execute properly it is when done clean it's beautiful but I mean you got to get cooperation from be Kela to do it now just a man 14 P hat taking on Barbra one more time and see if he goes for the jackhammer strats here [Music] oh just a man going to the safe one cycle and this filled almost just as fast yeah the the jackhammer really saves like half a second yeah it really just depends on how quick your mashes and everything like that so it doesn't stay involved that much time team P hat on the way to grey palace Jan ferrying over this last spicy chicken this one can be a bit of a pain somehow more so than others I don't know why it's the last one you know just wants to make sure it's extra spicy and here's the surprise enemy King bun hey bye so jae-in takes the death gear but that was intentional yes yeah got a refill your magic for a Thunderbird the Thunder spell at magic 7 costs what is that a hundred MP leaves though so yeah it's 100 so he can he'll do probably jump shield and thunder [Music] one of the advantages of having Magic eight at the very end is Pamela cast shield jump reflected Thunder so Jan doesn't doesn't very nice I've practiced that fight for dozens of hours and I've only done that in two run a few times that was a master class of a fight right there and onto the Dark Link fight so what can you tell me about the Dark Link fight Dark Link fight used to be just sit in the corner trying to do a whole bunch of stabs that and you know that's used to be really hard as a kid but you know just like call it that's it no and just be like in the corner but but you can do here is also just manipulate it and just shadowing walks in there just keeps on hitting it and you do it perfectly for within 12 seconds Jan making quick work of it just a few seconds born and I'm very very good fight for Jan team g MH first one roti g-proteins the first team into the final game of this three-game relay race and coming up for that team with Faithie link a link to the past will be [Music] time for a quick donation on that note we have $25 from Auggie jr. says go team Pro Tem H we also have several puns if you're ready for them $5.00 from Ben 63 Zelda puns I'm afraid I can't link of any $10 from Haley all these Zelda puns must be a majora pain $10 from culeros if we start a Zelda donation train would it run on the spirit tracks t GH starts his seventh gdq run and of course don't forget is he has a bonus run up potentially on Saturday so make sure you guys support that we have joining us here in the commentators booth Fricker 22 it's a pleasure to have you here it was great to be here rolling in I'm excited for this so TG h start in the first part of this category basically escape is just your mini dungeon there's going to be a lot of optimal movements that you'll see him do talk a little bit about how links movement works as he moves north or west basically he's going to have the faster moving he's starting to be a thing huh but basically what tjh is going to do is to optimize his movement to give the chance to move a little bit quicker he's gonna do a thing called pumping and what that does is it gives them a chance to reset his movement it's a 50/50 but basically it's it's a chance they have been reset just his movement to be a little bit faster all right now sitting sideways up to the Thunderbird fight as well [Music] one more shot at it feel under [Music] Hey [Applause] they will move on to the shadow link fighter shadow tides chat whenever on let's see if they could do the manipulation sometimes shadow link would just troll and just jump right in on you we first come to our track record is in great tonight one more hit down he goes knees bent sideways moving on to a leap to the past the one thing I did want to mention about this length of past run we are currently running this in the Japanese 1.0 version what's great about this particular version is it actually saves about a minute and a half versus the English version about a minute or so just on text alone and then about 30 to 40 seconds just in that's the minor glitches that it provides so it's a little bit faster and that's what we're here to do team sitting sideways third and final representative tonight Josh our ta was going to be just starting his run shortly he wants to get a 123 and into the past or be one of the first ones to get to that goals he's also learning the glitched runs a lot of different categories in a Link to the Past yeah there's quite a few we've actually just recently splitted up into different name categories but no matric which is but for Josh wanted to learn a little bit more matric alleges there's some restricted major glitches and unrestricted matrix this category so if you are interested in speedrunning this game there's a lot of opportunity and a lot of different ones that are extremely fun [Music] so making her way through escape here we did get Princess Zelda out of there beat the mini boss of fallen chain which can be pretty scary at times he hits like a truck basically but this mini dungeon just getting through a bunch of rooms with guards and as you see here coming up soon the back half of escape is just loaded with bats and rats and snakes so it gets pretty dangerous only three hearts Justin does take some hits there on that final spicy chicken needs thirty experience points for her magic seven he's going to go ahead and kill the heads to here only kills one of them we get another one like back to back and at our magic aid for Justin so he gets a free magic refill here he's gonna be able to just go straight down for our final Thunderbird fight of thee with magic a he gets a few extra perks here he's gonna be able to use shield jump and reflect which neither the other runners had reflect will shrink his heap hitbox actually which will allow him to kind of go for a strap we called a panic dolphin he goes for a bit gets hit that is like it was a good try he's a good child Wow to fight there it is that was [Applause] [Music] overall making making good time for TV that they're too far behind any bad situation and we're going into right back into it a Link to the Past we doubt there's nothing for donations I have $25 from anonymous says love seeing these runners link up for a real legendary race look I know I try forced those puns give me a break and speaking of puns we have a donation from the yeti 10,000 we put that on the yeti here zelda puns huh okay let me try you go run the games really fast I'll sell the t-shirts for charity what the thing is on the twitch channel I'll buy this you put that on a t-shirt one more cheer for the Yeti guys everybody who's donated tonight 530 grand we're getting closer to that 550 let's go guys we didn't have this yeah alright CGH is making his way to the first light world dungeon of the run to eastern palace so it looks like blunts just getting underway so we have all three runners now and a Link to the Past right now so this is pretty hype I mean [Music] you did notice at the beginning that one obviously did gift the first chest went outside did the rest of the runners that's just to make sure that we save a little bit of time by getting the boomerang first blum plenty of course for team P hat the final contestant for that team the defending champion of the last vanilla link to the past tournament if I'm not mistaken that is correct and eat after his recent PB who wants to move on to the 100% no major glitches category and he also wants everyone to know that Glover is the best beer of all time baby also just a just a big shoutouts to plum pony I know the community is behind him all the way he just got his 123 so very very exciting so I do see tgh in this room here there is a specific line that you walked on there is a box that you want to try to avoid that way you end up killing less Snell folks in that room there's four that can spawn and make it a little bit [Music] donation happily I have $100 from JB salon I hope I said that right $100 says what a race and what a commentary team next year randomizer race hypeeee i also have $100 from nests 14 gotta go fast gotta beat Ganon in memory of Jess who lost her fight to cancer last summer thank you for all the good work gdq alright so TG HS get into one of the first big parts in this dungeon it's going to be a big keep deep boost he's gonna take iframe damage there on purpose which lasts about one second that gives them access to lift up the pot underneath the anti-fairies there and then activate the switch to grab the big key which does save considerable amount of time because in order for this anti-fairies to spread out you have to kill all the Joshua's getting out of a scheme grabbing the bow coming up is pretty scary idea these this is the first dark room with quite a bit enemies along with the high Gore's in here so this top right Ike or does Holden eat the door and he gets the red ruby talked a little bit about fries packed down the line here fantastic ball and chain [Music] we come up to our first boss here what is a pro tem agents strategy going into this possible I'm also going into this stuff boss you want to at least have a minimum of 18 arrows this is the almost night's fight and basically everyone's going to be doing the top right strategy here some of us don't know a little bit about how to optimize this fight I think some of them although what you mostly call Pinker strategies it's kind of the newer one to save some frames but everyone's gonna be on the top right shoot five arrows to the right and then head toward the left and she wears down this fantastic plate it helps set up the last our most to not turn red the last our most kin turn red making you fire three more additional arrows to kill it so that's kind of the almost quick kill that are you seeing there so this is where the run gets quite interesting TJ's gonna go pick up the boots I which is gonna give us access to the first available Japanese 1.0 exclusive village which is called spin speed or SuperSpeed makes the game extremely fun so as we wait for these boots to be delivered this will be another great chance for a few more of these Zelda puns if you've got anything absolutely I have $50 from Mel's burger uh could you guys give those puns arrest they are most definitely