MethodJosh second most viewed twitch clips of all time compilation! Truly the best of Methodjosh

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yeah well at the end of the month I have am a girl I met at Blizzcon coming over to visit me for a week so hello it is joy yeah [Music] all right another one why not what do you have to lose oh okay um yeah well I suppose dignity but that's pretty much out the window at this stage I think I would have to agree with you there yeah I mean like I really have the problem is I just I think you came on the Skype you're talking to me in front of all of these people yes why the riot why not you've got enough courage and confidence to get on a skype and do a therapy session but the doctor a psychologist and talk about your personal thoughts feelings and experiences why not hire another prostitute and own it I am going to pay you for sex and we are going to have sex and you can't tell me no that's right yes yes yes you can do that it's about you guys have probably heard about okay all right in in my oh [ __ ] all right that's bad the Yanks I should not use display capture by all right we're cool let me yeah let me just check that real quick oh thank god okay perfect all right that was Oh God I could have been so bad that could it be so think about the tastiest pizza you've had in your entire life what was it presented in that's right a pizza box so I ordered some [ __ ] pizza I'm gonna throw this in the bin real quick we don't need this down you go right and now we have the pizza box to present thousand presentation is very your eyebrows are bushy yours in an Arabs ass in your chest hair looks like you're a giant hobo okay would you guys like to know the real reason why we're waiting 20 to 30 minutes between each Bowl do you want to know what's going on in my [ __ ] headset right now would you like to hear this this is like you think this is a joke you think like all josh is trolling josh is [ __ ] with you which wrap of the day is the best one for McDonald's the barbeque chicken one the sweet chili one for the [ __ ] buffalo chicken one that's what I'm listening to I want to get well first half the rate is [ __ ] afk so now what's that here listening to Lord about McDonald's chicken wraps table I should have known I had a burger I could have planed the food order so it arrived so it arrived now wait my microwave has an oven mode maybe what does convection mean is convection oven wait I think I can do it actually wait where we'll hold up hold up hold up is convection an oven yes no okay how long convection how long how long how long wait look at the light how long they ignore the blood on the fridge how long for the microwave 10 minutes only easy to convection and outplayed outplayed in every [ __ ] corner they try and steal my burgers [ __ ] the u.s. people here alright we back okay it autoplay did I give the guy who put nine million gold into a trade window right clicked except clicked except on the confirmation window that asked if he was explicitly sure if he wanted to give nine million gold to me did I give that back no I didn't give back to I kept it I did keep that gold I did give him more than my twitch channel when he asked for it though but then he became kind of annoying so I did perma ban him as well bad orangey what can you do I'm very excited to eat this pizza I want to see I mean I haven't eaten all day I'm a little palate cleanser I'm hot check on how it's going okay all right oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] in some small issues essentially it is falling through the grille onto a tray below we're dealing with a 50/50 kind of situation here honestly unsure of how she actually messaged me after the she'd the girl from Raj Patel show messaged me after the show I think someone told her to she said just wanted to say sorry if I was a [ __ ] so I said it's okay I'm used to rejection you were actually my 643 Jackson and she said I didn't mean to be rude hope you find someone and then I sent a photo her a photo of a girl lying in bed from the perspective of the guy lying next to her right like a beautiful woman lying tucked into bed really nice he like smiling like a lovely warm smile and said I will never experience this and it hurts and then she said I honoring someone well yeah we won again fourth time in a row yeah I know it's it's are you looking forward to your posting now - my what - the posting of all the Americans we're greater this etc oh you mean when we believe the Americans for the next three months yeah no I've already started yep yep that's exactly I told them before the tear that's what I was looking forward to the most yep oh well we'll see it's fine that they'll have a bunch of excuses like they do every tear it'll be more [ __ ] but everyone knows what the reality of the situation is so yes um well you're talking to 20,000 people right now so I'm in public so they roll out a bed very literally roll and because of the you know the so they roll out of bed and into the mobility scooter right they scooped out of the local Walmart okay they buy themselves some [ __ ] Lucky Charms some Reese's Pieces and just a bucket of peanut butter a bucket but peanut butter okay and they tip the cashier obviously they gotta tip the cashier that's important all right the mobility scoot down the road and they say [ __ ] like hey I'm walking here okay I've seen [ __ ] the Italian mob I know it's true alright so like hey I'm walking here to everyone right they [ __ ] pass meanwhile they their hands are hung with a peanut butter okay they go back home they log onto all the water if they get one second congratulations [ __ ] three cards and never achieve anything dog [ __ ] at every single East war it's really ran the concentration SS people