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i'm not gonna like uh time this for like a speedrun or nothing uh scuffed stream day before stream schedule that's what my splits are named oh banned first day like i said i gotta paint over my wall so if you guys want anything painted 20 subs and you got it no penises okay no penis anything no no penis eggplant yeah i can do an eggplant but it's gonna be a white eggplant good enough draw caleb's face on the wall i mean whatever you want as long as it's not a dick dude it's been a while holy [ __ ] wandon with the five subs thank you so much my hands are [ __ ] chilly right now holy [ __ ] [Music] also i'm not used to playing on the 20-incher but your mom certainly is thank you wandan 20 inches seems excessive it sounds like a [ __ ] thing to say dude that's all i'm saying he's had that joke prepared for a week i have not had that joke prepared for a week i didn't prepare it at all les oh thanks for the four months savio thanks for the six months or no thanks for the gift it's up to mz he has six months thank you ash thanks for the 26 no uh the one sub [Music] zen code thanks for 23 months all right let's see if i can still do this [Music] not that hard wow what am i going for just 80 percent you [ __ ] leave me alone um with the 23 months thank you zenko um yep finally moved in still got a lot to do and my setup's not completely done um because i'm still going to be doing um new channel point rewards um you know probably some green screen [ __ ] um you know this this is still not the completed setup but this is a very temporary thing you're seeing here oh boy thanks for the five subs [Music] thank you how much did you put shrek on the wall i said 20 subs 20 subs from any one of you and since i'm not being timed we can do shrek evacuate i'm not really going to speedrun these games we're just kind of playing through them wait i got 20 bucks about five bucks from german wiz german whiz bang [Music] well what wait where did the 20 bucks come from i don't even see it dude oh my god dude my stream elements isn't working guys yo it's gonna be different when i get into the new house everything's gonna be different guys no more stuffed screams you guys are gonna be hanging out with the hottest babes all right no more angry me i'm gonna be a changed man yeah but then i gotta log back into um that's nice level i gotta log back into um uh stream elements and that's just far too much work yeah you know what [ __ ] it let's just move in again [Music] tomorrow will be my actual intro this is the pre-intro you guys understand this is the pre-introduction streaming drill truth be told tomorrow's just when i re-up from my dealer so i'll have a little more energy you know what i'm saying [Music] yeah this is the soft opening let me know in shack poo hey i said i said if i stream around three i'll do a shaku marathon okay the exact words i said around three [Music] you said if i'm late tomatoes tomatoes dude [Music] it's off the opening i'll take the name of oats's sex tape for 500. soft opening [Music] dude i got performance anxiety [ __ ] leave me alone not gonna lie be angry ridley i'd be an angry early too if my idiot minions rebuilt me with eyes on fire yeah that would probably not be a good thing to have firey eyes ever tried the metroid prime mouse and keyboard hack pretty impressive stuff i have not but i probably will in the future making excuses guys i am a new and improved oats and goats okay s red thank you so much for the prime game itself [Music] i'm a changed man but yeah no in all reality shit's still really stuffed like i said my computer too i'm surprised it worked because i took the pin out the cpu and i was pushing it back down in there after putting thermal paste on first of all i didn't have the right brackets to put on my water cooler so let's just say i made it work and when i was pushing it back down i realized that it was being pushed against the wrong uh it was just being pushed wrong okay so then i was like oh [ __ ] that's not good and i lifted it up and it's like dented on the side so i was like well they're there cpu and it's still going so who's the real you know winner here get don't fall i still got it baby 200 degrees yeah it might be running it might be idling at 100 degrees celsius but it's still working thank you also i got this cool new scar on my face i'm sure you guys already saw it split my eye open [Music] how i got into a fight um you know gone to a fight and uh obviously i won if that's all i had and i i know what you guys are probably gonna say oats she was in a mobility scooter dude it doesn't matter i won fair and square she scuffed up my new nikes all right the satan ones no i did not get the little nos satan nikes although they look pretty sweet i actually might think about it not but um yeah she'll never [ __ ] with me again let's just say she'll never [ __ ] with anyone again well i would just give the satan nikes because let's be real that whole satan aesthetic looks kind of badass silent jess thanks for the prime game and sub not only does it look good but then it [ __ ] with the evangelical you know stay-at-home mothers and that's that's fantastic because [ __ ] i don't