note funny you could at least try next time what you disagree I guess I'll have to go my own way then as I cast a cold stare back at you so I was everybody start there that was the first minor glitch that was available to us once we got the boots it's called spin speed basically you charge up your sword and when you release it you want to hit the a button or the dash button one frame later that gives us access to super speed which is basically dashing speed movement without having the the downfalls of bonking or anything so he's able to basically have - speed movement which is he here coming off these stairs this allows him to book it allows him to book it as he gets the book [Music] the movement in the overworld in this particular section very it doesn't look like it's that important but there's so much that can go wrong to always walk and ads up on the time losses this game is all about movements small optimizations you know whether it's you know pumping or coming out of doors or staircase is the right way to prevent stair lag some of you guys out there and their legs their leg you'll know what I'm talking about but yeah just some of these small optimizations just comes down so important to movement in this game that's one of the things that impressed me the most about being only two the past run stuff like what he just did with the venue there to stop his path so he didn't have to just pixel perfect stop exactly basically what he did there's a they call the menu buffer he knows he's got to switch to a specific item coming up soon so he's gonna utilize that point right there that he had to kind of give it more meaning and basically it helped him to dash on the grass on that particular part instead of the water which was actually gonna slow him down so you'll see a lot of menu buffers when it comes to specific dashes or being able to line themselves up and he picks on perfect trick just to help them Oh team P Hannah is through escape headed over to Eastern Palace as well and we start desert house what are we looking for in this dungeon specifically as far as our objectives in our movie yeah so desert palaces for pretty much a straight forward palace there's just a lot of long hallways and dashes he's gonna grab a key here that's gonna give us give us access to the right side of the palace to grab the big key but some of the more important things as we go through desert palace is just picking up as many arrows as we can to get ourselves ready for the desert boss coming up which is land molas they can be a definite pain and you want to make sure you have as many arrows we can good our most fight for Josh they're very clean kill [Music] it's some kind of cannon ball orangey with your refuge oh nice beans rope [Music] in sideways out of on their way to the desert after they pick up their book as well good chance for some more of those amazing puns that we've got some standing back we do but first I have a $50 donation from Mika SAR that says Bonjour GDQ great to see the audience practicing their French we have $10 from Nabi 26 says hey listen we've got to get some puns too octo rock your socks off it's very easy to make them let's link up and get a donation pun train going we already have one going it's gonna be a good time there is a spin speed trick coming up here that can be a little scary with the super speed State even if you touch a Ledge barely you're gonna hop off of it does a fantastic job thereby teach but basically if you accidentally hop off that ledge you got to start a desert Palace all over again that's just how important some of the optimizations are in this game so he just dash through that door I didn't think you could do that yeah so he dashing what's pretty cool about that is basically you need to line link up about four pixels from the door and it sounds a little bit difficult bit but the cool part about this is there's a lot of things that are on a multiple of four pixels within the rooms whether it's you know pods or a lamp railing or a wall so basically it's just as easy as lining link up directly with one of those objects and then starting a dash and turning toward the door and that will set you up perfectly on a multiple of four pixels and you're able to dash the door without bunking here we go with the lamb well fight this is actually one of the hardest fights to pull off op but you're looking for like three cycle here two cycle obviously two cycle is gonna be the most optimal and an RTA Road but an early three cycle is definitely ideal or even a three for that matter so to start the second these land modes can go any which way that they want to go they can give you long waves they can give you short hops sometimes that Lambo can definitely be a runkiller very frustrating yeah the problems you have one arrow yeah so if you end up having one arrow out if you end up having one area out in that fight and you missed Al and Moe it's gonna take that time to travel across the screen and you're not able to shoot another arrow out so it can get a little bit frustrating Josh getting into desert palace here while Blunt is getting ready for the are most fight this park up enough especially in a marathon setting is extremely you have to take it with kid gloves you can't just go into the fake flippers with your mouth yeah careful here so this is the second Japanese 1.0 exclusive which you're gonna see here what th is gonna do is he's gonna transition the screen and set it up so he's one pixel away when he jumps in the water to transition and since the game only checks if you have flippers every eight frames that's actually a perfect amount of time for us to transition which is eight frames it allows us to swim without the flippers now the scary part that Jason was talking about here is if you get hit in the water while you fake flipper or you're in that state you're gonna end up being pushed back and the game doesn't know where to put you so it is a soft lock at that point and of course this category does not allow saving acquitting so very scary a minor glitch that we do that so what you're saying is that anything can happen too late to the past this race is far from far from over for anything to happen team P hat picking up their boots and now we get to see another example of the spin speed glitch you were referring to earlier and as we get a little bit of this cleanup as we head to the next dungeons another great chance for us to be close to that fifty five hundred fifty thousand dollar mark oh baby let's get there donate now [Music] Death Mountain everyone's favorite partner new Zelda game basically at this point you're kind of got the whim of the mountain and the falling rocks and boulders so trying to perform a couple of things here has been speed we got squirrels going back for it we got rocks falling all over the place and it can be a little scary because the next dungeon that we're going to here which is Tower of Hera you want to have as many hearts as possible there's a lot of different things that can happen here and you want to go into the mold alarm fight at the top of the tower definitely with as much health as you can shoutouts to pelant bunny Tejan tower O'Hara so you get another crack at the full dorms here in a second for Team sit and sideways and as we get to that point perhaps another good chance for some more donations absolutely $25 from lucky gypped lucky charms I don't have any puns just a love of Zelda the runners the volunteers the donors and everything about this amazing week every year my dad has been cancer-free for 25 years thanks to her affection and raising money to help that happen for others couldn't be better [Applause] that is awesome news lucky charms thank you so much for that donation quite here going on a third cycle oh and that's pretty much all orangey oh yeah the worms are just bullies once entering desert palace [Music] did you just get hit by the final tile movie after he picks up this big key here he's gonna be headed up the tower and as he goes up the tower we're gonna see another one of those crazy tricks that we see him in this beaver yeah so he's gonna do a bomb jump here to get the big chest which contains the mean parole the correct way to do it or how the game intended you to do it is to go even a floor higher and then fall from above to the chest platform so if you do a bomb jump it's gonna save you quite a bit of time basically lining yourself up within two pixels of an edge of the pit the bomb is going to allow you to explode link over a two tile gap now two pixels away from the pit sounds a little scary but if you use a bomb technique on a wall it actually opens that up to about six pixels so makes things a little bit easier hi he's newly bomb John he definitely did a high-pitched strat there he actually did the early bomb jump in conjunction with the source bins set up so that was pretty cool to see a scary boss coming up he's down to two hearts down to two hearts so right here going into mold arm he mold or is definitely a one of the gatekeepers this run he has around the movement but one big thing that you got to know oh the tail will always follow the head be careful [Music] so anywhere the head goes the tails gonna follow so it's a great way and some great strategy to kind of know where where to be and where to hit his last hit he's gonna get some extra speed here hanging out on the left side of the pitch nice Wow he that would have been huge nicely done very clutch that's pretty much as close as it gets Josh climbing the mountain here getting ready to go to tower Hera so three pendants that's we're good master sword GG right master sword GG I wish it was that short and that easy but he's got three penis now that's gonna allow him to pull the master sword in the lost woods one thing I didn't want to talk about currently on the rough edge he just taken right now in the rest of the runners of course is the tree rupee route so we need a hundred and ten rupees total going into the dark world and this was actually found in a 2014 I believe by a runner named AC MLM and what's cool it saves about six seconds versus just going in the back where you get boost and getting a couple of rupee chests so what we found out is if you kill four