METEOR SURVIVAL in a Monster Truck! (BeamNG)

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hey boys nice Supras thank you yes thank you for saying that I I do have one question though yeah yeah what's up what's up with all these rocks um oh jeez I'm guys you know what this is right this is an asteroid survival asteroid meteor rock survival the only safe place is the sa uh the lighthouse you make it to the lighthouse get to the lighthouse oh how many respawns do we get as many as we want wait guys we went the wrong way we went the wrong way OB we went the wrong way everybody how respa I don't know I hit a rock I think I think you can respa as much as you want okay but you the winner who gets the lighthouse first wordss come taking a shortcut I don't even know where the road is oh dude guy slow down the Supra does not like the sand okay we go slow down and let's take it easy you just said this was a race and now you're telling me to slow down my oh my goodness SM oh no these rocks these Focus zigzag was that he got I You' already been crushed like six times but I got this yeah there are a lot of rocks here I'm just going to use that I aliens what's going on here fellas all of the above the Moon exploded the moon exploded we're trying to oh I I know what this is what likes on the video it's red upon us oh I didn't realize they were so dangerous they very dangerous that's why we a lot of them so we get better oh all right I might be dangerous to myself here okay I might to just I think I might have just follow K over yeah yeah yeah don't follow me I'm I'm going back to the road the road's this way wait are you guys already over there no no I just I flew off the the road and uh murdered myself and then I mindlessly followed him off the road for some reason so is that answer the question if I jump off a bridge are you coming with me 100% buddy know what's going to happen on the way down I'm going to grab you wrap my around you and I'm going to take the fall myself wow going to embrace that's true friend I'm going to Shield your body from the ground hero I am guess what oh my goodness if I am with you guys I'm going to use you as a rock Shield Rock Shield use oh jeez wa where's the road to get to the light oh there it is found it no which way I go light is it it says Lighthouse the road oh okay did you see that spot I I saw that you got squished oh my goodness I can't SP it okay got to be freaking kid first person view baby first person oh wowu it's a right hand drive oh I got crushed I reset too fargh I reset too far not making it there do I have to take the road the whole time can I go through a sand I don't think you want to drive a super I I I can't I can't guess what Lighthouse no can I get second can I get second first person was a mistake y'all it was a very big mistake see spy coming come on buddy make it through make it through hi all right where's OB oh he wasn't far behind at allp first person jump wow oh this is super cool though I love the Rocks I mean it'd be worse if it was like cars or something you know oh are you foreshadowing are you saying stay tuned to the end of the video I mean potentially if it doesn't crash everything yes why are they going after just so they don't like him he told a bad joke or something oh yeah I said I said no no no and not yeah yeah yeah hey boys it look like it stopped we're good yeah look the rocks are grounded safe look at that I mean I still kind of want to leave this island uh but wait a minute here's a what what look up what oh oh okay I first airport wins first airport wins first airport first airport wins they win the only SE get out of here I don't know my reset why did we take monster trucks again because they're it was your idea and you thought it would this my idea though oh my my idea idea I just watch y okay to be fair are really they're not good Offroad cars monster trucks can drive over rocks have you guys ever thought of that but when the rock hits you in the face it's kind of hard to drive over don't need a face sick wheelies I can't for yeah well you can't hold the throttle down yeah you got to I'm not try to but I'm going down a hill intermediate intered immediate where's the airport at do anybody know where the airport's at oh no I hit a bush the other the mountain wait why St that jeez go this way OB so this is like go your own sp sp is OB in front of you uh no I'm a police truck he's not allowed to pass me let's go your own path wait he is in front of you then is he oh I'm stuck a treeck a tree I don't see anyone oh jeez what a I saw spy for a second I think we all went separate ways oh my goodness that was first yeah whoever gets their first I think road is probably smartest pth oh my goodness I hate the tires on this thing I got over here there we go the airports this way we're just going