believe in satan i don't give a [ __ ] i just think it looks cool yeah so i don't have prime too um of this one um so but what i do have is other m explain the drill what drill what happened oh the drill you guys talking about the [ __ ] john deere boss another m or wait what are you talking about a boss in other m is a a dude in a [ __ ] john deere tractor you try yep all i see is corn [ __ ] and you're going down sammy that's what he says that's an actual line in the game i think i don't know you posted a pic of your pc yesterday and there was an impact drill next to it yeah what about it were you saying i can't use an impact drill on my case nuts or whatever besides you got torque options oh that's what they want to know oh they want to know if i was using the drill on it yeah [ __ ] yeah i was dude i had an extension from my phillips and i i uh on i unscrewed everything with it i screwed everything back in with a you know hand wrench because it's hard to tell guys i unscrewed things with the [ __ ] torque wrench okay that's not how the cpu got scuffed it got scuffed because i'm dumb there's a big difference and not stupid because i use the impact drill on you thought it was because of the moth where the [ __ ] did this come from a moth didn't fly into my pc water bird thanks for the 15 months this is the new house um once everything's done just so you guys know we still got quite a bit of work to do in here like i've like i said we've been doing stuff every day since we moved in and i haven't even got a vacation yet you know what i'm saying like i've been more tired in the last four days five six days than i have been when i was driving here to work because there's still a lot that we're doing in fact there's even more that we're doing because we're here so like four or five in the morning doing [ __ ] what about joe joe who it was like uh 15 minutes you guys like my giant ass [ __ ] speaker take a look at this okay you can't really see it but you get the point this whole thing my it's my uh pvm speaker it's got um what's it called when there's a speaker underneath which is also scary that's why i have a stand because it's a [ __ ] magnet um yeah it's like a home theater speaker and you see this little stand right here you can kind of see it i made that no big deal i cut all my own wood with my bare hands and i stained it and sanded it some it's some nice uh some poplar oh that wood dude i can handle some wood [Music] and a lot of it cameras out of focus oh sorry yeah i mean there's still a lot of scuffed [ __ ] going on here okay this isn't actually the 4k camera the um so okay maybe you guys know what's going on so i put in a new uh avermedia 4k capture card okay so my webcam was 4k or my uh my uh thing my camera yes dslr or whatever and um but it was having issues i think is what it was and i think that could have been crashing my pc as well and so what happened was my pc was turning on just fine and this is after i put in the new um [ __ ] cpu and everything but then it started just going to the bios once i put in the 4k capture card you just always go to the bios but sometimes it would load it would boot up properly it was the impact drill guys i didn't use the impact drill when i [ __ ] tighten down my cpu fan but like i did say the cpu fan is pretty scuffed oh yeah i didn't realize but i um when i was putting my [ __ ] in i i put the uh the pump into us into the actual cpu fan spot and i was like yo why is my [ __ ] still hot and i was laying in bed and then i looked at something i was like oh yeah that's probably why it's supposed to go into a system fan pump instead of like the cpu fan yeah pump my own juice directly into the uh cpu what motherboard which avermedia card um the asus as what is it that z390 so yeah this computer has let me put it out for you corsair uh ddr4 vengeance ram whatever 16 gigs um castle x 3 360 castle x water cooler which i don't even know if it's on proper because you know i'm an idiot um hopefully it is [Music] uh 2070 super um an avermedia 1080p capture card and then the um the other capture card i took out and then i have like a bunch of case fans and [ __ ] [ __ ] off will you yes i am you know what we should do you guys should build a pc for me we'll do it online irl okay you guys would get the shittiest [ __ ] parts you would you would get like the shittiest possible things you can buy is the new one the live gamer for cause i had that one previously i got a pro and it would cause my system blue screen wanted to feed a 4k signal from xbox is that what it is because it would blue screen um live gamer 4k and um yeah i don't know it was having some issues it looks great like when it would actually work it looked fantastic oh [ __ ] i'm gonna mess this up hold on i gotta i gotta focus on this i'm super scatterbrained right now foreign foreign why why oh my [ __ ] god dude dude that is so unlucky man that no not [ __ ] lucky so unlucky dude i had like uh i can't remember the term for it it's like an instant on morph [ __ ] that can happen and that almost [ __ ] over see how have you guys been i'm sorry for the week off but um quite frankly i just hate you guys guts nah i'm just kidding um it's been uh it's been busy