enemies without being hit and you pull the tree you are going to get red roofies so he's gonna collect a few rupees here by pulling a tree he's gonna finish killing some of the enemies on the way to the Master Sword so he accumulates four enemy kills without being hit and then when he gets back to that same tree he's gonna repo lit he's gonna what money barely misses the two cycle gets the three cycle on the Lambos right behind team P hat still in this so if you look at what josh is doing here and he actually did another japanese 1.0 exclusive glitch it is actually called in item - it allows the link to - while using an item and what he did is he did a boom - to hit the crystal switch and then lock himself where the pegs are basically giving you infinite iframes invulnerability to just kind of sit there and chill until the tiles have finished and you're able to go to the next room plus it saves a few seconds since you don't know it and hit the switch so it's it's always nice to do that because you don't get a lot of breaks in this game you know if you're not doing something crazy your mash if you're mashing all the buttons for text so just definitely not a lot of breaks so that is one that is much needed blunt setting up for fake flippers here [Music] scary spawn berries that whirlpool the enemy can actually spawn exactly on top of that portal is welcome news mom jump bombers on here yo me Josh setting this up he is gonna bonk it's gonna open up the pics Lorraine nice before [Applause] so now tgh headed to Hyrule Castle help me so he said a Dagenham tower right now everyone's favorite part basically fighting egging him at the top is the giant gate keeper of this this category of this row basically pretty much have to pray that you don't lose a lot of time before blue balls which I'll come and talk a little bit about the chances and what's gonna happen in that fight once he gets closer there Josh now fighting mold warm good start to the fight has a little more health than teach did so josh is actually able to dash through Oldham right there because his head is the only thing that's gonna hurt you that's the hitbox there so if you kind of off-center yourself when you - you're gonna go right through the head most times and then just hit your tail [Music] as we begin the climb up Hyrule Castle this would be a great chance for some more - Zelda funds sure I have $10 from Ferg Master Flash what was Link's favorite dance in the 90s the Macarena also don't forget to drink some water thanks Bert Master Flash [Music] so one thing early on that I wanted to talk about too and you'll see the other runners do this right when they get into egging them star as well as every enemy has their own prize pack category that they are in and the second room and hey a lot technically the third room in aghanim's tower here are two specific guards and their prize pack is part of the fairy drop which is gonna be pretty important because we're actually going to preserve that prize pack and when you kill an enemy by dashing through it the enemy does not drop an item in you do not advance the prize pack so they save that very drop which they are going to utilize in Turtle Rock later in the run [Music] about to pull the Master Sword here Josh's side it's red cards they can be quite Foley it looks a lot easier than it really is to get through these rooms but yeah they can and it's the common theme here but yeah for that room it's called the circle of pods it can be pretty frustrating but luckily there is a few things that you can do especially menu buffer to the the boomerang which you're gonna need to grab the key that's in the middle it helps you see the rng whether it's good or bad and to know what you're supposed to do at that point [Music] all right so a little bit about egging him so he can give you as low as zero blue balls or he give you as high as 15 blue balls which the chances of getting 15 blue balls is pretty high but in most cases the average is about three so every blue ball that he fires is a six second time loss so the very first one right here is going to be an energy ball 100% all the time the next three hits or the next three moves that he's gonna do is a 50/50 chance between an energy shock or a blue ball one - Oh baby we're on track well how many times have you seen the perfect blue balls fight 3 what do you say perfect blue balls you you mean zero or 15-15-15 personally I've never seen it but runner by the name of street boats headed twice which is unbelievable if you know the odds of getting 15 blue balls and then having one runner get it twice it's astronomically impossible got the mold arm fight here wow so over on Josh's side you see him beam those two guards and then dashing through then that's the setup yeah so I talked about that earlier that's the setup the - to kill the guards though they do not advance the prize pack we're through we're getting ready for dark world y'all jamming so as we get through the text here text boss of the pyramid oh yeah we should probably get afraid I have $250 from sama good evening agdq I'm so incredibly sorry this was one from earlier actually I'm so incredibly excited to see the man the myth the legend green mario up on stage tonight you're gonna do awesome man you got this and a special shout out to the a Ponte in the crowd I love and miss all mighty generals so very much please put this towards the ocarina time glitch exhibition all right so teach is making his way to the first dark world dungeon which is Palace of darkness he is going to meet Kiki the monkey and he is going to take ten dollars or ten rupees to have the to have him follow you and then he's gonna ask for an additional hundred rupees to open up the first dungeon what Kiki the monkey needs 110 rupees for I'm not sure I'm pretty monkey he's going to Vegas a lot of bananas him at him and Donkey Kong are gonna chill it so what happens if you get hit if you get hit during the process well Kiki follows you he's just gonna run away and then you're gonna have to pay him again oh no not fun you think he'd be in his interest to set more enemies up like get on the enemy side any blue balls Josh get here I'm making up some good time as well headed a agus power I'm on board nicely done it's his setup for the pole [Music] all right so the route through pod here had been has been three all right known that was come the run through party has been changed a little bit slightly every time that you mirror it's gonna take you back to the beginning of the dungeon and it's gonna allow us to pick up more bombs which is something that we're gonna need to do this dungeon and through some of the other dungeons [Music] Josh getting ready to rock and roll to the dark world here it's really as we get to this point it's about a third through run maybe a little less than a third and runners are definitely in different spots obviously you're very separated at this point but what's kind of neat about what we have going on here it's definitely just one bad luck it's one spot of bad luck that's gonna bring one of these runners back into it yeah oh absolutely and you know some of these dark world bosses can be pretty tough one of the first ones is getting that we're gonna stay here in palace of darkness des King and Ole Miss or he can be pretty brutal he's got a lot of attacks every attack is gonna take off two hearts luckily all these runners grab his take heart Wow which is definitely gonna help but as you see here on TV HS file he did a bomb clip for the hammer jump so that's definitely not an easy trick what's cool about that is it saves about 45 seconds if you didn't do that and you grab the key the way the game intended you to you got to go a few rooms to the right do a lot of dashing and grab the key and then come all the way back look for that hammer jump basically it is a pixel perfect y-coordinate where you late where you place the first bomb and then where you place the link so it's two different coordinates but they are pixel perfect time for a quick donation I have $500 Oh baby from a vendor of dark says just wanted to donate to this awesome event and say thank you for all that you guys do Thank You Avenger of dark oh yeah that was definitely smooth hog mimics there we have a couple of cutscenes here the long wall that we got to wait so we'll check out what's going on the other side here we have blunt headed up toward and egging him so see how the third egg enum compares to the rest of we [Music] coming up here we have with a room called the turtle room and this room is pretty tricky I kept me pretty tricky he's gonna go in with sword held he's gonna hammer once hammer another time and then release to spin he did get good rng there sometimes sometimes the turtles can go down on the left the right side so that was a very smooth and quick turtle room there all right we have once an egging them and then we have teach and it rates you can't come on the store here basically it's a tough fight he's got he has a lot of sporadic movement he can charge us you he could sales ypu he can shoot fireballs it does take 17 hits to get his mask off before you're actually able to damage him and then at that point energy shock then at that point it's gonna take three hammer hits and a spin to splash is equal to spin oh that is such a scary fight especially in a marathon Oh Josh went down just one extra pixel than you should have there [Applause] [Music] nice this is amazing so most of the crystal cutscenes in the dark world they can get pretty lengthy Palace of darkness being at one of the longer ones [Applause] [Music] all right so were you gonna see T's go here directly at a palace of darkness he's gonna start doing dungeons out of order so the intended dungeon order is a swamp house next being the second dark world dungeon but we're gonna go rate the thieves town here which is actually the fourth dungeon and the reason that we're doing that is because we want to get the the gloves basically to allow us access to the Frog which is going to give us an upgraded sword or the tempered stork which is going to make the rest of the dungeons and the rest of the bosses much easier and faster in fact the last sort of grade we're going to receive in the game