Method VS Queen Azshara WORLD FIRST - Mythic The Eternal Palace

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ah good our guests have arrived welcome to my eternal palace honored guests our festivities can finally commence I fear there were a few final details that require my attention until I return My servants will keep you entertained [Music] actual has begun we [Music] we had a deal Akshara give me the power you from [Music] [Music] - overnight [Music] can escape resources you must indulge the theatrical nature of tonight's entertainment we have waited so very long for this moment and we simply cannot resist I call the cursed lovers to enter the stage there is longed for one another yet their gaze incurs calamity [Music] there is no power I cannot defile [Music] how can you win if you stand divided [Music] you are mine [Music] [Music] you've grown complacent allow me to drive in the field [Music] [Music] how can you win if you stand divided Oh real life was no staff for next intermission paladin nd skillets what is this hope the feeling that snacks are yet purpose they drove us I keep going off so just go after no no [Music] [ __ ] ass because circle was still filled by curries I was right so I didn't suppose the commenced office lease on taenia sandy web before the horse [Music] it's popping the second turn losin it appears [Music] now before you're cooling on [Music] how can you win if you stand to fight [Music] wait I'm sorry define one day one [Music] I lost it's quite a bigger I didn't only get four [Music] but I push a tips for them it's phosphorus dude Lillian Toluca just wasted on our containers to be broken maybe it'd be fine oh [ __ ] let's go coax the power from these ancient wards rattle the chains that bind him [Music] release one sex I just and why this realization it's been awesome possum you see the truth now don't you heroes every move you've made has been according to my will lumbering toward believed you could save Azeroth by empowering your shiny metal heart the gift of a sleeping time he has a Titans heart was exactly what was needed not to heal the world but to shatter the prison of a God - I killed as soon as space but that's going has been made upon the ritual nears completion may we use nothing watch yourself Empire Rises and the world awaits its drew queen [Music] the less rough aid me - I should know Oh Johnny Oh what it means to be trapped as ah [Music] and - on the show yeah Oh Jimmy Mila I didn't even break that [ __ ] man I'm sorry breaking shield again - a baby Lancer [Music] a station fishing the spirit on though on the next guy annika consists of persons by the knife just don't don't miss next very odd couple seats get off the shield oh honey I'm just opposite father Mirador now bombs coming Kirstin so forget Becca like I deliberately exposed to spear break loose cannon that should [Music] he's looking donation height was just gone the Boston bomber Aaron emotion and don't die - the missiles is stupidly member range interrupts the next view and respect your stacks once at least our most right load of this in Turkish he let me slice in the middle its channeling trinkets hammers yes I would take this translates must see I take the leftover minus X afternoon [Music] at more seconds here ooh and one go deciding what sack I raise them at the three seconds psycho is pressing two one go two one go two one go and next is lace is gonna be some guys who know that laser number one tack number two number three last one easy okay research your socks here one more time make sure you reset remember we have Nadia damage parameters yeah Beijing good as far as you can heroes this making will get spam grips this also get on the road [ __ ] script we just sit here blasting controlled bits for in breaking just kill Oscar yes eros teaches and preaches stacks to come a Mellie so pressing to against especially it lasers now come back utopia text understand we have to stop your sighs you know young heroes have a bunch of paper refund if you can't follow thing you remember - okay this is just blasts 27 seconds as far as well [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Method
Views: 668,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: queen azshara, world first, world of warcraft, method, method world first, world first method, azshara, method world first eternal palace, world first race azshara, queen azshara method world first, asmongold world first method, the eternal palace world first, method world first race, azshara world first race, method vs queen azshara world first, azshara world first, method wow world first, world, world first race, method mythic, method azshara, taketv, sco, gingi
Id: TRzxQA1Y7V0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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