who ran like literally will just shovel and human beings in the ovens they had girlfriends there are girls who blew them it literally went home and got that dick suck like how [ __ ] up is that like and I'm like I'm not shoveling people in dolphins and I can't even get like I know it just doesn't make sense to me like it's just I don't know like that just seems unjust to me personally that seems unjust yeah I've seen a lot of like Josh briefs and stuff lately huh ladies man dude I said it yesterday and I'll say it again ah huh say it I would love to [ __ ] love to just go on this there take this nice man on a date instead of these [ __ ] Chad's like damn right okay stake points huh all right take one damn right these [ __ ] I hate Chad's as well don't worry about it all right okay you probably should alright that was salt right yeah yeah yeah what you mean how do you got to go from having a girls trip yeah yeah what's the advice to look at me I'm pretty [ __ ] yeah I'm sure you how are you alright go on oh no no no Kay that's the belt alright that's no I'm going away from that yeah no I can't no that's all right I can't show that it's better all right yep they're saying that's the monkey ass ok Rochelle oh he actually got a stick out in the middle ok what you do right now is just a joke I'm just [ __ ] around ok what you do is you stalk them as much as you can you find out as much information as you can ideally you log on to those social media profiles and so on you get everything you can get from that right so you want the max amount of information possible you want to know their ideal man what they're into there with the hanging out with at all times ok from this you can pretend then and move on and pretend to be their ideal person so you craft your personality slowly over the course of a few months you know when you put a frog in boiling water it's gonna jump out right you put a fried in cold water then turn up the heat it's gonna stay there and burn to death you do the same thing with your personality okay so obviously all of a sudden if you just change like oh and Josh one day I'm [ __ ] big J the gangster the next whoa that's a big change but gradually if I just start dealing a few drugs and shooting a few people and driving a few cars right you know like that's a slow and then you can become the ideal bad boy they want so you want to find out what they want and then you slowly change your personality into that right eye so that's how you escape the friend zone and you need complete dedicat about your career move yeah it's white it's my favorite thing to tell him now and he gets like he actually it was really sweet so yesterday was like my first day or whatever he rang me up it was actually solar thought he rung me up he was like hey I'm just checking your okay how are things going right I was like fine and then he like instant instant he locks in real quick he's like how much money have you made today I think he wants to check that I'm not like starving or something I know what are the numbers Josh tell me right now like come on dude chill out and then and then he hits me up with the look I was like white why'd you care so much he was like you're the only living son I have I don't know why you need to say living so yeah I think this is where I [ __ ] up before where I've gone to great lens to be with a girl ie I've triangulated an attender by driving around the Northeast and noting the distances from wherever I was on tinder and then finding her exact location and then casually bumping into it I think when I've done things like that there a high effort sometimes I've been way too coy and trying to play it cool when I should have been more direct so I guess I'll be direct also I seem to get more matches when my name is Chad alright let me add it so the current bio is private investigate which is a whole angle I was trying [Music] and then world-first kil Jaeden well first Argos will first Cahoon on stream and now world first jana on stream there we go oh and my my job title is adult male online entertainer because I am a towel male and I'm technically an online entertainer so this leads the girls to believe that I'm in fact a porn star and have a large penis when in fact I'm just a twitch streamer and hate myself outplayed idiots in America last year did play a little joke about you know a fat person or whatever and somebody in the audience thought has been mean at people and I was but if I was being mean to fat people and they got really angry about it and they went away and they blogged about it on the internet with our pudgy little fingers and then I was doing this show in London and I'm not joking because of this blog fat activist Tom doctored demonstrate against my show I'm not joking halfway through the show these activists stood up kind of slowly [Music] leave them be where fat is [ __ ] activist I mean that's gotta be a tough job by the way being a fat activist because if you get too active you might stop being so [ __ ] fat but I managed to get away by by walking up a flight of stairs
Channel: Kungozai Methodjosh Highlights and Compilations
Views: 68,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, twitch fails, most viewed twitch clips, twitch clips, best of twitch clips, world of warcraft, best twitch fails, most viewed just chatting clips of the day, top twitch fails, pink sparkles twitch clips, most viewed, methodjosh, clips, asmongold, method, World first, Methodjosh rap, MethodJosh shave, Methodjosh tinder, Methodjosh cooking, MethodJosh folders, Methodjosh funny, methodjosh highlights, Best of methodjosh, BFA, Jaina, WF, satire, humor, funny, joke, unoffensive
Id: 9Axepc5bjKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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