oh yeah in the mean time I think we do have time for more donations great I have $250 from garthok NARS excuse me says all hail koji kondo the dark world theme is easily my favorite song from the Zelda series let's get that 550 K orb and what are the chances and what are the chances I could get another well excuse me princess truly a thing of beauty alright so tgh is gonna give the shovel right here and he's gonna dig up the fluid while josh is gonna head toward Hellmuth store in blunt just entering Palace of darkness so what teach did here what you can do here is you can actually get a quick warp I didn't talk a little bit about quick warps earlier but what's nice about it is it actually saves 34 frames during the transition and basically it just depends on where the camera is set when you're on that particular screen and every eight pixels horizontally and there are two pixels that you can use to get that quick warp when you say 34 frames to be saved isn't a lot but with the amount of warps in the game it actually does turn out to be about 12 and a half seconds of time saving throughout an entire nm0 nice Delmas door there you have any extra donations that's a good time we have a cutscene I have 25 dollars from yurievich says we good timing this was good timing 15 dollars from C forever what happens to the hero of Hyrule after he pounds an energy drink he becomes a hyperlink I have an anonymous $25 donation why is Ganondorf so afraid of the internet because of all the links as much ear anonymous and Davis gives $10 says I can still hear the collective pundit if of the West Coast free us from the pun on slot blunt going for a hammer jump here perfect line up on the first first out of pixels knees go up to nice I know extra buffers fantastic job with my slump bunny there we are in thieves town basically thieves town is just a lot of dashes a lot of enemies they want to try to avoid you don't take too much damage in here but the one thing you do need to worry about in this dungeon is a long conveyor room with spikes and mattress star enemies so quite a bit going on there they can get a what they call a pixel perfect - just by - students directly from the door which will line the link up perfectly to be able to - all the way up for it through the door but because this game is so fantastic with RNG even if you get the god pixel you don't always get the god Nash that allows them to go down to the basement they'll be able to pick the upgrade admits that you referred to earlier and they'll find a very trustworthy looking young lady Oh Ariel trustworthy nice you got it oh oh talking about earlier even if you get the god pixel oh that was still pretty good setup though [Music] so he's gonna be headed to the the cells to the right here to pick up the maid josh is going to activate the flute while Blunt makes its way to King and he'll masseur nice Turtles room there yeah we definitely have ten for a few more donations as we get down into this part of each town I have $100 from offered liek great to see the Zelda speedrun in teams because after all it's dangerous to go alone thanks to everyone at gdq for all their hard work for charity $25.00 from sorcerous each watching amazing games ran by fantastic runners and donating to a great cause couldn't be better thank you gdq for continuing to make these spectacular events blown get some bad rng in this place and be careful I'm gonna take a slow and just control it with the sword swipes here nice job how is she keeping up with it I think you might be right so we're gonna get the mitts in this dungeon here to allow us to allow us to get the tempura sword once we get out of here to make the following dungeons in box what's easier to kill so the bosses is dungeon is there any tricks or strategies that are 100% consistent absolutely so the boss in this dungeon is blind of course this maiden turns into the boss shocker what but the blind fight has a script to it so as long as you have the right movement this boss is going to do the same exact thing every time the fireballs are going to go this the same exact way so as long as everything is done correctly and it goes exactly the same so it's a pretty easy script once you know it but learning it can be quite difficult a little unattractive but still great fight [Applause] [Music] we're gonna see how the conveyor room goes down here for Josh it's pretty good rng in that room see if he sets it up right in the middle got it in there guys nice - perfect that is a pixel perfect trick or a - I should I should say here at the top of screen you'll see the item - with the hammer that like I said before the under - thing is a japanese 1.0 exclusive which does come in handy with quite a few items that we utilize in this nmg run we're gonna be doing a little bit of collecting you're in the village outcasts we need 500 rupees we're gonna get a little extra extra pocket money for link you yeah we're gonna go shopping so these two chests that we're gonna get here coming up both have 300 rupees in them also we're gonna pick up the first one and then we're gonna stay at the bottom and we're gonna collect the Frog or Beach Wharf frog in the dark world war from the light world and we are gonna get our sword tempered into sort of a little bit more powerful which is the temperature and of course he's gonna charge us ten rupees hey you saved my life and give me money that's that's a pretty cheap swordsmith it is the cost of material yeah all right so this action that's going on here with the dwarf this actually got changed up recently basically this is now called the blank Smith's and what this helped us view RTA wise it made it a little bit smoother it is a little bit faster but it avoids us picking up rocks and throwing them on the right time the right frame and dashing and quick hopping off things so just a little bit more RTA friendly and it just helps us save just a little bit more time and gives us kind of that ease of comfort [Music] so we're gonna talk to him one last time to get our sword meanwhile Josh have got to head into the blind fight as well there we go I wanna make sure I explained this right away here we got the most important trick of this run coming up right here the fence - simply left an a on the same frame and you're good to go oh baby if you don't get that trick you gotta reset perfect line fight nice job right 535 kay we're getting closer Jim can we get to 500 if I think we can the great things are going we have any donations we can read off it sure I have 25 dollars from sporadic erratic I set my text notification to the link to the past text noise so every time I watch a speedrun I feel so popular had to donate during one of my favorite games of all time I could never beat skull woods as a kid please wreck it for me love from the front row mummy room is the best room so as you see some of the runners here what they do when they're pushing statues they're gonna wobble back and forth this actually helps out with diagonal movement to push them much faster but that room can go wrong very quickly with the mummies getting in your way and then you have to pull the statue from the other side and it just it can go sideways real fast we got another bomb jump here that's pretty nice yes the hybrid again is like the early bomb jump along with the swords has been set up one more try at the hallway they did crazy teas just guys unfortunate orangy there but so we're not going to see a lot of school words but we are gonna see the final box and this boss is annoying yeah so mafia load can be a giant bully if it wants to be so basically we're teachers going right now he's at the back half of Skull woods and from the Mafia fight there are a few things that you need to remember during the fight you never want to hit mafia into the spikes because due to the game code sense despite to do damage they didn't want Mithila to receive damage so if you end up hitting Mithila into the spikes and gonna override your sword damage and it's just gonna do nothing Mottola does like to sit at the top every once in a while and just chill but as you see here what he's gonna do is he's gonna initially set up for a double head he's gonna charge us toward and he's gonna bomb so it doesn't look like you got the double hit here but going for a couple of poke nice that's a great fight you can you can elect a pope mafia as well if you do a - Pope you actually get full sword damage out of it basically holding your sword out and Riven you're about to damage the enemy or poke the enemy you hit the dash button and that'll give you basically full sorter or swing damage meanwhile team P hat blunt bunny about to fight his blind fight - really good blind fights so far can we make it three four three if you have any donations now's a good time I do I have $100 from dead link this Zelda relay has been great so far and I couldn't think of a better time to donate all of the runners have been amazing always great to see the community come together for a great cause also shout-out to fricker killin it on comms let's hit 500 50k Oh baby black fights looking pretty good so far nice eggs is a script but it's still relatively execution you stayed at home you got to have the right it's it's the same straight but you got to have the same movements as well so what CGA just did there that's a newer find of this I would say this year cuz it's 21st but last year it's what they call it a spooky action glitch you're gonna see more of in misery Mario which I'll talk about but when he transitioned that stream he used his flute and what that flute is gonna do is it's going to set a an altitude variable that the bird has and for this specific part in Ice Palace it's gonna be the first room in high school it's gonna allow him to get a larger Splash Damage with a higher altitude to kill the first enemy much sooner there are some crazy things that we're gonna do with this like I said miss remar but once we get there all let's go out then but right now we're headed to the flippers and along with getting our quick medallion [Music] and we get a party so that bonk it's not just about swag it looks pretty swaggy but what that bonk actually does is it positions link in a quick warp position so he's