for me still i have really missed streaming a lot that is not a lie yeah this is really bad been watching a lot of movies nice yeah it's been pretty nice just to like sit down on a couch and relax mounted a 65-inch tv that thing was a hog to mount wall mount are you doing a house tour um once everything's done yeah we're everything's still dirty and dusty and you know still putting up shelves and all that i got a 65-inch for you right you're probably not even 65 inches tall dawg dude hey john how tall is 65 inches now i can do this it's um okay okay that's five foot five inches yeah that's good then that was a that was a good zinger that was a good joke previous message all right [Music] i ditched over media cards after that i had that in the live gamer went to elgato http and haven't had nearly as many issues all right i mean um should i just get a different motherboard i have a different motherboard um but the chipset is i think only am amd i have a 30-90 earth uh whatever the [ __ ] it's called oh my god dude this is bad 3900k or 3900x which i don't think is nearly as good as the 9900k okay [ __ ] [Music] god i'm bad at this game yeah guys what do you want to do instead of a metroid prime 2 because i um i thought i had the game which i can look again but i kind of i might want to play prime 2d another time actually no i'm thinking about it as long as nintendo doesn't dmc yet you guys just want to play other rim that's what i'm thinking how about this we'll jump directly into um we'll jump directly into prime three and then uh if we have time at the ends we'll uh play some prime or uh some other [Music] yeah we're finishing moving in but um i'm not quite there yet uh with my stream set up like uh wreck here made something for me so yo viewbots go away guys i swear that's not my new package welcome to your new house oats and goats here's your package being delivered directly to your doorstep oh [ __ ] i didn't order those stop thank you why they stop so fast i don't know that's not much of a um view bots uh you know what i'm saying it's like hey uh check out our view bots and there's like five of them like oh no thanks i'm fine thanks um i mean yeah i'm happy in the new place it's just still been a lot of work and um if i didn't miss you guys so much i would have just taken tonight off too because i still have to set up a camera up over in the corner by the door um and uh i gotta set up my channel point rewards with the lights so you guys can change the lights above my head there's four uh recessed hue lights i also have to finish up my audio setup because right now i don't even use my studio monitors because apparently i don't have any quarter inch jacks cables which is really dumb well i have a i have a lot of xlr [ __ ] but i can't use xlr are you [ __ ] serious i can't use xlr with uh the behringer x 1204 or whatever the hell it's called it's gotta be uh two quarter inch jacks into the sends or whatever because my microphone has to be on like alternative 3-4 or um my main mix so i mean which maybe i can figure it out maybe maybe it doesn't need to be a main mix thank you pizza [ __ ] off [ __ ] guys don't worry new house knew me no more angry outbursts i swear god if i died at this [ __ ] ice cube no more angry outbursts whatsoever just happiness and that's it it's not [ __ ] working there we go forever get out of here dumbass all right so like i said if you're just coming in here i want to paint my wall because i don't like the green it looks terrible with the color change so i got some some primer 20 subs and you guys get to draw whatever you want on the wall what color are you gonna do a um basically white with a tint of cool oh this is a bad idea i already said no dicks and nope no no boobs what color is cool a cool tone there's warm and cool tones warm is hot like red cool is cold like blue icy it's a bit of blue i didn't know if you're joking or not oh it's your little [ __ ] answer me what do you want what about a rooster i can draw a rooster but colors don't have temperatures oats that's false that's actually false i believe different colors have different wavelengths which also have different bits of energy forms of energy which could be translated the heat dumb ass [Music] you see this you don't want any of that nath oh no more angry outbursts [Music] new oats by the way boy oh boy we have our first mural or whatever they're called randy with the 20 gifted subs what would you like sweet sweet remy thank you so much for paying my bills i've been out of work all right well i'll let you decide let florent do something flyer what do you want [ __ ] what's up [Music] be honest you suck oats i i don't know i've never tried to suck oats i mean i chew the oats and swallow but never suck are you doing any presenter 100 confirmed swallower shut up um yeah takalev thank you very much where's the promised house tour we're still working on it that's why i haven't been able to stream and i haven't been able to work on my setup like i wanted to um as much as i wanted to because there's still a ton of house stuff to do and that's what i've been doing for the last five days uh flour what do you want you want to praise wait where am i going now oh yeah it's over