Method vs Helya - Trial of Valor Mythic World First Kill
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Channel: Method
Views: 597,827
Rating: 4.8442235 out of 5
Keywords: Trial of Valor, Trial, of, Valor, Trial of Valor Mythic, Mythic, World of Warcraft, WoW, World, Warcraft, PvE, Legion, Raid, Raiding, Guild, Boss, Boss Kill, Kill, Encounter, Instance, Dungeon, Raid Dungeon, Method, World First, First, helya, Helya Mythic, Helya Method, Helya Strat, Helya Kill Video, Helya Kill, Helya POV, Sco, Qoonting, Rogerbrown, Pehmol, Nnogga
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
45 gold man.
A fire mage with no damage meters, how does he know if he's having fun?
This fight is insane. P2 looks so clean here, I want to do it this way on our heroic kills.
Holy shit that raid leader voice. So chill. "guys that bus is coming straight for us, please use caution as you as you side step to the left".
Huge props.
I love how when it first came out that Method used 4 shadow priests on Mythic Helya everyone thought of the OP dps output, but it's clearly shown in this fight that they are being used for the Mass dispel in p1 so save healers mana. The dps might be a bonus but their tacts and the way they cheese that mechanic is just beautiful. Damn I love these guys
God that whole fight just makes me feel so bad for the healers mana lol. I see so many spots where I would've blown cds. These guys are amazing
Sco was not the problem?
"I need a new UI for raiding...hmmmm"
covers 80% of the screen with frames
"25 gold man. Worth it" i laughed so hard