gonna save the 34 frames right here he's gonna have a faster transition [Music] Mithila fight number 2 for Josh now help should be okay nice gift Josh gets the double hit here he's got it so good [Applause] unfortunate we have to pay 500 rupees for slippers they don't have eBay yet but what we do have is probably some more donations yeah I have $250 from monitor watching the runners navigate these Zelda games so fast as incredible every year they're revealing new strats how do they find them all that was a very good pun i'ma stay up past midnight to find out how this race ends so you want to enter ice palace with full hearts or else I Stu's gonna be a little bit lengthy ah but what you're gonna see here is teaches actually enough shoot the fire rod just a little bit earlier than expected because he set that bird altitude a little bit higher he's gonna be able to get this kill much sooner [Music] alright so ice palace has quite a bit of ice physics some spike rooms to go along with it and the most important the ice palace farm jump in why that's important is because it helps to skip about skip about half the dungeon so obviously since we're speedrunning we want to go fast we want to definitely do those tricks a lot of these ice physics in this dungeon can be mitigated with the use of the sword to get around yeah we can your sword used an item like the hammer dashing at certain points while you're on the ice it allows you to change your momentum and just get a better understanding of those ice physics all right so we're coming up on the ice palace conveyor room here we got to kill the second blue jelly on the left for a key he's gonna take in a damage from the spike there that was intentional it allows him to line up directly in between the spikes to be able to - right so he actually going for that that I spouse bomb dropped he actually corrected his movement with sword buffers which is a little bit more advanced but I'm sort of buffering up a few pixels are down a few pixels just to make sure that you're on the right one for the bottom but that does allow us to skip half the dungeon and we don't need a big key here and we also don't need to grab the chest we do need to find a box oh yes so what tgs just did there is he did a stair clip which is a newer find as well so basically of utilizing that ice physics in that momentum he held the sword and released it at the right time to enter the bottom portion of that stair clip and the cool part about that was is he actually got the right pixel on the right side which saves little bit time if you were to got the left pixel on the left side of the stairs he would actually take in an extra heart of damage per minute physical spike his bladders tgd edge heading into the cold stare flight this could be a scary fight cold stare does four hearts of damage especially since we're still on green male he's gonna do the single poke strategy here right on a bunny on his popular fight nice also a great fight perfect it's so great to see it just top runners just smoke through these bosses super quickly yeah the amount of practice and strategies that they put in is absolutely incredible definitely time to read some donations if we have any yeah we have twenty five dollars from Rin the bedouins says the Legend of Zelda series has brought me much peace and serenity amid what feels like endless cycles of medical issues I'm always overjoyed to watch Zelda speedruns to bask in the nostalgia and comfort that all the music and sound effects still conjure up thank you the person hearing this now for what you are doing to make the world better loved Rin that deserves a round of applause today I have $25 from John Locke phone punch that just says Zelda [Music] $10 from Midna 84 linked to the past more like linked to the fast I could watch you play again on again you guys high rules keep up the great work so this there's one thing I do want to explain here you're gonna see tgh going directly into swamp Alice both Blum Pawnee and Josh Cartier they're gonna have a little bit of a route divergence definitely optional here just to basically RTA wise make sure that they don't lose hearts or the misery Meier just because you have to go through Death Mountain II and when rng is not on your side it's not on your side so we're gonna see a route divergence here on the shopping trip to get the ether medallion in the ice rod so it's gonna be a little bit different after ice palace for two out of the three runners not a huge time saved just more or less their preference correct the route divergence actually loses some time because they're not going to be able to do the stair climb which saves about a second or so but it's a little bit safer a wise man once said so the swamp is one of those dungeons that it's deceptive in time losses you can lose time easily yes because it's one of those dungeons that as a runner you're just kind of it's almost like you take it lightly and then next thing you know you're losing it sometime yeah I'm gonna talk a little bit about swamp I wanted to make sure this poster fight well nice so swamp Alice yes that is very just deceptive there are a lot of rooms that have water which obviously slows links movement down so the importance of maximizing your dashes and good movement is going to be ideal in this palace and the other thing where you can lose a lot of time is this is actually the second dungeon of the game that is intended so the enemies don't do a lot of damage but you can get bucked by quite a few of them basically hitting you out of your dashes and just losing quite a bit of time so as a speedrunner point of view is this dungeon you you can definitely beat a lot of time without good move any donations just about to ask we have $1,000 from Genji glove beautiful says The Legend of agdq making cancer a thing of the past awesome run everybody 550 K hype we have $25 from pizza sandwich Thank You GE hue for doing what you do a Link to the Past is one of my all-time favorite games so it's great to see it played by three runners simultaneously truly a Triforce for good good luck to all the runners you just thought item - right there through a pot [Music] so Josh headed up to the top of duck Nam he's got to get the item you were referring to earlier yep he is actually going for the ether medallion right now so he's got to utilize his book on the tablet up here he's gonna grab the ether medallion and then he's gonna go straight to swamp after this but basically that helps them save the heart in the mire segments well actually it can help save heart so he doesn't have to worry about bad mountain I spent about half way done with swamp here we got to do some backtracking go back through some of the rooms we've already been after we got the big key a lot of orangey a lot of enemies we got to get through it's kind of a slog yeah that's why it's so deceptively difficult because you kind of just are going through the motions and next thing you know you're taking bops from something absolutely perfect ice palace bottom jump from there so now we have the hookshot we're gonna do a little trick here cuz we had lined with the statue on the right we're able to hook shot right to that middle pot go on through these just some of those little hits that come out of nowhere and definitely slow you down we're gonna do a trick here called the hook - we're gonna hook - to this pot and it's gonna allow us to be in a state where we can pick up that top left pot first drive I know that pot can be a little bit difficult it's picked up sometimes if you don't do the right maneuvers and get yourself in the right state for that I got Josh entering swamp palace and then we have a flood coming up here to the cold stare fight I know blunts gonna go for the the single Pope it does takes eight barrage shots which is all of your magic to get rid of cold stares ice shield beautiful that's the scary fight you end up unfortunately dying the cold stare you have to have magic to get back in so it's either you sit and you farm for magic right there outside of ice palace or you just do swamp nice girls like I gotta learn as beautiful so zero psycho heartiest saved about six seconds it can be pretty difficult to do but like I talked about earlier about hook dashing you can hold your sword out in this bite you can do a hook - which basically puts link in a state where the his sword does slash damage instead of poke damage that's why those those puffs from Argos were immediately dying because they normally take a swing to kill instead of a pope so if you hook - the first one and then you time the hooks after that correctly along with making sure that you balance your movement back and forth to make sure that you have the puffs basically killed in a nice pattern that they don't bring you against the bottom wall I can be pretty difficult to do but like I said it saves about six seconds along with the an extra few seconds for the quick bill with the fire rod it's not water yeah go ahead I've got $20 from Polly mania says hey everybody sad I can't be there to watch in person but donating a bully red rupee to some of my favorite Zelda runners glad to see everyone representing the great community for the series donation to jsr a choice as long as as long as it's a fade give it to a winner's choice all right so now gh is gonna go on his shopping trip so he's gonna climb the mountain he's gonna get his ether and then right after he's gonna get us ice rod while the other two runners had already gotten their ether before swamp and they are gonna get the ice rod in the Tarak split so a little bit of route diversion not too much difference [Music] it's the quit war up there saving 34 frames those little things that I was learning as I was learning the game that don't believe noticed until you start really oh game it doesn't look like much but don't you do that throughout the run you're gonna save a few seconds twelve and a half seconds it's free if you do it it's free [Music] all right so he's gonna go get his ice rod into happy minor so what you just saw there I know the mirror blocker race is actually another Japanese well point of exclusive glitch they saw over on a blunt screen so basically if you spam the mirror a while the