here hey thanks for the nine months uh for the third time is this your new stream time uh no this isn't my new schedule my new schedule is actually starting tomorrow this is just kind of a uh a uh i missed chat stream [Music] [ __ ] yeah i missed you guys yeah but i'm gonna be starting at five o'clock five to one there's a new stream time starting tomorrow starting with a few randomizers and some 100 map completion cst esd i'm going to stick to this schedule okay this time it's different like i said new house new me you mean edt dude all you [ __ ] time yes edt eastern time oh daylight i thought it's i thought you meant standard flower what do you want on the wall [ __ ] mad at him he answered twice oh um i don't believe that you answered twice let me look at your chat log here 999 messages 99 plus timeout um wait you just want you want me to say i fully endorse the church of florence just say you full no i'm not gonna [ __ ] say that what do you want on there huh he's telling me no [ __ ] paragraphs i'm not i'm not gonna endorse your church dude he's trying to become tax exempt [Music] we're on to you flyron and the irs is also on to you they've been informed yeah we can do praise [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] dress up there sammy uh tiny with the five gifted subs no more angry outbursts guys i'm different now what are you wearing around your neck uh nothing this is any percent new house old oats no this is not on switch thank you tiny for the five subs i hope you're doing well really appreciate that man what resources did you use to get yours set up um [Music] you're gonna need a usb 3 capture card i think that's what it's called from star tech that's pretty much the only one that works and then um honestly it's a lot of just fiddling uh with the upscale so for upscaling times two seems to work for everyone in times four doesn't but i can't remember what i did i got times for um or yeah 4x to work um so yeah i'd have to look at my settings and stuff not 5x no does the game look better on switch i'm sure it would if it were on switch yeah so i don't have my ossc setup uh optimally for prime right now so it looks kind of like ass uh modis thanks for the 62 i really appreciate it new house hands up thank you feels good to be in here yeah but what do you play on twitch pig you're probably playing on a flat screen or an lcd or some [ __ ] it depends on what you're playing on you can't 5x a pvm i don't think no more cream soda no more cream soda that's right okay florent let me get the paint opener oh it's huffing paint again no i'm not what does praise look like [Music] oh yeah this is great coverage [Music] okay let's just get the outline right that's the outline [Music] are his eyes in his head kind of [Music] is looking good [Music] so not half bad [Music] all right there you go that's for flyer no that's for remy flyer didn't do nothing [Music] wash your hands oats don't use the controller guys i didn't [ __ ] get paint all over my hands do you want me to wash my hands from touching the brush maybe close the paint now i gotta use it tonight this this wall's gonna be painted tonight so oh so you take wire transfers i do now now sponsoring terrible ideas your camera's been blurry for a bit is he trying to focus on the praise hold on hope that room is well ventilated that is true [Music] i'm gonna be [ __ ] passing out okay there this is actually a low voc monster coverage is what it's called going back to on focused [ __ ] hell mate hold on focus thanks for the five gifted subs appreciate that thank you thank you i drew the pepe so realistically yeah i need to change my like the angles and stuff and this is a very uh temporary camera angle and everything you know and i still got to put up um i don't know if i want the camera behind me probably so i need this extremely long usb cable [ __ ] grab this yeah life that counts dude that counts but i'll put the camera behind me and then um hey thank you thank you thank you attendees but who's got attendees thank you for the congrats it's uh it is a relief to be in still a lot of work going on to finish the renovations but um yes [Music] it's nice to be in thank you very much for the resub for 44 months and the raid marie that has this up to alfonso thank you very much i miss the gifted son wait who gave us up okay i'm doing way too many things at once right now hold on all right yes barb thank you again danath with the five gifted subs wait liquid death reset for 26 months [Music] to may also resubbed what did i miss [Music] you guys are wondering why there's a praise behind me you [ __ ] um it's because i don't really like the wall colors so i'm offering up wall space here for uh 20 subs you get uh whatever you want drawn on the wall no dicks wait a minute where the [ __ ] am i going no it is back this way new meal thank you very much no dicks no [ __ ] no tos man tempted to put my face on your wall i said no dicks barb um put boneriffic dude are you serious all right give me like five minutes and i'll put it up i'll put it up my stream is gonna crash in five minutes did i get it no yeah so i made a mistake and i thought i had metroid prime 2 but i do not um it was my uh old my previous