to go for it to help I can't lose another round I got to win I don't feel like I'm anywhere close to it wow wow oh I see sp sp really far off I'm off where's the airport no no you're not off you're off from me I hate this stupid monster truck it's garbage I want to switch cars don't worry about oh a rock just hit my tires I found the gas station I said under the awning does that mean I'm now asteroid proof he's IM M yes it does yes it does that's cheating I think it it does that's cheating oh a treat I mean it's not cheating cuz I'm not actually going to the airport but I'm not sucks cuz I can't hang out with my buddies so long well I mean somebody wanted to switch vehicles oh I hit a rock well it doesn't matter I would have been lost regardless wait I thought this was the airport guys it's just a town I thought I was about to win I don't I think I know where there is my drone I see the lighthouse I see the lighthouse I know the air on the right of that oh jeez well that means Obie went the opposite direction to me yeah I went over the mountain wait did I go in the wrong uh-oh I might have gone in the wrong direction come on you can do this monster truck of I'm going to crash into some please Mo please Mo please move please move com zinks in the comat section please oh I see the lighthouse wait this might be the town that spy ran into that was that wasn't the airport I'm trying so hard that was the airport yeah stay drive into that town and be like I win wait but is the airport wait that's an air traffic control tower I think hey you're the BG Master Okay so figure it out buddy come on come on you can do this little monster truck you can do this I think I think sp's about to be there I think he's head towards the airport so what do I touch what do I touch he might he might he might run to rock who knows to the airport oh I working on next to a crash plane wait you found it but is it the airport is there an air traffic air traffic control tower jump into it boom oh yeah he must be really far ahead of us oh jeez guys I was hit by like two rocks I was hit by about 50 yeah I've been hit by my fair share and the ones that D don't despawn wind up just staying in the road ahead of me to be fair I think the monster truck destroyed itself more than the meteors yeah I mean these are fun to look at they're not necessarily fun to drive oh I see have so I got out of the driver's seat I left it in he's walking wait OB is walking hold on we're still having a race here between though there's where's driving towards it oh Rock I'm okay if you hear my sir a let me look are you on the road I have visual on air traffic control tower say too well oh I see OB wait ob one that's the lighthouse wait what he went to the lighthouse is it this why it's right it's right okay um OB yeah I am uh here at the airport you fools don't you have any idea whate with going to do for survival of course hi spy I have arrived I like your car list list OB if you can make it in in less than one life here if you die okay you don't get any points if you don't die you get a point I get three points if I don't die got it no you get one point you dingdong only half a point if I do die did say a minute though oh I'm good though so how I break and let it roll over my hood oh is he going to make it one life Focus one life oh focus focus is it broken don't stand still I see the a tower uhoh someone my so far away though isn't it I can't turn to the right oh there it goes his back wheel I don't understand how I just take that half a point all right next I'll give you half a point so Koto and I are tied for survivals and ob's just you know he's just being OB I'm having a good day all right boys we need to find some cover and I think those awnings at the gas station look perfect right I think they look great but we have a bit of a bigger issue um would you like to look up please I'm looking up right now my guy oh my gosh they're uh they're starting to fall here don't worry Obie pick the perfect car for this are you sure about that you guys ready got all the same car all right let's go oh jeezus got crushed three two one just just go I'm going I'm trying to avoid the cars I'm trying to avoid the cars wait which way do we go up this way I think you guys fine oh my God Jesus CH falling on me oh I just keep a car it tot me oh jeez what is going on okay this is pain oh something WR my tie I'm going to respa it there it goes my camera funky left on the road boys left on the road this is crazy I'm so sorry I don't know I don't know just mured me I'm still good me a couple times too it's okay it's fine this a Canadian driers man I'm saing you from getting squished saving me you sent me into a guard rail it's fine don't worry about it you could do this oh it's scary don't look back oh there's so many cars in front of me