block is in motion you're able to just erase it fantastic this is a great game I wish I could do that really I know right alright so this is a pretty important room the second room of misery Meyer you have a lot of enemies you don't want to waste too much time so you want to see if we can get everything on the one cycle because the Wiz robes in this room do disappear on a timer perfect blame blame me that is a pretty tough room to get all those movements down and know exactly what you need to do and it's no specific period of time they're still pretty clean I mean you didn't lose a cycle there's no Josh going for the zero cycle an Argus on favor bar and G Argus does have different movement patterns that you can do it can be slow it can be medium it can be fast so sometimes you just can't get the zero cycle going for the quick kill at the fire rod [Applause] [Music] a lot of rooms admirer we're not even going to see I think I want above with the torches the compass tree it's actually a good time the ebony donations as well trick that you saw there as well as tgh to actually was able to utilize the fire rod through the blocks do you hit the torches so you can use items fire rod and the hookshot as work two items that we use while we move a block in this front surely that's the last amazing fire rod thing related in this dungeon that we're gonna see surely surely no but I don't want to explain too much of it to make it confusing but this is the part that we're gonna start getting ready for what they call this is PE action glitch and the first part of this of course was when the bird dropped us off initially we opened up the misery mire portal we picked up the rock from the bottom to give ourselves a little bit of time for the bird to fly up higher off the screen that's that's our variable altitude I said that could be our variable altitude my minnesota accidentally so anyway so basically what he's gonna do he's got the higher altitude and we don't want to override that altitude to make it disappear which a laying down in blowing up as tomaría block would do so what we're gonna do is we're gonna create dust which is actually called ancilla and we're gonna override that slot so we hold that altitude variable which basically means that we're able to utilize the fire rod for a much higher variable and actually hit a switch in misery mire that we don't even see i know that was a lot touch those spikes on the way through they're down to seven and a half okay so you're gonna see tgh before you place that the red block down i'm gonna - all right so what this is gonna do is it's gonna allow us to you in the next room here we're gonna fire rod a spike and it's actually gonna hit a switch in the next room oh we got it installed tgh missed the first one who's only gonna be able to do this room right here he's gonna hit this anti-fairy gonna hit the switch in the next room above that allows us to go straight to the room we don't have to bomb that and hit the switch he did have to do the old way of hitting the switch in this third room is because he accidentally missed the first part out there but still save quite a bit of times mouki action glitch recently discovered and it saves about 11 seconds in your own video so this is kind of a goofy fight we're intentionally taking damage here from the acid pool giving ourselves iframes and releasing a span on these oh that was close eight arrows to take them off oh man ow [Music] all right we're gonna ask be in a zero cycle attempt here on the August from Guam Pony Oh baby there it is we did it that is the coolest fighting oh that's okay this is fine [Music] [Applause] any donations at all yeah with $50 from varsity super happy to see this relay for agdq 2020 Selda was my go-to game growing up and makes young me happy to see these runners destroy these bosses eight year old me had issues with keep on keeping on $10 from rec or it's truly remarkable the love that can be spread from people joining together and playing video games absolutely love gdq a spectacle of human compassion that is unmatched with $50 from head schinsky the speedrun community always has a special place in my heart because everyone from the runners to the viewers is so supportive keep on going and save those frames tgh is getting his ice rod josh is gonna start his segment of spooky action glitch using that dust or that instill from the kicking up portion of the - part by riding this bike [Music] utilizing the - so in this room we did this on the first time but he's actually going to fire on the bottom part of this torch it's gonna hit a switch so we don't have to hit the switch here above us [Music] give Biddy number two number two probably the scariest fight yeah just intentionally taking all this damage can be pretty scary the eyeballs actually do four hearts of damage nice very nice Wow [Applause] [Music] nice good my r2 room from blood GGH is opening up Turtle Rock here so going into Turtle Rock we still have green tunic we do have the tempered sword so we went from overpowered to underpowered in just a matter of minutes what's the things we're gonna be looking out for as far as survival ends yeah well especially being are still having the the green tunic here all the enemies into Arad just hit like a truck they do a lot of damage some of the big ones are gonna be the pokies but more importantly the chain chomps you give real bad rng with chain shops they can get in your way you can't kill them there's literally nothing that you can do the up to basically hit the switch twice and make sure that you don't get hit they also do four full hearts damage coming up on this room right here we're gonna light these four torches on this platform and we're gonna hook to the bottom left one and intentionally fall so we can get to the the top door that unlocks a little bit quicker [Music] we're gonna utilize hook iframes right here during the hook animation you cannot be hit and on the way back we're intentionally gonna take damage utilize the iframes and then dash through the next one and that roller room is a lot tighter timing than it looks it's very difficult to pull off yeah utilizing the iframes to get past that spike at 60 frames for your for your enroll invulnerability frames which is just wonderful I change top groove number one this is another scary room there we go good rng that was perfect not easy he's the game ez life I need donations we got some time yeah with $10 from John P happy to once again donate every games done quick watching all these amazing runs makes makes the week go faster hoping to hit that 50k before this run is sell done we have less than what $12,000 until that 550 K mark thank you everybody who's been donating I have $25 from IU bushi The Legend of Zelda was always my favorite game series growing up seeing these Zelda games done so fast and in a row has been an amazing treat keep up the great job and let's kick cancer to the curb so tgh making his way through Turtle Rock he's gonna have one more room he's gonna go through the double pokey room I believe there is there's a lot they could go many different ways it's a pretty easy one [Music] got the spoopy glitch perfect the room coming up here is actually a timed room for the room ahead of that room so as long as we get through this room with two dashes cleanly we're gonna be able to set up what they call the squeeze strategy makes it a little bit easier with the beams were able to squeeze right by this roller and we're out nice Oh also going through the dark maze we do have to intentially take just one hit a damage from the fire bar there but coming through the last two doors going south at the toward the end of Turtle Rock here we're gonna do a strategy called laser scale what the game intends you to have is the mirror shield and allows you to block the lasers but that sounds slow so we're just gonna skip right past it so the upcoming fight is try next so he has two heads the left one on the right one you have to utilize both the fire rod and the ice rod to be able to defeat each one using the opposite rod of exactly what they are I'm so the ice rod of the fire had oh the fire road we this is fine we did this week today we're out we're alive it was an RG Mandi oh yeah definitely for gayness dour can we get the best try next pal so we're gonna just right up to here on try next we're gonna - all the way up to the top we're gonna use the ice draw it's last four times use the ice around one more time switch over to fire odd you are not able to go into the item menu during the transition where the head is actually have been defeated so we need to switch beforehand take out the the other head over there and then we're gonna set up a double spin and an extra slash for the win [Applause] blood headed up to UT Rock and Josh going to the roll the room number two for the squeeze he does not have the beams here so we're gonna see his squeeze from Josh nice that's that's a very tight trick there [Music] any donations feel free [Music] $5.00 from mukbang where did link find the princess in her cell duh we have 25 dollars from inu I've played through all the Legend of Zelda games by myself plenty of times but I never imagined that Zelda could be such an enjoyable shared experience watching this relay race has made me realize that these games are really meant to be played with other people I don't think I'll ever want to game mulan again oh my god I butchered that I don't think I'll ever want to game alone ever again it still looks butchered that too this is fine an attempt was made yes we got Josh coming up on the try next fight TJ's headed to Guinness Tower open it up Guinness power is a very difficult budget to get through you see a lot of cool tricks in there the enemies hit very hard especially still being on the green armor but definitely a lot of tough rooms to get through and a lot of really cool tricks to see if we get another clean try next fight here it's good so far [Music] so again this time where there's a lot of cheese that we have to get places that we can go to check we're gonna take it yep so we're gonna be taking the left side against our nice try next place with God so along the way here we are going to grab a few more keys we