roommate had metroid prime 2 which i borrowed so but what i do have is the next best thing other m so no i haven't done a house tour it's not completely done yet we're still working on it i'm not no nice scandash yeah and other m is way better than metroid prime two and three and one combined so i mean prime two emulation would work dude prime two on emulation is rough all right i'll give you your bonerific [Music] [Music] what do you mean i can't spell it's clearly right there it's painted on the walls i don't like the wall color so my wall is now prime real estate because i'm going to paint over it tonight so now is your only opportunity [Music] i mean maybe we can keep it up for a day or two or three i don't know but i also don't want boner on my wall i am left-handed yes thanks appreciate it flex put that brush in some water hey brush you thirsty it says it's not thirsty you see geniuses are left-handed apparently not all of them what's the new color gonna be white with uh some cool tones [ __ ] i messed up don't fall don't fall um i'll probably wait till tomorrow i'm just gonna stick with this for now tomorrow i start my actual stream schedule um [ __ ] i'm gonna start at uh five i'm gonna do five to one streams um so today is just kind of like a high i just wanna talk to you guys and play through some 3d metroids this is an apparent part of the 3d metroid marathon because i still need prime 2. i thought i have the game but apparently i do not so but what's wrong with the b thank you numer for the 20 subs again i really do appreciate that a lot it's like an r [Music] you're welcome yeah if you want revisions done that's another 20 subs pay up cheap ass spartan loser thanks for 30 months you don't suck oats thanks man hmm we're not doing that strat [ __ ] are there any work robots um i'm not entirely sure i mean maybe mr muffin man thank you so much for the tier one make it 25 and you got a deal that's a tough negotiation [Music] where ya [ __ ] yeah i can do that the king is back thanks for the nine months the king of what still ignoring my sub [Music] chat you guys are so needy if i if i missed a sub i didn't mean to miss it all right i just got a lot going on right now and i can't get to everything but thank you wait yeah swayze with eight months i mean don't get me wrong i ignore some of you guys absolutely but not all of you [Music] uh zordi with a two years thank you sorry guys i'm i'm too crazy popular to see every single sub there's just so many confirmed that is what i said yes yes i only read the planted chat messages you quit notes quitting what i do not have my guitar here now scio didn't read my message again you guys would not do good if i ever became an actual popular streamer like if even if i hit like average on average 2 000 viewers on average you guys would not be able to handle that you guys would have separation anxiety and [ __ ] and like you'd feel neglected you'd be like the middle child in a family of like 12. i gotta condition you guys now just in case i ever get on average like two thousand sub or two thousand uh viewers so i'm just conditioning you to get used to the anxiety [Music] at least teg reads my messages it's easy to read a chat of like three people [Music] yeah everything's good that's all i'm saying you know [Music] well one thing is the viewer count another is people who are active in chat yeah exactly don't don't don't fall don't fall i fell yeah that [ __ ] was funny uh supposed to be pepe what else would it be [Music] spaghetti never forgetty thanks for the 33 months a sneezing lemon you son of a [ __ ] i mean for now i don't know if i actually resolved them but i mean [ __ ] seems to be working right with the uh with the um with the water cooler you know the fans with the radiator those blow out right not in okay i was [ __ ] joking you guys can't even take the bait oh my [ __ ] god don't die this is not good [Music] um wait a minute what am i doing i gotta hit that now right [Music] yeah yeah i forget the uh i forget the route or my cpu temps i can check give me that is it normal i guess it probably is normal huh how come some of my cores are running much harder than others thermal paste is wearing out i literally just put new thermal paste on last night with a new water cooler wow water cooler i had on my other pc but yeah oh it's thermal paste already wearing down dude um speed fan um let's see here ow yes it is my setup's not complete yet but it's good enough to stream for today and tomorrow i start my new uh this is the worst [ __ ] maze you can get holy [ __ ] unless i took a wrong turn [Music] okay my temperatures right now oh they're only about 54. [Music] the average temperature is about 53. that's running everything that's really [ __ ] good for uh um [ __ ] am i doing for um the 9900k and streaming and all that celsius yeah dude you think fahrenheit that'd be insane no 53 calvin dude [Music] um before i did this and made this change my [ __ ] was running at no joke he was idling at 60 to 70. there was something wrong that's why i didn't stream yesterday and i waited for today you [ __ ] no it was still pretty bad before that daniel [Music] the temperatures were never great um i'm thinking i didn't