oh my goodness got okay hold on my away right I got to win oh no oh straight here straight oh oh is it straight here I think it's right here yes totally straight here wait what straight here or right right it's right sabotage I actually learned a course this time yeah me too oh my goodness wait Obie where you at did OB is OB in front I just passed you no I just pass we can't let spy wi he's wrecked Us dirt dirt dirt y you got to go this way just do it for the I don't know if I'm going the right way now is it straight no it was right left right oh that wait there was another right oh my goodness no left right left that's it oh no did I go the wrong way putting cheat CES or something I don't understand what that means down right the stupid tree circle circle up down left L1 R1 where where is the stupid gas station oh wait I'm looking I'm looking I'm looking okay I'm just going to go through this road here I tried to Che it didn't pay out wait a second wait wait wait wait guys I had to teleport back I I tried to cheat I got stuck in the tree yeah am I the winner what I found the gas station iabo disqualify you for uh guardrail Shenanigans no way I'm at the gas station as well I'm on my way I'm coming from the opposite direction I went over the mountain because a second oh get in wait a second sorry gotop it oh my goodness dude there are so many he's trying to push me out my house where's the mot where's theot com it I'm smoking oh it's so crazy here huh there oh my goodness there's more cars here than ever go boys where are you I see you I'm on the other side behind you guys I came from this direction oh don't let him okay so I got an idea yeah pick a truck o we're going to do sudden death here hey what I'm ahead of Point what do you mean we're I'm going to go aad just just qualify you for still technically wait what truck are you talking about boy truck default D series Oh I thought you talking about semis so not a oh I don't think you're fitting three semis under here everybody start on opposite ends of the gas station okay okay is it a survival so it's uh whoever gets uh pounded by The Cars last oh so we're going to like push each other out it's like a Sumo thing you get pushed hold on this doesn't count hold on hold on hold on Min how much you love me 100% I feel like I'm in a bad spot here I have no awning uh who wants to count us in I'm counting in rocks Pebbles Boulders flying cars go go go I'm P myself get B my theory is get right in the middle so you can't be pushed out this is stupid no one's ever going to be pushed out you're not strong enough low four take this wait I wasn't team it with you originally I'm sorry buddy originally wait get the B get the B hole okay okay I saved you I put you in the middle there you go you did you okay I did that on purpose totally can I respawn if my tires are jam I have the ultimate strategy here take this oh a squish okay I'm making a risk I'm making a run for it okay by the other I'm going to the other oh Jes I think we should make a risk for it he's going to want a stop I'm in it I'm in I'm in it I'm in I'm in it I'm going to die I'm going to die me no maybe come on oh my go please I'm going back to the other my body I'm going back I'm going back why this on he's running oh no my car's dying okay I made it I'm might be out boys hold I'm starved of oil I might be able to make what happened because of the solar eclipse come on stop I want have me full that's I push F out I push F out got hit I'm still alive I'm still alive in here ow how am I still alive I'm going back to the other one take this okay I did I oh I got H up I'm going back under this one how are we surving I don't know how these cars still run no wait who's this who am I pushing uh I'm pushing a blue car I don't think there's I think these trucks are pretty strong guys stop I think we're going to let it be up to our viewers let us know down below who won and guys let's all just go out here and sit in the open we going to we're going to hold hands we're going to hold hands life come on the Sol Eclipse really did end the world don't say that make cars rain down from the sky wow no no no
Channel: SpyCakes
Views: 122,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meteor, meteor survival, falling cars, falling cars survival, meteor survival in a monster truck, monster truck, monster truck survival, meteor vs monster truck, meteor vs cars, cars, meteor destruction, monster truck destruction, beamng, beamng gameplay, beamng mods, beamng multiplayer, beamng survival, beamng meteors, beamng meteor survival, beamng meteor survival in a monster truck, beamng monster truck, spycakes, spycakes beamng, spycakes meteor, spycakes monster truck
Id: d6s15oXtrII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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