have a few teleports to take basically all the chests that you see through these rooms are just gonna be used to allow us to progress a little bit further until we get to the our most refight so again this tower we have to refight the three light world bosses before we get a shot at bagging them or egging them to which was also part of the light world Egham - is a little bit different but as far as the refights on the light world bosses they have a little bit of a twist to them so the refight coming up here for our most the twist is it's almost on nice said like a special brought to you by disney the very same we go about to find our first three fights this fight can be pretty fun on the ice so one goofy thing about the are most fight or the refight I should say is by any chance if you don't nice if you don't get the quick kill on the last are most to spend a little bit of time in there that actually does change up your Ganon fight a little bit with how the bats are formed and where they fly out it's called the arc variable so you definitely don't to spend any more time in that room that you need to so definitely some tough firm rooms in here got spikes you have quite a bit of enemies right on this one oh so these mimics the members have very goofy movements they of course they make your movement but it's a little hard when they're in different areas you have be most in the rooms trying to hit you with lasers you have spikes all around so definitely the bow - you don't see that too often night I was perfect so tgh is coming up on what they call the gauntlet five straight rooms of pure evil from the developers here so basically the gauntlet you have to kill all the enemies in the room to have access to the next room as the door opens starts off with conveyors then you have more enemies with conveyors and then in added demos just do not like to play nice [Music] and then we've added spikes now beautiful well how could you get better let's add ice and then let's just make the last pretty nice that's actually ironically one of the easiest ones in the target is correct it is so the land mola to fight here the twist is you're gonna have a turret what they call it shooting out fireballs at you nice nice to get a one cycle on that was quite perfect oh I blame you that was me that was me I'll take it cleaned up though great try next away from blunt nice job I always love seeing these two wizzrobe rooms and ganas powers utilizing the keenest amariah it just looks super cool being able to kill all the Wiz robes in one block [Music] if you have any donations now is a good time I have $25 from Jake says such an amazing relay all the runners have been great and a Link to the Past has always been my favorite $10 from so mad couldn't figure out if I wanted to donate during the Zelda or Final Fantasy runs ten dollars now and $10 as soon as it starts thanks GDQ $25 from paul 87 good luck everyone but if you lose take heart it will just start an awesome alternate timeline alright so coming up on the mold or Matt to refight I'll explain it on another runner because TJ's gonna hover here so hovering is a trick where basically you hit the the a or the dash buggy and on the next frame you need to release it and then on the next frame you need to hit it again basically starting up a dash and stopping and starting up a dash will allow you to hover gab I see that is a very very difficult trick to do you have to worry about the speed that you're that you're hitting a and letting go a bit you have to worry about the pressure that you're applying the button a lot of factors in that trick so here we have the egg and Umrah fight the twist is now there's three of them but only one of them is the actual egg that you could damage so he's gonna have energy balls that you have to deflect back at the real egg in and it's the same concept applies so on the second one here you have a 50-50 chance at an energy ball or ball and this point is impossible it's very deceptive plus you get a good setup and then you might have two of those shots and hit at the same time oh yeah there's one out and you can get out of think you can do a lot of goofy things alright so we have to gain fight coming up which is the final boss of the game and can do a lot of damage and yeah you don't want to give Ganon hogs with uh with greenmail at all they'll do quite a bit of leaves eight hearts deal all right so the gamma fight there is quite a bit of strategy that goes along into it he has four separate phases the first phase the first phase air he has his Trident that he spins and he throws at you we're gonna get a 1 in 1 cycle on this with the double spin on the Trident they're going in 12-inch second phase with the fire ring in the bats we're gonna get another 12 hits here avoid the bats within the circle and we're on to phase 3 perfect so every time you hit Gannon on phase 3 which is gonna be four total times each row of the outer side of the blocks where the tiles disappear which you can fall down and have to restart to be on the fight and of course as you see here again and has warps that he just randomly can either do 0 of or 20 it's a nice purse spin so the torch glitch that we're gonna set up here nice so if you light the left torch right when it goes out and before the right torch goes out the right torch will infinitely stay lit it's about a 20 frame window that you have after the left torch goes down so it can be a little bit tight hitting the torch glitch not only saves you time but it also saves you magic which can be pretty important in this fight we're also doing this fight silver list so we're utilizing a spin to open up the frame window on hit and Gannon without having to use a lot you why Silver Arrows and we need 12 spins on Ganon in phase four or two defeated keeps it sideways finishes off Agra - and will be headed there with Jo ever it is our winners PG tell Don relay can be a round of applause for Team Pro Tem H time when they go into the Triforce room and there it is yeah GG hard we got Josh on the Gannon fight here see how this goes Josh hitting the Trident spin there [Music] I see phase one is complete going on to phase 2 another 12 hits gonna use those hook iframes cannot get hit got our 12 v in off to phase 3 [Music] how many warps are we gonna get here guys one cycle for blunt nope in warped so far for the Jeff I spoke too soon oh snap French toast okay there we go so he got a blue can in there basically what that means is the Free Spin was unavailable because Ganon was already going to teleport to that extreme exact spot so we unfortunately didn't get the chance of free spin we got 12 more spins here utilizing the fire rod on the Left torch allows us to get triple hits each time before we have to light it again timing the spins when he throws a bat out baiting the baddest specific direction moving out of the way and releasing the spin just so happens to set up the spin time perfectly there we go jeepers Josh teams sideways finishing in second place in the zelda relay now a bit of a situation here and the final stretch of GTE for blunt here yeah bunts he's got two hearts going into mol dorm Bull Durham - and of course the egging them to fight gonna have to take us a little bit careful you end up dying here in GT you gotta go all the way back to the bottom and we climb the tower again nice fight using that hook through the blocks look at the time it's exactly two minutes apart after a three hour and 15 min trace that's crazy thank you all right off to our egging him to reef or a team to fight so he's down to two hearts it's got to be a little bit careful here he gets hit by a blue ball or an energy ball is going to take only one heart away nice [Music] and we're off to the ganon fight so as we wait for this last Gannon fight maybe some final donations to be ready as we prepare you have $75 from an anonymous donor The Legend of Zelda series has always been my favorite watching you guys play has been a blast the puns have been all right 250 dollars from RRR Zelda has a special place in my heart and so does my mom she beat cancer once already just got diagnosed before Christmas and she is on the path to beating it again let's beat these games and cancer together and keep up with good fight meanwhile blood just casually destroying Ganon with two hearts gotta love that - strategy [Music] talk to your Gannon fights are just so amazing to watch [Music] what's on phase three in a few extra warps [Music] I just got one more hit get into the phase board there we go set up the free spin oh good more is porch got it thirsty 12 spins and we are good to go [Music] he's gonna let him talk there we go you get a triple here yep so be a triple [Music] sometimes you just have to prepare link to move on specific sides just saying we're ganas gonna warp cuz you only have a certain amount of time before he actually leaves that spot I was pretty smart to get out of the way yeah unfavorable spot that he chose [Music] thank yep there is what a clutch by oh wow and who hearts through the end of beat our it all began and fantastic job the nine best runners in the world separated by less than three hours give it up for DP hat and all of the nine runners tonight whoa Macy Gray thank you so much to everybody up there what a show they put on tonight to all the co commentators and along with my co commentator Jam everybody involved in putting this relay together you guys are awesome keep donating let's hit that goal as soon as we can everybody thank you so much have a great evening I have a shout out donation to the commentators two hundred and fifty dollars from Kiwi 63 says hi everyone just wanted to say thank you to the commentators of this run I'm not very familiar with those particular Zelda games but I've been able to understand most of what's happening on my screen thank you guys what a fantastic Zelda relay thank you to everyone who has been keeping it so hype in the stream room down here thank you to all the runners thank you to the commentators that was an absolute blast to watch and thank you to everyone who has been donating we can't do this without you thank you for supporting this fantastic cause I'm gonna take a quick break to play a twitch ad will be back