apply the thermal paste very good because there was kind of like a brownish spot when i took the the heatsink off or whatever uh five to one but today is just a fun metroid stream let me help whatever um but yeah the schedule is starting tomorrow and i have um a bunch of stuff lined up for the week tomorrow's randomizers and um some screen run stuff and then uh yeah [Music] early newborn no os say my name oh my name yeah not you daniel the other cool daniel [Music] [ __ ] don't don't grab me [ __ ] serious i think i [ __ ] this up this is not good oh dude come on man make it oh god if i die there's no refunds on those subs okay jefferson thanks for the four months wait what'd you ask what's the storyline on prime one um i just left planet zebbies or some [ __ ] and then i'm looking for some uh i'm looking for plants to blow up shifty thank you very much for the eight months okay thanks for the five bucks um i didn't see who gave that because my stream elements is not open but whoever it was thank you and if i missed any donors please let me know wait didn't get read out loud oh no [Music] [Music] hey you guys probably hear an echo from a microphone i forgot to turn the noise gate back on really you guys let daniel wait you i think we should count it i don't know i don't think i don't think that counts ootsiebot [ __ ] up his pyramid oh come on man oh t-bot's programmed to do that he got it he got it he should know better oats yeah you're right [ __ ] him [Music] yeah we got hosted though so i mean most people that come from a host kind of just turn into lurkers slash gone goddamn i can never get that oh yeah i forgot about grandpa world where the hell am i oh god where the [ __ ] the door okay friday you just use a script [ __ ] you're weak no i typed it [ __ ] you typed it on five other chats because that instantly popped up there's no way you did a three a three stack that fast all right there's no way i'm vip if you typed it there's no [ __ ] way you copied no i don't believe it dude that's like a thousand words per minute yeah dude the ips have triple type speedo it's dumbass didn't you read the patch notes [ __ ] you damn it oh so you know copy paste friday i'm about to ban you and get rid of your vip just for being a [ __ ] liar you type that way too fast even with copy and paste all right you're on thin ice buddy brendan thanks for seven months starting the off the new house arc right where am i yeah first of all copy and paste isn't even typing second of all if you do copy and paste you can't you can't get it out fast enough you have to copy and paste three times for the for the last stack or for the middle stack okay anyways i'm thinking way too hard about this no more angry outbursts i never said that [ __ ] shut up friday you're lying and you should be ashamed of yourself [Music] yeah do it again to prove me wrong huh now it's going standell you can do you could even do a pathetic two stack all right let's see if i can do this it's been a while but i gotta kill these things first that'd be bad come on come on samus the hell am i so i still got it baby thank you tomahawk my god i'm good are you [ __ ] serious dude world record incoming dude my actual pb is beating the game right now but we won't worry about that [Music] remember when this was a speed running stream nope so did anything exciting happen on stream or on twitch while i was gone uh beauville thanks for 17 months bath streams i did i didn't see something about some bath streams oh yes i i heard about the queefen thing yep um the schedule starts tomorrow right now we're good we're good okay yeah i mean i don't know how i feel about that and i've said this before that whole thing which i did i did i did see it but then people go yo xqc you know what he does he farts on stream with the microphone up his ass you know what that's [ __ ] disgusting too and that's some childish [ __ ] like he should be he should be suspended for 24 hours as well so does patty i'm sorry paddy i just think it's i think it's silly so i mean so in my opinion you know something like that is a little bit extreme [Music] you know if you're gonna ban the queef girl for 24 hours or whatever it was then if someone sticks a microphone up their [ __ ] and you can hear like the food coming out of their calling maybe think about getting rid of that as well because it's pretty gross random question what kind of ac do you have central air no and then the bathtub streams i mean i don't give a [ __ ] no ac whatsoever not right now i mean as long as people aren't showing [ __ ] you know whatever that [ __ ] doesn't belong on twitch yeah but then irl doesn't belong on twitch then you know what i'm saying obviously appealing to the only fans crowd yeah i'm appealing to the [ __ ] 20s 30s you know probably married and has a couple beers at night crowd yeah [Music] which prime this one's definitely my favorite i mean i don't give a [ __ ] it's not like it impedes on other people's success i mean it might i don't know but the majority of irl content is specifically made for 13 year olds to jack off to bro what do you think they're gonna do if that's not there they're gonna go somewhere else i mean dude it doesn't [ __ ] matter [Music] it's