Exorsus vs Gul'Dan - Nighthold Mythic World First Kill
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: ExorsusMovies
Views: 921,001
Rating: 4.8801584 out of 5
Keywords: exorsus, world first, guldan, gul'dan, wow, world of warcraft
Id: k5BTdavXUSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
They most likely use Machinima wow tool. I think Blizzard once said that it's allowed to use for Machinima purposes.
I am honestly desperate to know how they did it! It's absolutely amazing, and I've been searching ever since FreeFarSight stopped updating. I miss making proper videos :(
I dont know if farsight spell on shamans is still a thing. But if it is, basicly bring a shaman and record whilst the guild does the fight. Most clips like these are taken from normal split runs where being 1 man down really doesn't maatter.