soon stick around all right everyone welcome back we have fifty dollars from dirty chef says cancer sucks Zelda rules and thanks for the awesome runs ten dollars from kokiri says gaming has always been my passion and Zelda has always been my go-to game I'm so happy and filled with so much excitement to see everyone come together to kick cancer to the curb we have twenty five dollars from trumpet who says whose links favorite final fantasy character its Zelda if $10 from devil or who says anyone know a good place to buy spaghetti online I need that link to the pasta dr. sleepy time he's given $50 and says I had a whole year to think of something clever to say here got nothing so I guess I'll just honk the hype train and wish the runners good luck we have $10 from cama Boko who says I beat cancer when I was 15 and now I'm finally being able to finally make a donation while watching these awesome Zelda runs with my boyfriend this is the best thing in the world and the best revenge I could have had on the disease keep hope everyone coming up next we have run of Final Fantasy 8 and there are some crazy incentives and challenges and bid Wars going on right now one of which is to name squall and there is a ferocious bid war going on between badger and squeals so if you have an opinion if you want to have a say in naming that character get your donations in now the eyes on me challenge for Final Fantasy has been met that will be happening nice job everyone we have two additional challenges for Final Fantasy we have a blindfolded menu segment which proves to be very entertaining where I think a little over yeah we're a little over halfway towards that one and then we have a defeat Omega weapon incentive and we need still just shy of $10,000 for that one check those out on the website and add your donation to them if they call to you which they should they sound really great all right everyone that's gonna do it for me tonight thank you so much for sticking around and hanging out with us please stick around for the final fantasy run yo bgs is going to be taking over the mic have fun well welcome back everybody to awesome games done 'quick 2020 I'm an OBGYN ac8 all-night spectacular incredible marathon run by toad you muttski and luzbelheim they're still getting everything set up and while they do we got a few donations here to read we do have a one thousand dollar donation from no-name that says keep up the good work we will we also have a two hundred and fifty dollar donation from players a and B with no comment I do want to take a quick moment to remind you we have some time to get these in you this is the long run coming up but if you want to see this trio defeat Omega weapon we're gonna need to raise a little bit less than $10,000 more now a mega weapons got a million hit points so you know $10,000 1 million hit points seems like a pretty good deal to me we've also got the blindfolded menu segment that's gonna be coming up a little bit later in the run it's more than 2 minutes of menuing getting everything set and good to go and somehow luzbelheim is gonna do it wearing a blindfold i don't think i could do it if he was sitting there telling me what to do when I didn't have a blindfold on but we'll see if he does if you donate weird about 8500 of $15,000 for that incentive [Music] now the start of the Final Fantasy 8 anypercent co-op relay does mean there going to be some amazing prizes that you will be able to donate for as soon as that relay gets started including some final fantasy metal prints a Final Fantasy prize pack a cool ff7 poster all sorts of amazing things that you will be able to get in for with your donations once we kick this next run off [Music] we have a $50 donation from the man with the hex who says a shout-out to the crowd who are having a great time even if it's the middle of the night here I [Applause] don't know man with the hex I couldn't tell are they having a great time we do have a $100 donation from CAW that says our roommates mother was just diagnosed with cancer so it feels appropriate to donate during one of my favorite games of all time to support this important cause good luck on ff8 runners we have $50 from dr. spaceman spiff saying just got back in time to the end of the a zelda relay gonna stay up all night for the final fantasy run that is a great choice dr. spaceman spiff thank you very much for your generosity you got a $50 donation from Brian L with some good news saying thanks to everyone involved with agdq for this incredible event I beat cancer a month ago and just got engaged over the holidays let's all donate so everyone can be as lucky as me don't forget donations for awesome games done quick 2020 we'll be going to the prevent Cancer Foundation founded in 1985 it's a us-based nonprofit organization their mission is to save lives across all populations through cancer prevention and early detection by focusing their work through research education outreach and advocacy their vision is to stop cancer before it starts you can find out more information about PCF at prevent cancer org it's a $50 donation here from Amanda 68 she says last year I lost my dad to pancreatic cancer in a matter of two months I've always watched agdq but never donated I don't want anyone to feel the pain I went through this summer so I want to donate during ff8 a game he got me for Christmas one year that easily became my favorite of the franchise as they continue to get set up for the ff8 all-night mega co-op relay spectacular some hypes coming in on the donations we have $50 from Josh disease saying getting hype for this Final Fantasy 8 run also $10 from GC Kidd 333 saying looking forward to this FF 8 run best of luck to the runners when if you've been keeping an eye on some of the incentives and challenges that have been rolling by as we've been getting ready for the FFA run you know there are some naming bid wars that you can still get your dollars in to influence the result of including what will squalls name you that's gonna be the first incentive that we're gonna have to decide on here before too long will it be badger will it be squeal will it be dot dot dot or any other result we'll find out soon also you can choose the name for rinoa griever and Angelo [Music] [Applause] a $25 donation from great sword of victory saying let's use our speed strats to smash both these runs and cancer a good luck honk and go fast runners twenty-five dollars from no name and I can't believe this will be the only time we hear this tonight Final Fantasy eight was my first game in the series growing up and has a special place in my heart can't wait to see a speedrun of it live and good luck to the runners [Applause] as a $10 donation from bread 84 and a little bit of a question and it says audience front row what is the pattern on your onesie gotta be ah a $25 from Burkesville saying Final Fantasy 8 hi locked in and ready for the long haul greetings from the front row [Applause] twenty-five dollars from code and data saying amazing zelda real a rock on put this one towards ff8 Omega weapon we got a ways to go on that Omega weapon incentive but it's okay it's a long run there's plenty of time to get your donations in but make sure you do get them in we need to see that blindfolded menu segment we need to see Omega weapon you know we're gonna be hearing the performance of eyes on me I guess that would be a little bit earlier this morning not really later tonight but we will be hearing it performed I don't have somebody who's looking ahead to a little bit of a bonus game that's coming up a while from now but $1,000 from Alaska and Emily saying greetings from Alaskan we need to make that animorphs runt happen I need that game in my life I suppose somebody does five dollars from Wacha Bo saying good luck to the boys running ff8 tonight it works so I can't enjoy it live but I am excited why if you work an eight-hour shift you should be able to catch at least part of it on either side [Applause] we have $50 from 5kv saying the best thing about the new year is another week of agdq [Applause] thank you very much 5k be one hundred and fifty dollars here from killer quail studios saying hi agdq I've been watching agdq for many years now I thank you for all you do it's my favorite time of the year keep it up and also hype I mean I mean honk the $15 donation from Samira sand a great question I should be sleeping but how can I sleep when ff8 is coming up and ff8 is coming up we've got the coop mega super spectacular in just a few moments they're still getting it ready and in the meantime we are getting about as excited as possible I'm sure you can see everybody who's pumped up in the front there that was too easy Oh fifty dollars from Jeremy 87 saying I'm three years cancer-free and proud to donate to this wonderful cause looking forward to the run of one of my favorite games also $20 from Eve adorable saying Big Ups to the front row but I've got to wonder what they were trying to summon in that tipos circle [Applause] iron Wharf donates $100 saying here's to the strongest teacher I know she loved the students that were the hardest to love and was going through chemo at 4:00 in the morning before school so she wouldn't miss even one day with them had to donate during the first game I ever pulled an all-nighter on even though I only got to disc three here's to crushing oh megaweapon on $25.00 from Ren 240 saying greetings from Hungary thanks to everyone involved in the event it always makes my January a lot better keep up the good work thank you so much Ren for your generosity 20 dollars from corn on the Bob's saying of finally able to donate to this great event this is for my aunt who just found out she is cancer-free a few months ago [Applause] they also point out this ff8 speedrun is gonna kill my whole shift and I believe it
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 338,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Awesome Games Done Quick 2020, AGDQ2020, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Id: kLVv93SGit0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 230min 17sec (13817 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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