not their problem you know what i'm saying it's not it's not twitch's problem or the streamer's problem that people so happen to jerk off to their content i'm sure some of you guys jerk off to my content because i'm such a godlike gamer you know just saying i don't know i don't know i don't really care thanks chad this is the this is the pre pre-stream because tomorrow i still got stuff to set up so it's i got my pc running pretty decent right now let's just take a look guys just to show you guys that there's nothing wrong with twitch irl we'll just we'll just take a look real quick see there's nothing wrong what the [ __ ] is that there's nothing wrong okay primarily all it is is just this [ __ ] all right yeah there's a couple things that you know well you guys can't even see the entire oh okay there you go okay there's not even that much what's up andy thanks for the 55 months that took way too long just to uh scroll through the irl section but now i'm ready i got my display capture okay guys see you later thank god he's finally gone stan dale thanks for four months or 13 months you guys are wondering what's on the wall um i'm gonna paint it a different color because i don't like the green uh so uh 20 subs and you can have whatever you want on the wall except a dick you can't have dicks and if you choose anime titties it's gotta be with a bikini on not a string bikini though you could paint the wall with chalkboard paint and keep the 20 sub incentive to draw [ __ ] on shock i mean i could also get a big white board yo it's congrats to finally moving in your house uh i'm doing good yeah i just been tired i might go make a cup of coffee after uh metroid here and then i don't have metroid prime two so i so i think we're gonna go right to three and then other m i thought i did have primes here also i didn't really eat much so i might get like a actual like i might make a sandwich or something you're dead yet you're dead where the [ __ ] are you seriously hey thanks casper [Music] i actually don't know what i prefer probably a cold sandwich if i had to like choose overall [Music] you paint the bat symbol yeah sure man why not [Music] serious oh my god you're a [ __ ] stop watching me died i met a ridley yeah i still have to like uh move the uh the room around a little bit seriously stop [Music] yeah but our beautiful floors these used to be disgusting but four thousand dollars later we got nice sanded floors stained finished clearly didn't die falling over the edges way too yeah i know i will yeah i will i'm gonna have chad record a uh a video um we're gonna do we're gonna do cribs i'm gonna welcome you guys to my crib really you guys let das get away with that [ __ ] you [ __ ] serious i should ban each other one of you for that whose emote is that oh that's yours friday i should have known you should have a two outs nah i'm good dude friday but oh it's sunday dude calf gifted you yeah he's banned the hell is that thing oh it's a vtuber win ah never i will never become a v super sorry hey purple anthem thanks never say never i just did [ __ ] i will not be a youtuber or a youtuber oh are you just gonna leave a million dollars on the table who's giving me a million dollars to be a youtuber certainly ain't you so yeah no i'm not going to be a goat beetroot sorry i feel like if i were to become a goat v tuber that would really cater to like the furry crowd and um that's that's not really what uh you know i i don't have any problem with it it's just that i don't want them around what am i going to be a [ __ ] oat v tuber it's like a wheat stock i need help health where's the health i just saw a [ __ ] large are you serious oh oh yeah oh yeah that's great dude that's great if i [ __ ] die i'm going right to prime three stop i'm gonna take the risk i missed the shot [ __ ] a glimpse of hope from the red oh so i think you got the wrong picture it'd be an actual goat wearing cute little overalls and a trucker hat bro it doesn't matter what it is okay they'll find a way it's like ice [ __ ] i'll be fine i won't say guys wait hold on hold on hold on hold on oh god oh god no thank you so much for the 20. what would you like on the wall the beautiful wall oh it's one bat symbol please all right hold on i would like some more hp please where the [ __ ] is the pool [Music] with the powerbomb [ __ ] you [ __ ] serious my power bombs got like locked lay it let's back up please back up please back up please back up please please please oh my god dude i'm gonna have a [ __ ] heart attack okay i'll be right back give me a minute watch this brewster i'll uh wait what's the bat symbol look like hold on i'll get it on the way back [Music] thank you [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 15,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, AGDQ, Kaizo, Awesome Games Done Quick, World Record, Oatsngoats, Rom Hack, Super Metroid Impossible, Twitch, Twitch Fails, Oats, SGDQ, Samus, metroid, prime, metroid prime, run, prayge, bonerific, wall, paint, primer, subs, ridley, scar
Id: x45Z0OVdr1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 49sec (6649 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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