Method vs Star Augur Etraeus - Nighthold Mythic

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[Music] no mortals may abrogate the pre-press upgrade coming to your mo [Music] close link [Music] first ones is the one Pinconning yeah we go all the way back group up yeah [Music] [Music] medium ones Bob Brunning doing [ __ ] [Music] [Music] a restroom Tommo la Rock blocks touch doesn't Hemel meteor thing in our yeah I don't usually you call straight which camera wasn't needed man for your cold apologies oh yeah is the pond hard one [Music] Volvo phone shark unload man me only [ __ ] I just waited for the god damn Elsa good playmate no he did a facade one time I was unfortunate timing but it gets behind you mate [Music] the keys let's go person among you have another risk coming out like just playing because the double team who will give power the future you still hugely fight to protect [Music] totaling four [Music] another spread out handle this much better this way oops this one and [Music] my Pokemon are you [Music] I think you guys want to get out of their own Sullivan for some Nova take my start out chisel motor left back trouble for engage Montek who can see I don't don't [ __ ] it up with liquid oh I asked we need to get out of here you say what sadly yeah open a sailor so much space there man [Music] they obviously towards cross yeah guys [Music] mushrooms of like emotional loss on squash get ready to spread and nothing and spread out spooky voice I'm dropping hunter same English with you no brainer I'll be right back okay okay come on boys let's do this boys can we read it like calm down a little bit watch me to censorship senator a pompous right we want might change nothing right now - whatever you get along I have a I don't know much money good money you will carry for pumping later [Music] have let binomials basically I just rate law enforcement on its own careful purple I'm sacrificing [Music] e21 positions for the marks hot spawning soon to one add this up [Music] first you incoming and full marks right now type behind you here the collection Cavalry Scout are cross coverage on foot i resonate you're taking three she deals in the critical [Music] positions for marks [Music] do not think the future second arts funding will get the film prolong yeah - [Music] firstly you incoming [Music] don't know do the mark the guys to help me you can drop the totem now D 1 ounce cross cross cross health onyx in the total beautiful I'm paying the cap now dr. user use your empirical keep this [ __ ] sleek and rally we have an entire focus in your morning is printed anything avoid silver switch that man is let's arm bag now let's [ __ ] come back oh my hold on hater this sheep [ __ ] monster money didn't place perfectly got it is why crying boy oh my god dude corn egg Oh upgrade No Oh No
Channel: Method
Views: 166,830
Rating: 4.8340611 out of 5
Keywords: Nighthold, Nighthold Mythic, Mythic, World of Warcraft, WoW, World, Warcraft, Legion, Raid, Raiding, PVE, Guild, Boss, Kill, Boss Kill, Encounter, Instance, Dungeon, Raid Dungeon, Method, Star Augur Etraeus, Star Augur Etraeus Method, Star Augur Etraeus Mythic, Star Augur Etraeus POV, Star Augur Etraeus Kill Vid, Star Augur Etraeus Strat, Rogerbrown, Lorgok, Spookie, Yliajo, star, augur, etraeus, star augur, augur etraeus
Id: eHXdbOcYv2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2017
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